Answering the Church of Christ A Review

A place to discuss the doctrine and methodology of the “hyper-conservative” church of Christ: A Review.

Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man,
        saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
        thou shalt not eat of it:
        for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

God said nothing about fruit:

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
         And he said unto the woman,
        Yea, hath God said, Ye shall NOT eat of every tree of the garden?

Satan said nothing about fruit:

If you don't speak the LOGOS or Regulative Principle there is no LIGHT in you. Isaiah 8

Genesis 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent,
        We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
fructus ,  “ver ostendit futuros fructus: reliqua tempora
quin spe posteritatis fructuque ducatur,id. Rab. Perd. 10, 29: “voluptatum,id. Lael. 23, 87: “jucunditatis,id. Mur. 19, 40: “graviore sono tibi Musa loquetur Nostra, dabunt cum maturos mihi tempora fructus,
., Cic. Rep. 1, 17; cf.: “pecudes partim esse ad usum hominum, partim ad fructum, partim ad vescendum procreatas,id. Leg. 1, 8, 25;
Mūsa , ae, f., = Μοῦsα,

frŭor , fructus (
voluptatibus,Cic. Rep. 3, 12; v. infra: “optimis rebus,Phaedr. 4, 24, 9: “gaudio,Ter. Hec. 5, 4, 2: “meo amore,Prop. 2, 1, 48;
ămor (old form ămŏs ,
Genesis 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,
        God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman,
        Ye shall not surely die:
mŭlĭĕro , āvi, 1, v. a. id., make womanish, render effeminate (ante-class.
serpo , “serpentes quasdam (bestias), quasdam esse gradientes,id. Tusc. 5, 13, 38:

  II. Trop., to creep, crawl; to extend gradually or imperceptibly; to spread abroad, increase, prevail (a favorite trope of Cic.): occulto
Of a low, grovelling poetic style: “(poëta) Serpit humi tutus,crawls along the earth, Hor. A. P. 28 (cf.: “sermones Repentes per humum,
sapor,Verg. G. 3, 397: b. Of persons, close, reserved, secret, not open
dissembling his hate,
canam, qui leniter ... placidis per vada serpis aquis,creepest, windest along,
occŭlo (obc- ) In partic., to cover up, hide, conceal
puncta argumentorum,Cic. de Or. 2, 41, 77: “narratum ab iis,to keep secret, conceal, Tac. A. 3, 16:
occulta conjurationis retexere,id. ib. 15, 74: “occulta cordis,Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 25:
Săpor , 1. Of style: “vernaculus,” i.e. taste, elegance, Cic. Brut. 46, 172; Arn. 3, p. 108: “Atticus,Quint. 12, 10, 75; cf. id. 6, 4, 107: “sermo non publici saporis,of uncommon elegance, Petr. 3, 1
Like a winding stream
căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient)
canta pro cantata ponebant;once canituri,Vulg. Apoc. 8, 13),
A. Of men: “si absurde canat,
A. Act.: “bellicum (lit. and trop.) canere, v. bellicus: classicum, v. classicus: sign
b. Trop.: “revocante et receptui canente senatu,Cic. Phil. 12, 3, 8: “ratio abstrahit ab acerbis cogitationibus a quibus cum cecinit receptui,id. Tusc. 3, 15, 33: “antequam (orator) in has aetatis (sc. senectutis) veniat insidias, receptui canet,Quint. 12, 11, 4.!*? Examples for the signif. to practice magic, to charm, etc., found in the derivv. cantus, canto, etc., are entirely wanting in this verb.
Revelation 8.[13] I saw, and I heard an eagle, flying in mid heaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe! Woe! Woe for those who dwell on the earth, because of the other voices of the trumpets of the three angels, who are yet to sound!"

Revelation 8.13 et vidi et audivi vocem unius aquilae volantis per medium caelum dicentis voce magna vae vae vae habitantibus in terra de ceteris vocibus tubae trium angelorum qui erant tuba canituri
lēnis , e, adj. cf. lentus,
I. soft, smooth, mild, gentle, easy, calm.
B. In partic.
2. In gram.: spiritus, the spiritus lenis, the smooth or soft breathing (opp. the spiritus asper), Prisc. p. 572 P.— Hence, adv. in two forms.
A. lēne (only poet.), softly, mildly, gently: “sectus humum rivo, lene sonantis aquae,Ov. F. 2, 704:
b). Moderately, i. e. very little, not at all: “hoc leniter laudabitis,Plaut. Poen. 5, 3, 40; 3, 3, 9: “leniter qui saeviunt sapiunt magis,id. Bacch. 3, 3, 4.—
The Spirit OF Christ Called Lucifer, Zoe, Venus the Singing and Harp-Playing Prostitute in the garden of Eden.
Eve said that SHE got CAIN (a musical note or mark) for the Lord.
But, Abel was the Son of Adam.

Paul said that like a virgin, Eve was wholly seduced by Satan, Serpent or the Beast in Revelation.
"Kenite" is a rendition of Hebrew קֵינִי Qeyniy. According to Gesenius, the name is derived from the name Cain (קַיִן Qayin).[5] According to A. H. Sayce, the name `Kenite', Qéní, is identical an Aramaic word meaning `a smith', which in its turn is a cognate of Hebrew Quayin, with the meaning `a lance'.[6]"

H7014 qayin kah'-yin The same as H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to H7069 ); Kajin, the name of the first child, also of a place in Palestine, and of an Oriental tribe:--Cain, Kenite (-s).

H7013 qayin kah'-yin From H6969 in the original sense of fixity; a lance (as striking fast): spear.

H6969 qun koon A primitive root; to strike a musical note, that is, chant or wail (at a funeral): lament, mourning woman.

dē-cĭpĭo , capio, primarily signifies to catch away, catch up, seize an animal while running, fleeing,: “amatorem amicae decipiunt vitia,Hor . S. 1, 3, 38.—
Prometheus dulci laborum decipitur sono, is beguiled of his sufferings (i. e. forgets his sufferings, being beguiled with sweet melody), Hor. Od. 2, 13, 38.—
Hor. Od. 2.13
What marvel, when at those sweet airs
The hundred-headed beast spell-bound
Each black ear droops, and Furies' hairs
Uncoil their serpents at the sound?
Prometheus too and Pelops' sire
In listening lose the sense of woe;
Orion hearkens to the lyre,
And lets the lynx and lion go.
ămātor , ōris, m. id..
II. In a dishonorable sense, a lover, paramour, gallant, Plaut. Rud. 2, 1, 2830: “amator mulierum,id. Men. 2, 1, 43:  “adulter an amator,Cic. Cael. 20:

Disciple of Christ: that we should love one another.

Disciple of the Devil: Not as Cain, who was OF that wicked one, and slew his brother.
        And wherefore slew he him?

