Eusebio Tanicala 13 Steps to Understand Instrumental Music

13 Steps to a Better Understanding Why the Use of Mechanical Instruments of Music in Christian Worship Lacks New Testament Authority In Bible Study Lessons, Features on January 29, 2009 at 5:35 am

Added Lying Wonders below.
This is Part One
Part Two will look at the "proofs" that God commanded Instrumental music in worship.

Part Three will Show that Amos condemned the ACTS of their worship which proved a bad attitude (shortly)
Answering The Church of Christ uses this false information as one BOOK END proving God commanded instrumental worship and Revelation as the other Book End.  Unfortunately with most of the new ANTIs, he quotes Revelation 18:22 as his proof but In verse 23 John calls them SORCERERS.
Nevertheless, this writer lists many reasons why mechanical instruments of music in JEWISH worship was directly commanded by God.

We are certain that this is wrong even though it flows out of universities once under the control of the Church of Christ such as Lipscomb University.

This gives the instrumental discorders all of the authority they need since they also believe the Old Testament is still to be used for faith and practice

We will look only at the claim that God's pattern for worship in the Old Testament commanded instrumental music.
The only defence the typical Church of Christ has against those imposing instruments it to claim that God CHANGED HIS MIND and now wants only vocal music.  In fact there is no music word used in connection with worship by God's people.
  1. The serpent in the garden is clearly identified as a Musical enchanter(ess) and Lucifer is defined as "the singing and harp playing prostitute in the garden of Eden. These Tyrians built the Temple Stephen says God had not commanded.
  2. Israel fell from grace BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.
  3. This continued their old Egyptian worship of the triad under Apis the golden calf.
  4. For profaning the Sabbath God conditionally sentence them to return to Babylon.
  5. When the elders fired God and demanded a human king God knew that they wanted to worship like the nations including Canaan, Egypt and Babylon.
  6. The entire Monarchy was a short curse until their made leaders starved everyone for lack of the water of the word.
  7. As a result they had no defense and were mostly destroyed.
  8. The godly people attended synagogue to rest, read and discuss the Word of God which quarantined them from the curse of the sacrificial system.
If people worshiping the starry host is God's commanding instrumental music (noise) then all of the false teachers are actively restoring SUN worship.  Apollo is the end time Sun god connected with the seventh day when people choose to introduce instruments.

God abandoned Israel to worship the STARRY HOST because of sin at Mount Sinai.  They were continuing their old Egyptian cult and the name LEVITE includes the tribe of Levi but it also points to the worship of Dionysus which coverered the whole area from Babylon, Canaan, Egypt and Greece.  Acts 7 makes it clear with Amos that they continued the worship of Molech and other 'gods' representing the Sun, Moon and wandering stars or known planets. The Nacash in Genesis points directly to the NAGA or serpent and sun worshipers of Persia and India.

The Jewish Encyclopedia confirms what the Bible makes clear, that the Temple system was a NATIONAL or STATE sacrificial system. Christ in the prophets deny that this is what God commanded them when He saved them by pure grace. That was Sabazianism derived from Sabius or Dionysus / Bacchus: this was still part of the mindset of the Jewish clergy.

I would rather seek the advice of the almost-universal scholarly opinion than I would one trained as a speaker..
The Ghebers of Hebron [Samuel Fales Dunlap] 2 Hoaea, xii. 4 derives the name Inrael from Sarah to contend, to fight, and El = God of Fire. — Gen. xxxii. '28. Asarians, Asriel, Israel, a name of the War god {Exodus, xiii. 21, 22, xiv. 25), Saturn and the Sun. The Fire-god Azar was the God of war, and M'irs was the Sun. — Macrob. I. xvii. OS

     For the Sabbath worshipers in the church: that was the day for the worship of ALL of the SUN gods.

The Jews blew the trumpet on the newmoon, poured out libations and offered burnt sacrifices. And for this duty the Lobii, Luim  or Levites were assigned to do just what the Brahmans did in India. They ministered to la'hoh, Lord of Life, according to Exodus, iii. 14 ; xxxviii. 21; xl. 15; Jeremiah, xxxiii. 18. Hence the Jews were the Brahmaus of Palestine, as Josephus said, worshipping Brahma, whom, for their own political purposes, they chose to regard as Ab (Father) Ram (Most High) which title is not unsuitable to the Most High of the Hindu Gods. King states that the words brahrna and abrahm have the same numerical value.6 

But these fire-worshippers carried with them the arks of Moloch and Khiun (Life-god), their Adon, and they had, like the other peoples of the Delta, their Mysteries, which the priests instituted. They took with them from Phoenicia, probably, a certain knowledge of fixed vocal signs; and it would not be safe to deny to Syria the possession of some sort of (Syrian) hieroglyphs.

Plutarch asks why, on the lanuary Ides, flute-players are permitted to go about the city, wearing women's dresses. Probably because the Mysteries of Herakles were then celebrated.
When the Gurus claim that Amos was just condemning "a bad mental attitude" then you grasp why Jesus fired the "doctors of the Law for taking away the key to knowledge."

Whatever the monarchs called "God" it was NOT the Jehovah of Jacob: He always hypenates His name to keep down the confusion. As Jesus He is Jehovah-Saves who came to save us FROM that "crooked race" probably Edomites and not Children of Israel..

11.30.09 Lying Wonders

WE ARE IN THE MUDDLE OF LYING WONDERS: they lie about every "instrument" mention in the Bible and impose it on the simple minded because of the promise of WONDERS or "Spectacles of worship with sight and sound and motion and lights moving everyone into a VORTEX of praise."  Carol Wimber is at least honest: she calls it a sexual-like climactic experience with the spirit.

From a direct command the Church of Christ was a School of the Word beginning in the wilderness.  It outlawed vocal or instrumental rejoicing and that never changed.  Christ came to shut down the spectacles and give us a chance to save ourselves FROM that crooked race of people.

All of the direct commands are to SPEAK the Word of God and the purpose was to teach DISCIPLES: Disciples do not go to worship services where the LYING WONDERS shut down their learning ability.

