Arians Changing the Law With Musical Worship Teams
Arius denied the Deity of Christ and promoted it by the use of musical worship teams. The values of his women were automatically suspect when they put themselves in the role. However, they attracted the masses to the agent changing the law.Even so, Arius and his band of musicians honored Paul's rule for the churches:
when they went into the assembly the musical worship teams ceased in the name of decency when the Lord's Supper was served and prayers offered.
Plato warned that when the style of music changes we should not just worry about the singing but the nature of the songs. His warning was sounded because he had been told
that when the nature of music changed it was in order to change the style of government.
The musicians were the menial servants of the priesthood to force or pacify, through induced drugs (endorphins), the people to go along with the changes even though the emotionally-mature knew that it was for the aggrandizement of the change agent. They gagged on being fooled but would suffer anything to "keep the unity of the brotherhood." I would think that even an illiterate shepherd would know that wolves and sheep cannot coexist when the walls are broken down.
It just seems impossible to use talented, professional level singers without bringing along new styles and new words to replace the Words of Christ. Of course, our choice and style once divided the church but have become "codified" and therefore scriptural.
"Already at the end of the second century the Byzantine, Syrian, and later the Armenian church showed a marked preference for new, nonscriptural hymns, despite all warnings by the catholic authorities. Even Canon 59 of the Council of Laodicea (360-81), which expressly prohibited nonscriptural texts, was constantly circumvented and openly violated, as the enormous hymn literature of the Eastern churches demonstrates.
No psalms composed by private individuals nor any uncanonical books may be read in the church, but only the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments."The fact that the Maronite or Uniate Armeanian churches came under Roman jurisdiction did in no way diminish the quantity of free hymns in their liturgies. Such inclinations are obviously remnants of ethnic, possibly pagan, predilections, which no doctrine, however strict, could eliminate.
Musically speaking, this results in the relatively larger number of metrical tunes in the Eastern tradition...
The West remained conservative, faithful to scripture, and admitted rather late (seventh to eighth century) metrical Latin hymns to its official liturgy." (Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, p. 460, Abingdon).
The Arians understood that the way to gather a crowd (not worth gathering) was by exhibitionist musicians:
"The Arians, as we have said, held their meetings without the city. As often therefore as the festal days occurred, that is to say, the Sabbath and Lord's day of each week, on which assemblies are usually held in the churches,
they congregated within the city gates about the public piazzas, and sang responsive verses adapted to the Arian heresy.
This they did during the greater part of the night; and again in the morning, chanting the same responsive compositions, they paraded through the midst of the city,
and so passed out the gates to go to their places of assembly." (Socrates or 'Scholasticus,' Ecclesiastical History, Book VI, Chapt. ViII., p. 314).
Chapter VIII.
The Arians and the Supporters of the `Homoousion' hold Nocturnal Assemblies and sing Antiphonal Hymns, a Species of Composition ascribed to Ignatius, surnamed Theophorus.39 Conflict between the Two Parties.
"The Arians, as we have said, held their meetings without the city. As often therefore as the festal days occurred, that is to say, the Sabbath and Lord's day of each week, on which assemblies are usually held in the churches, they congregated within the city gates about the public piazzas, and sang responsive verses adapted to the Arian heresy. This they did during the greater part of the night; and again in the morning, chanting the same responsive compositions, they paraded through the midst of the city, and so passed out the gates to go to their places of assembly." (Socrates or 'Scholasticus,' Ecclesiastical History, Book VI, Chapt. VII., p. 314).
But since they did not desist from making use of insulting expressions in relation to the Homoousians often singing such words as these: `Where are they that say three things are but one power?'
