All Ye That Labor - I Will Give You Rest - From Change Agents
Musical Worship Leaders, because of the misinterpretation of certain scripture from the book of Psalms see Ps 100:4... place burden on a hearer..especially those who have a deeply wounded spirit. It's not fair! It's an assault! It's not fair! The following e-mail gives great insight into those deliberately loading churches down with almost-catastrophic burdens in order to make them over in the image of Rest.See how MUSIC is the laded burden by the unlawful clergy
See how Jesus died to give us rest.
See how this REST is directed primarily to stopping the preaching, singing and music.
Hi Kenneth.
Well I've printed out one of your articles Musical Paradigm - Covenant of Grace - Law of Moses to read. What amazes me is the sheer quantity of the articles you have written! I pray that I will have time to pen some thoughts about your work. In the meantime I find your articles very challenging and inspiring.
I received a brief newsletter from Freedom Ministries today saying that they have a link now to a website about the 'rock opera' "Jesus Christ Superstar". Thought you might like to know about that. The music to that rock opera, each time I hear a snippet of the 'music' from it grieves me terribly (to the anxiety point..), and always has done, not that I give it any creedence but music has the way to affect the soul whether or not one is 'passive' to it, trying to ignore it, or actively involved with it..taking it in.
One observation I have made with my 4 and a half year old, Jane. I noticed that when she has watched a children's movie on the tv (she saw one on cable tv recently) with songs, and I have noticed this especially with Disney films, that when the very heart rending song comes up Jane says, "I don't want to watch this movie any more". For the music has affected her soul and brought her to the anxiety point where she is made to feel those tragically poignant feelings imposed upon her by the producers of the movie. And it reminded me of the exact same feelings I had as a child..only in this new generation there's a lot more of it out there in media land. Upon hearing the slow ballads full of 'heart' and 'soul' she wouldn't be consoled and wouldn't continue to watch the movie. I don't blame her..
Now I realise the same sensations take place with people when the 'worship leaders' are 'sensing' (in a corrupt soulish sense) the change from the 'praise' (singing and clapping) to the 'worship' (slow and meaningful heart and soul stuff) - because of the misinterpretation of certain scripture from the book of Psalms see Ps 100:4. It places such a burden on a hearer..especially those who have a deeply wounded spirit. It's not fair! It's an assault! It's not fair!
I'm all for liberty these days.
Anyway Ken, here's that url for the abovementioned:
See you later. Dianna
Dianna knows that music performed upon you is a change agent which creates anxiety to "drive you to the edge" to prove that the worship facilitor (manipulator) had "brought you into the presence of God." She, like at least 15% of the urban worlds population lives close to the edge of catastrophe and it takes very little created excitement to make her run for her life and the spiritual and emotional life of her child. Even a four-year old knows more than many of our change agents.
Many others can move easily between "Woodstock" and "Churchrock." They can listen to rap, rock and religious and get on a literal "drug high" and never know that they have been "injected." However, they do not feel the pain because they live in the middle of the "table" of emotional stability and do not know that the very cells and chemicals of their body have been altered to do more harm than good. They are driven close to disequilibrium but not over the edge because they have a reserve of chemicals in their bodies.
Some music has been proven to be calming. Classical music, for instance, is closely tied together and may soothe some people. A single, pure tone, is often used in theraphy. The pure tone is seen in the religious world by unison singing.
However, Jesus came to take the mind manipulators (worship facilitators) off our back and invited us to "come apart" by the still, quiet waters where lambs can feed. He said:
Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
The Burden He removed is the burden Lynn Anderson and the musical worshipers try to lay on the congregation even if it takes a long time and a lot of dangerous plotting:
Phortizo (g5412) for-tid'-zo; from 5414; to load up (prop. as aa vessel or animal), i.e. figurative (of Lynn's Change Agentry) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety): - lade, be heavy laden.
The peace and load-lifting Jesus died to give the least of us was:
Anapauo (g373) an-up-ow'-o; from 303 and 3973; (reflex.) to repose (lit. or fig. [be exempt], remain); by impl. to refresh: - take ease, (give, take) rest.
Flying in the face of even basic Biblical knowledge, turning away from Christ and turning to secular, commercial methods of change agentry which the boss uses to force the workers to produce more product for their pay, Lynn Anderson, a successful agent and merchant of commercial change, in Navigating the Winds of Change, disputes the teaching and model of Jesus, as Full Deity, and steams full-speed ahead to show how one who is held in more esteem than either Jesus or His Words, writes his new-found, marketable formul.