2Th. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed,
        whom the Lord shall consume with the SPIRIT of his mouth,
        and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

2 Thess 2:9 Even him, whose coming is
          after the working of Satan with all power
          and signs and lying wonders, 

2Th. 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; 
        because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2Th. 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,
        that they should believe a lie:
2Th. 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,
        but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

A prodigy a lying wonder might be the false claim that people will bring God into your midst or "lead you into the presence of God" using music.  The word can also mean A monstrous and unnatural Crime.   For instance, a monster might try to force the TITHE or the "Law of giving" under the ploy that the people would be owners of a church.  However, the plan was to divert the monies and lie about all of the "music" words related to the Jewish Civil-Military-Clergy complex whom Christ in spirit called robbers and parasites; or as Scribes and Pharisees called hypocrites marked as speakers, singers and instrument players, to FORCE the owners to submit to the same musical idolatry "or find yourself another church home." id. Verr. 2, 3, 73,

I told you that there is no LAW of tithing and no LAW of giving. Therefore, collecting money knowing that you intend to lie, cheat and steal the church house of widows and honest working people is a LYING WONDER. The Purpose Driven Cult intends to keep you bewitched until they have YOUR money in THEIR hands and they will SELL you and yours to Satan for a crust of breat.  A noted preacher promised NEVER to use instruments on Sunday. When he announced that they would impose instruments on Sunday and people protested his response was "That was THEN but this is NOW."  And all based on terminal ignorance of the Bible and/or terminal evil.

Cicero 3 I demand the accounts, I inspect the documents, I see that the people of Halesa, from whom sixty thousand modii had bees levied, had given none, that they had paid money to Volcatus, and to Timarchides the clerk. I find a case of plunder of this kind, O judges, that the praetor, whose duty it was to buy corn, did not buy it, but sell it; and that he embezzles and appropriates
        It did not appear to me any longer to be a theft, but a monster and a prodigy; to reject the corn of the cities, 
and to approve of his own; when he had approved of his own, then to put a price on that corn, to take from the cities what he had fixed, and to retain what he had received from the Roman people.
the money which he ought to have divided among the cities.
4592 semeion say-mi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4591 ; an indication, especially CEREMONIALLY or supernaturally:--miracle, sign, token, wonder.


Terato-poios , on, A. working wonders, LXX 2 Ma.15.21

Thaumasios 1.wonderful teras men thaumasion prosidesthai, thauma de kai pareontôn akousai P. 1.26 

Pindar Odes 1: [1] Golden lyre, rightful joint possession of Apollo [Apollyon Revelation] and the violet-haired Muses [Musicians Rev 18], to which the dance-step listens, the beginning [SEMI] of splendid FESTIVITY and singers obey your notes, whenever, with your quivering strings, you prepare to strike up CHORUS-LEADING PRELUDES. [5] You quench even the warlike thunderbolt of everlasting fire. And the eagle sleeps on the scepter of Zeus, relaxing his swift wings on either side,
        [7] the king of birds; and you pour down a dark mist over his curved head, a sweet seal on his eyelids.
        Slumbering, he ripples his liquid back,[10] under the spell of your pulsing notes.
Even powerful Ares, setting aside the rough spear-point,
        warms his heart in repose; your shafts charm the minds even of the gods,
        by virtue of the skill of Leto's son and the deep-bosomed Muses.
[13] But those whom Zeus does not love are stunned with terror 
        when they hear the cry of the Pierian Muses, on earth or on the irresistible sea.

Thaumatourg-eô A. = thaumatopoieô, X.Smp.7.2; work wonders or miracles, Ph.2.18,185; but ta perigeia th. 'play tricks with', of Xerxes, Id.1.674; ta tethaumatourgêmena wonderful phenomena, Pl.Ti. 80c. Parallel to Teratourgeo, Teratourga, Thaumasios 

Xenophon, Symposium VII. Then some among the rest of the banqueters kept urging Philip to go on with his comparisons, while others opposed. As the clamour rose to some height, Socrates once more interposed, saying: “Since we all want to talk, would this not be a fine time to join in singing?” And with the words he began a song. [2] When they had finished, a potter's wheel was brought in for the dancing girl on which she intended performing some feats of jugglery....  
        [5] However, these questions also fail to promote the same object that wine does;
        but if the young people were to have a flute accompaniment and dance figures depicting the Graces, the Horae, and the Nymphs,
       I believe that they would be far less wearied themselves and that the charms of the banquet would be greatly enhanced.”

“Upon my word, Socrates,” replied the Syracusan, “you are quite right; and I will bring in a spectacle that will delight you.”

The Greek: Teratourg-e, A. WORK wonders, pseud´sti Sch.Pi.I.7(6).1

Pindar Odes: [1] In which of the local glories of the past, divinely blessed Thebe, did you most delight your spirit?
        Was it when you raised to eminence the one seated beside Demeter of the clashing bronze cymbals,
        flowing-haired [5] Dionysus? Or when you received, as a snow-shower of gold in the middle of the night,
        the greatest of the gods [old wineskin god]
[20] then begin the victory [Nike: TRIUMPH OVER] procession with a sweet-singing hymn for Strepsiades;
         for he is the victor in the pancratium at the Isthmus,
        both awesome in his strength and handsome to look at;
        and he treats excellence as no worse a possession than beauty.
        [23] He is made radiant by the violet-haired Muses,
        and he has given a share in his flowering garland to his uncle and namesake

