The Death of Enkidu Columns I, III, IV - Column I
- Enkidu confessed this dream to Gilgamesh:
- "The gods all gathered round last night
- and Anu told Enlil that one of us should die
- because of what we've done against their names.
- Though Shamash intervened for us,
- saying we had slain Humbaba and the bull
- with his consent, the others sought revenge."
- Then Enkidu fell ill and soon lost his full strength.
- Saying words like these as his friend lay dying,
- 10. Gilgamesh intoned:
- "Why should you be so condemned and why should
- I go right on living?
- Will my own sad eyes soon never look on you again?
- Shall I descend to depths beneath
- this earth to visit worlds reserved
- for those who've died?"
- Enkidu glanced up, addressing the entryway
- on which his hand was morbidly crushed:
- "Door of all forests, that confuses wind and rain,
- 20. deaf, dumb, and blind portal;
- I admired your firm texture
- before I first saw the mighty trees
- aloft that gave force to you.
- There is nothing on earth that could replace
- your splendor or your worth.
- At two hundred feet in height, at forty feet around are
- your mighty posts, your priceless hinge
- cut and crafted in Nippur's holy ground.
- if I had guessed that you'd become this,
- 30. I would have shattered you to pieces
- with my ax and have been more careful not
- to wound my hand so badly on your frame."
- Column III
- Then cursing the hunter whom he first met
- and the girl whom he first loved, Enkidu raged:
- "Slash him. Cut half his face.
- Raise up floods beneath his feet
- so that no animal is safe."
- And at his sacred, former lover Enkidu did swear:
- "Get up, witch, and hear your fortune
- 40. guaranteed now and forever.
- I damn you off and damn you down.
- I'd break your teeth with stones and let
- your mouth hang open
- until you'd say thanks to your killer
- who would favor you by letting you
- lie homeless on an open road
- in some foul ditch.
- May all and any who can hurt you now
- often cross the paths you take.
- 50. I hope you live in fright, unsure of hope
- and starved always for the touch of love.
- food and drink almost divine
- so that you were taken for a god.
- The fine lover, my thoughtless boy, invested you
- with robes of gold, robes of blue
- 60. and, more important, gave your dear friend
- the thought that he should do whatever need
- be done and still more too.
- Did your brother, Gilgamesh, give you as fine a bed
- as any on earth or any there in heaven?
- Did he promote the likes of you to fame
- unrivaled, so that rulers kneel to kiss
- the ground you walk upon?
- He will also show the Uruk people how to mourn for you.
- An entire people will cry upon your death
- 70. and he will go in tears
- ignoring the dirt and dust and mud
- that stain his hands and hair.
- So in despair will his mind be
- as off he roams in lonely woods wearing rags."
- Shamash responded from on high:
- "The fine lover, my Enkidu, is cursed by you
- who gave you bread and meat and stew,
- the same who offered you some wine,
- Shamash responded from on high:
- "The fine lover, my Enkidu, is cursed by you
- who gave you bread and meat and stew,
- the same who offered you some wine,
- When Enkidu heard these sad words
- he was speechless and in his heart
- he knew that Shamash spoke the truth.
- His anger fled and Enkidu resolved
- to die in peace.
- Column IV
- 80. With these last words the dying Enkidu did pray
- and say to his beloved companion:
- "In dreams last night
- the heavens and the earth poured
- out great groans while I alone
- stood facing devastation. Some fierce
- and threatening creature flew down at me
- and pushed me with its talons toward
- the horror-filled house of death
- wherein lrkalla, queen of shades,
- 90. stands in command.
- There is darkness which lets no person
- again see light of day.
- There is a road leading away from
- bright and lively life.
- There dwell those who eat dry dust
- and have no cooling water to quench their awful thirst.
- As I stood there I saw all those who've died
- and even kings among those darkened souls
- have none of their remote and former glory.
- 100. All earthly greatness was forfeit
- and I entered then into the house of death.
- Others who have been there long
- did rise to welcome me."
- Hearing this, great Gilgamesh said to his handsome mother:
- "My friend, dear Enkidu, has seen his passing now
- and he lies dying here upon a sad and lonely cot.
- Each day he weakens more and wonders how much more
- life may yet belong to his hands and eyes and tongue."
- Then Enkidu resumed his last remarks and said:
- 110. "Oh Gilgamesh, some destiny has robbed me
- of the honor fixed for those who die in battle.
- I lie now in slow disgrace, withering day by day,
- deprived as I am of the peace that comes to one
- who dies suddenly in a swift clash of arms."
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