He quotes Webster to define disequilibrium as "a state of emotional or intellectual imbalance." He loves disequilibrium, contra Jesus, and confesses: "Somewhere along the way, I cooked up a little antibiotic for disequilibrium: two facts and stratiges. He has found a drug to kill the destructive bug he loves to feed:
Fact one
"Change does not come without disequilibrium. (To destroy the balance)
Fact two
"People cannot endure sustained disequilibrium! Here is where most eye-on-the-goal, can't -wait-for-the-plodders style of change agents mess up. They push people into acute disequilibrium and hold them there till an explosion comes. So, what to do! (Note: who gave preachers the authority to do that???)
Strategy one (Paul would call it fooling the fools who love to be fooled)
"Weave! Alternate between safety and disequilibrium.
Teach new ideas a while, stretching your church out beyond comfort zones and into fresh thinking...
then back off! Talk about familiar and safe things for a while.
Then, move back out to the cutting edge again.
Weave out and in - weave out with new ideas,
then weave back in with talk of comfortable things.Then weave out again by implementing new practices;
then weave back to some old practices that we feel safer.Weave! Two steps forward and one step back.
"Why would a change agent act so dishonestly unless he is trying to introduce new ideas which have no Biblical basis??
Strategy two
"Employ prayerful brinkmanship!.. ("To the brink of war. The policy of pursuing a hazardous course of action to the brink of catastrophe." Webster) I dare not lead a church along the brink unless I am very much in touch with the feelings of those people."
"No, Lynn, you have just said that you are going to strong-arm the people to go where no Bible student would dare to go!
Lynn Anderson, Navigating the Winds of Change, 172-173 (Designated change agent for Jubilee 99)
"Another Agent of Change notes that:
"You can't have revival without stirring up the flesh....When revival comes you will see manifestations of these three things in meetings: (1) the Holy Spirit; (2) the flesh, and (3) the devil. But, I'd rather be in a church where the devil and the flesh are manifesting than in a church where nothing is happening because people are too afraid to manifest anything...Don't worry about it. And if a devil manifests, don't worry about that, either. Rejoice, because at least something is happening!" Rodney Howard-Browne
To see how this is identical to the practices of witchraft as a means to convert and effeminize the worship circles, Click Here.
Romans 14 defines the sects in Rome which divided over dietary practices but were united in pleasing one another with musical practices.
Paul excludes these practices from "disputation" or subjects of dialog for the assembly. In Romans 15 Paul defines the 'synagogue' as the word he usually used for gathering or assemblying. This was the direct command for the synagogue or church in the wilderness and the more formalized synagogue "which had no praise service." This was exampled by Jesus, directly commanded by Paul and followed by the early churches for almost 400 years before anyone added singing as an ACT of worship.
But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. 1 Thess 2:4
For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness: 1 Thess 2:5
Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. 1 Thess 2:6
For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. 1 Thess 2:9
This SELF PLEASING as opposed to pleasing FOR EDUCATION is well documented in the Greek literature:
A. pleasing, mostly in bad sense, obsequious, cringing, Arist.EN1108a28, 1126b12, Thphr.Char.5.1.
II. areskos, ho, the staff borne by pornoboskoi [brothel keeper] on the stage, Poll.4.120.
Arist.EN1108a28 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 2
[12] In respect of truth then, the middle character may be called truthful, and the observance of the mean Truthfulness; pretence in the form of exaggeration is Boastfulness, and its possessor a boaster; in the form of understatement, Self-depreciation, and its possessor the self-depreciator.
The hypocrites:
hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate,
One of the roles was as canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C. Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound:
[13] In respect of pleasantness and social amusement, the middle character is witty and the middle disposition Wittiness; the excess is Buffoonery and its possessor a buffoon; the deficient man may be called boorish, and his disposition Boorishness. In respect of general pleasantness in life, the man who is pleasant in the proper manner is friendly, and the observance of the mean is Friendliness; he that exceeds, if from no interested motive, is obsequious, if for his own advantage, a flatterer; he that is deficient, and unpleasant in all the affairs of life, may be called quarrelsome and surly.
