The Gospel of Judas:Irenaeus notes: They produce a fictitious history of this kind, which they style the Gospel of Judas. There are other Gnostic sects associated which begin really in the garden of Eden where the serpent (a Musical Enchanter) wholly seduced Eve so that "Cain was OF that wicked one." Cain is derived from "A Musical Note" and his family fathered all of the COMMERCIAL and "magical" practices to steal other people's property.
Rubel Shelly Sermon Reviews Rubel Shelly is the most visible participant in an effort to restructure churches of Christ into Community Churches. Because negative comments are blacklisted from FaithMatters on perhaps to allow judgmental and negative comments to stand unchallenged, we offer the following Biblical corrections to published or posted Reviews of BANNED RESPONSES TO FALSE TEACHING.
Geni, Adepts, Demons Rubel shelly will be teaching The Shaping of Things to Come to train new ministers at Rochester College. The book seems more occult than Christian.
You can read the book and see the PATTERNISM for the EMERGING PREACHERS.
J.H.Garrison: "There is God and Jesus: all the rest is opinion."
Alfred T. DeGroot: Those who use the Bible "as it has been taught" are defined as SECTARIANS or CULTS while those who are HIGH CHURCH (Catholic) are called CHURCHES.
Rubel Shelly: There are seven facts about Jesus: Outside the essence of the gospel, there are other features that reflect our history and consensus interpretations of the larger biblical message.
Biblical Christianity is not a religion but a DISCIPLINE: 'Go make disciples, NOT, go make ritualists." Therefore, those whorepudiate the only Christian documents for 2,000 years are anti-Christian by definition.
Therefore, our reviews are not personal attacks but represent the BIBLE BELIEVER'S rebuttal of those who have MOVED BEYOND the Bible.
Yesterday's Sermon Today (1/07/02): Rubel Shelly. Do we literal eat and drink Christ or do we eat the Word which IS Spirit and IS Life?
Today's Sermon Today 12/23/01. Did Mary Live as a Publicly Sexually Shamed Woman?
"Liberal literary criticism allows each community the right to re-write Scripture. The canon (not necessarily of biblical texts, but at least in the meanings of those texts) is not closed.
"It is difficult to know whether Fish intended this as a by-product, but the idea of authority resting in the interpretive community gave rise to narrative theology-- a theology which simply affirms a given community's right to come up with its own interpretation, or to "write" its own new biblical text. Narrative theology gave rise to various narrative communities-- hence, the arrival of liberation and feminist theologies.
"Narrative theology does not recognize any absolute truth or meaning in a text. Because Buber is the founder, most narrative theology, especially in Jewish circles, is related to Auschwitz."
"And, what is the purpose of reading texts, for narrative theologians? Why, of course, to affirm the self. Hazards in the Mainline.
Sermon Reviews Link on Left: (From: Original Sermons in Parenthesis) Anti-church of Christ-ism
Baptism of the Holy Spirit more important than Water
Character of Christ
Biblical Authority
Bible Text
The Church
Ecumenical Movement - All Things To All People Today's Sermon Today 11/11/01: Affirming Samaritans or Refuting Samaritan and Jewish "worship"? (From: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42)
Evangelists - Chosen and Equipped by God's Sovereign Grace.
God: Who Shall We Worship?
Holy Spirit
Instrumental Music
Jeff Walling Daring To Dance With God
Jubilee Kingdom of Christ Tithing Wineskin Parables
Rubel Shelly
believes and teaches:
Here is what God wants churches passionate about: (3) "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ" (Acts 2:36). (4) "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: (5) While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (6) Since we have now been justified by his blood, (7) how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!" (Rom. 5:8-9). These are the
essentials of Christian
faith. It is this core message about Jesus that we
share Outside the
essence of the gospel,
When the kingdom did not come as Christ promised those who wrote the Bible went their own ways. John, for instance, hooked up with a Greek philosopher and borrowed the LOGOS concept and used it to explain Jesus Christ. However, either unknown or ignored is the fact that the LOGOS concept begins where John places it: in Genesis. Too bad that scholars miss the fact that DABAR is the Hebrew word.
Rubel Shelly: They had to strain the story of Jesus through philosophical sieves. They had to create and clarify special terms. They made entrance into their circles a matter of "enlightenment" as reflected in peculiar vocabulary and interpretations.
Dr. Shelly defines the narrative form as writers taking the literature and constructing a narrative for their own time, place, theological agenda and by sifting in Greek philosophy. |
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