        Because his own works were evil,
and his brothers righteous. 1 John 3:12

CAIN'S works were EVIL

Ergon 1.  On Il. mostly of works or deeds of war, “polemēia e.Il.2.338, al., Od.12.116 ; “ergon makhēsIl.6.522
a. of tillage, tilled lands,andrōn piona e.Il.12.283,
ta tōn Musōn e.Hdt.1.36  Drive him out of the country.
erga KuprogenousSol.26 ; Aphroditēs” [ZOEh.Ven.1 ; also teknōn es e.A.Ag.1207 :

-Organon , to, (ergon, erdō) A.instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing, 3. musical instrument, JUBAL'S INSTRUMENTS
Abel's works were righteous:
dikaios [i^, a, on, also os, on E.Heracl.901 (lyr.), IT1202, D.S.5.72: (dikē): A  in Hom. and all writers, of persons, observant of custom or rule, Od.3.52; esp. of social rule, well-ordered, civilized
2. observant of duty to gods and men, righteous, Od.13.209, etc.; “d. pros pasan homiliēnHp
b. legally exact, precise, dikaiotatō tōn logōn to speak quite exactly, Hdt.7.108, cf. Th.3.44

OF the Wicked one means that he was the SON of the Devil

ek , before a vowel ex , with the Art. indicating the place of origin
2. of Parentage, ek tinos einai, genesthai, etc., Il. 20.106,6.206, etc.; ek gar emeu genos essi (where genos is acc. abs.) 5.896

gignomai ,1. of persons, to be born, neon gegaōs new born, Od.19.400; hupo Tmōlō gegaōtas born (and so living)

1John 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not;
        but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself,

        and that wicked one toucheth him not.

In Revelation 17 John warns about the same Babylon Mother of harlots Moses wrote about when the people rose up AGAINST god in Musical Idolatry.  Her priests are called Lusted after FRUITS (same as in Amos 8 who took the music into their "holy place" and fleeced the lambs and left the people to hunger and thirst for the Word (Logos) of God and die and be taken captive by those PURPOSE DRIVEN to be religious musicians called PARASITES.   Such religious craftsmen who are waged by a religious shrine to Adorn it are declared ANATHEMA: they cannot be redeemed and must be burned.

And so, in Isaiah 30, Christ says that the MARKS of God driving His enemies into "hell" will be the wind, string and percussion instruments the SERPENT brought into the garden of Eden.

In Revelation 18 the self-speakers, singers and instrument players are called SORCERERS and will be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. The DOGS, Catamites or old style praise singers--excluded in Philippians 3--will also be cast alive into thte lake of fire.

Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites meaning "speakers, singers and instrument players." He said that the SONS OF THE DEVIL Speak on their own so it is EASY to detect the Devil's Angles of Light.

John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
        He was a murderer from the beginning,
        and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
        When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:
        for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

MUSIC is a weapon of making war: of TOUCHING you to pick your pocket and turn you into a female
haptō , III. metaph., engage in, undertake,bouleumatōnS.Ant.179; “agōnosE. Supp.317; polemou prosecute it vigorousl ha. tēs mousikēs kai philosophias Pl.R.411c;

Most of the ANTI-church of Christ Sect have lots in common with the Catholic Church: they are built around the Jewish Monarchy and Sacrificial system. The Levites as the pattern for Singing with Instrumental Accompaniment. The Levites were called Soothsayers with Instrumental Accompaniment. The Command for god was NOT to use instruments in the Church but to STAND in ranks under the king and commanders of the army and by making "noise" warn any godly person that if they came near they would be executed.

I have begun a Review of Faith Facts because they build on the foundation of all of the has-been Church of Christ preachers who cannot read beyond isolated proof texts.

Faith Facts: Questions for the Church of Christ.

The Giggly Girls Gala Click
The Hypocrite Hazard Click
Jesus died to silence the laded burdens and the Burden Laders

In Answering the Church of Christ those groups involved in the Methodist Social gospel are praised: praised because they fit the PATTERNISM Answering.  The implicaiton is that the Bible Based Churches are not TOO involved in social issues. One suspects that this is a way to justify a STAFF which is not commanded for A School of the Bible (only)

10.24.11 They link to Faith Facts

If these are riding on the backs of widows and honest wage earners, they have no ROLE and no DOLE. That's why most of the new ANTIs were probably fired for "not teaching that which has been taught."


Faith Facts: Since you are so well versed in the Bible, would you be willing to give us answers for the hope that lies within you (1 Peter 3:15)? Frankly, there are some things we find hard to understand and perhaps you can enlighten us.

Part 1:

The MARK of a Disciple of Christ is whether they have A holy spirit which is A good conscience which means to be "washed with water INTO the Word meaning INTO the School of Jesus Christ. Only disciples are Christians and Disciples attend "School of the Word" and not "worship services."  Paul warned that the Jews in Corinth would not be able to READ or HEAR The Word of God until they were converted or baptized INTO that School of Christ. Paul defines the ONLY role of the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness:
That was INCLUSIVE of Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word: what disciples do.
That was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing: that which not even Simple Simon would not do when God's Word (only) is being READ (or spoken only).
So, a Disciple of Christ who belongs to the Ekklesia of Christ would read context:
1Peter 3:14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye:
        and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
1Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:

A holy or sanctified heart or spirit is permitted to let the Word of the Lord God live in the heart--not in the pleasure centers.

        and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you
        a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

1Peter 3:16 Having a good conscience;
        that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers,
        they may be ashamed that falsely accuse
        your good conversation in Christ.

ana-strophē , , 2.urning back, return, S.Ant.226; pollas a. poioumenos, of a hunter, making many casts backward, X. Cyn.6.25; wheeling round, of a horse, Id.Eq.Mag.3.14; of soldiers in battle, whether to flee or rally, Id.Cyr.5.4.8; “mēketi dounai autois a.time to rally, Id.HG4.3.6, cf. Ages.2.3; esp. of the reversal of a wheeling movement, Ascl.Tact.10.6, Ael.Tact.25.7, Arr.Tact.21.4; of a ship, Th.2.89; “ex a.turning back, Plb.4.54.4; “kat' anastrophēnconversely, S.E.M.7.430.
7. recourse,a. lambanein pros tiPlu. 2.112c.
lambanō , fut. lēpsomai 7. recourse,a. lambanein pros ti 1. take hold of, grasp, seize,
9. apprehend by the senses, “ommasin theanS. Ph.537, cf. 656; prosphthegma tinos ib.234; “horatai, ē allē tini aisthēsei lambanetaiPl.R.524d.
b. apprehend with the mind, understand, “phreni l. ton logonHdt.9.10; “noōId.3.41; “ dianoiaPl. Prm.143a; “l. en tais gnōmais bebaiōsX.Cyr.3.3.51; “en Plb.2.35.6: abs., “l. tēn alētheianAntipho 1.6; “mnēmēn para tēs phēmēs l.Lys.2.3, cf. Pl.Phdr.246d, etc.
Thos who APPREHEND The Word of Jesus WILL BE baptized without tampering with the Word: If not, then you have no right to be saved:
Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls
Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
1Peter 3:17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
1Peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust,
        that he might bring us to God,
        being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
1Peter 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
1Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
         wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

The Flood and the Red Sea are Prophetic Types: Those who were "baptized" were SAVED: A Figure is a Type or Pattern Capable of being imitated.

1Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
        but the request for A good conscience toward God,)
        by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
1Peter 3:22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God;
        angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him
Those who "Believeth Not" says to God "I WILL NOT comply with your purpose to save us BY obedience WHEN we are baptized as obeying a FORM or "pattern to be imiated" of the work Jesus of Nazareth did: He was acknowledged as a SON only after He was baptized.

Out HOPE is the finished Work of Jesus of Nazareth whom God made to be both Lord and Christ.
HIS prophetically ordained METHOD of sharing in that hope is to obey Him and be baptized. Those who refuse to COMPLY (Apistos or believeth not) not will be damned.

 George Girardeau speaking for all knowledgeable Bible students    

In the first place, it will be noticed from the account of the triumphant rejoicing on the shore of the Red Sea that the men sang only: "Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying," etc. What can be gathered from this simple singing of the males of Israel, in praise of God for their great deliverance, in favor of instrumental music in worship, it is rather difficult to see.

In the second place, it was Miriam and the women who used instruments of music on the occasion: "And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went after her with timbrels and with dances."

See Exodus 32 as the PATTERN of all falls from Grace: all falls were the result of imposing musical instruments (machines for doing hard work mostly in making war or creating the shockand awe of religious spectacles used to fleece the lambs.

In Exodus 31 God warned against letting loose or lose custody of singing, playing and being entertained when the assembly was Called.
    In Exodus 32 the people depending on God's SILENCE to permit their IMAGINATION rose up to play in musical Idolatry.
In Deuteronomy 31 Moses defined SONGS as to be SPOKEN for instruction from God (only):
In Deuteronomy 32 in the SECOND LAW the musical idolatry was repeated.
  1. Individuals are Disciples (only) of Christ (only) and only when the elders SPEAK and teach that which has been taught.
  2. It is logical that the doctors of the Law whom Jesus said "take away the key to knowledge" insist that God DOES not speak: rather "a" spirit tells them that they can fabricated their own Commands, Examples and Necessary Inferences IF you want to be their disciple.
  3. If your shepherds fail to warn you and you FALL into the Devil's trap (His children speak on their OWN) you will never get up.
  4. God abandoned the Israelites to be destroyed by their own people and sentenced the rest to "worship the starry host."
Deut 31:21 And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them,
        that this song shall testify against them as a witness;
        for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed:
        for I know their imagination which they go about,
        even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.
  • All false teachers who claim that a "spirit" gives them the authority to speak and impose where God has been silent.
  • That is proof that they cannot read and just make laughingstocks of themselves and their disciples.
  • Paul said of the Corinthians that fools love to be fooled because they have no love for the truth.
  • They will hurt you in more ways you can imagine if you tamper with "god's anointeds."
  • God says that no human has the wisdom to ADD to the Word of God:
Cōgĭtātĭo , ōnis, f. cogito, i. e. co-agito; cf. Varr. L. L. 6, § 43; Cic. Off. 1, 6, 19; Paul. ex Fest. p. 66, 7 Müll..
I. Abstr., a thinking, considering, deliberating; thought, reflection, meditation (in good prose, and very freq.).
A. Concr., a thought, opinion, judgment; a resolution, design. plan, project:  “posteriores enim cogitationes (ut aiunt) sapientiores solent esse,Cic. Phil. 12, 2, 5 (transl. of hAi deuterai pōs phrontides sophōterai): “ista cogitatio de triumpho,id. Att. 7, 3, 2
B. In Cic. several times, thought as an intellectual power, the ability of thinking, power or faculty of thought, the reasoning power
săpĭo , īvi or ĭi (sapui, Aug. Civ. Dei, 1, 10; id. Ep. 102, 10; but sapivi, Nov. ap. Prisc. p. 879 P.; id. ap. Non. 508, 21: I. saPisti,Mart. 9, 6, 7: “sapisset,Plaut. Rud. 4, 1, 8), 3, v. n. and a. [kindr. with opos, saphēs, and sophos], to taste, savor; to taste, smack, or savor of, to have a taste or flavor of a thing (cf. gusto
b. To suggest, be inspired by : “quia non sapis ea quae Dei sunt,Vulg. Matt. 16, 23; id. Marc. 8, 33.—
c. Altum or alta sapere, to be high-minded or proud: “noli altum sapere,Vulg. Rom. 11, 20: “non alta sapientes,
Sophos , ē, on, A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, harmatēlatas s. Pi.P.5.115, cf. N.7.17; “kubernētēsA.Supp.770; “mantisId.Th.382; “oiōnothetasS.OT484 (lyr.); of a sculptor, E.Fr.372; even of hedgers and ditchers, Margites Fr.2; but in this sense mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238 (lyr.), cf. Ar.Ra.896 (lyr.), etc
lso en oiōnois, kithara, E. IT662, 1238 (lyr.)
        The synagogue continued when the leaders returned to their tribes and SPOKE the instructions of God:
        The synagogue EXCLUDES vocal or instrumental rejoicing:
                this was always the MARK of people making the lambs dumb before the slaughter.

Deut 31:28 Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes,
        and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and
H6950 qâhal kaw-hal' A primitive root; to convoke:—assemble (selves) (together), gather (selves) (together).

Deut 31:29 For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands.

Deut 31:30 And Moses SPAKE in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song, until they were ended.

Moses didn't SING this song He SPOKE it because comprehension was the purpose: teaching and admonishing.


I. nf. loquier, Naev. ap. Gell. 1, 24, 2), v. dep. n. and a. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; Gr. lak-, elakon, laskō], to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45).
II.  Transf.
A.To speak, declare, show, indicate or express clearly: oculi nimis arguti quemadmodum animo affecti simus, loquuntur, rē-scrībo imperial rescription
2. In partic., in milit. lang., to enroll anew, to re-enlist: “rescriptae ex eodem milite novae legiones,Liv. 9, 10.—
3. In milit. lang., to transfer from one kind of troops to another: “Caesarem decimam legionem ad equum rescribere,Caes. B. G. 1, 42 fin.
Logos Rational discourse 2. [select] statement of a theory, argument, ouk emeu alla tou l. akousantas prob. in Heraclit.50; logon ēde noēma amphis alētheiēs discourse and reflection on reality, Parm.8.50; dēloi houtos ho l. hoti . . Democr.7; ouk ekhei logon it is not arguable, i.e. reasonable, to be explained, ; ho ton l. mou akouōn my teaching, Ev.Jo.5.24, of arguments leading to a conclusio,
V. inward debate of the soul Pl.Tht.189e
Notice that Paul often uses forms of parallelism

II. Antithetical Parallelism--The thought of the first line is expressed by an antithesis in the second; or is counterbalanced by a contrast in the second. This parallelism is very common in the Book of Proverbs:

(a) The tongue of the wise adorneth knowledge,
{but} The mouth of the fool blurteth out folly.
Prov., xv, 2.
(b) Soundness of heart is the life of the flesh,
{but}Envy is the rot of the bones.
--Proverbs 14:30.

