Matthew 7

JUDGE not, that ye be not judged. Matthew 7:1.  Ronnie Norman of First Colony Church of Christ is in the midst of imposing instrumental music into a Church of Christ. This is one of several like-minded preachers who have adopted the false views promoted by the NACC based on out of context mentions of "instruments" under the curse of the Monarchy and the sacrificial system imposed BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.

See Jay Guin on the nature of the Kingdom permits musical instruments.

In the midst of adducing the overflow of proof and depending on Rick Atchley's sermons, he ha stopped to discuss what seems from a first listen these points;
  1. A well-done defense of depending on the Bible and loving the Bible.
  2. Discussing the genre and lack of chronological sequence in the Old
  3. A defense of his love and deep knowledge of the Bible.
  4. A claim that the staff will be 7:24
  5.  Matthew 7 to prove that we (they, us) must not judge.
Number 4 has been the emphasis of others where the "leadership" (normally the senior minister) has claimed the Holy Spirit's leadership to violate "teaching that which has been taught" and doing assemby by speaking/singing "that which is written." Because of the "navigating the winds of change" certain knowledge that great discord will be created, others have warned the lambs not to question what the "Lord" is guiding them to do.

Because Matthew 7 was planned to be studied by the "staff" on the topic of "judge not" it seems obvious that the targets and has been shifted FROM the Scribes and Pharisees TO the congregation or anyone called upon to supply Biblical defense against what is probably just one dominant leader(ess).  Because of God's promsie of sending strong delusions to those who don't really know the Bible, it seems obvious that the context and story line has been ignored or unknown.  Perhaps as a SIGN, Matthew is consistent with the whole Bible in repudiating the use of music and with the Greek literature identifies it as sorcery or soothsaying.

Those who ventured out in a "lined up sequence" used Old Testament "snippets" which speak if musical instruments to claim that God COMMANDS INSTRUMENTAL PRAISE and that we would be DISOBEDIENT if we did not use instruments.  However, all of the Old Testament mention of instruments identify the serpent in the garden of Eden as a Musical Enchater(ess), Lucifer called that "singing and harp playing prostitute" in the garden, musical loss of grace at Mount Sinai, IMPOSED animal slaughter with exorcism noise--never called music-- panic-driving warrior Levites, prostitutes and Sodomites. Click to discuss or refute.

Ronnie speaks of a non-chronological Old Testament and defines the different genres of literature.  However, in ALL of those types we see warrior instruments as part of a Gentile-like temple as a curse and MOST of the Prophets--speaking by the Spirit OF Christ--radically condemning instruments as the MARK of people who had refused to listen to the Word and therefore went into captivity.  As Ronnie Norman says that Nehemiah should be the last book in the Old Testament, it is interesting that he denies that the King-Clergy-Temple system was by God's command but was imposed because of their sins. He concludes that they were all robbers and PARASITES who stole their inheritance.


Both the cymbal beating Levites and the psaltery-players are the typical male clergy performing as females as later falsetto or castrated a cappella fellas in the Catholic church and the "new style praise singing from old style Babylon."
5961 Alamowth, al-aw-moth´; plural of 5959; properly, girls, i.e. the soprano or female voice, perhaps falsetto:--Alamoth.  5959.   almah, al-maw´; feminine of 5958; a lass (as veiled or private):—damsel, maid, virgin.

That is why we see David wearing the Ephod (from a feminine garment) going naked and boasting about making himself vile (the praise word) with the servant girls:

1Chr. 15:29 And it came to pass, as the ark of the covenant of the LORD came to the city of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul looking out at a window saw king David dancing and playing: and she despised him in her heart.
Explaining Niceta Markus notes:

Or lyric poetry, which requires not a reader, but a chorus and a harp-accompaniment? They will respond that in these instances recitation has been established by custom.

In fact, behind the criticisms of the epic recital often lie issues about the performance of gender and social status.

In that regard, epic's position is parallel to that of rhetoric. Beginning with Aristotle's Rhetorica (1404a), critics of rhetorical performance have ascribed to lively delivery the same effect as that of acting. There is a persistent association between theatrics, bad rhetoric and effeminacy.

His testimony is important as it formulates general expectations about epic performance while at the same time shows that epic can always slide into an effeminate mode of presentation.

Epic's social image as a genre that glorifies male heroism has to be consistent with its mode of performance.

For Dionysius Thrax, the voice pitched to perform elegy or lyric is inappropriate because of the incongruity it creates between the epic content and its performance.

"We shut ourselves up and write something grand--sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose--something that will take a vast amount of breath to pant out. This stuff you will some day read aloud to the public, combed, with a new toga, all in white, even with a birthday sardonyx gem on your finger; you shall read from a high chair having first lubricated your throat with a delicate wash, with an effeminate leer in your eye.

These comments look at the "parabolic" messages of Jesus spoken to hide the truth from those who did not love the truth (Matthew 13). Therefore, we will look at the message of PASSING JUDGMENT and its application to the audacity of opposing the NEW STYLE WORSHIP which was new in the garden of Eden.

We have the duty to "test the spirits" and do righteous judgment. Jesus wants us to know that whatever test we use will be used against us. That is fair but it means that we had better use the WORDS of Christ for faith and practice if we are going to claim ownership of the warning against judging.

The TEST of Jesus as the SON was to speak only what He heard from the FATHER. People judged Jesus and He didn't mind because He spoke the Word and the Word passed judgment upon Word-Haters and He was willing to be tested by the Word.

JUDGING OTHERS POINTS DIRECTLY TO USING PHYSICAL MEANS TO TRY TO MAKE SPIRITUAL CHANGES:  Speaking of the speakers, singers and instrument players John called that SORCERY.

JUDGING by those determined to sow masive discord so that THEY can employ music and drama as the major INSTRUMENTS of sorcery to keep those who REMAIN in line including: "Don't speak to the elders" in many places.

It is not uncommon for the musical take-over agents to lie, cheat, steal and "go to law" in the sense of getting the bylaws prohibiting instrumental music changed to permit it and other things. This happens in musical churches where Christianity Today notes that one Methodist church in Birmingham has FIVE MUSICAL SECTS meeting in the same building.

The owners of the property are being JUDGED. In the same way, agents gloat over using "infiltratin and diversion" to change the "worship rituals" which they know will "steal the church houses of widows" and are condemned as judging because they take overt (but covert) physical control knowing that they will eject you from membership--if (ha, ha) you don't die first.

However, it is not likely that using lots of Biblical and historical evidence to prove that MUSIC as worship is paganism would be considered by Jesus as HIGH HANDED FORCE which others use to steal the property of people or to make "worship" impossible.

Partial chapter: I will fill in the blanks

To say "We should not judge" is a false reading of inspiration. There are several topics in this chapter.

Matt. 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2919.  krino, kree´-no; properly, to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn, punish:  avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine, esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question, sentence to, think.

Passing judgment is not speaking against false teaching but it is a violent word:

Krino (g2919) kree'-no; prop. to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by impl. to try, condemn, punish: - avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine, esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question, sentence to, think..

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. Mt.5:40

krinô  3. pass sentence upon, condemn, D.19.232:-- Pass., to be judged, condemned, kakourgou . . esti krithent' apothanein Id.4.47 ; mê krinete, hina mê krithête Ev.Matt.7.1 ; the judgement of a court,  

Demosthenes On the Embassy 19. [232] With this example before his eyes, who, men of Athens, will ever wish to prove himself an honest man, or to go on embassy for nothing, 
        if he is neither to make money nor to be held more worthy of your confidence
        than those who have made money?
Today you are not merely
adjudging this case: you are legislating for all future time
        whether every ambassador is basely to serve your enemies for hire,
        or without fee or bribe to give his best service to you.

Judging means to exercise some overt control over people including private interpretation or expounding in the ekklesia and therefore extends to the church:


2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy;
        whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, [Paul's only worship concept]
        as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
        until the day dawn, and the
day star arise in your hearts:

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Epilusis (g1955)ep-il'-oo-sis; from 1956; explanation, i.e. application: - interpretation.

Epiluo (g1956) ep-ee-loo'-o; from 1909 and 3089; to solve further, i.e. (fig.) to explain, decide: - determine, expound. Epi-lusis,  2. solution, sophismatôn S.E.P.2.246 ; explanation, 2 Ep.Pet.1.20

Soph-isma , atos, to, A. acquired skill, method, in medicine, II. clever device, mêchanaomai, ingenious contrivance, rhêtorikês,  Pi.O.13.1
MECHANE 3.theatrical machine by which gods, etc., were made to appear in the air, II. any artificial means or contrivance for doing a thing, crate an arousal or epephanês
Māchĭnāmentum  I.a machine, engine; an instrument, organ
Orgănum , i, n., = organon, Of musical instruments, a pipe, Quint. 11, 3, 20; 9, 4, 10; Juv. 6, 3, 80; Vulg. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,

Krino II. pick out, choose 2.bring to trial, accuse, D.2.29, 18.15, 19.233; k. thanatou judge (in matters) of life and death 5. expound, interpret in a particular way, to enupniont [vision] autêi ekrinan Hdt. 1.120 , cf. 7.19, A.Pr.485, etc.:--in Med., ho gerôn ekrinat' oneirous Il. 5.150

Heredotus 1.CXX. Thus Astyages punished Harpagus. But, to help him to decide about Cyrus, he summoned the same Magi who had interpreted his dream as I have said

Dikazô II. Med., of the party, plead one's cause, go to law, 2. to d. forensic speaking, Arist.Rh.1354b26 , cf. Antipho2.2.12, often performed in the ekklêsi-azô , Ekklesia 

Arist.Rh.1354b26 Aristotle, Rhetoric 1.1.1 It is further evident that it belongs to Rhetoric to discover the real and apparent means of persuasion, just as it belongs to Dialectic to discover the real and apparent syllogism. For what makes the sophist is not the faculty but the moral purpose. But there is a difference: in Rhetoric, one who acts in accordance with sound argument, and one who acts in accordance with moral purpose, (20) are both called rhetoricians; but in Dialectic it is the moral purpose that makes the sophist, the dialectician being one whose arguments rest, not on moral purpose but on the faculty.

Sophis-tês A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28 , cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistês . . parapaiôn chelun

A. Heredotus 2.XLIX. Now then, it seems to me that Melampus son of Amytheon was not ignorant of but was familiar with this sacrifice. For Melampus was the one who taught the Greeks the name of Dionysus and the way of sacrificing to him and the phallic procession; he did not exactly unveil the subject taking all its details into consideration, for the teachers who came after him made a fuller revelation; but it was from him that the Greeks learned to bear the phallus along in honor of Dionysus, and they got their present practice from his teaching. [2] I say, then, that Melampus acquired the prophetic art, being a discerning man, and that, besides many other things which he learned from Egypt, he also taught the Greeks things concerning Dionysus, altering few of them; for I will not say that what is done in Egypt in connection with the god and what is done among the Greeks originated independently: for they would then be of an Hellenic character and not recently introduced. [3] Nor again will I say that the Egyptians took either this or any other custom from the Greeks. But I believe that Melampus learned the worship of Dionysus chiefly from Cadmus of Tyre and those who came with Cadmus from Phoenicia to the land now called Boeotia.

Pindar, Isthmian 1.5. I have come with the Graces for the sons of Lampon [22] to this well-governed city. If Aegina turns her steps to the clear road of god-given deeds, then do not grudge [25] to mix for her in song a boast that is fitting recompense for toils. In heroic times, too, fine warriors gained fame, and they are celebrated with lyres and flutes in full-voiced harmonies [28] for time beyond reckoning. Heroes who are honored by the grace of Zeus provide a theme for skilled poets:

B. Skilled in art

Sophos  but in this sense mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; enkitharai s. E.IT1238 (lyr.), cf. Ar.Ra.896 (lyr.), etc.; têntechnên -ôteros ib.766; peritiPl.Lg.696c ; glôssêi s. S.Fr.88.10; sophoshopollaeidôsphuai, mathontesdelabroiPi.O.2.86

2Pet. 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, 
       even as there shall be false teachers among you,
       who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
       and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2Pet. 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways;
        by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Pet. 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words
      make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not,
       and their damnation slumbereth not.
2Pet. 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell,
       and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;   

Matt. 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Krima (g2917) kree'-mah; from 2919; a decision (the function or the effect, for or against ["crime"]): - avenge, condemned, condemnation, damnation, / go to law, judgment.

