Trinity as "Necessary" Fact in Alexander Campbell's "Christian System of Facts." John Mark Hicks.
John who identified the Comforting Holy Spirit as Jesus Christ the Righteous also identified the neo-trinitarianism as the mark of Antichrist. See discussion here
Stone Campbell Movement Would YOU lie, cheat, steal the church house of widows and sow discord for this? Would you follow anyone who said that God Commanded an Instrumental Sectarian Institution for the first claim of a spirit's authority in recorded history? Yes! undoubtedly so.
Thomas Campbell was Bible Literate and understood the Church of Christ (the Rock) in the wilderness. Both the synagogue and ekklesia was to PROTECT the godly Jews from the MOVEMENT of the Civil-Military-Clergy Movement. God had abandoned them to worship the starry host (Acts 7) because of instrumental-trinitarian idolatry at Mount Sinai. This was beyond redemption. Thereafter, sound making instruments are always to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter and speakers, singers, instrument players (sorcerers) being CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
MOVEMENTS have no Godly ROLE or DOLE: Alexander Campbell, following the commands and examples throughout the Bible and for most of church history including the Poor Priests in what was called THE CHURCH OF CHRIST.
The Campbells had already moved to Calvin's call for Restoration. There were Churches of Christ in all periods of history and "restoration" Churches of Christ in England long before Barton W. Stone who did NOT teach the "restoration" of anything in order to have everyone UNITY or as Alexander Chided Stone: The Reformers have "come over to us." The Stoneites began the discord by getting a few preachers to shake hands in 1832: this was not the views of men who became Church of Christ preachers.
The Stone-Campbell Movement is organized by hirelings and for hirelings. This is "Selling Jesus" and selling the Word at retail or Corrupting the Word which was spiritual prostitution. The many Paul addressed were the "parasites" who collected around all sacrificial altars or where groups were assembled. PARASITE is a Greek word defining the Priests or Levite instrument players. That was because God did not command king, kingdom, temple, animal slaughter nor the Levites who were called "sorcerers" or exorcists.
2Th. 3:6 Now we command you, brethren,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye WITHDRAW yourselves from every brother
that walketh [while teaching, arguing, living] DISORDERLY,
and NOT after the TRADITION which he received of us.
dē-nuntĭo (-cĭo ), DENOUNCE and DISFELLOWSHIP those who walk disorderly and do not teach "that which is written for our learning." A "living" Paul claimed as a right but did not use because that would HINDER the Free Water of the Word.
2Th. 3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us:
For we behaved not ourselves DISORDERLY among you;
2Th. 3:8 Neither did we eat any mans bread for nought;
but WROUGHT with LABOR and travail night and day,
that we might not be CHARGEABLE to any of you:
2Th. 3:9 Not because we have not power,
but to make ourselves an ENSAMPLE unto you to follow us.
2Th. 3:10 For even when we were with you,
this we COMMANDED you, that if any would not work,
neither should he eat.
2Th. 3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly,
working not at all, but are busybodies.
g4020. periergazomai, per-ee-er-gad΄-zom-ahee; from 4012 and 2038; to work all around, i.e. bustle about (meddle): be a busybody.
Cūrĭōsus non quidem doctus, sed curiosus,
religione superstitio distat, Quint. 8, 3, 55.
Quint. Inst. 8 3.55] but merely tame and redundant, it must be regarded as a fault. There is also a fault entitled periergia, which I may perhaps translate by superfluous elaboration, which differs from its corresponding virtue much as fussiness differs from industry, and superstition from religion. Finally, every word which neither helps the sense nor the style may be regarded as faulty.spĕcŭlātor I.a looker-out, spy, scout, explorer, a searcher, explorer, investigator, examiner
superstitio Excessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition (different from religio, a proper, reasonable awe of the gods; cf.: religio veri dei cultus est, superstitio falsi,
G1114 goēs go'-ace From goaō (to wail); properly a wizard (as muttering spells), that is, (by implication) an impostor:seducer.
Huporch-eomai with or to music, pros de kardiai phobos aidein hetoimosκd' (fort. hκd') huporcheisthai A.Ch.1025 : c. acc. cogn., orchκsin hu. Plu.Num.13 ; hu. goous sing and dance a lament, Hld.6.8.
ăgo To drive or carry off (animals or men), to steal, rob, plunder
Of offices, employments, etc., to conduct, exercise, administer, hold: forum agere, to hold court
vivorum coetus agere, to make assemblies of, to assemble to have charge of the treasury, id. Dom. 12: publicum agere, to collect the taxes, to address the people in a public assembly, for the purpose of obtaining their approval or rejection of a thing (while agere ad populum signifies to propose, to bring before the people):
10. To represent by external action, to perform, pronounce, deliver, etc.a. Of an orator, Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142; voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent, agere fortius et audentius volo, Tac. Or. 18; 39.b Of an actor, to represent, play, act: Ipse hanc acturust Juppiter comoediam, Plaut. Am. prol. 88; so, fabulam, Ter. Ad. prol. 12; id. Hec. prol. 22: dum haec agitur fabula, Plaut. Men. prol. 72 al.: partīs, to have a part in a play,
dicitur canticum egisse aliquanto magis vigente motu, Liv. 7, 2 al.Transf. to other relations, to represent or personate one, to act the part of, to act as, behave like:
cantĭcum , i, n. cantus. I. Lit., a song in the Roman comedy, sung by one person, and accompanied by music and dancing; a monody, solo:
II. A song, in gen.: chorus canticum Insonuit, Phaedr. 5, 7, 25: canticum repetere,
Phaedr. 5, 7, 25
The curtain draws, the lightnings flash,
The gods speak out their usual trash.
An ode, not to the Piper known,
Was to the chorus leader shown,
Which he was order'd to repeat,
And which was closed with this conceit--
"Receive with joy, O loyal Rome,
Thy Prince just rescued from his tomb."
They all at once stand up and clap,
At which my most facetious chap
Kisses his hand, and scrapes and bows
To his good patrons in the house.
First the equestrian order smoke
The fool's mistake, and high in joke,
Command the song to be encored;
Which ended, flat upon the board
The Piper falls, the knights acclaim;
The people think that Prince's aim
Is for a crown of bays at least.
Now all the seats perceived the jest,
And with his bandage white as snow,
White frock, white pumps, a perfect beauty
Proud of the feats he had achieved,
And these high honours he received,
With one unanimous huzza,
Giving Heed to Jewish FablesPaul silences both male and female: the women thought that in their musical madness they were speaking for God. The reason for silence was-is that all might be saved or SAFE and come to a knowledge of THE TRUTH. This is the Word or Logos: the Regulative Principle.
2Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
and shall be turned unto fables.
FABLES TO FOOL: Fābŭla , ae, f. fari,
B. Of particular kinds of poetry.1. Most freq., a dramatic poem, drama, play (syn.: ludus, cantus, actio, etc.): in full, fabula scaenica, or, theatralis, id. 14, 6, 20: fabula ad actum scenarum composita, fabulam, quae versatur in tragoediis atque carminibus non a veritate modo [melod]
FABLES TO FOOL: Cantus , ūs, m. id., I. the production of melodious sound, a musical utterance or expression, either with voice or instrument; hence, song, singing, playing,
1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum, Cic. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: fit etiam saepe vocum gravitate et cantibus ut pellantur animi, etc.,
2. With instruments, a playing, music: citharae, horribili stridebat tibia cantu, Cat. 64, 264: querulae tibiae, lyrae, Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 72: tibicine
FABLES TO FOOL: Scaenĭcus (scen- ), a, um, adj., = skēnikos, I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical (class.) stage-plays, theatrical representations, fabula, a drama, Amm. 28, 1, 4: organa, Suet. Ner. 44: coronae, id. ib. 53: habitus, id. ib. 38:THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON TO FOOL:
1. scaē-nĭcus , i, m., a player, actor, Cic. Off. 1, 31, 114: orator plurimum aberit a scaenico 2. scaenĭca , ae, f., a female player, an actress,
gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220: modulatio, Quint. 11, 3, 57:
Gestures of an ōrātōrĭus , a, um, adj. orator. . Of or belonging to an orator, oratorical II. Of or belonging to praying; hence, subst.: ōrātōrĭum , ii. n. (sc. templum), a place of prayer, an oratory
Orgănum , i, n., = organon, Of musical instruments, a pipe, Quint. 11, 3, 20; 9, 4, 10; Juv. 6, 3, 80; Vulg. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep. an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica, Suet. Ner. 41: aquatica, Mythogr. Lat. 3, 12.Of a church-organ, Cass. Expos. in Psa. 150; Aug. Enarr. in Psa. 150, n. 7. B. Transf.: organum oris, the tongue of a man, Prud. steph
2Th. 3:12 Now them that are such
we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ,
that with quietness they WORK, and eat their OWN bread.
There is only ONE OFFICE: Elders to teach that which HAD been taught. Evangelist to teach what Jesus commanded. Peter defines that holy scripture as the PROPHETS by the Spirit OF Christ and made certain or CERTIFIED by Jesus christ and left for our memory by eye-- and ear-- witnesses. There are NOT 2,000 year old prophets or apostles AS THEY CLAIM.
Stone and Campbell held NOTHING in common beyond building on the Bible. However, Stone wanted but never got from Churches of Christ BEING SILENT on Doctrine. That is why music always meant to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter.
Thomas Campbell Contrary to the Stoneites: The principle of this holy religion within us, is faith, a correspondent faith; that is, a belief, or inwrought persuasion by, and according to, the word of truth, in all points corresponding to the revelation which God has made of himself through Jesus Christ by the Spirit. Hence, being rooted and grounded in the truth of this revelation, by faith in the divine testimony,we contemplate and worship God inwardly; that is,
adore and reverence him in our souls,
according to the characters and attributes under which he has revealed himself to us.
Thus we worship the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit,relying upon his teachings in and by the word,to lead us into all the truth which he has testified for our edification and salvation; [i.e. "Worship in Spirit (mind) and in truth (His Word)]
and also upon his internal influence to excite, instruct, and comfort us, by the truth; to help our infirmities, and to enable us to think and pray as we ought, both as to the matter and manner of our prayers. See Rom. viii. 26, and Jude 22, 21, with a multitude of other scriptures.
Thus we have the internal religion, the habitual worship of the real believer, the sincere bible-taught christian with its principle; which is the faith above described. See Rom. x. 12-15.
Baptism was the First command and the next ONE-PIECE PATTERN taken directly from Holy Scripture.
But that this may be the case, the next immediate ordinance of the christian religion, namely, the reading, I mean the musing upon, or studying the Holy Scriptures; taking them up in their connexion, and meditating upon the subjects they propose to our consideration, with a fixed contemplation of the various and important objects which they present.
You cannot meditate with a "team" singing as a wired-up mediator. You cannot meditate when someone reads verse 10z to fulfill the "act" of reading after which we rush into the next unsacred hymn. Thomas Campbell defines worship "in spirit and in truth."
This dutiful and religious use of the bible, (that most precious, sacred record of the wonderful works of God,
the only authentic source of all religious information,) is inseparably connected with, and indispensably necessary to, the blissful and all-important exercises of prayer and praise.
Without this, those exercises must dwindle away to a trite form--must degenerate into a lifeless formality.It is from this dutiful and religious use of the divine word, that we derive the proper materials for those holy exercises.
The "Stone" term intends to say that what became The Churches of Christ sected out of the Disciples/Christian churches. Of course, there was nothing in common between the two groups at the time and the NACC or Christian Churches sected out of the Disciples from 1927 until 1971 when they were de-listed. That was the time the Christian Churches began "unity" efforts intended to convert everyone to their musical apostasy. The modern Cabal of hermeneuts has at its core an emerging church which MERGES with their sponsor: the Disciples of Christ and the NACC. Of course, it is important to use music which means "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter" to prevent hearing the text in song or sermon:
Because THE meaning of turning to Hermes (pagan Logos) instead of Christ in the prophets and apostles has at its CORE imposing INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC into the School of the Word, Blowers and everyone would truly be amazed (or not) if they discovered that the Church Fathers and reformers were faithful to the Scriptures by denying any role for self-speakers, singers or instrument players whom Jesus marked as hypocrites. He might be amazed that the eucharistic concept is "giving thanks" and not participating in the perpetual shedding of the blood of Jesus. Consistent with all ReligionHoods, Hermes is also the mark of the gender confused. Moving rebuttal to false teachings further down, we are happy to append the latest fad from a Nashville church:
Thou has Turned My Mourning into Dancing. Perhaps by God's design, they didn't read enough to understand that this is the GENDER mark well documented by Christ in Isaiah 3.