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 4
VI. In society and the common life and intercourse of conversation and business, some men are considered to be Obsequious; these are people who complaisantly approve of everything and never raise objections, but think it a duty to avoid giving pain to those which whom they come in contact. [2] Those on the contrary who object to everything and do not care in the least what pain they cause, are called Surly or Quarrelsome
Aresko (g700) ar-es'-ko; prob. from 142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable (or by impl. to seek to be so): - please.
Airo (g142) ah'ee-ro; a prim. verb; to lift; by impl. to take up or away; fig. to raise (the voice), keep in suspense (the mind); spec. to sail away (i.e. weigh anchor); by Heb. [comp. 5375] to expiate sin: - away with, bear (up), carry, lift up, loose, make to doubt, put away, remove, take (away, up).
This had the same meaning of EXTERNAL SINGING:
Aoidê 1. art of song, autar aoidên thespesiên, spell, incantation, thing sung, song, whether of joy or sorrow,
Aeidô sing,.hence of all kinds of vocal sounds, crow as cocks, hoot as owls, croak as frogs,; hoi tettiges chamothen aisontai, crowing too soon.
The tettiges are the LOCUSTS which are the MUSES serving Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon in Revelation. In Revelation 18 John calls all of the singers, instrumentalists and craftsmen SORCERERS.
Thespesios divinely uttered or uttering (thespesiêi, 'by DIVINE decree,' Il. 2.367), divine; aoidê, Il. 2.600; Seirênes, 'heavenlysinging,' Od. 12.158 ; bêlos, 'of heaven,' Il. 1.591; then of anything prodigious, vast, wondrous, mighty, a storm, clamor, panic, etc.--Adv., thespesiôs, Il. 15.637. [p. 138]
Aoidos ( [aeidô] ) singer, minstrel, bard,
2. fem., SONGSTRESS, poludris a. Id.15.97 ; of the nightingale, Hes.Op.208; of the Sphinx, S.OT36, E.Ph.1507 (lyr.); aoidos MOUSA (muses of Revelation 18)
II. as Adj., tuneful, musical, aoidotatan ornitha E.Hel.1109 (lyr.), cf. Theoc.12.7, Call.Del.252, IG12(2).443.
Areskô I. of pers. only, make good, make amends, spondas theois aresasthai make full drink-offerings to the gods, please, satisfy, be Lord and Master.
IV. areskei is used impers. to express the opinion or resolution of a public body, also of prevailing opinions; ta areskonta the dogmas of philosophers
please, satisfy, despozô 2. c. gen., to be lord or master of, h.Cer.365, Hdt.3.142 as law-term, to be the legal proprietor,
Heredotus 3. I always disliked it that Polycrates or any other man should lord it over men like himself. Polycrates has fulfilled his destiny, and inviting you to share his power I proclaim equality.
You don't TAKE A VOTE and you don't PERFORM entertainment and you DO NOT let philosophers into your assemblly
Changes against the will of the old "urban" brethren will not happen by writing books and teaching classes. Notice that Lynn Anderson, who will impliment at Jubilee 99, first taught to the brink and then backed off. Someone else taught a denominational doctrin and then backed off. This is human behaviorism. Condition a dog to salivate when you ring a bell and then feed him. In time, you can ring the bell and the dog will salivate just like having real food in its bowl! That is what is happing at Jubilee 99 and beyond. Once a year you have to collect a critical mass and impliment. For instance, Jubilee 98 had as its goal Lifting Holy Hands to God with Mike Cope as the implimenter. Do the condition of the audience with music, hand waving, and wing-flapping enough to take flight. Then, wham! Ask everyone to lift holy hands. You've got em! They cannot refuse to lift holy hands without seeming out of place. At Jubilee 99 we are going to Lift up the Name of the Lord. Whatever that is.
Notice, that Anderson backed off and made the people trust him by teaching the old patterns and beliefs. However, when you have found the soft place between the ribs just jab it in. The next thing to do is just do, it ready or not. He knows that the "lambs" have been mostly silenced in the interest of "unity among the breeethreeen." If, for instance, you introduce a choir (musical worship team) on Sunday night, perhaps you have conditioned the "doggies" enough that they wont bark too loudly.
