According to The Sectarian Pattern
According to The Sectarian Pattern: We define sectarianism as adding in worship those "acts" not necessary to Christian unity because they are not commanded in express words by the Holy Spirit. These additions are contrary to the long-held views of the community and have some benefit to the sectarian. The additions, although not based on Biblical commands, are known to sow discord and, by assimilation or expulsion, creates a new movement.This view was fully defined by John Locke "You can believe anything you wish but you cannot add worship rituals which have no Biblical authority without sowing discord among brethren." It was further articulated by Thomas Campbell who wanted to enable a community assembly which stripped off all non-commanded rituals to enable the broadest possible participation, with personal opinions kept outside of the assembly.
Within the American Restoration Movement which began with Campbell's high standards, a major sect developed around the addition of instrumental music. This had not been a feature of the constituent Baptists, Methodists or Presbyterians. And, men like Luther and Calvin along with all of the church "Fathers" recognized that music was antithetical to spiritual worship.
By forcing instruments into churches which were part of the two-thousand year view, held en toto, that machines to worship God were wrong, those who introduced them created a sectarian pattern division.
See how music fits CHARA or Grace-only or Grace-centered. It gives God pleasure (grace) when we obey His commands. As always, when God speaks of polluting, pagan worship He changes the meaning: grace is not charismatic, polluted worship of the pagans who PLEASURED each other with instrumental music and perverted worship related to CHARA the goddess. God is PLEASURED when we go into the Holy Place as an ekklesia or synagogue or school of the Bible and of Christ. The American Restoration Movement "restored" church as a school of Christ. It dfined worship as reading the Word and musing on its meaning: speaking to one another with ONLY inspired material and MEDITATING and singing it IN THE HEART which is the only PLACE to worship God.
This is the meaning of CHARISMATIC: ANY religious ritual which affects "emotional" changes is related to pedaresty.
See All Maxey's reviewed file on his belief that God in Christ was SILENT about "music" as worship. Using the LAW OF SILENCE the musical SECTARIANS legalistically added music. This is circular reasoning. In the first place the concept of MUSIC as the MARK of pagan, superstitious, legalistic and sexually perverted "worship" his denounced in many APPROVED EXAMPLES and even by DIRECT COMMANDS if you do not USE the law of silence. The MARK is absolute: all of the "musical" terms speak of warfare, sexual and homosexual rituals which "bound the body and spirit together."
Jesus spoke in MANY terms about the musical minstrels. However, He warned that he used parables to HIDE the truth from those who saw God through the lense of their own legalism--Pharisees, Scribes and the Hypocrite SECTARIANS. Paul in 2 Cor 3 said that you will not enter the "vail" and comprehend that Christ IS THAT SPIRIT who opens your eyes only when you TURN AWAY from self and turn toward Jesus, sit down, shut up, and let Him speak
However, when instrumentalists take control, those who bought the property are forced to leave for conscience sake are branded as the sectarians. This guilt clause has been expressed down through history and fully articulated by John Calvin. Within the historic movement called the American Restoration Movement:
"To Lamar goes the credit for phrasing the 'guilt clause' which became a cardinal refrain of the organ apologists.
........... The organ was in the churches to stay.
........... The next move was to fasten 'guilt' upon any person or churchwho would commit one of the 'seven deadly sins' by dividing the church over the organ." Click to read the unholy view.
New sectarian pattern of Anti-ism from Al Maxey: Does not Playing Instruments make You Sectarian?
While we are accused of having a fixation on instrumental music. we just observe that the anti-sectarian sect focuses almost exclusively upon some groups refusal to endorse or participate with instrumental "worship" even while believing that it is wrong.
Another "divisive" factor is the conflict between the Bible's view of baptism held for about 1500 years and that of Zwingli or John Smyth.
Today's children of their restorationists "fathers" continue the mantra of a God-like view that everyone is a sectarian and a Pharisee who will not affirm, worship with and jointly-participate with others. No one suggests how to define those who will not fellowship devil worshipers. Everyone has limits and no one should be so hostile in attacking those who prefer their own group: that is the Biblical and American and universal way.
But, that is not the point. The point is that personal guilt is fixed on the broader community. To others, there is a need to provide a "wider venue" for books and otherwise commercial enterprises: with Lucifer it was called TRAFFICK either in merchandise or anti-biblical heresy.
Make no mistake about it: when the word Pharisee and Sectarian get bandied about we are talking almost exclusively about "worship service" whatever that might be.
But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2 Ti. 2:16
Kenos (g2756) ken-os'; appar. a prim. word; empty (lit. or fig.): - empty, (in) vain.
Bebelos (g952) beb'-ay-los; from the base of 939 and belos , (a threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way), i.e. (by impl. of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked: - profane (person)
Batto-logeô , = battarizô, speak stammeringly, say the same thing over and over again, Ev.Matt.6.7, Simp. in Epict.p.91D.
Paraphrazô , say the same thing in other words, paraphrase, enthumêma metaphrazein
{arodia , ae, f., = parôidia (a counter-song), a reply retaining nearly the same words or the same turn, a parody
We are talking about our freedom to add mixed-sex choirs and instrumental music into your congregational worship.
Or, at best, when we add them then you have no right to mount an attack based on the Bible. Never mind that the "change wind blowers" skip around the country trying to make converts to an "open" worship, you have no right to object until "it comes to your town."
Similar definition to Bebelos
Huporcheomai , dance with or to music, pros de kardiai phobos aidein hetoimos êd' (fort. hê d') huporcheisthai A.Ch.1025 : c. acc. cogn., orchêsin hu. Plu.Num.13 ; hu. goous sing and dance a lament, Hld.6.8.
Goos weeping, wailing, groaning, howling, mourning, lamentation
This is to create FEAR (Phobos, Apollo, Abbadon, Apollyon, Muses, Locusts) and define the FEAR as the "spirits" roaming around in your body.
II. sing and dance a character, of a pantomimic actor, Luc.Salt.16.
Hupokritês , ou, ho, one who answers:
I. interpreter or expounder, tês di' ainigmôn phêmês Pl.Ti. 72b ; oneirôn Luc.Somn.17 , etc.
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2Pe.1:20
Epilusis (g1955) ep-il'-oo-sis; from 1956; explanation, i.e. application: - interpretation.
Epiluo (g1956) ep-ee-loo'-o; from 1909 and 3089; to solve further, i.e. (fig.) to explain, decide: - determine, expound.
To guard the Bible and "worship" from the pagan, perverted rituals, both Paul and Peter insisted that the Bible is inspired: to further interpret it makes one a commercial hypocrite and an outlaw.
II. in Att., one who plays a part on the stage, actor
Actors and musicians have always had a personae which attracts some but disgusts and repels those who walk by the spirit in the PLACE of the human mind.
2. of an orator, one who delivers, recites, declaimer, rhapsodist
3. metaph., pretender, dissembler, hypocrite, LXX Jb.34.30, 36.13, Ev.Matt.23.13, al.
Greek word with similar definition:
Hydraula , ae, or hydraules , ae, m., = hudraulês, one who plays on the waterorgan,
Hudr-aulis , eôs, hê, hydraulic organ, invented by Ctesibius
Regularly used with:
Pharisaios 1 a Pharisee, Separatist (from pharash, to distinguish), one of a sect who separated themselves from other Jews as affecting superior holiness.
Why would people TRAFFIC on being professional "pastors" or God manipulators or performers of THRESKIA (Orhpic and spiritually perverted) unless they THOUGHT that they has SUPERIOR HOLINESS?
Clement of Alexander who also condemns instrumental music as worship
Clement defines the first qualifier for a Pharisee practicing a sectarian pattern:
And in this way those who frequent the market-place and the shop philosophize.
