Signs and Wonders - Only Males Speaking in Tongues

No man ever spoke in tongues outside of the presence of an apostle. No woman ever spoke in tongues in the New Testament record. You have never heard what I am about to say. You can take it, add it to your data bank and think about it -- or not.

An e-mail demands that speaking in tongues is a sign to all believers that they have already been saved. To them, Speaking in tongues is a continuing act of worship in order to come into the presence of God. We have no evidence that any of the tongue speakers ever repeated the sign and, indeed, if the record of the inspiring Spirit has any meaning, they could not do so unless they kept an apostle with them.

Moses doubted that he could feed 600,000 footman (perhaps 3,000,000 people). Not even if he killed all of the cattle or caught all of the fish of the sea he could he feed them.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Is the Lords hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not. Numbers 11:23

And Moses went out, and told the people the words of the Lord, and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them round about the tabernacle. Numbers 11:24

Then the Lord came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and placed the same upon the seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them,

that they prophesied, although they never did so again. Numbers 11:25

Two of the seventy were not immediately present but they too prophesied. When a young boy saw this as unbecoming of an elder,

And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lords people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them Numbers 11:29

Immediately, God began to feed the people Himself. The one-time prophesying or speaking in tongues was a supernatural sign of the first-level leadership that they didn't have to depend upon Moses or themselves. This thrilled Moses and he would be happy if the sign extended to all 3,000,000 people forever. However, it happened to seventy elders (males) and did not do so again.

The New Testament sign

Our goal is to show that speaking in tongues was a similar outpouring of signs and wonders to confirm the truth of the Apostolic preaching. Paul said that the signs would cease when the Word was confirmed. And we have no evidence that a single male tongue speaker (prophesier) ever did so again.

To be a sign of confirmation as opposed to a sign of madness, there had to be a "double blind" test which we will examine in another article.

There had to be a radical difference betwen the "one time" speaking in tongues under the direct influence of an apostle and the common charismatic speaking in tongues of the pagan women.

To that end, only unsusceptible and unsuspecting males were caused to speak in tongues but only in an apostle's presence.

For instance, a Roman warrior could not fall into speaking in tongues because of his character and training. It was just not the manly thing to do.

And the young lad in Numbers thought that it was pretty outrageous for Israelite elders to prophesy and he demanded that Moses stop them.

Therefore, the sign was not a sign of superiority but a sign that God through Moses would be the literal and spiritual Feeder of the flock.

Ultimately, this was a sign to unbelievers that they did not trust God to take care of them in the wilderness.

On the other hand, because effeminate clergy and pagan women were highly susceptible to charismatic frenzy and could "speak in tongues" even under the influence of a pagan flute,

the male apostles never caused a female woman to speak in tongues. The classical evidence is that a "team" of women could be destabilized and they, in turn, could turn men charismatic. It would have no value as a sign.

Therefore, the signs and wonders were never related to women. From memory, you will recall that when Miriam pretended that God would speak through her because she was a "prophetess" or poetically gifted, she was struck with leprosy.

Again, it was usually female singers, chanters or dancers who caused effeminate and insecure males to spread the contagion. Women, in turn, had no other "exciting" outlet:

"Religion was the major source of women's participation in public life. It has been said that festivals were probably the only legitimate reason that women had to leave their homes. The festivals gave the women an opportunity to obtain external support from other women with regard to personal problems and concerns. By attending religious festivals, women were also given an alternative to their normal lives in the home. The festivals provided them with respite from their domestic duties such as caring for children and weaving. Lynne Aftuck

Tongue speaking or charismatic ecstasy was the line in the sand between rational, "in the spirit" worship and irrational, in the body worship.

"God in the Cow Pen, pictures an old-time camp meeting, with the local prostitute plying her trade in the woods adjacent. There is a relation between sex and the emotional and mystical aspects of religion that deserves a saner and more sympathetic study than it has yet received. Most mystics have been women and many were unmarried or experienced an abnormal sex life. Of the four hundred cases of stigmatization on record, over three hundred were women and all but twenty were unmarried. The language and imagery of the mystics are often extremely erotic" (These are "examples of persons in whom sexual abnormality and mysticism blended." Clark, Elmer T., The Small Sects in America, p. 90n, Abingdon)

See Frances Trollope on Frontier Revivalism.