The thoughts of the righteous are right,
But the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. Proverbs 12:5 (NKJV)

The word SPEAK is the opposite of POETRY or MUSIC. Therefore,

Eph. 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise,
        but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Eph. 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess;
        but be filled with the Spirit;
Eph. 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
        {but} singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Eph. 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

This is true because you cannot SPEAK and SING at the same time in an external sense.
John 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain;
        and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh,
        when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is,
        when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:
        for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him
        must worship him in spirit and in truth.

You cannot worship a Spirit God in houses built by human hands or by the works of human hands.
Phil. 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
        and have no confidence in the flesh.
Plat. Theaet. 189e Socrates
As the talk which the soul has with itself about any subjects which it considers. You must not suppose that I know this that I am declaring to you. But the soul, as the image presents itself to me,
       when it thinks, is merely conversing with itself, asking itself questions and answering,

psu_kh-ē , “ ps. pneumaXenoph. ap. D.L.9.19; kardia psukhēs kai aisthēsios arkha]

kardi-a , h(, Ion. kardiē , Ep. kra^diē (kardiē esp. as the seat of feeling and passion 3. mind, “hōs anoon kradiēn ekhesIl.21.441; “kradiē porphureOd.4.572; “kradiē protiosset' olethron5.389; “ei theasē tois tēs kardias ophthalmoisCorp.Herm. 4.11, cf. 7.2; dialogismoi anabainousi en k. Ev.Luc.24.38.

aisth-ēsis ,organ or seat of sensation, also of the mind, perception, knowledge of a thing, “
[190a] affirming and denying. When it has arrived at a decision, whether slowly or with a sudden bound, and is at last agreed, and is not in doubt, we call that its opinion;
        and so I define forming opinion as talking and opinion as talk which has been held,
        not with someone else, nor yet aloud,
        but in silence with oneself.

Plat. Soph. 263e

Well, then, thought and speech are the same;
        only the former, which is a silent inner conversation of the soul with itself,
has been given the special name of thought. Is not that true?


But the stream that flows from the soul in vocal utterance through the mouth has the name of speech
Logos is:

Opposite Epagoge 2. bringing in to one's aid, introduction
4. allurement, enticement,tais elpisi kai tais e.D.19.322.
b. incantation, spell, in pl., Pl.R.364c, Lg.933d; Hekatēs phaskōn epagōgēn gegonenai saying that Hecate had put it under a spell, Thphr.Char.16.7.
7. leading away into captivity, captivity, LXX Is.14.17: generally, distress, misery, ib.Si.23.14 (pl.), cf. Hsch.
Opposite. phusis, Stoic.2.206; ou sophia oude l. estin en tois zōois]
sophia , Ion. -, h(, prop. A. cleverness or skill in handicraft and art in music and singing, tekhnē kai s. h.Merc.483, cf. 511; in poetry, Sol.13.52, Pi.O.1.117, Ar.Ra.882, X.An.1.2.8, etc.; in driving, Pl. Thg.123c; in medicine or surgery, Pi.P.3.54; in divination, S.OT 502 (lyr.)
Opposite. muthos, as history to legend, Ti.26e; “poiein muthous all' ou logousPhd.61b,
Opposite. prooimion, ib.1415a12
intelligent utterance, Opposite. phōnē, Arist.Pol.1253a14; “l. esti phōnē sēmantikē kata sunthēkēn
prose, Opposite. poiēsis, Id.R.390a; opp. psilometria, Arist.Po.1448a11; opp. emmetra, ib.1450b15 (pl.); l. touto tōn metrōn (sc. to iambeion

SONGS were always spoken or recited: the purpose was to instruct others and the style would be cantillation or an elevated pitch and sound level as in rhetoric.

con-grĕgo , āvi, ātum, 1B. Trop. (rare; mostly in Quint.), to collect, accumulate: “argumenta infirmiora,Quint. 5, 12, 4: “verba,id. 9, 3, 45; cf. “turbam (verborum),id. 10, 1, 7; cf. congregatio, II.

Ekklêsi-a  A. assembly duly summoned, less general than sullogos, Th.2.22, Pl.Grg.456b,  , II. in LXX, the Jewish congregation, De. 31.30,al. 2. in NT, the Church, as a body of Christians, Ev.Matt. 16.18, 1 Ep.Cor.11.22 ; “ kat' oikon tinos e.Ep.Rom.16.5 ; as a building, Cod.Just.1.1.5 Intr., etc.

1.04.11 Bible 101a
Christ in Isaiah 23 (etal, etal) that if you teach something that the Lord has not taught then you are guilty of blasphemy.
That is spell CENI as far as what anyone is allowed to speak in the name of the Lord.
If you add instruments because you are not aware of many commands against it.
And the Lord has not commanded you to impose instruments when He comes to be our sole Teacher: tha spells BLASPHEMY.

The Book End Bind.

11.30.09 Lying Wonders

WE ARE IN THE MUDDLE OF LYING WONDERS: they lie about every "instrument" mention in the Bible and impose it on the simple minded because of the promise of WONDERS or "Spectacles of worship with sight and sound and motion and lights moving everyone into a VORTEX of praise."  Carol Wimber is at least honest: she calls it a sexual-like climactic experience with the spirit.

From a direct command the Church of Christ was a School of the Word beginning in the wilderness.  It outlawed vocal or instrumental rejoicing and that never changed.  Christ came to shut down the spectacles and give us a chance to save ourselves FROM that crooked race of people.

All of the direct commands are to SPEAK the Word of God and the purpose was to teach DISCIPLES: Disciples do not go to worship services where the LYING WONDERS shut down their learning ability.

2Th. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed,
        whom the Lord shall consume with the SPIRIT of his mouth,
        and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

2 Thess 2:9 Even him, whose coming is
          after the working of Satan with all power
          and signs and lying wonders, 

2Th. 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; 
        because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2Th. 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,
        that they should believe a lie:
2Th. 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,
        but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

A prodigy a lying wonder might be the false claim that people will bring God into your midst or "lead you into the presence of God" using music.  The word can also mean A monstrous and unnatural Crime.   For instance, a monster might try to force the TITHE or the "Law of giving" under the ploy that the people would be owners of a church.  However, the plan was to divert the monies and lie about all of the "music" words related to the Jewish Civil-Military-Clergy complex whom Christ in spirit called robbers and parasites; or as Scribes and Pharisees called hypocrites marked as speakers, singers and instrument players, to FORCE the owners to submit to the same musical idolatry "or find yourself another church home." id. Verr. 2, 3, 73,

I told you that there is no LAW of tithing and no LAW of giving. Therefore, collecting money knowing that you intend to lie, cheat and steal the church house of widows and honest working people is a LYING WONDER. The Purpose Driven Cult intends to keep you bewitched until they have YOUR money in THEIR hands and they will SELL you and yours to Satan for a crust of breat.  A noted preacher promised NEVER to use instruments on Sunday. When he announced that they would impose instruments on Sunday and people protested his response was "That was THEN but this is NOW."  And all based on terminal ignorance of the Bible and/or terminal evil.