"For thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." [20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." [Ex 20:7)
But those who act contrary to these things-the avaricious, the liars, the hypocrites,
those who make merchandise of the truth-the Lord cast out of His Father's court (John ii. 13-17; Matt. xxi. 12, 13; Luke xix. 45, 46)
not willing that the holy house of God should be the house of unrighteous traffic either in words or in material things.
Clement also speaks of praying rituals or "Let's perform the Let's be friendly act of worship for 10 seconds." Like the theatrical performance of "Let's mount up to god" on the back of the praise team, many external acts are rituals and truly meet the test of being Pharisaical because they add to the commandments of God.
But there is another unholy kiss, full of poison, counterfeiting sanctity. Do you not know that spiders, merely by touching the mouth, afflict men with pain? And often kisses inject the poison of licentiousness. It is then very manifest to us, that a kiss is not love. For the love meant is the love of God.
"And this is the love of God," says John,
"that we keep His commandments;" (1 John v. 3.)not that we stroke each other on the mouth. "And His commandments are not grievous." But salutations of beloved ones in the ways, full as they are of foolish boldness,
are characteristic of those who wish to be conspicuous to those without, and have not the least particle of grace.
For if it is proper mystically "in the closet" to pray to God, it will follow that we are also to greet mystically our neighbour, whom we are commanded to love second similarly to God, within doors, "redeeming the time." "For we are the salt of the earth."
"Whosoever shall bless his friend early in the morning with a loud voice, shall be regarded not to differ from cursing." (Prov 27:14)
Another, God-like, implied curse behind the word "sectarian" is the demand that you must affirm and be willing to worship with musical churches or you are a Zealot or a Fratricide: a Judas or brother-killer.
On the other hand, Jesus called this a LADED BURDEN and Paul outlawed it in Romans 15 so that people with diverse opinions might meet together in the SYNAGOGUE that Jesus built as a SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE where we can glorify God with one mind and one voice using "that which is written." This outlawed hypocrites or sectaran performers of all kinds:
WE then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Rom 15:1
Aresko (g700) ar-es'-ko; prob. from 142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable (or by impl. to seek to be so): - please.
Airo (g142) ah'ee-ro; a prim. verb; to lift; by impl. to take up or away; fig. to raise (the voice), keep in suspense (the mind); spec. to sail away (i.e. weigh anchor); by Heb. [comp. 5375] to expiate sin: - away with, bear (up), carry, lift up, loose, make to doubt, put away, remove, take (away, up).
Airo has the same meaning as:
I. to sing, Il., etc.:--then of any sound, to twang, of the bowstring, Od.; to whistle, of the wind, Mosch.; to ring, of a stone struck
1. to sing, chant, mênin, paiêona, klea andrôn Hom.:--absol., aeidein amphi tinos to sing in one's praise, Od.:--Pass., of songs, to be sung, Hdt.; aisma kalôs aisthen Xen.
2. c. acc. pers. to sing, praise, attic
These words speak of the tettix or locusts who are the musical performers of Apollo (Abaddon, Apollyon). In the legends John knew, Circe (church as institution) was the holy whore. Apollo was known for chasing the locusts (musicians) underground. He, having fallen, has returned to unleash them. They have scorpion stings in their tails. Things like TITHE and THE LAW OF GIVING mean to "sting."
Paul said that to follow Jesus we WILL NOT seek pleasure: we will speak that which is written with one mind and one voice: SPEAK to one another with "that which is written" then the singing and melody will be in the heart: breaking the heart so we can HYMN or "grieve out" the hymns as spiritual and not carnal, perverted minds and voices.
The result of disobeying God is not SPIRITUAL but has only one purpose:
Hêdonê [hêdomai]
1. delight, enjoyment, pleasure, Lat. voluptas, Hdt., etc.; hêdonêi hêssasthai, charizesthai to give way to pleasure, Thuc., Plat., etc.:--often with Prepositions in adv. sense, pros or kath' hêdonên legein to speak so as to please another,
Voluptas: my joy, my charmer; Voluptates, sports, shows, spectacles, given to the people, The desire for pleasure, bent, passion; The male semen.
The Vinyard or New Wineskins idea proposes, as did ancient pagan rituals, to be aroused by music and have a sexual-like climactic experience with God. Music had not other use in religious rituals. Click also to see how this is musical idolatry even as it was at Mount Sinai: voodoo.
Delecto: a delighting, delight, pleasure, amusement; a straining, effort, tenesmus
Related to: sexus, virilis; Spes: the expectation of something desired, The hope of being appointed heir. hêssaomai
1. Pass. to be less than another, inferior to him, c. gen. pers., Eur., Xen., etc.; c. gen. rei, hê. rhêmatos to yield to the power of a word, Thuc.; ho hêttôito wherein he had proved inferior, Xen.
2. as a real Pass. to be defeated, discomfited, worsted, beaten
3. to give way, yield, to be a slave to passion and the like.Grace is not a "blue eyed blond" nor unlimited forgiveness for unlimited, deliberate sin of showing contemp for the LOUD shouts of God against music. Grace was a brown eyed Greek (probably). The Bible used GRACE to show that it is counter-cultural: grace is God taking pleasure in communicating with His creatures.
However, the SECTARIAN, CARNAL meaning of GRACE is "showing pleasure" by bowing to friends--especially the "children piping" getting even Jesus into the homosexual ritual of Dionysus who was part of the Abomination of Desolation in the holy places.
The term is almost universal: Charizesthai erastais Pederasty
Charma, ( [chairô] )
2. source of malignat joy, Il.3.51, 6.82, al.; lupra, charmata d' echthrois (hatred) A.Pers.1034 (lyr.)
Thêraô 1 [thêra] The BEAST of Revelation. ZOE, zoogon.
I know of nothing else which has been so powerful in calling out the Anti-Sectarian attack.
> The primary focus of this review is the claim that Jesus condemned the Pharisees as Sectarians and, of course, Pharisaical, for insisting that everyone wash their hands before meals.
> This claim then fixes the guilt of sectarianism upon anyone who would evangelize and teach anyone any doctrinal view which is so important that it precludes open fellowship and joint participation with those whose views of the doctrine are diametrically opposed.
> The not-recognized point of the story is that Jesus simply ridicules people so concerned with personal hygiene but were so evil that:
They were purely mercinary. Preaching was just a job with no convictions.
They believed in the New Hermeneutic that they had the right to change or ammend the law to make it fit changes in society in order to keep tight control over their "cash cows."
They explicitely ignored the commands of the Bible in order to innovate or improvise with their "contemporary" religious rituals.
> Our question: Does the word Pharisee better fit the new change agents, or conservatives who forgo greater attendance, greater preacher fame and more income based on the Spiritual principle of faithfulness to the Word? Of course this is, "as we see it." None of us have any other insight than "as we see it."
For the VERY slow, lets say it again:
First, the word Pharisee means professional. That means taking a tithe or anything from a widow on welfare in order to spread the staff infection.
Second, Pharisee means the urge to change the laws to meet the needs of the times, these needs usually being more cash-flow.
Third, among the temple sect of the Jewish clergy, their worship was just made up and is equated to making love with beautiful music, knowing that there would be no changes out in the "marketplaces."
Fourth, of all of the clergy but especially the Scribes or book writers who prospered selling the new traditionalism, Jesus said that they stole the homes of widows.
Sectarian means "introducing any practice in the church which will offend 'one of these little ones' without a clear command or example from Scripture: Scripture being the basic document of the Christian Religion. John Locke may be despised because he declared that disrespect for that God-given document means that one cannot be a Christian. Having some motive of fame or fortune makes the identification of sectarianism absolute.
