What does a Change Agent Believe and Practice?
A Change Agent will lie--even about Jesus Christ--cheat and steal your church property after it is well financed. Post modernism gives you the right to exercise all of the practices of Satan. All of the non-instrumental Restoration Movement Connects are under attack by the instrumental groups just as in the first MUSICAL SECTARIANISM which repudiated the Bible and church theologians certainty. For instance,We have added commentary to the following article including the attitude and goals most commonly followed. Click for our comments.
(Proverbs 13:16; Proverbs 20:18; Proverbs 24:27)
Our transition involved an eleven year process that continues to this day and will continue for years to come. Our plan for transition involved a prescribed procedure in the following order:
Start a gradual worship style transition.
Focus on preaching for change to set the stage for determining your church purpose.
Determine your church purpose: Our church purpose is "to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, His family, and the world, our neighbor." Your church purpose must embrace the five New Testament purposes for a church.
Emphasize the church's responsibility to reach the unchurched.
Launch a New Member's class.
Encourage your members to embrace the church purpose as their personal purpose.
Adopt new church by-laws so that the organizational concept and structure of the church comply with the biblical structure for a church. [That means, steal the property so that no one else can steal it: even its owners]
Implement a covenant process for personal, spiritual growth of church members. [This means the circle cult: you must progress through concentric circles, take courses, sign COVENANTS and slowly--determined by contribution--enter into the inner circle}
Enlist the support of your senior adults. [They will HAVE to bend to the deliberate SOWING OF DISCORD OR LEAVE]
Transition the ministry of the church to the people and the maintenance of the church to the staff (paid or volunteer). [That means from the elders to the STAFF which will expand and leave the elders as just the shepherds of the professional staff which will grow to ride on the backs of widows]
Transition the education ministry to make it life-empowering.
Lead the church to decide to relocate.
Locate new property for the relocation.
Pay for property. [Get the money while cunningly deceiving about the PURPOSE]
Plan for a new facility.
Raise funds for the new facility.
Lead the church to change its name in preparation for the relocation.
Launch in-home community groups
Each of these stages in our transition involved multiple steps that necessarily included ownership of the change by the people of the church.
Graciously Release Those Members Who Choose To Leave [Their property]
(Luke 9:5; 1 John 2:19)
You must remember that the transition will not please everyone - that would be impossible. Do not abandon your vision to appease a person or even a group of persons who choose to leave. God will send other leaders to take their place.
Jimmy Cantrel notes of a professor teaching Gramsci:
He then explained what the long march through the institutions entailed. He said weaving was the best way to grasp the picture. A weaver uses a loom to spin threads that crisscross and thus connect and tighten the entire cloth. The weaver who makes a mistake may unweave, may slowly back out his weaving, in order to correct, after which he will weave toward completion.
The young professor informed us that Gramsci's long march through the institutions was cultural weaving. The progressive cultural warrior against traditional values (which, we were assured, are backwardly racist and sexist --
homophobic was yet to become the third part of the Cultural Marxist creed of nebulously defined philosophies / theologies / attitudes to
hate in the names of Tolerance and Diversity) was to weave into existing institutions, slowly exposing their members to progressive ideas and language.
See John York and Rubel Shelly on the HOMOPHOBIC big lie.
John York also topple over the Exodus by claiming that their worship was a PATTERN for worship and community. Community means COMMUNE and end-time harlot churches are rushing to call themselves The Family of God.
When the more repressive members (for all those who fail to accept progressive views are by leftist definition repressive) catch on and cause a ruckus,
the progressive cultural warrior should deny, preferably without lying outright, and slowly weave back to make peace.
When the storm dies down, the progressive cultural warrior is to begin the weaving process again.
Eventually, the weaving in and out, with each re-weaving going deeper into the whole cloth, will mean that progressives will be so deeply entrenched in institutions that even if they announce their intentions to use those institutions to remake society totally,
they could be removed from the cloth only by ripping it and leaving it incapable of being repaired.