The-ama   A. sight, spectacle, Semon.7.67, A.Pr.306, E.Supp.783, Ar.Av.1716, etc.; ei tis orchoit' eu, theam' ên Pl.Com.130 ; Opposite mathaema, Th.2.39; freq. of a sight which gives pleasure, theamata kai akroamata haedista parecheis X.Smp.2.2 , cf. 7.5; orcheseis kai theamata
Orcheoma represent by Rythm, pantomime , dance, singing and dancing, shaken, tremble, "made my heart leap." Salto (David's dance: dancing a girl's part) to Perform in pantomime or play a part. Recited with thythmical movements.
Xenophon, Symposium 2. II. When the tables had been removed and the guests had poured a libation and sung a hymn, there entered a man from Syracuse, to give them an evening's merriment. He had with him a fine flute-girl, a dancing-girl--one of those skilled in acrobatic tricks,--and a very handsome boy, who was expert at playing the cither and at dancing; the Syracusan made money by exhibiting their performances as a spectacle. [2] They now played for the assemblage, the flute-girl on the flute, the boy on the cither; and it was agreed that both furnished capital amusement. Thereupon Socrates remarked: “On my word, Callias, you are giving us a perfect dinner; for not only have you set before us a feast that is above criticism, but you are also offering us very delightful sights and sounds.”
Mathema that which is learnt, lesson, learning, knowledge Episteme  A. acquaintance with a matter, understanding. full knowledge in all thinkgs 
Rom. 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,
        and not to please ourselves.  [music and theatrics]
Rom. 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. [education]
Rom. 15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written,
        The reproaches  [exposed His nakedness] of them that reproached thee fell on me.
Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime
were written for our learning,
        that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Rom. 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Rom. 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom. 15:7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.
THAT DEFINES WHAT PAUL CALLED SYNAGOGUE BOTH EXCLUSIVELY AND THEN INCLUSIVELY: this is what Christ commanded for the Church in the Wilderness:
Acts 15:21 For Moses
        of old time hath
        in every city them that preach him,
        being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

Eusebio Tanicala:  Step #1. Know that Amos 5:21-23 and Amos 6:3-7 Don’t Prohibit the Use of Musical Instruments among the Israelites
a) Previous generations were taught that these passages are the most direct and most potent argument against the use of mechanical instruments, but proper interpretation tells us that prohibition of musical instruments is not the message of the Book of Amos. A false argument proves nothing.

It is apparently easy to miss the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai: for this profaning the Sabbath God turned them over to worship the Starry host. That included Molech worshiped in Egypt where the Levites were an old musical cult. Later, when the kings demanded a king, this insult to God caused Him to "give them kings in His anger" to carry out the enslavement, captivity and death of most of the nation.

Christ speaking only through the Prophets for the spiritual people denied that God had commanded burnt offerings or sacrifices.  Most of the prophets denounce instruments as idolatry and the cause of Biblical ignorance.
"NO command of God was ever so ascribed to man. The use of the instruments of music in the Old Testament were of man, not of God." (Tract on music, Lipscomb).

"Surely these inspired statements are sufficient to show that David made, invented, and commanded the use of instruments of music in divine worship. Where does revelation explain that God made, invented, appointed, or commanded the use of instrumental music in ordained worship of that age? On the basis of plain declarations, the contention that David introduced the idea is founded; in the absence of such testimony that God is the author, we reject the opinion that God authorized the practice." (L.O. Sanderson, p. 350).

"From the beginning, then, it was not so. Neither is it a part of or aid to Christian worship. Since there is no record of God ordaining the practice, he must have simply tolerated or indulged it, just as he did regarding some ignorance, kings, divorces, and polygamy" (Sanderson, p. 351).

"It was by the hand or commandment of the Lord and his prophets that the Levites should praise the Lord; for so the Hebrew text may be understood:

"and it was by the order of David that so many instruments of music should be introduced into the Divine service." (Adam Clark, Commentary on 2 Chron. 29:25).

"Not surprisingly, most Israelites declined the prophet's invitation to enter into a dialog with Yahweh. They preferred a less demanding religion of cultic observance either in the Jerusalem Temple or in the old fertility cults of Canaan. This continues to be the case: the religion of compassion is followed only by a minority; most religious people are content with decorous worship in synagogue, church, temple and mosque. The ancient Canaanite religions were still flourishing in Israel... the Israelites were still taking part in fertility rites and sacred sex there, as we see in the oracles of the prophet Hosea, Amos' contemporary." (Armstrong, Karen, A History of God, p. 47).

And on and on so that it seems that EVERYONE agrees with the Biblical and historic view that DAVID commanded the instruments AFTER He had been given a Jebusite High Place.

Most historic scholars who have commented agree that Amos was condemning NOT just their attitude but HOW they were carrying out their temple worship.  For instance, Justin Martyr

Chapter XXII.-So Also Were Sacrifices and Oblations.

"And that you may learn that it was for the sins of your own nation, and for their idolatries and
        not because there was any necessity for such sacrifices
        that they were likewise enjoined, listen to the manner in which He speaks of these by
        one of the twelve, saying:

`Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is this day of the Lord for you?
It is
darkness and not light, as when a man flees from the face of a lion, and a bear meets him; and he goes into his house, and leans his hands against the wall, and the serpent bites him. Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light, even very dark, and no brightness in it? I have hated, I have despised your feast-days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies:

wherefore, though ye offer Me your burnt-offerings and sacrifices, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the peace-offerings of your presence.

Take thou away from Me the multitude of thy songs and psalms; I will not hear thine instruments.
let judgment be rolled down as water, and righteousness as an impassable torrent.

This does not mean to play instruments in an attempt to worship a Spirit God BUT do so with a good mental attitude. The word is BUT or RATHER or INSTEAD OF.


Eusebio Tanicala:  b) Amos condemned the injustice and lack of faith in Yahweh that prevailed in the nation in the midst of external religious activities which showed the hypocrisy of the Israelites. It’s the same hypocrisy in Isaiah 1 and Matthew 23.

Israel had restored the Worship of The Starry host as the "rising up to play." Stephen in Acts 7 connects Amos to the idolatry at Mount Sinai.  David was a warrior and the Levites were under the King and Commanders of the army. Playing loud instruments and singing BOAST or TAUNT songs was to threaten the enemy. No Levite could have taken an instrument CLOSE to any holy thing without getting executed.

"The ritual observances at the Hebrew and at a Canaanite sanctuary were so similar that to the mass of the people Jehovah worship and Baal worship were not separated by any well-marked line...