So, the old JUDGMENT ploy is psychological violence because you don't like people spreading the absolute truth that music is a MARK which says to God: 
"WE WILL NOT listen to Your songs and sermons."  your words but refuse to obey.

Luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: 

condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Condemn is: 2613.  katadikazo, kat-ad-ik-ad´-zo; from 2596 and a derivative of 1349; to adjudge against, i.e. pronounce guilty:  condemn.

2 Thess 1:4 So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

1375.  diogmos, dee-ogue-mos´; from 1377; persecution: — persecution.
1376.  dioktes, dee-oke´-tace; from 1377; a persecutor: — persecutor.
1377. dioko, dee-o´-ko; a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb di÷w dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute:  ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward.

Thlipsis (g2347) thlip'-sis; from 2346; pressure (lit. or fig.): - afflicted (-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble.

2 Thess 1:5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer: [experience a passion]

2 Thess 1:6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

Jesus spoke to the multitudes only in parables because the masses are never going to seek the truth.

Thlibo (g2346) thlee'-bo; akin to the base of 5147; to crowd (lit. or fig.): - afflict, narrow, throng, suffer tribulation, trouble.

Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Destruction is derived from Apollo or Abbadon or Apollyon who destroys using his MUSES in the end times. In Revelation 18 the Whore is marked by music and instruments as SIGNS.

Apoleia (g684) ap-o'-li-a; from a presumed der. of 622; ruin or loss (phys., spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation), destruction, die, perdition, * perish, pernicious ways, waste.

Re.17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

2 Thess 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

The rest Jesus died to give is anapauo which is used in the Greek Literature to mean; stop the singing, stop the playing, stop the panic.

Anesis (g425) an'-es-is; from 447; relaxation or (fig.) relief: - eased, liberty, rest.

447. aniemi, an-ee´-ay-mee; from 303 and i hiemi (to send); to let up, i.e. (literally) slacken or (figuratively) desert, desist from:  forbear, leave, loose.

Jude points us to The Book of Enoch, Jubilees, Adam and Eve and various contemporaneous writings which define the FALL caused by Satan when he used the YOUTHFUL Cainites to form "mixed sex choirs, using musical instruments and performing women." This defines the family of Lamech and of Lucifer (Zoe) called "the singing and harp playing prostitute."

These are PREACHERS who are not faitful to the Word "as it has been written." That is why they are like the wandering planets. These are the preachers who ride on the backs of widows and DO NOT BELIEVE what the widow hired him for. These are the preachers whose wives often betray them. They are pretenders or Hypocrites which includes "rhetoricians, sophists, singers, musicians etal" who PERFORM rituals.

Jude 1:11 Woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

Jude 1:12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

Jude 1:13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Jude 1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Jude 1:16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having mens persons in admiration because of advantage.

Jude 1:17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Jude 1:18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

Jude 1:19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

2 Thess 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Fire is: Phloc (g5395) flox; from a prim. phlego, (to "flash" or "flame"); a blaze: - flame (-ing)


Incentor, o-ris, m. [id.] , one who sets the tune or begins to sing, a precentor, singer (post-class.).

I. Lit.: carminis, Paul. Nol. Carm. 15, 32 : [1] incentore [2] canam [3] Phoebo [4] Musisque [5] magistris, Avien. Perieg. 895 ; Isid. 6, 9, 13.--

II. Trop., an [A] inciter, exciter: [B] igneus [C] turbarum, Amm. 15, 1, 2 : civilis belli, Oros. 5, 19 : rebellionis [renewal of war] totius, id. 6, 11 . Flamen Hislop

Incensor I. one who kindles or sets fire to, II. Trop., an inciter, instigator: turbarum,

[1]  one who sets the tune or begins to sing, a precentor, singer (post-class.).

Igneus of fire, fiery, on fire, burning, burning-hot, acc. to Heraclitus, Chimaera, ardor, of fire, of color, fiery, flaming, resplendent, purpura. II. Trop., fiery, glowing, burning, fervid, ardent, vehement (poet.): furor, burning for the strife

Canto is Identical to:

Magicus, belonging to magic, magic, magical. superstitiones, vanitates, that were invoked by incantations:
linguae= skilled in incantations, cantus, magicae resonant ubi Memnone chordae, mysterious
Eze.13:6 They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The Lord saith: and the Lord hath not sent them:

[2] Căno I. Neutr., to utter melodious notes, to sing, sound, play.  2. Of the faulty delivery of an orator, to speak in a sing-song tone: inclinată ululantique voce more Asiatico canere,  once canituri,Vulg. Apoc. 8, 13 )

Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

G2985 lampas lam-pas' From G2989 ; a “lamp” or flambeau:--lamp, light, torch
G2989 lampō lam'-po A primary verb; to beam, that is, radiate brilliancy (literally or figuratively):--give light, shine.

Lampas lights used in Bacchic ceremonies Id.Ra.340 , or in festal processions, phainete, faggot, luchnis, helios
identified with Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon of the book of Revelation.

FROM ACU God's Holy Fire: Ken Cukrowski, Mark Hamilton, and James Thompson: "A major task facing our churches is the reintegration of the Old Testament into the regular teaching, thinking and practice of the church" (p. 49). The Zoe Group: CLICK FOR THE REVIEW

The ZOE GROUP wants to kindle the fire as it LOOKS TO THE HILLS from which THEIR salvation comes. But, the proof text warns against looking to the MOUNTAIN GODS. Everyone seems DESTINED to lust to be the first to kindle GOD'S HOLY FIRE:

Matt. 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 

There is not shortage of mote picking among the sowers of discord: the ignore the Bible and all of church history and claim that the ANTI-instrumental Church of Christ just INVENTED not using instruments because they were sectarian, legalists and just plain mean. Thee is no more judgmental word than "our heritage" which means that NOT using machines in the "Bible class" is a vile disease you just caught from your mothers and fathers.  They make it clear that those who will not SHUT THEIR MOUTHS and quit teaching and practicing what they always believed can be denied common decency which could never be proven better than by lying, cheating and stealing the churches of the owners and breaking up families.

Matt. 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 

The mote is, they imagine, NOT using musical instruments in the "school of the Bible" when vocal and instrumental rejoicing was outlawed for the church in the wilderness which was to REST, read and rehearse the Word of God.

Click for John Calvin's Notes on Numbers 10.

They CLAIM that the Holy Spirit led them to believe that they should restore the legalism of "making the lambs dumb" before the slaughter priests. In Gree sacrificial systems the noise makers to Silence the Lambs was called a parasite and the priests who "lifted them up to cut their throats" was called a hypocrite.

THE BEAM: Jesus said that he used parables in effect to fool the fools. The beam is clearly a PARABLE word:

1385. dokos, dok-os´; from 1209 (through the idea of holding up); a stick of timber:  beam.

An elder is to receive or hold up others and support them: False teachers always "hold up" a flock before they can fleece it: "and the suggestion of a self-prompted taking still adheres in distinction from receiving of what is offered.

1209. dechomai, dekh´-om-ahee; middle voice of a primary verb; to receive (in various applications, literally or figuratively):  accept, receive, take. Compare 2983. [lambano, to take, get hold of, 138 more violent seizinging or removal.

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2Th.2:10

Wisdom 19:13 - The punishments did not come upon the sinners without prior signs in the violence of thunder, for they justly suffered because of their wicked acts; for they practiced a more bitter hatred of strangers.

14 - Others had refused to receive strangers when they came to them, but these made slaves of guests who were their benefactors.

15 - And not only so, but punishment of some sort will come upon the former for their hostile reception of the aliens;

16 - but the latter, after receiving them with festal celebrations, afflicted with terrible sufferings those who had already shared the same rights.

17 - They were stricken also with loss of sight - - just as were those at the door of the righteous man - - when, surrounded by yawning darkness, each tried to find the way through his own door.

18 - For the elements changed places with one another,

as on a harp the notes vary the nature of the rhythm,
while each note remains the same. This may be
clearly inferred from the sight of what took place.

19 - For land animals were transformed into water creatures,
        and creatures that swim moved over to the land.

20 - Fire even in water retained its normal power,
water forgot its fire -quenching nature.

138. haireomai, hahee-reh´-om-ahee; probably akin to 142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer:-- choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate eºllomai hellomai which is otherwise obsolete.

142. airo, ah´-ee-ro; a primary root; to lift up; by implication, to take up or away; figuratively, to raise (the voice), keep in suspense (the mind), specially, to sail away (i.e. weigh anchor); by Hebraism (compare 5375) to expiate sin:  away with, bear (up), carry, lift up, loose, make to doubt, put away, remove, take (away, up).

By defining the ekklesia or synagogue which excludes the merchandise diversities in Romans 14 Paul wrote.

Rom. 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Rom. 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.

Self pleasure for profit begins with restoring the laded burden Jesus died to remove: Paul's word was:

700.   aresko, ar-es´-ko; probably from 142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable (or by implication, to seek to be so):  please.

A. pleasing, mostly in bad sense, obsequious, cringing
II. areskos, ho, the staff borne by pornoboskoi [brothel keeper] on the stage,

2 Cor 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

Kapeleuo (g2585) kap-ale-yoo'-o; from kapelos , (a huckster); to retail, i.e. (by impl.) to adulterate (fig.): - corrupt
kapêl-euô ,A. to be a retail-dealer, drive a petty trade... kapêleu' drive a trade, chaffer with your vegetable food Hdt.1.155
II. c. acc., sell by retail, ton herpin Hippon.51 .

2. metaph., k. ta prêgmata, of Darius, Hdt.3.89; k. ta mathêmata sell learning by retail, hawk it about2 Ep.Cor.2.17 ; so eoiken ou kapêleusein machên will not peddle in war, i. e. fight half-heartedly, A.Th. 545; k. têi Chariti tên amoibên Epicur.Sent.Vat.39 ; k. tên politeian traffic in grants of citizenship,   of prostitutes. ton bion playing tricks with life, [p. 876] corrupting it, AP9.180 (Pall.).

Arist.EN1108a28 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 2
[13] In respect of pleasantness and social amusement, the middle character is witty and the middle disposition Wittiness; the excess is Buffoonery and its possessor a buffoon; the deficient man may be called boorish, and his disposition Boorishness. In respect of general pleasantness in life, the man who is pleasant in the proper manner is friendly, and the observance of the mean is Friendliness; he that exceeds, if from no interested motive, is obsequious, if for his own advantage, a flatterer; he that is deficient, and unpleasant in all the affairs of life, may be called quarrelsome and surly.

In the LATIN this legalism to enable the Burden Lader to "CARRY US A WAY" (the Psallo word) for HIS own purposes where Grace or Charis means "In an erotic sense, pleasures given to a man."

Rom XV. debemus autem nos firmiores inbecillitates infirmorum sustinere et non nobis placere

OUTLAWED:  Placeo to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In
scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placenti  Ter. And. prol. 3
2. Placere sibi, to be pleased or satisfied with one's self, to flatter one's self, to pride or plume one's self.

Matt. 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Jesus is speaking of the Scribes and Pharisees whom He called hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah and Ezekiel. In Ezekiel, the hypocrites are rhetoricians, singers and instrument players: they all work for pay.  The "audience" is hypocritical because they attend only to be entertained.   ALL of the instrumental names are defined for making war or for enchantement: John in Revelation 18 called the sorcerers.  As long as the music [parasites] "makes the lambs dumb" before the shearer or slaughter priest (hypocrite) God is sending strong delusions to make you believe a lie and be damned.

For we who have been victimized as fleecees, please let us bleat before we bleed since Isaiah 30 indicates that Hell was prepared for God's enemies: the signs of judgment is the wind, string and percussion instruments Lucifer brought with him/her/it as the singing and harp-playing prostitute in the garden of Ede.

