Mark Henderson Instrumental Music in New Testament

Mark Henderson twists all known Scripture to force Quail Springs Church of Christ to add instrumental music.  We believe that it is a statement of fact that he has deliberately lied about God and to God and all of the Biblical and historical evidence to DISCORD a congregation of non-instrumental members whom he confesses to have deliberately not taught the views of those who hired him.

Mark Henderson Quail Springs # 4 Acts
Mark and all of those tutored by the NACC deny any music message in Acts.

Uncensored Giving a Reason for the Hope in you. Free Dialog.

We need to quote Mark whom we have refuted by quoting the rest of the story by Dr. Everett Ferguson in part one..  This began with the statment.
Mark Henderson: Some New Testament Observations: The question we ought to ask is this: Will we find something there that specifically sets aside or supersedes the practice of instrumental praise like we do with some other Old Testament forms of worship, especially the practice of animal sacrifice and the Levitical priesthood?
All of us know that NOISE never called MUSIC was called service meaning hard bondage assisting the priests in slaughtering and burning thousands of TYPES of Jesus Christ. The sacrificial system was REQUESTED and granted but never commanded. Because of musical idolatry this was the worship of the starry hosts (Acts 7 etal) and because it was a Goyim or Gentile system the loud noise was called exorcism and not worship.

Certainly, the singers and instrumentalists were males and of the tribe of Levi. Not even David could sing during SACRIFICES. Certainly, this was attached to Canaan, in or close to Jerusalem and ONLY in the COURT yard where they slaughtered innocent types of their "gods."  When the Temple was destroyed even Simple Simon knew that there was no rationale for instruments: the shofar remained for signals specificially because it was NOT a musical instrument.  Because this was a GOYIM or pagan sacrificial system ADDED because of transgression (musical idolatry), no one would offer sacrifices which is the JUSTIFICATION for exorcising NOISE, why would not the least in knowledge not grasp that fact?

Josephus in fact BLAMES the levitical musicians for the FALL of the nation and Ezekiel in the "idealized Temple" agrees.

Josephus 20:6. Now as many of the Levites, (26) which is a tribe of ours, as were singers of hymns, persuaded the king to assemble a sanhedrim, and to give them leave to wear linen garments, as well as the priests for they said that this would be a work worthy the times of his government, that he might have a memorial of such a novelty, as being his doing.

Nor did they fail of obtaining their desire; for the king, with the suffrages of those that came into the sanhedrim, granted the singers of hymns this privilege, that they might lay aside their former garments, and wear such a linen one as they desired; and as a part of this tribe ministered in the temple, he also permitted them to learn those hymns as they had besought him for.

Now all this was contrary to the laws of our country, which, whenever they have been transgressed, we have never been able to avoid the punishment of such transgressions.

See the Catholic Restoration of the Levites.

Again, we refer te reader to David Faust's IDENTICAL false claim.  

I told you that Jesus CAST OUT the musical minstrels LIKE DUNG.  He identified that CROOKED generation as pipers, singers and dancers and consigned them to the marketplace or Agora where all pagan music was made and people sold bodies and radishes. Check on the Agora to see that the PSALLO Rope is a VISUAL AID hid from those God is DELUDING.
Mark Henderson: Instrumental music is a non-issue. You don’t see a discussion in the Book of Acts. There is nothing in the New Testament that even remotely resembles the detailed instructions for worship that we saw in the Old Testament. The New Testament simply has nothing to say about instruments in worship.
The Old Testament commands and encourages the use of instruments, and the heavenly vision includes instruments in the picture. In between, the New Testament says nothing about instruments in worship, so how did we end up with this anti-instrument heritage?
We ended up where we began at Pentecost: you will notice that there was no praise service there as it was outlawed and would be irrational for the synagogue or school of the Bible.  We ended up PRO speaking or singing the Biblical text because that is where Jesus WALKED and we just walked in his steps. He sang one hymn reserved to be sung once a year without music.

The word HERITAGE which all false teachers use means that if you REJECT machines it is because it is "a virus which you caught to your old, ignorant frontier ancestors." 

Both Amos and Isaiah show the evil of using music in their religious festivals: it left the people hungering and thirsting for lack of the Wordof God. That is when god turned their songs in the temple into howlings.  If the church silenced the rhetoric and music perhaps they would take notice of Stephen in Acts 7 which parallels Amos.
God promised David a TENT
But, Solomon built him a HOUSE
But, God is not worshipped in houses built by human hands.
These false teachers missed the Abomination of Desolation which makes the universal association between religious music and perverted males or prostitutes.  Reading Acts 7 should have warned them about musical idolatry at Mount Sinai and Amos and reading Acts 14 might help.

When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, "The gods have come down to us in human form!" Acts 14:11

Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes (Mercury) because he was the chief speaker. Acts 14:12

The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates because he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to them. Acts 14:13

Now, since Paul is going to repudiate the worship of Zeus and Hermes we might ask: what means the sacrifices made to Zeus and Hermes. Then, we might not be so cock sure that the New Testament says nothing about pagan music.

Zeus and Dionysus were worshipped as "the Abomination of Desolation" in the Jerusalem temple. It is a historical fact that the Jews anticipated that the Messiah would be Bacchus of Dionysus--the perverted new wineskin god.
See the resources in 2 Maccabees and the SYMBOLISM of building gymnasiums.

In his article 'Homosexuality and the Maccabean Revolt,' Catholic scholar Patrick G. D. Riley also identifies homosexuality as the focal point of conflict between the Jews and the Greeks. The Greek King, Antiochus, had ordered that all the nations of his empire be 'welded... into a single people' (Riley:14).

Because the end-time Mother of Harlots identifies the same lust, what can we make of the massive, expensive and disturbing effort to WELD everyone into a single people.  Rubel Shelly speaks of the Community Church as "commune" where we develop a group mentality.  This denies you the right to read, interpret and speak the word outside of the "community reading" which of course the senior pastor defines.  The lust to group everyone was also to ENABLE Jesus to come after we have bonded into one world religion. The moveon by the Christian Church in 1984 repeats the identical Disciples effort in about 1884.  Somehow if WE can create the untiy possible only on the Word of God, then WE have been the legalistic partners with God. The MUSIC persona marks something much deeper and sinster.

This created a crisis for the Jews, forcing them to choose between faithfulness to Biblical commandments (at the risk of martyrdom) and participation in a range of desecrations from' the sacrificing of pigs and the worshipping of idols, to 'leaving their sons uncircumsized, and prostituting themselves to all kinds of impurity and abomination' (1 Macc. 1:49-51)' (ibid.:14). The Greeks also built one of their gymnasia (these were notorious throughout the ancient world for their association with homosexual practices) in Jerusalem, which 'attracted the noblest young men of Israel...subduing them under the petaso' (emphasis ours -- 2 Macc. 4:12). In the traditional Latin translation the above phrase is rendered'to put in brothels' (Riley:15).

Do you remember the Gymnasium Craze a few years back?

< style="font-family: arial;">The tensions which led to the Jewish revolt were exacerbated when the Jewish high priest, a Hellenist himself, offered a sacrifice to Heracles (Hercules) who was a Greek symbol of homosexuality. Riley adds,'The Jewish temple itself became the scene of pagan sacrificial meals and sexual orgies [including homosexuality].' The final insult (for which Antiochus is identified in the Bible as the archtype of the antichrist)'was the installation in the temple of a pagan symbol, possibly a representation of Zeus [Baal], called by a sardonic pun 'the abomination of desolation'' (ibid.:16).

Heracles is the model for Lucifer "the singing and harp playing prostitute" in the garden of Eden: using music to steal your tithes and unlawful offerings.

Euripides Ion I am ashamed before the god of many hymns, if he, the sleepless night watcher, shall see the torch procession on the twentieth day, beside the springs with lovely dances, when the starry sky of Zeus also joins in the dance, and the moon dances, and the fifty daughters of Nereus, in the sea and the swirls of ever-flowing rivers, celebrating in their dance the maiden with golden crown and her revered mother;

In the postmoder view, lying is not lying if we have a good motive for stealing the church house of widows.  However, the music, homosexual, stealing is the MARK of the Mother of Harlots (Rev 17) who used lusted-after FRUITS called rhetoricians, singers and instrument players John called SORCERERS. (Rev. 18). Apollo is also the god of plucking the harp, sending out love arrows and homosexuals.

Apollo is Abaddon or Apollyon the "having-fallen" star who has dug up the Locusts or "musical worshipers" from the type of Hell itself.

where this vagabond of Phoebus' (Apollo) hopes to rule, entering upon the labor of others.

You who turn to music and sing in discordant hymns our beds and the lawless, unholy loves of Kypris, see how we surpass in piety the unjust seed of men.  Let the song recant and let discordant music go against the beds of men!

