A. A poisonous liquid, poison, venom, virus
Jay Guin Reviews
Adam Good Is The trinity Blasphemy
Trinity beginning as tripple goddesses, then father god, mother (spirit) mortal, and wicked little son and also music to mock Jesus are all resourced out of IMPURE religion where any self-exhibition as rhetoric, singing, playing instruments or acting are virtual sexual observations.
5.3.17 Seek The Old Paths: Christianity And Islam #4: DOCTRINE ABOUT JESUS.The Enemies of Jesus Christ
1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the MAN Christ Jesus;
John 10:33 The Jews answered him, saying,
For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy;
and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Jesus called them blasphemers because He always said that He was the SON of God.
John 10:36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified [at his baptism]
and sent into the world, [Those OF the World are earth-born and not spiritual. They are called a Viper Race]
Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi or Tammuz in Ezekiel 8
Mike Cope 2017 PBL The Hieros Gamos Theme
Laura Buffington: With sex playing such a prominent role in the art and life of OUR culture, the church would be wise to reclaim the metaphor of sex AS salvation. Making the whole story of our lives about the salvation found in physical intimacy is to miss the grander picture of intimate salvation promised to Beloved Humanity by God the Lover.Sara.Barton.The.Song.of.Solomon
3.30.16 The Israelites fell into instrumental-trinitarian idolatry at Mount Sinai and God removed The Book of the Covenant of Grace from the Civil-Military-Clergy. In the Second Law given because of Transgression they were warned that their sin beyond redemption was conditional:
my pastoral impulse this week is to proclaim the message of the Song of Songs. And here’s why: We desperately need public, communal language about sex, and we have an oft-overlooked resource in the Bible.
Song of Songs is unique in several ways, one of which is the fact that it’s the only place in Scripture where a woman’s voice leads the conversation (the woman speaks 61 of 117 verses). In light of what we’ve heard lately, it seems like a good time to let a wise woman speak about sexual activity that’s right and good, a woman who not only speaks but sings and shouts about intimate, sensual, erotic passion. And in all her talk about kissing, touching, tasting, and smelling, she does not offend with crass or vulgar language. She exemplifies how it’s possible to speak about sex and intimacy appropriately. We might do well to let her teach us a thing or two.
Would YOU lie, cheat, steal the church house of widows and sow discord for this? Would you follow or allow to teach your youth TO LEAVE OUR MOVEMENT anyone who said that God Commanded an Instrumental Sectarian Institution for the first claim of a spirit's authority in recorded history? Even at a "we promise" meeting in Tennessee in the 20th century WE PROMISE only the simple ORGAN but never AS worship.
3.30.16 The Israelites fell into instrumental-trinitarian idolatry at Mount Sinai and God removed The Book of the Covenant of Grace from the Civil-Military-Clergy. In the Second Law given because of Transgression they were warned that their sin beyond redemption was conditional:
Deut. 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
Deut. 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
hărĭŏlus soothsayer, prophet, prophetessDeut. 18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer
somnĭo , to dream; to dream of or see in a dream, to dream, i. e. to think idly or vainly, to talk foolishly:
psaltrĭa , ae, f., = psaltria, . a female player on the cithara, a lutist, “ineptias,” Col. 1, 8, 2: “ah stulte! tu de Psaltriā me somnias Agere,” Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 6; Plaut. Pers. 2, 3, 5.—Absol.: “vigilans somniat
“portenta non disserentium philosophorum sed somniantium,” Cic. N. D. 1, 8, 18.
A Charmer is an Abomination
incantātor , ōris, m. incanto, I. an enchanter, wizard (post-class.), Tert. Idol. 9; Isid. 8, 9, 15; Mos. et Rom. Leg. Coll. 15, 1, 2.
consŭlo (a). In the lang. of religion, to consult a deity, an oracle, omens, etc.: “Apollinem de re,” Cic. Leg. 2, 16, 40: “deum consuluit auguriis, quae suscipienda essent,” Liv. 1, 20, 7: “deos hominum fibris,” Tac. A. 14, 30 fin.: “Phoebi oracula,” Ov. M. 3, 9; Suet. Vesp. 5: “Tiresiam conjectorem,” Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 76:This was outlawed for the Church of Christ (the Rock) in the wilderness
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum.
“cantus e curru Lunam deducere tentat,”
2. With instruments, a playing, music: “in nervorum vocumque cantibus,” Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “citharae,” Hor. C. 3, 1, 20: “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,” Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,”
These ăb-ōmĭnor are always MARKED “semimares,” Liv. 31, 12, 8Paul hoped that the concision's knife slipped.
Signs or wonders " Liv. 31, 12, 8 Along with "plundering" the temples, among the Sabines, a child of uncertain sex was born, while another was found whose sex, at the age of sixteen, could not be determined. All these disgusting and monstrous creatures seemed to be signs that nature was confusing species; but beyond all else the hermaphrodites caused terror,... In addition, they directed that a hymn be sung throughout the city by thrice nine maidens, and that an offering be made to Queen Juno.
Galli A form gallantes, as if from gallare, "to rave like a priest of Cybelé," is cited from Varro (ap. Non. p. 119Non., 5). In their wild, enthusiastic, and boisterous rites the Galli recalled the legends of the Corybantes (q.v.). According to an ancient custom, they were always castrated (spadones, semimares, semiviri, nec viri nec feminae), and it would seem that, impelled by religious enthusiasm, they performed this operation on themselves... Other names, however, are of distinctly Semitic affinities; Rhea perhaps=the Babylonian Ri (Mulita or Mylitta), and Nana more certainly=the Babylonian Nana, modern Syrian Nani. Nana motherof Attis
Paizo, 4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16. 5. play amorously, “pros allēlous” X.Smp.9.2Chrysostom's Commentary on Galatians:
Galatians 5:1.-"With freedom did Christ set us free; stand fast therefore.115 ."
Ver. 12. "I would that they which unsettle you would even cut themselves off." And he says well "that unsettle you." "A man that is heretical after the first and second admonition refuse." (Tit. iii: 10) If they will, let them not only be circumcised, but mutilated. Where then are those who dare to mutilate themselves; seeing that they draw down the Apostolic curse, and accuse the workmanship of God, and take part with the Manichees?
Chrysostom understood that the pagans used vocal or instrumental noise to stir up or create anxiety so that they could steal your food money. Christ outlawed this in Isaiah 55. Christ outlawed BLASPHEMY in the modern context of saying that God commanded instrumental distractions when He DID NOT.
But if you will not allow this, why do you not mutilate the tongue for blasphemy, the hands for rapine, the feet for their evil courses, in short, the whole body?
For the ear enchanted by the sound of a flute hath often enervated the soul;
and the perception of a sweet perfume by the nostrils hath bewitched the mind, and made it frantic for pleasure .
David's PRAISE word threatened the same sexual proof of superiority:
Ululo Ulŭlo I. Neutr., to howl, yell, shriek, utter a mournful cry. B.Transf., of places, to ring, resound, re-echo with howling: penitusque cavae plangoribus aedes Femineis ululant,Verg. A. 2, 488 : resonae ripae, Sil. 6, 285 : Dindyma sanguineis Gallis, Claud. Rapt. Pros. 2, 269 .--
6.28.15 C. Leonard Allen and the Trinity
Modern polytheists (LU c. 1938) fits the K. C. Moser sudden realization that HE has a secret that no one knew before. H.Leo.Boles and modern professors who defined Godhead as three equal but different "centers of consciousness" able to hold meetings and decide which "one" to send. It turns out that none of them understand that "godhead" means "the divine nature." We, too, can be filled with the Divine Nature by the Word, Logos or Regulative principle.
God is A SPIRIT without flesh and bones or other "members." It is pretty hard to split up A Spirit into three equal but different spirits. OF is a preposition and the Spirit OF Christ is the spirit, mind or mental disposition OF Christ.
Jesus Christ came in the FLESH and those who say that Jesus was god or a god deny that Christ (not a god word) came in the flesh.
Those who deny that Jesus came IN THE FLESH are identified as ANTICHRISTS.
Grace is not the blue-eyed blond musician-prostitute of the New Paradigm: Grace is a title of Christ who came to teach us to DENY what Grace-Centered teaches.
God is Holy or Wholly Spirit: SPIRIT is MIND made known by BREATH which IS Spirit because Jesus told us so.
John 4:24 God is a SPIRIT: and they that worship him must worship him
IN spirit and in TRUTH.
Spirit is a PLACE as opposed to mountains or houses: giving attendance to the Spirit OF truth is the only worship concept from the wilderness until Jesus returns.