Anti-Sectarians, however, subscribe to the "high church" or Catholic view which is identical to the Pharisees in that "we have the authority to change the laws. Any rejection of celebrative, performance-based religion cuts into the power base and diminishes the number of job openings for professionals.
No group which holds to traditions, with or without Biblical authority, can by continuing along its usual, non-divisive path, be called sectarian. I am not a sectarian for not wanting to sleep in your bed. Nor, is it judgmental for Presbyterians to choose to fellowship with Presbyterians and we should not be emotionally sick over the Baptist's total satisfaction with worshiping in Baptists churches.
Contrary to good mental health, the Antis absolutely scream out at people that they must worship with and "affirm" any sincere believer. It seems that they will not be accepted by Christ unless we "punch their ticket" by saying: "You'r are ok, I'm ok."
Because a sectarian pattern of Anti Patternism is based on three totally illogical and uninformed views at Scripture, we will just knock out the first leg of the three-legged stool. This is the false claim that Jesus condemned the "sectarian" and Pharisaical Pharisees for insisting that everyone wash their hands before meals. If true then washing our hands would be a sin. If not true then find a better source for theology than the antis.
For those not fully awake, there are many "commands" in the Bible which define "commands, examples and inferences" as ways in which God communicates His Will to us. He does have a will, you know. And contrary to the Pharisees, Jesus proved that they did not have the authority to change one jot or tittle of the law.
In fact, the subject is not "washing of hands" in our example but ignoring clear Biblical commandments and replacing them with innovative and improved "acts" of worship. Jesus defined this as vain worship: just wasting your time.
Enoch demands and Jude defends the view that God will come with ten thousand of His saints to execute judgment upon those "wandering stars" who are unfaithful to the revealed Word. Enoch and a dozen parallel accounts make the mortal sin obeying Satan in introducing sex and music. To those with ears, this is the message of the hand-washing event.
Nevertheless, the example of Jesus and the hand-washing Jews is the anti patternism which ripples through the air waves. Of course, Jesus didn't condemn either hand washing or any effort to practice personal hygiene in Jerusalem. What he condemned was so serious that He refused to speak to any of the clergy class as a whole (Matthew 13). That is why their understanding was an inverted version of truth (2 Cor 3).
Unfortunately for the teacher and their students, this example is turned upside down and actually condemns those trying to force-fit it around the necks of those not bowing to the Pharisee principle.
It is a fact that the Pharisees were mercenary hypocrites--but it was the Temple Turkeys who conspired to murder Jesus. Their chief agent was Judas whos "bag" was for "carrying mouthpieces of wind instruments."
There was no "Pharisee" class in contrast to OUR class of spiritual people: all sin and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, one cannot get off the hook by defining others as Pharisees.
All of the clergy class were professionalized in total violation of the Law which provided only a daily dole of food while serving in and around the temple and in connection with animal sacrifices. Jesus opened this up to include evangelists who could not camp out around the temple grounds and extort.
Lots of fun has been poked at Goebel Music's Book "Behold the Pattern." The laugh is over the notion that there are "commands, examples and inferences" to define God's authority.
The laugh turns back on itself when the people use this "legalism" to declare that the Bible does not say "follow commands and examples." However, the Bible says just exactly that.
The implication is that this "slogan" just produces a pattern of sectarianism.
Our review of Rubel Shelly's effort against Behold the Pattern is here.
There is a "patternism" of trying to defeat one sect's enemies by accusing them of obeying the commands of Christ. Why? Why, because there are no commands and no pattern. The only rule is that you cannot have any rules!
Sectarianism is condemned because it attempts to convert others. And perhaps the worst presumed evil of sectarianism is to make people believe that the church excludes other groups. Those who believe that they have a clear understanding of the New Testament model are evil because Jesus said:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Matthew 23:15
Perhaps not all groups are busy making children of hell. Perhaps they are just following the command of Christ to lead people to become children of God. See the difference?
The fact that religious people believe what they believe enough to try to convert people to their view of Christ has ever been called the evil which must be stamped out. Why do you suppose this is such a powerful urge? But then why do anti-sectarians spend so much time promoting a sect which draws no boundaries?
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:16
Therefore, the Christian "sect" had as its major focus the conversion of the world to the views of Christ. If there are no "commands" then we can just ignore Jesus.
In order to be innovative as "Located" evangelists (located traveling salesmen) sectarians have to be innovative in the "worship" rituals to make the people feel that they are getting their money's worth. Therefore, the common view is that those who steadfastly refuse to change, endorse or worship with the new styles of worship (as old as Babylon, really) are sectarians. Joe's views should be directed to those who convert for evil purposes:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Matthew 23:15
The implication is that the sectarians in the gunsight of the new and improved worship styles are really the ancient scribes (book writers), Pharisees (professional law changers) and hypocrites (stage performers) and are frantic in traveling around the country, perhaps making all of the religious festivals or book fairs, just to make a convert. And, wouldn't you know it, they really convert the person to Satan or Beelzebub (the musical slight of hand agent).
My experience tells me that the agents of change fill every one of those job descriptions.
If I were a Scribe (book seller) or Pharisee (professional law changer) or hypocrite (stage performer) I would desperately try to mark those who present the quiet gospel in their own communities and see no need to go out looking "for the lost kingdom." I would urge people to avoid them to keep the people who love to be fooled from ever finding out that it doesn't take much ecclesiastical machinery to worship God. And, oops, there goes the pyramidal, tower of Babel like organizational structure.
Jesus fired them all: lock, stock and barrel. Why? Because by definition one cannot sell the free Word of God without first taking away the keys to knowledge which needs no human mediator. Jesus sent honest evangelists on a mission and provided no "venu" for theatrical performers in song or sermon, or X, Y, Z ministries which just burden the group and take away their body life.
Nothing Christian is for sale and nothing for sale is Christian.
To say otherwise is to affirm one's legalism.
The Britannica notes of the Pharisees who, like all of us, tend to be hypocrites when we see "godliness as a means of financial gain.""The Pharisees emerged as a party of laymen and scribes in contradistinction to the Sadducees,
i.e., the party of the high priesthood that had traditionally provided the sole leadership of the Jewish people.Just like the innovators and improvisers, the Pharisees committed a fatal blunder when they believed that they needed a new "wineskin" to make the church as much like society as possible. Just as music is sold as excitement but just adds "spiritual anxiety created by religious ritual" the Pharisees' changes did not make life any easier for the common people. The religion of the Sectarian Pharisees seems so familiar: it had the lives of the "congregation" planned to the minute. The clergy believed that they had God's commission to solve all of the family problems and make sure that no one had any free time. The "program-driven" church is exactly a restoration of the Babylonian system system of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Those who try to make the church practices conform to the Word of God are neither sectarian nor hypocritical as are the Post-Modern, Post-Biblical new hermeneuts. Of Pharisees:
"They interpreted the Law according to its spirit;
when in the course of time a law had been outgrown or superseded by changing conditions, they gave it a new and more acceptable meaning,
Does that sound familiar to you? Those branded as sectarian are judged specifically because they will not change the "laws" just to be innovative or improvising.
The Britannica notes that the civil war did not divide the Restoration Movement but "In the succeeding era of bitterness, however, the Disciples also suffered schism.
New developments in response to growing urbanization and sophistication brought two sharply divergent responses.
The conservatives regarded such developments as unauthorized "innovations,"
while the progressives (pejoratively termed digressives) looked on them as permissible "expedients.""The introduction of musical instruments (reed organs) into Christian worship led to many local disputes. Other innovations added occasion for controversy--the infringement of the "one-man pastoral system" on the local ministry of elders, introduction of selected choirs, use of the title Reverend, and lesser issues.