Well, what if the old, deliterious "urbans" are too strong? Well, you just weave. You just back off to get a running start to begin all over again. You try to introduce a charismatic practice. The people object. You just say, "Oops, you know that I didn't mean that!" (for now, that is) Lynn Anderson notes that it took fifteen years at Highland Church of Christ in Abilene, Texas to affect the planned changes (p. 174).
As an example of forced change agentry, Lynn Anderson, Navigating the Winds of Change, p. 104 puts the audience through three forms of "worship." The first was the Old Path led by the Song Leader as he admits that he is trying to force something against the will of the majority of the congregation (This is god-like presumption):
"Since the fellowship of which I am a part is heavily left-brained and rationalistic in its emphasis and style, I wanted the class to experience both styles of worship as well as discuss them. So we kicked off segment one with three traditional hymns from the old hymbook. Jeff, our song leader, led from up front, warmly but very formally, traditionally. After each song he double-announced the next number. No two hyms were on the same theme....Left-brained people were feeling secure and at home. Things were familiar and heavily cerebral. I assume their worship was genuine. Right-brained people, however, fiddled (fraudian slip?) with pew racks, counted ceiling tiles, and checked their watches.
Lynn Anderson: The mind-set of the times threatens to strip our faith of symbols, rituals, dramas, mystery, poetry, and story, which say about life and God what logic and reason and rationalism can never say. See Volkism
However, Altered Consciousness:
A key component of the Gnostic experience is the alteration of consciousness. Because the Gnostic is subjectively driven,
- the perception of God becomes something that hinges on feelings rather than faith.
- In order to improve upon the feelings, the use of additional mechanisms to create moods,
especially the use of music, is frequently brought in. (van der Merwe, p. 90-91, Strange Fire
Lynn Anderson: Sounds right to me, Mr. Huxley! Something like this can happen to faith as well. The rational, informational, and linear-sequential worlds of productivity tend to dominate in our lives these days.
Consequently, the rest of our worlds suffer neglect, and we are losing touch with much of what it means to believe.
The rest of the story told by Huxley includes just this:
"Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art (preaching) is in no sense cathartic; it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession.
Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. From Source
Now, this is a pretty fanciful analysis of the nature of the "worshipers." It takes a lot of heavy analysis to determine which side of the brain dominates. In the next step of brinkmanship, Lynn just impliments what he has taught:
"In segment two, the tempo of the class shifted abruptly into celebrative praise and worship, with contemporary songs projected on a screen in colorful graphics. Readings, prayers, and singing clustered around a single theme. The worship team led directly from one song to the next without interruption (meaning time to think),
intentionally moving the tone and content of worship in a specific direction,
gathering the congregation into the momentum of the experience.A few songs included clapping and one or two worshipers actually 'lifted holy hands.'
The beaming expressions of the worship leaders spread to the class members.
"Several short Scripture readings moved quickly from one reader to the next, climaxing in a congregational responsive reading.... The feeler/creative right-brainers were transported while thinker/analytical left-brainers rolled their eyes, and their body language said, 'Oh, please! Give me a break!" Lynn Anderson.
Did you know that all singing in an exciting sense aredefined as WITCHCRAFT or SORCERY. Sorcery exists when somone works through your senses to force you to feel or behave in a certain way which you WOULD NOT do when just listening to the Words of Jesus Christ.
"The spirits were thought to speak in murmurings or piping sounds (Isa 8:19), which could be imitated by the medium (witch or ventriloquist)...Most spiritual and popular was the interpretation of dreams.
It also was the case that mediums intentionally would convert themselves into a semi-waking trance. In this way the suitable mediums attained to a certain kind of clarvoyance, found among various peoples.
This approaches the condition of an ecstatically aroused pseudo-prophet.. In Greece, too, oracles were pronounced by the Phythian prophetess who by vapors and the like was aroused to a practice of the mantic art. (Int Std Bible Ency, p. 2466)
Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
......... Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Gal 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Gal 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
G5331 pharmakeia far-mak-i'-ah From G5332 ; medication ("pharmacy"), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative):&emdash;sorcery, witchcraft.
Epôidê Ion. and poet. epaoidê , hê,
A. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell, epaoidêi d' haima..eschethon Od.19.457 , cf. Pi.P.4.217 ; ou pros iatrou sophou thrênein epôidas pros tomônti pêmati S.Aj. 582 oute pharmaka..oud' au epôidai Pl.R. 426b ; charm for or against
Lu.7:32 They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned [ thrênein epôidas] to you, and ye have not wept.