Why Only Men Spoke in Tongues

When God came in human form, His purpose was to save the common believers from the clergy who made a career out of keeping people out of the kingdom of God by taking away the keys to knowledge. The burden they laid upon people was "anxiety created by religious ritual." Jesus came to lead His people beside still waters. God confirmed this when He refused to "perform" for the effeminate prophesiers of Baal and Asherah and later told Elijah that He speaks in the "voice of a whispered silence" according to Karen Armstrong.

The Jewish clergy flocked around Jesus at first believing that He was Dionysus or Bacchus. By piping to force Him to go Charismatic and join the feminine or effeminate chorus or circular dancing they could give Jesus the test. See Also the Dionysus confusion with Jesus.

Jesus asked them whether they came out to see John "dressed in soft clothing." This word shows that they hoped that John was the typical performer who wore the clothing of a catamite -- a male homosexual.

But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings houses. Mat 11:8

Soft is from the Greek but it was also a Jewish practice in Jerusalem prior to Josiah:

Malakos (g3120) mal-ak-os'; of uncert. affin.; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); fig. a catamite (male prostitute): - effeminate, soft. (g3119 means soft or diseased)

Informing us about the "speakers in tongues" who sought to get their gods to act through singing, dancing, playing instruments and cutting themselves, Jesus leads us directly into the parallel between the battle between Elijah and the false prophesiers and John the Baptist and the Jewish clergy.

"Asherah (symbolized by erect poles with fertility symbols pouring out the top): She is the Queen of Heaven, in other languages and ages identified as Ashtoreth, Athirat, Astarte, and Ishtar. Yahweh, the Hebrew God elevated to become the sole deity , was Her consort.

Her "male" priestesses were known as kelabim, the faithful "dogs" of the Goddess,

"who practiced divinatory arts, danced in processions, and served as hierodules, qedeshim, in the company of other priestesses. Elements of the goddess worship were largely erased in a cultural purge c. 630 BCE by King Yosiah, at the behest of Yahweh's priests, who required supremacy.

"I would argue that in Greek tragedy the cross-dressed actor was crucial, a sign of the conventional nature of the drama. Male playing female is inevitably distanced from the role and makes it clear that the role of the woman is an idealization, not a realization. In addition the male playing female indicates a possible relevance of the form to Dionysus,

a god associated with masks and characterized by softness, woman's curls and dress (Bacchae)

and worshipped with transvestite ceremonies at the Oschophoria (Seaford; Segal 1982: 10-20, 158- 68, 214). For more details.

Jesus refused to sing or dance in the Oschophoria!

But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, Matthew 11:16

And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented (drummed upon or tabreted the breast). Matthew 11:17

The dance was the Greek, Dionysus ring dance:

Orcheomai (g3738) or-kheh'-om-ahee; (a row or ring); to dance (from the ranklike or regular motion): - dance

The mourning was a wailing lament or a sign of being defeated. When forced it was:

Thriambeuo (g2358) three-am-byoo'-o; from a prol. comp. of the base of 2360 and a der. of 680 (mean. a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (fig.) to conquer or (by Hebr.) to give victory: - (cause) to triumph (over).

Turning Jesus into the effeminate prophesying or falling into charismatic ecstasy would be the triumph over (with instruments denounced in Numbers 10:7) which Judas and his team would try on Jesus but fail (Psalm 41).

On the day of Pentecost, the people did not see them as inspired. Rather, it was common for the performing clergy to pronounce nonesense as "street preachrs" who then and now would be considered drunk.

As another sign, the Apostle's "tongues" were understood as speaking a language which they should not have, as fishermen, have known.

Fertility Rituals in Jerusalem

From most ancient times, music and witchcraft was the domain of women like the witch of Endor. However, much earlier the male priesthood of soothsayers or speakers in tongues were effective only if they were emotionally and sexually abnormal. Like the castrates of early Catholic music, only women could do the job to stimulate the proper emotion, but only males could serve as clergy. When Israel "fired" God in order to worship like the nations, the musical guilds had foreign names and dominant roles which, up to this time, were performed by women. The "ephod" which David stripped off to go naked with the servant girls was originally a woman's garment.

They often wore the garments of women who were, also by definition, most effective in their clergy roles as prostitutes:

"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit no less than by those of nature,

primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence

any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level.

Medicine men customarily went into states of trance in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,

and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.