The Romans, at their own request, obtain from them skilled performers-the proper seasons-the name too, for it is said they are called Ludi, from Lydi. And though Varro derives the name of Ludi from Ludus, that is, from play, as they called the Luperci also Ludii, because they ran about making sport; still that sporting of young men belongs, (playful or ludicrous) in his view, to festal days and temples, and objects of religious veneration.
Ludi Actiăci (Aktia). Games in honour of the Actian Apollo, decreed by Augustus in B.C. 31 after his victory over Antony at Actium. They consisted at Rome of horse-races, gymnastic contests, and occasionally of gladiatorial contests. They were held every fourth year (Dio Cass. li. 19). See ActiaMatthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand:
and they bowed the knee before him,
and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
illūdo (inl-When they MOCKED Jesus the prophecy used the word Alarm or Triumph which is to play loud wind instruments and make a loud rejoicing sound.
I Neutr., to play at or with any thing, to sport with, amuse one's self with (syn. colludo; cf. ludificor).
1. To scoff or mock at, to make a laughing-stock of, to ridicule (so most freq.): satis superbe illuditis me,
feminarum illustrium capitibus, : illusa pictae vestis inania, rhetorum),
How to use PSALLO to turn captives into WOMEN
Grant, then, forgiveness to the Lydians, and to make sure of their never rebelling against thee, or alarming thee more,
send and forbid them to keep any weapons of war, command them to wear tunics under their cloaks, and to put buskins upon their legs,
and make them bring up their sons to cithern-playing (Kitharizein), singing (psallein),
and shop-keeping (Hucksterism).
So wilt thou soon see them become women instead of men,
and there will be no more fear of their revolting from thee."-[4] Ludoisi de sungnτmκn echτn tade autoisi epitaxon, hτs mκte aposteτsi mκte deinoi toi eτsi: apeipe men sphi pempsas hopla arκia mκ ektκsthai, keleue de spheas kithτnas -[khiton David's garment] te hupodunein toisi heimasi kai kothornous hupodeesthai, proeipe d' autoisi -kitharizein te kai psallein kai kapκleuein [prostitutes, petty trade, playing tricks, corrupting] paideuein tous paidas. kai tacheτs spheas τ basileu gunaikas ant' andrτn opseai gegonotas, hτste ouden deinoi toi esontai mκ aposteτsi."
The word kitharizo means to PLAY THE CITHARA and does not include singing.
- -Kitharizτ 1 [kitharis] to play the cithara, phormingi [Apollo] kitharize Il., Hes.; lurκi eraton kitharizτn Hhymn. (so that there can have been no great difference between the kithara, lura, and phorminx ); kitharizein ouk epistatai, of an uneducated person,
-Kithar-isis , eτs, hκ, playing on the cithara, Pl.Prt.325e; k. psilκ, i.e. without the voice, Id.Lg.669e, cf. Pae.Delph.15; aulκsis kai k. Phld.Mus.p.23 K.
-Arassτ ,of any violent impact, with collat. notion of rattling, clanging, as of horses, hoplais, pound in a mortar, strike with a shower of stones.
a). kitharēn strike the lyre, Orph.A.382; humnon, melos, etc., Nonn.D.1.15,440, etc.
2. c. dat. modi, arassein tina oneidesi, kakois, assail with reproaches or threats,
II. Pass., to be dashed against, dash one against the other
Pound in a mortar, holmō a. Nic. Th.508
G1702 empaizō emp-aheed'-zo From G1722 and G3815 ; to jeer at, that is, deride:
Empaizō , fut. A.-xomai LXXHb.1.10: pf. empepaikha ib.Nu.22.29: mock at, mock, tini Hdt.4.134;
3. Pass., to be deluded, Ev.Matt.2.16, AP10.56.2 (Pall.), Vett.Val.16.14; to be defrauded, of the revenues, Cod.Just.1.34.2.
II. sport in or on, hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonais E.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; tō gumnasiō Luc.Lex.5.
- E.Ba. 866 Euripides, Bacchae ...OnLine Text
- Chorus
- Shall I move my white foot in the night-long dance, aroused to a frenzy, [865] throwing my head to the dewy air, like a fawn sporting in the green pleasures of the meadow, when it has escaped a fearful chase beyond the watchers [870] over the well-woven nets, and the hunter hastens his dogs [Catamites] on their course with his call, while she, with great exertion and a storm-swift running, rushes along the plain by the river, rejoicing [875] in the solitude apart from men and in the thickets of the shady-foliaged woods. What is wisdom? Or what greater honor do the gods give to mortals than to hold one's hand [880] in strength over the head of enemies? What is good is always dear.
2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
- Empaiktκs , ou, ho,A. mocker, deceiver, LXXIs.3.4, 2 Ep.Pet.3.3, Ep.Jud. 18.
Entrupo (g1792) en-troo-fah'-o; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: - sporting selves.
Truphaτ , ( [truphκ]
2. part. truphōn as Adj., effeminate, luxurious, Ar.Nu.48, etc.; t. kai amelēs Pl.Lg.901a; to truphōn effeminacy, Ar.V.1455 (lyr.); also of things, dainty, delicate, paison,
II. to be licentious, run riot, wax wanton, Ar.Lys.405, etc.; to be extravagant
Paison paizτ [pais]
2. esp. dance, paisate Od.8.251; dōma peristenakhizeto possin andrōn paizontōn 23.147, cf. Hes.Sc.277; p. te kai khoreuein
alla pepaistai metriōs hēmin, of the chorus,
4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.
5. play amorously,
Stone Campbell Hermeneutics John Mark Hicks
One might think that the INSTRUMENTALISTS had a direct revelation when someone suggested that Alexander Campbell was quite ignorant commpared to the postmodernists. They admit no truth and "hermeneutic" or interpret the Word by their own subjective reasoning as present perfect needs: often shortfall in the budget. However. "hermeneutic" is a way to mark and avoid because Hermes rather than Jesus was the LOGOS in the Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon and the MUSES religion. Every blogger leaps on this as if factual. It is not.
The buzz of the internet is the FEMININE nature of the new style of musical worship. Not surprising, singing and playing a harp was joked as a person "being drunk, perverted or just having fun." They think that hermeneutics just means "interpretation." Peter outlawed private interpretation of further expounding because that would despise the Prophets by the Spirit OF Christ and the Apostles who left us a memory of the prophecies made more certain.
Hermeneutics has its meaning from HERMES but no one can show that Alexander Campbell derived any doctrinal view from SUBJECTIVE IMAGINATION or from the MARK of Hermes. Nor, can it be shown that Barton W. Stone made any contribution to those who derived their view of the Bible from John Calvin who agreed with all historic scholarship. Calvin called for A Restoration of the Church of Christ by simply removing all of the money or power interests which detracted from being Disciples of the Word. Hermeneuts bad mouth the Regulative Principle which they do not understand is derived from Genesis to Revelation.
A World History of the Stone-Campbell Movement
This is an effort funded by the Disciples to promote the new Stone Campbell Sect. It is a fact that what became Churches of Christ were NEVER joined to the Disciples of Christ-Christian churches. The major shift away for a fraternal relationship but never a union was the Millerite influence which caused the Disciples to form a society to SAVE THE JEWS in Jerusalem to make it possible for Jesus to return.
This is the "pre fabled union" in 1831: the denial of any kind of "union" in the Lunenburg quote was in 1837. Without passing judgment one way or another, the Reformers saw the Disciples as just another denomination, and saw Barton W. Stone bent on forming a NEW INCLUSIVE denomination. Garrison proposed to include ALL OF CHRISTENDOM. That is why the Disciples have reached a dead end. Theologians have a problem recognizing irony by Campbell or Paul
For our part, we might be honored much by a union formal and public,
with a society so large and so respectable as the Christian denomination;
but if our union with them, though so advantageous to us,
would merge "the ancient gospel and ancient order of things"
in the long vexed question of simple anti-trinitarianism, anti-creedism, or anti-sectarianism,
I should be ashamed of myself in the presence of him whose "well done, good and faithful servant,"
is worth the universe to me.
We all could have had honorable alliances with honorable sectaries,
many years since, had this been our object.Does he mean a formal confederation of all preachers and people called "Christians," with all those whom he calls Reformed Baptists? (rather reforming, than reformed;) or (as he represents them as prefering for a sectarianwhat shall be the articles of confederation, and in what form shall they be ministered or adopted? Shall it be in one general convention of messengers from all the societies of "christians" and "disciples," or one general assembly of the whole aggregate of both people? Shall the articles of agreement be drawn up in writing like the articles of the "General Union" amongst the different sects of Baptists in Kentucky? purpose the name) disciples. If so,Historians should understand the difference between Mythological History and True History.
We discover, or think we discover, a squinting at some sort of precedency or priority in the claims of the writer of the above article, which are perhaps only in appearance, and not in reality; but if in appearance only, he will prevent us or any reader from concluding unfavorably by explaining himself more in detail than he has done.
He says, "The reformed Baptists have received the doctrine taught by us many years ago." "For nearly thirty years ago we taught," &c. &c. From what source or principle these sayings proceeded, we do not pronounce sentence; but if they are mere words of course, and he intended to plead nothing from them, we would suggest the propriety of qualifying them in such a way as to prevent mistake.I am, as at present advised, far from thinking that the present advocates of reformation are only pleading, or at all pleading, for what was plead in Kentucky thirty years ago, after the dissolution of the Springfield Presbytery. If such be the conceptions of brother Stone, I am greatly mistaken. That he, with others, did at that time oppose authoritative creeds, and some articles in them as terms of communion, and some other abuses, we are not uninformed; but so did some others who set out with him.
Our eagle-eyed opponents plainly see the difference between the radical and differential attributes of this reformation, which they ignorantly call a deformation, and any other cause, however unpopular, plead in the land.
"The Christians" in some places, nay, in many places, are quite respectable in the eyes of those who contemn "the disciples" as unfit for good society. And I think the amiable editor of the Christian Messenger himself told me last winter,
that even he and some of his brethren were considered by the orthodox as degrading themselves because they associated with us most "unworthy disciples?'Indeed, it was no mean proof of his christian spirit to see him so condescending to persons of such low degree in the estimation of the noble christians of the land. His willingness to fraternize with us in despite of the odium theologicum attached to our ancient gospel, I must ever regard as an additional proof of his unfeigned regard to the authority of Jesus as Lord, and his love to all them who esteem the reproach of the Messiah greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt.
Among the Greeks it was widely taught that rhetoricians, poets and music must not be permitted to write about true history. It was ok to lie about history when entertaining (only) but never in the schools or called assemblies (ekklesia).
THE 1832 UNITY MEETING J.F.BURNETT Stone and the Disciples of Christ (Reformers then)
Any additions would, as definitons demand, mark the imposers as heretics or sectarians.Morrill, in "History of the Christian Denomination," says: [6]
"The 'union' itself was consummated on New Year's day, 1832, in Hill Street Christian Church, at Lexington, Kentucky, where representatives of both parties pledged themselves 'to one another before God, to abandon all speculation, especially on the Trinity, and kindred subjects, and to be content with the plain declaration of Scripture on those subjects on which there had been so much worse than useless controversy.'
The plain meaning is that they found common ground to occupy, threw away their divisive teachings and opinions, and acted as one. The men who at Lexington pledged themselves there and then gave one another the hand of fellowship,
speaking for themselves, and the churches they came from,
but not for all the churches or the denominations in Kentucky or the United States.There was no voting, and no attempt at formal union, but merely a 'flowing together' of those like-minded. In token of that union Elder John Smith, of the Disciples of Christ, and Elder John Rogers, of the Christians, 'were appointed evangelists by the churches' to promote that simple unsectarian Christian work, which was adhered to by thousands; and Stone took Elder J. T. Johnson, a Disciple, as co-editor of The Christian Messenger.
"This 'union' did not change the status of any name or church or minister or piece of property.
At a later time Campbell made some public invidious remarks about the Christians, and it began to be claimed that they had joined or united with the Disciples. John [7] Rogers says on this point:'No one ever thought (at the first) that the Reformers, so-called, had come over to us, or that we had gone over to them; that they were required to relinquish their opinions, or we ours.
We found ourselves contending for the same great principles, and we resolved to unite our energies to harmonize the church and save the world. Such are the simple facts in the case."
The Christian Messenger (1832) says:
"It is common for the Christians to say, the Reformers have joined us--and no less common is it for the Reformers to say, the Christians have joined us.
One will say, the Christians have given up all their former opinions of many doctrines, and have received ours; another will say, the Reformers have relinquished their views on many points, and embraced ours.
These things are doing mischief to the cause of Christian union, and well calculated to excite jealousy, and to give offense. They can do no good--in fact they are not true. We have met together on the Bible, being drawn together there by the cords of truth--we agreed to walk together according to this rule, and to be united by the spirit of truth.