God is ONE Spirit or ONE Mind: it is ANTIGOD to claim that MIND must be split into three beings the antichrists call PERSONS meaning people. This necessarily means that the invisible Spirit looks like a dark-skinned Semite probably shorter than me. HE is certainly less powerful than I if He requires the Spirit OF the SPIRIT to think for him.
Even after His resurrection Jesus of Nazareth was still IN THE FLESH. The doubting disciples were afraid that Jesus WAS a Spirit
Luke 24:36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them,
and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
Luke 24:37 But they were terrified and affrighted,
and supposed that they had seen a SPIRIT.
God IS Spirit: those that say that Jesus WAS God dispute His clear distinction between he as FLESH and God as SPIRIT. They deny that Christ came in the FLESH as the fulfillment that He would be of the Seed of Abraham.
Psa. 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell;
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Acts 2:30 Therefore being a prophet,
.....and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him,
.....he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
Acts 2:31 He seeing this before
.....spake of the resurrection of Christ,
.....that his soul was not left in hell,
.....neither his FLESH did see corruption.
Acts 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up,
.....whereof we all are witnesses.
Prophecy is fulfilled and Christ came in the FLESH but the flesh did not rot.
Luke 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled?
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet,
that it is I myself: handle me, and see;
for a spirit hath not FLESH and bones,
as ye see ME have.
Luke 24:40 And when he had thus spoken,
he shewed them his hands and his feet
Jesus says that He is NOT God nor a part of a god family.
Jesus of Nazareth was made to be both lord and Christ: He was not born with that power. Jesus did not exercise His LORDSHIP but His SERVANTHOOD or DEACONSHIP as the pattern. "Spirits" are equated especially to false prophets or teachers because their MIND has been twisted.
1John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that
Jesus Christ is come in the FLESH
is not of God:
and this is that spirit of ANTICHRIST,
whereof ye have heard that it should come;
and even now already is it in the world.
John identified only God the Father and Jesus the Son. He identified the "another paraklete" or comforter as Jesus Christ the Righteous who is the guiding Spirit or Mind of His Church. He says that those who deny the Divine Father and Man Son are ANTICHRISTS.
It is not strange that those who dredge up the always-pagan trinity give THEMSELVES the power of "a" holy spirit. The personified spirit or spiritus is applied to the god Apollo, Abaddon or Apollon: He is the king of the Locust or muses John called sorcerers.
- God is SPIRIT without FLESH and Bones.
- Jesus denied that He was GOD because God does not have flesh and bones
- Those who say that Jesus WAS GOD contradict Him.
- Trinitarians are still worshiping the FAMILY OF GODS as Pagans.
- Anyone who DISPUTES the clear statement that Jesus said that He was the SON of God and say that He WAS GOD are enemies of the CROSS where the Jews using a pagan phallic symbol satisfied themselves that Jesus was NOT God but flesh and bones.
- Let Jesus and John identify the ANTICHRISTS.
Luke 18:19 And Jesus said unto him,
.....Why callest thou me good?
.....none is good, save ONE, that is, God.
Sectarian Instrumental Music Worship Timeline
The Church of Christ (The Rock) in the wilderness prohibited vocal or instrumental rejoicing including rhetoric or "speaking your own words." This was a LEGALISM to warn about those who did not come before God with reverence and godly fear. Christ Who gave APT elders commanded them to silence the cunning craftsmen or sophists: rhetoricians, singers, instrument players because they are LYING IN WAIT TO DECEIVE. Only then did Paul define the inclusive and exclusive pattern of the ekklesia in assembly as synagogue to speak the truth (only). The Word or Logos is the truth and outlaws rhetoricians, personal opinions, singers, instrument players, actors or dancers. There are TWO facts: the LOGOS and MUTHOS.
ALL "dreams" about music in the assembly defined as a School (only) of the Word (only): Those who do not speak that Word Christ said there is no light in them.
Gilbert Bilezikian as the Father of Willow Creek and Female Clergy. Not even reaching the peak of incompetency lets theologians (that Apollon study) grasp that Paul silenced both male and female because the Purpose Drivien Church is that "all might be saved or SAFE and come to a knowledge of the truth." Men are silenced who might allow wrath or ORGY to break out: singing, playing, clapping, dancing all leading to a sexual-religious bind. Women are silenced because only women and a tiney few males fell into the ecstasy thinking that madness meant that the "gods" spoke only through them. Paul refutes: there is only one God the Father and One mediator the man Jesus Christ.
Female domination at most of the once-Christian colleges have neutered theology with Spiritual Formation such as Lectio-Divina which defines the Thessalian Hag or witch and MOON worship with a lord's supper in danger of being spiked with moon blood-that Agapae thing.
Little do theologians know or care to know that Eve is not the mother of gods, men and beasts and therefore SUPERIOR to gods and men: She is Vires, Venom, Venus. The Babylon Mother of harlots (lusted after fruits) in Revelation uses all religious craftsmen, singers, instrument players John calle sorcerers or Pharmakeia
EVE is Moses Warning after Israel was sentenced back to Babylon for captivity and death BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. This "Evah" or Abomination is defined in the first creation account as what the ungodly Jews worshipped as a beyond-redemption sin.
Evah is Virus, Venom or Venus in the BEGINNING and the Babylon Mother of Harlots is the Venom in these end times administered by speakers, singers and instrument players John called Sorcerers or veneficiis
The EVE or veneficiis are used by the mercātor who corrupt the WORD (logos) by corrupting the Word meaning "selling learning at retail" which word also means prostitution.
The biblical account stands in contrast to the pagan material that presents a serpent goddess hawwat who is the mother of life. See J. Heller, “Der Name Eva,”
When Adam was not satisfied with that his bisexual nature God removed the VIRUS so that he would not be hampered:
H582 ’ĕnôsh en-oshe' From H605 ; properly a mortal (and thus differeing from the more dignified H120 ADAM ); hence a man in generalZOE as in the "musical performers" is Eve and defined as the slimy scum on milk. WAIT! don't believe either Jewish or scholarly fables.
Eve is Evah worshipped then and now as the mediatrix but Evah means an abomination: She is Virus, Venus, Venum. She gave birth to the son of that Wicked One claiming that she got him from "god."
vĭra , ae, f. vir, I.a woman: “quae nunc femina, antiquitus vira vocabatur,”
vĕnēnum , i, n., orig., like pharmakon, any thing, esp. any liquid substance, that powerfully affects or changes the condition of the body, Graeci pharmakon “avaritia pecuniae studium habet: ea quasi venenis malis imbuta corpus animum que virilem effeminat,” Sall. C. 11, 3.— Apollod. 3.14.6
Connecting to the BEAST in Revelation: Thēri^-a^kos , ē, on, (thērion A New Style of song or drama] A. concerning venomous beasts, “logos” [Hermes] “th. pharmaka” [ such charms have I, Hdt.3.85, cf.Revelation 18:23, Apoc.9.21.] Id.17(2).337; thēriaka,
In this way music became an important factor in divination. In the mysteries of the Magna Mater [Revelation 17] this relationship between music and divination is particularly clear. Through the din of tambourines, cymbals and flutes.
Plin.HN14.117; th. oinos [ name of Dionysus The god of the new wineskinners]]\
Strong’s #5331, pharmakeia, from pharmakon, a drug, which in the Gr. writers is used both for a curative or medicinal drug, and also as a poisonous one. Pharmakeia means the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, illicit pharmaceuticals, trance, magical incantation with drugs (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21; 18:23; Sept.: Ex. 7:22; Is. 47:9, 12). (pp. 1437, 1438)
Dem. 25 79 No; I am wrong. He has a brother, who is present here in court and who brought that precious action against him. What need to say anything about him? He is own brother to the defendant, born of the same father and mother, and, to add to his misfortunes, he is his twin. It was this brother—I pass over the other facts—who got possession of the drugs and charms from the servant of Theoris of Lemnos, the filthy sorceress whom you put to death on that account with all her family.
Theōr-is , idos, hē, II. pl.,= Bakkhai, Id., cf. Plb.30.25.12; of attendants of Apollo, Nonn.D.9.261.
These are the Mad Women of Corinth who worshipped Apollo, Abaddon or Apollon. They are the frantic handmaid of Hades, The Muses (Rev 18) were known as the diirty prostitutes serving Apollon.
The Bakkhai worshipped Bacchus or Dionysus as the original NEW WINESKINS GOD by those who worshipped the STARRY HOST: this includes the Levites fathers of musical worship.
