James O'Kelly - The Royal Standard
The division of institutional religion and American Freedom produced the American Restoration Movement and other efforts to Speak where the Bible speaks. James O'Kelly was one such leader who rightly feared physical punishment.
From: The Life of Rev. James O'Kelly and the Early History of the Christian Church in the South, W. E. MacClenny, Cushing - Malloy, Inc., 1950
O'Kelly Chapel
One of the ways of repudiating the American Restoration Movement is to claim that its beliefs are based on "traditions" and that the demand of "commands, examples, or inferences" for those public practices in "worship" is based on a radical 'hermeneutic" out of step with the world's understanding of Scripture.A new view is that the "gospel" includes only seven facts about Jesus Christ while the rest of the Bible is the interpretation and application of uninspired and waring apostles.
Both of these views are presented in the same environment which led to the Americal Restoration Movement. That is, ungodly men engaged in making Christianity into a means of financial gain. We have examined these views presented by Dr. Rubel Shelly here.
We have further expanded on his claim that listening to God's direct commands for how He would be served as having no Biblical foundation here.
People like James O'Kelly have, since Pentecost, understood that Reformation of Restoration is required almost totally because of the evil men automatically collected by a professional priesthood. His particular battle was between the Episcopal church which had brought along all of Rome's errors and the Methodist church founded by moral and religious men.
O'Kelly, before Thomas Campbell, in his Declaration and Address had defined some requirements for groups to work together. And long before either, John Locke had done the same in the Reasonableness of Christianity.
We will add material from W. E. MacClenny's book as time allows:
APPENDIX A THE "ROYAL STANDARD." beginning page 232:
In order that the reader may get a clear and concise idea of Mr. Kelly's manner and style of writing we have appended a copy of the latter part of one of his works. To this we have let him affix his own titles. Most of his books are said to have been written not in his library, but while riding in his gig. The excerpt will suffice to show, we think, that he was well acquainted with the Bible and its teachings.
But let the reader peruse these lines, and form his own opinion of their worth:
1. I could call forth a cloud of witnesses from the Old and New Testaments to prove the authority, and sufficiency of the Scripture Hierarchy, but a few will be sufficient.
2. Thus saith the Lord by the pen of Moses, in the 18th of Deuteronomy: "The Lord shall raise up a prophet (Christ), him shall ye hear in all things."
3. The word of the Lord came unto the prophet Isaiah: "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is not light in them. Chap. 8:20.
4. The law and testimony must include the doctrines and government of Christ's Church.
5. I will now call for the testimony of Daniel, 9:9, [233] -10: "Neither have we obeyed the voice of the Lord, to walk in his laws, set before us by the prophets."
6. Isaiah 2:3. " For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord From Jerusalem." Compare 8:16. "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples." See 11:12.
7. Jerusalem was the place where the pure Gospel Church was established; from whence the doctrine and discipline went out into all the world.
8. Matthew 28:90. "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded." "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me." 2 Thes. 3:6. "Now we command you brethren, in the name of our Lord," etc.
9. Chapter 3:14. "If any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him."
10. The foundation of the true Church is found in Eph. 2:20. The apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ the corner stone. Compare Isaiah 9:7. [Note: the apostles laid the foundation but Jesus Christ was the corner stone]
11. That Christ is the only head of the Church, can be plainly proved by Scripture and reason, Isaiah 9:6: "The government shall be upon his shoulder."
12. Ephesians 4:15. Grow up into him in all things which is the head, etc.; and Col. 1:18. And he is the head of the body, the Church. Compare Ephesians 5: Christ the head of the Church as the husband is the head of the wife.
13. Shall the Church have two heads, or the woman two husbands? Who will not fear to set himself head with the Lord? [234]
14. That Jesus is the only law-giver, is evident from what hath been said, and what I will add. James, the apostle, saith: "Be ye doers of the word. Fulfill the royal law." Look into the perfect law of liberty. "We have one law-giver."
15. Let Paul speak: "Do we make void the law through faith? No, we establish the law." "We are under the law of Christ." What more do we wish?
16. As Christ is the only head of the true Church, then are his ministers on a perfect equality. Superiority is expressly forbidden. Matt. 20:25, 28; 23-8, 10. "Be not called Rabbi."
17. To act as lords, is to sit as legislators over God's house, and that by self election; and then to execute those laws on the lay members. [O'Kelly wrote from a period when clergy literally physically punished]
18. Whereas it is written, l Peter 5:2, etc.: "Feed the flock of God, overlook the business, not by constraint, neither as lords over God's heritage."
