Max Lucado correct: Baptism a Pledge

Oct. 2.2.18 When God pours out SPIRIT the RESULT is God' Word Only.

When People hear Spirits the Spirit is of APOLLON and the result is that Jesus is silenced by instrumental noise.

Prov. 1:23
Turn you at my reproof:  [be converted]
behold, I will POUR out MY SPIRIT unto you,
         I will make known MY WORDS unto you.


Prō-fĕro to carry out, bring forth, produce

I.A. To carry or bring out, to bring forth (class.; cf.: prodo, produco, adduco):

2.Of pronunciation, to utter, pronounce (post-Aug.): “extremas syllabas,” 
3.To extend, enlarge (class.): “castra, Caes, B. C. 1, 81: et proferre libet fines,” Juv. 14, 142: “pomoerium,” Gell. 13, 14, 2
4. Mode of speech, language, use of language, style:
tenui oratione et scripturā levi,” Ter. Phorm. prol. 5

II. B  to bring out, make known, produce in public, publish (class.): “ejus (orationis) proferendae arbitrium tuum,” : “artem,” to exhibit publicly, —who have RAISED themselves from IGNORANCE, Sen. Ep. 52, 3; Plin. Ep. 1, 13, 1
    2. Of pronunciation, to utter, pronounce (post-Aug.): “extremas syllabas,” Quint. 11, 3, 33.

C. To bring forth, produce, invent, discover, MAKE KNOWN, REVEAL
D.  To bring forward, QUOTE, CITE, MENTION

Orātĭo    1. Speech, the power or faculty of speech, the habit or use of language: “quae (ferae) sunt rationis et orationis expertes,
III.  B. Prose (OPPOSITE to poetry): “et in poλmatis et in oratione,” Cic. Or. 21, 70

pŏēma , a composition in verse, a poem (freq. and class.; syn. carmen= singing and playing instruments.): “poλmata (opp. oratio),”
ostendo , A.  In gen., to show, disclose, exhibit, To show, express, indicate by speech or signs; to give to understand, to declare, say, tell, make known, etc. (syn.: indico, declaro, significo).

verbum ERō, [POUR FORTH] whence eirō and rhēma, what is spoken or said; cf. Goth. vaurd; Germ.
        Wort; Engl. word, a word; plur., words, expressions, language, discourse, conversation,
a.  Orally, by word of MOUTH (opp. scriptura “verbo et simulatione (opp. re verā),”  In eccl. Lat. as a translation of logos,

logos, Opposite of rhetoric, singing, playing instruments or poerty 
Spīrĭtus   spiro, a breathing or gentle blowing of air, a breath, breeze (syn.: aura, flatus)
3. Breathed air, a BREATH: “quojus tu legiones difflavisti spiritu,” Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 17..
2. The BREATH of a god, INSPIRATION: “haec fieri non possent, nisi ea uno divino et continuato spiritu continerentur,”
        by a divine inspiration, Cic. N. D. 2, 7, 19:
HOWEVER Opposite: “poλtam quasi divino quodam spiritu inflari,” id. Arch. 8, 18.
in-flo , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., blow into or upon any thing, to inflate. make flatulent,
B. In partic., to play upon a wind instrument: “inflare cavas cicutas,” Lucr. 5, 1383: “calamos leves,” Verg. E. 5, 2Absol., to blow: “simul inflavit tibicen, a perito carmen agnoscitur,” Cic. Ac. 2, 27, 86.— With cognate acc.: “sonum,” Cic. de Or. 3, 60, 225. —

Hor. S. 2.5.98 What, art thou in a [prophetic] raving; or dust thou play upon me designedly, by uttering obscurities? 0 son of Laertes, whatever I shall say will come to pass, or it will not:1 for the great Apollon gives me the power to divine. Then, if it is proper, relate what that tale means.

CARMEN a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound
I. In gen., a tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental BarbarianWith allusion to playing on the cithara

(sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,
Apollon, son of Jupiter and Latona, twinbrother of Diana, and god of the sun. On account of his omniscience, god of divination;
and since he communicated oracles in verse, god of poetry and music, presiding over the Muses, Pythius Apollo
2. Spiritus, personified, a spirit (late Lat.); so, “esp., Spiritus
(α). Sing.: “quoslibet occupat artus Spiritus,” Ov. M. 15, 167; Tac. A. 16, 34: spiritum Phoebus [APOLLON] mihi, Phoebus artem Carminis dedit, poetic spirit or inspiration, Hor. C. 4, 6, 29; cf.: “mihi Spiritum Graiae tenuem Camenae Parca non mendax dedit,
“quoslibet occupat artus Spiritus,” Ov. M. 15, 167
O men amaazd with dread of death, why feare yee Limbo Styx,
And other names of vanitie, which are but Poets tricks?
And perrills of another world, all false surmysed geere?
For whether fyre or length of tyme consume the bodyes heere,
Yee well may thinke that further harmes they cannot suffer more.
For soules are free from death. Howbee't, they leaving evermore
Theyr former dwellings, are receyvd and live ageine in new.
For I myself (ryght well in mynd I beare it to be trew)
Was in the tyme of Trojan warre Euphorbus, Panthewes sonne,
Quyght through whoose hart the deathfull speare of Menelay did ronne.

Camenae uma devoted a grove to the Muses in the vicinity of Rome before the Porta Capena B. Meton., poetry, a poem, song: “summā dicende Camenā
mendax , dācis, adj. mentior, I. given to lying, mendacious; 
carmen   cf. “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),” Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque
“per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,

Job 15:13 That thou turnest THY SPIRIT against God,
        and lettest such WORDS go out of THY MOUTH.

con-verto, to turn or whirl round, to wheel about, to cause to turn, to turn back, reverse; and with the designation of the terminus in quem, to turn or direct somewhere, to direct to or towards, to move or turn to, etc.

2.06.15 Church of Christ Ecumenical OF the World for whom Jesus does not pray.
The Spirit OF Christ in Isaiah 55
commanded US not to pay for the free water of the Word. Jesus guards the prophecies so that if you BUY it it will be a counterfeit.
The Spirit OF Christ in Isaiah 58
outlawed seeking our own pleasure of SPEAKING our own words: SPEAK is the opposite of ODE which Mocks Jesus.
Isaiah 50 If you use backup music in a "worship operation"
to which the kingdom does not come you will be MOCKING Jesus
Mark 10 They Shall Mock Him with Music

You man belong to the World, Kosmos or Ecumenical Order: the Massed Multidudes will flock to their assemblies. Jesus does not pray for you.