The descendant of Zeus shows his ingratitude, when he does not breed children for the house in common with my mistress; showing favor to another Aphrodite, he has found a bastard child.

You made burnt offerings that were neither right nor holy, in the chambers of the gods, and you have incurred the wrath of the great mother, child, by not honoring her sacrifices.

Oh! Great is the power of dappled fawn-skin robes, and green ivy that crowns a sacred thyrsos, the
whirling beat of the tambourine circling in the air
, hair streaming wildly for the revelry of Bromios, and the night-long festivals of the goddess. . . . You gloried in your beauty alone.

Probably missed the point that the alarm or triumph over was outlawed for the synagogue or church in the wilderness. That means to play instruments and "make a joyful noise before the Lord." This was not worship but all instrumental noises spoke of alarm or warfare.  Psalm 41 prophesies that Judas will not triumph over Messiah.  Fittingly, the Judas Bag was for carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments always attached to a flute case of vile people.  Furthermore, the SOP Jesus hand ground for Judas has the same root meaning as PSALLO. When Jesus revealed this SIGN Satan entered into Judas and he went out and hanged himself: fitting for those who try to triumph over Jesus and His Word with music.  The Judas bagor box in in the middle of the first image. It is attached to the spotted flute cane in the second and third.  Male musicians were always said to be "perverted, drunk or just having fun." I wouldn't try the NEW WINSKIN parable on Jesus.

It would not be possible to communicate unless a word was both inclusive and exclusive.  When are told to WALK we don't need to be told DON'T RUN.  If we are told to SIT we know that does not mean dance.  The New Testament has no music word other than to include singing, dancing and drinking wine: in Revelation 18 it speaks of the MUSES or Apollyon's musical worship girls known as dirty prostitutes.  Paul calls the sorcerers.

In fact, the word SPEAK is clearly defined

The word SPEAK in the comman assemblies which met for INSTRUCTION and by definition excludes MUSIC: that is why Paul insistedthat singing AND melody be in the PLACE of the human spirit or heart.

1.  Utterance:
Logos (g3056) log'-os; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by impl. a topic (subject of discourse),
Gnosis (g1108) gno'-sis; from 1097; knowing (the act), i.e. (by impl.) knowledge: - knowledge, science.
Ro.15:14 And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.
2.  Another of the passages which does NOT speak of music is in Latin:
Eph 5: [19]WEB loquentes vobismet ipsis in psalmis et hymnis et canticis spiritalibus cantantes et psallentes in cordibus vestris Domino
Loquor  [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45). indicate or express clearly:

By definition that EXCLUDES singing.

3. Part of that grace is the Word [logos] or utterance. The Word is given for us to UTTER as the only rationale for the assembly which is the synagogue. Jesus didn't die to give Billy Joe a stump to stand on.
Logos. The ACT of speaking is logik-os , ê, on, ( [logos] ) the organs of speech
A. of or for speaking or speech, logikê, hê,
........ speech,
........ opposite to mousikê

Reprobate or CAST away is Adokim-os disreputable, mousa

Musica mousika, the art of music, music; acc. to the notions of the ancients, comic and dramatic poetry, temporibus tantum
Same as: Magice- , e-s, f., = magikê (sc. techna), the magic art, magic, sorcery medicinam [dico magicenque, magices factio
4. Those who are SPECIFICIALLY EXCLUDED from the assembly as performers: Responsible people never SENT OUT a sophist or poet to deliver a message: they knew that it would be altered and charged for on the receiving end.
A.  Plato, Laws [941a] Athenian shows why such VOCATIONS are outlawed and DANGEROUS in a HERALD
        who must not tamper with the Word.
        Nor, must he charge for the dispatch by the RECEIVER.

The message must be postage paid by the ones doing the HERALDING.

If anyone, while acting as
ambassador [presb-eutês] or herald [kerus-preacher],
false messages from his State to another State,
or fails to deliver the
ACTA; message he was sent to deliver,
or is proved to have brought back, as
ambassador or herald,
either from a friendly or hostile nation, their reply in a false form,--
against all such there shall be laid an
indictment for breaking the law
sinning against the sacred messages [apang-ellô]
and injunctions of
Hermes1 and Zeus, and an assessment shall be made of the penalty they shall suffer or pay,
Note 1 Son, and herald, of Zeus, and a master of speech (and of lies).
B.  Plato, Laws [941b] Athenian
[941b] if convicted. Theft of property is uncivilized, open robbery is shameless:
neither of these has any of the sons of Zeus practiced, through
delight in fraud or force.
Let no man, therefore, be deluded concerning this
or persuaded
either by poets
or by any
perverse myth-mongers
into the belief that, when he thieves or forcibly robs,
he is doing nothing shameful,
but just what the
gods themselves do.
Note: 1 1 Cp.Plat. Rep 378 ff., Plat. Rep. 388 ff. Hermes is specially in mind, as notorious for his thefts and frauds; cp. Homer Iliad 5. 390; 24. 395, etc

Poi-êtês A. maker, mêchanêmatôn, inventor, II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e ; p. kainôn dramatôn, tragôidiôn, b. composer of music2. author of a speech.

Used with: hupo-kritês, I. interpreter or expounder, I. interpreter or expounder, 2. of an orator, one who delivers, recites, declaimer, rhapsôidoi; rhapsodist,
C.  [941c] and this the lawgiver, as it behoves him, knows better than the whole tribe [symphony] of poets.
1) He, therefore, that hearkens [peithô] [pist-euô] to our speech
[Logos] is blessed, and deserves blessing for all time
........ Parallel: He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.
2) but he that hearkens not shall, in the next place, be holden by this law:--
........ Parallel:  He that believes not shall be damned.
Apisteô to be apistos, and so, II. = apeitheô, to disobey, tini Hdt., attic:  -absol. to be disobedient, refuse to comply
D.  The Bible and minimal common sense EXCLUDES fabricators, mechanics or craftsmen (Rev 18:22) from the church. Peter says that it proves one a false teacher. Furthermore, as the APISTOS who rejects baptism is called a traitor because he rejects the Word of God Whom they claim "IS quite competent to speak for Himself,"  the authors and composers repudiate God as incompetent.

According as his divine power
........ hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,
........ through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 2 Pet 1:3

Whereby are given unto us exceeding
great and precious promises:
........ that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,
........ having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Pet 1:4

D.  MUSES (dirty adulterers) using the PSALLO word are excluded

9.[1] The resounding strain of Archilochus, the swelling thrice-repeated song of triumph, sufficed to lead Epharmostus to the hill of Cronus, in victory-procession with his dear companions.

[5] But now, from the bow of the Muses who, shooting from afar,
        send a shower of such arrows of song as these
        on Zeus of the red lightning-bolt and on the sacred height of Elis,
        which once the Lydian hero Pelops [10] won as the very fine dowry of Hippodameia.

[11] And shoot a winged sweet arrow to Pytho;
        for your words will not fall to the ground, short of the mark,
        when you trill the lyre in honor of the wrestling of the man from renowned Opus.

Athenaeus used as proof text for PSALLO always points tho the PLAYERS

It is a fact that even in ancient times they loved boys
, as Ariston has said, whence it came about that those who were loved were called "paidika." "O thou of fair countenance, Galateia, with golden curls and voice that charms, a beauty among the Loves!" Blind this praise is, and nothing like that which Ibycus utters: "Euryalus, scion of the blue-eyed Graces...darling of the fair-haired Muses, thee did Cypris and Persuasion of the tender eyes rear amid the flowers of the rose." And so Phrynichus said of Troilus: "There shines upon his crimson cheeks the light of love."

So, then, most learned grammarian, I urge you to keep away from the high-priced prostitutes, because "you may see all the other flute-girls playing Apollo's tune... Zeus's tune; but these ladies play nothing but the Hawk's tune;"

As for myself, fellow-banqueters, I have not discussed courtesans after the manner of Metagenes' Breezes, or The Blockhead of Aristagoras: "I told you first of beautiful dancing prostitutes, and now I do not speak to you of flute-girls just beginning to be ripe, who have very quickly, and for a price, undermined the strength of sailors aboard the freighters."

Hesoid Theog. [25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: "Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of shame, mere bellies, we know how to speak many false things as though they were true; but we know, when we will, to utter true things."

Mark Henderson: When you get to the Book of Revelation, however, 2. The NT includes instruments in its vision of heaven.

You see it in two different passages. The first one is in chapter 5: And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.
    Each one had a harp
    and they were holding golden bowls full of incense,
        which are the prayers of the saints. Revelation 5:8

And then in chapter 15 we read, And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name.