19. At the conference at Jerusalem, there were no ministers by the title of bishop. The fifteenth of Acts shows that the apostles and elders were the only ministers there. Compare Acts 20:28, etc.
20. "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor," i. e., support. If the elder must have double honor, what shall the bishop have? The apostles neglected him.
21. Paul did never exercise the authority that Francis doth. He did not lord it over their faith, nor send a minister but by his free consent. This is plain. I Cor. 16:12. [235]
1. The Church at Jerusalem was rightly founded, and in Acts 15, we find several ministers in that Church, compare 11:22, Heb. 13:7. Barnabas having long labored in the Church at Antioch, "he departed to Tarsus," etc.
2. Acts 12:25, we find Barnabas and Saul returning from Jerusalem after fulfilling their ministry there.
3. Acts 13:1,2,3. Several ministers in the Church of Antioch, to wit: Simon, Barnabas, Lucius, Manaen, etc. Verse 15. Paul and Barnabas are sent to other places, etc.
4. Acts 14:21, etc. Paul and Barnabas return back by Lystra, confirming the churches. After this (Acts 15:35) Paul and Barnabas labor in Antioch, "with many others."
5. Acts 15:36. Paul and Barnabas are found visiting all the churches, to see how they stood. Acts 16:4. They deliver the divine decrees (which were given by the Holy Ghost) to every church, for them to observe.
6. Besides those traveling ministers, they "ordained elders in every city." And as it is written in the Holy Bible, in the year 1610, "they ordained elders by the election of the churches." Why did the later translators leave those words out?
7. Acts 16:14. Paul and Silas with Timothy are found in the church at Berea. Paul is removed, but the other two remain. 18:1. Paul is found in Corinth. [236]
8. Acts 18:5, etc. Silas and Timothy coming to Paul from Macedonia. Ver. 19. Paul moves to the church at Ephesus, then in another church. Paul labors eighteen months.
9. Acts 18:27. An account that Aquila and Priscilla gave a letter of recommendation to a certain minister who was disposed to travel, and his name was Apollos.
10. And from their letter of recommendation, he was received by the churches of Achaia.
11. Acts 19:22. Timothy and Erastus are found going to the church of Macedonia, etc. Chap. 20:4, we find Paul and seven more traveling ministers together. Chap. 20:27, etc., the elders of the church in Ephesus receive the counsel of God from Paul.
12. Chap. 21:18, Paul is found at Jerusalem at the house of James, and all the elders present; the number I can not ascertain.
13. See I Cor. 3:8, etc. "He that planteth, and he that watereth are one; I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase."
14. Chap. 3:22. Let no man glory in men; whether Paul or Apollos- -all are yours. Chap. 4: 17. Timothy is sent to remind them of Paul's ways as he taught in every church.
15. Chap. 12 treats on the unity of the body, and the mutual care one should have for another, but if one member suffer, all should suffer with it.
16. Chap. 16:10. "If Timothy come, see that he may be with you without fear; for he worketh the work of God, as I also do." [237]
17. Verse 12. "As touching our brother Apollos, I greatly desired him to come unto you." * * * "But his will was not at all to come at this time." There was no bishop to compel him.
18. II Cor. 6:1. "We, then, as workers together with him, beseech you." Chap. 7:6, 7. Titus from the church at Corinth, comforteth the preachers in Macedonia. And again: "If any do inquire of Titus, he is my partner
19. And fellow helper concerning you." "They are the messengers of the churches and the glory of Christ." Lord, who would try to block up the way of a holy traveling minister?
20. In Paul's letter to Ephesus, we read in the beginning that the body is one, and Christ is her head. Chap. 4. One body, one spirit, one faith, one hope, one Lord, etc. Chap 5. "Christ is head and saviour of the body."
1. In Chap. 6, we read of a traveling minister, namely, Tychicus, sent to the church at Corinth. Phil. 2:19. "I trust in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy shortly." See Ver. 25.
2. In Paul's letter to the church at Colosse, Chap. 1:18, we read that Christ is head of the church. "I supposed it necessary to send unto you Epaphroditus."
3. Tychicus is sent to Colosse. Read the fourth chapter, and you will find two traveling ministers sent by the apostle of the church there: also an account of five ministers with Paul. [238]
4. Paul to the church of the Thessalonians wrote and sent "Timothy our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow-laborer in the Gospel of Christ." Eph. 3:2, and 5: "I sent to know your faith."