Pharma^k-is , idos, fem. of pharmakeus,A. sorceress, witch, D.25.79, , “gunē ph.” Ar.Nu.749; irreg. Sup., “pharmakistotatai gunaikōn” J.AJ17.4.1, cf. Suid. s.v. Mēdeia.II. fem. Adj., poisonous, venomous, “saura” Nic.Al.538.
Epōdē ,on. and poet. epa^oidē , hē,*A. [select] song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell, “epaoidē d' haima..eskhethon” “oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdai” Pl.R. 426b
pharma^kon ep' ar' ēpia pharmaka 3. enchanted potion, philtre: hence, charm, spell, Od.4.220 sq., Ar.Pl.302, Theoc.2
ēpi^os “ē. dēnea oide” Il.4.361; muthos ē. Od.20.327; orgai, phrenes,
ALL musical terms and names of instruments parse to Making War or making perverted love to fleece the "worshippers."
“The word translated in the AV ‘witchcraft’ in Gal 5:20 (pharmakeia) is the ordinary Greek one for ‘sorcery,’ and is so rendered in the RV, though it means literally the act of administering drugs and then of magical potions. It naturally comes then to stand for the magician’s art, as in the present passage and also in . . . the LXX of Isa 47:9 . . . translated ‘sorceries’.” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, James Orr, Ed., Vol. 5, p. 3097.)
1 Peter 3:21 Baptism Saves. Jesus and Peter affirm, Jay Guin and Al Maxey refute. ALL quotes trying to negate Scripture will be found to be lifted by those who refute them.
The Kingdom of Satan is Ecumenical is the Kosmos. Christianity is a tiNY SECT called the WAY: narrow, exclusive.
GraceConversation.com Ecumenical versus Sectarian
1.04.15 Jeanene P. Reese A new Paradigm showing that the creation account makes Eve equal with Adam: or the CLEAVING concept proves that Adam was the WEAKER.07.03.14 Jay Guin on Dancing as Worship. Includes Clapping: no Scripture needed Read and Discuss anonymously--if you wish--Whether Doctors of the Law whom Jesus said "take away the key to knowledge" as well as those who dispense authority are involved in Simony. Legalism is all of the religious acts: rhetoric, singing, playing or acting which must be pefrormed according to highly trained and well rehearsed hypocrites.
Answering.Church.of.Christ - Bible and History
Review: Danny Corbitt: Missing More than Music
General postings of false teachers and false teachers
Doctors of the Law, Universities and Staff the Cycle of Simony3.18.14 Things are coming together for Gog and Magog. The Kairos Church Planting group is supported by the three once-Christian colleges confessing that they are working together: they are also working with or being worked by the NACC which has lasted for a hundred years.
When you hear the SOUNDS-LIKE harps and other panic-generating sounds such as the bow over New Zion, there is another angel sent to the LIVING saying PREACH the Gospel because the SOUNDS silencing the Word of Christ in the Prophets and apostles it is a SOUND OF SOON JUDGMENT.
Revelation 14:15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
hōra (b. in ordinary life the day from sunrise to sunset was divided into twelve equal parts called hōrai (hōrai kairikai
when it was necessary to distinguish them from the hōrai isēmerinai,
versus. kairikos2 c), “hēmera hē . . dōdekaōros, toutestin hē apo anatolēs mekhri duseōs” “
oukhi dōdeka eisin hōrai tēs hēmeras;” Ev.Jo.11.9; “hōraōn amphi duōdekadi”
ANATOLE hēliou, pros anatolas”
II. as pr. n., Helios, the sun-god, Od.8.271, etc.; nē ton Hē. Men.Sam. 108; hupo Dia Gēn Hēlion, in manumission-formula, dentified with Apollo, with Dionysus,
2. Hēliou astēr, of the planet Saturn
987c] and do state, so much as adequate knowledge tells us. For real wisdom shows herself in some such way as this to him who has got even a little share of right and divine meditation. And now there remain three stars, of which one is distinguished from the others by its slowness, and some speak of it under the title of Saturn; the next after it in slowness is to be cited as Jupiter; and the next after this, as Mars, which has the ruddiest hue of all. Nothing in all this is hard to understandJohn 11:9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.Hōrai isēmerinai,
John 11:10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
Those who SEE through the rhetoricians, singers or instrument players cannot be Christians:
Isaiah 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.
Isaiah 8:21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward.
Isaiah 8:22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
John 8:13 The Pharisees therefore said unto him,
Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.
John 8:14 Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.
is-ēmerinos , ē, on,A.equinoctial, anatolē. Str.2.1.11; “skia” Hipparch.1.3.6, cf. Str.2.1.20; “zōdion” Ptol.Tetr.31; hōrai standard hours (OPPOSITE. kairikos, q.v.), each = 1/24 of the nukhthēmeron, Hipparch.1.1.10, Ptol.Alm.2.9, Gal.10.479, etc.; puros i. wheat sown at that time, Thphr.CP4.11.4; ho i. kuklos celestial equator, Arist.Mete.345a3, Euc.Phaen.p.4M., Plu.2.429f, etc.; ho i. (sc. kuklos), Hipparch.1.10.22, Str.1.1.21, etc.; “hapsis” Jul.Or.5.168c; i. khronoi time-degrees [each = 4 time-minutes] of the equator, Ptol. Alm.1.16.
A.timely, “apaggeliai” IG3.769.2. appropriate to certain times or seasons, seasonable, “anthē” PMag.Leid.W.24.1.c. Astron., hōrai k. hours of the kind that vary in length with the season, opp. isēmerinai, Ptol.Alm.4.11, 7.3, Tetr.76.apagg-elia , hē,
A.report, e.g. of an ambassador, D.19.5,al., Arist.Rh.Al.1438b10; “a. poieisthai”
poieō , Anything YOU make2.narrative, recital, description, “hōn . . brakheia hē a. arkei” Th. 3.67; lyric poetry is said to be “di' apaggelias autou tou poiētou” Pl. R.394c, cf. Phld.Po.5.1425.2; dramatic poetry is expressed by action “kai ou di' apaggelias” Arist.Po.1449b26, cf. ib.11, D.H.Comp. 20.A. make, produce, first of something material, as manufactures, works of art,
4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn Hellēsi” Id.2.53; p. Phaidran, Saturous, [BEAST] Ar.Th.153, 157; p. kōmōdian, tragōdian, etc., Pl.Smp.223d; “p b. represent in poetry,II. diction, Id.Dem.25, Plu.Dem.2.
Plat. Rep. 394c 1 The dithyramb was technically a poem in honor of Bacchus. For its more or less conjectural history cf. Pickard-Cambridge, Dithyramb, Tragedy, and Comedy. Here, however, it is used broadly to designate the type of elaborate Greek lyric which like the odes of Pindar and Bacchylides narrates a myth or legend with little if any dialogue.
Aristot. Poet. 1449b Tragedy is, then, a representation of an action6 that is heroic and complete and of a certain magnitude—by means of language enriched with all kinds of ornament, each used separately in the different parts of the play: it represents men in action and does not use narrative, and through pity and fear it effects relief to these and similar emotions.7 By "language enriched" I mean that which has rhythm and tune, i.e., song, and by "the kinds separately" I mean that some effects are produced by verse alone and some again by song. Since the representation is performed by living persons, it follows at once that one essential part of a tragedy is the spectacular effect, and, besides that, song-making and diction.KAIROS TIME FOR Aphroditē [i_, hē, (aphros) II. as Appellat., sexual love, pleasure,Od.22.444; “hup' Apollōni psauein Aphroditas” Pi.O.6.35; “erga Aphroditēs
2. generally, vehement longing or desire,E.IA1264; “A. tin' hēdeian kakōn” enjoyment,Id.Ph.399. III.ho tas Aphroditas astēr] the planet Venus,Ti.Locr.97a, cf. Pl.Epin.987b, Arist.Metaph.1073b31,
The Spirit of Christ called Lucifer "the singing and harp-playing prostitute in the garden of Eden.Plat. Epin. 987b For indeed they have received titles of gods: thus, that Lucifer, or Hesperus(which is the same, should almost belong to Aphrodite, is reasonable, and quite befitting a Syrian lawgiver; and that that which follows the same course as the sun and this together should almost belong to Hermes [Kairos] [987c] and do state, so much as adequate knowledge tells us. For real wisdom shows herself in some such way as this to him who has got even a little share of right and divine meditation. And now there remain three stars, of which one is distinguished from the others by its slowness, and some speak of it under the title of Saturn; the next after it in slowness is to be cited as Jupiter; and the next after this, as Mars, which has the ruddiest hue of all. Nothing in all this is hard to understand
Pind. O. 6 35 If someone were an Olympic victor, [5] and a guardian of the prophetic altar of Zeus at Pisa, and a fellow-founder of renowned Syracuse, what hymn of praise would that man fail to win, by finding fellow-citizens ungrudging in delightful song?...where Evadne was raised, and first touched the sweets of Aphrodite beneath Apollo's embrace.