In other words, Seeker-Sucker schemes are never introduced until churches become pastor-centered rather than Christ-centered. In all like the nations like Israel whose elders demanded "set a king over us" the musical performers were the harem of the gods and were to give honor to the king and never to God. Music and instruments were innovated as means by which David praised.
From Musical Worship Teams: Effeminate Worship we quote:
Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41 He uses many of the church Fathers and Classical resources notes the dead give away to paganized worship:
"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy. He saw the entire condition induced by the noise of cymbals and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.
He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly.
Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.
Women's singing was a vital part of all pagan worship. In very early times women became priestly singers of the gods in the temple.
"Women and girls from the different ranks of society were proud to enter the service of the gods as singers and musicians. The understanding of this service was universal: these singers constituted the 'harem of the gods'."
McClintock and Strong note that even male clergy musicians was "the first heresy largely pervading the church."
Like the new Sectarian Antism it was the Pharisees who developed a New Hermeneutic to "go with the flow." Therefore, anyone who tries to make God's Word fit Man's need is a Pharisee. And because the innovating and improvizing often chases away people too mature for the children, they exactly fit the definition of "sectarian."
Of the new Pharisee Sect, they were:
"seeking scriptural support for their actions through a ramified system of hermeneutics. It was due to this progressive tendency of the Pharisees that their interpretation of the Torah continued to develop and has remained a living force in Judaism. Catholic Encyclopedia, Pharisees.
That is true: Phariseeism means being progressive and innovative! But that cannot be translated as "conservative" can it? Jesus used the word "Jew" in a pejorative sense and totally repudiated the "traditions of the elders." The Pharisees represented the "living church" model of the Catholic church with some unknown tribal authority able to make "Torah" grow and grow. That is, the Pharisee sectarians said "Behold, there are no patterns so we will cut out our own."
No. God does not endorse the "living church." God is competent to deliver His truth through His selected and empowered prophets and apostles. There are none of those today, whatever one's flattering friends say.
By endorsing the Pharisees as part of the evolutionary process of revelation, it is easy to see why people use that same authority to make the Bible a living, growing, evolving or "wineskin" container. But, then how is it coherent to define others who will not change as the Pharisees?
However, in other respects, the Pharisees were anti-temple or anti-institutional or anti-buildings and grounds and anti-clergy in the priesthood sense. The Britannica continues:
"The Pharisees were not primarily a political party but a society of scholars and pietists. They enjoyed a large popular following, and in the New Testament they appear as spokesmen for the majority of the population.
"Around 100 BC a long struggle ensued as the Pharisees tried to democratize the Jewish religion and remove it from the control of the Temple priests.
The Pharisees did not need animal sacrifices and therefore knew with certainty that instrumental music or even choir singing--especially with beautiful, talented women--was totally inappropriate because temple worship was a "like the nations" worship and therefore quite paganized.
Not even the Pharisees dared use instrumental music which belonged exclusively to the "like the nations" temple of the civil state. As Hassidim, they had long ago abandoned what we call "worship" and continued the synagogue as school.
"The Pharisees asserted that God could and should be worshiped even away from the Temple and outside Jerusalem. To the Pharisees,
worship consisted not in bloody sacrifices-- [the only rationale for loud instruments] the practice of the Temple priests--
but in prayer and in the study of God's law.
Hence the Pharisees fostered the synagogue as an institution of religious worship, outside and separate from the Temple. The synagogue may thus be considered a Pharisaic institution since the Pharisees developed it, raised it to high eminence, and gave it a central place in Jewish religious life. (Britannica Members)
Perhaps this is why those who don't need to be massaged by a grand, nation-wide effort to restructure the church are identified as Pharisees: they just won't dance when we pipe.
While the Pharisees were "Pharisees" their evil was primarily stated in Matthew 23:
> They had developed a new hermeneutic which made culture and not God's Word the authority.
> They called themselves and loved to be called Rabbi! Teacher, counselor, preacher, pastor!
> They exalted themselves and therefore "sold" themselves to the highest bidder with Scriptural correctness expendable. The Pharisees understood that you could not sell your services unless you convinced people that you uniquely held the magical steps to solving their problems.
> They were not "kingdom" people and they kept others out of the kingdom primarily by "taking away the keys to knowledge." That is, then as now, the Bible was "chained to the pulpit." Throughout the Old Testament, musical instruments meant "we don't want to hear God's Word."
> The scribes (book writers), Pharisees (professional teachers) and hypocrites (didn't really believe what they were huckstering) would actually permit a widow to "mortgage" her home to pay her pledge to the new "building program." "Christian" institutions just love widows to death.
> Whatever their personal emotional or spiritual dysfunction they could pray you a long prayer, teach you a long seminar or preach you a meaningless sermon. The Scribes could solve any problem and put it in the form much like pagan "magical incantations" which we now call song books.
> They were the active men roving over the land trying to make converts and undoubtedly the scribes would sell you a book, sermon, song or prayer with more power than God's Word.
> They made disciples of hell because Jesus said that they were a "den of vipers" and that the Devil was their "father." Their new hermeneutic meant that they had changed from God's side to Satan's side. Their festivals were clearly fertility rituals and Jerusalem was defined as "Sodom."
See the Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus refused to attend the opening ceremonies.
"They made their voices sweet with musical cadences and modulations of tone and echoed resonances. They thought not of what they were saying, but of how they were saying it.
Their thought might be poisonous so long as it was enveloped in honeyed words.; Philostratus tells us that Adrian, the sophist, had such a reputation in Rome, that when his messenger appeared with a notice that he was to lecture, the senate emptied and even the people at the games abandoned them to flock to hear him.
"You might hear many poor wretches of sophists, shouting and abusing each other, and their disciples, as they call them, squabbling; and many writers of books reading their stupid compositions, and many poets singing their poems, and many jugglers (buffoons) exhibiting their marvels, and many soothsayers giving the meaning of prodigies, and then a thousand rhetoricians twisting lawsuits, and no small number of traders driving their several trades. (William Barclay)
"The Greeks were intoxicated with fine words; and to them the Christian preacher with his blunt message seemed a crude and uncultured figure, to be laughed at and ridiculed rather than to be listened to and respected. (Barclay, William, First Corinthians, p. 19-20)
"Perhaps professor would be a rough modern equivalent to Sophist. It has a similar range from Professors of Greek to Professors of Phrenology and
........... although some Professors research, all teach,
........... and all are paid which was a great reproach to the Sophists.Some of them were serious philosophers, educators or scholars; others only cheap-jacks, who professed to teach only the sublime art of getting on. Did you want to improve your memory: Did you want to be a £1,000-a-year man? Some Sophist would teach you--for a fee.
Sophists went from city to city, lecturing on their particular subject,
some indeed undertaking to lecture on any subject, but always for a fee. (Kitto, The Greeks, p. 168).
Sectarians are also Pharisees in the new "escaping from legalism" theme expressed by numerous writers:
People are sectarians because they believe that they have the unique authority to interpret scriptures. Therefore, the traditions of sectarians are claimed to be as valid and authoritative as Scripture. Furthermore, the Pharisee sectarians even now are hardened in their anti-Biblical interpretation.
In equating modern sectarians to the Pharisees, the hand washing passage is used by Dr. Rubel Shelly and probably imitated by others following him:
But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Matthew 15:3
For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. Matthew 15: 4
But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; Matthew 15: 5
And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free.
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Matthew 15: 6
Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, Matthew 15: 7
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. Matthew 15: 8
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15: 9
Now, connect that with the fixated view is that rejecting instrumental music is what makes modern sectarians into Pharisees and we willl open up the Bible for the non-readers.
But, weren't they part of the "living Torah?" Jesus said that they added their own traditions specificially to ignore following the Word of God. They were evangelistic but then most people who preach, teach or publish have that same goal.