Or you man belong to the SECT called the WAY: it is a very tiny Little Flock of lost spirits Jesus came to separate into exclusive "schools of the Word.

said that Faith and Baptism or faith which complies SAVES US.
Max Lucado says that faith without baptism saves us.

Jesus had Mark say he that believes not or Apistos shall be damned. Apistos says I WILL NOT.
Max Lucado says that faith that does not comply does NOT damn them

Jesus told Paul that being baptized washes away sin because it calls on the name of Jesus.
Max Lucado says that baptism does not wash away sins.

Peter says that BAPTISM NOW SAVES US.  There is nothing in English or Greek grammar which can repudiate that.
Max Lucado says that baptism saves us because we are already saved.

Is Max Lucado right? Is Baptism just a pledge to be good? Max does not depend on the Text: perhaps impossible to READ it or HEAR it when it is PREACHED by being READ for doctrine and comfort.
  1. Max Lucado says that Unity in Diversity gives him authority to impose instruments and sow discord based on Ephesians 2
  2. Jesus gifted APT elders as the only vocational Pastor-Teachers.
    Their first act of APTNESS is to cast out the cunning craftsmen or sophists.
  3. Sophists are performance speakers for HIRE, singers and instrument players.
  4. The reason they are to be cast out is that Jesus called them hypocrites by quoting Ezekiel 33.
  5. The reason they are to be cast out is that Jesus said that God HIDES from them.
  6. The reason they are to be cast out is that they are LYING IN WAIT TO DECEIVE.
  7. The reason they are to be cast out is that speaking the Word or Logos gets one despised and rejected: not rich and famous.

Mark 16:16 Baptism is Necessary for Salvation in the sense of "remission of sins."

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.

Belief is (g4100) pist-yoo'-o; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by impl. to entrust (espec. one's spiritual well-being to Christ): - believe (-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.

g4100.  pisteuo, pist-yoo΄-o; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one’s spiritual well-being to Christ): — believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.
2. comply, hōs oukh hupeixōn oude pisteusōn legeis; S.OT625, cf. 646 ;
Opposite to apisteō, Id.Tr.1228

I believe in cruise ships: I do not have faith in them and do not place my body in its body. People who call the Spirit OF Christ a liar cannot believe because that is blasphemy. If one debunks most recorded history and all scholarship intending to sow massive discord they have their reward. Believeth not does not mean "don't yet have enough knowledge."

Opposite to apisteō, Id.Tr.1228  Disbelieve, distrust, cannot be sure of what you are saying, to be disobedient, unfaithful, faithless, treacherous

If you get DEprogrammed as the once-Christian schools boast about, they will never let you read the classics because they don't know where to find them.  Alexander Campbell home schooled his children including 3 hours a day in Latin.  Nor is a year or two of Greek give you access to the literature of the day:

Soph. Trach. 1228

Yes, child. This is the charge I lay upon you:
if you revere my memory when I
have died, remembering the oath you swore,
make her your wife, and do not scorn my wish.
No other man but you must ever marry
this woman who has lain with me in love;
no, you, my son, must take her for your own.
        Consent! [Pietho  listen to, obey)
        To disrespect [Apisteo disobey]
                me in small matters
                destroys the greater favors you have done.

GREEK: Apistos To express doubt that it is possible. 2. disobedient, disloyal, S.Fr. 627: c. gen., A.Th.876; ekhein apiston . . anarkhian polei, i.e. anarkhian ekhein apeithousan polei, ib.1035, cf. E.IT1476.
2. Act., distrustfully, suspiciously, Th.3.83; “a. tina diatheinai” D.20.22.
b. treacherously

Preachers do not consider Latin important which is contrary to most historic scholars and the Restoration Leaders. Pistis gives God and Jesus CREDIT and therefore justifies THEIR right to prescribe instrumental means.

Mark 16.[16] qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit salvus erit qui vero non crediderit condemnabitur

A.  Credo I.  Orig. belonging to the lang. of business, to GIVE CREDIT. to give as a loan, to loan, lend, make or loan to any one: (vilicus) injussu domini credat nemini;
II.  Transf. beyond the circle of business (very freq. in every period and species of composition).
    A. With the prevailing idea of intended protection, to commit or consign something to one for preservation,
     protection, etc., to intrust to one, = committo, commendo (cf. concredo)

Those who believeth not shall be damned. Why? Because believeth not means that you call Christ a liar when you refuse to be baptized.

Believeth not means that they disobeyed by rejecting baptism.

He that believeth not SHALL BE DAMNED and there is no redemption for treachery against God.

Apisteo (g569) ap-is-teh'-o; from 571; to be unbelieving, i.e. (trans.) disbelieve, or (by impl.) disobey: - believe not.

Apistos (g571) ap'-is-tos; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 4103; (act.) disbelieving, i.e. without Chr. faith (spec. a heathen); (pass.) untrustworthy (person), or incredible (thing): - that believeth not, faithless, incredible thing, infidel, unbeliever (-ing).

The Pharisees and doctors of the law were not just honest people who lacked belief: they repudiated Jesus by rejecting baptism.

But the Pharisees and experts in the law rejected God's purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Luke 7:30

"Rejected" meant that they called God a liar.

Atheteo (g114) ath-et-eh'-o;... implies to DISESTEEM, neutralize or VIOLATE: - cast off, DESPISE, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, reject.

Kategoros an accuser, a betrayer

II. want of faith, faithlessness.. treachery,

Contrary to Max Lucado, Malachi, Zacharias, Mark, John, Jesus and Peter say that the FOUNDATION PRINCIPLE of the gospel as it related to humans is BAPTISM. Those who deny are denied by the meaning of DISBELIEVETH as treacherous enemies of Christ.

Part One The Thief on the Cross

Part Two: Baptism is just a pledge that you have been saved?

Salvation by Trust Only or Prayer Only? 12/5/02 See how the GA, Shelly, Lucado Trithism as A Family of Gods leads naturally to despising the counsel of the human Jesus and how Baptists Baptism denies that Christ came FULLY in the flesh.

In a television interview in Nashville, TN, July 2, 1997, Max Lucado said:

Max Lucado: "I believe in baptism. Jesus was baptized. The Bible teaches baptism. I just don't believe that baptism saves you. I believe that Jesus Christ saves us. And baptism is one of those ways we celebrate our salvation. It's really the initial step of the faithful believer."

I believe that the shed blood of Jesus saves us: without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness for sins. Jesus insists that water baptism substitutes or is the "instead of" the shedding of our own blood.