They held harps given them by God and sang the song of Moses the servant of God

8 and the song of the Lamb. Revelation 15:2-3

Jesus said that He used Parables on the clergy to HIDE the truth. If you will read these passages you will always find a sounds LIKE thunder, rushing waters or harpers harping. All of these induce fear and therefore, we read beyond in the "sacred page" and see the warning for the living.

Now, if you are trying to advance an anti-instrument argument, you just dismiss these. One writer said that the fact that there are instruments in heaven has nothing at all to do with worship in the New Testament church. Another pointed out that the text says they were holding the harps; it doesn’t say they were playing them. Still another commentator said that it was clear that this passage has nothing to do with mechanical instruments of music. The harp, like lots of other things in Revelation, is a symbol or metaphor, and he concluded that the harp in Revelation 15 is a symbol for singing. It says harps, but it doesn’t mean harps; it means vocal music.

I don’t deny that Revelation is highly symbolic, but whether these are literal or figurative harps is irrelevant. When God decided to try to encourage a struggling, persecuted church with a vision of the glory of heaven, he considered it appropriate to use an instrument of celebration and praise as part of his imagery. It seems to me that if you want the church to understand that they aren’t supposed to use instruments, the last thing you would want is an image where God is handing out harps, but that is what we have.

We will treat the book of Revelation and harps (from God: not from David) where we will see that the SOUND was
        LIKE harpers harping with their harps
        LIKE thunder
        LIKE rushing waters.

In fact ALL of these 'sounds' induce TERROR and the falling on your face worship where you CANNOT play the harps.
The message of the angel to the LIVING was to "preach the gospel."
Mark Henderson pretends to be a dead virgin with NO duty to preach the gospel as it HAS BEEN preached.
Readers of the whole story line will see that AFTER the sorcerers as MARKS of the Mother of Harlots (Zoe, zoon, living beast) and her musicians are SILENCED, chapter 19 has blessed silence and just vocal praise. A MARK.

Mark Henderson: There are several anti-instrument arguments in the paper I will provide for any of you who want it, but this morning, I want to touch briefly on the two The Most Common Anti-Instrument Arguments:

Because only the Disciples discovered that PSALLO permitted the use of instruments which they had already legalistically added to become musical sectarians as late as the year 1878, the church of Christ does not need to use the PSALLO argument other than against those like the NACC who have the driven purpose of diverting peaceable "singing" churches of Christ.  If they did not have all of the Bible and known history on their side, they MIGHT have heard Paul put the MELODY (parallel to GRACE) in the place of the HEART.  In fact, no Greek literature has ever used psallo to translate MELODY. The word means PLUCK: a harp to seduce a "youth minister" whose hairs have been plucked as a "minister of the Mother Goddess" making fools of males by getting them aroused with music so they emasculate themselves to be dutiful priests of the MATRIARCH.

Mark Henderson: The first one is

1. The “Psallo”/Law of Exclusion argument This is a very complicated argument that I address in some detail in the paper, but even there, I only scratch the surface. A lot of trees have died to advance this argument over the years, but here is the gist of it. A form of the Greek verb psallo is used in Ephesians 5:19 where the NIV translates it “make music”, and the argument is that, in the New Testament era, the word literally meant “to sing without instruments.” It just means “sing;” it doesn’t mean “sing and play.”

Fact is, Psallo never at any time at any place means MAKE MUSIC or PLAY A HARP.  The word means to PLUCK or TWANG. Throughout the Bible and all literature you use PSALLO to define PLUCK or play. THEN you have to define whether you are plucking a bow string, a lyre string or a young boy.  Because SPEAK excludes music and ODE does not include an instrument, you have a tough time
        just singing Hymns and Odes without instruments
        and then adding "something" to PLUCK during psalms.
The fact is that because Psallo is firstly a WARFARE word it means to "pluck with the fingers but NEVER with a plectrum" or guitar pick.  Psallo explicitely outlaws a drum, flute, piano or organ. Therefore PSALLO excludes all that we would consider MUSICAL. 

See these processionals condemned by Isaiah.

Strabo, Geography: Fourthly, music, which includes [1] dancing as well as [2] rhythm and [3]melody, at the same time, by the delight it affords and by its artistic beauty,

for although it has been well said that human beings
act most like the gods when they are doing good to others,
yet one might
better say, when they are happy; and such happiness
        consists of
rejoicing, celebrating festivals, pursuing philosophy, and engaging in music;

But, Jesus outlawed that with the "laded burden" where "burden" in both Hebrew and Greek mean a repeating type song used to create "spiritual anxiety."  Paul uses Aresko or self-pleasure which points to arousal singing and instruments. It also excludes all of the theatrical arts.

The word is FOUNDED on the use in warfare where Apollo "the father of musical harmony, plucking bows to send out singing arrows, thieves and liars" also tuned his lyre to his bow and sout out LOVE ARROWS.  The second way the word is used is the papyrus rope which was polluted with red paint, blood, and all kinds of filth.  It was used to DRIVE the loiters from the Agora where the pagan, singers, dancers, musicians, rhetoricians, sodomites and sellers of radishes hung out.  They had a MARK on them declaring them POLLUTED and they had to attend the ekklesai--for education only--to be UNMARKED as a vile person.

Mark Henderson: The problem is that the evidence doesn’t support the idea that word ever meant to “sing without instruments.” In fact, the same word is used in the Septuagint, the first Christians’ Bible, to refer to the playing of stringed instruments, so it’s hard to imagine that the Holy Spirit would take a word from their Scriptures that means to play an instrument and use that same word to let them know not to play instruments.

No Hebrew or Greek word means PLAY A HARP much less sing with a harp in the Bible: No one makes melody in the Bible UNLESS the instrument is defined. Psallo never meang SING other than in the sense of "shooting out hymns" where Apollo was likely to shoot you with an anrrow, a hymn or a "love arrow."

And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned (h2167), nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain (The Word of God) upon it. Is.5:6
Pruned: Zamar (h2167) zaw-mar'; a prim. root [perh. ident. with 2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers];
    prop. to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument,
    i. e. play upon it; to make music, accompanied by the voice

Zamar never MEANS to play on an instrument: the touching with the FINGERS is used in a sentence connected with singing.

The word for PRUNING- HOOK and is NEVER used of spiritual worship.

Mazmerah (h4211) maz-may-raw'; from 2167; a pruning-knife: - pruning-hook.
Zamar (h2167) zaw-mar'; a prim. root [perh. ident. with 2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers]; prop. to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument, i. e. play upon it; to make music, accompanied by the voice

Zamiyr (h2158) zaw-meer'; or zamir zaw-meer'; and (fem.) zÿmirah zem-ee-raw'; from 2167; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music: - psalm (-ist), singing, song
From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. Is.24:16
Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low. Is.25:5
And it identifies the king of Tyre as the singing and harp playing prostitute:

And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king:
after the end of seventy years shall
    Tyre [1] sing as an harlot
. Isaiah 23:15
    Take an [2] harp, go about the city, thou prostitute that hast been forgotten;
    make sweet [3] melody
, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered. Isaiah 23:16

Take thou away from me the
of thy
        [1] songs; for I will not hear the [
        2] melody of thy
        [3] viols. Amos 5:23

John Calvin wrote:

For why is a woe pronounced upon the rich who have received their consolation? (Luke 6: 24,) who are full, who laugh now, who "lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches;" "join house to house," and "lay field to field;" "and the harp and the viol, the tabret and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts," (Amos 6: 6; Isa. 5: 8, 10.)

Certainly ivory and gold, and riches, are the good creatures of God, permitted, nay destined, by divine providence for the use of man; nor was it ever forbidden to laugh, or to be full, or to add new to old and hereditary possessions, or to be delighted with music, or to drink wine.

This is true, but when the means are supplied to roll and wallow in luxury, to intoxicate the mind and soul with present and be always hunting after new pleasures,
........ is very far from a legitimate use of the gifts of God.

JFB notes: 23. Take . . . away from me--literally, "Take away, from upon Me"; the idea being that of a burden pressing upon the bearer. So Isa 1:14, "They are a trouble unto Me (literally, 'a burden upon Me'): I am weary to bear them.

"the noise of thy songs--The hymns and instrumental music on sacred occasions are to Me nothing but a disagreeable noise.

I will not hear--Isaiah substitutes "prayers" (Isa 1:15) for the "songs" and "melody" here; but, like Amos, closes with "I will not hear.Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Isaiah 1: 13

Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Isa 1:20 But if ye refuse and rebel,
.......... ye shall be devoured with the sword:
.......... for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

Isa 1:21 How is the faithful city become an harlot
.......... it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.

I told you also that Tom Burgess collected all of the proof text about PSALLO.  In none of these examples does the word mean more than play or pluck.  However, they ALL identify older males plucking the harp in order to seduce a young 'minister of the gods' whose hair had been plucked.  For instance, there is non DEFINITION of words but we can see how the words are used. The first meaning is to SHOOT to kill someone.