John fearing lest any of the more simple should be drawn away from the church by such kind of hymns, opposed to them some of his own people, that they also employing themselves in chanting nocturnal hymns,
might obscure the effort of the Arians,
and confirm his own party in the profession of their faith.John's design indeed seemed to be good, but it issued in tumult and dangers. For as the Homoousians performed their nocturnal hymns with greater display,-for there were invented by John silver crosses for them on which lighted wax-tapers were carried, provided at the expense of the empress Eudoxia,-
the Arians who were very numerous, and fired with envy, resolved to revenge themselves by a desperate and riotous attack upon their rivals.
For from the remembrance of their own recent domination, they were full of confidence in their ability to overcome, and of contempt for their adversaries. Without delay therefore, on one of these nights, they engaged in a conflict; and Briso, one of the eunuchs of the empress, who was at that time leading the chanters of these hymns, was wounded by a stone in the forehead, and also some of the people on both sides were killed. Whereupon the emperor being angered, forbade the Arians to chant their hymns any more in public. Such were the events of this occasion.
We must now however make some allusion to the origin of this custom in the church of responsive singing. Ignatius third bishop of Antioch in Syria from the apostle Peter, who also had held intercourse with the apostles themselves,
saw a vision of angels hymning in alternate chants the Holy Trinity. Accordingly he introduced the mode of singing he had observed in the vision into the Antiochian church; whence it was transmitted by tradition to all the other churches. Such is the account [we have received] in relation to these responsive hymns.
Not even the Arians dared bring the musical performance into the secret places where they met the Lord in His Supper. However, their mass meetings were to inculcate a diminished role for Christ and an increased, oversight - teaching role for women:
"Arius, therefore, and Achilles, having lately entered into a conspiracy, emulating the ambition of Colluthus, have turned out far worse than he.... they... endured no longer to be subject to the Church; but building for themselves dens of thieves, they hold their assemblies in them unceasingly, night and day directing their calumnies against Christ and against us. For since they call in question all pious and apostolocal doctrine, after the manner of the Jews, they have constructed a workshop for contending against Christ,... and preaching that he is only the equal of others." (Alexander, Epistles on the Arian Heresy, Ante-Nicene VI, p. 291)
As always, the recruited women were convinced by the leader (hiding his methods and motives) that their exhibitionism was serving God. They knew little of God's Mind or Spirit and were just sheep helping the new change agent bring the existing churches into a tribunal (published far and wide to make the churches of Christ look like immature fools) to judge the old pattern makers and applaud the new paradigm makers:
"And now indeed, they drag us before the tribunals of the judges, by intercourse with silly and disorderly women, whom they have led into error; at another time they cast oppribum and infamy upon the Christian religion, their young maidens disgracefully wandering about every village and street. Nay, even Christ's indivisible tunic, which His executioners were unwilling to divide, these wretches have dared to rend " (Alexander, Epistles on the Arian Heresy, Ante-Nicene VI, I)
First Friendship Evangelism with Musical Women
Any woman who would get involved with putting herself on display was automatically looked upon with suspicion. Of course, among those looking for entertainment how better to attract them. However, talented or spiritually motivated, Paul knew that it was not possible for women to preside, oversee or stand over the flock of sheep--perhaps mostly goats--without misdirecting their minds to sensual "worship" to replace a quiet reading of the already - preached songs and sermons recorded in Scripture.
"For these seducers do always lie, nor will they ever speak the truth. They go about the cities, attempting nothing else but that under the mark of friendship and the name of peace, by their hypocrisy and blandishments, they may give and receive letters, to deceive by means of these a few silly women, and laden with sins, who have been led captive by them'." (Alexander, Epistles on the Arian Heresy, Ante-Nicene VI, p. 296).
However, the common theme is that when our "patterns" are failing and we need, as in Mexico and Babylon, to help God hold up the skys, we find a legalistic way to get God to rescue us we turn to music. The sexual appeal of women has always been used to enhance the religious system for financial gain. Of Corinth, where their assemblies "did more harm than good." The Arians and their female musical worship teams were repeting a common practice of the pagan world. Many examples show that a loss of confidence in the old "wineskin" caused people to do outrageous things because they believed in "the holiness of sin."