Threneo (g2354) thray-neh'-o; from 2355; to bewail: - lament, mourn.
Epôidê used Of the Magi, Hdt.1.132
Magi A Median tribe of magicians and interpreters of dreams: Hdt. 1.101
The Magian usurpation of royalty and its end: Hdt. 3.61, Hdt. 3.63-69, Hdt. 3.71, Hdt. 3.74-80
G2970 kômos ko'-mos From G2749 ; a carousal (as if a letting loose): revelling, rioting.
Kômos 1 [kômê]
I. properly a village festival: a revel, carousal, merry-making, Lat. comissatio, Hhymn., Theogn., etc.: it ended in the party parading the streets crowned, bearing torches, singing, dancing, and playing frolics, Ar.
II. a band of revellers, a jovial troop, Eur.:--metaph. a rout, band, k. Erinuôn Aesch.; of an army, Eur., etc.
kômazô [from kôma] [kômos]
I. to go about with a party of revellers, to revel, make merry, Lat. comissari, Hes., Theogn., Eur., etc.
2. to go in festal procession, Pind., Dem. II. to celebrate a kômos in honour of the victor at the games, to join in festivities, Pind.; c. acc. cogn., heortan k. id=Pind.
Outlawing self-pleasing which is further defined by the reproaches prophesied of Jesus points to a series of words which prevent the Words of Jeus from being spoken "one to another."
Heresy = Aeirô = aeidô = Locust = Abaddon or Apollyon = Kleptomaniacs
Haireo and related words show that it means to choose to take over stolen property by lifting it up and carrying it away. Heresy, therefore, identifies the kleptomaniac. It means that they will lie, cheat and steal: only the law keeps them from killing you. The word aireô further defines heresy in the sense of LIFTING up for your own purposes. The word aeidô shows that the weapon or "instrument" of creating panic in order to steal as a heretic is: to sing, then of any sound, to twang, of the bowstring, to whistle, of the wind, to ring, of a stone struck.
The Greek word Heresy from Liddell and Scott:
Haireô means "to take with the hand, grasp, hair. To take by force, to take a city, Il., etc.; to overpower, kill, often of passions, to take, catch, as in hunting, hairein tina kleptonta to convict of theft. To take for oneself. Another form means: take with the hand, grasp, seize as in the Komo or naked dance. Having taken up [the song].
Lynn Anderson has just described mind manipulation heresy as the only Change Agent other than the Word of God! To see how this deliberately defeats spiritual worship just to get a grin from the worship facilitator, Click Here.
The REST Jesus died to give us is the Greek PAUO:
Pauo means stop the polemos or battle, fight, war: stop levying war against another, anaireisthai or airô egeirein, kathistanai, epagein to begin a war; p. poieisthai to make war, -- opp. to p. anapauein, kataluesthai to put an end to it, make peace, all in attic
The singing which is to PAUSE to give rest is b. mostly of things, make an end of, stop, abate
Pauo means: STOP the: melôid-ia , hê, singing, chanting,
II. chant, choral song, melôidias poiêtês, lullaby, generally, musis
Pauo means: Stop the pain of: aoidê [aeidô]
1. song, a singing, whether the art of song, Hom.; or the act of singing, song, Il.
2. the thing sung, a song, Hom., etc.
3. the subject of song, Od.Why is that important? Because aoiding is related to the MUSES of Revelation 18.
Pauo means: Stop the: Panos orgai panic fears (i. e. terrors sent by Pan), Eur.:--but, orgê tinos anger against a person or at a thing, hierôn orgas wrath at or because of the rites.
This is well understood by medical science AND by the Demagogue who would use "popular arts" to appeas the crowd.
Edward Alsworth Ross. "The Crowd". Chapter 3 in Social Psychology: An outline and source book. New York: Macmillan Co. (1919): 43 - 62.