Jesus and Peter:
1 Pet. 3:21 The like figure (Antitupon or Antitype counterpart) whereunto
..........even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
..........but the answer of [Appeal FOR not PLEDGE] a good conscience toward God,) the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin,
but ye have obeyed from the heart that form (tupos a model for imitation) of doctrine
which was delivered you. Ro 6:17
............ But now being
............ made free from sin, and
............ become servants to God, ye
............ have your fruit unto holiness, and
............ the end everlasting life. Ro 6:22
2 Thess 3:9 Not because we have not power,
        but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

The Type: Tupos (g5179) too'-pos; from 5180; a die (as struck), i.e. (by impl.) a stamp or scar; by anal. a shape, i.e. a statue, (fig.) style or resemblance; spec. a sampler ("type"), i.e. a model (for imitation) or instance (for warning): - en- (ex-) ample, fashion, figure, form, manner, pattern, print.

Anti (g473) an-tee'; a prim. particle; opposite, i.e. INSTEAD or because of (rarely in addition to): - for, in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, SUBSTITUTION, correspondence, etc.

  1. We are baptized by GRACE instead of having to build an Ark or drown
  2. We are baptized by GRACE instead of having to cross the Red Sea or be destroyed by FAITH ONLY when God said "Quit whining, lift up your arm and MOVE into the jaws of death.
  3. We are baptized by GRACE instead of having to be pinned on a stake and shed OUR blood.

"I really believe in faith. Jesus believed. The Bible teaches faith. I just don't believe faith saves you. I believe Jesus Christ saves us. And faith is one of those ways we celebrate our salvation. It's really the initial step of the faithful believer."

But this is anti- Christian and anti- Biblical.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb.11:6

Ekzeteo (g1567) ek-zay-teh'-o; from 1537 and 2212; to search out, i.e. (fig.) investigate, crave, demand, (by Hebr.) worship: - en- (re-) quire, seek after (carefully, diligently).

John Calvin as perverted in the Baptist Gnosticism could not have said it better. "WITHOUT Faith it is impossible to come to Jesus." Neo-Calvinism says that God saves you by GIVING you the gift of faith. Paul says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Paul is correct, Max Lucado repudiates Jesus who demanded that "belief which leads to baptism saves" because that is where Jesus PUT His saving power just as rationally as Christ put full Deity into a body of 75% water.

Max Lucado insists that God saves us just for the asking and then gives us faith SO THAT WE CAN CELEBRATE.

Saved or salvation always means saved or SAFE FROM that crooked race who sell learning at retail or corrupt the Word.


Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this WORLD,
        according to the prince of the power of the air,
the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Kosmos , ho,  natgural, II. ornament, decoration, esp. of women; “hieros k.”metaph., of ornaments of speech, such as epithetsto sing sweet songs of praise,

Kosmo-krator epith. of ouranos, Orph.H.4.3; “Zeus Mitras Hēlios k. Dam.Pr.131; hoi k. tou skotous toutou the cosmic rulers of this sinful world, Ep.Eph.6.12; “hoi k. hoi ta hupo selēnēn stoikheia dioikountes”
skotosho”.) N. 4.40 “tai megalai gar alkai skoton polun humnōn ekhonti deomenai” N. 7.13

John 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
John 1:12 But as many as received him,
        to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized:
        and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Hēdu^-melēs , A. sweet-singing, “khelidoi” Anacr.67, cf. Sapph.122(Comp.), Pi.N.2.25; sweet-sounding, “xoana” S.Fr.238, etc.: poet. fem., “hēdumeleia surigx” Nonn.D.29.287.

Surigx , iggos, , A. shepherd's pipe, Panspipe2. cat-call, whistle, hiss, as in theatres, Id.Lg.700c; cf. “surizō” 11.2, surigmos:—the last part of the nomos Puthikos was called surigges, prob. because it imitated the dying hisses of the serpent Pytho, Str.9.3.10. 3. mouthpiece of the aulos,  

Pind. O. 11 My tongue wants to foster such themes; [10] but it is by the gift of a god that a man flourishes with a skillful mind, as with anything else. For the present rest assured, Hagesidamus son of Archestratus: for the sake of your boxing victory, t
        I shall loudly sing a sweet song, an adornment for your garland of golden olive,
        [15] while I honor the race of the Western Locrians.
There, Muses, join in the victory-song; I shall pledge my word to you that we will find there a race that does not repel the stranger, or is inexperienced in fine deeds, but one that is wise and WARLIKE too.

Max Lucado: "I really believe in repentance. The Bible teaches repentance. I just don't believe repentance saves you. I believe Jesus Christ saves us. And repentance is one of those ways we celebrate our salvation. It's really the initial step of the faithful believer."

Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Luke 3:7

Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. Luke 3:8

A man is a sinner and asks Peter who had been INSTRUCTED by Jesus "what must I do?}

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for (in order to obtain) the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38

Peter may have misunderstood Jesus but Peter says that REPENTANCE must go before BAPTISM and baptism must go before the gift of A holy spirit. Or, in 1 Peter 3:21 Baptism is where we REQUEST A clear conscience which is A holy spirit.

And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. Luke 7:29

If you fail to JUSTIFY GOD by obeying His plan to save, you in effect call God a LIAR.

But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him. Luke 7:30NKJV

Max Lucado: "I really believe in confession. Jesus confessed. The Bible teaches confession. I just don't believe confession saves you. I believe Jesus Christ saves us. And confession is one of those ways we celebrate our salvation. It's really the initial step of the faithful believer."

John 12:42  Nevertheless among the chief rulers
        also many believed on him;
Luke 7:29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John.
    but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
        lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
Luke 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

Max REPUDIATES the entire PLAN of Jesus Christ to save us with the MERITING depending totally on Jesus as the Christ (come in the flesh) by the METHOD He clearly defines and which about everyone believed until Zwingli the Calvinist INVENTED Faith Only even if he had to declare that ALL WHO CAME BEFORE ME WERE LIARS.

"Huldrych Zwingli stands in the third position behind Luther and Calvin in the trilogy of Protestant reformers. Yet in some ways his influence is even more important than the other two. That is certainly true in the area of "faith only." He was clearly the first to espouse the view that the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist had nothing to do with salvation. If these two sacraments are reinterpreted, suddenly the church is very different than it once was.

Mark Moore

Max would have you SAVED before you believe, before you repent and before you even CONFESS. He would have baptism just be YOUR pledge to be faithful. All of these are WORKS of a saved person. He confesses that ONLY JESUS SAVES but repudiates that FAITH in Jesus has any role to play.

Therefore, Max, like Zwingli repudiates Jesus as Full Deity, rejects His authority to prescribe anything. By putting JUST JESUS as the whole ground of salvation, he repudiates the suffering and shedding of the blood of Jesus.