Take a look at churches. Progressives promoting various heresies (women pastors / presbyters/ priests, divorce-remarriage at will, the moral neutrality of abortion and homosexual practice, Universalism under the guise of tolerance, the Social Gospel [which germinates socialism],
turning worship services into pop culture entertainment and / or pop psychology feel-good sessions, Dispensational Pre-Millennialism and the concomitant Zionism [the modern aspect of the Judaizing heresy], etc.) were hard at work weaving in virtually
all denominations by the 1960s and have been successful in moving churches hard left in short order. And many of those change agents in churches used, and continue to use, the language of weaving to describe their work and to train their followers.
To Wit: Lynn Anderson: A few songs included clapping and one or two worshipers actually lifted holy hands." Several short Scripture readings moved quickly from one reader to the next, climaxing in a congregational responsive reading.
If you get into trouble?
Lynn Anderson: "People cannot endure sustained disequilibrium! Here is where most eye-on-the-goal, can't -wait-for-the-plodders style of change agents mess up.
They push people into acute disequilibrium and hold them there till an explosion comes. So, what to do! "
so, what to do? Why, just like in Neo-paganism, you:
"Weave! Alternate between safety and disequilibrium. Teach new ideas a while, stretching your church out beyond comfort zones and into fresh thinking...Bend but don't break!
Employ prayerful brinkmanship!
The commercial ZOE group:
This is explained as: "To live in a quantum world, to weave here and there with ease and grace, we will need to change what we do.
Mark says that BAPTISM is the corner or the beginning point of the GOSPEL. The change agents have Satan as a father and therefore lying is their prefered practice. Mark 1 quotes Malachi 3 where God will send one to prepare the way for one to WASH US AS WITH FULLER'S SOAP. Their rejection of baptim MARKS them as Satanic agents: vipers or demons hate DRY AND ARID PLACES.
Cantrel quotes: Drawing on the extensive experience of the CIA in such pranks, Luttwak says that "a coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus,
which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder."
True coupsters "want to seize power within the present system" [his italics], then use the existing lines of authority and habits of obedience inherent in legitimate government to advance their own illegitimate aims.
What is a "closet change agent"? When asked this question, John Waddey responded as follows: "A change agent is a false teacher within the brotherhood of Churches of Christ who is not content to follow the faith and practice of Christianity as set forth in the pages of the New Testament. He or she therefore works to convince our brethren that they should adopt changes in their faith, worship and practice that will be more acceptable to the world of the 21st century. The adjective 'closet' means they operate undercover, or covertly to accomplish their evil purposes."
Kenneth Sublett has stated in a recent post, "End Time Serpents with Horns": "We have NOTED SEVERAL times that the band of CHANGE AGENTS all WRITE (Scribes) and they all endorse and sell one another's books. Even events such as the recent "Look to the Hills" are the prophetic TRAFFICKING. This fulfills the first century and the present Satan sending out a FLOOD of waters trying to wash the Word and Church off the earth. [Many] churches are involved in the same thing on a lesser scale: sending out sermonic renderings and new style a cappella praise music to SEDATE. These are Apollo's LOCUSTS whichever wing they fly on."
Sublett states further: "There is now a FLOOD of new books. It suggests that the Accusers of the Church are in a TRAFFICKING pattern to make money and ACCUSE the brethren who pay their UNLAWFUL wages. It works, as Paul might say, 'because fools love to be fooled.'"
John Waddey states: "The most prominent of our self-appointed 'agents of change' is Bro. RUBEL SHELLY of Nashville, TN." MAX LUCADO of the Oak Hills Church (formerly Oak Hills Church of Christ) is one of the prominent CHANGE AGENTS in the church today. His website describes him in "UpWords" (his teaching ministry) as a prolific writer "with more than 28 million books in print." Other influential leaders of the change movement are Joe Beam, Lynn Anderson, Jeff Walling, Mike Cope, Terry Rush, and Marvin Phillips. There are others.
