Epic of Paradise, Mountain Dilmun / Tilmun, Flood, Fall of Man - Column IV

You should always remember that the "gods" were very often important men of invention, discovery or literature. If Jubal was the "father" of the musical instruments and musicians, Genun is thought to have gained his skill from Lucifer. One who invented the bow would, after death, be worshipped as a god.

  1. .........................
  2. .........................
  3. .........................
  4. .........................
  5. .........................
  6. .........................
  7. .........................
  8. .........................
  9. .........................
  10. .........................
  11. .........................
  12. .........................
  13. [To Takku to receive the outpouring]......
  14. ...................
  15. ................
  16. .........in the garden............
  17. ...................
  18. The..........tree (?) let him plant,
  19. The..........tree (") let him plant,
  20. At the explanation of the great outpouring let my begotten stand (?).
  21. Let the gwo gu-ba be filled with water,
  22. Abundant water let him pour out,
  23. Reservoir wwaterlet him pour out,
  24. The barren land let him irrigate,
  25. As gardener.....let him go forth (?),
  26. On the bank, along the bank, let.......
  27. Who are thou? The garden.....
  28. For Enki, the gardener......
  29. .........................
  30. .........................
  31. .........................
  32. .........................
  33. .........................
  34. .........................
  35. The..... tree (he planted,
  36. The.......tree (?) he planted; at its base he rested.
  37. Enki turned his eyes to him; his sceptre he lifted up/
  38. Enki to Takku took his way.
  39. At the tree he said: "A holy revelation, a holy revelation!"
  40. "Who is it that thou art?"
  41. "I am a gardener; joyful.....
  42. For a price I will give thee."
  43. Takku with a joyful heart at the tree (?) the revelation beheld,
  44. Enki to Takku explained his outpouring.
  45. The promised fruit was given to him,
  46. At the.....tree (?) it was given to him,
  47. At the .....tree (?) it was given to him,
  48. Takku received the outpouring; with the left hand he grasped it; with the right he seized it.

"From the parts of column IV which are still legible, it appears that the messenger was revealing to Takku the secrets of Agriculture. This corresponds to the statement in Genesis 9:20 that "Noah began to be a husbandman.."



Prior to 2000 B.C.From: George A. Barton, Archaeology and The Bible, 7th Edition revised, (Philadelphia: American Sunday School, 1937), pg.340

Eridue Genesis

Epic of Paradise Column I, II, III, IV, V, VI


Kenneth Sublett

Babylonian Documents

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