Max, is HIGH AND LIFTED UP and boasts that HE has discovered the ROOK CARD which trumps the Bible and 2,000 years of understanding. The OLD THIEF ON THE CROSS ploy. If the totality of the Bible and church history confesses Jesus as Lord by and DOES NOT CALL GOD A LIAR by their own baptism then this counts for nothing. If Max can find a drippy leak in the dike then he can TRIUMPH OVER Jesus, the Bible and all history prior to the Baptizt Zwingliasm.

Romans 6: Baptism DOES NOT save?

Max Lucado: The thief on the cross, however, is a crucial exception. His conversion drives dogmatists crazy.

It is no accident that the first one to accept the invitation of the crucified Christ has no creed, confirmation, christening, or catechism.

How disturbing to theologians to ascend the mountain of doctrine only to be greeted by an uneducated thief who cast his lot with Christ.

Here is a man

who never went to church, [Church not founded yet, Max!]
never gave an offering,
[Law of Giving never given]

never was baptized, [Couldn't until Jesus ascended and returned as Holy Spirit]
and said only one prayer.
[Requested to be in the kingdom of the sons of Thunder]

But that prayer was enough. He has a crucial role in the gospel drama. The thief reminds us that though our dogma may be airtight and our doctrine dead-center, in the end it is Jesus who saves.

[Jesus saves those who BELIEVE in His Deity, not his earthly kingdom; those who confess before men, those who repent or change their direction, those who are baptized to ask God to save them and to give them A holy spirit or a conscience CLEARED of all sins. Only those who have benefited from the SACRIFICE and washed in the LAVER can enter into the holy precincts.]

Next, Max asks:

Max Lucado: Does his story negate the importance of obedience? No, it simply puts obedience in proper perspective.

Any step taken is a response to salvation offered, not an effort at salvation earned.

That is a fact but we don't know of anyone who thinks that baptism is where we EARN our salvation. Therefore, this is a straw man to burn down and make MAX the authority figure having TROUNCED all of the others who didn't even know that they were in the secular, TRAFFICKING contest.

But, we have to insist that the text says nothing about Jesus offering the thief salvation, the thief asking for salvation or the thief being saved. The thief, if he had not already repudiated God, would hear the gospel preached to all of those who died before the cross. To ask to be remembered when Jesus established his EARTHLY KINGDOM was the same ignorance expressed by the mother of John and James the sons of thunder or in the Hebrew "provoking to wrath."

Max Lucado: In the end, God has the right to save any heart, for he and only he sees the heart. A helpful verse to understanding baptism is

I Peter 3:21MAX. "And that water is like the baptism which now saves you-not the washing of dirt from the body,

but the promise made to God from a good conscience.
And this is because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead," (emphasis added).

You are quite superior to PLEDGE your own salvation while denying BAPTISM NOW SAVES US.
A pledge means that YOU have something to give to God to GUARANTEE that you were saved WITHOUT obeying the gospel;

h2254. chabal, khaw-bal΄; a primitive root; to wind tightly (as a rope), i.e. to bind; specifically, by a pledge; figuratively, to pervert, destroy; also to writhe in pain (especially of parturition):—x at all, band, bring forth, (deal) corrupt(-ly), destroy, offend, lay &δ to (take a) pledge, spoil, travail, x very, withhold.

Hupograph-τ , write under an inscription, subjoin or add to it,
sign, subscribe, to psκphisma autou hupegrapsa, sign and so make oneself liable for the payment
IV. Med.,
pledge, mortgage,

Arrabo earnest-money as security.
Answer ALWAYS means that YOU poor mortal REQUEST that God gives you the right to read BLACK TEXT on BROWN paper. A good conscience is A holy spirit meaning that Jesus lets you in on the secrets.

g1905.eperotao, ep-er-o-tah΄-o; from 1909 and 2065; to ask for, i.e. inquire, seek: — ask (after, questions), demand, desire, question
g1906. eperotema, ep-er-o΄-tay-mah; from 1905; an inquiry: — answer.
g2065. erotao, er-o-tah΄-o; apparently from 2046 (compare 2045); to interrogate; by implication, to request: — ask, beseech, desire, intreat, pray. Compare 4441. 

A good conscience or A holy spirit is not the same as SAVES or REMISSION of sins: Al supposes that he is good enough to be saved without obeying the approved example and direct command of Jesus.  A good conscience is the intellectual ability to READ the Word (Logos or regulative principle) which is required to be a disciple of Christ.

-Suneidκsis , knowledge shared with another, [as with a midwife]

2. communication, information,

Heurēseis find that, find means, be able,
eisēnegkan tois kollēgais autōn” carry with one, sweep along, of a river,
bring in for oneself, 3. bring in with one, introduce,

3. knowledge, lue tauta panta dialeipsas agathē s. (v.l. agathē tukhē)
4. consciousness, awareness, [tēs hautou sustaseōs] 2 Ep.Cor.4.2, 5.11, 1 Ep.Pet.2.19; “tēs kakopragmosunēs” Democr.297, cf. D.S.4.65, Ep.Hebr.10.2; “kata suneidēsin atarakhoi diamenousi”


2Cor. 4:1 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
2Cor. 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness,
        nor handling the word of God deceitfully;
        but by manifestation of the truth
        commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

CRAFTY IS PANOURGIA OR A SOPHIST: preaching self, singing, playing instruments.

Conscience is  g4894  suneido, soon-i΄-do; from 4862 and 1492; to see completely; used (like its primary) only in two past tenses, respectively meaning to understand or become aware, and to be conscious or (clandestinely) informed of: — consider, know, be privy, be ware of.

Jesus said that God HIDES from the wise or Sophists: sermonizing for HIRE, singers or instrument players.

2Cor. 4:4 In whom the god of this WORLD [ecumenical. age]
hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,
        [Apistos means I will not comply and be baptized]
        lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
        who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
2Cor. 4:5 For WE preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;
        and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

2Cor. 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God:
        but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

g2585.  kapeleuo, kap-ale-yoo΄-o; from  kapelos (a huckster); to retail, i.e. (by implication) to adulterate (figuratively): — corrupt. prostitute

Not only is there nothing in the text which warrants this translation, but it directly contradicts the Great Commission by Jesus and what the same Peter preached on the day of Pentecost. Jesus commanded Peter and others:

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16

But unless there is a contradiction Max has to rebuke Lord Jesus and translate it this way:

Max Lucado: : He who believes and is baptized HAS BEEN saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16

That's a bad lie:

Jesus Refutes: Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized SHALL be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned

Believeth is Pistis which is trust which means "to comply."
Believeth not is Apistos which says "I don't HAVE to comply." And it marks one as treacherous or in revolt against.

