After Anu, Enlil (Bel), Enik (Ea) and Ninkhursag. The black headed race had created, All that is from the earth, from the earth they caused to spring, Cattle and beasts of the field suitably they brought into beings.

The epic of Gilgamesh speaks to modern turf-battles between professional preachers. It tells the story of how Utnapishtim gained immortality. He is told that the gods destroyed Shuruppah in a great but local flood. However, Ea who is the patron god of music and magic along with all knowledge and wisdom warned him and told him how to build a ship or ark. When the gods saw how destructive they had been they shed many tears. They gave Utnapishtim (Noah) immortality because of his acquired wisdom and because he restored animal sacrifices to "feed" the hungry gods.


This version is from George Barton, Archaeology and the Bible 7th edition, American Sunday-School Union. p. 332-335

Column I (3/4 of the column missing)
"My human-kind from its destruction I will [raise up];
With the aid of Nintu my creation..,...I will raise up;
The people in their settlements I will establish;
The city, whereever man creates one--indeed its protection--therein I will give him rest.
Our house-- its brick may be cast in a clean spor!
Our places in a clean place may heestablish!"
Its brilliant splendor, the temple platform, he made straight,
The exalted regulations he completed for it;
The land he divided; a favorable plan he established.
After Anu, Enlil (Bel), Enik (Ea) and Ninkhursag
The black headed race had created,
All that is from the earth, from the earth they caused to spring,
Cattle and beasts of the field suitably they brought into beings.
Column II (3/5 missing)
.....................I will.........................................
.................I will turn my eye upon him...........
The ................creator of the land...........
..................of royalty..................
.......................of royalty by him was determined;
The exalted palace of the royal throne was by him set apart,
The exalted precepts............he made perfect,
In clean places..........cities.........he founded,
Their names were named, they were alloted to guardian-spirits (?)
Of these cities Eridu--the chief command to Nudimmud he gave,
Unto the second the nisag-priests of Umma (?) he gave.
Thirdly, Larak to Pabikhursag he gave,
Fourthly, Sippar as the dwelling of Shamash he gave,
Fifthly, Shurippak unto Lamkurru he gave.
Their names were assigned; to guardian-spirits (?) they were allotted;
Its rampart (?), a wall (?) he raised up, he established;
Small rivers, canals (?), and water-courses (?) he established.
Column III
The land the sway of Anu..
The people...
A deluge.......................
Their land (?) it entered...........
Then Nintu [cried out] like [a woman in travail].........
The brilliant Ishtar [uttered] a groan on account of her people.
Enki with himself communion in his wisdomn/
Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Nikhursag,
The gods of heaven and earth, invoked the names of Anu and Enlil,
At that time Ziugiddu was king, the priest of.......
The chief deity he made of wood.......
In humility prostrating himself, in reverence...............
Daily at all times was he present in person......
Increasing dreams which had not come [before],
Conjuring by the name of heaven and earth......
Compare Isaiah 40:20)
Column IV
For the settlement (?) the gods a wall (?)...
Ziugiddu stood by its side, he heard......
"At the wall at my left side stand.....
At the wall I will speak a word to thee
O my brilliant one, let there enter thy ear.....
By our hand a deluge....will be sent,
The seed of mankind to destroy....
Is the momentous decision of the assembly (of the gods)/
The words of Anu and Enlil.....
Their kingdom, their rule......
To them............"
From other versions Ziugiddu is being told about the comming flood. The command to stand by the wall then reads:
"O reed-hut, reed-hut, O wall, wall,
O reed-hut, hearken; O wall, give heed!
O man of Shurippak, son of Ubartutu,
Pull down thy house, build a ship, etc.
Column V
The evil winds, the wind that is hostil, came; all of them descended,
The deluge.....came on with them
Seven days and seven nights
The deluge swept over the land,
The evil wind made the huge boat tremble.
Shamash (the Sun) came forth, on heaven and earth he shone;
Ziugiddu the ship at the top uncovered,
The peace of Shamash, his light, entered into the boat.
Ziugiddu, the king
Before Shamash bowed his face to the earth.
The king--an ox he sacrificed, a sheep offered as oblation.
Column VI
By the life of heaven and the life of earth ye shall conjure him,
That he may raise up from you;
Anu and Enlil by the soul of heaven and the soul of earth ye shall conjure,
That they may raise up from you
The curse that has come upon the land, that they may remove it.
Ziugiddu the king
Before Anu and Enlil bowed his face to the earth.
Life like a god's he gave to him,
An immortal spirit like a god's he brought to him.
Then Ziugiddu the king,
Of the seed that was cursed, lord of mankind he made;
Of the seed that was cursed, lord of mankind he made;
In the furitful land, the land of Dilmum....they made him dwell
In the Bible, Psalm 74: 13, 14 the defeat of the dragon Tiamat is attributed to Jehovah. In this version to Enlil of Nippur and in other versions to Marduk of Babylon.



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