Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Epic Tablet III

Kenneth Sublett, Piney.com, Hohenwald, Tennessee

Anshar made his voice heard
And addressed his speech to Kakka his vizier,
O Kakka, vizier who pleases me!
I shall send you to Lahmu and Lahamu.

You know how to probe, you are skilled in speaking.
Have the gods my fathers brought before me;
Let all the gods be brought to me.

Let there be conversation, let them sit at a banquet,
Let them eat grain, let them drink choice wine,
(And then) let them decree a destiny for Marduk their champion.

Set off, Kakka, go and stand before them, and
Everything that I am about to tell you, repeat to them,
"Anshar your son has sent me,
He has told me to report his heart's message,
To say, "Tiamat who bore us is rejecting us!

She has convened a council and is raging out of control.
The gods have turned to her, all of them,
Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,
Have crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

They are fierce, scheming restlessly night and day,
They are working up to war, growling and raging,
They convened a council and created conflict.

Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,
Contributed an unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,
Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).
She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.

She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays
And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,
chanting this imprecation)
"Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!
Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!"

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,
An ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,
Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man
Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.

The Mushussu or sirush was a mystical symbol on the Ishtar gate and Procession Way at Babylon.

Her orders were so powerful, they could not be disobeyed.
In addition she created eleven more likewise.
Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her

She promoted Qingu and made him greatest among them,
Conferred upon him
leadership of the army, command of the assembly,
Raising the weapon to signal engagement, to rise up for combat,
Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.
"I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods' assembly!
I have put into your power rule over all the gods!
You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!
Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anunnaki!"

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.
"Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!"
When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power
And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),
"What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!"
I sent
Anu, but he was unable to face her.
Nudimmud (Ea) panicked and turned back.

Then Marduk, sage of the gods, your son, came forward.
He wanted of his own free will to confront Tiamat.
He addressed his words to me,

"If indeed I am to be your champion,
To defeat Tiamat and save your lives,
Convene the council, name a special fate,
Sit joyfully together in Ubshu-ukkinakku:
And let me, my own utterance, fix fate instead of you!
Whatever I create shall never be altered!
The decree of my lips shall never be revoked, never changed!"

Hurry and decree your destiny for him quickly,
So that he may go and face your formidable enemy!"'
Kakka set off and went on his way,
And before
Lahmu and Lahamu the gods his fathers
Prostrated himself and kissed the earth in front of them,
Then straightened up and stood and spoke to them,

Anshar your son has sent me.
He has told me to report his personal message,
To say, "Tiamat who bore us is
rejecting us!
She has convened a council and is raging out of control.
The gods have turned to her, all of them,
Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,
Have crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

Fierce, scheming restlessly night and day,
Working up to war, growling and raging,
They have convened a council and created conflict.
Hubur, who fashions all things,
Contributed an
unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,
Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).
She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.
She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays
And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,
(chanting this imprecation)

"Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!
Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!"

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,
An ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,
Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man
Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.
Her orders were so powerful, they
could not be disobeyed.

In addition she created eleven more likewise.
Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her
She promoted
Qingu and made him greatest among them,
Conferred upon him leadership of the army, command of the assembly,
Raising the weapon to signal engagement, to rise up for combat,
Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.

"I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods' assembly!
I have put into your power rule over all the gods!
You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!
Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anunnaki!"

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.

"Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!"

When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power
And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),

"What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!"

I sent Anu, but he was unable to face her.

Nudimmud panicked and turned back.
Then Marduk, sage of the gods, your son, came forward.
He wanted of his own free will to confront Tiamat.
He addressed his words to me,

"If indeed I am to be your champion,
To defeat Tiamat and save your lives,
Convene the council, name a special fate,
Sit joyfully together in Ubshu-ukkinakku:
And let me, my own utterance, fix fate instead of you!
Whatever I create shall never be altered!
The decree of my lips shall never be revoked, never changed!"

Hurry and decree your destinies for him quickly,
So that he may go and face your formidable enemy!"'
Lahmu and Lahamu listened and cried aloud.
All the
Igigi groaned dreadfully,

How terrible! Until he (Anshar) decided to report to us,
We did not even know what Tiamat was doing.'
They milled around and then came,
All the great gods who fix the fates,
Entered into Anshar's presence and were filled with joy.
Each kissed the other: in the assembly [ ]
There was conversation, they sat at the banquet,
Ate grain, drank choice
sweet beer trickle through their drinking straws.
Their bodies swelled as they drank the liquor;
They became very carefree, they were
And they
decreed destiny for Marduk their champion.


Enuma Elish 1--2--3--4--5--6--7


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