A sacrifice was a public ceremony of a township or clan... Then the crowds streamed into the sanctuary from all sides, dressed in their gayest attire, marching joyfully to the sound of music, and bearing with them not only the victims appointed for sacrifice, but store of bread and wine set forth the feast... Universal hilarity prevailed." (Gurney, O.R., Some Aspects of Hittite Religion, p. 37, Oxford University Press, 1977)

"Many of the Psalms are expressive of the parade dance, or dance procession, in a way which show it to have been the characteristic form of the festival (Psalms 30:12, 87:7, 149:3, 150:4; Is. 30:29) and that this was where many of the Psalms were used." ( W. O. E. Osterley, The Sacred Dance (Cambridge: N. P., 1923), p. 94)

A man and his son could not go into the same temple prostitute IF they had a good mental attitude. Singing and Playing at the same time as WORSHIP where David's musicians were under the KING and COMMANDERS of the army misapplied the NOISE MAKING sounds of holocaust. Singing (connected with prostitution) and playing (connecting with prostitution or STEALING one's food) was GROUPED ALONG with too many EVIL things to single out INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC as WHOLESOME WORSHIP. It is never said to be connected with anything spiritual.
"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit no less than by those of nature, primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence
any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level. Medicine men customarily went into states of trance in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,
and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.
"At the end of the United Kingdom, the ten tribes or Israel adopted pagan idolatry which is soundly condemned by Amos. Parks notes that:
"This tradition seems to have been stronger in the northern kingdom, where the ORGIASTIC fertility cults were more deeply rooted;
"its rulers apparently maintained large bodies of HIRED ecstatics to encourage their subjects with suitably propitious oracles on the eve of a war or some other moral crisis.
"Among more sophisticated persons it was recognized that many of the prophets were merely lunatics (H. Bamfort Parks, Of Gods and Men, P. 106)

Eusebio Tanicala:  c) Amos 5:23 negates singing as well as stringed instruments, but why prohibit only the latter? To condemn musical instruments based on this passage automatically condemns singing.

No singer or instrument player could come near any holy thing or place.  David was the military leader and the Levites were under the King and Commanders of the Army.  ln Israel the wine, women, singers, instrument players went INTO the temple.  Not in the most vile pagan temple did musicians come into any of the holy places where the gods were supposed to dwell.  Therefore, the temple sex AND singing were unlawful in any true worship sense.


God gave Israel The Book of The Covement which was Abrahamic. While getting it in writing the noise in the camp called PLAY was going on.  From the ONLY command of the two silver trumpets, Moses knew that it mean WAR or VICTORY or in his own words:

Ex. 32:18 And he said,
        It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery,
        neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome:
        but the noise of them that sing do I hear.
Ex. 32:19 And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp,
        that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses’ anger waxed hot,
        and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.


Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, 
        and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
Acts 7:42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; 
        as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, 
        have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?

"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it;

but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous,
is more distinctly
marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).

> John Chrysostom noted that:

"the people ate and drank, and rose up to play:"
and in
consequence of this, the feasts were prescribed: kai eufrainonto, fhsin: dia touto kai eortai.-'Epishmainetai might be rendered,

"he marks," "puts a mark upon it" (so the innovator, who substitutes, touto kai Dauid epishmainomenoj legei): we take it passively, "there is a mark set over it-it is emphatically denoted." In the active, the verb taken intransitively means

"to betoken or announce itself," "make its first appearance."-

No sacrifices were commanded and therefore no music "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter."

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR of your god Remphan,  figures which ye made to worship them:
         and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Acts 7:44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness,  as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen.
Acts 7:45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles,  whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;
Acts 7:46 Who found favour before God, 
        and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
Acts 7:47 But Solomon built him an house.
Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,  ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Eusebio Tanicala: Step #2. Know that King David Was not the First to Use (discover and originate) Musical Instruments
a) “Invent” (chasab in Heb) in Amos 6:5 means “to design” (Young’s Analytical Concordance, page 519) just as architects today design houses but they don’t discover and bring out for the first time the use of houses.

David was a king and the Levites were under the commanders of tne army and NOT the priests. Singing PRAISE songs was to "make yourself vile" to try to drive the enemy into cowardice.  The implied threat of warrior music was that if captured they would be robbed, RAPED and raptured.  The worship at Mount Sinai was of the Egyptian gods and this is what God abandoned them to:

Apis the golden calf or calves represented Osiris, Isis and Horus: the pagan trinity of father, mother and son.

Horus was the posthumous son and heir of the god Osiris, the primordial king and giver of life. He was invited by his uncle, Seth, to spend a day. Seth’s real motive was not to show him hospitality but to disqualify him from inheriting his father’s royal power. To this end, while Horus slept Seth committed an act of sodomy upon him. Since sodomy was inflicted as a punishment on a defeated enemy and was a symbol of domination, Seth could then claim that he had conquered Horus and demand the kingship in his place.
H2803 châshab khaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to plait or interpenetrate, that is, (literally) to weave or (generally) to fabricate; figuratively to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense); hence (from the mental effort) to think, regard, value, compute:—(make) account (of), conceive, consider, count, cunning (man, work, workman), devise, esteem, find out, forecast, hold, imagine, impute, invent, be like, mean, purpose, reckon (-ing be made), regard, think
Eusebio Tanicala:  b) Genesis 4:21 tells us that the first users of harps and flutes were Jubal and his sons who lived thousands of years before David became king in the year 1010 B.C.
The story of Jubal, Jabal, Tubal-Cain and Naaman was told on clay tablets in Babylon and repeated throughout the Jewish history.  Genun is the composite and Satan came into him among the Cainites and taught him how to make and play instruments, form choirs and wear attractive and seductive clothing. After the Sethites finally fell after a year of temptation there was no turning back.

Gen. 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
Gen. 4:21 And his brother’s name was Jubal:
          he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
8610. taphas, taw-fas´; a primitive root; to manipulate, i.e. seize; chiefly to capture, wield, specifically, to overlay; figuratively, to use unwarrantably:-catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, x surely, surprise, take.

This gave its name to Topheth which stood for Hell itself: Isaiah 30 says that hell was PREPARED for Satan and all he could seduce with instruments. The SOUNDS of God already driving them into hell was the wind, string and percussion instruments Lucifer brought into the garden of Eden.
Gen. 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos:
        then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

582.  enowsh, en-oshe´; from 605; properly, a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified 120); hence, a man in general (singly or collectively):--another, x (blood-)thirsty, certain, chap(-man); divers, fellow, x in the flower of their age, husband, (certain, mortal) man, people, person, servant, some (x of them), + stranger, those, + their trade. It is often unexpressed in the English versions, especially when used in apposition with another word . Compare 376.