Waddey cites examples of who they are in his article "Little Men":
Men who do harm to the body of Christ while being supported to build it up.
Men who claim to be helping the church while fomenting chaos and strife within.
Men who rush forward to offer a fix for the problems they themselves have created.
They offer staff services to help churches resolve the conflicts caused by their changes.
Men who seek to build their status and influence by bashing and
attempting to discredit the godly preachers who blazed the trail before them and built the congregations where they now serve.
Men whose teaching and practice lowers respect for the authority of God's Word.
Men who refuse to recognize and honor the church of Christ as the body of Christ.
Men who think they know more about how to worship God than did Christ . . .
Men who undertake to change the unchangeable kingdom of Christ.
Men who presume that the new is better than the old in the realm of faith.
They care nothing for the old paths (Jer. 6:16).
They are like the pagan Athenians, always searching for something new or different.
Men who'd rather not speak boldly of Christ as the "founder" of the church of Christ.
Men who prefer to speak of Campbell and Stone as founders of their denomination.
Men whose favorite word is "grace" to mean salvation without obeying its conditions.
Men who love to speak of "freedom" to ignore Bible teachings on worship restrictions.
Men who love freedom to fellowship and be accepted by denominational bodies.
Men who speak of "patternism" as a sarcastic put down of the brethren true to God's pattern.
Men who thirst for an emotion-based worship in the electronic churches of the televangelists.
Change agents operate on faulty assumptions, John Waddey avers:
That they have discovered a more spiritual kind of religion now than before.
That only they know, understand and appreciate the grace of God.
That only they understand the blessings / benefits of the Holy Spirit's indwelling.
That our concept is "restoration" of a specific congregation from 1st century.
That they have discovered a new and superior approach to Bible interpretation.
With that they claim to have found the true nature of the church.
In reality, it is the old, emotion-based, subjective approach of Protestantism.
Their Bible is a story book, serving only as a source for quotes for sermons,
but not for regulating / guiding the faith, worship & practice of the church.
That we are only interested in the doctrines and practices of the church.
That we are not truly dedicated to Christ and trying to be like him--they are.
That we are narrow, bigoted, and legalistic--they're not.
That we claim that we are a perfect church. (Do you claim that?)
That we claim that we have attained complete compliance with every aspect
of Christ's will for us. (Do you claim that?)
That we have misunderstood the way men are to be saved.
That we should be labeled "traditionalists" for our unwillingness to change.
When the truth is this: it is not change that we reject; . . .
Rather, we reject unlawful departure from God's authorized Word and way.
When we are willing to change non-essentials (NOT substance or nature), as:
The hour, the length or the order of services É
Trying new songs or new hymnals É
Considering different methods of observing a communion service É
Accepting names for the church as long as they are all biblical É
without dismissing or discrediting the name of Christ, its head
When we do not consider "apostolic" traditions such "other" traditions as:
A tradition of a one hour worship service--that can change
A tradition that calls for half hour sermons--that can change
A tradition that expects a preacher to wear a coat and tie--that can change
A tradition that we wear shoes to church--that can change
A tradition that our meeting houses are built accordingly--that can change
That they can promote their changes without making one realize that TO DO SO:
The concept of restoring the original New Testament church is abandoned.
The changes advocated were not a part of the original church.
Ties are severed with those noble saints who went before us.
The faith and preaching of those predecessors would be incompatible with
the advocates of change É Like oil and water they would not mix É
Changes proposed will make the congregation one of 1200 denominations.
You are alienated / out of fellowship with simple Christians--churches of Christ.
The faith once delivered to the saints is abandoned.
Participation in causing division in the body of Christ is a fearful thought.
