The Church Fathers See how "calling on the name of the lord" in Genesis is seen as the beginning of musical idolatry. We have collected some of the great scholars who agree. Click to Read.
- Plato
- Cratylus meaning and change of Attic words. See also Clement on Pedagogue I
The Church Fathers On The Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Instrumental Music, Paganism, Idolatry, Greek Influences and other important statements by the early theologians.
Our Hohenwald Church Topical Research
TimeLIne and History NotesArnobius
On Instrumental Music, Tongues and Idolatry
Arnobius Against the Heathen. (Adversus Gentes)
Book I, [scant contributions] Book II, Book III, Book IV, Book V, Book VI, Book VII (Dung Sacrifices)
- FathArnoHeresII.html
Athenagoras 180
- A Plea for the Christians (Cretans liars)
- The Nature of the Tinity
- Augustine
- On the Morals of the Manichaeans
- Psalm 41 Judas Will Not Triumph over Jesus
- Dead Sea Scrolls Version of Psalm 41
- Psalm 71
- Psalm 106 The Exodus Pattern
- Psalm 144
- Psalm 149 Literal Musical Warfare Replaced
- The Sabbath Anti Manichaean Sabbath
- Sermons
- Sermon LVI (CVI) Tithing, Cleansing and Babtism
Barnabas 100? Epistle of Barnabas, Christian exegesis of LXX (AF = Apostolic Fathers)
Basil and The Holy Spirit
The Book: Fathers of the Church : Saint Basil : Letters, Volume 1 (1-185) by Agnes Clare Way (Translator)
- The Trinity is One God
- Boethius - Consolation of Philosophy 1 - Music or the Truth
- Book II
- Book III
- Book IV
- Book V
On Line Texts
- Basil the Great Spiritual Worship De Spiritu Sancto 9
- Basil the Great Baptism De Spiritu Sancto 14 - 15
- Basil the Great Holy Spirit - Trinity De Spiritu Sancto 2-10
Dio Chrysostom (Lcl, 257) by J. W. Cohoon (Translator)
Chrysostom Articles on this site:
- Homily I, Worship Drama, Music, Dance or Christ?
- Homily II, Trinity, Sophists, Philosophers
- Homily IV Fortitude and Patience: Jobe and the Three in Babylon
- Homily VII: Stephen Against the Temple "Still No Temple"
- Homily VIII: First Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy
- Homily IX In Colossians Paul Not "singing" but "teaching and admonishing."
- Homily XII 1 Cor 1:4. Singing and piping
- Homily XIX Ephesians 5 on singing the Words of Christ
- Homily XXIX. Spiritual Gifts Romans 12
- Homily XXXI Matthew 9:18 Healing the Girl
- Homily XVII. the MARK of the Law imposed because of musical Idolatry.
- Homily XLVIII Performing Ministers - John Chrysostom, Matthew 13:53
- Tom Burgess on Chrysostom and Instrumental Music in Worship 11/11/04
Letter I: An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall.
Clement of Alexandria
Our Commentary:
- Exhortation to the Heathen
- Clement Of Alexandria: Instructor Book I
- On Eating and Drinking Instructor Book II
- On True Beauty, going to church Book III
- Clement of Alexandria: Baptism and the Holy Spirit Instructor Book VI
- Clement of Alexandria: Literal Blood?Book VIb
- Clement Of Alexandria: Unless You Drink My Blood Instructor X
Clement: Recognitions, the Post Flood Beginning of musical idolatry
- Homily VIII Fallen Angels and Giants
- Homily IX How Demons Control Men
- Exhortation to the Heathen Total
- Clement of Alexandria Music Drama Idolatry
- Alfred T. DeGroot on the Instructor
- Recognitions of Clement on music and idolatry Book IV
- Stromata Book I New 11/26/2K
Stromata Book V New 1/14/02 8/11/03 The symbols of the Tabernacle
Stromata Book VII 7.07.08
- Stromata on Sophists FathClemStromSophists.html
- Professional Preachers FathClemStromProfessional.html
- Utility of Written Compositions FathClemStromFathNotAll.html Ch1
Clement of Rome
Clement of Rome to Corinth Unless You Drink My Blood FathClemRomeCor.html
Clementine Homilies
- Clementine Homily VIII Fallen Angels and Demons
- Clementine Homily IX How Demons get control of men
- Clementine Homily XI Peter at Tripolis
- To Euchratius about an Actor
- The Shows
Ephraim Syrus
- The Pearl-Seven Hymns of faith
- Hymns and Homilies
- On Our Lord
Eusebius Church History
Gregory of Nyssa 390 Gregory of Nyssa, Didymus of Alex.; church fathers
Gregory Nazianzen, " Julian the Emperor" (1888). Oration 5: Second Invective Against Julian. 2.12.05 radical condemnation of music as worship
Oration XXXIX Oration on the Holy Lights 2.12.05
Our Commentary:
- Gregory of Nyssa to Ablabius - On Not Three Gods 1/13/00
- Gregory of Nyssa Trinity and the Godhead 1/12/00
- Gregory of Nyssa Holy Spirit Against Macedonius 1/12/00
Gregory Thaumaturgus
Hermas, Shepherd of
- Full Document
- Defining the Elect as the Church
Musical Heresy -- The Satan Connection Book IV
Hippolytus The Refutation of All Heresies Book V.
Fragments of Hippolytus
Ignatius d. c 110
Epistle to the Ephesians Notes on the Holy Spirit and the nature of "singing."
Online Commentary:
- Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I
- Irenaeus Against Heresies Book II
- Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III
- Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
- Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V
Against Heresies and Speaking in Tongues
Justin Martyr
Second Apology
- Dialogue of Justin Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew
- Justin's Hortatory Address to the Greeks
- Why Christian Worship is not Jewish Worship
The Didache
Preachers, THE DIDACHE, Prophets, Pay, Baptism
- Divine Institutes I
- Divine Institutes II The Origin of Error
- The Trinity Book IV, Chapt XXIX
- True Worship IV
Origin 254
- The Gospel of John Book I
- Origen de Principiis
Against Celsum Book 1Paul and Thecla - Paul's "appearance"
170 Tatian produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by blending 4 "Western" text-type Gospels into 1
Tatian to the Greeks, Demons, Spirit, Soul, Predestination, Idolatry
Lucian of Samosata (Supplimental to Fathers)
- Alexander the Oracle Monger
- Lucian Explanation of Psallo and Instrumental Worship
- Lucian and Authority
- Our Commentary:
- Tertullian The Apology
- Tertullian and the Fall of Women
- Tertullian - The Shows, or De Spectaculis - Showtime "Worship"
- Tertullian -The Trinity of God, His Wisdom and His Word
- Tertullian: Appendix. Against All Heresies
- Tertullian (155-220) Necessity of Baptism To Salvation 10/21/2K
- Total Document12/5/02
- 130-200
- "Christian Apologists" writings against Roman Paganism by: Justin Martyr
- (165), Athenagoras (180?), Aristides (145?), Theophilus of Antioch (185?),
- Tatian (170), Quadratus (130?), Melito of Sardis (180?), Apollinaris of
- Hierapolis (180?), also Epistle to Diognetus in Apostolic Fathers
Theophilus of Antioch to Autolycus
- Trinity: God, His Word and His Wisdom
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- The Creation of the world Rev 11/11/04
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