2490. chalal, khaw-lal´; a primitive root (compare 2470); properly, to bore, i.e. (by implication) to wound, to dissolve; figuratively, to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one’s word), to begin (as if by an “opening wedge”); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute):—begin (x men began), defile, x break, defile, x eat (as common things), x first, x gather the grape thereof, x take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute,

slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound Ezek. 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
Ezek. 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. [Cast down]
Ezek. 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

The traditional Jewish interpretation of this verse implies that it marked the beginning of idolatry, i.e. that men starting dubbing "Lord" things that were mere creatures. This is because the previous generations, notably Adam, had already "begun calling upon the name of the Lord", which forces us to interpret הוחל huchal not as "began" but as the homonym "profanated". In this light, Enosh suggests the notion of a humanity (Enoshut) thinking of itself as an absolute rather than in relation to God (Enosh vs. Adam). Wikipedia

Adam Clark who also understood the Amos message tells a longer story of how after the invention of musical instruments--taught by Satan--the people quickly fell into musical idolatry.

c) Jacob went to Haran in the year 1929 B.C. and his father-in-law already chanted songs to the sound of timbrel and harp. See Gen. 31:27.

Laban gave Jacob a party with wine and music and Jacob went to bed with the wrong woman.  Now, that is certainly musicla worship.

Gen 31:7 And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered him not to hurt me.

Jacob was helped by God to escape from Laban who when he caught up with the whole groups asked

Gen 31:27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly,
        and steal away from me; and didst not tell me,
        that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp?

Sure: and without all of the property, wives and children he had earned.

Eusebio Tanicala:  Miriam, Moses’ sister, and the Israelite women, danced to the sound of instruments after the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea which happened about 500 years before David was born. See Genesis 15.
The Levites were an old musical cult in Egypt connected to Molech who was worshipped all during the wilderness experience.  They also brought their infant burning to Jerusalem.  Miriam by definition, her instrument and the style of singing and dancing prove that she was a prophetess of Hathor the female counterpart of Apis the golden calf.

Click to see that Miriam as a "prophetess" was really a soothsayer as were David's Levite prophesiers.

"In the first place, it will be noticed from the account of the triumphant rejoicing on the shore of the Red Sea that the men sang only: 'Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and SPAKE saying.'" (Girardeau, George, p. 33) 

Masculine is SPEAK or SAY (as in Speak one to another). Feminine or effeminate is to SANG and CLANG: no recorded exception to the rule, Al.

"In the second place, it was Miriam and the women who used instruments of music on the occasion: 'And Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went after her with timbrels and with dances." (Girardeau, p. 33).

Of course a tabret or sistrum is NOT a musical instrument and it gave its name for TOPHETH or HELL.

Here is what Miriam did which was common to what the Israelites did in Egypt and never ceased to do.

Prophe-ta  I. a foreteller, SOOTHSAYER prophet... oraculorumque interpretes, sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant, [Priestess of Egpt prophetess call out] Aegyptius, propheta primarius

Sistrum, a metallic rattle which was used by the Egyptians in celebrating the rites of Isis, and in other lascivious festivals,.Ov. Am. 2, 13, 11 By the Jews, Vulg. 1 Reg. [Samuel] 18, 6 .--Hence sarcastically, as if used for a war - trumpet by the wanton Cleopatra Verg. A.8.696   Luc. 10.63

"You Israelites are just like the Ethiopians in my sight," says the Lord.
.........."Certainly I brought Israel up from the land of Egypt,
..........but I also brought the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir. Amos 9:7

Look, the sovereign Lord is watching the sinful nation, and I will
destroy it from the face of the earth.
..........But I will not completely destroy the family of Jacob," says the Lord. Amos 9:8
Psalm 106:6 We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.
Psalm 106:7 Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt;
..........they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies;
..........but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea.
Psalm 106:8 Nevertheless he saved them for his names sake,
..........that he might make his mighty power to be known.

Psalm 106:9 He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: he led them through the depths,
..........AS through the wilderness.
Psalm 106:10
And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them,
..........and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
Psalm 106:11
And the waters covered their enemies:
..........there was not one of them left.

Psalm 106:12 Then believed they his words;
...........................they sang his praise.
Psalm 106:13 They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: 
Psalm 106:14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.
Psalm 106:15 And he gave them their request;
...........................but sent leanness into their soul.
d) All of the above prove that King David didn’t originate the use of musical instruments in worship.
History notes that before David musical instruments were played only by women: mostly prostitutes.  The worship of the starry host was like all pagan temples systems dependant on women performing the religious roles. This has its roots in Babylonian tablets.  When the old Levite cult rtook over, the falsetto singing style, the feminine garments and all of the trappings were female. David took a great leap by assigning the surplus warrior noise makers to the future temple which Stephen denies was by God's command.  See the Feminine role of all religious music.
See First Samuel Eight to see that God conceded the Monarchy as rejecting Him: nothing happened in that connection was not imposed as a curse. The Law of Moses regulated the pagan monarchy and protected the civillians from those called robbers and parasites.

"Despite the fact of God's having set up his holy altar at a specific location and having given the most solemn prohibitions against worshipping or sacrificing elsewhere, and in spite of God's having forbidden the Jews to honor or retain any of the pagan shrines and altars in Palestine, they nevertheless spared all the pagan shrines, and installed others.

"Note the fourfold repetition of the word "there" in Ezek. 20:28. It was especially an affront to the God of Israel that his people would patronize and even prefer to worship at such high places, rather than at God's true altar. Of course, it was the licentious worship of the pagans which they at once adopted and included along with God's worship that was the great attraction for Israel. Blasphemy against God? Of course; it was blasphemy of the worst kind, because it connected the holy name of the Lord Jehovah with all the immorality and debaucheries of paganism.

"The process by which David achieved this status for himself, his house, and his city may be traced in II Samuel 5--8. When David took Jerusalem, he assumed the rule over its inhabitants and their religious institutions with the cult centred on Mt. Zion. The previous (Jebusite) ruler had been both king and high priest, and played the role of mediator between the city and its deity.