It is clear that those who go beyond that which is written and plan to introduce the performance arts to appease certain classes have passed judgment on what they dismiss with a flip of the glove and "our heritag" or our old "traditionalism."  If the lambs stand still for unlawful fleecing it is not passing judgment if the bleat and bleed when the flesh is being consumed and the bones craunched. Should we not blame the shepherd for the noise created by the abused sheep?

Krino separate, put asunder, distinguish,  See the meaning of passing judgment in the above table.

II. pick out, choose 2.decide disputes, judge crooked judgements, they decide the questionb. decide a contest, e.g. for a prize, win a battle, bring to a crisis, expound interpret in a particular way, 7. decide in favour of, prefer, choose, in Matthew 7:1 "pass sentence upon, condemn, judgment of a court.

A demagogue is defined as one who "appeases the masses by the use of performing arts." In sacrificial systems the loud instrument players who "made the lambs dumb" were called PARASITES.  And the priest who "lifted them up to cut their throats" was called a heretic: he made the choice to slaughter the lamb and the musicians made certain that he was too frightened to "pass judgment."

Demosthenes 19 [232] With this example before his eyes, who, men of Athens, will ever wish to prove himself an honest man, or to go on embassy for nothing, if he is neither to make money nor to be held more worthy of your confidence than those who have made money? Today you are not merely adjudging this case: you are legislating for all future time, whether every ambassador is basely to serve your enemies for hire, or without fee or bribe to give his best service to you.

An enemy will speak sweetly with his lips,
      but in his mind he will plan to throw you into a pit;
an enemy will weep with his eyes,
     but if he finds an opportunity his thirst for blood will be insatiable. Ecclu 12:16
If calamity befalls you,
     you will find him there ahead of you;
and while pretending to help you,
     he will trip you by the heel; Ecclu 12: 17
he will shake his head,
    and clap his hands,
and whisper much,
    and change his expression. Ecclu 12: 18.

13:3. A rich man does wrong, and he even adds reproaches; a poor man suffers wrong, and he must add apologies. The Guilt Clause.

(Tatian to the Greeks, Ante-Nicene, Vol. II, p. 75) shows the eternal patternism of blaming those offended for being offended.

"I have often seen a man (actor)-- and have been amazed to see, and the amazement has ended in contempt, to think how he is one thing internally, but outwardly counterfeits what he is not--giving himself excessive airs of daintiness and indulging in all sorts of effeminacy; somethines darting his eyes about; 

sometimes throwing his hands hither and thither, and raving with his face smeared with mud; sometimes personating Aphrodite, sometimes Apollo; a solitary accuser of all the gods, an epitome of superstition, a vituperator of heroic deeds, an actor of murders, a chronicler of adultery, a storehouse of madness, a teacher of cynaedi, an instigator of capital sentences;--

and yet such a man is praised by all.  
But I have rejected all his falsehoods, his impiety, his practices,--in short, the man altogether.

But you are led captive by such men, while you revile those who do not take a part in your pursuits.

I have no mind to stand agape at a number of singers,
nor do I desire to be
affected in sympathy with a man when he is winking and gesticulating in an unnatural manner."...

"Why should I admire the mythic piper... We leave you to these worthless things; and do you believe our doctrines, or, like us, give up yours."

Cyprian wrote    

Argument.-He Forbids an Actor, If He Continue in His Disgraceful Calling,
Communicating in the Church.
Neither Does He Allow It to Be an Excuse for Him,
        that He Himself Does Not Practice the
Histrionic Art,
        So Long as He Teaches It to Others;

Neither Does He Excuse It Because of the Want of Means,
Necessaries May Be Supplied to Him from the Resources of the Church;

2. Nor let any one excuse himself that he himself has given up the theatre, while he is still teaching the art to others. For he cannot appear to have given it up who substitutes others in his place, and who, instead of himself alone, supplies many in his stead; against God's appointment, instructing and teaching in what way a man may be broken down into a woman, and his sex changed by art

The Apostolic Constitutions recognized the effeminate nature of theatrical performance and the commercial connection:

(1) come, whether it be man or woman, or charioteer, or dueller, or racer, or player of prizes, or Olympic gamester, or one that plays on the pipe, on the lute, or on the harp at those games, or a dancing-master or an huckster,

(2) either let them leave off their employments, or let them be rejected. If a soldier come, let him be taught to "do no injustice, to accuse no man falsely, and to be content with his allotted wages:"

(3) if he submit to those rules, let him be received; but if he refuse them, let him be rejected. He that is guilty of sins not to be named, a sodomite, an effeminate person, a magician, an enchanter, an astrologer, a diviner, an user of magic verses, a juggler, a mountebank, one that makes amulets, a charmer, a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, an observer of palmistry; he that, when he meets you, observes defects in the eyes or feet of the birds or cats, or noises, or symbolical sounds:

let these be proved for some time, for this sort of wickedness is hard to be washed away; and if they leave off those practices, let them be received; but if they will not agree to that, let them be rejected.

Click to see some of the world's 100% saying that music was Satan's attempt to introduce heavenly practices into an earthly world as a way to take worship from God.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

Jesus said that he spoke in parables to fool the sectarian clergy. Therefore, we should grasp that words like DOGS and SWINE speak of types of people.  If you permit a "staff" person which has no authority or funding, it is quite logical that he will see you as a fool and trample your for your charity which he assumes is his right. Jesus marked the MEN who acted like CHILDREN as the Dionysus abused chorus leaders PIPING trying to get others to SING and DANCE as the signs of initiation.

In a spiritual sense, the dogs were catamites or male homosexuals. Remember that Jesus indicated that they hoped that John wore the "soft" clothing of a king's catamite. This would probably have been the case of the Jewish "prophesiers." 

Cymbal is: Kuma (g2949) koo'-mah; from 2965, (to swell with young, i.e. bend, curve); a billow (as bursting or toppling): - wave.

Kuon (g2965) koo'-ohn; a prim. word; a dog ["hound"] (lit. or fig.): - dog.
For without are dogs, and sorcerers (pharmakos: poison with a magical drug incantation), and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:15
In paganism the male prostitutes were the "dogs of Cyble" and in the Old Testament a "dog" is a symbol:

Keleb (h3611) keh'leb; from an unused root mean. to yelp, or else to attack; a dog; hence (by euphemism) a male prostitute: - dog.

And the sorcerer is:
"Applied to Persian priests or astrologers of Babylon. Pharmakos (g5333) an adjective signifying "devoted to magical arts," is used as a noun, "a sorcerer," especially one who uses drugs, potions, spells, enchantments, Rev 21:8, in the best texts (some have pharmakeus) and 22:15" Vine

Malakos , d. = pathêtikos e. of music, soft, effeminate, m. harmoniai Pl.R.398e , 411a, cf. Arist.Pol.1290a28; tuned to a low pitch, opp. suntonos, chrôma m. Cleonid.Harm.7 , etc.  stringing of bow or lyr: hence, method of stringing, musical scale

The Meaning of the Dogs

"when in Egypt, he was astonished to hear the very same mournful but ravishing "Song of Linus," sung by the Egyptians (although under another name), which he had been accustomed to hear in his own native land of Greece.

Linus was the same god as the Bacchus of Greece, or Osiris of Egypt;

for Homer introduces a boy singing the song of Linus, while the vintage is going on (Ilias), and the Scholiast says that this son was sung in memory of Linus,

who was torn in pieces by dogs.

The epithet "dogs," applied to those who tore Linus in pieces, is evidently used in a mystical sense, and it will afterwards been seen how thoroughly the other name by which he is known--Narcissus--identifies him with the Greek Bacchus and Egyptian Osiris.

Jesus commanded and Paul taught that the worship part is in the PLACE of the human spirit as it gives heed to the Spirit OF truth in the Word.  That is because the DOGS are prowling in seeking whom they may devour--with several meanings:

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision

2. at Athens a nickname of the Cynics, III. the Trag. apply the term to the ministers of the gods; the eagle is Dios ptênos kuôn Matt. 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.  the Bacchantes Lussês 

Lukos A. wolf, oresteroi, oin humenaioi,
VI. nickname of paiderastai, AP12.250 (Strat.), cf. Pl.Phdr. 241d.

Paiderast-ês , ou, ho, A. lover of boys, mostly in bad sense, Ar.Ach.265(lyr.), X.An.7.4.7, Pl. Smp.192b, Eub.130, etc.

Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Re.22:15

But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. 2Pe.2:22

Caphaq (h5606) saw-fak'; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isa. 2:6), saw-fak'; a prim. root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation or punishment); by impl. of satisfaction, to be enough; by impl. of excess, to vomit: - clap, smite, strike, suffice, wallow

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7

Even Jesus outlawed "command leadership" and even God wants to be asked.  If you ask, seek and knock you will hear the Spirit of Christ especially the prophets in radically marking and condeming the king-priestly system as parasites.

Seeking or giving heed to God by giving heed to His Word is both an Old and New Testament Word. Seek in this case shows that we worship by giving heed to Christ.

Zeteo (g2212) dzay-teh'-o; of uncert. affin.; to seek (lit. or fig.); spec. (by Heb.) to worship (God), or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): - be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, (* will) seek (after, for, means). Comp. 4441.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. Jn.4:23

Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1 Tim 4:13

Give attendance is a "worship" word:

Prosecho (g4337) pros-ekh'-o; from 4314 and 2192; (fig.) to hold the mind (3563 impl.) towards, i.e. pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to: - (give) attend (-ance, - ance at, -ance to, unto), beware, be given to, give (take) heed (to, unto) have regard.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness: 2 Tim 3:16

That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim 3:17

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 2Pe.1:19

Therefore, those who attempt to replace Jesus Christ as MEDIATOR also try to replace Him as TEACHER and supplier of inspiration. This means that they PASS JUDGMENT upon God Himself.

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8

Paul defined TEACHING OF THE WORD in song as a "one another" teaching activity. This eleminates "fathers" and "doctors of the Law" because God gave the Word in the way He wanted it taught.

Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

It is highly judgmental to claim the role of asking, seeking and knocking when God gave that right to--and only to--the individual seeker of God's Mind. This has nothing to do with asking God for a new automobile. God grants spiritual authority to us by opening His Word but only to those who seek or worship God in the spirit or human mind.

The death of Christ and the renting of the veil means that we can come boldly before the throne of Grace to ask of God WITHOUT a mediating musical worship team. Therefore, the claim to be the MODELS of the kind of worship acceptable to God in music with everyone WATCHING ME and DOING WHAT I DO passes Judgment upon Christ and attempts to "sew up the veil" so that you have to use a mediating

Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Matthew 7:9

The mediating clergy always taught that the gods were dangerous: they might give you a gift or they might just kill you. Therefore, you had to be a highly trained GOD HANDLER to come into his presence. Because the One True God will not harm you if you stand on the podium, you do not have to worry about being an EXPERT in song or sermon.

You don't BUY the water and breadof the word:

Is. 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Is. 55:2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Is. 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. 

In Isaiah 58 the Spirit OF Christ defines the ekklesia or Church of Christ to be inclusive and exclusive.

The image of bread proves that we seek and knock to allow Jesus Christ to be our master teacher:

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever." Jn.6:58

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Jn 6:63

Therefore, anyone who can "give attendance to the reading of the Word" can hear the Master Teacher.

Christ came to write His Laws on our heart or mind:

But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: 2Co.3:7

John identifies Jerusalem as SODOM and EGYPT because:

Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end; therefore she came down wonderfully: she had no comforter. O Lord, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself. Lam 1:9

The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things:
for she hath seen that the
heathen entered into her sanctuary,
whom thou didst command that they should not enter into thy congregation. Lam 1:10

All her people sigh, they seek bread; they have given their pleasant things for meat to relieve the soul: see, O Lord, and consider; for I am become vile. Lam 1:11

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger. Lam 1:12

Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? Matthew 7:10

The fish and serpent must continue the symbolism of the Word of God versus the words of Satan or the Ministration engraven on stones to govern the ungovernable.