Cicero 3 I demand the accounts, I inspect the documents, I see that the people of Halesa, from whom sixty thousand modii had bees levied, had given none, that they had paid money to Volcatus, and to Timarchides the clerk. I find a case of plunder of this kind, O judges, that the praetor, whose duty it was to buy corn, did not buy it, but sell it; and that he embezzles and appropriates
        It did not appear to me any longer to be a theft, but a monster and a prodigy; to reject the corn of the cities, 
and to approve of his own; when he had approved of his own, then to put a price on that corn, to take from the cities what he had fixed, and to retain what he had received from the Roman people.
the money which he ought to have divided among the cities.
4592 semeion say-mi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4591 ; an indication, especially CEREMONIALLY or supernaturally:--miracle, sign, token, wonder.


Terato-poios , on, A. working wonders, LXX 2 Ma.15.21

Thaumasios 1.wonderful teras men thaumasion prosidesthai, thauma de kai pareontôn akousai P. 1.26 

Pindar Odes 1: [1] Golden lyre, rightful joint possession of Apollo [Apollyon Revelation] and the violet-haired Muses [Musicians Rev 18], to which the dance-step listens, the beginning [SEMI] of splendid FESTIVITY and singers obey your notes, whenever, with your quivering strings, you prepare to strike up CHORUS-LEADING PRELUDES. [5] You quench even the warlike thunderbolt of everlasting fire. And the eagle sleeps on the scepter of Zeus, relaxing his swift wings on either side,
        [7] the king of birds; and you pour down a dark mist over his curved head, a sweet seal on his eyelids.
        Slumbering, he ripples his liquid back,[10] under the spell of your pulsing notes.
Even powerful Ares, setting aside the rough spear-point,
        warms his heart in repose; your shafts charm the minds even of the gods,
        by virtue of the skill of Leto's son and the deep-bosomed Muses.
[13] But those whom Zeus does not love are stunned with terror 
        when they hear the cry of the Pierian Muses, on earth or on the irresistible sea.

Thaumatourg-eô A. = thaumatopoieô, X.Smp.7.2; work wonders or miracles, Ph.2.18,185; but ta perigeia th. 'play tricks with', of Xerxes, Id.1.674; ta tethaumatourgêmena wonderful phenomena, Pl.Ti. 80c. Parallel to Teratourgeo, Teratourga, Thaumasios 

Xenophon, Symposium VII. Then some among the rest of the banqueters kept urging Philip to go on with his comparisons, while others opposed. As the clamour rose to some height, Socrates once more interposed, saying: “Since we all want to talk, would this not be a fine time to join in singing?” And with the words he began a song. [2] When they had finished, a potter's wheel was brought in for the dancing girl on which she intended performing some feats of jugglery....  
        [5] However, these questions also fail to promote the same object that wine does;
        but if the young people were to have a flute accompaniment and dance figures depicting the Graces, the Horae, and the Nymphs,
       I believe that they would be far less wearied themselves and that the charms of the banquet would be greatly enhanced.”

“Upon my word, Socrates,” replied the Syracusan, “you are quite right; and I will bring in a spectacle that will delight you.”

The Greek: Teratourg-e, A. WORK wonders, pseud´sti Sch.Pi.I.7(6).1

Pindar Odes: [1] In which of the local glories of the past, divinely blessed Thebe, did you most delight your spirit?
        Was it when you raised to eminence the one seated beside Demeter of the clashing bronze cymbals,
        flowing-haired [5] Dionysus? Or when you received, as a snow-shower of gold in the middle of the night,
        the greatest of the gods [old wineskin god]
[20] then begin the victory [Nike: TRIUMPH OVER] procession with a sweet-singing hymn for Strepsiades;
         for he is the victor in the pancratium at the Isthmus,
        both awesome in his strength and handsome to look at;
        and he treats excellence as no worse a possession than beauty.
        [23] He is made radiant by the violet-haired Muses,
        and he has given a share in his flowering garland to his uncle and namesake

The-ama   A. sight, spectacle, Semon.7.67, A.Pr.306, E.Supp.783, Ar.Av.1716, etc.; ei tis orchoit' eu, theam' ên Pl.Com.130 ; Opposite mathaema, Th.2.39; freq. of a sight which gives pleasure, theamata kai akroamata haedista parecheis X.Smp.2.2 , cf. 7.5; orcheseis kai theamata
Orcheoma represent by Rythm, pantomime , dance, singing and dancing, shaken, tremble, "made my heart leap." Salto (David's dance: dancing a girl's part) to Perform in pantomime or play a part. Recited with thythmical movements.
Xenophon, Symposium 2. II. When the tables had been removed and the guests had poured a libation and sung a hymn, there entered a man from Syracuse, to give them an evening's merriment. He had with him a fine flute-girl, a dancing-girl--one of those skilled in acrobatic tricks,--and a very handsome boy, who was expert at playing the cither and at dancing; the Syracusan made money by exhibiting their performances as a spectacle. [2] They now played for the assemblage, the flute-girl on the flute, the boy on the cither; and it was agreed that both furnished capital amusement. Thereupon Socrates remarked: “On my word, Callias, you are giving us a perfect dinner; for not only have you set before us a feast that is above criticism, but you are also offering us very delightful sights and sounds.”
Mathema that which is learnt, lesson, learning, knowledge Episteme  A. acquaintance with a matter, understanding. full knowledge in all thinkgs 
Rom. 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,
        and not to please ourselves.  [music and theatrics]
Rom. 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. [education]
Rom. 15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written,
        The reproaches  [exposed His nakedness] of them that reproached thee fell on me.
Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime
were written for our learning,
        that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Rom. 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Rom. 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom. 15:7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.
THAT DEFINES WHAT PAUL CALLED SYNAGOGUE BOTH EXCLUSIVELY AND THEN INCLUSIVELY: this is what Christ commanded for the Church in the Wilderness:
Acts 15:21 For Moses
        of old time hath
        in every city them that preach him,
        being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

Unknown at Answering: This is an incomplete argument.  It’s not just that “instrumental accompaniment is not prohibited” – but it is authorized in the Old Testament, and that authorization is never removed.  Never.  So, musical instruments were a part of past worship.

On the contrary, instrumental music was outlawed for the synagogue or Church of Christ in the Wilderness.
Jesus never changed that Law.