There was no precedent for such a mediative and priestly role of kings in Israelite religion, nor of walled cities as the seat of government and worship.
Hos. 8:10 Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them,
        and they shall sorrow a little for the burden of the king of princes.
Hos. 8:11 Because Ephraim hath made many altars to sin,
        altars shall be unto him to sin.
Hos. 8:12 I have written to him the great things of my law,
        but they were counted as a strange thing.
Hos. 8:13 They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it;
        but the LORD accepteth them not; now will he remember their iniquity,
        and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt.
Hos. 8:14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples;
        and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities:
        but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.

Apparently, David simply took over the Jebusite cult on Zion and adapted it to his own (and Israelite) use. Beginning with David and throughout the entire period of the monarchy, for about four centuries, Israel's worship on Zion gave a central place to the king, not simply as officiant but substantively, as the figure who in his office and person embodied the relationship between God and the nation.

In contrast, the premonarchic worship of Israel, at Shechem and elsewhere, had featured a Covenant between God and the people, through their tribal heads, as the bond in the relationship.

"By taking over and adapting Jerusalem's ancient cult, David provided Israel with a new worship, one that featured his own status and its sacral significance. Britannica

"The original altar of Burnt-offering continued at Gibeon with the Tabernacle (2 Chr. 1:3, 5). David must have erected a new altar for sacrifice at Jerusalem.

> The sacrifices commanded by the Law were, it appears, offered at the former place (Gibeon);

> at the latter were offered voluntary additional sacrifices." (Albert Barnes, 1 Chron, p. 347).

"The book of Psalms contain new doctrine after the Law of Moses. And after the writing of Moses, it is the second book of doctrine... (David) first gave to the Hebrews a new style of psalmody, by which he abrogates the ordinances established by Moses with respect to sacrifices, and introduces the new hymn and a new style of jubilant praise in the worship of God; and throughout his whole ministry he teaches very many other things that went beyond the law of Moses." (Fragment of Commentary by Hippolytus, bishop of Rome, Ante-Nicene, V, p. 170)

The truly greak kings always sought to restore the worship commanded by God through Moses. This musical worship would have been private devotion and:

"The absence of instrumental music from the services of the tabernacle continued not only during the wandering of the Israelites in the desert, but after their entrance into the promised land, throughout the protracted period of the Judges, the reign of Saul, and a part of David's. This is a noteworthy fact. Although David was a lover of instrumental music, and himself a performer upon the harp, it was not until some time after his reign had begun that this order of things was changed." (Girardeau, George, Instrumental Music, p. 29).

Having adopted the ancient cult of Jerusalem as a means of giving sacral significance to his royal status and having renamed it the cult of Yahweh, by whose power he had conquered, David also made an important move to make the new shrine and its worship relate to the premonarchic experience of Israel. 

"In the kingdom of Judah... there developed a conception of the covenant that was fundamentally at odds with the northerm Mosaic tradition. David, the architect of the United Kingdom, had tried to unify the twelve tribes under his rule by taking over the religious traditions and symbols of the old Tribal Confederacy

But in the circle of the Davidic court a new theology developed, one that in the long run all but eclipsed the covenant faith that had been inherited from the Mosaic period.

According to this view, Yahweh bound himself by a covenant oath to David, promising to preserve the Davidic line and to spare the Davidic kingdom 'for the sake of my servant David,' as Isaiah is reported to have said (Isa. 37:35; see II Sam. 7). In short, 

Yahweh's sovereignty was limited by the covenant, for he was no longer free to choose or reject Israel, as Amos maintained, but was obligated to preserve her." (Anderson, Theol O.T. p. 333). 

Paul Pauses to write Romans 9-11 to repudiate Israel's claim to predestination. 1 Corinthians 10 also warns about the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.
Eusebio Tanicala:  Step #3. Know that the Use of Musical Instruments in Israel’s Religious Activities during the Mosaical Dispensation Was Commanded by Yahweh the True God

The Monarchy was conceded as a curse and to carry out the captivity and death sentence imposed because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.  God commanded the two silver trumpets to send signals and outlawed any "musical" content when calling and conducting the synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness. The Prophets by the Spirit of Christ denounce fthe entire system including the use of instruments in a religious sense.  Secondly, the instruments made NOISE and not music.
Eusebio Tanicala: a) The priests, thro Moses, were commanded to make trumpets for religious services. See Num. 29:1-6; Lev.23:23-25; 25:29.

Num. 29:1 And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you

This hardly qualifies as a "worship service." God does not command what He regulates for the NATIONAL system.

Christ in Spirit speaks for the SPIRITUAL thread and denies that these were part of God's plan.

Click for Jeremiah 7.

> Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel;
       Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh. Jeremiah 7:21 

> For I spake NOT unto your fathers, nor commanded them
        in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
       concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22

> But this thing commanded I them, saying,
       Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people:
       and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you,
       that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23

> But they HEARKENED NOT, nor inclined their ear,
       but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
       and went backward, and not forward. Jeremiah 7:24

When the prophets were sent to warn them it was the Spirit OF Christ 

>  Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day,
        I have even sent unto you all my servants the PROPHETS,
        daily rising up early and sending them: Jeremiah 7:25

Yet they HEARKENED NOT unto me, nor inclined their ear,
        but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. Jeremiah 7:26
The two silver trumpets were commanded by God to be used ONLY for sending sure signals: Paul warns about unclear signals of the trumpet to define speaking in tongues. The trumpets sent out a simple blast to call the people into assembly which was never for worship but for important teaching of the Words of God.
After Israel's fall into musical idolatry, the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ was commanded. It was inclusive of Rest, reading and rehearsing the Word of God.  It was exclusive of vocal or instrumental rejoicing.  Moses warned about the sounds of Singing and when the synagogue was assembled they could blow a simple signal but not in a musical sense.

The Latin defines the synagogue or church in the wilderness as an ACADEMIA

Numbers 10:[7]  But when the assembly is to be gathered together,
        you shall blow,
        but you shall not sound an alarm.