A FISH was a symbol of Jesus as the FOOD of life. A fish is:

Ichthus (g2486) ikh-thoos'; of uncert. affin.; a fish: - fish.

A close word is:

Thlibo (g2346) thlee'-bo; akin to the base of 5147; to crowd (lit. or fig.): - afflict, narrow, throng, suffer tribulation, trouble.

Thriambeuo (g2358) three-am-byoo'-o; from a prol. comp. of the base of 2360 and a der. of 680 (mean. a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (fig.) to conquer or (by Hebr.) to give victory: - (cause) to triumph (over).

If the people ask for the "free bread" of the word do you give them "cake and circuses" or musical entertainers?

3789. ophis, of´-is; probably from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, figuratively, (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan:  serpent.

Ophis-teia, sophistry, mantikê, of Balaam, mantikê means divination, soothsayer

Playto, Cratylus says "the part of appropriative, coercive, hunting art which hunts animals, land animals, tame animals, man, privately, for pay, is paid in cash, claims to give education, and is a hunt after rich and promising youths, must--so our present argument concludes--be called sophistry.

The serpent was a Musical Enchanter or enchantress.

Nachash (h5172) naw-khash'; a prim. root; prop. to hiss, i. e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. to prognosticate: - * certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) * enchantment, learn by experience, * indeed, diligently observe.

But Laban said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that [i] the LORD has blessed me because of you." Ge.30:27 

Nachash "snake, serpent" with nshk "bite" provides a link between two verses in Amos speaking of the impossibility of escape Amos 5:19 and 9:3 - nachash often either carries overtones of the serpent in Eden (Gen 3) or of the mythology of Canaanite cultures (Is 27:1).

As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. Amos 5:19

Nashak (h5391) naw-shak'; a prim. root; to strike with a sting (as a serpent); fig., to oppress with interest on a loan: - bite, lend upon usury.

Clemtne Chapter XI.-How Great are the Benefits Conferred on Man 

Contemplate a little, if agreeable to you, the divine beneficence.

The first man, when in Paradise, sported free, because he was the child of God; but when he succumbed to pleasure (for the serpent allegorically signifies pleasure crawling on its belly, earthly wickedness nourished for fuel to the flames), was as a child seduced by lusts, and grew old in disobedience; and by disobeying his Father, dishonoured God.

Such was the influence of pleasure. Man, that had been free by reason of simplicity, was found fettered to sins. The Lord then wished to release him from his bonds, and clothing Himself with flesh-O divine mystery!-vanquished the serpent, and enslaved the tyrant death; and, most marvellous of all, man that had been deceived by pleasure, and bound fast by corruption, had his hands unloosed, and was set free.

Doctors of the Law and music "make" the gate impossible to find.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63  

Luke 11:43 Woe unto you, Pharisees!
        for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues,
        and greetings in the markets.
Luke 11:46 And he said, Woe unto you also,
        ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne,
        and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.
Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! 
        For ye have taken away the key of knowledge:
        ye entered not in yourselves,
        and them that were entering in ye hindered.

1525. eiserchomai, ice-er´-khom-ahee; from 1519 and 2064; to enter (literally or figuratively): — x arise, come (in, into), enter in(-to), go in (through).

Music or ritualistic worship is not the key to the kingdom.

Matt. 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, 
        how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Matt. 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,
        do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Matt. 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
        and many there be which go in thereat

Destruction is derived from Apollo or Abbadon or Apollyon who destroys using his MUSES in the end times. In Revelation 18 the Whore is marked by music and instruments as SIGNS.

Apoleia (g684) ap-o'-li-a; from a presumed der. of 622; ruin or loss (phys., spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation), destruction, die, perdition, * perish, pernicious ways, waste.

Re.17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Asthen-eia  4. in moral sense, feebleness, weakness, tês anthrôpinês phuseôs Pl.Lg. 854a , cf. Arist.EN1150b19

Pl.Lg. 854a Plato, Laws Athenian 9.[854a] the general infirmity of human nature, I will state the law about temple-robbing, and all other crimes of a like kind which are hard, if not impossible, to cure. And, in accordance with our rule as already approved, note 1 we must prefix to all such laws preludes as brief as possible. By way of argument and admonition one might address in the following terms the man whom an evil desire urges by day and wakes up at night, driving him to rob some sacred object--

1 Cp. Plat. Laws 718b ff.

[718b] the sequel of the laws themselves, partly by persuasion and partly (when men's habits defy persuasion) by forcible and just chastisement, will render our State, with the concurrence of the gods, a blessed State and a prosperous. There are also matters which a lawgiver, if he shares my view, must necessarily regulate, though they are ill-suited for statement in the form of a law; in dealing with these he ought, in my opinion, to produce a sample for his own use and that of those

[718e] the majority, indeed, serve to show how wise Hesiod was when he said, "smooth is the way that leadeth unto wickedness," and that "no sweat is needed to traverse it," since it is "passing short,"Hes. WD 287ff. but (he says)--

In front of goodness the immortal gods
Have set the sweat of toil, and thereunto
Long is the road and steep, and rough withal

Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him:
        for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,
        and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

[854b] “My good man, the evil force that now moves you and prompts you to go temple-robbing is neither of human origin nor of divine, but it is some impulse bred of old in men from ancient wrongs unexpiated, which courses round wreaking ruin; and it you must guard against with all your strength. How you must thus guard, now learn. When there comes upon you any such intention, betake yourself to the rites of guilt-averting, betake yourself as suppliant to the shrines of the curse-lifting deities, betake yourself to the company of the men who are reputed virtuous; and thus learn, partly from others,

[854c] partly by self-instruction, that every man is bound to honor what is noble and just; but the company of evil men shun wholly, and turn not back. And if it be so that by thus acting your disease grows less, well; but if not, then deem death the more noble way, and quit yourself of life.” As we chant this prelude to those who purpose all these unholy deeds, destructive of civic life, the law itself we must leave unvoiced1 for him who obeys; but for him who disobeys we must suffer the law, following on the prelude, to utter aloud this chant:


[854d] “Whosoever is caught robbing a temple, if he be a foreigner or a slave, his curse shall be branded on his forehead and on his hands, and he shall be scourged with so many stripes as the judges decree, and he shall be cast out naked beyond the borders of the country; for, after paying this penalty, he might perchance be disciplined into a better life. For no penalty that is legally imposed aims at evil, but it effects, as a rule, one or other of two results,--

[854e] it makes the person who suffers it either better or less bad.1 But if any citizen is ever convicted of such an act,--that is, of committing some great and infamous wrong against gods, parents, or State--the judge shall regard him as already incurable, reckoning that, in spite of all the training and nurture he has had from infancy, he has not refrained from the worst iniquity. For him the penalty is death, the least of evils; and, moreover

[590b] and irascibility when they foster and intensify disproportionately the element of the lion and the snake 1 in us?" "By all means." "And do we not reprobate luxury and effeminacy for their loosening and relaxation of this same element when they engender cowardice in it?" "Surely." "And flattery and illiberality when they reduce this same high-spirited element under the rule of the mob-like beast and habituate it for the sake of wealth and the unbridled lusts of the beast to endure all manner of contumely from youth up and become an ape [see 620 C.] instead of a lion?"

1 Not mentioned before, but, as Schleiermacher says, might be included in ta peri ton leonta. Cf. Adam ad loc. Or Plato may be thinking of the chimaera (Il. vi.

Arist.EN1150b19  Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics [5] One who is deficient in resistance to pains that most men withstand with success, is soft or luxurious (for Luxury is a kind of Softness) : such a man lets his cloak trail on the ground to escape the fatigue and trouble of lifting it, or feigns sickness, not seeing that to counterfeit misery is to be miserable. [6] The same holds good of Self-restraint and Unrestraint. It is not surprising that a man should be overcome by violent and excessive pleasures or pains: indeed it is excusable if he succumbs after a struggle, like Philoctetes in Theodectes when bitten by the viper, or Kerkyon in the Alope of Karkinos, or as men who try to restrain their laughter explode in one great guffaw, as happened to Xenophantus.1
1 Seneca, De ira, 2.2, says that Xenophantus's martial music made Alexander put out his hand to grasp his weapons (the story is told by Suidas of a Theban flute-player Timotheus, cf. Dryden, Alexander's Feast) ; apparently Alexander's music had a different effect on Xenophantus!
But we are surprised when a man is overcome by pleasures and pains which most men are able to withstand, except when his failure to resist is due to some innate tendency, or to disease: instances of the former being the hereditary effeminacy2 of the royal family of Scythia, and the inferior endurance of the female sex as compared with the male.
2 Hdt. 1.105, says that certain Scythians who robbed the temple of Uranian Aphrodite at Askalon were smitten with the ‘feminine disease,’ which affected their descendants ever after; but Hippocrates, Peri aerôn22, describes effeminate symptoms prevalent among wealthy and high-born Scythians, due to being too much on horseback.

[7] People too fond of amusement are thought to be profligate, but really they are soft; for amusement is rest, and therefore a slackening of effort, and addiction to amusement is a form of excessive slackness.

[8] But there are two forms of Unrestraint, Impetuousness and Weakness.The weak deliberate, but then are prevented by passion from keeping to their resolution; the impetuous are led by passion because they do not stop to deliberate: since some people withstand the attacks of passion, whether pleasant or painful, by feeling or seeing them coming, and rousing themselves, that is, their reasoning faculty, in advance, just as one is proof against tickling if one has just been tickled already. It is the quick and the excitable who are most liable to the impetuous form of Unrestraint, because the former are too hasty and the latter too vehement to wait for reason, being prone to follow their imagination.

VIII. The profligate, as we said, does not feel remorse, for he abides by his choice; the unrestrained man on the other hand invariably repents his excesses afterwards. Hence the objection that we stated6 does not hold good; on the contrary, it is the profligate who cannot be cured, whereas the unrestrained man can; for Vice resembles diseases like dropsy and consumption, whereas Unrestraint is like epilepsy, Vice being a chronic, Unrestraint an intermittent evil. Indeed Unrestraint and Vice are entirely different in kind, for Vice is unconscious, whereas the unrestrained man is aware of his infirmity.

Similar Weakness: Malak-ia , Ion. -iê, , ( [malakos] ) A. softness, c.morally weak, lacking in self-control, soft effeminate music (harmony) of persons, moral weakness, opp. karteria 2. = kinaideia, Ph.2.306, Plu.CG4, D.C.58.4. [Unnatural Lust]
1 Cor 6:[9]  Or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, [10]  nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God

Heredotus CLIII. Such is the end of the story of the Argives. As for Sicily, envoys were sent there by the allies to hold converse with Gelon, Syagrus from Lacedaemon among them. The ancestor of this Gelon, who settled at Gela, was from the island of Telos which lies off Triopium. When the founding of Gela by Antiphemus and the Lindians of Rhodes was happening, he would not be left behind. [2] His descendants in time became and continue to be priests of the goddesses of the underworld; 1 this office had been won, as I will show, by Telines, one of their forefathers. There were certain Geloans who had been worsted in party strife and had been banished to the town of Mactorium, inland of Gela. [3]  These men Telines brought to Gela with no force of men but only the holy instruments of the goddesses worship to aid him. From where he got these, and whether or not they were his own invention, I cannot say; however that may be, it was in reliance upon them that he restored the exiles, on the condition that his descendants should be ministering priests of the goddesses. [4]  Now it makes me marvel that Telines should have achieved such a feat, for I have always supposed that such feats cannot be performed by any man but only by such as have a stout heart and manly strength. Telines, however, is reported by the dwellers in Sicily to have had a soft and effeminate disposition.
[20]  thêludriês te kai malakôteros: as Hierophant of Demeter and Persephone he may have had, or been credited with having, too much of ‘the eternal feminine’ about him; or perhaps he may even have donned female attire for the exhibition of the holy things, and this cult-practice may have generated the traditional view of his character. On that ritual cp. L. R. Farnell, Archiv für Religionsw. vii. (1904) 70 ff., where this case might be added to the list of “Male ministrants of female divinities.”

harmonia , , ( [harmozô] IV. in Music, stringing,ha. toxou kai luras Heraclit.51 , cf. Pl.Smp.187a: hence, method of stringing, musical scale, Philol.6, etc., Nicom.Harm.9; esp. octave,ekpasônoktôousôn [phônôn]mianha. sumphônein Pl.R.617b hepta chordaiha. Arist. Metaph.1093a14 , cf. Pr.919b21; of the planetary spheres, in Pythag. theory, Cael.290b13, Mu.399a12, etc.;

2. generally, music,autôidetôirhuthmôimimountaichôrisha. Id.Po.1447a26 . 