"This mountain was covered with temples and splendid houses; but was especially devoted to Venus, and was the place of her worship....and it was enjoined by law, that one thousand beautiful females should officiate as courtesans, or public prostitutes, before the altar of the goddess of love. In time of public calamity and imminent danger, these women attended at the sacrifices, and walked with the other citizens singing sacred hymns...
"Foreign merchants were attracted in this way to Corinth; and in a few days would be stripped of all their property...It became the most gay, dissipated, corrupt, and ultimately the most effeminate and feeble portion of Greece." (Barnes, Albert, Introduction to 1 Cor., p. iv).
In time, the church would return to its pagan roots and demand clergy musicians to replace the congregational singing of the Words of Christ. In order to keep their flock from being seduced by the Arian musical worship teams, the old wineskin churches adopted their practices, perhaps to keep their leaders home:
"In competition with pagan musical art, congregational singing began to wane. Basil states that he had 'the Psalms rendered by skillful presentors after the manner of the triumphal Odes of Pindar, the congregation joining at the closing verse, with the accompaniment of lyres." Int Std Bible Ency., p. 2494A For more CLICK HERE
Malchion wrote against Paul of Samosota
"Neither need I say anything about his pride and the haughtiness with which he assumed worldly dignities, and his wishing to be styled procurator (employed to manage your affairs) rather than bishop (servant or shepherd) and his strutting through the market-places, and reading letters and reciting them as he walked in public, and his being escorted by multitudes of people going before him and following him.
These men always sold themselves as ministers or servants. However, the obvious and early method was to subjugate the church to his plans and programs. If you didn't endorse his control of your money and spiritual authority he turned on you and gored you to put you out of business so the others would not dare speak or protest:
"Nor of his censuring and insulting those who did not applaud him nor shake their handkerchiefs, as in done in the theatres, nor bawl out and leap about after the manner of his partisans, both male and female, who were such disorderly listeners to him, but chose to hear reverently and modestly as in the house of God; nor of his unseemly and violent attacks in the congregation upon the expounders of the Word who have already departed this life, and his magnifying himself, not like a bishop, but like a sophist (clever but devious speakers--for hire) and juggler (jokester, buffoon); nor of his putting a stop to the psalms sung in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, as (he supposed) the compositions of recent men, and preparing women to sing psalms in honour of himself in the midst of the church, in the great day of the Paschal festival, which choristers one might shudder to hear."
You cannot sing the magical incantation of Fanny Crosby and preach a sermon extolling her virtues (however deserved) without worshiping Fanny. You cannot sing "praise" songs composed to display the looks and talent of a musical worship team without diminishing the Word of Christ written to be our songs and sermons.
Musical Worship Teams Engender Pride
It seems clear that entertaining church assemblies and large buildings are intended to reflect favorably upon the team. One historian noted the connection between cathedrals and "civic pride." The biggest building with the best entertainment got the concession for the fairs and lots of trinkets and books and sermons were sold. Perhaps big money will under gird your effort because it is good for the motel and entertainment industry. No magic handkerchiefs for the not-quite-fools but magical little books to make you more spiritual. Kill off the competing gods by holding news conferences.
"Just now there is a commotion among the choirs of some of the city churches, which extends to the congregations,
growing out of high bidding for leading singers--one church bidding over another.
It is said that one Presbyterian church has offered a lady who sings in an Episcopal choir the sum of eight hundred dollars per annum to change her position. In another Episcopal church the choir is being reconstructed on a basis of expending some twelve hundred per year for music. In other churches there is uneasiness in the choirs, and all are looking for something better. The church that has the most popular choir draws the largest miscellaneous audiences.." (Millennial Har., 1868, pp. 280-285).
I doubt that we would convene a loud, amplified, rehearsed choir to play while God-Incarnate took upon Himself the suffering of lost mankind. These performances, even they say ten thousand "Lord, Lords" or other mantras, must and may be intending to hide the God Who demands that we give up trying to arouse idols and come before Him in silence.