The Psalms were named after the Psaltery and is a Greek word:  bad choice since the psaltery does not dominate the 'praises.'

"The name of psaltery entered Christian literature in the 3rd century B.C. translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint where, in the Psalms, nebel was translated psalterion. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar's idolatrous ensemble included the Aramic psantria. Notice, also, that the book of Psalms has also become known as the Psalter (or psalterium), from the hymns sung with this harp

NEBUCHADNEZZAR the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits (60), and the breadth thereof six (6) cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura (circle), in the province of Babylon. Dan 3:1

That at what time ye hear the sound of the (1) cornet, (2) flute, (3) harp, (4) sackbut, (5) psaltery, (6) dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: Dan 3:5

Psal-têrion , to, A.stringed instrument, psaltery, harp, LXX Ge.4.21 [Jubal HANDLED the psaltery meaning WITHOUT AUTHORITY]

The Psalms were historical record or WARRIOR'S PANIC CHANTS. That is why paul EXCLUDED external MELODY.

Psalmus , i, m., = psalmos, i. q. psalma,
I. a psalm (eccl.
Lat.; cf.: carmen, hymnus), Vulg. Isa. 38, 20.--Esp., the Psalms of David

Carnen: a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound

Commentary on Horace, Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare

Ode XXXII. A song is called for. Oh, my Lesbian lyre, we too have played with junketing and love. Now help me to a Latin strain that shall sound through the ages like the spirit-stirring note thou [p. 227] didst yield 'when the live chords Alcaeus smote.' He sang of war and wine and love. Oh 'sovereign of the willing soul, enchanting shell,' be propitious to me also, if I invoke thee aright. phorminx 1 the phorminx, a kind of lyre or harp, the oldest stringed instrument of the Greeks, esp. as the instrument of Apollo, Hom.; with seven strings (after Terpander's time), Pind. [Commonly referred to pherô, as if it were the portable lyre: better perh. from Root .phrem, Lat. fremo, to sound.]
Hezekiah lolled around the temple singing and plunking while littel Manassah was being trained to burn babies. After his cure he blabbed about all of HIS wealth to the Assyrians.

For the
grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. Isa 38:18
        The living, the living,

        he shall
praise thee, as I do this day:
        the father to the children
shall make known thy truth. Isa 38:19
The Lord was ready to save me: therefore we will
sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the Lord. Isa 38:20 [The harp set the pitch for the note: this was not music]

That is why we have to wonder about HARPS in heaven when the angel to the LIVING commanded: "Preach the gospel."
A. psalmoi toxôn
E.Ion173 (lyr.);

I forbid you to approach the walls and the golden house. I will reach you with my bow, herald of Zeus, though you conquer [160] with your beak the strength of all other birds. Here comes another, a swan, to the rim of the temple. Move your crimson foot elsewhere! Phoebus' lyre, that sings with you, [165] would not protect you from my bow. Alter your wings' course; go to the Delian lake; if you do not obey, you will steep your lovely melody in blood. [170] Ah, ah! what is this new bird that approaches; you will not place under the cornice a straw-built nest for your children, will you? My singing bow will keep you off.

Toxon  Bow implicates  galliambus , i, m. [3. Gallus, II. A.] , I.a song of the priests of Cybele, [Castrated Catamites Paul warned about as DOGS outside so we had better worship IN THE SPIRIT. This is the MARK of elders who were always WOLVES.]

B. toxêrei psalmôi [toxeusas] Id.HF1064 (lyr.).

Toxeuo A.shoot with the bow ,tinosat a mark
2. metaph., Erôs e toxeus'  E.Tr.255 ; hê turannis from all sices toxeuetai is aimed at, Id.Fr.850 .

Turannis: despotic riule, obtained by force or fraud, tyrany,
Erôs mostly sexual passion, goddess of love, Aphrodites, [Zoe]
E.Tr.255 ; hê Hecuba What! Phoebus' [Apollyon] virgin-priestess, to whom the god with golden locks granted the gift of maidenhood?
Talthybius[255]  The dart of love has pierced his heart, love for the frenzied maid.
2.  Metaphor Shoot out or send forth a hymn.  Notice that the song does NOT include the LYRE unless noted.
Pindar, Isthmian 2.[1] The men of old, Thrasybulus, who mounted the chariot of the Muses with their golden headbands, joining the glorious lyre, lightly shot forth their honey-voiced songs for young men, if one was handsome and had [5] the sweetest ripeness that brings to mind Aphrodite on her lovely throne. [6] For in those days the Muse was not yet a lover of gain, nor did she work for hire. And sweet gentle-voiced odes did not go for sale, with silvered faces, from honey-voiced Terpsichore. But as things are now, she bids us heed [10] the saying of the Argive man, which comes closest to actual truth: [11] “Money, money makes the man,” he said, when he lost his wealth and his friends at the same time

Humnos A. hymn, ode, in praise of gods or heroes. Daueid psalms of David. If you wanted to use an INSTRUMENT you had to DEFINE one.  The word Aoide never includes an instrument. Therefore, you cannot ODE and PLAY.

You cannot SING or HYMN and use instruments. That is why Paul places the MELODY which he defines as GRACE in the place of the heart or spirit.

The HYMNS commanded for the believer consists os the HALLEL PSALMS and does NOT include singing them for entertainment and excludes that which is NOT "that which is written" (Rom 15)
3.  The PLAY or musical idolatry at Mount Sinai included shooting out semen
lu-do B. To play, sport, frisk, frolic, Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song
B. To sport, dally, wanton (cf. "amorous play, C. Ludere aliquem or aliquid, to play, mock, imitate, mimic a person or thing,
F. To make sport or game of a person, to ridicule, rally, banter: 

Rashi on 21:16 AT A DISTANCE. Hebrew: mineged.

SOME BOWSHOTS [AWAY]. Hebrew: kimtachavei keshet. As far as two bowshots, and it is an expression of shooting an arrow. [It is used so] in the language of the Mishnah (Yevamot 90b, Sanhedrin 46a): "who cohabited (hetich) with his wife," because the semen shoots like an arrow.... Yeshayahu 19:17): "And the land of Yehudah will be to Egypt for a breach (lechaga)," and from the [same] root as (Tehillim 107:27): "They reeled (yachogu) and staggered like a drunkard." Similarly (ibid. 65:6): "the ends of (katzvei) the earth," being derived from katzeh (end). 

Psalm 107 showing how Musical Play or idolatry REQUESTED God to remove His grace
Paul commands SPEAK and even the ODE was not lyrical and not metrical. That is because all of the SINGING terms point to enchantment used as MIND CONTROL to cheat others.

Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; rare in Cic.)

2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing, drawl: si cantas, male cantas, si legis, cantas
C. Hence, because the oracles were of old
uttered in verse, of any mysterious, prophetic, or warning utterance, to predict, warn, point out, indicate, make known, sayIII. In the lang. of religion, as v. n. or a., to
use enchantments, charms, incantations, to enchant, to charm,

Mark Henderson: I want to take just a moment to address the “sing means sing” argument. According to the Law of Exclusion, sing is a specific word, so it excludes everything else.

If you doctor writes you a prescription for Tylenol 3 with codeine, you don’t have to stand there are at the pharmacy window all day telling them what you don’t want. The prescription is specific, and it excludes everything except Tylenol 3 with codeine.

In the same way, God has told us to sing, and that includes things that are necessary to sing, like songbooks, pitch pipes, and so on, but it excludes additions like instruments.

Now, the problems with this approach to interpret the Bible are too many to mention, but the most obvious one is that the word “sing” doesn’t function like that in Koine Greek any more than it does in modern English.

But, the command is NOT primarily to sing: The Qahal or church in the wilderness excluded both blowing instruments (the Triumph) and "making a joyful noise before the Lord." The purpose was to REST, read and rehearse the Word.  No one missed that at any time in history: "There was no praise service in the synagogue" by LAW and by minimal common sense: you don't sing when you are SPEAKING that which is written with one mind and one mouth (Rom 15).
The word sing is ADO which never includes instruments and further defines PSALMOS as "in the form of Hebrew cantillation." Because melody as tunefulness belongs to the 19th century (Britannica) we know that sing was SAY and not make harmony.  Those who HELD harps in Revelation sang or ADO which never allows instruments. That it is EXCLUSIVE is based on the fact that there are forms of ado which INCLUDES instruments.  If we can argue that a word meaning to EXCLUDE does not exclude INCLUDING  singing without playing or playing without singing then words have no meaning.  