5. Paul wrote this to Timothy: "Demas hath forsaken me; Crescens is gone to Galatia; Titus is gone to Dalmatia; only Luke is with me."
6. II Tim. 4:9, etc., ver. 12, 20. "Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus, etc. Erastus abode at Corinth; but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick."
7. Paul to Titus: "I left thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set things in order that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed."
8. Titus 3:12. "When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me." Ver. 13. "Bring Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos on their journey." Phil. 2:29 and 30. Col. 4:10; II Cor. 8: 18, etc.
9. If what I have collected from the sacred writings will not suffice, to show the accuracy of traveling and settled ministers being on a perfect equality, and workers together in all the churches, in Scripture-times it would be of no use to draw more vouchers.
1. Let us now inquire for the author and reformer of the "Christian Church," or the New Testament that came down from God out of Heaven.
2. We find in Heb. 9:10, that the Lord Jesus is [239] the reformer. "He taketh away the first, that he might establish the second." Heb. 10:9.
3. He is the minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which Jehovah pitched, and not man. 8:2. He is the eternal Son, over his own house; and a high priest over the Church forever. Heb.
4. He is our Lord and only Master, and all we are brethren. "He that exalteth himself (above his brethren) shall be abased." See the Pope now. "Be not called Rabbi; and call no man your father." Matt. 23:8, 9, 10 and 11.
5. Jesus, Jehovah, is the only head of the "Christian Church." This will plainly appear from the following texts: I Cor. 9-3; Eph. 1:22; 4-15; Col. 1: 18, 24; 11:19. Two heads to one body would be a monster!
6. In the divine book of discipline, we find that females are under certain restrictions with regard to speaking in the church. And
7. The interpretation of this will fully and clearly show Christ the only head of the body--or church.
8. In I Cor. 11:5, etc., we find that women were allowed to pray, and prophesy, with covered heads. "Male and female are all one in Christ." Luke 1:41, etc. Elizabeth and Mary shouted and praised God aloud. Compare Luke 11:27. [1 Cor 11:5 was "outside of the assembly, see 11:17]
9. I Cor. 14:34, etc. "Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." [240]
10. By reading the foregoing part of the chapter? and then comparing the conclusive verse, where the apostle directed decent order; we shall find, that those were foolish, contentious women, who desired the pre-eminence. I. Tim. 2:12.
11. The interpretation appears to be this, "The head of the woman is the man": Therefore, when the woman taketh upon herself man's authority, either in her own house, or in the house of God,
12. She sitteth where she ought not; she disgraceth her husband, interrupteth her ministers, and bringeth shame to herself; because she hath taken authority over her head; and she shall be called a bold usurper.
13. But a helper she is, and for that purpose was she created. And the man is commanded to love, honor, and highly respect her. "A virtuous woman is far above rubies." "A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."
14. Jesus the Lord, is head of every man, (and woman), in the church. See I Cor. 11:3. "The head of every man is Christ; the head of the woman is the man; the head of Christ is God," that is, his own eternal Godhead.
15. Woman ought to appear in the holy assembly with head covered, either naturally or artificially, by keeping on, what the man taketh off. Let her cover her face when she speaketh or prayeth in the church.
16. But for a man to wear his hat in worship, or to wear long hair at any time, is a shame, and not the custom of Scripture times. I. Cor. 11:14, etc. [241]
1. The house of God is situate on a spiritual eminence, known by the name of "Mount Zion." The true Church is built on the eternal rock, on which are seven pillars, according to infinite wisdom and order; with mighty corner stones.
2. This foundation God laid by his prophets and apostles. See Eph. 2:20, etc. The true government was ever divine. The hierarchy by which the old Jerusalem church was governed, was a true Theocracy. Compare Daniel 9:9, 10.
3. The Lord appointed men in those days, who were inspired prophets, called judges; something resembling apostles. They traveled in their circuits, and they taught and explained the discipline.
4. The people at length were corrupted by the example of infidels, and in order to be like them, they earnestly desired a king; as a human and visible head to go before them. Samuel mourned; but God said, "They have rejected me." I Sam. 8:7.
5. And it came to pass after those days, that Rehoboam, by his oppressive measures, caused a separation. One party was called Judah, and the other [party] was called Ephraim. See Hosea on this.
6. While Ephraim was humble, God loved him. The Lord proposed to reform the church of Ephraim, and put them back on the divine order; saying, (Hosea 13:9, 10, 11) "I will be thy king," i. e. thy head.
