Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Epic, Barton Tablet V

  1. He [Marduk] ordained the stations of the great gods;
  2. As stars their likness as constellations of the zodiac he placed.
  3. He ordained the year, into parts he divided it.
  4. For the twelve months he established three stars.
  5. After the days of the yuear he had fashioned as images,
  6. He founded the station of Jupiter, to determine their bounds;
  7. That none might go worng or err,
  8. The station of Bell he established, and Ea by his side.
  9. He opened gates on both sides.
  10. A lock he made strong on the left and the right,
  11. In the midst thereof he placed the zenity;
  12. The moon-god he caused to shine; the night he entrusted to him.
  13. He appointed him a being of the night, to determine the days;
  14. Monthly, without ceasing, into a crown he made him, [saying:]
  15. "At the beginning of the month shine upon the lands,
  16. Horns exhibit, to determine six days;
  17. On the seventh day let the tiara disappear;
  18. On the fourteenth day thou shalt stand over against the [two] halves.
  19. When the sun-god on the horizon.....three,
  20. Thou..... to be resplendent, and thou shalt turn backward
  21. [Fourteen days] unto the path of the sun-god thou shalt approach,
  22. [On the 28th day] thou shalt approach the sun-god.......
  23. ...........signs, seek her way!
  24. ....... approach ye and judge justice!
  25. .................................to destroy,
  26. .............................................me."
Some lines are lost at this point. It is estimated that forty of them are lacking.)
67. After........
68. In Esagila (Marduk's temple in Babylonia."
69. To extablish...........
70. The station of.......
71. The great gods........
72. The gods.....
73. He received........
74. The net which he had made the [great[ gods saw,
75. Saw the bow, how skillful [its workmanship];
76. The work which he had done, they [loudly] praised.
77. Then arose Anu in the assembly of the [great] gods,
78 The bow he kissed it....
79. Long-wood shall be one name, and a second.....
80. Its third name shall be Bow-star in the heavens."
81. He fixed its position [unto distant days].
82. After the destiny of......
83. [He set] a throne.......
84. ...................in the heavens.
The rest of tablet V was not discovered when this was written. From fragments it appears that when the gods saw the work of Marduk in adorning the heavens with constellations, they broke into rapturous praise of him. It is these words to which reference is made at the beginning of Tablet VI.
    This may be in another account

Source: George A. Barton, Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition, p. 289-290
Kenneth Sublet

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