Most people Missed Old Testament 101a: Christ ordained the Church of Christ in the Wilderness.

1Cor. 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
1Cor. 10:3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
1Cor. 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: 
        for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:
        and that Rock was Christ.
1Cor. 10:5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
1Cor. 10:6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
1Cor. 10:7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written,
        The people sat down to eat and drink,
        and rose up to play.

This was musical idolatry: God turned the Levi tribe over to worship the Starry host but the godly people attended synagogue or church in the wilderness. 

It was the Qahal or synagogue: the synagogue never had even a singing service. Even Paul commanded the external word SPEAK.

It was inclusive of Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word: that never changed and Jesus and James endorsed it.

It was exclusive of vocal or instrumental rejoicing: Simple Bible 101 since the church or ekklesia is a school of the bible and not a worship center.   History of the Synagogue.

People within the church of Christ who think that a Spirit God commanded instrumental music also missed it.  Jumpy Jimmy in the synagogue would have known better because the PREACHED by READING.

Not only that, but it’s bookended.  Musical instruments will be a part of future worship.  Thanks to the Apostle John for giving us Revelations 5:8,9; 14:2,3; 15:20 and 18:22.  

But the Book End in Revelation has no literal harps in heaven being PLAYED. All of the SOUNDS LIKE would create panic and the other angel to those still living was PREACH THE GOSPEL because time is short.  You might want to read the text instead of a list of texts. Click for the real story that the END IS CLOSE.

See How Revelation 14 shows the harps as a WARNING
that Judgment is short before Revelation 17-18 proves that the musicians inside of YOUR church define the strong delusions and lyingwonders of those John calls sorcerers.

Revelation 17 defines the Babylonian Mother of Harlots whose story begins in Genesis: As Lucifer Christ in the prophets calls him/her the singing and harp playing prostitute.  In the End time--NOW?
Rev. 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Rev. 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

The Lying Wonders is specificially the musical and theatrical church claiming to lead you into the presence of God.

Rev 18:14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.

The NACC loves the PLUCK word or Psallo but that is alway used of PLUCKING FRUITS

Tillô , 2. with acc. of that from which the hair or feathers are plucked, so of the cuckoo, ib.618a29 (Pass.); as a description of an idle fellow Ar.Pax 546, as a punishment of adulterers, Id.Nu.1083; v. paratillô, tephra.

also, pluck live sheep, instead of shearing,  

4. t. melê pluck the harp-strings, play harp-tunes, Cratin.256 (lyr.). II. since tearing the hair was a usual expression of sorrow, tillesthai tina tear one's hair in sorrow for any one
III. metaph., pluck, vex, annoy,
Rev 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
Rev 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone,
        and cast it into the sea, saying,
Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down,
        and shall be found no more at all
Rev 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians [Apollyon's muses or locusts] and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, [theater builders and stage managers] of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone [called a pipe, made a wistling sound to attract prostitute-grinders] shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
The Church of Christ at least does not ENDORSE sorcery!
Vincent 21. Sorceries (farmakeiwn). Only here, ch. xviii. 23; and Gal. v. 20, where farmakeia sorceries, A.V., witchcraft is enumerated among the "works of the flesh." Used in the Septuagint of the Egyptian sorceries (Exod. vii. 22. Of Babylon, Isa. xlvii. 9, 12). From farmakon a drug, and thence a poison, an enchantment. Plato says: "There are two kinds of poisons used among men which cannot clearly be distinguished. There is one kind of poison which injures bodies by the use of other bodies according to a natural law...
        but there is another kind which injures by sorceries and incantations and magic bonds, as they are termed, and induces one class of men to injure another as far as they can, and persuades others that they, above all persons, are liable to be injured by the powers of the magicians.  [Musica and Magica are similar]
Didn't Rick Atchley say that God COMMANDED instrumental praise and YOU HAD BETTER NOT DISOBEY?  That sounds like ONE CLASS using sorcery to injure the class of OWNERS. Same as Scribes and Pharisees Jeus marked as hypocrites by naming speakers, singers and instrument players.


This is one of many pages which have flourished under the tutoring of the NACC: a couple of decades prior to 2006 the false view began to spread that the Church of Christ had split the Disciples of Christ because of instrumental music.  This was the date of the first census in which the Church of Christ denied that it was a member of the "society and organ denomination."

It is well documented that what became the Church of Christ had never been in any kind of union with the Disciples of Christ. While a few preachers shook hands in 1832 that did not constitute a union.  The sowing of discord was in Disciples of Christ congregations when the organ was added.  The Christian Church or the NACC did not exist until 1927 when they began to sect out of the Disciples.  After the Disciples "restructure" in 1968 the final NEW COUNTING excluded the Christian churches from the Disciples.  Shortly afterward (and even before) the NACC began holding "unity" meetings with the clear intention of facilitating the introduction of instruments knowing that it would sow discord.
If you quote a simple statement out of the midst of animal sacrifices of a nation abandoned to a NATIONAL (Canaanite, Babylonian) Civil-Military-Clergy complex, most theologians are not prepared to explain to themselves or those on the attack the "story line."  If David is playing his harp, singing and dancing naked with the camp followers this clearly is NOT an example of God-approved instrumental worship even if I have heard it so used.

The NACC found a whole body of educators and preachers utterly unable to digest and answer even the simpliest of proof texts yanked out by their screaming roots and dishonoring the Word of God.  Meetings were called under the heading of discussing "unity" but the NACC agent came with a full "white paper" listing all of the passages mentioning an instrument.  In the case of Tom Burgess (following O. E. Payne) ALL of the psallo proof-text identify an older male plucking the harp to seduce a young male.

The conservative church of Christ preacher either fell for the sucker punch or were forced to defend themselves by the "law of silence." Little did they know that the Disciples claimed to have invented the heresy that "if God hath not said 'thou shalt not use instruments' in they worship service, then WE have the right to add instruments."  According to H. Leo Boles they went further and defined their option based on silence now the will of Jesus Christ. Anyone who opposed it would be guilty of sowing discord or sectarianism.
ending off the "infiltrating and diverting" effort of the NACC even before they were fully sected out of the Disciples.

J.W.McGarvey was refused the right to oppose the organ
in his church because they said "you would be sowing discord."

Those who refuse to AFFIRM that instruments are correct are still treated with lots of RACA words. 
The false teachings especially about instrumental music has permeated those groups collecting preachers in annual meetings. Because those preachers were not prepared with the Old Testament, church history or Restoraiton Movement history, they easily fell prey to the false teachings.  It is reasonable that those small number of preachers who were pried loose felt that they had been betrayed by HYPERCONSERVATIVE Church of Christ Doctrine.

It is easily proven that no one has begun such an ANTI-non instrumental movement or used the "white papers" prepared by the NACC who also supplied "handlers" who has any remote understanding of the CONTEXT from which they get proof texts by going to lists in lexicons.  On our better days, we can say that no apology for the introduction of instruments does not lie about all of the 'instrument passages." It would be too judgmental to say that they are ignorant of the Bible.