1.24.14 See Jay Guin on Dancing as Worship. Includes Clapping: no Scripture needed
1.17.14 Here is some of the definition of Lying Wonders and Blaspheming the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Just your HUMAN Tradition or Traditional 20 Times
Not submitting to Musical Discorders Imposing instruments caused CONTROVERSY 3 Times
Church suffers under ARCHAIC, OBSCURE, OR IRRELEVANT styles, methods or traditions
We need to use music to achieve UNITY 14 times according to John 17
If you REJECT using "machines for making wary" you are JUDGING those who IMPOSE. 20 TIMES
If WE IMPOSE instruments it will be in the name of PEACE 2 times
People who reject instruments is just based Style or Styles 13 Times
This is just their Method or Methods 10 Times
Need to change to speaking INTELLIGIBLY in the changing world 2 Times
They are Legalistic and and Judgmental 1 Time
Culture changes WE need to CHANGE 6 TIMES
Not using Instrumennts is just their Customs 2
WE need A NEW Language to explain the Spirit OF Christ 9 Times
People who reject instruments are Just defending THEIR Heritage 2
Freedom 22 Times--is something WE give YOU.
Not using instrumental noise is Just your Opinions 12 Times
People who reject instruments are Pharisee 2 times
WE offer Continuity with the Past 2 but IN ADDITION will offer instruments (based on this common White Paper from the NACC] 8 Times This is the Rick Atchley Both-And outrage
People who reject instruments are JUDGING others 12 Times
Not adding instruments may Eclipse the WORD Hinder the gospel
This will be CHALENGING [Discording) 4 Timess but WE will use GRADUALISM (The Serpent in Genesis uses twisting songs to gradually creep). It will be PAINFUL
- If you say that Churches of Christ which did not use INSTRUMENTS during the School of the Word from the Wilderness onwwars was just and evil tradition.
- And from Genesis to Revelation musical machines are said to have been brought by Lucifer (ZOE) into the garden of Eden and resulted in some sexual hanky panky to REVELATION when the Babylon mother of harlot rises again and ALL of her religious STAFF are called sorcerers and will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire.
- Then Christ in Jeremiah 23 says that you despise the Word and the Latin word is BLASPHEME
THIS PAPER WILL HELP YOU FLEE BABYLON whose Mother of Harlots (Revelation 17) uses "lusted after fruits" (Same as in Isaiah 8) as self-speakers, singers, instrument players and ALL religious craftsmen who were called PARASITES.
NUMBERS 11 THE REST OF THE STORY ABOUT MUTTERING AND MURMURING: Violates Christ's outlawing vocal or instrument rejoicing or speaing your own words in Numbers 10
The role of PREACHER as SENT Evangelist
The MARKS of the BEASTS (Zoe) and the INSECTS-PARASITES (LOCUSTS or musical worship teams)
12.22.13 Lucifer is Venus or ZOE and among the matriarchal "mother of harlots" she-he is EVE or EVAH meaning an Abomination. Lucifer is well documented in the Greek literature. Christ said that when Lucifer was Cast as Profane (Chalal or Halal the "praise" word) into the Garden of Eden She-He was the "singing and harp-playing prostitute."
The Beginning Mother of Beasts and the End-Time Babylon Mother of Harlots are identical. Paul said that Eve was wholly SEDUCED as a new bride is SEDUCED just before her husband. That is why Cain (from a musical note or mark) was OF that Wicked one.
Eve is mentioned only twice in the New Testament and because Jesus spoke in parables to HIDE the truth from the WISE (sophists=rhetoricians, singers, musicians, actors). Moses was writing an INVERTED version of Babylon Myths AFTER the nation fell from grace BECAUSE of instrumental idolatry at Mount Sinai. Therefore, those who mock Paul do not understand that Paul knew all about Eve and scholars know nothing. While not necessarily true, Paul understood that women especially looked to EVE (Zoe, Mary) as THEIR Mediatrix.
The serpents, however, of the magicians-(that is,) the gods of destruction-withstood the power of Moses in Egypt, but the rod of Moses reduced them all to subjection and slew them. This universal serpent is, he says, the wise discourse of Eve. This, he says, is the mystery of Edem, this the river of Edem;this the mark that was set upon Cain,
that any one who findeth him might not kill him. This, he says, is Cain, [Gen. iv. 15] whose sacrifice [Gen. iv. 5. ] the god of this world did not accept.
Theophilus to AutolycusThis Eve, on account of her having been in the beginning deceived by the serpent, and become the author of sin, the wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpent, and who works even to this day in those men that are possessed by him, invokes as Eve.58 And he is called "demon" and "dragon," on account of his revolting from God. For at first he was an angel. And concerning his history there is a great deal to be said; wherefore I at present omit the relation of it, for I have also given an account of him in another place.
58 Referring to the bacchanalian orgies in which " Eva " was shouted, and which the Fathers professed to believe was an unintentional invocation of Eve, the authoress of all sin.
The word "abomination" is also key to understanding the context. In Hebrew, the word "to 'evah," (abomination) is almost invariably linked to idolatry. In the passages from which both verses are taken, God tells Moses to tell the people not to follow the idolatrous practices of the people around them, people who sacrificed their children to Molech, or who masturbated into the fire to offer their semen to Molech, for example. Chapter 20 starts off with the same warning.
"To 'evah" also means "something which is ritually unclean."
But also, concerning music, some have fabled that Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon] was the inventor, and others say that Orpheus discovered the art of music from the sweet voices of the birds. Their story is shown to be empty and vain, for these inventors lived many years after the flood. And what relates to Noah, who is called by some Deucalion, has been explained by us in the book before mentioned, and which, if you wish it, you are at liberty to read.Genesis 1 is exactly parallel to John 1: after Israel fell into instrumental idolatry of their Egyptian gods, God abandoned the later Civil-Military-Clergy complex to worship the same "gods" that appear as Abaddon or Apollyon in Revelation. The LOCUSTS or MUSES are unleashed from "hell" and Abaddon is the Musical Worship leader. This happened exactly 4000 years after Moses defined the same conflict between LIGHT and DARK. That was launched by the most virulent, hostile attack against the ANTI-instrumental Churches of Christ mounted exactly 100 years after the first brutal attack. This convinced Churches of Christ that even friendly fellowship meant that their flock would be Purpose Driven by the boast of "Infiltrating and diverting the church homes of widows and honest workers into A Theater for Holy Entertainment."
Armageddon is not a war of the world but a war of words: a polemic war with shock and awe as the meaning of mechanical Organon used by Jubal's family to bring on the first destruction.
Great tribulation flaunting "the holiness of sin" has accompanied the loss of faith at the end of each DAY period.
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation,A million Jews were cast into Tophet (tabret, tambourine) at the first fulfilment. Not one DISCIPLE of Christ was "burned" and the Jews are still looking for their Levites and the tens of thousands of HARPS which according to the Babylonian Prophetic type were "cast alive with their harps along with the king"
such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:
but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
and shall shew great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
sēmeion , 3. sign or signal to do a thing, made by flags, anedexe sēmēion toisi alloisi anagesthai he made signal for the rest to put to sea, Hdt.7.128; signal for battle, ta s. ērthē, katespasthē, Th.1.49,63, etc.; kathairein to s. to take it down, strike the flag, as a sign of dissolving an assembly, And.1.36; to tēs ekklēsias s. Ar.Th.278;
8. watchword, war-cry, Plb.5.69.8; “apo s. henos epistrephein tas naus” Th.2.90, cf.X.HG6.2.28.
Lying Wonders teras III. in colloquial language, “teras legeis kai thaumaston” Pl.Hp.Ma.283c, cf. Tht.163d; “teras legeis, ei . . ” Id.Men.91d
The Spirit OF (preposition) Christ defines the Church in the Wilderness and the future REST after the Jew's Covenant with Death and Hell had been annulled with only a tiny remnant of faithful Jews:
Isaiah 14:9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming:
it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth;
it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.
Isaiah 14:10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?
Isaiah 14:11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols:
the worm is spread under thee, and the worms [Maggots] cover thee.
