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 Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons - Table of Contents

All Pagan and Musical Worship originated as The Worship of Nimrod And His Wife. NOTE: I have not posted all of this book.

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Chapter I

1 Distinctiveness of The Two Systems

Chapter II Objects of Worship

2.1 The Babylonian Trinity

2.2 The Mother and the Child - Original Child

2.2.1 The Child in Assyria

2.2.2 The Child In Egypt

2.3.3 The Child in Greece (Data on Nimrod and Music)

2.2.4 The Death Of the Child - Nimrod

2.2.5 Deification of the Child Zoe, Eat Word, Rhea, Saturn, Eve. His225.html Cannibal.

2.3 The Mother of the Child

Chapter III Festivals

3.1 Christmas and Lady-Day

3.2 Easter

3.3 Nativity of St. John

3.4 The Feast of Assumption

Chapter IV Doctrine and Discipline

4.2. Justification by Works

4.3 The Sacrifice of the Mass

Chapter V Rites and Ceremonies

5.1 Idol Processions

5.4 The Sacred Heart And Rosary

5.5 Lamps and Wax-Candles

5.6 The Sign of the Pagan Cross

Chapter VI Religious Orders

6.1 The Sovereign Pontiff

Chapter VII The Two Developments Historically and Prophetically Considered

7.1 The Great Red Dragon Cahna-Bal, Cahn, Belus, Baal, Kronos, Bel,

7.2 Beast From The Sea Gibbon, Durant

7.3 Beast From The Earth

7.4 The Image of the Beast

7.5 The Name of The Beast , the Number of His Name--the Invisible Head of the Papacy

Conclusion not posted yet

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