If Paul wanted to say sing to the harp he would use the word PsalmODIA.  This meant PLAY TO the same note the harp made. No one can hallucinate HARMONY out of either singing or melody.
The direct operative verb is SPEAK one to another.  Both singING and makING are present participles and BOTH are in the HEART or spirit.  The word SPEAK
Ep.5:19 SPEAKING to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Speak..........psalms and hymns and spiritual songs..... yourselves
SinING and makING melody your God 

Now, a few false preachers want the Spirit to command:

Sing to the audience psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.  But, he didn't. These are ALL the inspired text so Mark has no intention of even obeying the simple direct command to SPEAK or TEACH or ADMONISH with "that which is written."  You simply CANNOT turn the Text as it has been taught into MUSIC.

Laleo (g2980) lal-eh'-o; a prol. form of an otherwise obsol. verb; to talk, i.e. utter words: - preach, say, speak (after), talk, tell, utter. Comp. 3004.

Logik-os, ( [logos] )
A. of or for
speaking or speech, merê l. the organs of speech, Plu.Cor.38: logikê, hê, speech, OPPOSITE to mousikê, 

I suppose that if logikos excludes both poetry and music you could argue that BUT no one who used the word "logikos" also said I AM NOT USING POETRY or music. But, the INCLUSIVE concept is legalism.

Lego (g3004) leg'-o; a prim. verb; prop. to "lay" forth, i.e. (fig.) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse

Eph 5: [19] WEB loquentes vobismet ipsis in psalmis et hymnis et canticis spiritalibus cantantes et psallentes in cordibus vestris Domino

1. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, WHISPER to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; A. To speak, declare, show, indicate or express clearly

I.a speaking or talking with any one; talk, conversation, discourse. B. In part: 1. Literary conversation, discourse, disputation, discussion
b. Concr., a talk, speech, discourse more informal and unpretending than oratio):  [Oratio is defined as feminine and as THE primary definition of HYPOCRITE]
2.Ordinary speech, speaking, talking, the language of conversation (opposite contentio) Of prose as opposed to poetry:
3. With reference to some particular object, common talk respecting any thing, report

So, the SERMON is inclusive of normal, human conversation and is the oppisite of CONTENTIO or arguing. The sermon is PROSE and opposite to POETRY. Therefore, it would be legalism for the sermon to do prose and then call in musicians to do that which is EXCLUDED.
While doubting that  LaGard has given endorsement to Mark, most people don't know the Old Testament story line.

Mark Henderson: In his book The Cultural Church, F. LaGard Smith includes a chapter entitled “The

10 Deafening Roar of Biblical Silence.” He writes,

“In contrast to the many Old Testament passages referring to musical instruments in temple worship, in the New Testament text not one sound of a musical instrument is heard--not a trumpet, not a harp, not the quietest jingle of a tambourine! Singing, yes. Musical instruments, no. Relative to musical instruments, there is only an ominous, haunting silence.” (p. 199)

I think that Mark takes the testimony that there is no reference to INSTRUMENTAL WORSHIP in the New Testament as saying JESUS CHRIST was neutral and just had no opinion.  I think LaGard is saying that there is a DEAFENING SILENCE which means that you have to HALLUCINATE any authority by making the Old Testament TRUMP Jesus Christ and history. Because he is speaking of the assembly, you cannot twist him to mean that there is no condemnation of instruments.

Mark Henderson: According to this point of view, God is no longer pleased with instrumental worship, or he would have specifically told us so. The fact that he said nothing about it in the New Testament means he doesn’t want us to use it.  
God was NOT pleased: He knew that it was MUSICAL IDOLATRY which He hated so much that he turned them over to worship the starry host and gave the The Law of Moses to regulate them on their way to Assyrian and Babylonian captivity.  As the Spirit OF Christ God said over and over "I HATE what you are doing." The Monarchy was a curse and the chronicles of how that monarchy brought on destruction can NEVER be authority for repeating cursed practices after the Law has been removed from our shoulders.

It IS a fact that Jesus and much of the New Testament radically tossses music and musicians out of the place of prayer which was NEVER a worship center.

LaGard probably did not miss the big point: when Israel rose up in musical PLAY at mount sinai God turned them over to worship the starry hosts (Acts 7 and many other places.)  When they fired God and demanded a king God knew that mean "so we can worship like the nations" meaning the Egyptians, Babyloniand and Canaanites. Remember that God gave abandoned David a Jebusite High Place for this new ABANDONED nationhood.  One of the CURSES was that kings would take a TITHE and their young boys to make instruments and run before his chariots. This was like all oriental potentates.  Some of the examples might be almost 300 years apart. The LOUD was never called music and because it was a NATIONAL, not commanded sacrificial system, they performed exorcism. They served (meaning hard bondage) the priests during the slaughtering and burning of innocent types of Jesus Christ.

The "worship" is defined in terms of SABAZIANISM which was the DIONYSUS worship of wine, women and song always pointing to the PLAY word meaning perversion.

The common people even in the wilderness were commanded to hold Holy Convocation meaning to REST, read and rehearse the Word of God. The loud instruments and rejoicing was OUTLAWED because all instruments spoke of warfare and never worship. As a matter of fact, because the Spirit of Christ spoke through the PROPHETS we know that this musical triumph was prophesied of Judas in Psalm 41. The version in the Dead Sea Scrolls make the musical warfare against messiah absolute.

When the musical minstrels tried to HELP Jesus cast them out LIKE DUNG. That is because to say flute-girl you said prostitute.  He considnged the pipers, singers and dancers to the marketplace where all pagan religionism took place.  He used the PSALLO rope to drive the money changers out of the temple court: there was no place for them except in the marketplace or Agora.

When Peter said save yourselves from this CROOKED generation he was speaking of the musical drinking bouts.  The Spirit of Christ commanded SPEAK by example which is "the opposite of poetry or music." The Spirit inspired John in Revelation 17 to identify the Mother of Harlots and the rhetoricians, singers and musicians and calls the SORCERERS who HAD deceived the whole world. ALL musical terms in the Greek language point to enchantment or sorcery. There are many other places where Jesus REPUDIATED the musicians but most preachers will not catch on when they prove that they do not love the truth.

When Jesus preached and as Spirit he guided them into all truth: Peter left a memory and MARKED anyone who would add to it as false teachers.  The word SCRIBE in all of that world meant that professionals would be recording all events of note. They made copies and sold them before going on to the next event.  The Apostles had the NEW TESTAMENT in their minds and Paul used words OUTLAWING music in Romans 15 and the other "singing" passages. 
If this was silence or a DIVINE OVERSIGHT why did it never occur to anyone to see SINGING as part of their psalming for almost 400 yers.

The Old Testament and the culture of decent people was NEVER silent.  No ANTI-instrumentalists need to use the LAW OF SILENCE and it has been the Musicators who use the LAW.  If the text says SPEAK one to another then we have a DIRECT COMMAND and no silence.  If we make the MUSIC in the place of the HEART then no silence. The people never had any doubt until 1878 when the Disciples or NACC invented the word PSALLO to invent something which has not a clue to command it

AGAIN, no SILENCE. Nevertheless, the Bible makes it clear that if you do not speak that which is written it is because there is no truth in you. If the church had honorable preachers they could know that Lucifer as "the singing and harp playing prostitute" brought wind, string and percussions instruments with him/her/it into the garden of Eden.

Mark Henderson:There are a number of problems with this argument. I’ll mention only two here. The first problem is that this is an argument that never could have been made in the New Testament church because they didn’t have New Testaments.

Paul commanded the Psalms (of which only 50 were Mizmors).  He said that we should speak "that which is written" using one Mind and one Mouth.  All literate people being synagogue literate would never think about arousal singing or using instruments. From Numbers 10 they would understand that both vocal and instrumental rejoicing were excluded when the people were assembled only for instructions.  They would understand that synagogue was a school of the Bible and no simple simon would associate music with the place where they assembled to listen to the Word of God and pray.

If they had lived earlier under the Tabernacle or Temple they would know that if they went near either they would be executed.  Not even the Levitical warrior singers after the Temple could enter into the Holy Place as a shadow of the church of Christ.  They would understand that unless they were of the Tribe of Levi who bore the curse of the Law THEY could not sing or play an instrument in a religious sense.

They would understand that if they heard singing and instruments it would be the MARK of pagan women almost exclusively.  If a male sang and played "it was because he was drunk or perverted or just funning."

The association of speaking in foreign languages in church with booms and gongs would OUTLAW any tendency to become "musical" but only in Corinth where the Mad Women sang, played, danced and uncovered.  In Ephesus and Colossae he need to define the RESOURCE of their teaching as the Biblical text. The method was to speak in the simple sense of ado which was like the synagogue cantillation.   Romans 14 marks the sects which you could identify in the marketplace by their died but they ALL were highly musical.  In Romans 15 Paul outlawed any SELF-pleasuring which points directly to the musical sectarians.