[7] quando autem congregandus est populus simplex tubarum clangor erit et non concise ululabunt

Con-grĕgo Congrego Academia congregation. Collect into a flock,  where plato taught, scholars are called Academici, and his doctrine Philosophia Academica in distinction from the Stoica, Cynica. .. The philosophy of the Acadamy, A. For The philosophy of the Academy: instaret academia, quae quidquid dixisses, Sunageiro
Dixisses: to say, speak, utter, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state, assert
Cyrenaica pleasure is the only good. Good in a pleasing agitation of the mind or in active enjoyment. hedone. Nothing is just or unjust by nature, but by custom and law. 
Cynics Diogenes, in particular, was referred to as the Dog.. a distinction he seems to have revelled in, stating that "other dogs bite their enemies, I bite my friends to save them."  Later Cynics also sought to turn the word to their advantage, as a later commentator explained:
        There are four reasons why the Cynics are so named. First because of the indifference of their way of life, for they make a cult of indifference and, like dogs, eat and make love in public, go barefoot, and sleep in tubs and at crossroads. The second reason is that the dog is a shameless animal, and they make a cult of shamelessness, not as being beneath modesty, but as superior to it. The third reason is that the dog is a good guard, and they guard the tenets of their philosophy. The fourth reason is that the dog is a discriminating animal which can distinguish between its friends and enemies. So do they recognize as friends those who are suited to philosophy, and receive them kindly, while those unfitted they drive away, like dogs, by barking at them.

He once masturbated in the Agora; when rebuked for doing so, he replied, "If only it was as easy to soothe my hunger by rubbing my belly."

Augustine stating that they had, "in violation of the modest instincts of men, boastfully proclaimed their unclean and shameless opinion, worthy indeed of dogs." De Civitate Dei 14.20.

John Calvin also recognizes the Synagogue in the Wilderness EXCLUSIVE of any kind of vocal or instrumental rejoicing.

Eusebio Tanicala:  b) King David’s producing instruments of music for the tabernacle worship was a command of Yahweh, the true God, through the palace prophets Nathan and Gad. See 2 Chronicles 29:25.

There was no use of instruments for God's synagogue.

After David brought on a plague God gave Him Jerusalem to build an alternative alter. David was too fearful to ever go to the Tabernacle to seek God. The Tabernacle had NO instrumental noise.  It was only after David set up NATIONAL shrines in Jerusalem and especially after the building of the NOT commanded Temple after David's death that the Levitical Warrior NOISE was used for certain NOT COMMANDED sacrifices.

This has to do with Hezekiah's plague stopping contract with God: the city and temple was so vile after the Assyrian idolatry that they fled into the countryside.  This brought on a plague because the sacrifices were QUARANTINED from the SYNAGOGUE people inside of the walls.

The Levitical NOISE instruments were used only during the BURNING of the goats as a "unity" offering to Israel: Israel laughed and mocked them.  Christ in the prophets deny that God commanded their sacrifices and therefore COULD NOT have commanded the instruments


Eusebio Tanicala:  c) Read 2 Chronicles 30:1-27. Specifically v. 21, “…the Levites and the priests praised the LORD day by day, singing to the LORD, accompanied by loud instruments.” And v. 27, “The priests, the Levites, arose and blessed the people, and their voice was heard; and their prayer came up to His holy dwelling place, to heaven.” These passages tell us that during the Mosaical dispensation, God accepted mechanical instruments in worship and praise.

This had not been observed and even at the best it would be held only ONCE a year. This was not a "worship service." The Feast of Tabernacles was a giant fertility ritual and Jesus refused to attend the oppening ceremonies when all of the instrumentla NOISE was made.

2Chr 30:21 And the children of Israel that were present at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness: 
        and the Levites and the priests praised the LORD day by day, 
        singing with loud instruments unto the LORD.



"At the close of the first day of the feast the worshipers descended to the Court of the Women, where great preparations had been made.

Four golden candelabras were there, each with four golden bowls, and against them rested four ladders; and four youths of priestly descent held, each a pitcher of oil, capable of holding one hundred and twenty log, from which they filled each bowl. The old, worn breeches and girdles of the priests served for wicks to these lamps.

There was not a court in Jerusalem that was not lit up by the light of 'the house of water-pouring.' The 'Chassidim' and 'the men of Deed' danced before the people with flaming torches in their hands, and sang before them hymns and songs of praise;

[Note: The Instruments of David] and the Levites, with harps, and lutes, and cymbals, and trumpets, and instruments of music without number,

stood upon the fifteen steps which led down from the Court of Israel to that of the Women, according to the number of the fifteen Songs of Degrees in the Book of Psalms.

They stood with their instruments of music, and sang hymns.

[The trumpets commanded by God] Two priests, with trumpets in their hands, were at the upper gate (that of Nicanor), which led from the Court of Israel to that of the Women. At cock-crowing they drew a threefold blast. As they reached the tenth step, they drew another threefold blast; as they entered the court itself, they drew yet another threefold blast;

and so they blew as they advanced, till they reached the gate which opens upon the east (the Beautiful Gate).

As they came to the eastern gate, they turned round towards the west (to face the Holy Place), and said:

'Our fathers who were in this place, they turned their back upon the Sanctuary of Jehovah, and their faces toward the east, and they worshipped towards the rising sun;

but as for us, our eyes are towards the Lord

Ezekiel blames the Levites (an old Egyptian cult) for the destruction of the natio: Josephesus warned that it would happen again if they wore LINEN GARMENTS and restored their clergy roles as Warriors.

You may want to see 2 Samuel 6 to understand that this musical "prophesying" was called soothsaying: that is because they were abandoned to worship the starry host. Before David these were always roles of FEMALES: as clergy they had to be males but they PERFORMED THE ROLES OF FEMALES.
Eusebio Tanicala: d) In view of the above, it is wrong to claim that musical instruments in worship is sinful from the very beginning of time.

Worship meant to fall on your face: the singers and instrumentalists are never said to worship or make music: God called it NOISE.
Eusebio Tanicala: Step #4. Know the Attributes of the God We Worship to Create in Us Awe, deep Respect, godly Fear, and Obedience
a) God is the Creator and maintainer of the Universe
b) God is immense, awesome, glorious, majestic, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.
c) God is Judge at the last day when all men give account of their obedience or disobedience.
d) Capture the worshipful attitude of those surrounding the throne of God in the Book of Revelation.