7. They refused, "Ephraim envied Judah, and Judah vexed Ephraim." Ephraim turned to idolatry. [242] Judah was arrogant and ambitious, through bigotry and raging prejudice, whereby many sinned against light and knowledge, even unto death. And, crucified their great Reformer.
8. John the Baptist next appeared; he was not one of the Gospel ministers, but a great prophet, and forerunner of Christ, and His kingdom.
9. He stood as a link of chain between the Old and New Jerusalem. As Christ Jesus was appointed to be our High Priest, it behooved Him to fulfill every divine order.
10. Therefore, at thirty years of age (according to the flesh) he was baptized, and received the holy anointing, in the form of a dove: and thus he fulfilled that righteousness. Matt. 3:14, 15. See the Levitical laws.
11. The first Christian Church was planted in the old literal Jerusalem. From that church went forth the doctrine and discipline of our Lord, into all the world.
12. "The government shall be on his shoulder." Isaiah 9:6. "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples," Isaiah 8:16. Compare Isaiah 2:3. "Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
13. Truth is as a nail in a sure place. "Teach them all things whatsoever I have commanded you." "Not teaching for [practical] doctrine, the commandments of men."
14. This is the faith once delivered to the saints for which I contend. Holy doctrine begets holy faith [243]
and that produceth a holy life. To know God in Christ, and to serve him with a perfect heart, and willing mind--is pure religion.
1. My undefiled is one, the only one of her [heavenly] mother. Song of Solomon 6:9. The different scattered churches belong to the same Head and organized body. Those churches are elect sisters. See John's second letter and last verse.
2. The uniting plan is found in the epistle to Ephesians 4:4, etc. One body, one spirit, one calling, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father, one way to heaven.
3. Who is on the Lord's side? Now let names and parties fall, "The Christian Church" be one and all. There is but one door into this body, I Cor. 12:13. And there is but one way out; that is sin. Isaiah 59:2.
4. The church is the Lord's court. Psalms 65:4. At this court ministers (who are only leading characters, and gifted members) are to be tried for disorder.
5. Was it ever heard, was it ever read between the lids of the New Testament where particular laws were laid down for the bishop, the elders, etc.?
6. The title minister, or ministri, signifying servants; to attend and wait, not as masters to be ministered unto, but servants for Jesus's sake: and therefore to minister.
7. See Jesus of glory, in the days of his humility, washing the disciples' feet! Bow, ye haughty prelates, and fall before the Lord thy God. [244]
8. "My kingdom is not of this [political] world." John 18:36. William, whose surname is McKendree, was quite out of the secret, when he spake at Lane's Chapel (1797) after this manner:
9. That O'Kelly had led him astray for a long time; but by reading "church policy" he found himself in error; and was now ready to defend the Methodist Episcopal Government.
10. Let no man who believes the Scriptures, and will observe (Rev. 22:18, 19) ever venture to deny the sufficiency of the Scriptures in governing the "Christian Church." See the rules.
11. Art thou a Christian, and civil citizen? See Romans 12:1, 2, etc. "Let every soul be in subjection," etc. Art thou a neighbor? "Love thy neighbor (in justice, equity, truth, mercy and kindness) as thyself;" "Do by all as you would be done by."
12. In giving, lending, borrowing, etc., let this be thy rule in all things; treat others as you would reasonably desire them to treat you.
13. Art thou honestly seeking the necessities of life? "Provide for thy household." Yet, "Beware of covetousness." Luke 12:15. Seek not to be rich. "If riches increase, set not your heart upon them."
14. "Be rich in good works: ready to distribute." "Having food and raiment, be content."
15. Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them." Let the wife see that she obey, and reverence her husband. Parents, provoke not your children; but bring them up in Godly discipline. Paul.
16. "Children, obey your parents." "Servants [245]
obey your masters. Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal, (Col. 4:1,) knowing that you have a Master in heaven." "Forbear threatening."
17. Art thou a Christian slave? Learn patience, be as content as possible; use no provoking nor hostile measures for thy deliverance; but if Providence opens a legal way, embrace it.
18. The feelings of God are thus addressed by the apostle, Heb. 13:3. "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; being yourselves also in the body." "Let the oppressed go free." Isaiah.
1. As members of one body, Christ is the center of union, as also the head, from whom all receive nourishment. Love to Him is the term of communion: "If any man love not Jehovah, Jesus Christ, let him be expelled," I Cor. last chapter, 22 verse.