The Pharisees were agents of the New Hermeneutics, the New Wineskins and were the Seeker Suckers of their time.
But, on the flip side of the coin, aren't conservatives attacked as sectarian hypocrites just because they do not agree with a new interpretation of the Scriptures, or accept their new regulations imposed as sexual authority in praise teams or instruments or will not join the everyone who must come to agree with the restoration of ancient paganism or be cursed with the Raca words: Pharisee, Sectarian, Legalistic.
All religionists have to believe or pretend that what they preach or write is more valuable than what God wrote or they simply could not sell it. Why is a sermon made up of sick chicken soup worth a thousand bucks when you can buy the whole Bible for ten bucks? It simply means that any one selling their wares believe that their interpretations are correct and heaven help you if you introduce a bit of truth to them.
The Law of God never appealed to the masses who worshiped God in their own communities without the aid of temple or priest. However, to keep the commercial (Babylonian) system going, the Pharisees had to cut and trim the rules to keep their hands on the power strings. They simply did not have the money tree called the temple to collect the widow's mite automatically: so they stole their houses. Isn't that precious?
Therefore, this is why Jesus took away the Key from those taking away the keys to knowledge--for a price--always for a price.
I suppose one of the ways of identifying Pharisees (a sect) today is that they write new rules for the church to fit the times and they traverse land and sea trying to convert people at least to the point of buying the new "scriptures."
And after contributing to new and improved "worship rituals" those who do not agree have the privilege of abandoning their paid-for building and starting over in old age. Isn't that stealing the "home" of widows? Yes.
Even today, they repeat to the nearest "jot" the ritual of stealing church property in order to install Babylonian worship teams and instruments.
Therefore, any kind of ritual aimed at stimulating the glands of the "audience" is aimed at and achieves the same mind control exerted by the Pharisees. That is why the rules are changed and "let the widows be damned."
Rubel Shelly used this same example to prove that the Jews washed their hands in order to be more holy than other people:
"Somewhere along the way, some highly scrupulous --and I suspect well-intentioned --Jewish scholars began to teach that these rules should be respected by every man and woman who wanted to be holy to the Lord (not just the priests) and to all food handling (not just the devoted offerings).
"They quoted texts such as this one in support of their intent to expand the obligations about ablutions and purity to every Israelite: "Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false" (Psa. 24:3-4). Rubel Shelly
Well, the fact is that they didn't quote anything. If they had they would understand that clean is:
Naqiy (g5355) naw-kee'; (Joel 4:19; Jonah 1:14), naw- kee'; from 5352; innocent: - blameless, clean, clear, exempted, free, guiltless, innocent, quit
It is not uncommon for proponents of the Pharisee "living Bible" or church to attack "sectarians" by cutting verses off in the middle of the thought or by leaving out the "punch line."
Then, the scheme is to equate the hand-washing Pharisees to those "old, decadent and deleterious" churches
The Jews were not trying to create a "Wash Your Hands After Using The Bathroom Sect." They did not try to get others to join their "sect." They did not commercialize the free Word of God (Isa 55) in order to promote their views about cleanliness. They did not hold grand meetings to embarrass themselves in order to get people to practice personal hygiene.
Now, look at the "not quoted" quotation:
For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. Mark 7: 3
And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not, And many other things there be,
When I first began washing my hands or any part of my body is was based purely on "the traditions of the elders." "By nature" I might still be as bath-free as the older Queen Elizabeth.
Get it? Can't you see that they washed their hands in preparation for eating -- not in going to God's holy hill in Jerusalem? There is not a hint that they connected salvation to hand washing. This is just bubbles off a growing-too-tight wineskin.
Jesus continues:
which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. Mark 7: 4
I just hate it when someone dribbles all over their hands and walks out of the restroom without washing them and wants to shake hands. I saw a Governor of a state do that in Washington!
Now, if people get riled up because all of the Jews and most people washed their hands after some similar activity then they have our permission not to join the hand-washing sect.
If people get upset by those who wash their hands then they should not condemn them to hell. Notice that the Pharisees did not have a "sectarian police force" but simply asked a simple question:
Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? Mark 7:5
Get it? Eat bread with dirty hands with "catfish slime" still on them, perhaps. Cleaned out the potty and still didn't wash their hands. Uncouth? Yes. But, Jesus never commanded: "Don't be a hypocrite Pharisee and wash your hands after delivering a baby goat before dipping your hand in my gruel."
Washing their external hands had no spiritual value because Pharisees, then and now, deliberately rejected the commandment of God in order to keep their own traditions. Why? Why, because it is more profitable:
Full well ye reject the commandment of God,
that ye may keep your own tradition. Mark 7: 9Jesus didn't give us "liberty" to eat out of contaminated pots and pans or eat without washing the "brethren" off.
Somehow, we have missed the entire point which condemns those trying to force changes on people not wanting changes.
> Rather, He asked why they were so careful about the external body which was actually commendable.
> But at the same time they were so "unwashed" and ignorant that
they thought that they could make up their own "worship" plans to ignore the Pattern of the Word of God in "song and sermon."
> Therefore, Jesus is condemning anyone however "religious" they make themselves to be, IF they cannot grasp Christ's authority to define a PATTERN or two.
The Beelzebub Attack
One has serious reasons for doubting that Bible believers actually identify the Antis as Beelzebub just because they validate their superiority by a direct connection to God. Or, like the Pharisees, claim the authority to add to or subtract from the Word of God when that addition or subtraction most often originates in the budget meetings of elders out on a financial limb. Or, like the agents of Beelzebub, pull out the old music card to prolong the agony of a dying church.
But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. Mt.12:24
It is amazingly true that moderns believe that a guru "trained under Zig Zigglar" can create spiritual revival in a "gospel" meeting! Is that the power to cast out the devils leaving a clean "house" for the spirit or what? Everyone seems to have a multi-step process to resurrect dead marriages, heal grief, resurrect dead finances and some people are clamoring for a "Resurrect Dead Cars" ministry for the old folk. The implication is that the Pharisee children or disciples were selling a "Casting Out Demons Ministry." And, like the silversmiths, this guy is gonna endanger our place and our law and our community standing and our livlihood.
But, Jesus, never the easy goer asks:
And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. Matthew 12:27
But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Matthew 12:28
Or else, how can one enter into a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. Matthew 12:29
If people are not casting out the demons of modern anxiety by the direct operation of the Spirit of God then by whose spirit do they cure people by mass meetings--which Jesus never called?
Jesus then gave a test for sorting out the true Beelzebubs:
He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Matthew 12:30
The Pharisees divined for a profit. They entered strong men's houses and stole the widow's houses. They were not "with Christ" whose Spirit actually delivered the Word the Pharisees were now changing, innovating, improvising or whatever it took to make a profit.
In the end, they scattered the flock. However, the direct command of Jesus was to go into all the world and make disciples or converts by teaching, baptizing and teaching. You see, Jesus was not put off by the fear that making disciples would endanger his religious standing in the "ecumenical" world ready and willing to make Him king.
This explains why only the few, the rare, the marines have the charismatic "spirit" to make people believe that the demons are truly cast out by their ministry. That is why nothing Christian is for sale and nothing for sale is Christian. That would close down the "ministries" jiffy quick.
But the strong men have bound the people with chicken soup sermons and the claim that to oppose false teaching is being anti-Christ. This is fear mongering.
Therefore, God gave us a supernatural test clearly understood by the early churches:
Didache 11:4 Let every apostle who cometh unto you be received as the Lord.
Didache 11:5--- He will remain one day, and if it be necessary, a second; but if he remain three days, he is a false prophet.