Mark Henderson: I believe this argument is evidence not only of poor Scripture interpretation but also bad theology. Those who advance this argument are asking us to believe that the Christians in Ephesus and Colosse could have read exhortations to sing psalms and that they would have known to reject the favorable treatment of instrumental worship in the psalms, without any direct teaching in that regard.

These people lived where the AGORA or MARKETPLACE was separated from the EKKLESIA for instruction only. They knew that the singing, dancing, playing music, playing with one another and the pagan "worship centers existed."  The ekklesia (church) was for verbal instruction only. Therefore, they knew how to separate perverted religionism from polite society long before Paul was born.

In Athens, they knew that the PSALLO rope was used to MARK those who loitered around the worship centers and flesh pots. They also used the PSALLO rope to herd them into the ekklesia as a SCHOOL of the city and state. No rhetoric, singing, music or making out permitted in Jesus model for the CHURCH.  In Athens they knew that FLUTE-GIRL meant PROSTITUTE regulated by the man who regulated the DUNG HEAP. The synagogue had long existed in these places as well as forums to "hear new things."  Therefore, THEY were more literate in many ways than we.

But, missing reading 101, the fact is that Paul commanded SPEAKING to yourselves. In the external sence the ODE defines PSALMOS as in Hebrew cantillation because TEACHING was the driven purpose.  Both the singing and melody were in the PLACE of the heart because both words meant ENCHANTMENT or SORCERY and violated the driven purpose of Jesus to give us REST from these things. 

"Melody as tunefulness belongs to the 19th century." Harmony only slowly developed after about 1250 so "music" consisted mostly of rhythm with a TUNED PERCUSSION instrument.

ALL of the instrumental Psalms speak of HARSH JUDGMENT against the writer's personal enemies. They were NEVER sung in the synagogue and were primarily parade chants or warrior panic songs because David was the KING and the musicians were directed by the COMMANDERS OF THE ARMY.

Mark Henderson: They are asking us to believe that while God commanded and blessed instrumental music for worship in the Old Testament

No, readers of the Old Testament understood the radical separation between the assembly or synagogue even in the wilderness and the sacrificial system added as a curse because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai and finally demanding a human king so they could worship like the nations.  Animal sacrifices fed the blood and meat lust of the false leaders and in all nations had become a substitute for first KING sacrifice and then human sacrifice when the king found a substitute.

They would understood that no singer is said to have worshipped: no, just like in revelation he could not PLAY a harp and fall on his face which is the meaning of WORSHIP.  The entire sacrificial system is a huge visual aid of what NOT to do so who having read the story line would believe that God commanded instruments to worship Him when THEY were slaughtering innocent animals and the "music" was known in all systems as EXORCISM.  It may still be the delusion God promsied.

Mark Henderson: and that he used it to communicate an image of worship in heaven, that he had a radical change in musical taste for the New Testament era. What he once commanded and received and blessed, he now rejects and may even find disgusting, and the way he communicated that important change to us was by saying nothing about it--the “deafening roar of silence.” If you tried

We have noted that the people heard sounds LIKE all of those sounds identified with fear, panic and judgment. If you read the whole text you will see that the SOUNDS form "in the air" somewhere are marks of JUDGMENT warning that time is short and the living should "preach the gospel" which you cannot do with a harp. I see it as highly likely that the "sounds of noise in the air" might be as Paul warned "just speaking into the air." Maybe the sounds are of poured out judgment?

Mark Henderson: 11 to punish your kids for something using that same approach, we would tell you that you are a bad parent, and we would be right. Worse than being an example of bad hermeneutics, I believe this argument is offensive to the character of God.

No parent of the time of Christ would permit their child to be wholly ignorant of how music was always the MARK of people having abandoning God and being abandoned.  Knowing "brain damage 101a" no parent would permit a child to endure the so called "new style music" which Nimrod and modern science proves is a drug high doing permanent damage to your children.  The "laded burden" and the "self-pleasure" of Paul proves that everyone knew that music created panic or mortal fear in people especially when someone promised to "bring you into the presence of the gods."

Ro.15:1 WE then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to PLEASE ourselves.Aresko (g700) ar-es'-ko; prob. from 142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable

Areskô I. of pers. only, make good, make amends, spondas theois aresasthai make full drink-offerings to the gods,  despozô 2. c. gen., to be lord or master of, h.Cer.365, Hdt.3.142 as law-term, to be the legal proprietor,

Lucretius (98 - c. 55 BC): The Worship of Cybele

Escort of Phrygian bands, since first, they say,

From out those regions 'twas that grain began
Through all the world. To her do they assign
The Galli, the emasculate, since thus
They wish to show that men who violate
The majesty of the Mother and have proved
Ingrate to parents are to be adjudged
Unfit to give unto the shores of light

A living progeny. The Galli come:

And hollow cymbals, tight-skinned tambourines
Resound around to
bangings of their hands;
The fierce
horns threaten with a raucous bray;
The tubed pipe excites their maddened minds
In Phrygian measures; they bear before them knives,
Wild emblems of their frenzy, which have power
The rabble's ingrate heads and impious hearts
To panic with terror of the goddess' might.

And so, when through the mighty cities borne,

She blesses man with salutations mute,
They strew the highway of her journeyings
With coin of brass and silver, gifting her
With alms and largesse, and shower her and shade
With flowers of roses falling like the snow
Upon the Mother and her companion-bands.

It would be offensive is there was a shred of truth in the statements above.  God will judge parents and preachers who are DEAF as Jesus warned or who just deliberately to TURN OVER a peaceable church to the enemy.  The Bible is VOCAL and Mark has been "manufactured" as a preacher and hired as an attractant: there is no reason to know the facts which I believe Mark lies about 100% of the time to PASS JUDGMENT on others to claim being not judgmental.

Mark Henderson: Very quickly now, let’s draw three Conclusions: based on our survey of instrumental music in the Bible.

, 1. The Bible does not support the anti-instrument position. I do not believe that any person just honestly reading what the Bible has to say about worship could ever come to the anti-instrument position without one of our people sitting there to teach it to him.

Paul came to that conclusion. The historic church came to that position and did not even SING for almost 400 years. All Bible scholars reach that conclusion. All church fathers reached that conclusion. All founders of denominations reached that conclusion. We have listed the huge number of scholars and churches which STILL reach that conclusion. Click Here.

The 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia reached that conclusion. The historic Catholic church NEVER "sang congregationally with instrumental accompaniment." Why is it that EVERYONE but Mark--being coached by church stealers--cannot read that the serpent in the garden was a Musical Enchanter and wholly seduced Eve in a sexual sense if you ask Paul.

I have heard that same claim from David Faust: none of the PRO instrumental nonesense would have come to an honest preacher without careful HANDLING as a dupe. ALL of the historic churches and church fathers and founders of denominations came EXACTLY to that point. Was everyone pre-Mark just ignorant ANTI-instrumentalists.  I say that no one could read beyond sermon outlines and MISSED the universal connection between MUSIC and telling God to SHUT YOUR FACE.

Did we miss the ORGAN that Jubal HANDLED meaning WITHOUT AUTHORITY?

Mark me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth Job 21:5 .
Even when I remember I am
afraid, and trembling taketh hold on my flesh. Job 21:6
Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in power? Job 21:7
seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes. Job 21:8
houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them. Job 21:9
bull gendereth, and faileth not; their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf. Job 21:10
send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. Job 21:11
take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. Job 21:12They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. Job 21:13


Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. Job 21:14
What is the Almighty, that we should serve him
? and what profit should we have, if we pray unto him? Job 21:15

Lo, their good is not in their hand: the counsel of the wicked is far from me. Job 21:16
How oft is the
candle of the wicked put out and how oft cometh their destruction upon them! God distributeth sorrows in his anger. Job 21:17

They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. Job 21:18

"It (the pipe meaning to love passionately) was apparently a secular instrument and is never listed in the temple orchestra; only in Ps. 150:4 it is mentioned in a religious (but not ritual) function. Its ethos was not blameless at all, as we see from Genesis Rabbah 50:

"The angels said to Lot: There are players of the pipe (organ) in the country, hence it ought to be destroyed. Its rabbinical identification with the aboda, the flute of the notorious Syrian bayaderes, emphasizes the erotic element which already the Hebrew name suggests. (Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, p. 460, Abingdon).

Mark Henderson:  In our fellowship, the anti-instrument position wasn’t developed through the careful reading of Scripture. Like everyone else on the American frontier, our practice was a cappella, and when people started using instruments, we went in search of arguments to defend the practice we already had and to prove that it was the only acceptable way to worship. What we ended up with was a man-made legalism.
That issue had been worked out as soon as people were freed from the Catholic church and "cast out" the organs and organists as Jesus cast out the musical minstrels. 

