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Classical Literature for Christian Research Classical Documents for Christian Research: Classical Literature and Biblical parallels.
- The Golden Bough
- On Dionysus
- Egyptian
- Egyptian Book of the Dead
- Wen Amon, the Report explains Tyre, the Harp-Playing Prostitute 7/2/99
- Joseph and Asenath - Israel in Egypt
- Tale of Sinuhe 8/4/99
- Tale of Two Brothers - Anpu and Bata 8/5/99
- Letters to Dudu or David -Joseph in Egypt
- Greek - Roman
- Aristophanes Peace
- Aristophanes Clouds
- Aristophanes: Ecclesia "How women take over the church."2/6/03
Euripides Trojan Women 12.05.07
- Aristotle Politics 8 on Instrumental Music 1/19/2000
- Aristotle Politics 8 Document 1/19/2000
- Athenaeus Deipnosophists 3 1.27.05
- Euripides the Bacchantes
- Euripides, Ion 9.30.06
Homer: Hymn to Pan 4.21.08
- Hesiod:
- The Theogony
- Works and Days
- Homer: Hymn to Hermes
- Homer: Hymn to Apollo 2/22/2001
- Homer: Homerica Hymns
- Hippolytus - Musical Heresy - Soothsaying
- Pausanias
- Description of Greece Book I: Attica
- Description of Greece Book II: Corinth
- Plato
- Cratylus meaning and change of Attic words. See also Clement on Pedagogue I.....Clement Stromata Five
check FathClStromataI.html
- Laws and Musical Worship
- Phaedo myrr and cotton / tar and feather / styles music
- Republic book III
- Republic Book IV Damon/music means laws change.
- Republic Book VI The Cave
- Symposium
- Phaedrus By Plato Tongues From Madness
- 1 Corinthians 14:23: Speaking in Tongues
- Sappho Wharton
- Strabo Geography
- 9.3.1 lots of references to music and paganism
- On Instrumental Music with other references
- Orphic Theogony G. R. S. Meade
- Herodotus
- The History of Herodotus Book I
- The History of Herodotus Book II
- The History of Herodotus Book III
- The History of Herodotus Book IV
- The History of Herodotus Book V
- The History of Herodotus Book VI
- The History of Herodotus Book VII
- The History of Herodotus Book VIII
- The History of Herodotus Book IX
- Kenneth Sublett
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