Neither the Christians nor Reformers professed to give up any sentiments or opinions previous to our union, nor were any required to be given up in order to effect it. We all determined to learn of Jesus, and to speak and do whatsoever He says to us in His Word. We all profess to be [8] called Christians, being the followers and disciples of Jesus."
The Campbells and most people at that time defined church as a Society for study of the Word:
- Church as defined by Christ in the wilderness and as Ekklesia or Synagogue was A School of Christ.
- Worship was reading and musing the Word as is clearly defined by Paul, Peter and the pre-Constantine periood were singing as an ACT was imposed in c 373 and split the west church from the east.
1834 In The Christian Messenger for November, 1834, is quoted an article from the Millennial Harbinger (Campbell's paper) as follows:"Or does he (Stone) think that one or two individuals, of and for themselves, should propose and effect a formal union among the hundred of congregations scattered over this continent, called Christians or Disciples, without calling upon the different congregations to express an opinion or a wish upon the subject?
We discover, or think we discover, a squinting at [14] some sort of precedency or priority in the claims of the writer of the above article," etc.
It is well known that Mr. Campbell insisted upon immersion before believers were received into fellowship, to which Stone answered:
"We cannot, with our present views, unite on the opinions that unimmersed persons cannot receive remission of sins."
And though later on he came to believe in immersion in water for the remission of sins, there is no evidence that he ever made it a test of fellowship, without which he could not have been a member of the Disciples of Christ.
1837 Jenning, Walter W., Origin and Early History of the Disciples of Christ, p. 196, StandardThe Statement: "The Stone-Campbell Movement" is a big fat lie.Although union was not so easily brought about elsewhere as in Kentucky, thousands of ''Christians" did join the Reformers. After referring to the union effected by Stone in Jacksonville, M. T. Morrill, the leading historian of the Christian Connection, made the following admission:
"Then followed a wave of ' Campbellism ' that swept the Christians off their feet, and aggregated about eight thousand accessions to the Disciples. No Christian churches long survived in Tennessee, their cause was ruined in Kentucky and never has regained its former strength or prestige. Of the Southern Ohio Christians a majority of the preachers embraced Campbeism prior to 1837, and only about one thousand church members remained. A man named C. A. Eastman, traveling through Indiana about 1846, reported that, 'In many places they [the Christians] have amalgamated with the Disciples, and are known only as the same people.' Several years later it was reported that on Stone's account conferences of the Christians had been dissolved and churches disbanded, and the people had become amalgamated with the Disciples."
This was Leroy Garrett's effort to deny the Church of Christ's view of authority, baptism and instrumental music. It has become the DOGMA of the Church Planting Cult intending to plant INSTRUMENTAL churches since the "unity meeting fable" has been put down. Because these people do not want the truth to be told they PLANT themselves as scholars in once-Christian Bible Colleges turned "universalists."
Leroy Garretts 1981 history of the movement is titled The Stone-Campbell Movement. In that work, Garrett claimed that his work was the first to use the Stone-Campbell nomenclature. Even so, his books subtitle is The Story of the American Restoration Movement. Garrett explained that his wish was to be impartial between those who considered the goal of the movement unity and those who considered its goal to be restoration (Garrett, 7).Churches of Christ derived out of John Calvin's proposal to RESTORE THE CHURCH OF CHRIST by removing everything which the Catholics had added as part of the mystical Babylon Mother of Harlots (Revelation 18) who used "lusted after fruits" (same as in Amos) as rhetoricians, singers and instrument players: John called them SORCERERS who had deceived the whole World. This is defined as the use of music to help induce drugs to turn men into "beasts." A beast, by the way, in Revelation the Beast is not four-footed but musical enchanters:
Stone-Campbell Movement has come into widespread usage since Garretts book was published thirty years ago. We should recognize (as Garrett did) that many in the historical movement today do not share the goal of restoring a New Testament ideal or pattern for the church.
For them, using the name of 19th century leaders avoids the baggage of restorationism and anchors the movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, rather than the first century. John Gaine
Rev. 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
Rev. 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarletcoloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
thērion , to (in form Dim. of thēr), A. wild animal, esp. of such as are hunted, mala gar mega thērion ēen, of a stag, Od.10.171, 180 (never in Il.); in Trag. only in Satyric drama
Kolax , [Philippians 3 Dogs or Catamites]A. flatterer, fawner, Ar.Pax756, Lys.28.4, Pl.Phdr. 240b, etc.; tukhēs kolakes ; parasite, D.L.6.4.2. Att. goēs, Moer. p.113 P.II. lisping pronunciation of korax, Ar.V.45.
Goēs , ētos, ho, A. sorcerer, wizard epōdos Ludias apo khthonos E.Ba.234hē mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tiktei
2. juggler, cheat, deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistēs Pl.Smp.203d; deinon kai g. kai sophistēn . . onomazōn D.18.276; apistos g. ponēros Id.19.109; magos kai g
Sophis-tēs , ou, ho, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, with modal words added, hoi s. tōn hierōnmelōn [MELODY IN THE HOLY PLACE]
3. later of the rhētores, Professors of Rhetoric, and prose writers of the Empire, such as Philostratus and Libanius, Suid.; Apollōnidē sophistē [Abaddon, Apollyon]
PHARMAKIA identifies the speakers, singers and instrument players in Revelation 18: John called them sorcerers and says they will be (are) cast alive into the lake of fire.
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe căprīlis , e, of or pertaining to the goat: semen, i. e. capellae,mousikκ aei ti kainon thκrion tiktei
A. Mousikos, musical, agτnes m. kai gumnikoi choroi te kai agτnes ta mousika music,II. of persons, skilled in music, kuknos [minstrel] kai alla zτia; peri aulous - professional musicians, mousikos kai melτn poκtκs, use with singing, skilled in speaking before a mob. Melody,
B. aei always
C. kainos , esp. of new dramas, the representation of the new tragedies, (Aphrodisias dedicated to Aphrodite (ZOE); comedy, sexual love, pleasure, a woman's form of oath, Aster or Venus or ZOE Lucifer
D. Therion
E. Tikto mostly of the mother of Rhea one of the zoogonic or vivific principles
made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1Cor. 1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
1Cor. 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe?
where is the disputer of this world?ί
hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
1Cor. 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God
the world by wisdom knew not God,
it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.Sophis-tκs , ou, ho, master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28 , cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistκs . . parapaiτn chelun A.Fr.314 , cf. Eup.447, Pl.Com. 140; sophistκi Thrκiki (sc. Thamyris) E.Rh.924, cf. Ath.14.632c: with mod
II. from late v B.C., a Sophist, i.e. one who gave lessons in grammar, rhetoric, politics, mathematics, for money, such as Prodicus, Gorgias, Protagoras, a quibbler, cheat, a RHETORICIAN as the primary meaning of a HYPOCRITE.
hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn A sophist, serpent, makes MUSICAL MELODY with a congregation AS a harp and cannot grasp that IN THE HEART is a place.
In previewing A World History of the Stone-Campbell Movement "history" we have shown that the Campbells had roots in John Calvin who proposed the Restoration of the Church of Christ.
- He proposed Restoring The Church of Christ by removing everything not positively authorized by the Bible
- He used the term The Church of Christ consistent with most recorded history and the Bible: whenever the church is mentioned it is always connected to Christ who "purchased the church of God with His own blood."
- He denounced all of the clergy as lazy asses taking all of the money from the plowing oxen. That's good because the pattern was to PREACH the Word (only) by READING the Word and explaining it: what Paul commanded Timothy.
- He defined adult baptism as a sign but more than a sign: Alexander Campbell said that he could be an almost orthodox Campbellite.
- He denounced instrumental music but permitted the first congregational singing of rewritten psalms (only) to be sung in unison based on Romans 15 although he later permitted simple harmony.
- That's good too because the Written Text is the commanded resource; none of it is metrical and to prove it singing as an ACT was not imposed until long after Constantine allowed unwashed pagans to become bishops. They wanted to add music because it was common "in all pagan cults."
Campbell never claims any teaching from Stone but bases all of the teachings long used in some places on the Written Word as the only authority. Contrary to credo of the Stone-Campbell Movement the Disciples claim ownership of authority derived from:
- Alexander Campbell denounced any kind of "union" other than in a fraternal sense in 1831
- The "unity" 1n 1832 of a few men hallucinating unity without doctrinal teaching: Unity was a god.
- Alexander Campbell denounced the notion of unity in 1937
- He added the name Millenniel Harbinger to explain the "protestant doctrines" of millennialism and refuted all of them when the Disciples "unioned" with the Millerites (SDA) to organized, go to Israel and "save all of the Jews."
Leading up to 1906 the Churches of Christ had to do great battles to prevent the Society and Organ party for "taking all of Tenneessee in five years.
- Traditional as authority
- The Law of Silence and
- The direct Guidance of the Holy Spirit
The Disciples of Christ are funding a team to write a World History of the Stone Campbell Movement.
Real true history will show that Churches of Christ are what they are in many respects based on John Calvin's proposal to Restore the Church of Christ. Campbell denied that there was any basis for unity with Stone in 1831 showing that Stone envisioned a denominational form of union. The hand shake in 1932 involved only a few men agreeing to the views of the Reformers. By 1937 Alexander Campbell again denounced it and Burnett proved that the Churches of Christ were never joined in union with the Disciples / Christian Churches. The introduction of instruments was purely a financial movemen dismissing those within the Disciples as ignorant and not worthy of consideration.
Never believe people who have been financed to bring churches of Christ into the instrumental fold: no one has ever proposed "unity" without meaning you must CONFIRM or CONFIRM to the Christian Church view. Anyone who does not know that musical instruments are always the cause or mark of teling God to shut up is not perpared to write a WORLD-HISTORY.
Dainel Sommer Addresses Sand Creek. About 20 decided to force instrumental music and 100 opposed. The 20 discorders took the name Christian Church and filed a lawsuit to take over the new brick church house. The Illinois Supreme court decided that the group founded by the principles of Alexander Campbell and existing since 1834 owned the propert. In his very godly address to Sand Creek Daniel Sommer concludes:
Men who were once "Sommerites" have been the misinformers and misleaders have been the source of sowing of discord beginning with the Stone-Campbell Movement which twists history.When they determined to have their devices if they had only left the established congregations in peace and had gone out into new fields and built up churches, they would have acted with some honor.
But instead of so doing they have thrust their devices upon congregations established upon primitive simplicity, and thus have become usurpers of other men's labors. We were once a happy and a peaceful and a prosperous people and for peace we pled.
We entreated them for God's sake and for the love of heaven not to thrust their devices upon us, but they would not hearken. WHAT THEN MUST BE DONE? In the language of the Apostle Peter I answer: "THE TIME IS COME THAT JUDGEMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD."
Why is there any impulse to even take notice of those who lie about Sommers and insist on usually ONE DOMINANT PASTOR "usurping of other men's labors" and the destroyer of church and personal families?
On the other hand those who followed Alexander Campbell knew that John Calvin had proposed Restoring the Church of Christ and opposed instruments. Up to the Reformation no one had engaged in congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment. You cannot obey the clear command to teach that which is written for our learning and use instruments because none of Scripture is metrical and was intended to be spoken for the sole role of teaching the Word.
No one prior to 1878 ever though that the "psallo" word had any connection to the use of instruments in what the Churches of Christ called A School of Christ where worship was Reading and Musing the Word of God: that began by Christ in the wilderness.
No scholar believed that God COMMANDED the use of instruments (to make noise) in the worship of the godly Israelites who attended synagogue and were quarantined from the "worship of the starry host" at the national Temple.
Not until the latest effort to dupe a few preachers and pseudo-scholars has anyone ever said that God commanded instrumental music in the worship of God and YOU had better not disobey.
Preachers and pseudo-scholars use Hezekiah's plague stopping contract with God offering Burnt Goats to appease Israel (the instrumental sect) say that God Commanded the Levites to Play the Musical Instruments. Sure, you can be a scholar without ever having read the whole plot.
- If you say that God commanded the Levite's instruments in the worship of the Jews.
- And God has not commanded anyone to use musical instruments at any time or place.
- The Holy Spirit of Christ speaking through Jeremiah 23 marks you as blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Christ the Holy Spirit speaking through the Prophets (not Scribes) said
in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
But this thing commanded I them, saying,
Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: (CENI)
and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, (CENI)
that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23
Jer 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me,
The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace;
and they say unto every one that walketh
after the imagination of his own heart,
No evil shall come upon you.
"You can SOW discord and steal the church houses of widows" much better than Pharisees.