The PRO singing of Psalms was always the practice: the Catholics never "sang congregationally with instrumental accompaniment." All known history defines THAT WHICH IS COMMANDED and for those tempted by pagans RADICALLY outlawed instruments for the church.  The ANTI-instrumental people had nothing to develop because no Methodist, Baptist or Presbyterian even hallucinated the use of machines.  ALL literate scholars repudiated instruments and Mark cannot find a single endorsement even from Calvin or Luther or Spurgeon etal. Click to see the list and why it is dishonest to claim tht the Church of Christ INVENTED the non-instrumental position

The Church of Christ could not envision anyone bringing instruments into the church any more than dirty dancers.  However, the Presbyterians provided most of the BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE.  You can find them all listed at the above link.

False, the arguments had been made in the Reformation which CAST OUT the instruments and instrumentalists. They returned to SPEAKING the Psalms as commanded.
The Psalms were not METRICAL so no one could have hallucianted either SINGING or PLAYING: you could never play a PSALM or chant with an instrument. The Catholics NEVER sang congregationally with instrumental accompaniment. When people wanted a smoother way to SPEAK the Psalms they had to CONVERT them to a metrical form and thus RETRANSLATE them. All of the denominations knew the LIBERTY they had won by getting out of the Anglican or Church of God. Even the church of England TRIED to remove the organs but Queen Elizabeth vetoed it.

When people ADDED instruments because they were rich carpet baggers and got into a competiton to pay for the GRAND church buildings they NEEDED no authority and offered none. Only when caught SECTARIANIZING and deliberately sowing discord did they invent the PSALLO argument which did not stand up with the scholars.

Mark Henderson: The reason we haven’t tried to advance those arguments for a generation at this church is that there was
        something inside us that told us those arguments just couldn’t be right.
        Our instincts were correct.

The move on churches of Christ in the Restoration unity forums began 25 years ago and ceased this year having done little but sow massive discord.  WE does not mean ME because I have been collecting most of the important documents for about the same 25 years.  People CEASED speaking against instruments when people infiltrated colleges and "cast out the old conservatives." I heard a Lipscom professor claim that about 27 years ago.

Max Lucado got a VISION which I also found on Farmer's Branch White paper filled with all lies. Rick Atchley and the elders heard the SPIRIT tell them. What WAS that something inside. Scholars note that when you use MUSIC the "pretend SPIRIT steal in and they are LYING SPIRITS." Based on all of Marks false statements I have to solemnly warn him that NO ONE hears God but the SON.

No, I think that "evil companions corrupt good manners" and the lust for approval by "saving everyone" opens you up to seduction by a group whose stable of writers also lie 100% of the time about the Bible. Even the president of colleges are Old Testament Illiterate.
Mark Henderson:There is nothing wrong with a cappella worship, and anyone who tells you that we have some big master plan to become an “instruments only” church is getting his information from a bad source. We don’t have any reason to be interested in doing away with a cappella worship, but we are very explicitly saying that we do not believe and will not be bound by anti-instrument arguments that violate the clear teachings of Scripture and good, biblical theology.
The reason is that Mark has been an active agent of the ecumenical movement but no Baptist or Christian Church would accept him in their fellowship unless he renounced the historical views about baptism.  Too bad that Mark did not learn the Bible basics, church history or the Restoration history which never envisioned a PREACHER but a school of the Bible.

The reason is that the gopher wood argument did not stand up and the theologians did not know those beginning in the Garden of Eden and ending in the prophecy of the Mother of Harlots (Rev 17) using slick speakers, singers and instrument players as SORCERERS (Rev 18). They were ignorant of the church fathers which Rick Atchley etal now lie about.  There is a massive library of ANTI music even outside of church because of the ANXIETY-PRODUCING effect which all literates knew about.  You quit preaching in order to bond with a few other misleaders and get on the LECTURE CIRCUIT with the instrumentalist churches.

Mark Henderson: A second conclusion is that 2. We should never have built our identity on such an issue. As I have read and studied and worked on this issue over the past year or so, it has been very disturbing to take a close look at the anti-instrument arguments that dominated and often defined our fellowship. At the Oklahoma Christian Men’s Retreat last August, one of the speakers was trying to rally those present to do a better job preaching and teaching against instrumental worship. Explaining his passion for the subject, he said, “I believe our fellowship stands or falls based on our position on this issue.”

Churches named The Church of Christ have existed in every age under that name. Almost all of them including the Catholics rejected the kind of performance Mark is promoting.  When the organ was added and used by the Monks and professionals it only gradually was used for preludes, intercessions and recessionals. The historic Catholic and therefore all groups under their domination NEVER did congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment.

Other than the Church of England or Anglicans who gave birth to the Disciples out of the Methodists, none of the groups used instruments in their assemblies.  The Presbyterians before and after the Campbells defined the almost universal non-instrumental practices.  The first Methodist church was a free black and they had division and ran short of cash. They decided to have a musical recital. It brought in so much money that they decided to add instruments for the first time in the US.

No Presbyterian, Methodist or Baptist imposed instruments until primarily after the Civil war. The northern churches had full carpet bag and began a building and worship war to finance their houses in which God will not be worshipped.

Therefore, the Church of Christ continued to NOT use instruments just as it had NEVER used instruments in its 2,000 year history except for the non-worship with instruments in Catholic Cathedrals where the only organs existed.  The Lutherans went through the same worship wars.

Therefore, it is rank ignorance to say that the ANTI-instrumental churches of Christ built their identity on "such an issue."

Is Mark Henderson gloating about OUR fellowship falling?  Let Mark and the small band of deliberate discorders COUNT UP the number of churches which have gone instrumental. Based on the meetings like Jubilee and the Tulsa effort to steal churches, lots of money has been spent and I would suggest that the only CHANGES have been among those who THOUGHT that they would totally restructure churches of Christ. 

The Restoration Forum seeking to seduce churches such as Quail Springs shut down after 25 years of sowing discord with very little success.

Adding instruments would be an EASY SELL if 99.999% if the preachers and members did not know the Biblical facts.  If Mark and band who have strained with all of their money and might to CONVERT churches they why is there half a dozen or so out of 13,500.  I can count up as many preachers who have ABANDONED the instrumental position.  I can probably count thousands who have been driven out of churches and never returned to any church.

I have collected a massive library and in one table I have listed known scholars and churches which DO NOT use instruments. MOST of the world's religionists DO NOT use instruments. Americans are afflicted with what musicologists know to be VOODOO derived "sanging and clanging."  Click here for the list of churches and individuals so you are not TAKEN IN.  The first table are versions of The Book of Enoch which proves that Satan used the YOUTH and MUSIC to create the FALL.

And click here for the proven VOODOO connection which is affirmed by John as SORCERY.

Origen Book VI, Chapter XLI.

In the next place, as if he had forgotten that it was his object to write against the Christians, he says that,
"having become acquainted with one
Dionysius, an Egyptian musician,

Alawys denounced: the latter told him, with respect to magic arts,
that it was only over the uneducated and men of corrupt morals that they had any power,

Alawys approved: while on philosophers they were unable to produce any effect,
because they were careful to observe a
healthy manner of life."

We noted that the CROOKED GENERATION in Acts 2 were the perverted male symposium.  However, when they wanted to DISCUSS they chased out the flute girl which speaks to Paul's "don't get drunk on wine."

This is EXACTLY what Paul said:
Don't du SELF PLEASURE but
Speak with ONE MIND and ONE MOUTH that which is written to GLORIFY GOD, educate and KEEP THE PEACE.

Plutarch Symposiacs BOOK VII used by Tom Burgess as proof text for PSALLO among the perverted males.

At Chaeronea, Diogenianus the Pertamenian being present, we had a long discourse once at an entertainment about music;

and we had a great deal of trouble to hold out against a great bearded sophister of the Stoic sect,
who quoted Plato
        as blaming a company that admitted flute-girls
        and were not able to entertain one another with discourse.

And Philip the Prusian, of the same sect, said: Those guests of Agatho,
        whose discourse was more sweet than the sound of any pipe in the world,
                were no good authority in this case;
        for it was no wonder that in their company the flute-girl was not regarded;

These men, having such a pleasant way of discoursing,
        used these arts and insinuating methods,
        and graced their entertainment's by such facetious raillery.

But shall we, being mixed with tradesmen and merchants, and some (as it now and then happens) ignorants and rustics,

banish out of our entertainments this ravishing delight, or fly the musicians, as if they were Sirens, as soon as we see them coming?