At Pentecost, Peter understood Jesus to contradict Max:

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for (in order to) the remission of sins, and ye SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38

A holy spirit is OUR spirit made holy because we have requested A good conscience, consciousness or a co-perception.  We are washed with water INTO the Word or into the School of Christ.  In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul said that without conversion one cannot READ BLACK text on BROWN paper and one cannot HEAR the Word when it is read.

But unless there is a contradiction Max has to rebuke Peter and translate it this way as taught by Baptists:

Max Lucado: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ because of the the remission of sins BY YOUR FAITH, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38

Unfortunately, no honest version so translates it that way and you just have to TAKE SHELLY  and LUCADO LIBERTIES and NARRATE your own gospel! The word EIS never means can can never mean BECAUSE of.  Eis is always into or unto. 

Let's look at Max's translation again:

Max Lucado: I Peter 3:21MAX. "And that water is like the baptism which now saves you-not the washing of dirt from the body,

but the promise made to God from a good conscience. And this is because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead," (emphasis added).

But, Peter says that the flood was a prophetic type: one had to be buried or hidden in the ark as a type of Christ as the waters passed over and destroyed sin and the sinners:

Baptism, which corresponds (type) to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21

Antitupon (g499) an-teet'-oo-pon; neut. of a comp. of 473 and 5179; corresponding ["antitype"], i.e. a representative, counterpart: - (like) figure (whereunto).

Here is how Paul uses the word:

For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: Heb.9:24

Max's Baptist translation would have the ark story read this way:

Max Lucado: Noah separated himself from the sinful world and got INTO THE ARK as a PROMISE made to God that he had survived the overwhelming flood by his FAITH ONLY.

The word PLEDGE is unique to the NIV and it is unique FOR the NIV whose translator assuredly had his own PERSONAL AGENDA which has been approved by Rubel Shelly and his "narrative theology."

The NIV translates Eperotao (g1905) 58 time meaning "to ask" or "request" something.

Only in 1 Peter 3:21 is it translated as a PLEDGE of an already clear conscience.

The old word "answer" means to ask for, seek, to request, beseech, pray." A clear conscience means co-perception, to see completely, be clandestinely informed of. As Paul said, we are partakers (co-participant) of the Holy Spirit (Heb 6:4) which is the Mind or Christ (1 Cor 2) in His Words which are Spirit and Life (John 6:63)

Weymouth New Testament

And, corresponding to that figure, the water of baptism now saves you--not the washing off of material defilement, but the craving of a good conscience after God--through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet 3:21

> The word eperotao has NO CONNECTION to a promise or pledge of something in the past. Rather, it ALWAYS means requesting something in the future. Therefore, Peter did not contradict Jesus nor himself when he said that BAPTISM is where we ASK God to regenerate our spirit or conscience.

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. Mt.16:1

> On the other hand, a PLEDGE is YOUR OWN PERSONAL GUARANTEE that YOU will perform something. Therefore, the NIV is legalistic. A pledge translates a man depositing his clothing with the prostitute as a guarantee that he will pay his bill!

Webster Pledge:

(Old Eng. Law) A person who undertook, or became responsible, for another; a bail; a surety; a hostage. ``I am Grumio's pledge.'' --Shak.

Anything given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; a guarantee; as, mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties. ``That voice, their liveliest pledge of hope.'' --Milton.

A promise or agreement by which one binds one's self to do, or to refrain from doing, something; especially, a solemn promise in writing to refrain from using intoxicating liquors or the like; as, to sign the pledge; the mayor had made no pledges.

Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon

Eperτt-aτ , Ion. epeir- , consult, inquire... to be questioned, asked a question, Th.5.45, Pl.Sph.250a.

2. c. acc. rei, ask a question, tauta, tade, Hdt.1.30,55, cf. Antipho 1.10; also, ask about a thing, [tas naus] kai ton pezon Hdt.7.100 ; smikron ti tτn rhκthentτn call it in question, Pl.Prt.329a; e. thusiais kai oiτnois ho ti chrκ poiein inquire what . ., X.Oec.5.19; e. es . . inquire about, LXX 2 Ki.11.7:--Pass., to eperτtκthen the question asked, v.l. in Pl.Tht.146e.

2 Ki 11:[7] When Uriah was come to him, David asked of him how Joab did, and how the people fared, and how the war prospered.

Eperτtκma [from eperτtaτ] a question, Hdt., Thuc.


1. to inquire of, question, consult, ton theon Hdt., Thuc., etc.; tina peri tinos Hdt.:--Pass. to be questioned, asked a question, Thuc.

2. c. acc. rei, to ask a thing or about a thing, Hdt.:--c. acc. pers. et rei, ep. tous prophκtas to aition id=Hdt.:--absol. to put the question, Dem.

Max Lucado would have to be God to PLEDGE himself and be washed of sins and receive A holy spirit. No, Max Lucado is not God Incarnate: He does not have THE Holy Spirit or God living inside of his body.

We will see below that the NIV had another word for PROMISE which it always translates as promise. Therefore, translating A REQUEST FOR a clean conscience at baptism based on the MERIT of Christ into a PLEDGE that one ALREADY has a clear conscience is a SECTARIAN fraud.

This verse has a context: Peter says that those on the Ark were SAVED BY WATER. The earth was totally polluted or sinful. Therefore, the ark was not to save them from the FLOOD but the WATER was to save them from SIN as an environment:

Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. 1 Peter 3:20

Diasozo (g1295) dee-as-odze'-o; from 1223 and 4982; to save thoroughly, i.e. (by impl. or anal.) to cure, preserve, rescue, etc.: - bring safe, escape (safe), heal, make perfectly whole, save.

Sozo (g4982) sode'-zo; from a prim. sos , (contr. for obsol. saoεs , "safe"); to save, i.e. deliver or protect (lit. or fig.): - heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole

First, look at some translations and see if you can find Max Lucado's version there:

and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also--

not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21NIV

The ark was the TYPE which the inspired Peter used to explain the ANTI-TYPE or the spiritual fulfillment: Water saved teir bodies but now water saves the soul BECAUSE Jesus told me so. To repudiate that you have to have REPLACED Jesus as God Incarnate.

The FIGURE does not say that Baptism is just the TYPE. Rather,

Antitupon (g499) an-teet'-oo-pon; neut. of a comp. of 473 and 5179; corresponding ["antitype"], i.e. a representative, counterpart: - (like) figure (whereunto).