Blasphēm-eō , pf.A. beblasphēmēka D.18.10:speak profanely of sacred things, eis theous Pl.R.381e; offer rash prayers, Id.Alc.2.149c; b. kata tinosutter imprecations against, Aeschin.1.180.2. speak ill or to the prejudice of one, slander, peri tēs emēs diatribēs Isoc.15.2, cf. D.l.c., ib.82; b. kata tinos Isoc.12.65, cf. Arist.Fr.44; hosa eis hēmas eblasphēmēsan D.51.3; b. tina Babr.71.6, Ev.Luc.23.39, etc.: abs., Phld.Lib.p.8 O.:Pass., to have evil spoken of one, beblasphēmēmenous Id.Vit.p.12 J., cf. 1 Ep.Cor.10.30.3. speak impiously or irreverently of God, blaspheme, eis ton Kurion LXX Da.3.29(96); eis to pneuma to hagion Ev.Marc.3.29; eis ta theia Vett. Val.58.12; tous theous Id.67.20: abs., LXX 2 Ma.10.34, al., Ev.Matt.9.3.
William J. Nottingham Global Ministries.
"My point here is that the first missionary society was the product of a long and intense process which generated considerable soul-searching. There were shared biblical principles and at the same time fundamental differences in theological opinion. Disagreement grew
concerning congregational ecclesiology,
commonality in mission with other Christians,
and also perhaps communion of the Holy Spirit.
This tension would eventuate in separate bodies and institutions of the 20th and 21st centuries. [Disciples and NACC] A full appreciation is probably hidden from us in the distance from ante-bellum times.
But the nature of the Bible's authority,
the relatively new idea of the autonomy of the local congregation,
and the centrality of millennialist eschatology for these men and women,
with men doing most of the writing which is left to us, seem to me to be mysteries that can only be observed from different angles and rarely entered into existentially by later generations like our own.
This is evidenced in the decisions concerning missionaries growing out of this fervor leading up to the Cincinnati convention: Dr. and Mrs. James T. Barclay were the first. It was in their parlor in Washington, D.C., 1843, that the congregation had been organized which became the Vermont Avenue Church and in 1930 the National City Christian Church.
They went to Jerusalem, not because of Acts 1:8 "beginning with Jerusalem" as a popular Disciples legend has it, but because it was taken for granted by Alexander Campbell and his followers that the Jews were to be converted before the return of Christ.
That was a false assumption: the Millenial Harbinger's major thrust was not to SUPPORT Millerism but to defeat it. Campbell denies that Jesus will return to Canaan. Because the Church of Christ did not believe in William E. Miller [Ellen G. White]. You will notice that it was the Disciples who were tilted by Miller.
The title of Campbell's journal proclaimed clearly the eschatology of the pre-Civil War spirituality, so neglected in our denominational memory by scholars and theologians since then.
Notice that Campbell spoke of THE PROTESTANT THEORY: not his because he speaks where the Bible speaks and insists on a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH and that you could not convert people after the literal earth was burned up.
In the Millennial Harbinger of 1841,
we read in what is called The Protestant Theory:
"The Millennium, so far as the triumphs of Christianity is concerned, will be a state of greatly enlarged and continuous prosperity, in which the Lord will be exalted and his divine spirit enjoyed in an unprecedented measure. All the conditions of society will be vastly improved; wars shall cease, and peace and good will among men will generally abound. The Jews will be converted, and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought into the kingdom of the Messiah."
The founding of the American Christian Missionary Society cannot be separated from the millennialist eschatology of the period
The Disciples followed the Millerites: not Campbell.
nor from the pragmatism which required a foreign dimension to keep pace with other denominations or to outgrow them! D.S. Burnet's book The Jerusalem Mission and Dr. Barclay's book The City of the Great King make this clear, along with speeches and articles by various leaders like Isaac Errett. Barclay wrote in a journal The Christian Age:
"The ACMS...resolved...
to make the first offer of salvation to Israel. . .
for the salvation of the Jews...
for upon the conversion and resumption of Israel
In 1841 Alexander Campbell, a postmillennialist, in defining the problem, enumerates three theories of the millennium: (1)The James A. Begg theory-that is, the Literalist premillennialism of the British Advent Awakening, involving a thousand-year (or up to a 365,000-year) reign of saints over mortals;(2) Millers view of the regeneration of the saved, and their glorified state in the renewed earth, introduced at the first resurrection by Christs premillennial advent; and (3) the now common Protestant theory, of postmillennialism, withits long period of gradual improvement and world conversion before the advent. 1Alexander Campbell, The Coming of the Lord, No. 1, The Millennial Harbinger, January 1841, pp. 5-12. Leaving the full discussion of (2) for Part II, which begins with the following chapter,
Few churches exist as defined by Christ as The Church of Christ in the wilderness, throughout the Bible and all recorded history:Church is A school of Christ (what Christ ordained in the wilderness as synagogue)
Worship as reading and musing the Word of God.The Christian Church did not exist in 1906 and the 1971 official separation denounced most of what the original Stoneites held as doctrine. A short summary at Wikipedia notes.
The Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DoC) parted ways due primarily to disagreements on the denominationalization of the DoC. The split occurred as local congregations refused to take part in rapidly developing extra-congregational organizations that eventually evolved into a General Assembly, which is what drove the Restoration Movement in the first place. They were also disturbed by what they saw as liberal/modernist influences on DoC teaching. This came to a head at the 1926 DoC Convention in Memphis, Tennessee.
The official DoC split from the Restoration Movement Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ is difficult to date. Suggestions range from 1926 to 1971 based on the events outlined below:
- 1926: The first North American Christian Convention (NACC) in 1927 was the result of disillusionment at the DoC Memphis Convention.
- 1930s - 1940s: Symbolic differences and disagreements flourished.
- 1955: The Directory of the Ministry was first published listing only the "Independents" on a voluntary basis.
- 1968: Final redaction of the Disciples Year Book removing Independent churches
- 1971: Independent churches listed separately in the Yearbook of American Churches.
Because of this separation, many Independent Christian Churches/churches of Christ are not only non-denominational, they can be anti-denominational (though not quite as extreme as the churches of Christ), avoiding even the appearance or language associated with denominationalism holding true to their Restoration roots.
During this time the DoC made several attempts to take over facility and property ownership from many Independent congregations and Independents attempted to take over facility and property ownership from many DoC congregations. In this 45+ years both types of congregations were forced to seek legal representation. Representation was necessary in order to maintain ownership of their property and to prevent eviction and forfeiture of assets.
Godulike thanks Rev. Jared Trullinger for pointing out that: When the Disciples & Christians joined in 1832, they didnt agree on theology. Stone was nearly unitarian, and Campbell was nearly trinitarian (excepting only that each rejected the labels). Therefore, the Disciples were begun as a movement in which liberal theology and diversity were to be expected. Unity was the ideal, regardless of theological differences. This difficulty in discerning Disciples' theology is still present today and has been a factor in splits.Godulike's Comment
The Disciples and their doppelgangers are very definitely here to stay. They all have found the way to hang on, make money and influence people and there is no finer way to prove that Jesus loves you than hand over large amounts of cash to a cause that is safe, middle-class and established as The American Way.
To some of the bewildered faithful it must be a continuing source of disappointment that the three organisations have made no plans for a merger, but given their combined financial and political power, perhaps it's just as well that they remain apart.
In the face of growing competition from the hundreds of evangelical rising stars, the high moral ground of the Disciples original ideals is in danger of slipping towards an electioneering style fight for the hearts, minds and cheque books of an increasingly confused public.
When people finally realise that the payment for (any sort of) faith is simply its complete acceptance, then payments of cash or credit demanded by one of God's many representatives will be seen as some sort of unholy extortion.But for now the Disciples still operate on the faith-for-cash philosophy and like all those in the same business are making sure that their own retirement fund is as immune to financial misfortune as it is to faith's betrayal.
[And any similarities between Springfield, Bart and a well-known cartoon are of course, purely coincidental.]
The Disciples are good spenders and in 1990 alone over $30 million was extracted from the pockets of the faithful and put into real estate and various pension funds for retired ministers. As far as the faithful are concerned, they get what they pay for, pretty churches, and as the song goes, something to believe in.THE NACC INHERITED THE URGE TO TAKE OVER NON-INSTRUMENTAL CHURCHES.
In 1808 he and others founded the Christian Association of Washington, Pennsylvania. That group adopted the motto, well-known by Disciples, "Where the scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent." Of course, this motto was always defined by Christ:
Isa. 8:19 And when they shall say unto you,
Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20"The spirits were thought to speak in murmurings or piping sounds (Isa 8:19), which could be imitated by the medium (ventriloquist)...Most spiritual and popular was the interpretation of dreams.It also was the case that mediums intentionally would convert themselves into a semi-waking trance. In this way the suitable mediums attained to a certain kind of clairvoyance, found among various peoples. This approaches the condition of an ecstatically aroused pseudo-prophet.. In Greece, too, oracles were pronounced by the Phythian prophetess who by vapors and the like was aroused to a practice of the mantic art. (Int Std Bible Ency, p. 2466)Jude 16 These are murmurers, complainers [blaming Fate], walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having mens persons in admiration because of advantage.
Goκs A. sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis 2, Hdt.2.33,4.105, Pl.R. 380d, Phld.Ir.p.29 W.; g. epōdos Ludias apo khthonos E.Ba.234, cf. Hipp.1038; prob. f.l. for boēsi Hdt.7.191.
2. juggler, cheat, deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistēs Pl.Smp.203d; deinon kai g. kai sophistēn . . onomazōn D.18.276; apistos g. ponēros Id.19.109; magos kai g. Aeschin.3.137: Comp. goētoteros
Sophis-tēs , A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelun
with modal words added, hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn
Contriver of pain,boκisi [.loud cry, shout, in Hom. mostly battle-cry, shout, murmur of a croud, song of joy, roar of the sea, sounds of musical instruments
E.Ba.234 Chthonos, Earth goddess, nether world, the shades
Bacchae 215] I happened to be at a distance from this land, when I heard of strange evils throughout this city, that the women have left our homes in contrived Bacchic rites, and rush about in the shadowy mountains, honoring with dances
[220] this new deity Dionysus, whoever he is.I will soon stop them from this ill-working revelry. And they say that some stranger has come, a sorcerer, a conjuror from the Lydian land,
Epτidos (epadō) A. singing to or over, using songs or charms to heal wounds, epōdoi muthoi Pl.Lg.903b.[235] fragrant in hair with golden curls, having in his eyes the wine-dark graces of Aphrodite. He is with the young girls day and night, alluring them with joyful mysteries. If I catch him within this house,[240] I will stop him from making a noise with the thyrsos and shaking his hair, by cutting his head off.
- Campbell and others were called "Reformers," for their desire to restore the Church's first century roots. This way of life came to be known as the "Restoration Movement."
- Near Washington, Pennsylvania, Campbell and his son, Alexander, and the Christian Association established the Brush Run Church, which, in 1815, became part of a nearby Baptist Association.
- Reformers and the Baptists differed on key issues. By 1830, the Reformers cut their last ties with the Baptist Association and became known as "Disciples."
Thomas Campbell's passion for Christian unity is summed up in his proclamation that : "The church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one." This statement is the first and key proposition of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address, a work called by some the "Magna Charta" of the movement that preceded the denomination known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
The Tulsa Workshop. The misleaders have decided to have a wrestling match betwee Max Lucado (instrumentalists) and Bob Russel (instrumentalists). Is this Navigating the Winds of Change or Blowing foul winds? This page will be often updated but first it is important to understand that the Stoneites birthed at Cane Ridge and the churches of Christ as Thomas Campbel defined it as A SCHOOL OF CHRIST were never part of the same GROUP nor do they remotely have the same roots. This is the big lie which causes the Christian church to enlist dupes to pretend that we should REunite on their terms.
Tulsa Workshop 2010 confesses desire for unity with the NACC which has gobbled up the workshop as part of its "unity" imperative. All of the key speakers are those who have violently twisted the Scripture to have the "spirit" tell them to IMPOSE that which God imposed on Israel as the worship of the starry host because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. It may BE a command since strong delusions produces lying wonders which speaks of all of the hypocritic actors Jesus identified as speakers, singers and instrument players.
Click for Tulsa Workshop 2011 The theme will be "Unchained!" "If the Son makes you free, then are you free indeed!
In fact the root meaning of music is mystery which "makes the lambs dumb before the slaughter." Nimrod and modern medicine understands that people can be enchained and controlled by sound just as they can be seduced by the latest perfume. All AIDS to the Word of God is called sorcery.
Jesus in John 17 identifies the WORLD using the word COSMOS. We know exactly the name of the world ruler, his cult and worship practices. Jesus refused to preach the gospel to them and even said that he would NOT pray for the World. Only a tiny remnant will come OUT of the world instead of wanting to UNITE with the World.