-Sublīmis , B. In partic., of language, lofty, elevated, sublime (freq. in Quint.): “sublimia carmina,” Juv. 7, 28: “verbum,” Quint. 8, 3, 18: “oratio,
of orators, poets, etc.: “natura sublimis et acer,” Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 165: “sublimis et gravis et grandiloquus (Aeschylus),
carmen , ĭnis, n. (old form cas-men , Varr. L. L. p. 86 Bip.) [Sanscr. çasto declaim, praise; cf.: camilla, censeo],I. a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto).
5. A magic formula, an incantation:
6. On account of the very ancient practice of composing forms of religion and law in Saturnian verse, also a formula in religion or law, a form:
“barbaricum,” id. M. 11, 163.—With allusion to playing on the cithara:
Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,
APOLLO and since he communicated oracles in verse, god of poetry and music,
presiding over the Muses
Opposite to: sum-mitto ” to moderate his efforts, restrain himself , accommodating his instructions to the capacity, speak humbly,
grandĭlŏquus , i, m. grandis-loquor,I. speaking grandly or loftily: “et grandiloqui, ut ita dicam, fuerunt cum ampla et sententiarum gravitate et majestate verborum,” Cic. Or. 5, 20; cf. Quint. 10, 1, 66: grandiloquent: “isti grandiloqui (i. e. Stoici),” boasters, Cic. Tusc. 5, 31, 89.
Lucifer is Venus or ZOE and among the matriarchal "mother of harlots" she-he is EVE or EVAH meaning an Abomination. Lucifer is well documented in the Greek literature. Christ said that when Lucifer was Cast as Profane (Chalal or Halal the "praise" word) into the Garden of Eden She-He was the "singing and harp-playing prostitute."
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!12.17.13Most Jews of the "viper race" replaced most godly Jews who would not let their boys "wear the hat of Hermes" and serve as singers, dancers and prostitutes in Herod's Temple. See Second Maccabees and notes from the Pink Swastika.-infernus , a, um, adj. infer,IN THE LXX FROM WHICH JESUS QUOTED:
I. lower, that which lies beneath
Thy glory has come down to Hades, and thy great mirth: under thee they shall spread corruption and the worm shall be thy covering. Isaiah 14:11 LXX
[11] detracta est ad inferos superbia tua concidit cadaver tuum subter te sternetur tinea et operimentum tuum erunt vermes
-Superbĭa I. In a bad sense, loftiness, haughtiness, pride, arrogance
2. Conceit, vanity: “legatos, velut ad ludibrium stolidae superbiae in senatum vocatos esse,” Liv. 45, 3, 3.—3. Rudeness, discourtesy: “superbiam tuam accusant, quod negent te percontantibus respondere,” Cic. Fam. 7, 16, 3.— *-ludībrĭum I. a mockery, derision, wantonness. . A laughing-stock, butt, jest, sport B. A scoff, jest, sport: to reproach jestingly, scoff, such a drunkard as to be a standing jest, C. Abuse, violence done to a woman: in corporum ludibria deflere, Ex-tollo II. Trop., to raise, elevate, exalt: “orationem amplificationibus,” Quint. 12, 10, 62; cf.Dan 3:5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer,
and all kinds of music, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:
Dan 3:6And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
ōrātĭo , ōnis, f. oro, E. A prayer, an address to the Deity (eccl. Lat.): “respice ad orationem servi tui,” Vulg. 3 Reg. 8, 28: “per orationes Dominum rogantes,” id. 2 Macc. 10, 16: “pernoctans in oratione Dei,” id. Luc. 6, 12.—Also absol., prayer, the habit or practice of prayer: “perseverantes in oratione,” Vulg. Act. 1, 14: “orationi instate,” id. Col. 4, 2; cf. Gell. 13, 22, 1.
Madison as the result of the "Jubilee" intending to restructure ALL Churches of Christ was attacked by the Purpose Driven Cult and it appears that the godly elect were "raptured." This is the end of the road for the Vision 20/20s in most of the assaulted churches of Christ. Before the Jubilee "frog-boiling" process began Madison boasted that they had over 5000 members and lost only "50": These numbers did and may include 300 members in jail.2 Maccabees 1
1 - The Jewish brethren in Jerusalem and those in the land of Judea, To their Jewish brethren in Egypt, Greeting, and good peace.
2 - May God do good to you, and may he remember his covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, his faithful servants.
3 - May he give you all a heart to worship him and to do his will with a strong heart and a willing spirit
Matthew 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.ALL of the SOUNDS-LIKE INSTRUMENT PASSAGES war of JUDGMENT and commands the godly--be they ever so scare--to GO and preach the gospel to ALL nations.
Matthew 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:
behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days
shall the sun be darkened,
and the moon shall not give her light, [Bible replaced by Theology fit for OUR CHANGED CULTURE.]
and the stars shall fall from heaven, [The lucifer or ZOE types]
and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,
and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet,
and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
The Purpose Driven Locusts or MUSES are to COLLECT all of those with the MARK into large Mega-Groups and the GODLY will evaporate as if by magic. Rick Atchleys boasted of 6400 shrank to about 3500 counting both the MOTHER church and the DAUGHTER churches. They have collected back up to about 4500 by SOUNDING THE TRUMPETS AND THE LOCUSTS-MUSES as Abaddon the Musical Worship Leader.
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
Proverbs 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Proverbs 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
Proverbs 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
The GREEKS especially were devoted to inventing MACHINES to shock and awe the audience which they intended to FLEESE. They could make the "gods" appear magically, fly throw the air. They beat on boards and called it thunder. The Clanging Brass vases were TUNED and amplified the sounds of the speakers, actors and musicians. An organ or musical instrument is a "machine for making war or for inducing the Shock and Awe" of religious spectacles. This Upset their comfort zones but nevertheless made them feel that they had been aroused by the presence of a spirit, or demon inside of their bodies.
mŏdus ,2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,” Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici,” Quint. 1, 10, 14: “lyrici,” Ov. H. 15, 6: “fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos,”Mūsĭcus . a, um, adj., = μουσικός. I. Of or belonging to music, musical (class.). LAWS of music
2. mūsĭ-ca , ōrum, n., music: “in musicis numeri, et voces, et modi,” Cic. de Or. 1, 42, 187: “dedere se musicis,” id. ib. 1, 3, 10: “et omnia musicorum organa,” Vulg. 1 Par. 16, 42.—
“sonus citharae,” Phaedr. 4, 18, 20:
Bacchico exsultas (i. e. exsultans) modo, Enn. ap. Charis. Charis or Graces were blue-eyed blond prostitutes like the MUSES. In an erotic sense it means to give a favor to another man.
saltare ad tibicinis modos, to the music or sound of the flute, Liv. 7, 2: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,” Juv. 7, 19
vŏluptas satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight (whether sensual or spiritual; syn. oblectamentum).
cum fictas fabulas ... cum voluptate legimus?” A. Of persons, as a term of endearment: “mea voluptas,” my joy, my charmer [Grace or Kharis in an erotic sense giving favors to another male]
B. Voluptates, sports, shows, spectacles, given to the people, Cic. Mur. 35, 74: “ne minimo quidem temporis voluptates intermissae,” Tac. H. 3, 83;
Orgănum , i, n., = organon, I.an implement, instrument, engine of any kind Of musical instruments, a pipe, Quint. 11, 3, 20; 9, 4, 10; Juv. 6, 3, 80; Vulg. Gen. 4, 21;
Genesis 4.21] et nomen fratris eius Iubal ipse fuit pater canentium cithara et organo9.24.13 Strong delusions result in Lying Wonders: this includes so-called worship services to which Jesus said "the kingdom does not come."
Jubal, descendant of CAIN (from a musical note) is the FATHER of all of those who HANDLE musical instruments: Handle means in a sexual sense and WITHOUT AUTHORITY.
Eve, says Paul, was WHOLLY SEDUCED, and Cain was OF that Wicked one. Jesus said that the clergy who spoke on their own were sons of the Devil. No: the Cainites were not wiped out by a flood.
căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient I.imp. cante = canite,
I. Neutr., to utter melodious notes, to sing, sound, play. sounnds like Duck, Cock, Frogs, Locusts
OF THE WORLD: Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 27.— “In the lang. of the Pythagoreans, of the heavenly bodies (considered as living beings),” the music of the spheres, Cic. N. D. 3, 11, 27.—Sounds of war:
Jesus doesn't PRAY for the World. The Pythagoreans, were one of the musical sects in Rome (Romans 14) identifieid in the marketplace by their DIET. Paul silenced any of their "doubtful disputations" because it did not edify or educate.
Cithara or guitar, stringed instrument, the ART of playing on the guitar.