Matt. 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

This is a statement passed of in two short sentences which makes two CONTRA-Christianism assumptions.

First: The STRAIT gate and NARROW way is so HIDDEN that only a FEW shall find it.

Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Second, the broad way leading to diestruction is NOT strait nor narrow and many or most are anxious to go int to it.

Then, Matt. 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Jesus warned about hypocrites.  He called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 33 to MARK rhetoricians, singers and instrument players. The WOLF is a word pointing to the always-homosexual musical performers intending to "excite" your pants off and pick your pockets.

See the Wolves in Acts 20.

Jesus spoke to the multitudes only in parables because the masses are never going to seek the truth. The word strait is:

The massed multidudes attracted by rhetorical and musical performance will be the major hindrance of people seeking to Know Jesus Christ and SEEK Him through the Word. Paul said that if you want to find Him you will have to go OUTSIDE of the camp or the walled massed multitudes--a meaning of BEASTS.

727.  harpax, har´-pax; from 726; rapacious: -- extortion, ravening.

The WOLVES are the Crooked Generation from which we must save ourselves.  Like the dogs or Cynics they were identified by their style of singing.

Homer, Illiad: 4 [100] Nay, come, shoot thine arrow at glorious Menelaus, and vow to Apollo, the wolf-born1 god, famed for his bow, that thou wilt sacrifice a glorious hecatomb of firstling lambs, when thou shalt come to thy home, the city of sacred Zeleia. So spake Athene, and persuaded his heart in his folly. [105] Straightway he uncovered his polished bow of the horn of a wild ibex, that himself on a time had smitten beneath the breast as it came forth from a rock, he lying in wait the while in a place of ambush,

Lukos  oresteroi  to be struck dumb, of things that are not, 'pigeon's milk', Suid.; hôs l. chanôn, of vain expectation,oin humenaioi, of an impossibility, lukoi arn' agapôsin, of treacherous or unnatural love,

    VI. nickname of paiderastai, AP12.250 (Strat.), cf. Pl.Phdr. 241d. [lover of boys mostly in bad sense][color]

        Humenai-oô ,
        A. sing the wedding-song, A.Pr.557 (lyr.).
        2. wed, take to wife, kouras Theoc.22.179 : prov., prin ken lukos oin humenaioi 

Many are the massed multitudes 4183 POLUS most, plenteous, sore, straitly 4118 The largest nnumber, MOST. Listen up: someone is going to boast about their money or they NUMBERS and how ATTRACTIVE they have made themselves because NUMBERS is the MARK of the BROAD WAY and if you don't go OUTSIDE the camp to find Jesus and suffer the reporaches (going on in the temples) you are ON the broad way and the message is that it is a DEEP RUT and you probably cannot get out.

Few that find it means puny in number, a little.

4728. stenos, sten-os´; probably from the base of 2476 [stand, abide], narrow (from obstacles standing close about):  strait.

2476: To cause or stand, to place, bid to stand by 1) in the presence of others, in the midst, before judges, before members of the Sanhedrin [Acts 22:30]

5087 in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from 2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while 2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate):

Used as: 4729. stenochoreo, sten-okh-o-reh´-o; from the same as 4730; to hem in closely, i.e. (figuratively) cramp:  distress, straiten.

Hebrew: 4164.moo-tsak´; or wm muwtsaq, moo-tsawk´; from 3332; narrowness; figuratively, distress:--anguish, is straitened, straitness.

The Word narrow may be understood by how similar words are used in context:

Thlibo (g2346) thlee'-bo; akin to the base of 5147; to crowd (lit. or fig.): - afflict, narrow, throng, suffer tribulation, trouble.
5147. tribos, tree´-bos; from tri÷bw tribo (to “rub”; akin to tei÷rw teiro, truo, and the base of 5131, 5134); a RUT or worn track:  path.
5131. tragos, trag´-os; from the base of 5176; a he-goat (as a gnawer): — goat.
5134. trauma, trow´-mah; from the base of titrosko (to wound;

5176. trogo, tro´-go; probably strengthened from a collateral form of the base of 5134 and 5147 through the idea of corrosion or wear; or perhaps rather of a base of 5167 [murmur] and 5149 [creak, grate teeth in frenzy, gnash] through the idea of a craunching sound; to gnaw or chew, i.e. (generally) to eat:  eat.

Thlipsis (g2347) thlip'-sis; from 2346; pressure (lit. or fig.): - afflicted (-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble. 


Matthew 15:7 Jesus identified he Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 33. There as the Spirit OF Christ he points out performance speakers, singers and instrument players usually for profit.

Matt. 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

5412.  phortizo, for-tid´-zo; from 5414; to load up (properly, as a vessel or animal), i.e. (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety):  lade, by heavy laden. Pphthalmon encumbering of the eyes.

Phort-izô , load, load them with burdens, encombur the eyes, 

Phort-izô  Aenigma Sphingis

Aenigma (ainigma). A riddle. The Greeks were especially fond of riddles, the propounding of which even formed a part of some of their semireligious festivals (see Agrionia);

(Agriônia). A festival celebrated chiefly at Orchomenus, in Boeotia, in honour of Dionysus, surnamed Agriônios, i. e. the wild. This festival was solemnized only by women and priests of Dionysus. It consisted of a kind of game, in which the women for a long time acted as if seeking Dionysus, and at last called out to one another that he had escaped to the Muses, and had concealed himself with them. After this they prepared a repast, and, having enjoyed it, amused themselves with solving riddles. This festival was remarkable for a feature which proves its great antiquity. Some virgins, who were descended from the Minyans, and who probably used to assemble around the temple on the occasion, fled, and were followed by the priest armed with a sword, who was allowed to kill the one whom he first caught. This sacrifice of a human being, though originally it must have formed a regular part of the festival, seems to have been avoided in later times. One instance, however, occurred in the days of Plutarch (Quaest. Graec. 38).

Euripides Phoenissae Jocasta: When my son had become a man, with tawny beard, either because he had guessed or learned it from another, he set out for the shrine of Phoebus [Apollo], wanting to know for certain who his parents were;... Now when the Sphinx was oppressing and ravaging our city, after my husband's death, my brother Creon proclaimed my marriage: that he would marry me to anyone who should guess the riddle of the crafty maiden [Mousa]. It happened somehow [50]  that my son, Oedipus, guessed the Sphinx's song; [and so he became king of this land] and received the scepter of this land as his prize. He married his mother in ignorance, luckless wretch! nor did his mother know that she was sleeping with her son.

Crafty maiden Mousa sonnected with Dionusos, Aeido, Aoidao, Apollon, etc.

Anamelpo, raise a strain, harmonian, melos, praise in songe

Phort-izô   Ev.Luc.11.46; perissêi dapanê  A massive burden

Perissos A.beyond the regular number or size, prodigious, 2.out of the common, extraordinary, strange, II. more than sufficient, superfluous, 2. in bad sense, superfluous, useless, poetry,
Luke 11:44 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
        for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.
Luke 11:45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him,
        Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also.
Luke 11:46 And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers
        for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne,
        and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.

Dapan-ê  A. cost, expenditureHes.Op.723,

Chorodidaskal-os , ho, A.trainer of the chorus, Ar.Ec.809, Pl.Lg.812e, 655a, ôscho-phorikos , ê, on, A. of or for the ôschophoria, [Ath.14.631b; melê ô
         Melos   B. esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain first in h.Hom.19.16
        2. music to which a song is set, tune 3.melody of an instrument,

Bachanalia also called Dionysia, in GrecoRoman religion, any of the several festivals of Bacchus (Dionysus), the wine god. They probably originated as rites of fertility gods. The most famous of the Greek Dionysia were in Attica and included the Little, or Rustic, Dionysia, characterized by simple, oldfashioned rites; the Lenaea, which included a festal procession and dramatic performances; the Anthesteria, essentially a drinking feast; the City, or Great, Dionysia, accompanied by dramatic performances in the theatre of Dionysus, which was the most famous of all; and the Oschophoria ("Carrying of the Grape Clusters").

Malakos (g3120) mal-ak-os'; of uncert. affin.; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); fig. a catamite (male prostitute): - effeminate, soft. (g3119 means soft or diseased)

"Asherah (symbolized by errect poles with fertility symbols pouring out the top): She is the Queen of Heaven, in other languages and ages identified as Ashtoreth, Athirat, Astarte, and Ishtar. Yahweh, the Hebrew God elevated to become the sole deity , was Her consort. Her "male" priestesses were known as kelabim, the faithful "dogs" of the Goddess,

"who practiced divinatory arts, danced in processions, and served as hierodules, qedeshim, in the company of other priestesses. Elements of the goddess worship were largely erased in a cultural purge c. 630 BCE by King Yosiah, at the behest of Yahweh's priests, who required supremacy.

"I would argue that in Greek tragedy the cross-dressed actor was crucial, a sign of the conventional nature of the drama. Male playing female is inevitably distanced from the role and makes it clear that the role of the woman is an idealization, not a realization. In addition the male playing female indicates a possible relevance of the form to dionysus, a god associated with masks and characterized by softness, woman's curls and dress (Bacchae) and worshipped with transvestite ceremonies at the Oschophoria (Seaford; Segal 1982: 10-20, 158- 68, 214).

Eleleu , doubled eleleu eleleu, a cry of pain, A.Pr.877 (anap.); also an exclamation used at the ceremony of the ôschophoria, Plu.Thes. 22:--in form eleleleu, a war-cry

Hes.Op.723  Hesiod Works and Days: Muses of Pieria who give glory through song, come hither, tell of Zeus your father and chant his praise. Through him mortal men are famed or unfamed, sung or unsung alike, as great Zeus wills. [5] For easily he makes strong, and easily he brings the strong man low; easily he humbles the proud and raises the obscure, and easily he straightens the crooked and blasts the proud,--Zeus who thunders aloft and has his dwelling most high. Attend thou with eye and ear, and make judgements straight with righteousness. [10] And, Perses, I would tell of true things. So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: [15] her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honor due. But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night, and the son of Cronos who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. [20] She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbor, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbor vies with his neighbor as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. [25] And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.

Euripides, Bacchae Chorus

Divine strength is roused with difficulty, but still is sure. It chastises those mortals [885]  who honor folly and those who in their insanity do not extol the gods. The gods cunningly conceal the long pace of time and [890]  hunt the impious. For it is not right to determine or plan anything beyond the laws. For it is a light expense to hold that whatever is divine has power, [895]  and that which has been law for a long time is eternal and has its origin in nature.

What is wisdom? Or what greater honor do the gods give to mortals than to hold one's hand [900]  in strength over the head of enemies? What is good is always dear.

Daphne of the chorodidaskal-os A. trainer of the chorus, orgeônikos

Daphne of the Bachanalia also called Dionysia, in GrecoRoman religion, any of the several festivals of Bacchus (Dionysus), the wine god. They probably originated as rites of fertility gods. The most famous of the Greek Dionysia were in Attica and included the Little, or Rustic, Dionysia, characterized by simple, oldfashioned rites; the Lenaea, which included a festal procession and dramatic performances; the Anthesteria, essentially a drinking feast; the City, or Great, Dionysia, accompanied by dramatic performances in the theatre of Dionysus, which was the most famous of all; and the Oschophoria ("Carrying of the Grape Clusters").


This spiritual anxiety through ceremony was specificially caused by those who made long prayers or sermons in a PUBLIC display.  The lading is defined.