Milton Jones who manipulated a peaceable Church of Christ into the Christian Church theology using all of the false information about instrumental music, will be at Tulsa showing how to MERGE a church of Christ with a Christia church. Easy: convert to being a Christian church and invite another Christian church to pump up your GROWTH NUMBERS.
Because Jesus warned that "doctors of the Law take away the key to knowledge" we might expect that both "wings" of any religious movement to flap against one another to try to keep the "bird" in the air. However, it is a MARK the self-proclaimed authorities do not know or do not care that the total history of the Bible and even before that Lucifer or Satan or Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon has USED his muses to bleed off worship for himself through his/her agents. The goal is to cast a smokey veil over the simple Word of God which is able to convert a physical being into a spiritual being. The evidence is overwhelming and NO promoter of deliberate discord through music can find a jot or tittle of evidence for WORSHIP which consisted of congregational SINGING [as we know it] with instrumental accompaniment. Here are some of the judgmental attempts to validate deliberate divison by identifying the ANTI-instrumentalists as, without too much of a stretch, "ignorant, red-necked, southern malcontents."
Those promoting MUSICAL worship have only Satan for their authority.
What is the universal connection between music AS worship and Serpent Worship?
How does music AS worship connect to the Devil? Jesus said that children of the Devil "speak on their own."A. Ralph Johnson in Instrumental Music, Sacred or Sinful. 10/23/04
11/13/04..11/16/04...11/17/04 new lucifer, Apollyon data
Dwaine E. Dunning: The non-instrumental BRANCH must be cut OFF. God always hides a MARK. God always hides a MARK.
1. Tom Burgess in Documents on Instrumental Music reviewed. Psallo and Instrumental Music: Proofs do not prove anything but the "music-homosexuality" connection. See more on Strabo's definition of the worship of Apollo or Abaddon or Apollyon: his MUSES are the locusts or musical performers in the book of revelation.
2. Tom Burgess More Review of Plutarch: if Psallo authorizes "church music" it authorizes a homosexual gathering.
3. Tom Burgess on Moralia confirms the "Music-Heresy-Perversion" connection which has no historical exception. 10/20/04
4. Tom Burgess on John Chrysostom: are the anti-instrumentalists ignorant rurals? 10/21/04 What about Paul and Martin Luther and John Calvin and Zwingli and--everyone who believed the Bible as authority.
5. M. C. Kurfees and G. C. Brewer on Psallo and Instrumental Music in worship. Thayer and Grimm reviewed by Tom Burgess.
9/25/04 Charles Daily Northwest College of the Bible Part One Part One A Part Two THRESKIA or CHARISMATIC
Isaiah 25, Isa 25: Isaiah Chapter 25: The branch of the terrible one is a song to be accompanied with instrumental music. The Abominable Branch also speaks of Satan's use of instrumental music.
We wouldn't expect Baptists to be sucked into a movement to get the churches of Christ to help them build 5500 new congregations: the Stone Campbell Movement which pretends to enfold the historic churches of Christ who DO NOT use music will have the same kind of luck and earned contempt. The few participants will probably go anywhere to peddle books and bookings.
We would not use hate terms to define Baptists who refuse to join us because Jesus died and John Locke and Thomas Campbell wrote their Declaration of Freedom FROM organized religionists.
Editor's Preface
"Imagine a unity church movement that reunites after a hundred years of separation! This was the thrilling message of Richard Atchley, Preaching Minister, Richland Hills Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, Texas, to over 10,000 gathered this year at the North American Christian Convention in Indianapolis on Thursday night, July 10. His stirring two-minute presentation dreaming of a family reunion between the Churches of Christ (a cappella) and the Christian Churches (independent), openly seeking forgiveness for ugliness that has occurred over the years from his side of the movement,
and committing himself to bring about sharing of ministers, speakers, mission efforts, and more was an astonishing, historic moment for the future of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. As I sat there and heard this, he made me believe that we really are going to see this happen before our very eyes . . . soon. These are exciting days."What Rick Atchley always had as an "agenda" was to impose instruments on "his" congregation so that there would be "unity." Of course, repelling half of the "owners" was a common price to be paid to become a Purpose Driven Cult.
First, there was NEVER a UNITY between two diverse people with diverse theological grounds at any time and only in PLACES where people in the same area choose to cooperate and "fellowship" which apparently meant to meet in one another's chuch buildings. There were no instruments in any of the groups and therefore no major SECTARIAN innovation to divide the groups at the fellowship level.
Secondly, Among the Scholars, they knew that the church belonged to Christ and was historically known as the church of Christ or collectively the churches of Christ. In his declaration and Address Thomas Campbell proves that "the church of Christ" was not a new view. The "church of God" in the Bible is keyed to the message "in Christ."
Thirdly, the Stoneites thought that UNITY was more important than agreement on Biblical doctrine. As Thomas Campbell defines church as "a school of Christ" and worship as "reading" and discoursing the Bible, he would also agree that unity at this ekklesia or synagogue level was also important and that ALL could speak the same things if they spoke the Word. Paul had made this clear when he identified two major groups which had the same view of "music" as the facilitator of "worship" but diverse views on food and drink. In Romans 15 Paul showed how the UNITY of speaking "that which is written" with one mouth and one mind to glorify God was the important element of unity at this "assembly" level.
If one decides that the Word of Christ or "that which is written" needs to be pre-digested before feeing the lambs as lesser beings, then HIS views MUST be different from the Bible or there would be no point of preaching. The first "baby step" automatically divides those who grasp the Word as a completed document.
If one decides to "sing" something other than the Biblical text then division always and will always result.
If one goes further by adding MUSIC as a legalistic ritual of performed worship then a total crushing of the assembly concept has already occurred.
Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell never agreed on THE major issues which makes a church an ekklesia or school of the Bible and the nature of the Godhead and the meaning of baptism. Therefore, there was little more "unity" than among the Baptists which readily united with those following Campbell's teachings. The Stoneites are best exemplified by the adoption of Methodist Shouting as an "act of worship" whereas the churches of Christ remained faithful to the WORD and PRAYER model Christ founded and remained quiet or AT REST as a gift of God.
Richard Atchley identifies himself as more aligned to the Christian chruch than to the church of Christ. To that end his church has been so organized.
Speaking Of Rick Atchley: "most of the preachers that I run with in mainline churches of Christ do not believe instrumental music is wrong" (p. 7).
You walk into our youth center Sunday morning or Wednesday night: and I'm telling you; Christian rock an' roll is just blasting" (p. 9).
Of course, rhetorical strident speech is lumped along with other professions such as singers, musicians and craftsmen as "theater builders and stage managers" were involved in SORCERY as Rev 18 makes clear. Because they had nothing positive to add they were called PARASITES. These roles were often leftovers when ALL sacrificial systems went broke. The priests and singers continued a fragil existence as parasites who would DO ANYTHING to keep from working.
See how VOODOO parses to ROCK AND ROLL and virtual sexuality .
"In the academic realm, people from both sides of the movement are becoming more and more comfortable working together on a number of important projects. Stone-Campbell Journal itself involves editors, article contributors, book reviewers, and avid subscribers from both sides.
ACADEMIC and Bible and History Literate are NOT the same thing. No "scholar" of the Bible or history or human nature could defend either denominational structures or MUSIC as a worship word. It is a big lie and Satan is the father of it. The Stone Campbell Journal will never print clear statements of the MUSIC and ANTI-GOD or ANTI-WORD passages.
Most of us are not going to accept that the Stone-Campbell Journal is one of those BIBLICAL projects Jesus assigned to the evangelists who still have a GO button. Most of the scholars whom Jesus condemned as "doctors of the law" had only a STOP button. Nor are SYMPOSIUMS of non-functional clergy persons likely to attract most who are literate about the "music" issue. TRAFFICKERS are the only ones who can possibly benefit from UNITY.
The Centenial Edition of the Declaration and Address by Thomas Campbell was published in 1908. Of course, this marks a much earlier desertion of the principles of Thomas Campbell and deliberately destroyed the unity among believers by returning to purely denominational roots. Mostly women with carpetbags had poured into the South after the Civil war believing that everyone was so ignorant that they could be forced to JOIN a new UNION so oppressive that J. H. Garrison saw it as encompassing all of CHRISTENDOM. And, of course, even children would be enlisted as LIFE MEMBERS: shades of Jim Bakker. Under the Law of the Guilt Clause, one is divisive and sows discord by REFUSING to join.
People who subscribed to the Campbell, rational (spiritual) understanding did not DIVIDE by putting the instrument out of the church: they simply REFUSED TO JOIN the INSTITUTION and had to abandon their own otherwise peacable churches.
I have begun to look at a sermon by Rubel Shelly on Isaiah 25 which illustrates why faithful churches for 2,000 years simply could not be disciples and PLEASURE themselves with music:
Rubel Shelly's Today's Sermon Today: Rubel Says: "There is no better example of this than the victory song of Isaiah."
However, the branch of the terrible ones in the Hebrew is: Zamiyr (h2158) from 2167; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music
The back inside cover of this edition of D&A shows a denominational mentality which explains why in 1906 the people at the Census Bureau were so upset that the Christian Churches were including EVERYONE. David Lipscomb confirmed to the Census Bureau that the non-instrumental churches DID NOT BELONG to the new denomination. When it was all over, churches of Christ stood where churches of Christ (using that name) had always stood and rejected attempting to worship a Spirit God in the new place of the human spirit with "music" which, based on the meaning of Hebrew and Greek words, is an attack on the human spirit. It is a fact that the MAJORITY is usually wrong and of the faithful it is asked, "Shall He find faith when He returns." No, almost none. In the REMNANT fact of Biblical History, God keeps PRUNING in each generation and there is always more chaff or DARNEL (devoted to drug-induced rituals)
There was never a CAMPBELL movement in the sense of an organization larger than the local congregation. Alexander Campbell's participation in organizations did not cause the churches of Christ to tag along. In fact, Alexander Campbell's views of a separate organization to take care of the MISSIONARY effort was opposed. His views of total oversight never materialized although the missionary society was enough to sow more discord than any "organization men" could correct.
Therefore, it is an oxymoron to speak of a STONEITE + CAMPBELLITE movement. Separation occured simply by the churches of Christ refusing to be COUNTED: no more, no les.
While giving lip service to "speaking where the Bible speaks" the Campbellites and Stoneites are simply names for two views of the Bible. The Bible pronounces itself as the authority and the almost totality of church theologians agree that the Biblical text defines faith and practice.
The "children" of the Stoneites usually subscribe to the "Ten Suggestions" view of th Bible so that the Bible must be worked over to fit the culture. All of those "hand picked" to represent the non-instrumental churches of Christ subscribe to the Stoneite's High Church view. Therefore, the Stone Campbel Movement toward unity is like professional wrestling: the fix is in.
"This is why Thomas Campbell could say:
"The New Testament is as perfect a constitution for the worship, discipline, and government of the New Testament church, and as a perfect a rule for particular duties of its members, as the Old Testament was for the worship, discipline, and government of the Old Testament Church, and the particular duties of its members."
"Thus there came to be, very early in the career of this movement, interest not only in
(1) Christian unity in a new freedom, but also (defined as 'church')
(2) a return to the doctrine, ordinances, and discipline of the New Testament church." (p. 153) (defined as 'sect')In 1932, A. W. Fortune says, "The controversies through which the Disciples have passed from the beginning to the present time have been the result of two different interpretations of their mission.
There have been those who believed it is the spirit of the New Testament Church that should be restored, and
in our method of working the church must adapt itself to changing conditions.There have been those who regarded the New Testament Church as a fixed pattern for all time, and our business is to hold rigidly to that pattern regardless of consequences.
Because of these two attitudes conflict were inevitable."
The Stone Campbell Movement has shown that its interest is in confiscating non-instrumental churches (a congenital propensity) and NOT in unity based on rejecting instrumental music or being governed in faith and practice by the Bible.
"Broadly speaking, it may be said that number
1. above generated the present fellowship called Disciples of Christ, and that number (church)
2. gave rise to the Churches of Christ. (sect)According to Troeltsch,
Disciples would be among the 'church' type and
Churches of Christ among the 'sect' type."By 'church' is meant that body of conceptions which says "From the beginning they have been 'high churchmen'...
because they 'never ceased to stress the visible and corporate character of the Church as the Divine Society,' (with bylaws, a head and ability to adapt to the culture)
and rejected 'legalized methods and structural forms which are a contradiction of the living nature of the church.'
The Bible, church scholars and founders of denomination all agree with Thomas Campbell that the Bible constitutes the ONLY authority for faith and practice in the Christian System.
The High Church has only a HIGH HAND for thinking that their right to be IN STEP WITH CULTURE is so powerful that it will excuse deliberately sowing discord.