Pipe is orgănum , i, n., = organon,
ON THE CONTRARY, in the Revelation examples HAVING or HOLDING means apprehending the Word and they did not PLAY but SPOKE the Word of God. God doesn't SUPPLY musical instruments which are said to have come from demons or Lucifer as the "singing and harp-playing prostitute" in the Garden of Eden: the BEAST or SERPENT as a musical enchanter.
Organum, harp: B. Transf.: organum oris, the tongue of a man, Prud. steph. 10, 2.—
Example: Back! strong deluders, back to remedial reading!
Paul commanded that we SPEAK "that which is written for our learning." Psalms to Paul would be Mizmors and these do not include instruments in the 50 or so "teaching psalms."
A deluded person says that Paul said to SING the psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (all in the text).His COMMAND was that the ODE and PSALLO be in the heart or spirit: in 1 Corinthians 14 those who wanted to sing were told to be SILENT because they could not teach doctrine.
SingING and makING are IN the Heart where only God can hear.
A deluded person says that Paul said SING psalms, hymns and spiritual songs making melody UPON a HARP.
Both ODE and PSALLO have destructive roots: Psallo has the same root meaning as SOP.
Psallo and the Psao based words were used to translated into Greek: they were smart enough to understand that the singing and playing instruments under the King's Law was called exorcism: making the lambs dumb before the slaughter. The Jacob-cursed and God-abandoned Levites were quarantined from the godly people: they were under the King and Commanders of the Army. Their noise was to WARN any modern music discorder if they came NEAR or INTO any of the abandoned "holy places" they were to be executed.
In making war, the taunt song, harps and twanging bow strings warned the enemy that if they did not turn coward and run they would be robbed, sodomized and then executed: this was THE Power Point of warrior musicians still alive and well.
God's Word is the LOGOS or the Regulative Principle of the universe. God "breathed" (spirit not a person) and Jesus SPOKE the WORD or LOGOS.
We adults SPEAK the Inspired Text written "for our learning."
We ODE and PSALLO in the PLACE of the Heart meaning we keep oding and psalloing SILENT.
Logos computation, reckoning 2. statement of a theory, argument, ouk emeu alla tou l. akousantas prob. in Heraclit.50; logon ēde noēma amphis alētheiēs discourse and reflection on reality,
IV. inward debate of the soul, reflection, deliberation
Regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe,
Opposite to epithumia
A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder, 3. view as spectators
Opposite Pathos A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,
Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment,
Opposite Enthousi-astikos , ē, on, A. inspired, “phusis” Pl.Ti.71e; esp. by music,
VI. verbal expression or utterance, lego, lexis
-Lexis A.speech, OPPOSITE ôidê
-ôidê, 1.art of song 5. = eppsdê, spell, incantation
4. text of an author, OPPOSITE exegesis [Peter's private interpretation outlaws exegesis]
Arist.En1142a26Prose, OPPOSITE -poiêsis, Id.R.390a;
OPPOSITE -poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; opp. poiêmata, onomatopoeic word
OPPOSITE emmetra Modus 2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: Mūsĭcus a, um, adj., = mousikos.
X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,
347c] But if he does not mind, let us talk no more of poems and verses, but consider the points on which I questioned you at first, Protagoras, and on which I should be glad to reach, with your help, a conclusion.
For it seems to me that arguing about poetry is comparable to the wine-parties of common market-folk. These people, owing to their inability to carry on a familiar conversation over their wine by means of their own voices and discussions
It is not likely or possible that those who have twisted truth to deliberately sow discord will ever be able to read the BLACK text on BROWN paper.
The Book of Enoch and many contemporaneous accounts prove that those who clime down from the mountain of the Living Word down in the dark valleys of the Cainites using wine, women, choirs and instrument will NEVER be able to return to the Living Word. The Locusts in Revelation are the MUSES and Apollo (Abaddon, Apollyon) is the leader of the unleashed muses always dirty adulteresses are to SECT OUT those MARKED (the Beast or serpent is A New Style of Music or Drama) and hold them captive so they cannot get out.
7.01.13 Gender Inclusive and Egalitarian Churches of Christ: Gender-focused churches are not related to the Apostolic teaching nor to the historic Church of Christ. To say that Scripture from Genesis to Revelation and the danger of Mother Goddess worship has always and has now NEUTERED many churches of Christ so that their performance preaching and music calls forth a lot of ridicule. They have to say that all of the Scriptures lie and simply did not understand OUR CULTURE. At the same time they twist the Scriptures to say that what Paul outlawed did not prevent what THEY want to impose. This normally happens after a senior preacher has usurped all authority, intimidated the elders, fired the vocational ministers and HIRED female ministers. Christ in Isaiah 3 defined this time perfectly where the women and BOYS or the effeminate (or worse) rule over you. Men have already violated the direct command to PREACH the Word by READING the Word for Comfort and Doctrine.
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Si_gaō , means silent and not just VOCAL while being ORDERLY. Men have NO AUTHORITY to transmit to women to TEACH in the self-referenced or authentia authority form.keep silence, used by Hom. only in imper. siga, hush! be still! I 2. metaph. of things, “sigōn d' olethros kai mega phōnount' . . amathunei” A.Eu.935 (anap.); “surigges ou sigōsin” Id.Supp.181; “
The command SILENCES: phōn-eō , (phōnē) Anaxarch.1: abs., cry aloud, as in joy, S.Tr.202; of a singer, “aoidos . . aiola phōneōn” Theoc.16.44:—Pass., ta phōnēthenta sounds or words uttered, Pl.Sph. 262c, Ti.72a, cf. Longin.39.4.
4. of a musical instrument, sound, E.Or.146 (lyr.); of sounds, hēdu phōnein sound sweetly, Plu.2.1021b; but brontē ph. it has a voice, is significant, X.Ap.12.
The command SILENCES: surigx , iggos, hē, A.shepherd's pipe, Panspipe, “aulōn suriggōn t' enopē” Il.10.13; “nomēes terpomenoi surigxi” 18.526; “suriggōn enopē” h.Merc.512; “hupo ligurōn suriggōn hiesan audēn” Hes.Sc.278; “ou molpan suriggos ekhōn” S.Ph.213 (lyr.); kalaminē s. Ar.Fr.719; “kat' agrous tois nomeusi surigx an tis eiē” Pl.R.399d.That also silences MEN or those who did not have holy hands to raise and therefore fell into WRATH or ORGY along with the Women who provided the AUTHENTIA or sexual authority.
The REASON for silence is that "everyone might be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth."
By what kind of madness do MALES now wanting FEMALE ministers instead of deacons think that what THEY are providing a 'Knowledge of THE TRUTH" which is the Word (only) of Christ (only) in the Prophets and Apostles. There are no other roles and no "law of giving" to give a dole for self-speakers.
Thou has Turned My Mourning into Dancing. Perhaps by God's design, they didn't read enough to understand that this is the GENDER mark well documented by Christ in Isaiah 3.
The Romans, at their own request, obtain from them skilled performers-the proper seasons-the name too, for it is said they are called Ludi, from Lydi. And though Varro derives the name of Ludi from Ludus, that is, from play, as they called the Luperci also Ludii, because they ran about making sport; still that sporting of young men belongs, (playful or ludicrous) in his view, to festal days and temples, and objects of religious veneration.
Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand:
and they bowed the knee before him,
and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
illūdo (inl-When they MOCKED Jesus the prophecy used the word Alarm or Triumph which is to play loud wind instruments and make a loud rejoicing sound.
I Neutr., to play at or with any thing, to sport with, amuse one's self with (syn. colludo; cf. ludificor).
1. To scoff or mock at, to make a laughing-stock of, to ridicule (so most freq.): “satis superbe illuditis me,
“feminarum illustrium capitibus,” : illusa pictae vestis inania, rhetorum),
How to use PSALLO to turn captives into WOMEN
Grant, then, forgiveness to the Lydians, and to make sure of their never rebelling against thee, or alarming thee more,
send and forbid them to keep any weapons of war, command them to wear tunics under their cloaks, and to put buskins upon their legs,
..........and make them bring up their sons to cithern-playing (Kitharizein), singing (psallein),
..........and shop-keeping (Hucksterism).
So wilt thou soon see them become women instead of men,
and there will be no more fear of their revolting from thee."-[4] Ludoisi de sungnômên echôn tade autoisi epitaxon, hôs mête aposteôsi mête deinoi toi eôsi: apeipe men sphi pempsas hopla arêia mê ektêsthai, keleue de spheas kithônas -[khiton David's garment] te hupodunein toisi heimasi kai kothornous hupodeesthai, proeipe d' autoisi -kitharizein te kai psallein kai kapêleuein [prostitutes, petty trade, playing tricks, corrupting] paideuein tous paidas. kai tacheôs spheas ô basileu gunaikas ant' andrôn opseai gegonotas, hôste ouden deinoi toi esontai mê aposteôsi."