Clitomachus the wrestler, rising and getting away when any one talked of love, was much wondered at;
        and should not a philosopher that banisheth music from a feast,

Mark Henderson: Not at this congregation. We should never have built our identity on this issue, and we should never have allowed it to produce division between believers. At this congregation, we will stand or fall based on our commitment to the person, the gospel, and the mission of Jesus Christ, and we will let that be our identity.
Division is caused by people like Mark IMPOSING or strong-arming in musical instruments.  By adding instruments most Christian churches will hold him in contempt for betraying his trust and he destroys fellowship with the non-instrumental group. Sounds like a PLOY to use psychological violence

because Jesus CAST OUT the musical minstrels LIKE DUNG: he consigned the pipers, singers and dancers to the marketplace where the rest of the pagan religion, selling of prostitutes, young boys and radishes took place. 

PLATO the Symposium where the crooked males sang crooked songs.
It was agreed that drinking was not to be the order of the day, but that they were all to drink only so much as they pleased.

Then, said Eryximachus, as you are all agreed that drinking is to be voluntary, and that there is to be no compulsion,

Romans 14 Alawys denounced: I move, in the next place, that the flute-girl, who has just made her appearance,
be told to go away and play to herself, or, if she likes, to the women who are within.

tên...aulêtrida. It was the fashion at convivia to provide pipers, dancers, jesters, jugglers et hoc genus omne to amuse the guests.
aul-êtris A.flute- , 

Romans 15 Alawys approved: To-day let us have conversation instead; and, if you will allow me, I will tell you what sort of conversation. 
Mark has already confessed that the blasphemy of adding a "musical worship team" caused massive discord. Who produced the division between believers?  Mark Henderson ADDED and that defines a SECTARIAN.  He knows that adding instruments will sow massive discord with a high hand but he INSISTS that His adding instruments will NOT sow discord.  John Calvin says in effect that "there is no statute of limitations on heresy." Just because Mark sowed massive discord and RECOVERED does not consider those stamped on and driven out of their property.  The evil sin will not go away even if you "save" all of the people in Oklahoma.  Now, ready for the next massive sowing of discord from which you WILL recover in time.  If I steal a furniture factory I may create displacement but in time I begin to reap profits. The mortal sin will not make me an honest man.

Beyond redemption, those who created the legalistic sectarian divison ALWAYS blame others for their high crime. That is the guilt clause: I know that I shot you in the heart but YOU sowed discord for jumping out of your pew and spilling blood all over the new carpet.  God cannot be appeased or fooled.

The only way division could possibly occur is for Mark to deliberately plan to introduce musical instruments.  Now, Mark has produced discord. Mark is self condemned. Why did Mark deliberately do what he rejects when the church could exist for a hundred years without instruments. Not only so, but this is stealing the church house of widows--much worse than the pharisees.

Mark Henderson: And finally, a fair reading of Scripture teaches us that

3. We are free to worship with or without instruments. We are not limited by the tortured treatment of a Greek verb. We don’t have to live in fear that we will be condemned by God because we misinterpreted his temporary silence.

No you are NOT.  You may be free to IMPOSE instruments alwlays a mark of the limp-wristed but you LOOSE the freedom to determine your eternal destiny.  In fact, Isaiah 30 says that Hell was specificially prepared for Lucifer using "wind, string and percussion instruments" as the "harp playing prostitute in the garden of Eden" and all she / he / it can seduce. God beats His mortal enemies into the PIT to the same sound of wind, string and percussion instruments. 

Jesus exampled the synagogue of reading and discussing the Word of God. Paul's unique worship words meant ot "give heed to the Word." That was the only way to glorify or praise God in Rome or in modern churches.  The worship Mark is promoting is called Threskia: it is named after Orpheus "that Thracian." He and the Lesbian singers added TUNES and the HARP to make Homer's poems into MUSIC.  James counter that the only PURE threskia was to live right and practice social justice.  Mark has just unleashed the pagan worship defined by John in Revelation of the Mother of Harlots (ch 17) who used lusted-after fruits as slick speakers, singers and musicians. John called Mark's musicians SORCERERS: and witchcraft IS a burnable offense.

Mark's instrumental friends first introduced the word PSALLO in 1878: then the scholars they consulted repudiated their distortion. Psallo never had a music sense other than "shooting forth hyms" or shooting love arrows which is the UNIVERSAL connection between musical religionism and sexual diversion. The first major use is of WARFARE: the same Apollo or Apollyon who unleashed the Locusts or muses as sorcerers in Revelation 18. The second major use points out doesens of cases where the slaves stretched a blood-red, polluted rope to drive the singers, clappers and musicians OUT of the marketplace where they would be MARKED as polluted until they attended the ekklesia and heard instruction.  Mark is bringing the marketplace of selling music and flesh into the holy places.  God is never silent but He DOES blind and make deaf those who obviously have no love for the Truth.  He sends strong delusions and nothing produces delusion better than music.
Mark Henderson: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, so we should no longer let ourselves be bound by a yoke of slavery. Now that we understand these things, the question becomes, “
Jesus died to set US free FROM the clergy lusting to impose the burden meaning "arousal singing" and instruments.  Instruments under the law were to BIND and drive the people into religious and civil slavery especially building the not-commanded temple of doom.

All history, Greek definitions concluding with John in Revelation 18 who called the rhetoricians, singers and musicians SORCERERS because those who USE instruments intend to BIND you to themselves anddo mind-altering to make you believe a lie. A musical instrument is "a machine for doing hard work."

Mark Henderson:  What will we do in response?” It seems to me that the first thing we ought to do is to repent and seek forgiveness from God and from others who have been hurt because our legalism drove us to wound them with a condemning, judgmental spirit.

A musical instrument is defined as a "machine for doing hard work." The work is making war and creating the shock and awe of religious spectacles intended to subvert and fleece the ignorant.  Therefore, there is nothing more works-intensive and therefore legalistic than musical performance.  Music and "praise singing" is the oldest most legalistic profession thinking that musicians could use singing, dancing, playing instruments and having sex to seduce the gods into a good harvest.  Mark has confessed that they are failing and therefore the addition of MUSIC is consistent with all music: a pagan fertility ritual seeking to appease or seduce or threaten the gods into giving them more sheep or betting "tithes and offerings."

The Disciples of the "organ and society party" declared that they would "take Tennessee within five years."  The Christian church WAS the Disciples when churches of Christ simply announced that they were NOT part of the "society and organ party." The Christian church did not begin to come out of the Disciples until 1927 and not fully until 1968. So, pray tell how can you accuse the OFFENDED of judging and wounding those who stole the church houses of others?

I believe that this false accusation is a sin beyond redemption when Mark is trying to restore LEGALISM which was imposed on Israel BECAUSE of musical idolatry.  I believe that Mark and his team is setting the universal persona of feminine or effeminate theatrical performers which Jesus identified as hypocrites. No doubt, that will attract that type of crowd called a crooked generration.

The second thing the elders have decided is that we will join Richland Hills and others in becoming a both/and church.

You cannot be a YES / NO church.  You have corssed the river of no return because yes/no is clearly dishonest.

No one ever had any doubt because of the long, hidden agenda. There are plenty of instrumental churches around so we think this is an effort, as we noted in the beginning, to prop up a failing system probably caused by the anti-church of Christ patter and the "musical worship team" which is blasphemy.

Those who love a cappella worship will be free to do so here, with joy and with excellence, and those who love instrumental worship will be free to do so here, with joy and with excellence.
As others have conceived to deceive, it will only take a little more "gradualism" until the church is fully instrumental and LEGALISTIC and patternistic of the world's oldest, most vile approach to God.

And the only thing that determines whether God will be pleased or displeased with those forms of worship will be the kind of heart we bring to him when we approach him with our voices and our music. May our worship always spring from fully devoted hearts and lives so that we may know and experience the pleasure of the God who made us.

God will HATE you for deliberately sowing discord and offending tens of thousands of groups which you have pronoucned unspeakable judgment against without knowing whereof you speak.

Mark and his friends have done they "slowly slipping away" under the domination of the NACC agents all of who lie about every Bible passage and known history.  If they are delusional it is logical that they would blame the sane for being wacko.

Jesus said that worship was NOT in places and it had never been in Samaria where Amos repudiates music nor Zion where the TABERNACLE once existed, but in the PLACE of the SPIRIT as it is devoted to the spirit OF Truth.

Paul said that they now worshipped IN the spirit as opposted to IN THE FLESH. The reason was that OUTSIDE were the concision and DOGS or Cynics identified by their "old style praise singing" used to attract mates for the night.

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Mark Henderson Quail Springs # 1
Mark Henderson Quail Springs # 2
Mark Henderson Quail Springs # 3
Mark Henderson Quail Springs # 4 Acts

Counter added 6.30.07  Rough notes