Phortos ho, ( [pherô] ) A. load, freight, cargo, Od.8.163, 14.296, Hes.Op. 631, Hdt.1.1, S.Tr.537, and later Prose, as PEnteux.2.11 (iii B. C.), Plu.Marc.14, Luc.VH1.34; epoiêsanto me ph., expld. as pepragmateumai, prodedomai [pay in advance], phortos gegenêmai, Call.Fr.4.10P.; ph. erôtos, of Europa on the bull, Batr.78, cf. Nonn.D.4.118.

Phortos   2. metaph., heavy load or burden, ph. chreias, kakôn, E.Supp.20, IT1306; cf. phortion.

ChreiasChrêstêrios is associated with the musical symposiums because the "musicians" provided other services: 

Chresis (g5540) khray'-sis; from 5530; employment, i.e. (spec.) sexual intercourse

For the zeal (jealousy) of thine house (temple) hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me. Psalm 69:9

Cherphah (h2781) kher-paw'; from 2778; contumely, disgrace, the pudenda: - rebuke, reproach (-fully), shame.

KakônKakos , 3. of courage, craven, base, 4. bad of his kind, i. e. worthless, sorry, unskilled, 5. in moral sense, base, evil,

E.Supp.20 Euripides, The Suppliants [20] Here lies Adrastus on the ground with streaming eyes, sharing with them the burden of their prayer to me, and bemoaning the havoc of the sword and the sorry fate of the warriors whom he led from their homes. And he urges me to use entreaty to persuade my son [25] to take up the dead and help to bury them, either by winning words or force of arms, laying on my son and on Athens this task alone. Now it happened that I had left my house and come to offer sacrifice on behalf of the earth's crop

Phortos  II. Att., vulgar stuff, rubbish, balderdash,Ar.Pax748 (anap.) Pl.796.

Aristophanes, Peace ( [745] so that his comrade might have the chance of jeering at his stripes and might ask, "Wretch, what has happened to your hide? Has the lash rained an army of its thongs on you and laid your back waste?" After having delivered us from all these wearisome ineptitudes and these low buffooneries, he has built up for us a great art, like a palace with high towers, [750] constructed of fine phrases, great thoughts and of jokes not common on the streets. Moreover it's not obscure private persons or women that he stages in his comedies; but, bold as Heracles, it's the very greatest whom he attacks, undeterred by the fetid stink of leather or the threats of hearts of mud.

Aristophanes, Plutus


[795] I will accept them at your fireside, as custom requires. Besides, we shall thus avoid a ridiculous scene; it is not meet that the poet should throw dried figs and dainties to the spectators; it is a vulgar trick to make them laugh.

Phortos III. mass of detail, 'stuff', in semi-colloquial sense, Aret.CD1.4.


The word Poieô speaks of MAKING of sacrifices, festivals, celebrations. All religioous rituals intended to create anxiety by claiming to bring you into the presence of a god. It includes POETS who compose or write: they wrote only myths or "religious rituals" and not true facts. it means to represent in poetry, to describe in verse, or to put innto verse.


Strabo wrote  [941b] if convicted. Theft of property is uncivilized, open robbery is shameless: neither of these has any of the sons of Zeus practiced, through delight in fraud or force. Let no man, therefore, be deluded concerning this or persuaded either by poets or by any perverse myth-mongers into the belief that, when he thieves or forcibly robs, he is doing nothing shameful, but just what the gods themselves do.[[Hermes] That is both unlikely and untrue; and whoever acts thus unlawfully is neither a god at all nor a child of gods; 


Poets Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias,  b. composer of music2. author of a speech, opp. deliverer of it, Mutholog-os, A. teller of legends, romancer, joined with poiêtês, Id.R.392d, cf. 398b, Lg.664d, Thphr.HP4.13.2, LXX Ba.3.23; used of Hdt. by Arist. GA756b6.


Erôs 2. object of love or desire, aprosiktoi erôtes Pi.N.11.48 , cf. Luc.Tim.14. 3. passionate joy, S.Aj.693 (lyr.). IV. name of the klêros Aphroditês, [Zoe] Cat.Cod.Astr.1.168 ; = third klêros

Charizesthai erastais Pederasty musicians, odes, Mousa paidikee, which are mere play for him. A nomos for cinaedi by a Sybarite Hemitheon is mentioned by Lucian adv. ind. 23 (cf. Pseudo-Lucian 3).

Xenophon, in Symp. 8.32, say that pederasty was the usual custom in Elis and Thebes, and Plato adds that charizesthai erastais was not considered dishonorable because the people there were too inarticulate to persuade with words.

Exapataô seduce a woman,

Gen. 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 

5377.  nasha}, naw-shaw´; a primitive root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce:—beguile, deceive, x greatly, x utterly.

2Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: 
        for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

2 Cor. 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, 
        so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 


[941c] and this the lawgiver, as it behoves him, knows better than the whole tribe of poets. He, therefore, that hearkens to our speech is blessed, and deserves blessing for all time; but he that hearkens not shall, in the next place, be holden by this law:--If anyone steals any piece of public property, he shall receive the same punishment, be it great or small. For he that steals a small thing steals with equal greed, though with less power, while he that takes a large thing which he has not deposited does wrong to the full;

PURE religion is to rescue people from ths NARROWNESS

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. Ja.1:27


Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid. book 6, line 645.

"sing" occurs once on this page.

[645]  Orpheus was one of the mythical fathers of song, and his name was associated with revelations about the lower world, supposed to be preserved by secret societies (Dict. M. Orpheus), so that he is naturally made the harper who plays while the blessed spirits dance and sing. He is called `sacerdos,' as in Hor. A. P. 391 he is called sacer interpresque deorum. The long robe was characteristic of musicians, as Cerda shows, comp. Prop. 3. 23. 16, Pythius in longa carmina veste sonat (of the statue of Apollo in the Palatine temple), and also Hor. A. P. 215, Ov. F. 6. 654, 688, where the long robes of the `tibicines' are mentioned and accounted for. `Cum veste' above v. 359. Elsewhere we have `in veste,' as 12. 169, puraque in veste sacerdos.

Threskeia (g2356) thrace-ki'-ah; from a der. of 2357; ceremonial observance: - religion, worshipping.

Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Col.2:18

"Voluntary" (g2309) means determined, delightful, pleasurable. It is from: 

Haireomai (g138) hahee-reh'-om-ahee; prob. akin to 142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer: - choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate heålloåmai +tx hel'-lom-ahee; # which is otherwise obsolete 
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than (choosing) to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Heb.11:25

"If any one perchance thinks that we are speaking calumnies, let him take the books of the Thracian soothsayer (Orpheus the inventor of musical soothsaying), which you speak of as of divine antiquity;

and he will find that we are neither cunningly inventing anything,
nor seeking means to bring the holiness of the gods into ridicule,

and doing so: for we shall bring forward the very verses which the son of Calliope uttered in the Greek,

and published abroad in his songs to the human race through out all all ages." (Arnobius Against the Heathen, Ante-Nicene, VI, p. 499). 


Nor is it the sacrificial art of Magi, and their entrail forebodings, nor the Chaldæan astronomy and horoscopes, comparing our lives with the movements of the heavenly bodies, which cannot know even what they are themselves, or shall be.  Nor are these Thracian orgies, from which the word Worship (Threskia) is said to be derived; nor rites and mysteries of Orpheus, whom the Greeks admired so much for his wisdom that they devised for him a lyre which draws all things by its music. 

Magos  one of the priests and wise men in Persia who interpreted dreams,  
3. enchanter, wizard, esp. in bad sense, impostor, charlatan, Heraclit.14, S.OT387, E.Or.1498  

II. magos, magical, magps technêi prattein ti Philostr.VA1.2 ; kestou phôneusa magôtera AP5.120 (Phld.). (Opers. magus( 'Magian'.)

The crooked generation:

Skolios 1 curved, winding, twisted, tangled, Lat. obliquus, Hdt., Eur., etc.:-- bent sideways, douleiê kephalê skoliê (Hor. stat capite obstipo) Theogn.: metaph. crooked, i. e. unjust, unrighteous , Il., Hes., etc.; skolia prattein, eipein Plat.:--so adv. skoliôs, Hes.

Prattein, Prassô II. experience certain fortunes, achieved bondage, i.e. brought it on himself, grant power of song, get something, plot, 3. of sexual intercourse, b. esp. of secret practices and intrigues

II For what they worship as true, they veil as mythical. But if these things are true, they ought not to be called myths, but to be proved not to be shameful; and if they are false, they ought not to be objects of wonder; nor ought people so inconsiderately to hold the most contraryplaying in the market-place with boys or really ill-disposed men, not engaged in discussion with men of sense, and worshippers of the Word, though despisers of this artificial plausibility. opinions about the same thing,  as if they were
Nor the tortures of Mithras 3927
3927 These Mysteries were of Persian origin, connected it is said with the worship of the Sun.  The neophytes were made to undergo twelve different kinds of torture.
which it is just that those who can endure to be initiated into such things should suffer; nor the manglings of Osiris, 3928
3928 The Egyptian Mysteries.
another calamity honoured by the Egyptians; nor the ill-fortunes of Isis 3929
3929  Zeus fell in love with Isis, and carried her off in the form of a heifer.  Here, discovering the fraud, sent a gadfly, which drove Isis mad
and the goats more venerable than the Mendesians, and the stall of Apis, 3930
3930  Apis, the sacred bull, worshipped at Memphis.
the calf that luxuriated in the folly of the Memphites, nor all those honours with which they outrage the Nile, while themselves proclaiming it in song to be the Giver of fruits and corn, and the measurer of happiness by its cubits. 3931
3931    i.e., that the prosperity of the country was proportionate to the annual rise of the River
Zeph. 3:2 She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction;
        she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
Zeph. 3:3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
Zech. 11:15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.

Keliy (h3627) kel-ee'; from 3615; something prepared, i. e. any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon): - armour ([-bearee]), artillery, bag, carriage, / furnish, furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made of, * one from another, that which pertaineth, pot, / psaltery, sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware, weapon, / whatsoever.

Eviliy (h196) ev-ee-lee'; from 191; silly, foolish; hence (mor.) impious: - foolish.

Eviyl (h191) ev-eel'; from an unused root (mean. to be perverse); (fig.) silly: - fool (-ish) (man)

Zech. 11:16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.
Roaring: 7580.   shaw-ag´; a primitive root; to rumble or moan:—x mightily, roar
Gnaw: 1633. garam, gaw-ram´; to bone, i.e. denude (by extensive, craunch) the bones: gnaw the bones, break.

Zep 3:4 Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary,
they have
done violence to the law.

Treacherous: 898.  bagad, baw-gad´; a primitive root; to cover (with a garment); figuratively, to act covertly; by implication, to pillage:—deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend, transgress(-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man), unfaithful(-ly, man), x very. 

Polluted is:

Chalal (h2490) khaw-lal'; a prim. root [comp. 2470]; prop. to bore, i. e. (by impl.) to wound, to dissolve; fig. to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge"); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): - begin (* men began), defile, * break, defile, * eat (as common things), * first, * gather the grape thereof, * take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; Isa 33:15 

"Nor are these Thracian orgies, from which the word Worship (threskia) is said to be derived; nor rites and mysteries of Orpheus, whom the Greeks admired so much for his wisdom that they devised for him a lyre which draws all things by its music. Nor the tortures of Mithras

The word in the Bible is:

Threskos (g2357) thrace'-kos; prob. from the base of 2360; ceremonious in worship (as demonstrative), i.e. pious: - religious.

James does not PERMIT rituals but says

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. Ja.1:27

Thlipsis (g2347) thlip'-sis; from 2346; pressure (lit. or fig.): - afflicted (-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble. 

Thriambeuo (g2358) three-am-byoo'-o; from a prol. comp. of the base of 2360 and a der. of 680 (mean. a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (fig.) to conquer or (by Hebr.) to give victory: - (cause) to triumph (over).