The word kitharizo means to PLAY THE CITHARA and does not include singing.
- -Kitharizô 1 [kitharis] to play the cithara, phormingi [Apollo] kitharize Il., Hes.; lurêi eraton kitharizôn Hhymn. (so that there can have been no great difference between the kithara, lura, and phorminx ); kitharizein ouk epistatai, of an uneducated person,
-Kithar-isis , eôs, hê, playing on the cithara, Pl.Prt.325e; k. psilê, i.e. without the voice, Id.Lg.669e, cf. Pae.Delph.15; aulêsis kai k. Phld.Mus.p.23 K.
-Arassô ,of any violent impact, with collat. notion of rattling, clanging, as of horses, hoplais, pound in a mortar, strike with a shower of stones.
a). kitharēn strike the lyre, Orph.A.382; humnon, melos, etc., Nonn.D.1.15,440, etc.
2. c. dat. modi, arassein tina oneidesi, kakois, assail with reproaches or threats,
II. Pass., to be dashed against, dash one against the other
Pound in a mortar, “holmō a.” Nic. Th.508
G1702 empaizō emp-aheed'-zo From G1722 and G3815 ; to jeer at, that is, deride:
Empaizō , fut. A.“-xomai” LXXHb.1.10: pf. empepaikha ib.Nu.22.29:— mock at, mock, “tini” Hdt.4.134;
3. Pass., to be deluded, Ev.Matt.2.16, AP10.56.2 (Pall.), Vett.Val.16.14; to be defrauded, of the revenues, Cod.Just.1.34.2.
II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonais” E.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “tō gumnasiō” Luc.Lex.5.
- E.Ba. 866 Euripides, Bacchae ........OnLine Text
- Chorus
- Shall I move my white foot in the night-long dance, aroused to a frenzy, [865] throwing my head to the dewy air, like a fawn sporting in the green pleasures of the meadow, when it has escaped a fearful chase beyond the watchers [870] over the well-woven nets, and the hunter hastens his dogs [Catamites] on their course with his call, while she, with great exertion and a storm-swift running, rushes along the plain by the river, rejoicing [875] in the solitude apart from men and in the thickets of the shady-foliaged woods. What is wisdom? Or what greater honor do the gods give to mortals than to hold one's hand [880] in strength over the head of enemies? What is good is always dear.
2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
- Empaiktês , ou, ho,A. mocker, deceiver, LXXIs.3.4, 2 Ep.Pet.3.3, Ep.Jud. 18.
Entrupo (g1792) en-troo-fah'-o; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: - sporting selves.
Truphaô , ( [truphê]
2. part. truphōn as Adj., effeminate, luxurious, Ar.Nu.48, etc.; “t. kai amelēs” Pl.Lg.901a; “to truphōn” effeminacy, Ar.V.1455 (lyr.); also of things, dainty, delicate, “paison,
II. to be licentious, run riot, wax wanton, Ar.Lys.405, etc.; to be extravagant
Paison paizô [pais]
2. esp. dance, “paisate” Od.8.251; “dōma peristenakhizeto possin andrōn paizontōn” 23.147, cf. Hes.Sc.277; “p. te kai khoreuein”
alla pepaistai metriōs hēmin, of the chorus,
4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.
5. play amorously,
In the Book of Enoch referenced by Jude those for whom God will come in horrible judgement are specificially those who CAN BE seduced by mixed-sex choirs, musical instruments, drama, 'wearing of apparel' as seductive clergy garb (worn by the Levites). The holy Sethites who ignored the teaching fell into this musical idolatry, changed their minds but could never get back up. Knowing they were doomed they sought comfort by seducing as many other people as possible. From Hitler and beyond the MARK of success is how many people you can entice to accompany them in BOWING while the PIPERS pipe: Jesus called them "children" which was a dirty word.
The prophecy in Revelation is that again Satan will be loosed and knowing that he has a short time will work really hard to seduce as many as possible before Lake of Fire time. IF POSSIBLE the ELECT (those added by Christ to His church) will be deceived: those who ARE deceived are simply not recognized by Jesus.
MOST of the mildy-musical religions are said to have fallen into a "rock and roll" style which is that Black influence of the "F" word. Among recognized groups a few Churches of Christ have not already fallen into INSTRUMENTAL "worship" or its VIRTUAL-INSTRUMENTAL with a cappella which in its origin are the castrated praise singers working for the MOTHER church.
2 Thessalonians those who are warned not to be moved are tempted by:
1. Purpose Driven or deliberate deceivers.
2. Something unknown: a piece of ignorance. Epithet for those who are predestinated who HAD deceived the whole world.
3. Members is defined as "A Member of the Church of Christ."
4. The METHOD of deception is musical melody.
I didn't make this up! That is why they are in the Davidic MAKING WAR mode and will not or cannot hear what you say. That's fine: seems the WORLD and the WISE (Sophists speakers, singers, instrument players) are marked as NOT supposing to hear (Matthew 23). Since the BEAST is clearly defined as "A new style of singing or drama" the MARK will be anyone who can be seduced. It's all in the book.
2Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren,
by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and by our gathering together unto him,
2Thessalonians 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled,
neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us,
as that the day of Christ is at hand.
Mŏvĕo , I. To move, stir, set in motion; to shake, disturb, remove,
A. Lit.: “movit et ad certos nescia membra modos,” “ut festis matrona moveri jussa diebus,” to dance, Hor. A. P. 232: by dancing (gesticulating), “et fila sonantia movit,” struck, Ov. M. 10, 89: “citharam cum voce,” id.“tympana,” id. H. 4, 48; to disturb: “novis Helicona cantibus,” Manil. Astron. 1, 4: “signum movere loco,” to move from the place,
Sumtime a boay beloved of the God that with a string
Dooth arme his bow, and with a string in tune his Violl bring.
For hallowed to the Nymphes that in the feeldes of Carthye were
There was a goodly myghty Stag whose homes such bredth did beare,
As that they shadowed all his head. His homes of gold did shyne,
And downe his brest hung from his necke, a cheyne with jewels fyne.
Amid his frunt with prettie strings a tablet beeing tyde,
Did waver as he went: and from his eares on eyther syde
movit et ad certos nescia membra modos,”
1 Certus purpose driven, resolved, deliberate,
2 Nescĭus an unknown thing, a piece of ignorance unknowing, ignorant, unaware, not understanding, unable II. An epithet of all those objects whose existence or reality is fixed, determined (hence in connection with definitus, Quint. 7, 10, 7; “with praefinitus,” Suet. Galb. 14)
Revelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;3 Membrum includes: A Member Of the Church of Christ: “singuli autem alter alterius membra,” Vulg. Rom. 12, 5; cf. “the context: membra sumus corporis ejus,” i. e. Christ's, id. Eph. 5, 30.
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries WERE all nations deceived.
4 Mŏdus , Musical Melody: you have to cut the word Limb from Limb to make melody
2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,” Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici,” Quint. 1, 10, 14: “lyrici,” Ov. H. 15, 6: “fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos,” Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12: Bacchico exsultas (i. e. exsultans) modo, Enn. ap. Charis. p. 214 P. (Trag. v. 152 Vahl.): “flebilibus modis concinere,” Cic. Tusc. 1, 44, 106: saltare ad tibicinis modos, to the music or sound of the flute, Liv. 7, 2: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,” Juv. 7, 19.—Fig.: “verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae,” moral harmonies,
Citharam 1.the cithara, cithern, guitar, or lute
II. Meton., the music of the cithara, or, in gen., of a stringed instrument, the art of playing on the cithara,
And Voice
Cantus , ūs, m. id., I.the production of melodious sound, a musical utterance or expression, either with voice or instrument; hence, song, singing, playing, music A. Of persons. 1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum, cock, a crowing
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum. SORCERY Cic. Div. 2.26
2.15.13 The COSMIC worship of the Starry Host is being promoted by the once-Christian Colleges led by the NACC.
-Aster ge shooting star or meteor, illustrious person
Mousaōn astera kai Kharitōn
Pepperdine/NACC Christian Worship Depicted in Revelation?
The sounds above Zion (the church) in prophetic types by Christ and in final warning in Revelation are signs to MARK AND AVOID those who have had their candlestick removed and ABANDONED to the worship of the COSMIC or Creature which is well recorded as instrumental idolatry at Mount Sinai. The next event will be Cast Alive into the Lake of Fire for taking the mark (mind control) of the Beasts (a new style of music and drama claiming to lead you into the presence of God.)