Coe[7] thus accounts for the extraordinary phenomena often manifested in religious assemblies. "The striking psychic manifestations which reach their climax among
(53) us in emotional revivals, camp-meetings, and negro services have a direct relation to certain states of an essentially hypnotic and hallucinatory kind. In various forms such states have appeared and reappeared throughout the history of religion. Examples of what is here referred to are found in the sacred frenzy of the Bacchantes, the trance of the Sibyls, the ecstasy of the Neo-Platonists, the enlightenment that came to Gautama Buddha under the sacred Bo-tree, the visions of the canonized saints, the absorption into God experienced by various mystics, and the religious epidemics of the Middle Ages, such as tarantism and St. Vitus's dance. All these and a multitude of similar phenomena were produced by processes easily recognized by any modern psychologist as automatic and suggestive. Similarly, the phenomenon in Methodist history known as the 'power' was induced by hypnotic processes now well understood,
Click to see how the Stoneites added the Shouting Methodists.
though hidden until long after the days of the Wesleys." "The explanation of the 'power' and similar outbreaks is simple. Under the pressure of religious excitement there occurs a sporadic case of hallucination, or of motor automatism, or of auto-hypnotism, taking the form of trance, visions, voices, or catalepsy.
The onlookers naturally conceive a more or less distressing fear lest the mysterious power attack their own persons.
Fear acts as a suggestion, and the more suggestible soon realize their expectations In accordance with the law of suggestion, every new case adds power to the real cause and presently the conditions are right for an epidemic of such experiences."
"Suggestion works in proportion as it secures a monopoly of attention. Let us ask what, according to this law, will happen to passably suggestible persons who submit them-
(54) -selves to certain well-known revival practices. Let us suppose that the notion of a striking transformation has been held before the subject's mind for days, weeks, or even years; let us suppose that the subject has finally been induced to go to the penitent form; here, we will suppose, prayers full of sympathy and emotional earnestness are offered for him, and that everything has been so arranged as to produce a climax in which he will finally believe that the connection between himself and God is now accomplished.
The leader says to him: 'Do you now believe? Then you are saved.' Is it not evident that this whole process favors the production of a profound emotional transformation directly through suggestion?"
IN LATIN the SELF PLEASING or Keeping in Suspense EXCLUDES actors, singers, poets of musicians.
XV. debemus autem nos firmiores inbecillitates infirmorum sustinere et non nobis placere
Rom 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit
Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8: 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
Romans 8: 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Placeo to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placenti
Outlawed: Scaenicus I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical
I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama, organa, Suet. Ner. 44 : coronae, id. ib. 53 : habitus, id. ib. 38 : gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220 : modulatio Comedy. Orator
Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e ; p. kainôn dramatôn, b. composer of music, 2. author of a speech
Outlawed: Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,
Gen 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
H8610 manipulate, figuratively to use unwarrantably:--catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.
H8608 taphaph to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine:taber, play with timbrels.
H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret. MEANING HELL
Outlawed: Modulatio. In partic., a rhythmical measure, modulation; hence, singing and playing, melody, in poetry and music, Quint. 9, 4, 139: modulatione produci aut corripi (verba), id. 9, 4, 89 : modulatio pedum, id. 1, 6, 2 : scenica, id. 11, 3, 57 : vocis, melody, id. 11, 3, 59 : musica, Aus. Ep. 25, 13 .
Clement of Alexandria: "After having paid reverence to the discourse about God, they leave within [at church] what they have heard. And outside they foolishly amuse themselves with impious playing, and amatory quavering (feminine vibrato), occupied with flute-playing, and dancing, and intoxication, and all kinds of trash.
An interesting Web Site which warns, like Plato, that to change the music means that someone wants to change the laws. It warns of the subtle methods of Change Agents who hide their eyes in the sand and believe that no one will notice what their real objects are:These songs are used in many churches across the world, churches representing a broad spectrum of denominational backgrounds. Mr. Kendrick himself is a member of the Ichthus Christian Fellowship, an independent free church which is charasmatic and has welcomed the so called Toronto blessing. Indeed Mr. Kendrick is openly charasmatic.
"It was later that night when I was cleaning my teeth ready to go to bed that I was filled with the Holy Spirit!...and I remember lying at last in my bed, the fixed grin still on my face, praising and thanking God,
and gingerly trying out a new spiritual language
that had presented itself to my tonguewith no regard at all for the objections thrown up by my incredulous brain!...That was a real watershed in my Christian experience." (1),(2).
