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Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons - Table of Contents All Pagan and Musical Worship originated as The Worship of Nimrod And His Wife. NOTE: I have not posted all of this book.
Our Hohenwald Church Topical Research
Hislop Against Instrumental Music
Chapter I
Chapter II Objects of Worship
2.2 The Mother and the Child - Original Child
2.2.1 The Child in Assyria
2.2.2 The Child In Egypt
2.3.3 The Child in Greece (Data on Nimrod and Music)
2.2.4 The Death Of the Child - Nimrod
2.2.5 Deification of the Child Zoe, Eat Word, Rhea, Saturn, Eve. His225.html Cannibal.
Chapter III Festivals
3.2 Easter
Chapter IV Doctrine and Discipline
Chapter V Rites and Ceremonies
5.1 Idol Processions
Chapter VI Religious Orders
Chapter VII The Two Developments Historically and Prophetically Considered
7.1 The Great Red Dragon Cahna-Bal, Cahn, Belus, Baal, Kronos, Bel,
7.2 Beast From The Sea Gibbon, Durant
7.5 The Name of The Beast , the Number of His Name--the Invisible Head of the Papacy
Conclusion not posted yet
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