See the meaning of the triumph over of Jesus which failed.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15

Isn't Jesus being "judgmental" to point out that the "many" will be false prophets? Of course not. He is willing to be judged with the same judgment. Therefore, Paul considered the "many" as always wrong and the FEW always persecuted.

Jesus forbids judging based on appearance.
He demands that we judge based on FRUITS.

If the wolf looks like a lamb are we supposed to make him an elder or "musical worship leader"? No. We all pass judgment using the Bible as the standard and we will not be put off by the psychological effort to silence the teaching of any absolute truth.

In Acts 20 the WOLVES are specificially identified as always-perverted musicians. When the elders are secret WOLVES they let the DOGS in to howl out their tune.

Now, Paul had no problems warning about false prophets because he was willing to be judged based on whether he spoke that which was written or revealed through Him.

For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me,
        to make the
Gentiles obedient, by word and deed. Rom 15:18 

BUT there were false prophets also among the people,
        even as there shall be false teachers among you, 

        who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,

even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Pet 2:1

And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2 Pet 2:2

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:

Emporeuomai (g1710) em-por-yoo'-om-ahee; from 1722 and 4198; to travel in (a country as a pedlar), i.e. (by impl.) to trade: - buy and sell, make merchandise.

whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 2 Pet 2:3

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Pet 2:4

And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eigth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2 Pet 2:5

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 2 Pet 2:6

The angels which sinned are blamed for musical idolatry in all known literature. He brought his nature equiped for heaven to the earth and used music to deceive people and silence the Word of God. Modern scholarship still says that it knows of no exception.

They taught mixed-sex choirs, instrumental music, wine and sexual perversion. Enoch and sister documents claim that God will come with ten thousand of His saints to execute judgement upon any of Satan's agents who do anything to silence the Words of Christ.

While you might not believe that total history, you are still left with the fact that "there is no other tradition."

Therefore, we dare warn about musical performers and submit ourselves to be judged by all of the known evidence.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Matthew 7:16

Isaiah 5 has God "singing" the fact that Israel was the vineyard of the Lord. They neglected the vineyard and turned to wine, women and instrumental music in their religious festivals. The result was that the people asked for the BREAD OF THE WORD and the people starved their children to death.

And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Isa 5:12

And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play. Ex.32:6

Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Isa 5:13

Because this review is based on the FORCEFUL TAKEOVER of churches to change them from synagogues or schools of the Bible into "theaters for holy entertainment" we can ask the question:

What is the fruit of this hostile takeover of non-musical churches? Well, the OWNERS simply jump ship believing that passing judgment is condemning the thieves for stealing the "church houses of widows."

The fruit of these false teachers is just this:

Karpos (g2590) kar-pos'; prob. from the base of 726; fruit (as plucked), lit. or fig.: - fruit.

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Ju.1:23

Harpazo (g726) har-pad'-zo; from a der. of 138; to seize (in various applications): - catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force).

g138 is the word heresy: therefore, the proof of the pudding is that those who infiltrate and divert create a heresy and are therefore SECTARIAN.

The NAAS or Nachash is seen as the TALLEST TREE IN EDEN by Ezekiel 21. The meaning of the serpent is that he is a MUSICAL ENCHANTER:

Hippolytus grasped the meaning of the TREES in the Garden:

"Of every tree that is in paradise thou mayest freely eat, but thou mayest not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, [Gen. ii. 16, 17. ] which is Naas.

Now the meaning is, that he should obey the rest of the eleven angels of Edem, for the eleven possess passions, but are not guilty of transgression.

Naas, however, has committed sin, for he went in unto Eve, deceiving her, and debauched her; and (such an act as) this is a violation of law.

He, however, likewise went in unto Adam,
and had
unnatural intercourse with him; and this is itself also a piece of turpitude, whence have arisen adultery and sodomy.

Hippolytus: See the Nassene as worshipers of the serpent with music and devotion to the For (the Naassene) says, there is the hermaphrodite man.

THE BOOK OF ENOCH: defining for whom God comes in judgment

Chapter 6

1 They consider how the trees, when they put forth their green leaves, become covered, and produce fruit;
..........understanding everything, and knowing that He who lives for ever does all these things for you:

2 That the works at the beginning of every existing year, that all his works, are subservient to him, and invariable; yet as God has appointed, so are all things brought to pass

3 They see, too, how the seas and the rivers together complete their respective operations:

4 But you endure not patiently, nor fulfill the commandments of the Lord;
..........but you transgress and calumniate his greatness;
..........and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty.

(Poluted in the Hebrew Halal or Chalal speeks fluently of instrument of music directed against God is polluting or prostituting or "taking away God's inheritance." This is the symbol of mark of those who used music as a MARK and cause of ignoring the Word of God. Job 21, Isaiah 5, Ezekiel 33, Amos 5, 6, 8)

Chalal (h2490) khaw-lal'; a prim. root [comp. 2470]; prop. to bore, i. e. (by impl.) to wound, to dissolve; fig. to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge"); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): - begin (* men began), defile, * break, defile, * eat (as common things), * first, * gather the grape thereof, * take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.

5 You withered in heart, no peace shall be to you!

But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Jude 10

Phtheiro (g5351) fthi'-ro; prob. strength. from phthio, (to pine or waste): prop. to shrivel or wither, i.e. to spoil (by any process) or (gen.) to ruin (espec. fig. by mor. influences, to deprave): - corrupt (self), defile, destroy

6 Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.

7 In those days shall you resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous,
sinners shall perpetually execrate you;

8 Shall execrate you with the ungodly.

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:17

Sapros (g4550) sap-ros'; from 4595; rotten, i.e. worthless (lit. or mor.): - bad, corrupt. Comp. 4190.

4190. poneros, pon-ay-ros´; from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence...the devil, or (plural) sinners:  bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness) 

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ep.4:29

Corrputed or polluted in the Hebrew is:

Chalal (h2490) khaw-lal'; a prim. root [comp. 2470]; prop. to bore, i. e. (by impl.) to wound, to dissolve; fig. to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge"); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): - begin (* men began), defile, * break, defile, * eat (as common things), * first, * gather the grape thereof, * take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matthew 7:18  

Revelation 17 defines the Mother of Harlots worship using FRUITS as speakers, singers and instrument players: 

And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the Lord unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. Amos 8:2

Keluwb (h3619) kel-oob'; from the same as 3611; a bird-trap (as furnished with a clap-stick or treadle to spring it); hence a basket (as resembling a wicker cage): - basket, cage.

As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. Je.5:27

Keleb (h3611) keh'leb; from an unused root mean. to yelp, or else to attack; a dog; hence (by euphemism) a male prostitute: - dog.

For dogs have compassed me: the assembly [multitude, swarm] of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Ps.22:16

Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Is.56:11

And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the Lord: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy. Je.15:3 

And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. Re.18:14

Aeschylus, Suppliant Women The tender ripeness of summer fruit is in no way easy to protect; beasts despoil it--and men, why not?-- [1000] and brutes that fly and those that walk the earth. Love's goddess spreads news abroad of fruit bursting ripe. . . . So all men, as they pass, [1005] mastered by desire, shoot an alluring arrow of the eye at the delicate beauty of virgins. See to it, therefore, that we do not suffer that in fear for which we have endured great toil and ploughed the great waters with our ship; and that we bring no shame to ourselves and exultation to our enemies

Opôr-a belonging to bakcheios III. metaph., life's summer, the time of youthful ripeness, Pi.I.2.5 ;

Bakch-eios or Bakcheios, A. of or belonging to Bacchus and his rites, botrus S.Fr.255.2 ; nomos E.Hec.686 (lyr.); rhuthmos X.Smp.9.3 , etc.: hence, frenzied, rapt

Pindar, Ishmian 2.[1] The men of old, Thrasybulus, who mounted the chariot of the Muses with their golden headbands, joining the glorious lyre, lightly shot forth their honey-voiced songs for young men, if one was handsome and had [5] the sweetest ripeness that brings to mind Aphrodite on her lovely throne. [6] For in those days the Muse was not yet a lover of gain, nor did she work for hire. And sweet gentle-voiced odes did not go for sale, with silvered faces, from honey-voiced Terpsichore. But as things are now, she bids us heed [10] the saying of the Argive man, which comes closest to actual truth: [11] “Money, money makes the man,” he said, when he lost his wealth and his friends at the same time. 

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7:19

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Rev 18:21

And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; Rev 18:22

Rev. 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

Rev. 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.  

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20

Therefore, the evidence is overwhelming that you can JUDGE those who lie about musical instruments as by someone being mislead to crash the gates and let the wolves or dogs or always-perverted religious musicians in to EAT UP the flock.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21

This practice ignored the Word and repeated a word over and over. For instance, it has been noted that repeating "hallelujah" is like chanting "Hey Yo!" Jesus contrasted this with doing His will--

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Mt.6:7

Of vain repetitions like "Lord, Lord" or "hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. The most common public use of halal, h1984, or praise is to make self vile:


"The vb. Battologeo in Mt 6:7 (say not the same thing over and over again) refers to the superstition that the repeated utterance of a word will secure one's wish." (Int. Std. Bible Ency., Magic, p. 1964).

Battologeo (g945) bat-tol-og-eh'-o; from Batto, (a proverbial stammerer) and 3056; to stutter, i.e. (by impl.) to prate tediously: - use vain repetitions

Bebelos (g952) beb'-ay-los; from the base of 939 and belos , (a threshold); accessible as by crossing the door-way, i.e. (by impl. of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked: - profane (person)

Battologeo, "to babble, ... [battologeo] originally signified to stammer; then, to babble, chatter; so, to use empty words" [BULLINGER. PAGE. 639.],

The word "repetitions" is the Greek word battologeo, which comes from the verb, legeo, (to speak) and the prefix batta. Batta is a figure of speech that in English we call an "onomatopoeia" which is a word that sounds like what it is, (buzz, zip, zing, rip). Jesus was literally saying, when you pray don't say, "Batta, batta, batta," the gibberish that the pagans offer to their gods.

Mark 5:38 And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.

And when Jesus came into the rulers house, and saw the minstrels (flute players) and the people making a noise, Matt 9:23

"In cultic action music was used in preparation for prophecy. Julius Firmicus Maternus refers to this fact in his remarks on an African cult.

With the air full of flute music,
the priests would put on women's clothing and
then call on the goddess so that,
filled with a wicked spirit, they might
predict the future to foolish men.

"In considering this cultic background it is necessary to understand the

view of music as dispositive to divination,
a view which derives from pagan philosophy. (Quasten, Johannes, pg. 40)

"The verb rendered tinkling, alalazo, originally meant to repeat the cry alala, as in battle. It is used by Mark (5:38) of the wailings of hired mourners. Hence, generally, to ring or clang. Rev., clanging cymbal, is derived from (the Greek) a hollow or cup. The cymbal consisted of two half-gloves of metal which was struck together." (Vincent, p. 263).

And Jesus "cast them out more or less violently."

The word lelein is fundamentally an onomatopoetic one, meaning, as Thayer's Lexicon puts it, to go 'la-la'.  The Greeks shouted 'alala' both in worship and in war, and personified Alala as a deity (Pindar, Fr. 208 [78]; Plutarch 2.3496).  It was this same repetitive and meaningless syllabification in pagan prayers which Jesus described: 'for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking' (Matthew 6:7)

Iamblichus wrote: New patterns of Christian worship appear to have been more difficult for women to adopt than men, as they had not known the dignified rite of Apollo or Zeus.  For the most part, their religious expression had been accompanied by extravagances of every sort.   

We affirm, accordingly, not only that the shoutings and choric songs are sacred to the gods, each and all of them, as being peculiarly their own, but likewise that there is a kindred relationship between them in their proper order . . . and the peculiar usages of Sabazian worship make ready for the Bacchic enthusiasm, the purifying of souls, and deliverances from old incriminations, their respective inspirations are, accordingly, different in every important particular.

Thou seemest to think that those who are enrapt by the Mother of the gods are males, for thou callest them, accordingly, 'Metrizontes' yet that is not true, for the 'Metrizontesae' are chiefly women (op cit., pp. 121-123

Such women must learn that they were purified not through shouting but through the blood of Christ and through the washing of the water of the Word.