Didache 11:6 --- And let the apostle when departing take nothing but bread until he arrive at his resting-place; but if he ask for money, he is a false prophet.
Didache 11:7 And ye shall not tempt or dispute with any prophet who speaketh in the spirit; for every sin shall be forgiven, but this sin shall not be forgiven.
Didache 11:8 But not every one who speaketh in the spirit is a prophet, but he is so who hath the disposition of the Lord; by their dispositions they therefore shall be known, the false prophet and the prophet.
Didache 11:9 And every prophet who ordereth in the spirit that a table shall be laid, shall not eat of it himself, but if he do otherwise, he is a false prophet;
Didache 11:10 and every prophet who teacheth the truth, if he do not what he teacheth is a false prophet.
> Jesus said "My words are Spirit and they are Life" (John 6:63). One has to be possessed of something quite mind-shattering to claim: "No, MY words can do what Christ's words can no longer do." This is what the Pharisees believed. Or, "the apostles were confused teachers over confused churches!"
> Paul said that the Lord is that Spirit and there is no liberty or ability to grasp the Word as long as Pharisees are selling their new and improved methods of revival and regeneration (2 Cor. 3:11)
> And First Peter 1:11 said that it was the Spirit of Christ which inspired the Words the Pharisees are now "cutting and pasting"--for a price--always for a price.
> John in Revelation 19:10 said that the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy for us: now, as we speak. If we claim that the epistles are confused writings of confused apostles we truly and most certainly blaspheme the holy Spirit.
> Therefore, anyone who improvises or innovates is blaspheming the Holy Spirit which is the Mind and Word of Christ:
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. Matthew 12:31
Those who are truly sectarian probably are also Pharisees in the sense that they are trying to convert godliness into ready cash. That is why the Sectarians and Anti-Sectarians are too often Pharisees. Therefore, the PEA is not under walnut shell A, B or C. So don't make a bet.
Not Making Pharisaical Changes to Worship Style can have no monetary or glory-gathering value. Therefore, the Pharisee or sectarian can never be the honest preacher and church which continues to meet the needs of their community without adding contemporary (began at the Tower of Babel) musical teams and instruments.
If they resist other people's forced changes they are not thereby sectarian.
What does it mean? Why, Antis claim that it is sectarianism and Pharisaic to continue the non-musical practices universally held en toto for two thousand years when the innovators or improvisers (Going beyond Pharisees) want to introduce the Babylonian musical worship team with flutes and drums!
Why, if you resist the innovating and improvising which condemned the Pharisees, you might be accused of being a Beelzebub. Being a Baal type such as Dionysus or Bacchus meant that if you played the music you could disqualify Jesus as effeminate if he sang and danced. Therefore, Jesus asked:
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, Matthew 11:16
And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. Matthew 11:17
If they use enough psychological violence (barely hidden) on you then you will be, like Jesus, "Triumphed over" with flute and drum and you will not endanger our commercial religion likened to Sodom.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Revelation 11:8
If people try to "triumph over" you with music then you know that you are under attack from Beelzebub who was the prince of the devils. He is also Saturn now reviving Sabbath worship to go along with the wine, women and song. Didn't Jesus call the Jewish clergy a "den of vipers" who were just following their leader, Satan? Well, Saturn is identified as the chief S-T-U-R (666) or seitan while ZOE is his consort or "female instructing principle--called the beast.Because too much of the psychological violence as well as the forced practicing of mixed-sex choirs and instrumental music, we are not off base to use the almost-universal uses of the guilt clause to blame those being kicked in a soft place for yelling 'ouch' and sowing discord among the brethren. Is this neurotic, psychotic or worse?
A noted Presbyterian scholar wrote and it has been proven that:
It will, no doubt, be said that the attempt to prove the unjustifiable employment of instrumental music in the public worship of the Church is schismatical,
since the practice is now well-nigh universal;that it is trivial, inasmuch as it concerns a mere circumstantial in the services of religion;
........... and that it is useless, as the tendency which is resisted is invincible,
........... and is destined to triumph throughout Protestant Christendom.To all this one answer alone is offered, and it is sufficient, namely: that the attempt is grounded in truth.
It involves a contest for a mighty and all-comprehending principle, by opposing one of the special forms in which it is now commonly transcended and violated." George Girardeau, Against Instrumental music.
Of course, that could fit many other doctrinal issues over which we would not endorse John Calvin but without accusing him of being a Pharisee or Sectarian.
As Martin Luther said:
"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every part of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, then I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all battlefields besides is merely flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point." Martin Luther
J. W. McGarvey
"Nor does God permit us to drive some of the brethren from the church
........... to avoid doing what they believe to be sinful.
........... To do so is to cause division in a way that God condemns. and if we thus sin,
........... ........... he demands that we be marked and avoided as schismatics.So it matters not how the effort may result, it condemns us in the sight of God.
> If the brethren submit and debauch their conscience by doing that which they believe to be wrong, we sin against them and against Christ, says Paul. (1 Cor. 8: 12.)
> If we drive them from the church which they have to leave to avoid condemning themselves in this way,
........... we are guilty of the sin of causing division,"This is the clear meaning of heresy or sectarianism. All early musical sectarians clearly made attendance and budget the reason for adding music to compete. This then makes the identification of Pharisee complete.
People who don't go "contemporary" deliberately abandon the "seeing godliness as a means of financial gain" power. Therefore, they cannot be either sectarian or Pharisaical.
People who don't violate the clear commandments against external "music" do not change to meet the demands of the age and can neither be labeled Sectarian nor Pharisaical.
Back to Mark for Music as the ultimate, universal MARK against God:
He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Mark 7: 6
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mark 7: 7
For laying aside the commandment of God,
ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. Mark 7: 8
Isaiah connects this to the musical praise services condemned by Amos 5; 6 and 8 and Isaiah 5:
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me,
........... but have removed their heart far from me,
........... and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Isaiah 29:13Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder:for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Isaiah 29:14
Why reject the clear example of Jesus and the direct command of Paul? Because Paul stripped all of the "profit" out of the hands of the "prophets" by removing their Beelzebub power devices.
What is the motive of a Pharisee?
And he said unto them,
........... Full well ye reject the commandment of God,
........... that ye may keep your own tradition. Mark 7: 9Now, Jesus has repudiated the Pharisees and the "Jews" which He uses in a derogatory sense. Why? Because Pharisees do two things to qualify:
They reject the command of God
........... In order to observe their own traditions.One truly has to be Biblically and historically illiterate to attribute quiet, non-musical (i.e. non-charismatic) worship to tradition. This puts one beyond the reach of Biblical teaching perhaps because the keys to eyes and ears have been taken away by Christ.
Denying that God has "commands, examples and inferences" and that they are authority for our lives is one sign or MARk, and adding instrumental music is telling God "Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of they ways."
Remember that we are still on the Beelzebub accusation against Jesus.
In fact, the Jewish clergy including the Pharisees and scribes (book writers) were were identified by Jesus as the true den of vipers and while they look like ordinary people they are really offspring of the ancient enemies of God who began their career by
Ignoring the Word of God and
Using sex and music to divert people's mind from the Word of God
In order that their views be sold in place of the free Word of God.All of the Jewish clergy was on the dole and all opposed God Incarnate. Jesus said that they were like children in the marketplace (seeker forms of Babylonian religion) piping just trying to Get God Incarnate to do the singing and dancing under the influence of the Judas Bag power.
Labeling people with inflamatory labels is one of those ways to discredit someone. We agree and no word is more divisive and judgmental that "legalism or sectarian."
This is true. However, the slander came from the professional clergy class and not independent people or groups obeying God's Law to the best of their ability.