This took place in 1971, but more recently Mr. Kendrick has been supportive of the Toronto blessing. Mr. Kendricks views on worship also leave a lot to be desired. He said,
"There's a time to worship God with all your physical energy...and you're probably not going to need a great deal of content when you're doing that." (3)
The Scriptural pattern for worship involves the awareness of the mind in the expression of truth. Mr. Kendrick here advocates times when worship becomes purely subjective, at the expense of objective, revealed truth. In his book intitled "Worship", Mr. Kendrick makes statements to which we could give our consent, "we need to worship according to the truth revealed in the Scriptures". However in an interview, Mr. Kendrick adopts the directly opposite position,
"You explore one style of worship and meet the needs of one group and suddenly find that they're only a sub-group and all the others are into something very different. It's very hard to do one thing that pleases everybody." (4).
Here he shows that in practice his worship is an attempt to satisfy the selfish desires of the worshipper, and not the revealed will of the One to be worshiped!
How Does This Affect Me?
As suggested above, not all churches who use Mr. Kendrick's songs would have any links to the charasmatic movement, nor even be sympathetic towards it. However, the trend emerging in many churches in Britian is a gradual moving away from the 'older' hymns and spiritual songs, to the use of the modern worship songs. This does not happen overnight. It is rather a change that occurs almost without anyone noticing. It may not primarily happen in the main worship services, but via other meetings held in the church.What is Wrong With New Songs?
Let me state that the writer is not opposed to anything written since 1900. However, there is a danger with many of the new style worship songs of today. Often a read of some new songs will show acceptable wording, and other times songs which leave alot to be desired. In terms of content alone, each new hymn introduced to a church must be judged on it's own merits. However, this is not necessarily true with the new style worship songs. Firstly, it is impossible to divorce these songs from the movement out of which they have sprung up. The vast majority of these new songs are the products of the charasmatic movement, and are an integral part of that movement. They express charasmatic theology and teaching, and promote charasmatic experiences."The first two or three times I used the song "For this purpose" at Ichthus it was nothing special. Then one meeting we sang it and an anointing came down. From that moment on it seemed to have more anointing." (5)
Secondly, steming from this, these new style songs are used as promotional agents. Many of the writers use their songs to promote charismatic ideas. By means of these songs they hope to influence other churhces to arrive at the same erroneous position that they have come to. This is not a hidden agenda. The supporters of this new worship openly state their hopes for their songs. Herein lies the real and subtle danger of new style worship songs. We would easily recognise and reject anyone who sought to have healing meetings, or speaking in tongues. But we don't seem to notice the new songs coming in. They serve as bridge builders between churches who reject the charasmatic movement, and those who seek its advancement. Once we sing their songs, which contain their theological views, our defences are lowered, and the introduction of new ideas is made all the more easy.
Thirdly, this downward trend has already happened. Ask yourself why so many churches not openly associated with the charasmatic movement have become infected with the Toronto blessing? The first step was the change in worship. Some of the hymns were replaced with the new songs; then the form of worship itself changed; and then the whole church changed.
A Real and Present Danger?
Perhaps you have never heard of Graham Kendrick, or you're not familiar with any of his songs. You may not even know of any church where his songs are song. Sadly I have been in meetings in different churches which would oppose the charasmatic movement, and claim to be reformed in worship, where some of Mr. Kendrick's songs have been sung. But as I said before, this problem is bigger than Graham Kendrick. There are songs which are familiar to all of us which have their origins in the charasmatic movement. We may sing them and take our own meaning out of them, but they have a completely different meaning when viewed from the writer's perspective. Songs like "Majesty, Worship His majesty", and "For I'm Building a People of Power" come from charasmatic authors. They may be harmless on their own, but they are not on their own. These new style worship songs which have come into the church over the last 10 years, are the spearhead of the advance of the charasmatic movement. Care must be taken with regard to what we sing, and where it leads us.Albert Barnes, commenting on Colossians 3:16, said,
"It is true in a more important sense that he who is permitted to make the hymns of a church, need care little who preaches, or who makes the creed. He will more effectually mould the sentiments of a church than they who preach or make creeds and confessions. Hence, it is indispensable, in order to the preservation of the truth, that the sacred songs of a church should be imbued with sound evangelical sentiment."
For those who have the best interests of the church at heart, can I implore you to take heed. Given the motives and methods of the charasmatic movement, we must pay particular attention to our worship, constantly striving to make it and keep it in line with the directions of the Lord our God, who alone is worthy of the worship of our lives. Click Here for the full article
Kenneth Sublett
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