Baptism is the God-giiven GRACE which Max Lucado repudiates. Anti means:

Anti (g473) an-tee'; a prim. particle; opposite, i.e. instead or because of (rarely in addition to): - for, in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence, etc.

If you reject the fact that Jesus COMMANDED and made available an INSTEAD OF then you are UNDER LAW and you have to build your own ark and cross your own Red Sea which you cannot do without dragging Egypt as "sin" along with you. You have to suffer on your own cross and die for your own sins. There is NONE righteous and the penalty for sin is DEATH. Therefore, you have to shed YOUR OWN BLOOD to redeem yourself. Jesus provided GRACE so that He endures the suffering but we go along with Him.

Baptism in water is a GRACIOUS GIFT so you don't have to endure all of the LEGALISM which "Believer's Baptism" demands.

Jesus and Paul says that baptism saves because Christ put the power in the water as surely as He put His own power in flesh and blood: Max says that Jesus and Peter are wrong.

The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,

but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 1 Peter 3:21KJV

Peter says that BAPTISM IS OUR PRAYER but Max says that JUST ASKING is our prayer.

And corresponding to that, baptism now saves you-- not the removal of dirt from the flesh,

but an appeal to God for a good conscience-- through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21NAS

Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body

but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21NAS

(That, by the way, is what baptism pictures for us: In baptism we show that we have been saved from death and doom by the resurrection of Christ;

not because our bodies are washed clean by the water but because in being baptized we are turning to God and asking him to cleanse our hearts from sin.) 1 Peter 3:21LIV

The death of Jesus Christ pays the price and therefore is the saving power. However, since we cannot wash in the laver or have the blood of Jesus poured on our bodies OR souls, Jesus made a substitute. He substituted WATER for the blood even as Grape Juice or "blood of the vine" replaces actually DRINKING HIS BLOOD. Isn't that the ultimate in Grace and demonstration of Divine Power?

Neither the Baptists, Max or the NIV can get either a PLEDGE or a PROMISE out of 1 Peter 3:21. The Greek word is:

Eperotema (g1906) ep-er-o'-tay-mah; from 1905; an inquiry: - answer.

In that form it is used only once. However,

Eperotao (g1905) ep-er-o-tah'-o; from 1909 and 2065; to ask for, i.e. inquire, seek: - ask (after, questions), demand, desire, question.

This word is NEVER translated as anything other than to ask, request or inquire.

Erotao (g2065) er-o-tah'-o; appar. from 2046 [comp. 2045]; to interrogate; by impl. to request: - ask, beseech, desire, intreat, pray. Comp. 4441.

A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Lu.18:18

His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jn.9:2

If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. 1Co.14:35

Robertson Word Studies: Answer (eperwthma). Only here in New Testament. In classical Greek the word means a question and nothing else. The meaning here is much disputed, and can hardly be settled satisfactorily. The rendering answer has no warrant. The meaning seems to be (as Alford), "the seeking after God of a good and pure conscience, which is the aim and end of the Christian baptismal life." So Lange: "The thing asked may be conceived as follows: 'How shall I rid myself of an evil conscience?

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb.11:6

Wilt thou, most holy God, again accept me, a sinner? Wilt thou, Lord Jesus, grant me the communion of thy death and life? Wilt thou, O Holy Spirit, assure me of grace and adoption, and dwell in my heart?' To these questions the triune Jehovah answers in baptism, 'Yea!' Now is laid the solid foundation for a good conscience. The conscience is not only purified from its guilt, but it receives new vital power by means of the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

This is the sense of ejperwtan eijv, in the only place where it occurs in scripture, 2 Sam. xi. 7 (Sept.): "David asked of him how Joab did (eperwthsen eiv eirhnhn Iwab)." Lit., with reference to the peace of Joab. Rev. renders, the interrogation, and puts inquiry, appeal, in margin.

So, Max Lucado misses the point that many baptisms were PRIVATE and never WITNESSED as your pledge or GUARANTEE that you are ALREADY free of sin and guilt

Max Lucado: This promise is vital. Baptism separates the tire kickers from the car buyers. Would you feel comfortable marrying someone who wanted to keep the marriage a secret?

Neither does God. It's one thing to say in the privacy of your own heart that you are a sinner in need of a Savior.

But it's quite another to walk out of the shadows and stand before family, friends, and colleagues to state publicly that Christ is your forgiver and master.

In this view, baptism is simply A WORK OF A PERSON as THEIR public pledge to have a clear conscience which PROVES that they have been Calvinistly predestinated and therefore their FAITH is God's high-five that they are one of the few chosen for heaven.

This intends to DISPARAGE anyone who believes in the free will to both believe, repent and be baptized.

However, that is not enough in the creed of the Baptists. If you want to be a member of the Baptist church and take communion and enter into full fellowship you have to DEMONSTRATED your regenerated SOUL by having your BODY washed in water.

Max Lucado: This step raises the ante. Jesus commanded all his followers to prove it, to make the pledge, by public demonstration in baptism.

Among his final words was the universal command to "go and make followers of all people in all the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19). In the New Testament, baptism was no casual custom, no ho-hum ritual.

Baptism was, and is "a pledge made to God from a good conscience" (I Peter 3:21, TJB).

On the contrary, the Greek world knew that BORN AGAIN means regeneration:

Palingenesia 1 [genesis] a being born again, new birth; used by Cic. of his restoration after exile:-- hence, in NTest.,1. the resurrection.

# 2. regeneration by baptism.

".. he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through

the washing of rebirth
renewal by the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5

Anakainosis (g342) an-ak-ah'ee-no-sis; from 341; renovation: - renewing.

And be not conformed to this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,

that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Ro.12:2

Metamorphoo (g3339) met-am-or-fo'- o; from 3326 and 3445; to transform (lit. or fig. "metamorphose"): - change, transfigure, transform.

And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. Mt.17:2

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Co.3:18

Anakainoo (g341) an-ak-ahee-no'-o; from 303 and a der. of 2537; to renovate: - renew.  

The operating principle of ORIGINAL SIN is this. God gave us sexuality to produce children. If we engage in sex for pleasure we are sinners. Begetting children is the plan for getting children and that is ok with God. However, it is impossible to create children without enjoying the sex and that means that you SIN while obeying God's will for our lives. THAT is how original sin is transmitted to every child. At conception the child is a thief, liar, adulterer and sodomite. If you don't get the water on him he will surely burn in hell NOT BEING AN INCH LONG." God doesn't even plan to save all. Therefore, if you can CALL GOD FATHER this proves that you are ALREADY SAVED. See CALVINISM which along with MUSIC is being used to STEAL THE CHURCH HOUSES OF WIDOWS to turn them into Baptist or Christian Church. Sure, the change method is to INFILTRATE AND DIVERT. But, Jesus who commanded baptism would also call that GRAND THIEF of the Pharisees, Scribes and Hypocrites. In the Greek world the "rhetoricians, sophists, singers, musicians and craftsmen" were SORCERERS even in the book of Revelation. Because they performed NOTHING for a WAGE they were all called PARASITES.