No one PLAYS the "harps of God" in revelation. All of the SOUNDS LIKE are sounds of panic. Therefore, another angel spoke to those STILL LIVING to preach the gospel because instrumental noise is always a sound of impending judgment

Click to see that HOLDING the harps of God speaks of APPREHENDING or understanding the words of God.

e) Honor, respect, be in awe, and pay reverence to the God we serve.
f) Observe decorum and protocol in your worship of God for He demands such in John 4:24.

John 4 speaks of worship in the PLACE of the human spirit and NOT in houses built by human hands.

Heb. 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh.
        For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth,
        much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
Heb. 12:26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised,
        saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
Heb. 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken,
        as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Heb. 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
        let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
Heb. 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.

Hab. 2:19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood,
        wake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver,
        and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
Hab. 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple:
        let all the earth keep silence before him

Eusebio Tanicala: Step #5. Know that there Are Three Dispensations with Different Modes of Worship
a) Patriarchal: worship was mainly through burnt animal sacrifices on stone altars and by prayers.

There were no "prescribed" acts of worship in the Patriarchal system.  Nor did the spiritual people attend a worship service under the Law. They were restricted to their area and commanded to gather to PREACH the Word of God by READING it for the purpose of learning.  When Abraham was called upon to offer his son as a burnt offering--the universal understanding even in Jerusalem--Moriah means "God Provides."  That is why God never commanded BURNT CHILDREN for which animals were substituted.  Paul skips over the Law and defines the one spiritual covenant as that made with Abraham (Gal 3).

b) Mosaical: worship acts are defined in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.

The only meaning of an ACT of worship meant to bow or fall on your face: instrument players did not worship since you cannot hold harps, play harps, hold bowls of incense and fall on your face at the same time.

The Book of The Law was ADDED because of the transgression of musical idolatry. When the elders demanded a human king God knew that they wanted to worship like the pagan nationa around them. God abandoned them and did not command the sacrificial syste


c) Christian: worship was defined by Christ in John 4:24 in a general sense and the specifics are found in the gospels and New Testament books. There’s no mention of mechanical instruments of music in the church worship in apostolic times.

There are many negative prophecies and fulfilment.  Psalm 14 prophesied that Judas would try ot triumph over Jesus which is the same "vocal and instrumental rejoicing" outlawed for the synagogue.

Jesus defined worship as IN THE SPIRIT as a place.  Paul said that they worshipped IN THE SPIRIT as contrasted to IN THE FLESH Philippians 3. This was to PREVENT the Dogs from joining. The dogs were the cynics or homosexuals identified by their old style praise singing.

Paul's ONLY worship word means to give heed to the Word of God.

Eusebio Tanicala: Step #6. Know the Evolution of the Synagogue Worship which provided the Background for many Church’s Practices
a) During the United Kingdom, the center of worship was the Tabernacle with animal offerings mediated by the priests and the giving the tithes of farm produce, the weekly Sabbath rest of staying in their abodes plus the annual feasts; during the Divided Kingdom, the center of worship was the temple

Only those with free food-producing farms were to give the tribe of Levi 4 out of 7 year INCREASE.
This was ONCE a year and Amos condemns the more often stealing.
The Tribe gave the priests 1/10 of the 4/7 food only to be consumed only when on duty at the temple.

Again, we need to note that at Mount Sinai God turned the national system over to WORSHIP THE STARRY HOST. And it is clear that they worshipped the starry host.  Since that is a fact WHY would God command them "to worship with instrumental noise?"

Acts 7:42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven;
        as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel,
        have ye offered to me slain beasts and [No, they were not commanded]
        sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan,
        figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Acts 7:44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness,
        as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses,
        that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen.

Acts 7:45 Which also our fathers that came after
        brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles,
        whom God drave out before the face of our fathers,
        unto the days of David;

David was so afraid that God would kill him that he could never return to GOD'S tabernacle.
Rather than taking his life God gave him a Jebusite High Place already dedicated to worship the stars.

Acts 7:46 Who found favour before God,
        and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
Acts 7:47 But Solomon built him an house.
Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,
Acts 7:49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool:
        what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?

Eusebio Tanicala: Scripture reading in the synagogue; Exhortation or sermon; Reading of Doxologies; Prayers, and Singing. Mechanical instruments of music were not employed in the synagogue worship. You may check these up in Edersheim’s book, “Life and Times of Jesus Christ.”

We have noted that Christ ordained the Synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness:
It was INCLUSIVE of READING and discussing the Word of God.
It was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing.
Edersheim also admits that "there was no praise service in the synagogue.]

When they sang say the experts it was "as a schoolboy reads the halal."

We know what it was and was not:

Acts 15:21 For Moses
        of old time hath in every city
        them that preach him,
        being read in the synagogues every sabbath day

Paul's command was to SPEAK and the resources were THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN and the purpose was to TEACH, Admonish and Comfort WITH SCRIPTURE.

Singing as an ACT originated in the Syrian churches and first used in the West in 373 and split the east from the western churches.

The Catholics never "sang with instrumental accompaniment."
The protestants could not "sing" the commanded Biblical text because it is intentionally not metrical.

See Jewish Liurgical Music.

"music was developed systematically. The part played by music in the Temple was essential and highly developed. New instruments were the nevel, a harp; the halil, possibly a double oboe; the asor, a 10-stringed instrument probably like a psaltery; and the magrepha, an instrument of powerful sound, used to signal the beginning of the service.

Various types of cymbals originally used in the Temple were prohibited after its restoration.

Ritual music was at first only cantillation, i.e., recitative chanting, of the prose books of the Bible
the prayers and biblical poetry were chanted, presumably in a modal system similar to the ragas of Hindu music or the maqamat of Arab music, i.e., melodies with improvisations.
None instrumental churches have the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation outlawing instruments in the school of the Bible.
By failure to understand the role of instruments which made noise in the Old Testament, churches are set up to be victimized by those using "the law of silence" or the claim of legalism to sway many.

The last warning is in Revelation 17 where the Babylonian mother of harlots, in Rev 18 uses "lusted after fruits" as speakers, singers and instrument players. John calls them sorcerers.  Indeed, all names of instruments and musical terms point to enchantment or sorcery used to fleece the simple minded.

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