Since Jay Guin has been one of the duped defenders you may click here.

It comes as no surprise that people go professional as preachers and discover that speaking talent (rhetoric) and a pleasing personality will not fill the gaps when they are confronted with angry EX-church of Christ people begin to question the validity of their doctrines by lying about the bible.  It comes as no surprise that the EX-church of Christ attack agent has also been short changed by schools of theology where Biblical knowledge is rarely an issue.  And so, people feed on regurgitated false teachings.

I came to this site following a search for Eusebio Tanicala who apparently has influence in the Churches of Christ in the Philippines. That knowledge base is in turn learned at once-Christian Bible Colleges who now teach theology as a minor part of their new-found ambitions.  So, I will begin this by linking my review of Eusebio Tnaicala's understanding of the use of instrumental music in the Old Testament.  Like the EX-church of Christ preachers which have probably been roughed up by unlearned elders, have a MISSING LINK in their educational DNA. Don't feel lonely: your tribe is the majority.

The Old Testament is a HISTORY of the Hebrew people: like all such histories it honestly supplies the good, the bad and the ugly.  Probably not a half dozen preachers even with a Phd from a school of theology understands the FORK in the road taken at Mount Sinai.   After God restated the Abrahamic Covenant of Grace--The Book of The Covenant--the Israelites rose up to PLAY: this was the musical idolatry of the Egyptian triad symnbolized by Apis the golden calf and by Hathor of whom Miriam was a prophesier defined as a soothsayer along with David's Levites who were an old Egyptian cult of fire and sun worship.

God turned them over to worship the starry host which they continued right in the later Temple.  This was the prophesied curse of the tribe of levi whose "assemblies" Jacob warned about.

At the same time, Christ defined the Church of Christ in the wilderness. This is the Hebreq Qahal which is the common synagogue word. This quarantined the SPIRITUAL THREAD from the national worship which profaned the Sabbath (that music word).

Eusebio Tanicala: Question of Amos 5:23

It is the common but false belief that GOD COMMANDED INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC to to be made during WORSHIP SERVICES.  From this review you will see that the MUSIC went along with others forms of religious perversions.  The sexual-homosexual connection with religious music is absolute.

In Amos 5 Israel worshipped the STARRY HOST with singing and instruments in their temple. The plea is that they worship the Creator of the heavenly host instead.

Eusebio Tanicala: Instruments of Music in Worship in Old Testament Times Were Commanded of God

This is also based on missed Bible 101a never covered in colleges or universities.  The examples used to prove that God loved instrumental noise (never called music) even in the midst of the slaughter of innocent animals during THE WORSHIP OF THE ASTRIAL deities.

Those not ready for prime time such as Rick Atchley says that this allows him to COMMAND INSTRUMENTAL PRAISE and you had better not disobey.

Eusebio Tanicala: listing 13 steps about the use of instrumental music.

Because the almost universal MISTAKE among the clergy that God COMMANDED instrumental music during the slaughter of innocent animals and went into a virtual orgy when He heard it;

And the NEW LAW does not command the use of instruments.

It is therefore not right to use instruments in worship.

You too have probably taken the wrong fork in the road and can never turn back.

The EVIL THREAD operated by the father-cursed Levi tribe operated the NATIONAL (Goyim, Canaanite, Babylonian) sacrificial system. The noise makers were Levites (an old Egyptian Cult) under the king and commanders of the army. Now, why would you want a senior pastor as "a king set over us" to use musical performance (the hypocritic art) to "make you lambs dumb before the slaughter?"

The SPIRITUAL THREAD defined by Christ in the prophets was the Synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness.

A synagogue is a school of the Bible or in Latin an academy.  The Holy Convocation was to Rest, Read and Rehearse the word of god. That's what DISCIPLES still do because Jesus didn't send the Apostles out to suck in worshipers or ceremonial legalism.

It was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing.

THAT is the LAW of the ekklesia which was never VIOLATED and never CHANGED by Christ.

Click to see how the SYNAGOGUE was something ALL of the preacher class missed: maybe you can get a refund.

Click to see how John Calvin in what he called his RESTORATION MOVEMENT wrote about the synagogue.

That is exactly what Jesus Christ came to empower by SILENCING the laded burden (music) and the burden laders.

Romans 14 PROHIBITS "doubtful disputations" and never is PERMISSIVE of music which he outlaws as SELF-pleasure in Romans 15.  Missed that in Greek?

Martin Luther explains Romans 15 as that synagogue (Paul's term)


Whatever his name takes on Johnny Robertson.

First, Johnny speaks without a forked tongue.  The connection between religious musicians and the effeminate.  Anyone watching the singing, clapping, waving unholy ARMS and moving in symphony is engaged in a virtual sexual act with the "audience." It is clearly spelled out By Carol Wimber the mother of all the new style praise singing: one of the marks of the beast is "a new style song or drama." You will never find any exception to the assertion in the classics that when a male sings and plays an instrument he is either "drunk, perverted or just having fun." That is the PLAY word.

Karen Armstrong, and most recorded history, notes that a word-centered assembly is masculine and the urge for rituals is always driven by the effeminate.
  "Not surprisingly, most Israelites declined the prophet's invitation to enter into a dialog with Yahweh. They preferred a less demanding religion of cultic observance either in the Jerusalem Temple or in the old fertility cults of Canaan. This continues to be the case: the religion of compassion is followed only by a minority; most religious people are content with decorous worship in synagogue, church, temple and mosque. The ancient Canaanite religions were still flourishing in Israel... the Israelites were still taking part in fertility rites and sacred sex there, as we see in the oracles of the prophet Hosea, Amos' contemporary." (Armstrong, Karen, A History of God, p. 47).
The Church Christ empowered by ELEMINATING the laded burdens (arousal songs and rhetoric), was like the Greek syllogos devoted to READING and to DIALOG.  You could never find a group of real men putting together a "worship ritual" tolerating singing, clapping, gyrating with or without instruments. There is always a "mother" behind the celebrative religions.
Musical Worship Teams -- Effeminate Worship 1
Musical Worship Teams -- Effeminate worship 2


Most of the Jews were not of Israel: calling then serpents or vipers points directly to the STAR and SERPENT worship to which God abandoned them BECAUSE of musical idolatry.  We discuss that in our review of Amos.

They are also called a CROOKED race and baptism was the Christ-ordained way to have their spirits translated into a heavenly kingdom only after baptism. The Crooked Race points to the Jews ongoing worship of pagan deities. They are identified as the drinking and perverted males who clustered to sing skolion songs and challenge one another with their harp playing skill.

To their credid, the most perverted male symposium understood that music was for the lower classes: when they wanted to discuss anyone they voted to send out the flute-girls or boys because getting drunk on wine was promoted by wine: the methuo word Paul used is often used to mean "don't get fluted down with wine" before you SPEAK that which is written.