Max Lucado is reading Zwingli and repudiating the Words of Christ.

"To Zwingli, the child was born with an "inherited frailty" which inevitably would give rise to a sin nature in each person.

"To Zwingli, baptism was more a pledge of what we ought to do rather than a testimony to what God has already done for us."

Although Zwingli was apparently weak in developing a theology of baptism, especially in relation to its sacramental effectiveness, certainly he helped to lay the groundwork that would be built upon by later Reformed theologians. Quoted from. Rev. Christopher C. Arch, M.A

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A pledge looks forward but Christian Baptism looks backward to God Who came fully in the flesh:

While believers cannot save themselves, they must repent before they are baptized:

"Jesus died once and for all (Heb. 7:27; 9:25-28; 10:10-14). In contrast, the mystery gods were vegetation deities whose repeated deaths and resuscitations depict the annual cycle of nature.

"Unlike the initiation rites of the mystery cults,

Christian baptism looks back to what a real, historical person -- Jesus Christ -- did in history.

Advocates of the mystery cults believed their "sacraments" had the power to give the individual the benefits of immortality in a mechanical or magical way,

without his or her undergoing any moral or spiritual transformation. (Ronald Nash, Was the NT influenced by pagan religions)

Max Lucado somewhat reversed the MYSTERY CULTS. One is saved "without going through any transformations" and baptism is the mechanical PLEDGE that one WILL BE GOOD.

John Mark Hicks warns that the INCARNATIONAL THEOLOGY of Max Lucado and Rubel Shelly may deny that CHRIST CAME FULLY IN THE FLESH. If true, that means ANTI-CHRIST which has the right to DENY everything that Jesus commanded which is related to the PHYSICAL BODY. That, proven by the charismatic services and music (guitarISTS, fluteISTS or harpISTS) were all identified as SEXUALLY PERVERTED and were PARASITES).

The Gnostic Jesus walked on the sand and DIDN'T LEAVE TRACKS. He was not REAL FLESH. In Cosmic Christmas by Max Lucado we see a contest between God and Lucifer (fiction) as God sent the Christ in a VIAL OF LIGHT. That, too, is pure Gnosticism.

Max Lucado along with Rubel Shelly are also the INVENTORS of a NEO-TRITHEISM. God is composed of a FAMILY OF GODS. They are SEPARATED into three separate PERSONS. However, no one in history including trinitarians ever permitted God to be separated into different persons JUST LIKE ME. This, too, is Gnosticism. Max Lucado even suggests that God wanted Lucifer to REPENT!

Max Lucado: He motioned toward me, and I responded, kneeling again before Him. Handing me the necklace, he explained,

"This vial will contain the essence of Myself; a Seed to be placed in the womb of a young girl. Her name is Mary. She lives among My chosen people. The fruit of the Seed is the Son of God. Take it to her."

Thats the FICTION which is a lie. Here is the TRUTH: Christ is not a God Word: The One God the Father MADE jesus of Nazareth TO BE both Lord and Christ.

Phil. 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ  [Messiah] Jesus:
Phil. 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

The Form is in Greek.

Morph-ē  A.form, shape, twice in Hom. (not in Hes.), soi d' epi men morphē epeōn thou hast comeliness of words,
Epos  generally, that which is uttered in words, speech 
word of a deity, oracle, Od.12.266, Hdt.1.13, etc.

1Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

God was and is the Word or LOGOS: The Regulative Principle.  Jesus as SON articulated only the WORD of God.  The Form of God was the WORD or LOGOS.

Phil. 2:7 But made himself of no reputation,
        and took upon him the form of a servant,
        and was made in the likeness of men:
Phil. 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man,
        he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 

The SENDER is God the "father," the SENDEE is God the "son" meaning that He "spoke only what He heard from the father" who was WITHIN.

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col  2:9

By rejecting the FULL DEITY of Jesus the SON, and by reading TOO MUCH Gnosticism or other books from which Max confesses to getting his MATERIALS which are then simplified, Max denies all of the FLESHLY COMMANDS OF LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Look again at the NIV or Max's version:

Max Lucado: Baptism was, and is "a pledge made to God from a good conscience" (I Peter 3:21, TJB).

and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also--not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21NIV

That's pretty high and mighty: do you have all of the goodness and ability to read the Word OF YOURSELF or do you humbly REQUEST that God gives you the ability to PREACH the Word by READING the Word. A believer CANNOT write their own songs or sermons.

The word translated pledge means REQUEST for: calling upon the name of the Lord:

Eperotema (g1906) ep-er-o'-tay-mah; from 1905; an inquiry: - answer.

Eperotao (g1905) ep-er-o-tah'-o; from 1909 and 2065; to ask for, i.e. inquire, seek: - ask (after, questions), demand, desire, question.

Erotao (g2065) er-o-tah'-o; appar. from 2046 [comp. 2045]; to interrogate; by impl. to request: - ask, beseech, desire, intreat, pray. Comp. 4441

Ereo (g2046) er-eh'-o; prob. a fuller form of 4482; an alt. for 2036 in cert. tenses; to utter, i.e. speak or say: - call, say, speak (of), tell.

Rheo (g4482) hreh'-o; a prim. verb; for some tenses of which a prol. form rheuo +tx hryoo'-o, is used; to flow ("run", as water): - flow

The Holy Spirit included another word for PLEDGE or promise to be a good boy:

Epaggelia (g1860) ep-ang-el-ee'-ah; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; espec. a divine assurance of good): - message, promise.

God wasn't STUPID: If He wanted to say PLEDGE then He would have used PLEDGE words and not REQUEST words.

A good or clear conscience is not some subjective feeling that you are INNOCENT and can therefore TESTIFY to your experience to be accepted (many times voted on) by the congregation.

Walter Scott says that the promise should be of A holy spirit. A holy personal spirit is required in which God can dwell by our faith. The same Peter who promised the gift of the holy spirit or A holy spirit said that baptism is HOW we ask for a clear consiousness. By the remission of sins we then can SEE AFAR without the obstacles.

This is required so that we can worship IN SPIRIT and has absolutely nothing to do with DEMONSTRATING our personal righteousness. Conscience is:

Suneidesis (h4893) soon-i'-day-sis; from a prol. form of 4894; co- perception, i.e. moral consciousness; - conscience.