In most early societies, moreover, men evolved techniques for deliberatly inducing the abnormal forms of consciousness in which they supposed themselves to achieve union with divine power, sometimes by the use of drugs and other physiological stimuli,

sometimes by hypnotic dances and music.

The wild utterances to which they gave vent on such occasions were regarded as the words of a god and were interpreted as divine commands or predictions of future events." (Parkes, Henry Bamford, Gods and Men, p. 32-33).

Normal males simply never had the ambivalent gender nature to perform these procedures or to go into charismatic ecstasy. Even among modern musicians a small, skinny, ugly, diseased man with little vocal talent can be worshiped by both men and women if he is or appears to be sexually ambivalent. This is the definition of "Charismatic."

Of the common Greek religion at the time of Christ:

Women were often charismatic and their frenzy was like speaking in tongues. They had the power to make the event contagious usually with a drug like LSD.

"In the Eleusian mysteries, the wine was not noted for its alcohol but for drugs perhaps from fermented barley (ergot) or from mushrooms used to bring on the exhilaration. Of the priest, it is said that:

"As he performed the service, he intoned ancient chants in a falsetto voice,

for his role in the Mystery was asexual, a male who had sacrificed his gender to the Great Goddess. (See the modern ZOE movement)

The New Winskin religion is quite identical:

Rubel Shelly: "Jesus said it would be dangerous to try to contain the new, fermenting wine of the gospel of the kingdom of God in the old wineskins of religious tradition." (Shelly - Harris, Second Incarnation, p. 11).

Rubel Shelly: "The tired, uninspiring event called worship in our churches must give way to an exhilarating experience of God that simultaneously exhibits and nurtures life in the worshippers." (Rubel Shelly - Randy Harris, Second Incarnation, p. 12-13)

Jerusalem, from the Inter Testament time, had been tainted by Greek religion which won a place against opposition. Dionysus or Bacchus was the new "wineskin" god they hoped would come in person to the temple. It was easy for them to see the miracles of Jesus as proof that He was Dionysus. If he was not Dionysus but a Messiah not "meeting their needs" they would just murder him:

"Dionysus certainly roves more than the other gods; the traditional picture of him is not one of him sitting sedately on Olympus sipping nectar and listening to the Muses (9 females) sing. Rather it is one of him roaming through the wilderness, thrysus (a wand bound with ivy and topped with a pine cone) in hand,

followed by bands of ecstatic women, his Bacchants,

and spreading the art of cultivation of vines and of wine-making. (The Jewish clergy tried to make the "winebibber" charge stick to Jesus)

Other gods may leave Olympus, but it is not habitual with them as it is with Dionysus.

"Dionysus often seems to stand somewhere between male and female, between god and man, between death and life.

He is a male god, but he is always surrounded by women, his chief worshipers.

"His worship involved transvestism and the blurring of sex roles. Men and women both dressed in long robes covered by fawnskins, and women, as bacchants, left their normal sphere of activity, the home, and danced madly on mountainsides. Dionysus even looks somewhat ambiguous sexually; Pentheus in the Bacchae comments on the god's effeminacy: his long curls, his pale complexion.

"The Mysteries of Dionysus were important cult festivals for many women. This festival was in honor of Dionysus, the god of wine and mystic ecstasy. The participants in his mysteries were both married and unmarried women, and participation was optional. It is thought that the women were under the male leadership of Dionysus or a figure like him. This festival appears to have been driven by some type of libidinal energy in the women.

Women were usually used to break down the sexual walls of men


The priestcraft in Jerusalem were servants of the high priest who bought his office from the civil leaders as "the highest bidders." As usual with so many of the accounts of pagan priests and prophets, there was a strong homosexual component (even in Naziism and other dominant groups). Because of the parallel between Elijah/Baal and John the Baptist/Jewish clergy, the professional clergy had usurped the women's role once dominant in Dionysus, Bacchus or Baal worship. In Dionysus worship we hear the same story enacted by the clergy who had lost the right to hear directly from God and therefore Jesus spoke parables:

Women! our prize is nearly in the net. Soon shall he reach the Bacchanals,

and there pay forfeit with his life.

O Dionysus! now 'tis thine to act, for thou art not far away; let us take vengeance on him.

First drive him mad by fixing in his soul a wayward frenzy;

for never, whilst his senses are his own,

will he consent to don a woman's dress;

but when his mind is gone astray he will put it on.