The thought pattern has a beginning before we get to the end. The battle between Elijah, the prophet of God, and the prophets of Baal and Asherah was the battle between the Word of God and the musical, charismatic "prophesiers." A prophesier sings, dances, plays instruments and goes to the extreme of wounding himself or herself. It was and is also the battle between God and the "female instructing principle" of Gnosticism defined by ancient ZOE and her subservient, male gods forced into musical teams.
The Jewish clergy were the sons of Satan and a den of vipers and therefore the anti-type of Jezebel's musical team.
John and Jesus, on the other hand, acted for God and Eligah.
The Jewish clergy as the Judas factor tried to triumph over Jesus with music:
And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. Matthew 11:14
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, Matthew 11:16
And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. Matthew 11:17
Sure enough, the clergy tried to slander Jesus because His very nature condemned the sons of Satan who tried to seduce Him with music. If they could get Him to drink wine or sing and dance the choral dance of the "wine god" then Jesus could not be filled with the Spirit and could not be from God:
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. Matthew 11:18
The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children. Matthew 11:19
Those labeled sectarian Pharisees do not subscribe to the "new wineskin" model of religion and do not play musical instruments trying to collect those "wearing soft clothing" to engage in the Satanic worship into which the Jewish clergy had fallen because it was more Seeker-Sensitive and collected more money.
Therefore, to find the modern sectarian system you can just look for those pushing "exhilaration" for worship and mixed-sex choirs and or instruments in order to be innovative or improvising to make the Word of God more powerful.
Beelzebub or Satan would try to try to triumph over those who (2) wanted to keep religion as a profitable profession, and (2) needed to Navigate the Winds of Change to make God's Spirit-inspired Word new and improved.
This slander of Jesus was part of the attempt to "triumph over" Jesus. Here is the Dead Sea Scroll understood Psalm 41 saying that Judas would not triumph over Jesus
The Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH) defines the Pharisees:
- And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood,
- have schemed against me a devilish scheme,
- to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by Thee
- for the smooth things which they speak to Thy people.
- And they withhold from the thirst the drink of Knowledge, (Amos 5, 6, 8, Isa 5)
- and assuage their thirst with vinegar,
- that they may gaze on their straying,
- on their folly concerning their feast-days (Jubilee, Feast of Tabernacles)
- on them fall into their snares.
- But Thou, O God,
- dost despise all Satan's designs;
- it is Thy purpose that they shall be done
- and the design of Thy heart
- that shall be established for ever.
- As for them, they dissemble,
- they plan devilish schemes.
- They seek Thee with a double heart
- and are not confirmed in Thy truth.
- A root bearing poisoned and bitter fruit
- is in their designs;
- they walk in stubbornness of heart
- and see Thee among idols,
- and they set before them
- the stumbling-block of their sin.
- They come to inquire of Thee
- from the mouth of lying prophets deceived by error
- Who speak with strange lips to Thy people,
- and an alien tongue,
- That they may cunningly turn
- all their work to folly.
These strange (foreign including females) people prophesied in the sense of singing, dancing, playing instruments and speaking strange or unknown tongues. Songs or magical incantations was a form of speaking in tongue and were composed in foreign languages and just recited by rote. This sign of "superiority" was enough to fool the fools. That is why tongues were a supernatural sign against the Jewish clergy on Pentecost.
God told Ezekiel this same story:
- Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still
- are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses,
- and speak one to another, every one to his brother,
- saying, Come, I pray you, and hear
- what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord. Ezekiel 33:30
- And they come unto thee as the people cometh,
- and they sit before thee as my people,
- and they hear thy words,
- but they will not do them:
- for with their mouth they shew much love,
- but their heart goeth after their covetousness. Ezekiel 33: 31
- And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song (female authority is sexual authority)
- of one that hath a pleasant voice,
- and can play well on an instrument:
- for they hear thy words,
- but they do them not. Ezekiel 33: 32
- And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,)
- then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them. Ezekiel 33: 33
This was fulfilled in the time of Jesus but, too late, those looking for musical entertainment which is always sexual entertainment would recognize that Jesus had been here and gone.
In the end times, while the trumpet quartets and musical women are serving the spectators, Jesus' voice will sound like their trumpet but Jesus will have been here and gone.
- 8
- For Thou, O God, hast sheltered me
- from the children of men
- And hast hidden Thy Law within me (gift of the spirit)
- against the time when Thou shoudst
- reveal Thy salvation to me. (Isaiah 11:1-3)
- All who have eaten my bread
- have lifted their heel against me (cf John 13:18)
- And all those joined to my Council
- have mocked me with wicked lips. (Children piping)
- Thy members of my Covenant have rebelled
- and have murmured round about me;
- They have gone as talebearers
- before the children of mischief
- concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me.
- 9
- They have overtaken me in a narrow pass (gap) without escape
- And there is no rest for me in my trial.
- They sound my censure upon a harp (triumphing over)
- and their murmuring and storming upon a zither." Ps.41:11
- Anguish seizes me
- like the pangs of a woman in travail, (John 16:21)
- and my heart is troubled within me.
- I am clothed in blackness
- and my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth. (Vermes, 165f)
- 14
- My strength has gone from my body
- and my heart runs out like water;
- my flesh is dissolved like wax
- and the strength of my loins is turned to fear.
- My arm is torn from its socket
- and I can lift my hand no more;
- My foot is held by fetters
- and my knees slide like water;
- I can no longer walk.
- I cannot step forward lightly,
- For my legs and arms are bound by shackles
- which cause me to stumble.
- The tongue is gone back which Thou didst make
- marvelously mighty within my mouth;
- it can no longer give voice.
- I have no word for my disciples
- to revive the spirit of those who stumble
- and to speak words of support to the weary.
- My circumcised lips are dumb.
- But the band plays on - yea, even to the foot of the cross!
When the Jewish clergy piped to make Jesus sing and dance, they were trying to force Him into the Beelzebub or Satanic (Dionysus, Bacchus) worship of their "father."
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. John 8:43
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44
Nevertheless, In Victory Jesus never sang with instruments and "more or less violently" cast out the musical mourning team in order to heal the young girl:
In hymn 11, Jesus triumphs in the Spirit
- They enter my heart and reach into my bones to...
- and to meditate in sorrowful meditation.
- I will groan with the zither of lamentation
- in all grief-stricken mourning and bitter complaint
- until iniquity and wickedness are consumed
- and the disease-bringing scourge is no more.
- Then will I play
- on the zither of deliverance
- and the harp of joy,
- on the tabors of prayer
- and the pipe of praise without end
The Community Rule (1QS) reads in part to exclude instruments from the Jubilee:
- And at the beginning of their weeks
- for the season of Jubilee.
- All my life the engraved Precept shall be on my tongue
- as the fruit of praise
- and the portion of my lips.
- I will sing with knowledge and all my music
- shall be for the glory of God.
- (My) lyre (and) my harp shall sound
- for His holy order
- and I will tune the pipe of my lips
- to His right measure.
Paul outlawed the "new wine" worship of Dionysus or Bacchus by making the human voice as the only "instrument" which could perform a psalm (metrical song) without siding with the enemies of Christ:
- By him therefore let us offer
- the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
- that is, the fruit of our lips,
- giving thanks to his name. Heb.13:15
- And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess;
- but be filled with the Spirit; Eph 5:18
- Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
- singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Eph 5:19
- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
- teaching and admonishing one another
- in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
- singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16
These are direct commands. To do otherwise is to try to herd Christ into a narrow pass with loud singing and instruments. This is the Judas parable: Christ's "best friends" are actually the agents of Beelzebub.
The clergy with Judas the "inside agent" managed to get Jesus crucified because this was the will of God. However, they did not triumph over Him by forcing Him into the effeminate dancing and singing while they played the wind instruments. Click For More.