Nextly, he lisfts some of the traits of the Pharisees;

  • hypocrites” – Matt 23:15
  • child of hell” – Matt 23:15
  • blind guides” – Matt 23:16
  • fools” – Matt 23:17
  • whited sepulchres” – Matt 23:27
  • full of… iniquity” – Matt 23:28
  • serpents” & “generation of vipers” – Matt 23:33
  • murderers” – Matt 23:34
Christ in Spirit inspired the Prophets and defined the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites. He defined a hypocrite in two prophets all of whom repudiate the Monarchy and sacrificial system as robbers and parasites.

Matt 15:7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,

Hypokrites (g5273) hoop-ok-ree-tace'; from 5271; an actor under an assumed character (stage-player), i.e. (fig.) a dissembler ("hypocrite"): - hypocrite.

hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate, ape, mimic, Mania or religious frenzy.

Rhêtor-ikos , ê, on, oratorical, hê rhêtorikê (sc. technê). These are the craftsmen lumped with the singers, musicians and "grinder" doing merchandise in the house of prayer. Rev. 18:22

LATIN: canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C. Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound: 2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing 

Matt 15:8 This people
.......... draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and
.......... honoreth me with their lips;
.......... but their heart is far from me.

Matt 15:9 But in vain they do worship me,
.......... teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


Matt. 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne,
        and lay them on men’s shoulders;
        but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

5412.  phortizo, for-tid´-zo; from 5414; to load up (properly, as a vessel or animal), i.e. (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety):  lade, by heavy laden. Pphthalmon encumbering of the eyes.

Phort-izô , load, load them with burdens, encumber the eyes, ophthalmos
Phort-izô   Ev.Luc.11.46; perissêi dapanê  ph. ta koina A massive burden
A.  Perissos A.beyond the regular number or size, prodigious, 2.out of the common, extraordinary, strange, II. more than sufficient, superfluous, 2. in bad sense, superfluous, useless, poetry,
B.  Dapan-ê  A. cost, expenditure,Hes.Op.723
Daphne of the chorodidaskal-os A. trainer of the chorusorgeônikos,

Daphne of the Bachanalia also called Dionysia, in GrecoRoman religion, any of the several festivals of Bacchus (Dionysus), the wine god. They probably originated as rites of fertility gods. The most famous of the Greek Dionysia were in Attica and included the Little, or Rustic, Dionysia, characterized by simple, oldfashioned rites; the Lenaea, which included a festal procession and dramatic performances; the Anthesteria, essentially a drinking feast; the City, or Great, Dionysia, accompanied by dramatic performances in the theatre of Dionysus, which was the most famous of all; and the Oschophoria ("Carrying of the Grape Clusters").

C.  koina   4. in magical formulae, of words added at will by the user, 'and so forth', Pap., PMag.Osl.1.255, PMag.Par.1.273, al.; koina hosa theleis ib.2.53; ho k. logos PMag.Lond.46.435 ; cf. koinologia. VII. of forbidden meats, common, profane,

Phortos , ho, ( [pherô] ) A. load, freight, cargo, Od.8.163, 14.296, Hes.Op. 631, Hdt.1.1, S.Tr.537, and later Prose, as PEnteux.2.11 (iii B. C.), Plu.Marc.14, Luc.VH1.34; epoiêsanto me ph., expld. as pepragmateumai, prodedomai [pay in advance], phortos gegenêmai, Call.Fr.4.10P.; ph. erôtos, of Europa on the bull, Batr.78, cf. Nonn.D.4.118.

Poieô , 3. of sacrifices, festivals, etc., celebrate 4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, comedies, tragedies, write poetry, represent in poetry. 


Erôs 2. object of love or desire, aprosiktoi erôtes Pi.N.11.48 , cf. Luc.Tim.14. 3. passionate joy, S.Aj.693 (lyr.). IV. name of the klêros Aphroditês, [Zoe] Cat.Cod.Astr.1.168 ; = third klêros, Paul.Al.K.3 ; one of the topoi, Vett.Val.69.16.

Kleros 3. egacy, inheritance, heritable estate, 4. Astrol., certain degrees in the zodiac connected with planets and important in a nativity. III. of the Levites

Kuneos shameless, unabashed Kunikos, sophistai
master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets,, musicians, harp players, quibbler, cheat, rhetoricians 

Kunikos II.Kunikos, ho, Cynic, as the followers of the philosopher Antisthenes were called, from the gymnasium

The Levites were musicians under the Worship of the Starry host.

Charizesthai erastais Pederasty musicians, odes, Mousa paidikee, which are mere play for him. A nomos for cinaedi by a Sybarite Hemitheon is mentioned by Lucian adv. ind. 23 (cf. Pseudo-Lucian 3).

Erôs , ôtos, ho, acc. erôn for erôta Alex.Aet.3.12 , AP9.39 (Musicius) : in Ep. and Lyr. usu. eros (q. v.) : (heramai, eraô A):--love, mostly of the sexual passion, thêlukratês e. A.Ch.600 (lyr.) ; erôs' erôt' ekdêmon E.Hipp.32 ; e. tinos love for one, S.Tr.433 ; paidôn E. Ion67

Xenophon, in Symp. 8.32, say that pederasty was the usual custom in Elis and Thebes, and Plato adds that charizesthai erastais was not considered dishonorable because the people there were too inarticulate to persuade with words.

II. Att., vulgar stuff, rubbish, balderdash,Ar.Pax748 (anap.) Pl.796.

Aristophanes, Peace Undoubtedly the comic poet who [735] mounted the stage to praise himself in the parabasis would deserve to be handed over to the sticks of the beadles. Nevertheless, oh Muse, if it be right to esteem the most honest and illustrious of our comic writers at his proper value, permit our poet to say that he thinks he has deserved a glorious renown. First of all, he is the one who has compelled his rivals no longer [740] to scoff at rags or to war with lice; and as for those Heracleses, always chewing and ever hungry, he was the first to cover them with ridicule and to chase them from the stage; he has also dismissed that slave, whom one never failed to set weeping before you, [745] so that his comrade might have the chance of jeering at his stripes and might ask, “Wretch, what has happened to your hide? Has the lash rained an army of its thongs on you and laid your back waste?” After having delivered us from all these wearisome  [750] constructed of fine phrases, great thoughts and of jokes not common on the streets

Aristophanes, Plutus

Do you refuse these gifts?

 I will accept them at your fireside, as custom requires. Besides, we shall thus avoid a ridiculous scene; it is not meet that the poet should throw dried figs and dainties to the spectators; it is a vulgar trick to make them laugh.Wife 
[800]  You are right. Look! yonder's Dexinicus, who was already getting to his feet to catch the figs as they flew past him.
Matt. 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men:
        they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
Matt. 23:6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts,
        and the chief seats in the synagogues,
Matt. 23:7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

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