It may help us to understand that the Greek word lelein refers primarily to utterance rather than to meaningful conversation.  The term is used repeatedly in chapter 14 to describe speaking in tongues.  Phrynichus, the ancient dictionarian, defined the term as 'to talk nonsense'. 

The word is used of gossip, prattling, babbling, animal sounds, and musical instruments.  During the classical period, it usually was employed in a contemptuous sense.  Debrunner, writing in the Kittle-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, states 'Lalein can also be used quite objectively of speech when there is reference to sound rather than than meaning.  'To what kind of utterance can St. Paul refer?  There were many types of vocalization in ecstatic rites.

They have been heard to utter (different voices of equal strength, or with great diversity and inequality) in tones that alternated with silence; and again in other cases harmonious crescendo or dimenuendo of tone, and in still other cases other kinds of utterance. (Iamblichus, On the Mysteries, III, 4-6)

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Matthew 7:22

"Singing served as a means of inducing ecstatic prophecy (speaking in tongues).

Thus the essential relationship between music and prophecy can be clearly seen.
This relationship also explains why the expression for "
making music" and "prophesying" was often identical in the ancient tongues. origen contra celsum 8.67.

The Hebrew word Naba signifies not only "to prophesy" but also "to make music." (Quasten, Johannes, Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, p. 39)

Dialog of Phaedrus and Socrates notes:

It might be so if madness were simply an evil;
but there is also a madness which is a divine gift,
and the source of the chiefest blessings granted to men.
For prophecy is a madness,
and the prophetess at Delphi and the priestesses at Dodona
when out of their senses have conferred great benefits on Hellas,
both in public and private life,
but when in their senses few or none.

And I might also tell you how the Sibyl and other inspired persons have given to many an one many an intimation of the future which has saved them from falling. But it would be tedious to speak of what every one knows.

There will be more reason in appealing to the ancient inventors of names, who would never have connected prophecy (mantike) which foretells the future and is the noblest of arts,

And when the Muses came and song appeared they were ravished with delight; and singing always, never thought of eating and drinking, until at last in their forgetfulness they died.

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:23

There is something much more important than "knowing the Lord" and that is having the Lord know who we are. Jesus said that God only seeks or recognizes those who worship IN SPIRIT or in the human mind as the Most Holy Place. Therefore, because God can CHOOSE not to do something, it is possible that in spite of all of the musical prophesying, God does not even take note that we exist.

The ekklesia or synagogue was a school of the Bible beginning even in the wilderness. The purpose was to speak "that which is written" (Rom 15) as a way to glorify or praise God. By speaking His words we confess Him before men.
Matt. 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men,
        him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 

Matt. 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men,
        him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matt. 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
        I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matt. 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father,
        and the daughter against her mother,
        and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Heb. 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
        having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
and our bodies washed with pure water.
Heb. 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;
        (for he is faithful that promised;)
Heb. 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Heb. 10:25 Not forsaking [abandon] the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;
        but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

When we assemble we synagogue: there was no praise service in the synagogue by direct commandment and by common sense.

1997.  episunagoge, ep-ee-soon-ag-o-gay´; from 1996; a complete collection; especially a Christian meeting (for worship):  assembling (gathering) together

See the meaning of synagogue which is not like any church which thinks about music.

The MARK of those who have been CASTAWAY and declared ANATHEMA is the public declaration that they have the authority (from the Spirit making it blasphemy) to NOT obey Christ and therefore deny that HE IS LORD. They will often take CHRIST off their public confession.

The blasphemy of the Spirit by lying to His (Christ's) words is to give themselves authority to steal the church house and families of widows and honest wage earners (Malachi: to take the tithe from wages is ROBBERY), for the Purpose Driven intention to deliberately sow discord by imposing Musical Worship Teams (claiming to be God) and then musical instruments.  But, the LORD said that they are Castaway and Anathema: dedicated to be burned without redemption.

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: Matthew 7:24

Jesus CAST OUT the musical minstrels LIKE DUNG. He said that the MEN (masculine) were like children (abused) PIPING in the marketplace trying to get others to sing and dance.  Jesus also said that the Scribes and Pharisees loved to strut their stuff in the MARKETPLACE. Isn't the Church built upon a Rock. Ekklesia can mean both those who assemble and the "church house."  If you build it on ROCK and roll you will get swept away.

Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments,
                ye shall abide in my love;
        even as I have kept my Father’s commandments,
                and abide in his love.
1 Cor 16:21 The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.
1Cor. 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Britannica, Anathema: Maranatha Of Chaldee origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha, that is, an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment:—Maran-atha.(from Greek anatithenai: “to set up,” or “to dedicate”), in the Old Testament, a creature or object set apart for sacrificial offering. Its return to profane use was strictly banned, and such objects, destined for destruction, thus became effectively accursed as well as consecrated. Old Testament descriptions of religious wars call both the enemy and their besieged city…

That which is set up as a votive offering in the temple: of DELIGHT.
        Molpe dance or rhymic movement with singing, klange, blow pipes
        Orchestus dancing or movement
        Slave or minister in the temple.

Example: So the whole day long they sought to appease the god with song, singing the beautiful paean, the sons of the Achaeans, hymning the god who works from afar; and his heart was glad, as he heard.

Example: But on you the soft-singing lyre and the sweet flute scatter grace [95] and the Pierian daughters of Zeus nurture your wide fame.

Od.1.152  Homer, Odyssey 1:   [150] Now after the wooers had put from them the desire of food and drink, their hearts turned to other things, to song and to dance; for these things are the crown [anathema] of a feast. And a herald put the beautiful lyre in the hands of Phemius, who sang perforce among the wooers;  ...
       These men care for things like these, the lyre and song, [160] full easily,  
       seeing that without atonement they devour the livelihood of another

Heb. 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
Heb. 6:6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance;
        seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh,
        and put him to an open shame.
Heb. 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it,
        and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
Heb. 6:8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, [Castaway]
        and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

The IGNIS or fire starter is the one who STARTS THE TUNE.

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew 7:25

This is exactly the message of Paul when he gave the task to the Pastor-Teachers (elders) the duty to PREVENT people like Lynn Anderson from blowing the winds of change.

Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Panourgia (g3834) pan-oorg-ee'-ah; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: - (cunning) craftiness, subtilty.

3835.  panougos, pan-oor´-gos; from 3956 and 2041; all-working [ergon], i.e. adroit (shrewd):  crafty.

A musical instrument is a machine for doing hard WORK from ERGON. This was always to MAKE WARE or to induce the arousal in religious ritualism. 

Panourg-êma  A. knavish trick, villainy, S.El.1387 (lyr.), LXX Si.1.6 (v.l.); sophistry, Gal.5.251; cf. panourgeuma.

Sophis-tikos  Artistic or poetic, This includes the techne or craftsmen who perform as sorcerers in Rev 18. 

Techn-ê ,, skill, cunning of hand, soothsayer, to learn a thing professionally, hence title of various treatises on Rhetoric (v. VI; but rather tricks of Rhetoric, OF the rhapsoidikos, poetl

Clement Against Heresies

To me, therefore, that Thracian Orpheus, that Theban, and that Methymnaean,-men, and yet unworthy of the name,-seem to have been deceivers,  who, under the pretence of poetry corrupting human life, possessed by a spirit of artful sorcery for purposes of destruction, celebrating crimes in their orgies, and making human woes the materials of religious worship, were the first to entice men to idols; 
        nay, to build up the stupidity of the nations with blocks of wood and stone,-
              that is, statues and images,-
        subjecting to the
yoke of extremest bondage the truly noble freedom
             of those who lived as
free citizens under heaven
             by their songs and incantations
. Technites

Both in Hebrew and Greek a BURDEN is a song which creaths spiritual anxiedy (laded burden) or the self-pleasure in Romans 15 which is a reproach (exposing one's pudenda)

Sophocles, Electra Chorus

Orestes [Homosexual]

Pylades, in no way does our task call any longer for many words, but rather demands that we enter the house immediately, after first adoring the shrines of my father's 1375] gods, the keepers of these gates. Orestes and Pylades enter the house, followed by the Paedagogus. Electra remains outside.


King Apollo! Hear them with favor, and hear me besides, who so often have come before your altar with hands rich in such gifts as I could obtain! And now, O Lycean Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon], with what means I have 1380] I pray to you, I supplicate you, I implore you, be our ready champion in these designs,

and show what rewards the gods bestow on humans in return for their impiety!

Exit Electra, into the house. 

1384] Behold how Ares stalks onward, 1385] breathing bloody vengeance that is hard to oppose. Just now have the hunters of wicked crimes passed beneath that roof there, the hounds which none may flee. And so not long shall 1390] the vision of my soul hang in suspense. [Outlawed as laded burden and Self-pleasure]

kuôn 3. of the Cynics, areskei This is the SELF-pleasure in Romans 15 which Paul outlawed: it is used of all of the performing arts.

kunikos , ê, on, ( [kuôn]
II. Kunikos, ho, Cynic, as the followers of the philosopher Antisthenes were called, from the gymnasium ( [Kunosarges] ) where he taught, D.L.6.13; or from their resemblance to dogs in several respects

In 2 Maccabees we have these men who performed musically and sexually in the Abomination of Desolation.

Tom Burgess lists all of the proof-texts people use to IMPOSE musical machines based on the word PSALLO which has no musical content.  It is interesting that Antisthenes like all of the PROOF FELLAS proves that all of the PLUCKERS were homosexuals using the "youth ministers" who had, in Paul's message, been emasculated:

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine,

and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: Matthew 7:26

Was Jesus passing judgement to say, in our terms, if you play on the interstate you will get run over. If you jump off a tall building you will be joyous light: but you will go boom at the bottom.

If you build your "church family" or house on music it will evaporate just as soon as the last tone has died down. However, if you build your house on worship as SEEKING CHRIST THROUGH HIS WORD then you will build your house on the ROCK.

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Matthew 7:27

And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: Matthew 7:28

For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Matthew 7:29


The Scribes would write their own "sermons" in order NOT to have to teach the Word: that is what allowed them to be professional preachers.

Matt. 20:18 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death,

Mark 12:38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,

Matt. 15:1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 

Matt 15:7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,

Hypokrites (g5273) hoop-ok-ree-tace'; from 5271; an actor under an assumed character (stage-player), i.e. (fig.) a dissembler ("hypocrite"): - hypocrite.

Hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate, ape, mimic, Mania or religious frenzy.

Rhêtor-ikos , ê, on, oratorical, hê rhêtorikê (sc. technê). These are the craftsmen lumped with the singers, musicians and "grinder" doing merchandise in the house of prayer. Rev. 18:22

LATIN: canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C. Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound: 2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing

DON'T fleece the flock: there is no LAW of giving for false teachers. DON'T pass the plate and use instrument music:

Matt 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Augustine wrote and said that one who plays the role of the WORSHIPER for others to imitate is a hypocrite

5. "Therefore, when thou doest thine alms," says He, "do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men."

Do not, says He, desire to become known in the same way as the hypocrites. Now it is manifest that hypocrites have not that in their heart also which they hold forth before the eyes of men.

For hypocrites are pretenders, as it were setters forth of other characters,
just as in the plays of the theatre.

DON'T make preacher prayers or sermons in the synagogue:
Matt 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

DON'T LIE about the Bible and chase away the owners.

Matt 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Spiritual discernment meaning the gift of A holy spirit after baptism NEVER gives one the power to be guided beyond the sacred page. A holy spirit gives one the ability to read the PARABLES hidden from the clergy in PLAIN VIEW.  How could you do a scholarly study of JUDGING without being "guided" to understand that the HYPOCRITES Jesus condemned and cast out like dung were SPECIFICIALLY theatrical speakers and musicians.


This is a quick study: I will clean it up in time.

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5.20.08, 5.23.08. Rev 6.07.08 2.07.09 425  9.27.09 765 4.04.11 1628

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