Donnie Cruz continues: Change agents are committed to change the church of Christ
Please see the upcoming post: "ASSESSMENT TIME: EVALUATE THE AGENTS' CHANGES DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR CONGREGATION." The list of changes will reveal more of the characteristics and activities of change agents infiltrating, subverting the truth, fostering schism and acquiring your congregation. A careful examination of the list of changes will help pinpoint or isolate the SPECIFIC CHANGES that have caused "casualties"--expected or unexpected--in a particular congregation.
Below is a compiled list taken from various sources, especially from various articles written by John Waddey. The list of changes will reveal more of the characteristics and activities of change agents infiltrating, subverting the truth, fostering schism and eventually acquiring your congregation. The purpose here is to have a means by which a congregation in transition or "transformation" stage may be evaluated in terms of the extent of progress made or the lack thereof. Churches vary in the level or depth of implementation of the Community Church scheme for church growth. For example, a congregation may adopt only a small segment from the list. But that segment may pinpoint or isolate the factors that have caused a church to grow or dwindle.
May I suggest that you print the list and mark only the items that, to the best of your knowledge, are applicable to your congregation's situation. An honest personal evaluation may assist in determining where your congregation stands on particular conflicts and issues.
Agents of change are busy rewriting our church history to: . . .
Paint a different picture of the goals and intentions of our forefathers and
Wish to cast their efforts as a "unity movement" and
Depict them as seeking fellowship with and not rejecting denominationalism
Prominent change agents are invited by churches and schools as guest speakers:
Rubel Shelly, Max Lucado, Lynn Anderson, Jeff Walling, Joe Beam, etc.
Interlopers must be resolved not to leave; others against change must leave
Interlopers are not obligated to start their own from scratch
Young people are the future of the church; their needs must be met with urgency
Homebuilders (parents in their 30's & 40's) are the key to a successful program
Transition is a long-range mission accomplished after passing of older generation
Their goal is conquest and dominance of the entire brotherhood
Their scheme is to first transform large congregations
They insure that buildings, facilities and property are not acquired until fully paid
They insure that the subverted will not overthrow their schemes and plans
They are never to admit being false teachers so as not to be rejected
They resort to warning the non-accepting brethren to "get over it"
They claim to be helping the church to disguise their fomented chaos and strife
They rush forward to offer a fix to disguise problems they have created
They send a team to resolve conflicts caused by their changes
They advocate that leading and guidance emanate from the Holy Spirit
They label the unwilling to submit as narrow, bigoted, legalistic and Pharisaical
They label the unwilling to submit as "traditionalists" and them as "progressives"
They accuse the unwilling to submit as claiming to be the perfect church
They claim to have found the true nature of the church
They abandon the concept of restoring the original New Testament church
They preach that the absence of a "thou shalt not" means a practice is condoned
They sever ties with our predecessors as much as possible; discredit their efforts
They label the unwilling to submit as the ones inconsiderate and without love
They emphasize "fellowshipping" [among the sects]; "brotherhood" is exclusive???
They share fellowship with denominational preachers, churches and events
They do not refer to "the Lord's church"--that is being exclusive of others
They do not refer to the church as the kingdom and also to the reign of Christ
They refer to the church only as "our faith tradition" just as others have theirs
They define "freedom" as a way to ignore Bible teachings on worship restrictions
They feel extended "brotherhood" should encompass the Christian Churches
They implement a market-driven program to provide what people want or seek
They divide an existing congregation so as to implement the "community" model
They have less contact and fellowship with mainline churches of Christ
A superior way of "doing church" has been discovered
Those over 50 are stubborn, close-minded and impervious to change
The church of Christ of the Restoration Movement is just another denomination
Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone founded the "Church of Christ"
The church of Christ is a real, bona fide, but pitiful denomination
The church of Christ is the poorest of the evangelical denominations
Ties with those noble saints who went before us are severed
The faith and preaching of predecessors are incompatible with those of change
Men of Restoration were imperfect men and often taught erroneously
Dismiss or discredit the biblical name "church of Christ"
Despise and ridicule Christ's church and make it irrelevant
De-emphasize the glory and honor to Christ, the head and founder
The name "church of Christ" is offensive to denominational groups
Crave acceptance with neighbors of the evangelical churches
Do not want to bear the stigma of being exclusive from the denominations
Mask from the community any affiliation with other churches of Christ
Choose the model of being a "non-denominational" community church.