This Paul of Samosata refused to acknowledge that the Son of God came down from heaven. The women who could be seduced into being his co-ministers were kept with the clergy:
"Nor shall I say any thing of the quackery which he practises in the ecclesiastical assemblies, in the way of courting popularity and making a great parade, and astounding by such arts the minds of the less sophisticated; nor of his setting up for himself a lofty tribunal and throne, so unlike a disciple of Christ; nor of his having a secretum and calling it by that name, after the manner of the rulers of this world;
nor of his striking his thigh with his hand and beating the tribunal with his feet;
nor of his censuring and insulting those who did not applaud him nor shake their handkerchiefs, as is done in the theatres,
nor bawl out and leap about after the manner of his partisans, both male and female, who were such disorderly listeners to him, but chose to hear reverently and modestly as in the house of God; nor of his unseemly and
violent attacks in the congregation upon the expounders of the Word who have already departed this life, and his magnifying of himself, not like a bishop, but like a sophist and juggler;
nor of his putting a stop to the psalms sung in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the recent compositions of recent men,
and preparing women to sing psalms in honour of himself in the midst of the Church.
in the great day of the Paschal festival, which choristers one might shudder to hear. And besides, he acted on those bishops and presbyters, who fawned upon him in the neighbouring districts and cities, to advance the like opinions in their discourses to their people.
3. For we may say, to anticipate a little what we intend to write below, that he does not wish to acknowledge that the Son of God came down from heaven. And this is a statement which shall not be made to depend on simple assertion; for it is proved abundantly by those memoranda which we sent you, and not least by that passage in which he says that Jesus Christ is from below. And they who sing his praise and eulogise him among the people, declare that their impious teacher has come down as an angel from heaven. And such utterances the haughty man does not check, but is present even when they are made.
And then again there are these women-these adopted sisters,
as the people of Antioch call them-who are kept by him and by the presbyters and deacons with him, whose incurable sins in this and other matters, though he is cognisant of them, and has convicted them, he connives at concealing, with the view of keeping the men subservient to himself, and preventing them, by fear for their own position, from daring to accuse him in the matter of his impious words and deeds. Besides this, he has made his followers rich, and for that he is loved and admired by those who set their hearts on these things. (Malchion, Ante-Nicene Fathers).
This Paul probably didn't know much about the Apostle Paul:
"While Paul's contempt of musical instruments was based upon the Pharisaic view, the later Christian authorities had much more cogent reasons for their antagonism against all instrumental music. The pagan theater and circus, with their licentious (read: "head exposed for exhibit.")
female musicians, attracted vast masses of Gentile Christians, who were accustomed to these spectacles... The church needed three centuries of severe legislation to eradicate at least the worst of these orgiastic customs." (Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, p. 468-9, Abingdon).
Surely, if we put our talent and women on display the "gentiles" or unbelievers can be attracted to our church. The "children of god" movement put their women and even young girls out as prostitutes knowing that this is a powerful way to attract customers. Afterward, we can somehow get him indoctrinated and initiated into our mysteries.
"We have evidence of ritual dances in the context of other Syrian cults. One of the Ras Shamra poems, in a passage...mentions mrqdm 'dancers' apparently in connection with a sacrifice. Herodian depicts Heliogabalus at a sacrifice to his god of Emesa, 'dancing round the altars to the sound of every kind of musical instrument; with him certain women of his country performed a sprightly round, with cymbals and tambourines in their hands. At Dair ee-Qala'a, near Beirut, there was a sanctuary dedicated to Baal-Marqod, 'Baal of the Dance' whose cult evidently involved dancing. An inscription relating to the sanctuary mentions a deuterostates, a technical word for one who stands in the back row of the choir." (de Vaux, Roland, p. 241, The Bible and the Ancient Near East, Doubleday ).
CLICK HERE to see Plato's comments on how to change the law with music.
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