See the High Church Background. The High Church movement was never adopted by any religious group.
See a review of Richard Hamm who defines the denomination which has REJECTED the Bible for faith and practice.
One of the LIBERTIES of a church which "CULTS" cannot accept is the right to a huge control organization which intended to include "all of Christendon." That would destroy the freedom from the Jewish Temple-State run by a "king set over us" and invalidate the entire mission of Christ to treat us as LAMBS and not WORK OXEN and therefore to give us REST.
"As early as 1882, Sewell and Harding were urging that a separation be brought about to identify that part of the Christian Church fellowship which supported the organ and the society. Lipscomb, at the time, rebuffed his brethren who called for such division. He sought no compromise, but hoped that the church would not suffer division."
"By 1897, Lipscomb was reconciled to the fact that division had already occurred and the supporters of the innovations would be satisfied with nothing less than a complete take-over of the churches... (Adron Doran, J.E.Choate, The Christian Scholar, p. 59
"Dr. Herman Norton, author of Tennessee Christians, tells the story about the first division usually identified with the U.S. Religious Census of 1906. A preacher by the name of A. I. Myhr came to Tennessee to work for the "organized" missionary societies to win over Tennessee churches of Christ into the ranks of the "organ" and "society" Christian Church. Myhr worked for twenty years (I890-1910) with this one objective in mind. He was supported by the editors of the Christian Standard and the Christian Evangelist.
At the time of his resignation as Secretary of the Tennessee Missionary Society in 1910, he had not won over a single church of Christ in Nashville and met with poor success in both Middle and West Tennessee.
The United States Religious Census officially recognized that two Restoration churches did in fact exist in the 1910 publication.
"Dr. Norton wrote in the Tennessee Christians that during the twenty-year effort in Tennessee, Myhr had succeeded in "engendering a bitter partisan spirit in almost every congregation in the state." And he added, "where there had been one communion, admittedly in discord, when he arrived in the state,
there were now two separate and distinct bodies with no meaningful communication between them" (Tennessee Christians, p. 123).
"When Dr. Shelly came to Nashville some twelve or so years ago, the churches of Christ were at peace. The churches cooperated in many good works. Goodwill prevailed on every hand. This is, sadly, no longer true!"
Is it anti-Christian to deliberately divide churches just to introduce what was always seen as pagan attempts to attract the masses to pay the bills and to attract the gods into their presence?
"David Lipscomb was faced with the painful awareness that the churches of Christ / Christian Churches were already divided by 1897. However, Lipscomb would have to wait another ten years before it became official.
"Division did come and was first marked by the Newbern, Tennessee, church trial (1902-1905). A majority, against the will of the minority, forced an organ into the Newbern building resulting in a trial which took years to resolve. I would say that churches of Christ are now about at the place where the churches were in 1897. Division need not come and should not come. God hates division and those who sow discord among the brethren.
Churches of Christ rejected being INCLUDED WITHOUT PERMISSION in the Disciples version of the census of 1906. By 1908 the Centennial edition of Campbell's Declaration and Address was published and the goals were stated. Churches of Christ did not "abandon" the historic church of Christ but made the choice NOT to be counted in what is shown here as a denominational structure.
Cover: Stoneites can claim only Stone in his early search.
We have posted this Centenniel Edition of the Declaration and Address here. You can readily grasp that there is no resemblance betwee the Campbell Restoration Movement and this quick reversion back to an oppressive, denominational institution. The same thing which caused the non-instrumental churches of Christ to be LEFT BEHIND would shortly cause the Christian Churches to be left behind.Together for Greater Ministry Impact '04: Blueprint Tour has a BLUEPRINT which is PATTERNISM. The goal is to procure enough pseudo- church of Christ Preachers (whatever that is) to help the INSTRUMENTALISTS build 5500 new Christian churches. This is a repeat of the DENOMINATION defined in the above pamphlet and literate believers who KNOW the meaning of "musical worship" will not join them. Using the GUILT CLAUSE defined from Adam to J. W. McGarvey that will make those who refuse to be ENLISTED divisive and sectarian and legalists. But, that has always been a big lie to blame the victim for the blood spattered on the assassin's new dancing slippers. Judas was a Siccari or assassin: his thief's bag was always attached to a flute case and was for carrying the mouthpieces or reeds for the flute. That fulfills the prophecy that Judas would fail to MUSICALLY TRIUMPH over Jesus: that was left for the Musical Warrior Levites as clergy.
Leroy Garrett is probably the father of the Stone Campbell Movement which one proponent says is only a quarter of a century old. Roger R. Chambers The Plea of History and the History of the Plea, a member of the Christian church writes of:
"A lethal combination: The weak idea propped up by the strong book -- the well-written one, that is. I'm thinking of one such idea -- that we ought to be more interdenominational, and a book--Leroy Garrett's The Stone-Campbell Movement.
Our introduction relates to the demand that CHURCHES OF CHRIST apolgize to the CHRISTIAN CHURCH because the "Christians" sowed discord by adding mechanical instruments into an otherwise peacable assembly. Click for the introduction to grasp that there was NEVER unity between the two groups. There be no UNION when the churches of Christ never had an organization larger than a local congregation.
The Stone Movement resulted in the Christian Church as a denomination as originally envisioned by Garrison and "evangelized" by Standard Publishing.
The same Stoneites who are outraged that non-instrumentalists would not REMAIN when instruments were added, later separated from those who became the Disciples of Christ Denomination with a visible Head. They had the right to separate and cannot rationally harass non-instrumentalists who were FORCED to leave by the presence of MUSIC as worship as well as their actual ejection if they attempted to EXPLAIN why "music as worship" has always been pagan idolatry--"there is no traditon or record of exception." It was a cult mind which denied people the freedom of association as clearly articulated by John Locke who risked his life to give people the right to DISCONNECT.
While there was "union" in the minds of sone Barton W. Stone never merged with the Reformers and indeed disagreed with them. That is, Barton W. Stone Stone was never united under the Church of Christ according to Burnett
In Seattle, in my old church, the preacher SOWED DISCORD to attract those from the Christian church and school. When a faithful deacon wanted to explain why the OWNERS of the property did not believe in instruments he was told that he would be divisive, would sow discord and that "he had been warned." He further explained that anyone who would fight against instruments would also enslave the black members if he could. This is quite identical to the teachings of Rubel Shelly who insists that the "world" sees non-instrumentalists as racists and fratricidal.
Those who followed the Campbells were influenced by others in their more Biblical view of Baptism as the Christ-appointed MEANS of requesting A holy spirit or A good conscience. Stone admitted this difference, the weekly observance of the Lord's Supper, the influence of the "holy spirit" in conversion and many other particulars. Stone notes: " In a few things I dissented from him, but was agreed to disagree." The working agreement in Kentucky did not spread beyond because of these differences. That many churches identified themselves as Christian churches did not make them Stoneites. In the Declaration and Address long before O'Kelley's use of the word CHRISTIAN Thomas Campbell used both the Christian Church and the Church of Christ.
These are not MINOR but are radically different views of faith and practice and people were NEVER united in what used to be called the Campbell-Stone movement but is now called (by some) the Stone- Campbell Movement. This, as early "postmodernism," sought to diminish the role of Christ and the writing apostles in favor of music as part of a charismatic emphasis on some imagined direct operation of the Spirit "person" separate and apart from the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. You CANNOT hang your hat on the epistles and find a three-person Godhead, denying the necessity of baptism for Gentiles, the use of EXTERNAL singing and MELODY (warfare words), a clergy priesthood, the USE of women in authority (authentia meaning erotic which non-sedentary women automatically project), minimizing the "divisive views of divided apostles" and on and on.
The fact that Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, the Weslyian or Pilgrim Holiness Church, the Shakers, Christadelphians, the Mormons and most other groups were influenced by the charismatic breakdown at Cane Ridge does NOT MEAN that they are part of the SAME MOVEMENT any more than they are part of the CATHOLIC MOVEMENT. The first pseudo- Christian awakening (really witchcraft) produced 321 new sects mostly Baptists and the Cane Ridge produced many other divisions. To say that the radically different Stonetites agreeing to meet with Disciples produced UNITY is to fly in the face of the result of any such fatal connecting of EXPERIENCE to CONVERSION, or music-induced ecstasy (madness) to "spirituality."
Was Stone a hinderance?
We have noted that Stone, like many others, had trouble finding his way out of the briar patch which had enslaved people by denying them the Bible. Because he was an "honest seeker" he did not have the guile to hide his search for the truth. This led to many statements which still appear to show him believing that Christ did not preexist in the form of God. And of course, he would have sprinkled little babies in his early years. Therefore, his views were a stumbling block to the restoration of some groups such as the Baptists--
"W. T. Moore calls attention to an important result of the union which should not be overlooked: 'From the Campbellian point of view this union had its drawbacks.
At the time it was consummated the 'Reformers' were practically sweeping everything before them in the Baptist churches of Kentucky, Ohio, and other places where the 'Christians' had attained considerable influence.
"But the union seriously affected the trend of the Baptist churches toward the Reformatory movement. Many of those who had sympathy with the Reformation utterly refused to become associated with a movement which had coalesced with Unitarians and Pedobaptists.' This charge was false, but it had the semblance of truth, and, for a time, it did much injury." (Davis, M. M., Restoration Movement in the 19th Century, p. 157).
If you discount Thomas Campbell's early association with "restorationists" and his attempt to unify the bodies of Presbyterians, and place his restoration at the time of his rejection of the Presbyterian church, then you can say that Stone had begun before Campbell. However, Davis notes that a stream can be longer but still be a tributary--
"And so the Stone movement, though several years older in its organic form than that of the Campbell's,
is generally regarded as a tributary,
and not the main stream, in this onflowing and world-blessing spiritual current.
This is because most of the vital and permanent in the teachings of Stone, and much more, were found in the teachings of Campbell." (Davis, p. 158).From this and other evidence, Stone had theological problems which prevented him from being the father of the Restoration. Baptists who made up a major body of the growing Restoration would have never agreed with him. In addition, Stone did not have a "rounded out" view of the Bible which found acceptance among people who already knew what the church should look like, if and when it appeared.
"In a sense, there was nothing to unite, because neither Stone's Christians nor Campbell's Disciples of Christ had any denominational organization. Tensions were inevitable, even over the proper name of the united movement.
Many Stonites cherished their revivalist origins, continued to affirm Stone's Arianism, and resented Campbell's doctrinal rigidity and few of his less than flattering remarks about Stone.
In most regions the competing congregations eventually merged, but a remnant of Stoneite congregations in the Midwest, joind by a small Christian movement in New England and independent Christian congregations in North Carolina and Virginia rejected union." (Conkin, p. 140)The so-called Stone Campbell Movement has as its goals the "conversion" of non-instrumental churches of Christ into virtual "Christian churches." They have never removed instruments from churches and it is a fact that about 5 churches of Christ have added instruments for "alternative" services but that will not attract believers. The HOLLOW SPECTRE waved around, like Rubel Shelly's GEIST, will assuredly drive a few into the desired postmodern schizophrenia to turn them WICKEDLY against their old beliefs, churches, and SPLIT FAMILIES but it too will pass and the SECTARIANS will be marked down in history with the MAGIANS.
See the meaning of Postmodernism and how the methods of Machiavelli, Hitler, Antonio Gramsci to create a socialist one world order. DISAGREEMENT produces DIVISION and therefore we must SILENCE disagreement and let the "scholars" lead.
To that end, the "dialog" has been between the Disciples of Christ, the Christian church and non-instrumental churches of Christ with the World Convention of Churches of Christ looking on. It is a fact that some of these participants want to go ecumenical with ALL people who claim to be believers: Max Lucado's group has joined the GLOBAL CHURCH. The intent of a global church with a GLOBAL ETHIC is to silence any person from criticizing any other person's belief. With his WHOLE LIFE DISCIPLESHIP denies the INDIVIDUAL the right to read, interpret and speak the Word outside of the community or commune. We are well aware that none of his members will use their real name when discussing issues on information or doctrinal debate.
These later participants are already confirmed in their approval of instrumental music and do not represent non-instrumental churches of Christ.
USA Trialogue held in Nashville, Tennessee included DISCIPLES OF CHRIST members as if unity could be achieved. Invited Observers: Lyndsay Jacobs, Co-General Secretary, World Convention of Churches of Christ; and Victor Knowles, editor of One Body magazine. Victor Knowles is active in RECRUITING but distorts the Bible and history of churches of Christ.
This is part of the postmodern confessed DISSOCIATION or induced schizophrenia intended to make you hate your old church family and leaders for so abusing you about things like pagan instrumental music.
The "trialogue" is really a monologue because it includes men antagonistic to churches of Christ and the "movement" knew that they could stack the deck and present a front of UNITY when these men have been DISCORDERS.
