Epic of Paradise, Mountain Dilmun / Tilmun, Flood, Fall of Man - Column VI

I, Nikhursag, brought forth for the people; what is my reward? Enlil, the begetter, answered the rebellious one:Thou, Nikhursag, hast brought forth people.

You should always remember that the "gods" were very often important men of invention, discovery or literature. If Jubal was the "father" of the musical instruments and musicians, Genun is thought to have gained his skill from Lucifer. One who invented the bow would, after death, be worshipped as a god.

  1. ........................................................
  2. ........................................................
  3. ........................................................
  4. ........................................................
  5. ........................................................
  6. .....the lord Enlil.....
  7. ........the lord of life.......
  8. To.......they went.......
  9. To.......they went, the lord of the gods.......
  10. Spoke to him, the water of life.........
  11. ...................
  12. Ninkhursag..........................
  13. ........................................................
  14. ........................................................
  15. ........................................................
  16. ........................................................
  17. ........................................................
  18. Nikhursag......
  19. Enlil......his......the founded......
  20. Priests (?) they ordained,
  21. Fate they determined,
  22. With p[ower established it.
  23. Nikhursag in her temple granted his life to him:
  24. "My brother, what of thee is ill?"
  25. "My stable-cow is ill."
  26. "The god Absham Have I brought forth for thee."
  27. "My brother, what of thee is ill?"
  28. "My flock is ill."
  29. "The goddess 'queen of the herd' (Nintulla in Sumerian) have I broutht forth for thee."
  30. My brother, what of thee is ill?" "My face is ill."
  31. The goddess Ninkautu have I brought forth for thee."
  32. "My brother, what of thee is ill?" "My mouth is ill."
  33. "The goddess 'Queen who fills the mouth (Sum. Nikasi) have I brought forth for thee."
  34. "My brother, what of thee is ill?" ["My genitals are ill"].
  35. "The goddess Nazi have I brought forth for thee."
  36. "My brother, what of thee is ill?" "My hand [is ill."]
  37. "My goddess 'Living hand' (Sum Dazima) have I brought forth for thee."
  38. "My brother, what of thee is ill?" "My health is ill."
  39. "The godess 'Queen of health' (Sum Nintil) have I brought forth for thee."
  40. "My brother, what of thee is ill?" "My intelligence is ill."
  41. "The god who makes the intelligence clear (Sum Enshagme) have I brought forth for thee."
  42. "Grandly are they brought forth, they are created.
  43. Let Absham be lord of vegetation,
  44. Let Nintulla be lord of Magan,
  45. Let Nikautu choose Ninzu as a spouse,
  46. May Ninkasi be the full heart's possession,
  47. May Nazi become mistress of weaving (?),
  48. May Dazima be the house of stronk life take,
  49. May Nintil become mistress of the month,
  50. May Enshagme become Lord of X.
  51. Glory!"



Prior to 2000 B.C.From: George A. Barton, Archaeology and The Bible, 7th Edition revised, (Philadelphia: American Sunday School, 1937), pg. 342-343

Eridue Genesis

Epic of Paradise Column I, II, III, IV, V, VI


Kenneth Sublett

Babylonian Documents

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