Turning to Christ in baptism is what clears the veil from over our eyes so that we can see more clearly into the Word of God:

And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: 2 Cor 3:13

But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 2 Cor 3:14

But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. 2 Cor 3:15

Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. 2 Cor 3:16

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Cor 3:17

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor 3:18

Suneido (g4894) soon-i'-do; from 4862 and 1492; to see completely; used (like its prim.) only in two past tenses, respectively mean. to understand or become aware, and to be conscious or (clandestinely) informed of: - consider, know, be privy, be ware of.

Eido (g1492) i'-do; a prim. verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equiv. 3700 and 3708; prop. to see (lit. or fig.); by impl. (in the perf. only) to know: - be aware, behold, * can (/ not tell), consider, (have) know (-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Comp. 3700.

Optanomai (g3700) op-tan'-om'ahee; a (mid.) prol. form of the prim. (mid.) optomai , s op'-tam-ahee, which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alt. of 3708; to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable...

This seems to say that baptism saves us because it is our PLEDGE or PROMISE of a good conscience.

The NIV translates Eperotao (g1905) 58 time meaning "to ask" or "request" something.

Only in 1 Peter 3:21 is it translated as a PLEDGE of an already clear conscience.

A pledge is something you deposit with your debtor. Since Baptism is a human act, can baptism mean OUR pledge or guarantee to God that we have a clear conscience.

The RSV uses PLEDGE only of the following:

and so they incur condemnation for having violated their first pledge. 1Ti.5:12RSV

And the NIV agrees:

Thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first pledge. 1 Ti 5:17

But this word does not appear in 1 Peter 3:21:

Protos (g4413) pro'-tos; contr. superl. of 4253; foremost (in time, place, order or importance): - before, beginning, best, chief (- est), first (of all), former.

The LIV, KJV, NKJV, NAS finds no use for the word Pledge in the New Testament.

In the Old Testament the word is:

Chabal (h2254) khaw-bal'; a prim. root; to wind tightly (as a rope), i. e. to bind; spec. by a pledge; fig. to pervert, destroy; also to writhe in pain (espec. of parturition): - * at all, band, bring forth, (deal) corrupt (-ly), destroy, offend, lay to (take a) pledge, spoil, travail, * very, withhold.

In Hebrew the pledge is being broke and giving your clothing to the temple prostitute as a PAWN.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Is.10:27

And they lay themselves down upon clothes laid to pledge by every altar, and they drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their god. Am.2:8

And hath not oppressed any, but hath restored to the debtor his pledge, hath spoiled none by violence, hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment; Eze.18:7

The NIV translates ANOTHER Greek word as PROMISE. See below.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9NIV

Epaggelia (g1860) ep-ang-el-ee'-ah; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; espec. a divine assurance of good): - message, promise.

Epaggello (g1861) ep-ang-el'-lo; from 1909 and the base of 32; to announce upon (reflex.), i.e. (by impl.) to engage to do something, to assert something respecting oneself: - profess, (make) promise.

Thefore, Max Lucado removes ALL connection between baptism and SALVATION or REMISSION OF SINS or REGENERATING the Spirit. Baptism in his view is just to make a public announcement that you have been saved, had your sins remitted and your souls regenerated at the instant you believed or PRAYED.

However, in the Great Commission the preaching could be to EACH CREATURE. Philip was told to join himself to a SINGULAR person riding in a chariot. Philip preached to the singular person, that person was baptized and it was WITNESSED by God and His angels. There is absolutely any demand of Christ that your baptism be to PROVE to any fellowship that you had NOW met their conditions for church membership.

Max Lucado: Those who have never been baptized. This study will help you see the importance of baptism. If you have never been baptized in any form,

you will need to "demonstrate your devotion" by baptism
in order to be a member at Oak Hills.

Again, this pledge is demonstrated by LEGALISTIC PLEDGES: it directly repudiates the prophecy and promise of God that He wold wash and give us A holy spirit only when we submit to letting Him do it. Believeth not does not mean that a person has imperfect faith: it means that to reject God's promise in baptism calls Him a liar and makes one a traitor.

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16

As people were being saved at baptism

praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47

The old story is that "It is harder to get into the Baptist church than into heaven." Indeed, this form of baptism not only repudiates every single statement in the Bible but makes joining Max's church into a LEGALISTIC STEP to prove that one is WORTH.

Tertullian: Chapter I.-Introduction. Origin of the Treatise.

Happy is our sacrament Of water, in that, by washing away the sins of our early blindness, we are set free and admitted into eternal life!

A treatise on this matter will not be superfluous; instructing not only such as are just becoming formed (in the faith),

but them who, content with having simply believed, without full examination of the grounds of the traditions, carry (in mind), through ignorance, an untried though probable faith.
The consequence is, that a viper of the Cainite heresy, lately conversant in this quarter, has carried away a great number with her most venomous doctrine, making it her first aim to destroy baptism.

Of the Cainites, Irenaeus notes

"Thus there are as many schemes of "redemption" as there are teachers of these mystical opinions. And when we come to refute them, we shall show in its fitting-place,
that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a renunciation of the whole [Christian] faith.

Remembering that Calvinism holds that both knowledge and faith are a gift to the predestinated:

"They maintain that those who have attained to perfect knowledge must of necessity be regenerated into that power which is above all.
For it is otherwise impossible to find admittance within the Pleroma [spiritual realm], since this [regeneration]
it is which leads them down into the depths of Bythus.

Until one is perfected and part of the spiritual realm it is impossible to be led into baptism. That is, one must be saved by faith first.

"For the baptism instituted

by the visible Jesus was for the remission of sins,
but the redemption brought in by that Christ who descended upon Him, was for perfection;
and they allege that the former is animal (baptism), but the latter spiritual. And the baptism of John was proclaimed with a view to repentance,
but the redemption by Jesus was brought in for the sake of perfection.

Tertullian continues:

Which is quite in accordance with nature; for vipers and asps and basilisks themselves generally do affect arid and waterless places.

But we, little fishes, after the example of our Icqus Jesus Christ, are born in water, nor have we safety in any other way than by permanently abiding in water;
so that most monstrous creature, who had no right to teach even sound doctrine, knew full well how to kill the little fishes, by taking them away from the water!

Chapter II.-The Very Simplicity of God's Means of Working, a Stumbling-Block to the Carnal Mind.

Pagans, not Christ, is the author of this form of baptism.

Therefore, the dogma of Max Lucado is that of Believer's Baptism which was adopted by the Baptists after Zwingli to accommodate Calvinism. Believer's baptism is a form of pagan baptism.

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