2. Marks of love to Jesus Christ must be judged by our willing obedience to his commands. "If ye love me keep my commandments."
3. If any man that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one do not eat. I Cor. 5:11.
4. If any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him. II Thess. 3:14. If a man sin [publicly] rebuke him before all. Paul.
5. If a brother walk disorderly in thy sight, or trespass against thee, follow the divine rule laid down in [246]
Matt. 18:15, etc. But, if thy brother repent, "thou shalt forgive him." Luke 17:3, 4; II Cor. 2:6, etc.
6. If disputes arise among the brethren respecting temporal matters, and they can not settle it themselves to their satisfaction, they have a plain rule. I Cor. 6:1. You need be at no loss for divine rules of discipline.
7. See the equality in the "Christian Church." Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted, but the rich in that he is made low. James 1:9, 10.
8. With regard to clothing; I read that gold rings, gaudy raiment, things very rich, and costly, things naughty and superfluous, with a fashionable conformity to a vain world, are expressly forbidden. Moderation is right.
9. A little wine is lawful, and necessary in several cases. Paul. Strong drink in cases of necessity, said Solomon. But the general rule is, "Whether you eat, or drink, etc., do all to the glory of God."
10. Again, "Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good; think on these things." Phil. 4:8.
11. Marriage is honorable. Heb. 13:4, but Christians ought to marry in the Lord, and not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
12. God's house is the house of prayer for all nations, saith the prophet. Yet the Church has rules to know ministers by. See Matt. 7:16; II John; Isaiah 8:20.
13. With regard to the equality and unity of ministers, traveling and settled, as workers in all churches, [247] in the days of truth--I am able to draw forth a cloud of witnesses; but seeing they are to be found in Acts, and the epistles of the apostles, why should I write them? "Search the Scriptures."
14. The churches are directed to esteem and support their ministers (who need) and especially those who labor (as an ox) and rule well, giving their whole time to the business.
15. The way of partial chosen pastors, one for Paul, and one for Apollos, is the way to exalt some ministers and debase others. It appears so unequal, that I can not think it is divine. All are yours--whether Paul or Apollos, etc.
16. To conclude, let us who fear the Lord, forsake not our select meetings; whilst the following texts remain in the Bible: Malachi 3:16, James 5:16. Hebrews 10:25. "Be ready to give an answer of the reason of your hope." I Peter 3:15. Exhort one another, edify one another. Come ye that fear God, and I will tell what he hath done for my soul. David. See I Cor. 14. Occasionally an unbeliever might be let into these meetings, and be convinced of all, and report that God is there.
18. "Know the state of thy flock." Solomon. That leading men were in the church, besides ministers, read Acts 15:22. That the church is the free woman, read Gal. 5:1; I Cor. 5; Matt. 18, Acts 15. "Stand fast in the liberty wherein Christ hath made thee free." Amen.
James O'Kelly's "Plan of Christian Union" [248]
In Volume I, pages 39 and 44 of the Herald of Gospel Liberty we have an extract from the writings of Rev. James O'Kelly under the title of "A Plan of Union proposed," which we give in full as it shows his sentiments at the time:
Should I, who talk of union, attempt to set the example, or lay down a plan, where should I begin?
2. I am acquainted with those of the Baptist order, that my soul has fellowship with; but the door into that Church is water-- and I can not enter because of unbelief.
3. I am acquainted with some of the Presbyterian order, whom I love in the Lord. But before I can be a minister in that society,
I must accede to, or acknowledge a book called "The Confession of Faith."
4. This I can not do, until I can believe that God eternally decreed some angels and men to eternal life, and the rest to eternal death--and this is unalterably fixed.
5. Should I propose to unite with my old family, the Methodists, to whom my attachment is greater than to any people in the world; notwithstanding their treatment to me:
6. I could not be received, unless I could subject myself to a human head, and subscribe to an oppressive, and unscriptural form of government.
7. I would propose to promote Christian union by [249] the following method, viz:
Let the Presbyterians lay aside the book called "The Confession of Faith."
8. Which faith, is proposed to ministers before they are received; and instead thereof, present the Holy Bible to the minister who offers himself as a fellow laborer.
9. Let him be asked if he believes that all things requisite and necessary for the church to believe and obey, are already recorded by inspired men.
10. Let the Baptists open a more charitable door,
and receive to their communion those of a Christian life and experience; and they themselves eat bread with their Father's children.