Therefore, we see only two primary sects in the New Testament. The first sect was that of the Jewish clergy who were the agents of Satan. As such, there was a focus on professional clergy, replacing the Word of God with new books of regulations, buildings and grounds and the machinery of "collection plates" which could actually take away a widow's house. The Sadducees were the temple people; the Pharisees preferred their plans to replace the Word of God and the Scribes were the writers, publishers and sellers of new replacements for the Scripture. The Levites, having according to Josephus destroyed the nation once with music were restored to clergy roles.
The second sect was primarily noted by keeping the Law and later the Words of Jesus in song and sermon. They restored the spiritual method of speak to God and one another using the Words of God. They repudiated the instruments which had taken away the key to knowledge in Judaism and imitated the practice of Jesus in speaking the Psalms.
There is a clear way to identify the Beelzebub den of vipers and offspring of Satan, their father.
- "Worship was form more than substance; consequently, conduct in the marketplace was totally unaffected by worship in the holy place. Amos spoke from the conviction that social justice is an integral part of the Mosaic covenant, which regulates relations not only between God and people, but also among people." (King, p. 44).
"In pagan traditions, musical instruments are invented by gods or demi-gods, such as titans (Saturn, seitans, satans). In the Bible, credit is assigned to antediluvian patriarchs, for example, the descendants of Cain in Genesis 4:21.
There is no other biblical tradition about the invention of musical instruments." (Freedman, David Noel, Bible Review, Summer 1985, p. 51).
Those who hold onto the "Old Paths" are called Faithful Christians and not Sectarians.> There are patterns: either Christ's patterns or our patterns.
> Adopting our patterns, according to Jesus, makes our worship vain.
> Those who attempt to change the rules of the game to fit culture are by definition the sectarians.
According to Vine, a vested interest in the change makes a heresy certain.
> Click Here: John Locke and others define Sectarian and Heresy. Locke notes:
For it is not the paucity of those that are separated,
nor the authority of the magistrate,
that can make any man guilty of heresy,but he only is a heretic who divides the Church into parts,
........... introduces names and marks of distinction,
........... and voluntarily makes a separation because of such opinions.How Do You Deal With Pharisees and Sectarians?
First: understand that while there are modern Pharisees and Sectarians, they are not Jesus. Therefore, while too many claim special enlightenment it is a easily-provable fact that too often they turn the Scripture to their own use and therefore do not feel any "post-modern" need to teach the word "as it has been delivered."
Attacks made upon Jesus are not always the ones made on Bible believers. However, it is a fact that labeling Him a Beelzebub agent was really a secret hope that Jesus was the Tammuz, Dionysus or Bacchus who would restore literal fertility through "fertility rituals" of which the Feast of Tabernacles at this time was a prime example. When those faithful to the Christ Pattern as amplified by His apostles, are attacked as sectarians it is a not-too-secret urge to get everyone under the same umbrella for easier control. And from the Jubal story as told by Enoch and many others, music is the prime attack weapon of Satan.
Second, understand that the "giants" can be felled by a non-warrior's pebble. Remember too, that the Giant came from Gath the place of treading out wine. Therefore, when people equate you to the giant felled by David they are accusing you of more than just being big. The giant came from Gath and is used symbolically of Satan's agent who, in all of the ancient stories, were given their power by Satan. Their weapons of attack were wine, women and song. The giants were the Rapha or Rephaim and their descendants still stalked the earth.
And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant. 2S.21:20
Gath (h1660) gath; prob. from 5059 (in the sense of treading out grapes); a wine-press (or vat for holding the grapes in pressing them): - (wine-) press (fat).
And at Gath was the new wine vats of the giants
Nagan (h5059) naw-gan'; a prim. root; prop. to thrum, i. e. beat a tune with the fingers; espec. to play on a stringed instrument; hence (gen.) to make music: - player on instruments, sing to the stringed instruments, melody, minstrel, player, playing
Therefore, don't believe it when you are equated to one of the giants, unless you are addicted to the new wineskin and musical worship.Third, don't get upset at being called a Sectarian or Pharisee unless you are one. Remember that the test of a Pharisee is:
A. They are professionals taking more than their share from widows while refusing to obey the command of Jesus to go preach the Word as Paul said: "As it has been delivered to you." They almost always have a ministry to cure everything from depression to bad breath.
B. They claim that Christ and the Apostles established no patterns and that (often) the epistles are the conflicting interpretations of apostles in conflict. Therefore, they have defined themselves out of the Bible believing group.
The denominational organization and musical instrument sectarians claimed that the apostle Paul's errors in theology freed them from using the Bible as authority.
Therefore, by simply using the terms innovative or progressive means that the new Grace Centered movements use the term "grace" as prior forgiveness for what they know to be claiming error for the Words of Christ and His Apostle-Prophets. They further know that they are sowing discord among brethren.
Grace is power, not prior forgiveness for deliberate sin.
C. They claim (as did the Pharisees) that the revealed Scripture, always held sacred, grows old and is no longer suitable as a "pattern" for the contemporary church.
The sectarins of the Restoration Movement, then and now, follow the Pharisee's view of Scripture. This gives them authority to make the Bible a "living document" to which we can add our improvements to God's oversights of silence. All sectarian innovators freely confessed that if the Bible was not in error and therefore gave them room to innovate and improve, then addind instruments as worship would be sin.
D. The Scribe-Hypocrite component adds the books to replace the Word of God and theatrical performance including instrumental music.
The Scribes put the new hermeneutic into written and marketable form. In addition, they could sell you a song or magical incantation guaranteed to make your wife love your or the boss give you a raise.
The sOPHISts enfolds OPHIS which is the wise SERPENT of the garden of Eden and of the end-time harlot "mystery Babylon" worship.
"Perhaps professor would be a rough modern equivalent to Sophist. It has a similar range from Professors of Greek to Professors of Phrenology and although some Professors research, all teach,
........... and all are paid which was a great reproach to the Sophists."Some of them were serious philosophers, educators or scholars;
........... others only cheap-jacks, who professed to teach only the sublime art of getting on.Did you want to improve your memory: Did you want to be a £1,000-a-year man? Some Sophist would teach you--for a fee.
Sophists went from city to city, lecturing on their particular subject, some indeed undertaking to lecture on any subject, but always for a fee. (Kitto, The Greeks, p. 168). See The Feast Of Tabernacles
Fourth, get the truth firmly established in your mind that when people attack long-term faithfulness to the teachings of the Bible as sectarianism it probably means that they are "making room at the table of respectability" for changes to the faith and practice knowing beforehand that it will "sow discord among brethren."
Fifth, if you are doing something out of just tradition and it is causing others to stumble then quit doing it. However, the Pharisees and Sectarians want you to believe that belief and practice on things like baptism, instrumental music and no felt need to endorse conflicting dogmas is "just your evil traditions." It is just as untrue as forcing Jesus to condemn people for washing their hands before they eat.
As usual, the true issue was replacing the commandments of God by the commandments of men and thereby producing a mouth religion. This, in turn, we have shown to be trying to control Christ by hemming Him in a "narrow pass" to force religion to be the servant of the vendors of diluted wine.
Sixth, if they tell you that "Jesus didn't die for A Capella music" just tell them that He was whipped and murdered to the beat of instrumental music. They killed Him but He never sang and danced to their tune. You should not either. Jesus really died to give rest or repose from those creating "spiritual anxiety from religious rituals" or trying to brand those belonging to Christ.
Our goal has been to show how the new hermeneutic allows most of us at times to take the clear words off the written page and give then a second incarnation which is totally opposite that spoken by God through Christ. If, indeed, there is only a "core" gospel then we don't really have to worry about how we handle the Words of the God of the Universe. I shudder.
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