Prefer to identify with other groups rather than with your own brethren
One motive is to place little or no emphasis on doctrinal loyalty
Open to exchange, substitute or employ ministers from other denominations
Allow acceptance of denominational churches as in good standing with God
Encourage fellowship with denominational bodies
The trend or direction is away from New Testament Christianity
Transform congregations into charismatic, denominational churches
Accept the new status of the church of Christ as a denomination
Celebrate Jesus' birthday, like it or not; observe the Christmas pagan holiday
Celebrate the "special" annual resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday
Celebrate and observe the Halloween
Make Valentine's Day a church event--apart from but similar to a social event
Do not be publicly identified as a church with exclusive beliefs
The Saddleback manual, "The Purpose-Driven Church" is a must-have resource
Bible study materials may be obtained from denominational sources
Be not concerned about the NIV version--a translational dialogue to consensus.
Church leaders should choose the NIV translation of the Bible for public reading
Teachers should choose the NIV translation of the Bible (if used) in studies
The New Testament is not the ultimate and absolute authority in faith matters
Question the Bible's inerrancy, its verbal inspiration and its authority
The New Testament should not be viewed as a law to be obeyed.
The New Testament should be viewed as a love letter from God to His children
Church leaders should implement a Covenant of Membership--Saddleback model which is the Purpose Driven Cult. (You must be guided into deeper levels and sign a COVENANT before you can enter the next level of "church membership)
Use drama as a learning tool with made up (non-factual) stories to entertain
Do less teaching directly from the scriptures as that would be too boring
"Shepherds" rather than "elders" is the preferred way to identify the leaders. "Shepherds" guide the SENIOR PREACHER who is THE LEADER by virtue of his charisma and education in a stolen, once Christian college.
New concepts of leadership for the congregation may be experimented.
One approach to a new and improved leadership is by "hierarchical" design. This includes the Tower of Babylon pyramidal structure. This end time SECT has priests, prophets, soothsayers, exhorists, singers and musicians who were temple prostitutes.
Use a different kind of leadership model than "authoritarian" elders
Define the role of women in the larger context of the biblical witness
Dispute the passages that relegate women to a silent role
Allow women to assume leadership roles and positions in the life of the church
Allow women to serve as deaconesses, as ministers or preachers
Allow older women to teach classes with baptized young men present
It is not necessary to worship according to the New Testament pattern
Change in worship content is excusable: because people like it
Change in worship content is excusable: because young people demand it
Change in worship content is excusable: because it feels so wonderful
Change in worship content is excusable: where does the Bible forbid it?