11. Let my offended brethren, the Methodists,
lay aside their book of discipline, and abide by the government laid down by the apostles--seeing those rules of faith and practice were given from above.
12. And answer for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. II Tim. 3:10, 17.
13. What more does the Church need, than is above inserted. Let their Episcopal dignity submit to Christ,
who is the head and only head of his Church; and then we as brethren will walk together, and follow God as dear children.
14. O, how this would convince the world that we were true men, and not speculators--This would give satan an incurable wound; and make deism ashamed.
15. Again as each Church is called by a different name, suppose we dissolve those unscriptural names [250] and for peace's sake call ourselves Christians? This would be--"The Christian Church."
16. At present, I can see no better method than what I here propose; but if any one can display a more scriptural method to promote union, for the Lord's sake let him show it.
17. All may see what I am at, I wish the divine Saviour to be the only head and governor of the Church, her law and center of union.
18. I wish all the faithful followers of our Lord to love one another with a pure heart fervently. Let them break down the middle wall of partition; and all break bread together.
19. Blessed will the eyes be that shall see that day. The shouts of the Christian Church will then be as terrible to the strong holds of satan, as the sound of the rams' horns was to Jericho.
20. Such a sacred plan as this, in my view would exclude boasting, God and his Christ would be exalted.
21. The followers of Christ were at the first called disciples; but at length they were called Christians. This was the new name which was spoken of by Isaiah, 62:2.
22. Those Christians compose the Christian Church, or the body of Christ. Brethren, if we are Christ's then are we Christians, from his authority, his name, and his divine nature.
23. This, if we would comply with, would cause the "residue of men to seek after the Lord; and all the gentiles upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord." Acts, 15 :17. [251]
24. The glorious temple erected by Solomon was walled, evacuated and utterly destroyed by the enemy: yea the very foundation rooted up. But the foundation of the Christian Church standeth sure, the gates of hell can not prevail.
25. Therefore, all that we have to do, brethren, is to quit our babel, and as the soul of one man, strive in union to build the "Christian Church," with the golden doctrine of love and holiness, and the silver discipline of Christ's laws.
26. If a brother can not say shibboleth as plain as you,
yet let him pass and smite him not. In matters not at all essential, we may bear and forbear, until God gives more light. Come, Christian, what sayest thou?
27. Let us not consider, every notion of the brain as the established article of our faith, or creed.
Let not our reason be so imposed upon as to suffer our party zeal any longer to break the bands of Christian friendship.
28. You may observe the regular soldiers who are well instructed in the inhuman business of war, although they have their favorites, and mess together, but when the alarm of war is given, and they behold the enemy approaching, they all unite under the same discipline, with life in hand:
29. They join in compact union, with one consent, in one common cause--against the foe; they are then led on by their leaders as the captains of their salvation, and die by each other or gain the day. [252]
30. But it is not so with us. We too, are soldiers against infernal spirits, and the power of wickedness, our weapons spiritual:
31. And we turn our swords against one another, and each party appears to be engaged in a separate cause, as if each name had a separate God. While all confess there is but one God, and one way to heaven.
32. I have observed that when a minister of righteousness delivers the doctrine of holiness and love,
in doing this he must point out the errors existing among professors, there is some name generally offended.
33. After a person takes offense from something delivered from the pulpit, the remaining part of the sermon, however spiritual, is left to that offended brother.
34. But were we all of one name, errors could be exploded from the pulpit and the press, while the divine reproofs and corrections would give conviction, without offense. We could enjoy much more satisfaction of society in this world, and be better capacitated for the society above.
35. When souls are awakened by the voice of the Son of God through preaching, they then incline to forsake the foolish, and associate with people of good conversation.
36. They stand in the way, and ask for the road to life; each party casts out a clew and assures the strangers that their light is divine. The other name will warn the seekers against the errors of that people; for they build with "wood and stubble." [253]
37. The inquirers stand astonished at the Christians, until they are tossed to and fro, like waves of the sea, and some have turned back, and walked no more with us.
38. O, why do we wander in paths of man's invention,
or cleave to the example of modern churches; and why such violent attachment to names, seeing the royal standard is at hand?
39. Only unanimously agree that the Holy Jesus shall be the only head of his Church, and the only center of her union, and the one law-giver.
40. We then as brethren, and pastors after God's own hand, can preach Christ Jesus the Lord, and we will serve--for Jesus' sake.
- On Restoration Principles with Photos
- And Thomas Jefferson with Photo
- Life of James O'Kelly - MacClenny Ch. XVII with Photos