And fain would I make him a laughing-stock to Thebes as he is led in woman's dress through the city, after those threats with which he menaced me before.

But I will go to array Pentheus in those robes which he shall wear when he sets out for Hades' halls, a victim to his own mother's fury;

so shall he recognize Dionysus, the son of Zeus, who proves himself at last a god most terrible, for all his gentleness to man.

CHORUS (This is the part the clergy wanted Jesus to play)

To the hills! to the hills! fleet hounds of madness, where the daughters of Cadmus hold their revels,

goad them into wild fury

against the man disguised in woman's dress, a frenzied spy upon the Maenads.

If women were not permitted to perform this Greek form of "body" worship then the collective church would remain stable.

If no apostle induced the sign of speaking in tongues there would be no danger of them endorsing a continuation of Dionysus worship which is evident in the singing passages of Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3.

If males spoke in tongues without any of the frenzy created by women singers, dancers or musicians, and without cross-dressing, they would be seen as authentic and therefore proof of something unusual.

Rather than an addiction, the one-time speaking in tongues would have the males praising the true God and confirming the spoken message of His apostles. Because Jesus turned out radically different from Dionysus, He would not be confused as just another Greek God. As far as we know, these people who spoke in tongues never did so again. And Paul insists that it is not an "in church" charismatic fit but the power to preach the gospel to certain people.

More Classical Background

Again, the prophesying or tongue speaking Jesus came to denounce was that performed by women or by men who had been gender-bent under the influence of the Muses or musical goddesses.

For this reason, Satan working through the clergy would try to force him into the mourning or singing and dancing with the "girls" of the chorus. If they did they would disqualify Jesus as God Incarnate and be able to continue their lucrative "clergy" roles which depended heavily upon Dionysus and other Greek influences.

The Subject Matter of Speaking in Tongues

The "inspired" songsters in Corinth were speaking out of their own spirit, were speaking to a generic "god" (14:2) and Paul said that they were speaking into the air (14:9). Click Here for some background on the goddesses of the air who were worshipped in Corinth. Their signs and wonders were signs of madness.

All of the classical writers agree with Paul when he told those speaking in tongues in the Christian church that they would be seen as mad or insane. They thought that they were speaking languages -- Paul thought that they were insane. So to says Plato:

Plato Ion 534a

In the same manner also the Muse inspires men herself, and then by means of these inspired persons

the inspiration spreads to others, and holds them in a connected chain.

For all the good epic poets utter all those fine poems

not from art,

but as inspired and possessed,

and the good lyric poets likewise;

just as the Corybantian worshipers

do not dance when in their senses,

so the lyric poets do not indite those fine songs in their senses,

but when they have started on the melody and rhythm

they begin to be frantic, and

it is under possession--as the bacchants are possessed,

and not in their senses,

when they draw honey and milk from the rivers--that the soul of the lyric poets does the same thing, by their own report.

For the poets tell us, I believe, that the songs they bring us are the sweets they cull from honey-dropping founts in certain gardens and glades of the Muses--like the bees, and

winging the air as these do. And what they tell is true.

For a poet is a light and winged and sacred thing, and

is unable ever to indite until he has been inspired and put out of his senses,

and his mind is no longer in him:

every man, whilst he retains possession of that,

is powerless to indite a verse or chant an oracle.

[Note: it would be impossible for a wired-up "team" to stand before a Christian congregation and sing their own composition while pretending to lead you into the presence of God {or worship} without, at some level, having moved themselves into an abnormal mental state.]

Seeing then that it is not by art that they compose and utter so many fine things about the deeds of men--

Note: The Corybantes were priests of Cybele or Rhea, mother of Zeus and other Olympian gods, and she was worshipped with wild music and frenzied dancing which, like the bacchic revels or orgies of women in honor of Dionysus,

carried away the participants despite and beyond themselves. Cf. Eurip. Bacchae. [The priests of the goddess was known as a dog, catamite or male prostitute]

--as you do about Homer--but by a divine dispensation, each is able only to

compose that to which the Muse (female) has stirred him,

this man dithyrambs, another laudatory odes, another dance-songs, another epic or else iambic verse;

but each is at fault in any other kind.

For not by art do they utter these things,

but by divine influence;

since, if they had fully learnt by art to speak on one kind of theme, they would know how to speak on all.