Members of the dialogue included: From the Churches of Christ Mike Armour, pastor, Dallas; Doug Foster, professor, Abilene, Texas; Jimmie Sites, pastor, Nashville, Tennessee; Phillip Morrison, editor, Franklin, Tennessee; and David Worley, professor, Austin, Texas.
While there is probably blame to go around, this movement facilitated by Jimmie Sites of the Madison Church of Christ brought in a "Musical Worship Minister" who normally is to "lead the worshipers into the presence of God." The membership of that church went from about 3300 (5000 elder count) to about half of that and about 325 of that count came from the county jail. That massive SOWING OF DISCORD still continues while some brag about telling people they are on a train to, say Birmingham, but "we gonna divert them to Louisville." All of these underemployed men had to know that forming a NEW SECT would sow discord even as the "new style worship" sowed discord in Christian churches.
Mike Armour wrote the story of the Bible for the Ukraine because they cannot read the Bible.
Mike goes into a tail spin blaming everything but bad breath on NOT PLAYING INSTRUMENTS. This is long and tedious but I am working on it to show that POSTMODERNISM means that you can "take liberties" with the text just like "John did with his ideas obout Jesus being the Logos."
This illustrates the differences: the Restoration Movement held that you should allow the Bible to say what it says. If you don't believe it then no church of Christer will chase you down with a pitch pipe and be FRATRICIDAL in the words of Rubel Shelly.
There is NOTHING--even if you could "ecumenic" 100% of the people-- that justifies treating the Inspired Word like a garbage bucked out of which to pick pieces. You can TAKE LIBERTIES with the Bible but you cannot at the same time be a Disciple of Christ.
Doug Foster in Restoration Roots, like all "scholars", tends to quote other scholars and thus distorts the Bible and history.
"In the May issue of Winskins there is an article by Douglas A. Foster which he called, "The NEW Birth and Christian Unity, David Lipscomb's Middle Way." Then a sub-title states:
The planted SEED produces faith: this faith makes us righteous or not ceremonially impure as the Jews taught. Acts 10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."There is no one thing taught with greater clearness in the New Testament than that the new birth precedes and qualifies for baptism.
Faith unites and makes us one with Christ, and such believer is a Christian, and saved, not with a conditional but with an everlasting salvation." [David Lipscomb. "Baptist Queries and Answers." Gospel Advocate, 1873, 702.]
David Lipscomb, "What Constitutes Acceptable Obedience?, [208] CHAPTER X.
The figure of the new birth teaches clearly that the leading thought or purpose in baptism is to introduce into a new state or relationship. Birth does not impart life. Without a previous impartation of life there can be no birthLipscomb was speaking of the SEED as begetting spiritual life: that is true but the becoming aware by believing what we have been taught does not end the process.
Mark records the commission: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." (Mark 16: 15, 16.) Here the purpose, end, or promise is, "shall be saved" from all sin and condemnation, shall be saved in Christ.. Jesus unto the fullness and riches of all spiritual blessings. For many long years I have disliked the expression, "Remission of sins is the design of baptism," as if it was the only design or purpose of baptism. It is a result or fruit of entering into Christ. The end, purpose, or design of baptism is to enter Christ and in him find salvation. It is "to fulfill all righteousness." To this correspond the references to baptism in the Epistles. Paul says: "All we who were [220] baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death." (Rom. 6: 3.) "In one Spirit were we all baptized into one body." (1 Cot. 12: 13.) "As many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ." (Gal. 3: 27.) "Having been buried with him in baptism, wherein ye were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead." (Col. 2: 12.)When is Baptism Acceptable ?
The conclusion is that any service, to be acceptable to God, must be done(1) from faith in God through Jesus Christ. This leads to do just what Christ requires to be done.Faith is based on testimony understood and accepted. No man can understand all the testimony concerning Christ; [216] especially he cannot do it before he begins to exercise his faith, whereby his capacities are enlarged and his opportunities of knowing truths are increased.
(2) Just what is commanded must be done by those to whom the command is given or of whom the service is required. This means(1) that something else cannot be substituted for that which is commanded;
(2) that which is commanded one character or class of persons cannot be transferred to a different class without vitiating the service;
(3) it must be done from a scriptural motive or to accomplish a scriptural end.
The same conditions render it acceptable or unacceptable as affects other service. Baptism, to be acceptable, must be submitted to
(1) from faith in Christ;
(2) the person commanded to be baptized, the believing penitent, must be baptized, buried with Christ into death;
(3) it must be done from a scriptural motive, with a scriptural design or end in view.
There are many scriptural results, ends, and promises connected with baptism. A man cannot know and feel all these.
BAPTISM, BECAUSE OF REMISSION David LipscombHow many must be understood in order to make the baptism acceptable to God?
Enough to prompt him to do what is commanded--to be baptized. John preached "the baptism of repentance unto [in order to] remission of sins" (Luke 3: 3)--that is, the blessing of remission of sins would be enjoyed through the baptism to which their repentance led them.
God alone can forgive sins. He forgave the sins when their repentance from sin was manifested in baptism.
Is baptism for the remission of sins to one who has been baptized because of the remission of sins? I do not think any one was ever baptized because his sins were remitted. They may have believed their sins were remitted before they were baptized, but the remission of sins was not the moving cause. There is nothing in remission of sins as a motive to prompt one to be baptized. They may have thought, inasmuch as God had forgiven their sins, they ought to obey his command to be baptized; but in that case the desire to obey God is the moving cause. When a man is baptized to obey God, he is led by a proper motive; and I believe when he does this to obey him, God will forgive his sins, whether he knows the act in which God forgives or not. Man cannot be led by a holier or more acceptable motive than the desire to obey God and so "fulfill all righteousness." It is a dangerous thing to require more than God requires. (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BY LIPSCOMB AND SEWELL, pg. 42)These anti-church writers clearly focus in on specific issues:> A view of the Bible to fit the changed culture
> Choirs ot "teams"
> Instruments
> Faith Only
> Role of Women
> Premillenialism
> Baptism for because of the remission of sins rather than baptism in order to the remission
> Give the false impression that EVERYONE ELSE freely fellowships everyone else, impose a burden which deprives free believers the "right of association" and the "right to practice religion based on their own views of Scripture."
> They use psychological violence by their mantra that to REFUTE any doctrines of anyone else makes you legalistic, sectarian and unloving. Of course they make more than a cottage industry out of judging those who pay their bills.In fact, no entity larger than a local congregation represents any other congregation. Therefore, they cannot be integrated into musical "worship" by "unity meetings" which have always held the MUSICAL position to be the only acceptable format. Agreement to work together in missions means work together with instrumental music to "attract" and "save more souls."
Nor, does any faithful congregation of either group serving its own community and sending evangelists have either time or inclination to assemble with musical instruments. Richard Wagner was Adolph Hitler's "musical worship minister" and without him the Nazi's could never have made such a huge COMMUNITY or "unity movement."
The history of Satan leading the "youth" into the use of instrumental music in many ancient documents illustrates that the more unBiblical one's new "revelation" the more important it is to accumulate disciples who will AFFIRM you in your actions. A "normal" civilian member of the church simply feels no need to affirm and be affirmed by mass movements. These stories including The Book of Jubilees, The books of Enoch and the many versions of Adam and Eve all agree.
Hitler would explain Experience and Community this way.
"But the community of the great demonstration not only strengthens the individual, it also unites and helps to create an esprit de corps.
"The man who is exposed to grave tribulations, as the first advocate of a new doctrine in his factory or workshop,
absolutely needs that strengthening which lies in the conviction of being a member and fighter in a great comprehensive body.
"And he obtains an impression of this body for the first time in the mass demonstration. When from his little workshop or big factory, in which he feels very small,
he steps for the first time into a mass meeting and has thousands and thousands of people of the same opinions around him, when,
as a seeker, (Als Suchender.' A Wagnerian phrase, which Hitler was apparently determined to use at all costs)
he is swept away (the Vortex) by three or four thousand others into the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm,"when the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him
the rightness of the new doctrine and for the first time
arouse doubt in the truth of his previous conviction -
then he himself has succumbed to the magic influence of what we designate as 'mass suggestion.'The will, the longing, and also the power of thousands are accumulated in every individual. The man who enters such a meeting doubting and wavering leaves it inwardly reinforced:
he has become a link in the community.
There is a radical difference between the interpretation of Scripture and the nature of "worship" which developed out of the "Christian churches" and the "Reformers" or churches of Christ. Men like Alfred T. DeGroot defines those who use the original Bible for faith and practice as SECTS while those who follow the "High Church" understanding of Scripture are called CHURCHES. It is a fact, however, that the High Church view of accomodating Scripture to Culture was discussed but never approved by any group.
A method defined by Richard Hamm of the Disciples can be read by Clicking Here.
At Cane Ridge Hamm stated that: Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell both were fervent about Christian unity. Campbell, said Disciples General Minister and President Richard L. Hamm, showed a preference for working out the details of unity before taking action. Stone, said the GMP, advocated Christians coming together -- and working out the details later. "I appreciate that attitude very much, and believe that probably Stone had that right. The more I've learned about Stone the more I appreciate his contribution to who we are as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Many of the things that he said are ready to be freshly applied by the church in the 21st century," said Hamm.
Hamm means what the Stoneites meant: UNION is more important than fidelity to the Truth in the Bible. Not to worry, says agent Rubel Shelly speaking for all of these people, WE will partner with God to get a NEW set of doctrines to FIT culture--which thy mystically reveal--has changed. Even the human eyeballs have evolved and the old words do not fit the POSTmodern eyes which have replaced the MODERN eyes and mind which HALLUCINATED that mere mortals can READ the Words of Christ and grasp the meaning: if you are getting TRUTH from chapters and verses it is OBVIOUS that your lack of a peer- awarded Phd CANNOT grasp that GO PREACH now means LOCATED MISSIONARY. Baptize FOR the remission of sins NOW means baptize BECAUSE you are saved or WASH because you are already clean.
Rubel Shelly as one pretend AGENT for the churches of Christ in the Stone Campbell Movement has followed Hamm closely about how to LINE UP THE signs to interpret one's ACTIONS as consistent with Scripture. Click Here
This article follows the purveyors of THE SHEPHERDING MOVEMENT. Another article on Whole Life Dicipleship denies the individual the right to read, interpret and teach the Word independant of the community (commune)
Lynn Anderson PK-like Discipling Dilema
Max Lucado hires a DISCIPLING MINISTERWhat is called the American Restoration Movement was simply a few more steps away from dogmas which had been initially added as "liberties." It is a fact that prior to Zwingli in 1525 baptism was understood in terms in which Jesus commanded it and the apostles began to practice it. That is, baptism was the time and place to call upon the name of the Lord and request A holy spirit or A good conscience or consiousness. The purpose was to be accepted by Jesus Christ as a disciple. Disciples were called Christians without a human organization. Based on the Bible only believers who are THEN baptized are called Christians. A person who does not follow the Bible including the epistles is not by definition a Christian. He may be good and may reach a happy hunting ground but by definition a DISCIPLE of Christ cannot belong to a regulating body or denomination.
I am willing, however, that all the advantage which the church may have derived from our labors shall have no effect in alleviating our fault, if in any other respect we have done her injury. Therefore, let there be an examination of our whole doctrine, of our form of administering the sacraments (MEANS of Grace) , and our method of governing the church;
and in none of these three things will it be found that we have made any change upon the ancient form, without attempting to restore it to the exact standard of the word of God.
To return to the division which we formerly adopted.
All our controversies concerning doctrine relate either to the legitimate worship of God, or to the ground of salvation.
Thomas Campbell followed John Calvin in his quest for the Reformation or Restoration of the Church of Christ.
"In 1808 he and others founded the Christian Association of Washington, Pennsylvania. That group adopted the motto, well-known by Disciples, "Where the scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent."
Campbell and others were called "Reformers," for their desire to restore the Church's first century roots. This way of life came to be known as the "Restoration Movement."
Near Washington, Pennsylvania, Campbell and his son, Alexander, and the Christian Association established the Brush Run Church, which, in 1815, became part of a nearby Baptist Association.
Reformers and the Baptists differed on key issues. By 1830, the Reformers cut their last ties with the Baptist Association and became known as "Disciples."
Thomas Campbell's passion for Christian unity is summed up in his proclamation that : "The church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one." This statement is the first and key proposition of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address, a work called by some the "Magna Charta" of the movement that preceded the denomination known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Of course, if there are Christians IN ALL THE SECTS then Thomas Campbell insisted that they COME OUT OF BABYLON. See the Lunenberg Letters which drives the UNIVERSALISTS among us looney. The Campbells were capable of growth and RESTORATIONISM insists that we restore or reform by teaching that which has been taught. The Campbells NEVER thought of uniting with people obviously in error except in the sense Thomas Campbell understood church as "A school of the Bible" and worship as "reading and discussing the Bible."