It should be an entertaining experience
It should be based on emotion and popular opinion or practice
Model emotion-based worship from the electronic churches of televangelists
Use the excuse of "the audience of one" when musical worship is criticized
Emphasize casualness in worship as a sign of being accepting
Greatly emphasize "self," including one's own feelings and emotions in worship
The Old Testament with its old laws is no less important to us than the New
Provide the "traditional" and "contemporary" worship service alternatives
Shorten the sermon; include more "religious" jokes or irrelevant funny stories
Sermons may now end with an invitation to accept Christ by faith to be saved
Tithing in Old Testament is binding on New Testament Christians
Applaud the new convert after baptism as an outward show of rejoicing
It won't be long when there's applause after the Communion
Musical worship must be strongly emphasized
The human-designated WORSHIP LEADER is now a high-level position ($90,000.00 of the hard working peoples EXTORTION With HALAL at West End in Nashville)
The worship leader should initiate the handclapping on stage after a song
The worship leader should encourage rhythmic handclapping while singing
Allow the use of musical instruments in worship
Allow the use of choirs, solos, duets, trios, quartets
The choir must dominate the musical worship with excellent performances
The choir must rehearse all parts of the musical worship in order to perform well
The choir--not the congregation--must learn the new songs first
The choir must deliver the music; the congregation may join in the singing
For the transitioning church of Christ, the choir should be called "Praise Team" [Praise singing is one of the oldest pagan superstition. The performers ASSISTED the gods in preventing the failure of earth processes]
Music should be sometimes so complex that only the Praise Team can perform
Praise songs and choruses should be "upbeat" to induce handclapping
Use rhythmic, programmed handclapping to convey message of joy
Use lifting of hand in prayer and singing to signify reaching up in praise
Applaud after an exciting and cheering song has been sung
Discourage the use of a hymn book and focus attention (worship) to the worship leader
Discourage the use of a hymn book by not giving enough time to open it
Avoid hymns unless there's a "praise" song for the communion
Avoid hymns unless there's a "praise" song for the invitation
Avoid hymns unless they're new and hymn books may be opened then
Avoid hymns unless they're new and the Praise Team can perform them
The sacred meal can be mixed with a common or fellowship or pot luck meal (with pork still in the teeth. Rubel Shelly vows that Jesus would enjoy a barbecue meal with us.)
The feast may be observed on another day not ordained by God
Frequency of observance may be monthly, quarterly as the denominations do
It is not only a sacred memorial of the death of Christ
It is also to be observed as a "joyful celebration"
It is also the occasion or a means of "fellowshipping" one with another
There should be some story telling and human testimonies to be meaningful
Praise Team members must be skilled during the partaking of the Communion:
while singing or humming, clapping, holding the microphone and sheet music
and remembering Christ's suffering, crucifixion and death
Salvation is by grace through faith or by faith alone
Deemphasize and deride the steps necessary for salvation
De-emphasize the importance of baptism
Baptism is no longer for the purpose of remitting sins
Accept the Baptist doctrine of baptism as an after-the-fact ritual [Believer's baptism originated as faith only by Zwingli in 1525)
Baptism is the first act of obedience after being saved by faith
Only accept the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and be saved
Follow the confession by praying the "sinner's prayer" and be saved
Worship "in spirit" should mean being "charismatic" in today's language [Jesus said that worship is in the new PLACE of the human spirit as opposed to temples or buildings made with human hands.]
The holy Spirit of God or of Christ "directly" influences the individual Christian (speaks AUDIBLY to Rubel Shelly etal)
The holy Spirit of God or of Christ "directly" influences "the congregation"
We must listen to the Holy Spirit for a call or whisper
The indwelling of God's Spirit makes a Christian "charismatic"
Being "spirit-filled" means being "charismatic" in today's language
Music, although not listed in the Corinthian letter, is considered a spiritual gift
Miracles, similar to those performed during the apostolic era, still exist today
Speaking in tongues, contrary to I Corinthians 13, has not "ceased" yet
Hold the Pentecostal view of another baptism--that of the Holy Spirit
Perform "speaking in tongues" in public prayer as a testimony
Christianity Then and Now. John Waddey major identifier of the MARKS of change agents.
Donnie Cruz: Concerned Members who collected these views.
This list specifically posted by Donnie Here
This list will be updated as time goes on. We have many links of articles on the internet which specificially identify these Satani attacks put into place.
A key MARK is that whereas instrumentalits BECAUSE the SECTARIANS in the Restoration movement, the BAND OF MERRY MEN rejoice in LYING and claiming that those who were FORCED out of their property were GUILTY because they allowed themselves to having "the church house of widows" to be stolen by lyers, cheaters, thieves and liars. Hm! Apollo or Abaddon or Apollyon of the book of Revelation is Satan. He looses the LOCUSTS or "musical performers." They also wear the HORNS which speak specificially of the perverted musical instruments of the little pervert, Pan, who is the mountain-ranging god looking for another male to sodomize.
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