And for this reason god takes away the mind of these men

and uses them as his ministers,

just as he does soothsayers and godly seers,

in order that we who hear them may know that it is not they who utter these words of great price,

when they are out of their wits,

but that it is god himself who speaks and addresses us through them.

A convincing proof of what I say is the case of Tynnichus, the Chalcidian, who had never composed a single poem in his life that could deserve any mention, and then produced the paean which is in everyone's mouth, almost the finest song we have, simply--as he says himself--"an invention of the Muses." For the god, as it seems to me,

intended him to be a sign to us that we should not waver or doubt that these fine poems are not human or the work of men, but divine and the work of gods;

and that the poets are merely the interpreters of the gods, according as each is possessed by one of the heavenly powers. To show this forth, the god of set purpose sang the finest of songs through the meanest of poets:

Almost by definition, a poet, actor or musician performed ecstatic (non objective) peech which, as in Corinth, was seen as madness -- insanity. Only the people who spoke in tongues, usually women or excited by women, were believed to be prophets and their charismatic songs or prayers when performed was called 'prophesying."

In its modern second incarnation in men's movement overly concerned with male bonding and on the pagan "masculine journey"-

"Most also call for dissociation as a preface to the religious experience. Dissociation is the loss of conscious awareness of the real world.

"Specifically, postmodern religionists call for people to leave all rational categories behind

before ascending to the godhead. Thus, they see one thing as the supreme barrier to deep religion: Reason, and its handmaiden, truth. The Death of Truth

With this background:

Let's say it again: No man ever spoke in tongues outside of the presence of an apostle. Like the experience in the wilderness, they "prophesied once but did not do so again." That is, speaking in tongues was not an "in church" sign according to Paul.

Men were chosen because stable masculine males could not be put under the hypnotic spell of music, dance or wine to go charismatic.

Because it only happened in the presence of an apostle, it was proof to many people that it was from the True God and not from the gas fissures at Delphi or the musical performers.

No woman ever spoke in tongues in the whole New Testament with or without the presence of an apostle.

Women were not chosen because women were always the prophesiers at the oracles such as at Delphi or anywhere the pagans met in Corinth. Charismatic worship could be induced more easily in women who more often lived on the margins of security and acceptance. Women prophesiers were the "team" of the proprietor of the shrine because they could seduce the "seeking traveling salesmen" and strip them of their money before they could get out of Corinth. Women often had the power to lead men into charismatic ecstasy.

"We owe our greatest blessings to madness, if only it be granted by Heaven's bounty. For the prophetess at Delphi, ye are well aware, and the priestesses of Dodna, have in their moments of madness done great and glorious service to men and the cities of Greece, but little or none in their sober mood." (Wright, J., Dialogues of Plato, NY: A. L. Burt Co., pp. 34-35)

"Donald Nugent...notes that the occult revival during the Renaissance and the present occult expansion have many factors in common. There is in both a degree of primitivism and psychic atavism,

with an underlying substratum of despair. Both are eras where power is sought by the disenfranchised, especially women--Nugent comments that in the Renaissance one finds only one warlock for every 10,000 witches--and both have seen a growth of sexual license and pornographic literature." (Montgomery, p. 85).

"It is no accident that a high proportion of those who suddenly show symptoms of being bewitched (such as fainting or going into a semi-trance) at 'squaw dances' or other large gatherings are women or men who are somewhat neglected or who occupy low social status." (Goldschmidt, Walter, Exploring the Ways of Mankind, p. 518, Holt, Rinehart and Winston)

To claim signs and wonders in our society is normally to claim that we live in a Post Modern or Post Denominational world. It is outdated to try to understand faith and practice by the Bible. Indeed, there is no universal truth. Each person must get their personal assignment directly from God and signs and wonders will prove it. Others who practice so-called 'believer's baptism' demand signs and wonders which is equivalent to having Christ return or actually becoming a new Christ.

The fact that have ceased means that we can trust Jesus who came the first time and left a record of His Word for us.

We have no interest in what transpires as worship in many buildings on Sunday. Nor do we try to evaluate other people's personal experience. What happens in church and what happens in our personal lives is not what counts. What counts is loving the truth and trying to set if forth as clearly as we can.

Kenneth Sublett h

Further Information to see that only men spoke in tongues but did not do so "in church."

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