Epic of Paradise, Mountain Dilmun / Tilmun, Flood, Fall of Man - Column II

  1. "From the bright covering of thyf great heaven may the waters flow,
  2. May the city be refreshed with water, may it drink,
  3. May Dilmun be refreshed with water, may it drink,
  4. May the deep of bitter water flow as a deep of sweet water.
  5. May the city be a resting, an abode of the people,
  6. May Dilmun be a resting, an abode of the people.
  7. Now, O sun-god, shine forth,
  8. O sun-god, stand in heaven;
  9. Bring open water from the womb of the land!
  10. [And] fish, O moon-god, from the water.
  11. In the water-course on the face of the land, O earth's sweet water come!
  12. That from the bright covering of the great heavens water may flow,
  13. Its city be refreshed, may drink,
  14. Dilmun be refreshed, may drink,
  15. The deep of bitter water flow as a deep of sweet water,
  16. The fields and meadows....
  17. The city be a house for the multitutes of the land,
  18. Dilmun be a house for the multitudes of the land.
  19. To shine may the sun-god come forth--let it be so.
  20. He who alone is wise (i.e. Enki)
  21. To Nintu, mother of the land....

    (Lines 22-30 describe with a frankness common among primitive people a marital union of the god and goddess. In many parts of the world it has been thought that acts of creation proceed from such unions.)
  22. Enki, the father of Damgalnunna, his word spoke.
  23. Ninkhursag floded the fields,
  24. The fields received the waters of Enki.
  25. It was the first day whose month is first;
  26. It was the second day whose month is second;
  27. It was the third day whose month is third;
  28. It was the fourth day whose month is fourth;
  29. It was the fifth day whose month is fifth;
  30. It was the sixth day whose month is sixth:
  31. It was the seventh day whose month is seventh;
  32. It was the eighth day [whose month is eighth];
  33. It was the ninth day whose month is ninth, the month of outpouring of the water.
  34. Like fat, like fat, like abundant sweet oil,
  35. ......had brought them forth.

"In the first part of the above column the description of the city is continued. As a consequence of the union of the gods, water flowed to irrigate the land. Lines 34-42 tell in a quaint way how waters continued to come for nine months and nine days.



Prior to 2000 B.C.From: George A. Barton, Archaeology and The Bible, 7th Edition revised, (Philadelphia: American Sunday School, 1937), pgs 337-338

Eridue Genesis

Epic of Paradise Column I, II, III, IV, V, VI


Kenneth Sublett

Babylonian Documents

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