Thomas Campbell Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Thomas Campbell Worship and BaptismStoneites, on the other hand and to be faithful to Stone, seek to restore the CANE RIDGE experience and have no interest in restoring the church to the principles laid down by Jesus Christ who died to form HIS own ekklesia or synagogue where the twos and threes can "come learn of me" without the laded burden of 'spiritual anxiety created by religious ritual' and most assuredly the burden of a dominant "pastor" and a non-teaching bishoprick which John Calvin also RESTORED.
NAMING and creating a new SECTARIAN division named the Stone Campbell Movement is an effort to restore the revival and nature of the church which surfaced primarily at Cane Ridge, Kentucky and led by Barton W. Stone.
This was a charismatic or "threskia" form of worship which had its origin in Orpheus, Dionysus (the new wineskin god), the Lesbian singers. Whereas the hymns or poems of Homer would be recited skillfully as the only way to honor Homer, the Lesbian singers added tunes and instruments to make Homer into a sexual entertainer.
Christian worship and defined by the Campbell Movement was in the human spirit and not in temples made with human hands or by rituals using human hands.
At the same time the Movement intends to silence the CAMPBELL-STONE understanding where restoration meant to functon as a church following the principles laid down in the Bible by Jesus Christ and the inspired apostles.
For whom did Jesus pray to be united? Let his words answer. "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me" (John 17:17-21). Jesus prayed for the sanctified believers to be united. Who are these? The truth sanctifies (John 17:17). For one to be sanctified by truth, he must obey that truth (Rom. 6:17-18). To sanctify is to set aside or apart. In Romans 6 Paul shows exactly how and when this happens. In Romans 6:18 Paul wrote, "Being then made free from sin...." Then is an adverb of time which indicates without question when the Romans had been set aside. It is when they had "...obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you" (Rom. 6:17). Romans 6:3-7 clarifies this a bit more. In obedience to truth (God's word, not human doctrine) one is sanctified and justified by God. These people are added by God to the church or kingdom and these are the people our Lord prays for in John 17, not the religious world in general. Charles Pledge
The STONE dominance intends to put UNITY of believers under one heading by compromizing Biblical truths. Barton W. Stone considered merging with the REFORMERS led by the Campbells and many others "as the noblest act of my life." This was because UNION was achieved while Stone radically differed from the Reformers.
John 16:3 And these things will they do unto you,NO UNITY WITH THE WORLD FOR WHOM JESUS WILL NOT EVEN PRAY
because they have not known the Father, nor me. Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father,
Lord of heaven and earth,
that thou hast hid these things from the WISEand prudent,
and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.
Sophis-tēs , A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelun
with modal words added, hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn Melon Melos Vocal and instrumental music [Never in the Bible]
Hieros I. filled with or manifesting divine power, supernatural, omens afforded by sacrifice. c. generally, sacred objects or rites, cult images
John 17:6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me
out of the WORLD thine they were, and thou gavest them me;
and they have kept thy word.
John 17:9 I pray for them: I PRAY NOT FOR THE WORLD (Kosmos, Sophists, performing artists)
but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.
John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world,
and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name
those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost,
but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
John 17:13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world,
that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
John 17:14 I have given them thy word;
and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world,
even as I am not of the world.
John 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world,
but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
John 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
The Spirit is not a third member of a god family:
John 14:17 Even the Spirit OF truth; whom the WORLD cannot receive,
because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:
but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Kosmos IV. Philos., world-order, universe, first in Pythag.,
The Son of Perdition used Judas the Sicarri or Assassin.
The Kosmakrator is the ruler of the world. Judas was of that Evil one and his Judas bag was for "carrying the mouth pieces of wind instruments." It is made up of two words meaning:
Now Iamblichus (De Mysteries, III.ix) goes into the matter of the so-called Corybantic and Bacchic 'frenzies' produced by musical instruments in the Mysteries of Ceres and Bacchus; and in his Life of Pythagoras (xxv) he, further, tells us that:Speaking in tongues which Paul compared to lifeless instruments which are carnal weapons, and
Of the Kosmos or the "adorning of the world."
"Farther still, the whole Pythagoric school produced by certain appropriate songs, what they called exartysis, or adaptation; synarmoge, or elegance of manners; and epaphe, or contact, usefully conducting the dispositions of the soul to passions contrary to those which it before possessed.
"The Orphic creeds werse the basis of the Pythagorean brotherhood, which flourished in southern Italy beginning in the 6th century BC. The Pythagoreans were aristocratic fraternities that sometimes had a political scope. Their main achievements, however, lay in the fields of music, geometry, and astronomy. They discovered that these subjects could be explained by numbers and ratios. Combining Orphic eschatology (the study of the last things, especially death and afterlife) with their discoveries,
In Romans 14, Paul outlawed the "doubtful disputations" of the sects in the marketplace identified by their diet: these were the Orphics, Phythagoreans and Dionysics: all were marked by music which is defined as enchantment or sorcery.Tom Burgess Uses Moralia as proof text for using instruments in worship. All of the PLUCKING the harp history points to older males trying to seduce younger males.
Greeks considered madness an important aspect of worship. Women in particular responded to Bacchus (also known as Dionysus), the god of madness; 'him of the orgiastic cry, exciter of women, Dionysus, glorified with mad honors'. (Plutarch, Moralia 671c Ancient Corinth was a center of Dionysiac worship, and Pausinius, world traveler of the second century of our era gives this description:
In the market-place, for most of the temples are there, is the Ephesian Artemis, and there are two wooden statues of Dionysus, gilt except the faces, which are painted with red paint, one they call Lysian Dionysus and the other Dionysus the Reveler. [Jachin and Boaz if you will] The tradition about these statues I will record. Pentheus, they say, when he outraged dionysus, among other acts of reckless daring actually at last went to mount Cithaeron to spy on the women, and climbed up into a tree to see what they were doing; and when they detected him, they forthwith dragged him down, and tore him limb from limb. And afterwards, so they say at Corinth, the Pythian priestess told them to discover that tree and pay it divine honors. And that is why these statues are made of that very wood. (Description of Greece, II.ii; tr. A.R. Shilleto)
"There was in Corinth, then, a significant monument memorializing the savagery of female Bacchus worshippers. Nor was such a feminine ferocity confined to Pentheus alone. Women under the inspiration of Bacchus were said to have torn Orpheus limb from limb;
and Alexander the Great was supposed to have incorporated a group of these maenads (mad women) into his army in his attempt to conquer India. There was also a tradition that women during the course of the worship tore apart young animals and ate them raw, warm and bleeding, thereby receiving within themselves the life of the god. In a 1976 address to the Mystery Religions Division of the Society of Biblical Literature, Ross Kraemer argued that there is evidence that women participated in a second level of initiation in Bacchic worship that was not available to men. Among Dionysiac worshippers, writes Livy in his History of Rome, 'the majority are women' (XXXIX.xv)
While women were famed for their wildness in the Bacchic cult and in certain other mystery cults, other aspects of their worship were more traditional. Of special importance to the study of the situation Paul addresses is the concept of clamor, noisy outbursts of religious pandemonium.
All recorded history notes that Satan is the only recorded source of religious musical instruments other than Jubal and Jubal "handled" instruments meaning "without authority." WE do not REPROVE the WORLD of sin by using the METHODS of the World:
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, (Kosmos)
against spiritual wickedness in high places.We do NOT wrestle against flesh and blood:
Pale (g3823) pal'-ay; from pallo, (to vibrate; another form for 906); wrestling: - / wrestle
Pallτ, poise, sway a missile before it is thrown, sway, brandish, she drove it furiously, tripped on the shield-rim, quiver, leap, esp. in fear, II. Pass., swing, dash oneself, Pi.N.5.21; vibrate, of strings, Pl.Phd.94c (psalloito ap. Stob.); skirtκtikon kai pallomenon to neon (etym. of Pallas) Corn.ND20, cf. Pl.Cra. 407a. III. intr., leap, bound, E.El.435, Ar.Lys.1304 (lyr.); [p. 1294] quiver, quake, phrena deimati pallτn S.OT153 (lyr.); dash along, of horses, E.El.477 (lyr.).
This is the MARKK of Pallas or Athena who would have been within John's symbolic warning. II. maiden-priestess, Str.17.1.46, from pallō, either as Brandisher of the spear, or para to anapepalthai ek tēs kephalēs tou Dios, to swing to and from daince, urge on the mainadas or the "mad women of Corinth."The Campbell movement never saw "organizational" union as even desirable unless it was, as Jesus defined unity, on the basis of the Word of Christ. In his Declaration and Address, before the union, Thomas Campbell saw the desirability of unity among believers but based on the Bible. Other unity was possible--as Paul explained in Romans 15--if church was defined as the ekklesia which was A School of Christ. Thomas Campbell defined "worship" as did Paul as reading and discussing the Bible. This made "unity" possible whereas the 'Methodist Shout' of the Stoneite worship would be so divisive that Word-based worship unity would be utterly impossible.
Members of the Christian churches might take better note about what a few self-selected ECUMENICAL men (usually selling something). It is doubtful that more than a tiny few , in the minds of the Stone Campbell Sect, want to RESTORE the Cane Ridge event as OPPOSED to Campbell's and most church theologians reliance on the Words of God for their faith and practice:
The Shouting Methodists [and Christian churches]
But Methodist noise was not limited to ejaculations. Singing and clapping, groaning and crying, praying and exhorting, contributed to the din. In the same songbook of 1807, the initial impression of a convert is reported:
The Methodists were preaching like thunder all about.
At length I went amongst them, to hear them groan and shout.
I thought they were distracted, such fools I'd never seen.
They'd stamp and clap and tremble, and wail and cry and scream.Finally, for some, a "shout" became a dance, a shuffling of the feet, a jerking of the head, a clapping of the hands, and perhaps an occasional leap. Most often it was a circular march, a "ring shout."
Thus Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines "shout" as "to give expression to religious ecstasy, often in vigorous, rhythmic movements (as shuffling, jumping, jerking) specifically, to take part in a ring shout."
We will discuss some of the STONEITE DISTINCTIVES in time. The form of worship was charismatic and almost identical to ancient and modern Iraq "Devil Worship." The attempt to restore the musical- charismatic Stoneite worship is at the heart of massive sowing of discord. Those promoting what is "hostile takeovers" of non-instrumental churches is based on perverting every single "music" word or concept in the Bible.
Barton Stone [Garrison & DeGroot, 1958]
Among the three "Christian" movements in New England, Virginia-North Carolina, and Kentucky-Tennessee, the most important, in relation to the Disciples of Christ, would have been the latter. This is the one in which Barton W. Stone became the most conspicuous figure.
Unlike the Christian church in New England, it was related in its origin to the O'Kelly secession from the Methodist.
Its roots run back into the "New Light," or revivalistic, strain of Presbyterianism in Virginia and the southern states. So important is Stone's place in the Kentucky phase of the movement, and so close were his contacts with the earlier influences before he came to Kentucky, that an account of his early life is an essential part of the total picture.
Of course, O'Kelly called the churches "the Christian Church" but did not mean that they had any real connection with the Stoneites.
The Stoneite movement adopted the freedom to interpret Scripture to fit the culture. Therefore, contradicting all of the musical terms and names of instruments is not considered lying "but working out our new scripture based on OUR EVOLVED culture."
James O'Kelley
- On Restoration Principles with Photos
- And Thomas Jefferson with Photo
- Life of James O'Kelly - MacClenny Ch. XVII with Photos
- Alexander Campbell on Fellowship and Sectarianism
- Did Alexander Campbell Endorse the Baptist Church? -
- Sermon on the Law
- Trinity: A. Campbell, Barton W. Stone, Walter Scott
- Campbell John Locke - Spirituality
- Musical Worship:
- Instrumental Music
- Baptismal Regeneration
- Unitarianism and The Trinity Refuted
- Campbell, Alexander - Trinity
- Campbell, Alexander - Barton W. Stone - Walter Scott on The Spirit
- One use of Monarchy of Israel as authority for Christian Restoration
T. Campbell
- Holy Spirit: Agent of Conversion
- Baptism For the remission of sins
- Leroy Garrett distorts
- Baptism as an Acts of Worship
- Direct Operation of The Holy Spirit
- Campbell, Thomas Holy Spirit - A circular letter
- Thomas Campbell and Alexander Campbell The Spirit
- Worship in Spirit and in Truth
- Evangelist in the Restoration Movement
- Worship in Spirit Must be Restored
Stone, Barton
- Musical Worship Index
- Restoration Movement Index
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