The Mark of the Beast
Jeremiah 15:3 And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the LORD:
the sword to slay,
and the dogs to tear,
and the fowls of the heaven,
and the beasts of the earth,
to devour and destroy.
-Besta 2.As a term of reproach (cf. belua and our beast): “mala tu es bestia,” Plaut. Bacch. 1, 1, 21; -Pl. Poen. 5.5.—And, humorously, of the odor of the armpits (cf. ala and caper. cappella), Cat. 69, 8.— II. Transf., as a constellation, the wotf, Vitr. 9, 4 (7)
cănis (cănes , Plaut. Men. 5, 1, 18; id. Trin. 1, 2, 133;
B. “bestiarum vocabulum proprie convenit leonibus, pardis et lupis, tigribus et vulpibus,
a. A shameless, vile person, Plaut. Most. 1, 1, 40; Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 33
2. As the regular designation of the hangers-on or parasites of an eminent or rich Roman; a follower, dog, creature:
a. Tergeminus, i. e. Cerberus. Ov. A. A. 3, 322; id. Tr. 4, 7, 16; “called also viperius,” id. Am. 3, 12, 26: “Tartareus,” Sen. Herc. Fur. 649: “triformis,” id. Herc. Oet. 1202: Echidnaea. Ov. M. 7, 409; cf.: “infernae canes,” Hor. S. 1, 8, 35; Verg. A. 6, 257; Luc. 6, 733. ——
Trĭformis , e, adj. ter - forma,I. having three forms, shapes, or natures; threefold, triple, triform (poet.): “Chimaera,” Hor. C. 1, 27, 23: “canis,” i. e. Cerberus, Sen. Herc. Oet. 1202: “Geryon,” id. Agam. 841: All pagan god heads were trinitarian.
Pl. Bac. 1.1 Note: Your Bacchanalian den: "Bacchanal" was properly the place where the Bacchanalia, or orgies, were celebrated. He styles them "Bacchantes," and their house a "Bacchanal," in allusion both to their names and their habitsdiva, i. e. Diana, who was also Luna and Hecate, Hor. C. 3, 22, 4; called also triformis dea,
Ov. M. 7, 94: “mundus, because composed of air, earth, and water,” id. ib. 15, 859
7 Mischievous serpent: "Mala tu's bestia." Literally, "you are an evil beast;" which sounds harsh to an English ear, even when applied to such an animal as Bacchis. Bacchanet minister of Bacchus.
Baccha Mainas or Thuias,13 A soft cloak: It was the custom at entertainments for the revellers to exchange their ordinary clothes for fine vestments, elaborately embroidered.
I. a Bacchanet, a female attendant of Bacchus, who, in company with Silenus and the Satyrs, celebrated the festival of that deity with a raving madness carried even to insensibility, and with hair loose and flying wildly about, to initiate into the festivals of Bacchus, Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308 DAUGHTERS: Always Daughters
-Pl. Poen. 5.5But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings houses. Mat 11:8
Matthew 11:16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
Matthew 11:17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
Malakos g. of reasoning, weak, loose, logosIsoc.12.logoslian m. Arist.Metaph.1090b8 . Adv. -kôs, sullogizesthai to reason loosely
2. music to which a song is set, tune, logou te kai harmonias kai rhuthmoum
III. of persons or modes of life, soft, mild, gentle, malakōteros amphaphaasthai easier to handle, of a fallen hero, Il.22.373;
c. morally weak, lacking in self-control, Hdt.7.153 (Comp.); “antikeitai tō m. ho karterikos” Arist.EN1150a33: c. inf., “malakos karterein pros hēdonas te kai lupas” Pl.R.556c; “to truphōn kai m.” Ar.V.1455 (lyr.); not to give in from weakness or want of spirit, indulgences
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural [instinctive] brute [Anti-Logical] brute beasts, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe]e. of music, soft, effeminate, “m. harmoniai” Pl.R.398e, 411a, cf. Arist.Pol.1290a28; tuned to a low pitch, opp. “suntonos, khrōma m.” Cleonid.Harm.7, etc.
made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not;
[through lack of knowledge]
and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2 Peter 2.13 receiving the wages of unrighteousness; people who count it pleasure to revel in the day-time, spots and blemishes, reveling in their deceit while they feast with you;
See 2 Peter2 Instrumental Music Marks Corruption
to himself . I'm delaying. Looking in his hand. I can now pretty nearly cater a breakfast for myself with this. Raising his eyes. But what's this? How's this? What's this? What's this I see? How now? What means this strange conjunction? What's this coupling together? Who's this fellow with the long skirts, just like a tavern-boy? Do I quite see with my eyes? Isn't this my mistress, Anterastylis? Why, surely it is she. For some time past I've perceived that I'm set at nought. Isn't the girl ashamed to be hugging a tawny fellow in the middle of the street? I faith, I shall give him up forthwith to the executioner to be tortured all over. Surely this is a womanish race5, with their tunics hanging down to their heels. But I'm determined to accost this African female lover. To HANNO. Hallo! you woman, I say, are you not ashamed? What business have you with her, pray? Tell me.ANTHEMONIDES
Why didn't you use a drum while you were saying that? For I take you to be more of an effeminate wretch than a real man.
5 A womanish race: "Muliersous" generally means "fond of women." It clearly however, in this passage means "womanish," or "womanlike."
Do you understand what sort of effeminate wretch I am? Calling aloud. Servants, come out of doors, bring out some cudgels!
9 Use a drum: The priests of Cybele, who were either eunuchs, or persons of effeminate and worthless character, walked in their processions beating a "tympanum." a "drum" or "tambourine." The Captain, by his question, contemptuously implies that Agorastocles is such a character. See the Truer lentus, l. 608, and the Note.
cănis“canem inritatam imitarier,” Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 25:Verg. A. 3.374
that shapeless Scylla in her vaulted cave,
where grim rocks echo her dark sea-dogs' roar.
Yea, more, if aught of prescience be bestowed
on Helenus, if trusted prophet he,
and Phoebus to his heart true voice have given,
o goddess-born, one counsel chief of all
I tell thee oft, and urge it o'er and o'er.
To Juno's godhead lift thy Ioudest prayer;
to Juno chant a fervent votive song,
and with obedient offering persuade
that potent Queen. So shalt thou, triumphing,
to Italy be sped, and leave behind
Trinacria.rĕ-sŏno to send forth a roaring noise, B. [select] Trop., to resound, re-echo: “in vocibus nostrorum oratorumlŭpus Plin. 8, 22, 34, § 80.—Prov.: lupus in fabulā or sermone, said of the appearance of a person when he is spoken of; as we say in English, talk of the devil, and he appears: “
“(sonus) in fidibus testudine resonatur aut cornu,” Cic. N. D. 2, 57, 144. — Poet., with acc. of a place, to make resound or re-echo: “ubi Solis filia lucos Assiduo resonat cantu,” Verg. A. 7,
Lupus observavit, dum dormitaret canes, of one who watches his opportunity to be unobserved, Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 133.—
Not knowing and not caring what the Scripture says, they miss the point that in their MANDATE to lead young preachers away from sectarian into the instrumental sect, all performance "worship" is the feminine and effeminate urge to teach that which Jesus died to shut down: the laded burden specificially pointing to the worship of the Scribes and Pharisees: Jesus identified them as hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah and Ezekiel who names speakers, singers and instrument players. It IS A FACT: Jesus never said "thou shalt not be a hypocrite.'
9.01.12Psallo can be used to mean PLAY or PLUCK but the MARK is not pretty.
Psallō ,psallō, to play upon a stringed instrument, sing to the cithara: elegantius, S.: Doctae psallere Chiae, H.
Elegantius, [carry away] 1. to convey away (from the family) by bequest, to bequeath away
This has to do with TEACHING music which was one of the skills of warriors including DANCE to enable warfare.
dŏcĕo I.to teach, instruct, inform, show, tell, etc. (for syn. cf.: edoceo, perdoceo, erudio, praecipio, instituo)
“docemur disputare, of instrument: “Socratem fidibus (sc. canere),” Cic. Fam. 9, 22, 3:
II. In partic.: fabulam, like the Gr. didaskein, qs. to teach a play to the actors, to rehearse; hence, to produce, exhibit on the stage: “minor fuit aliquanto is, qui primus fabulam dedit, of the Lesbian singer/players Sapphica puella Musa doctior,” more skilled in song,
“voces Pythagoreorum,” Cic. Tusc. 4, 1, 2: “sermo,
XV Theatrical performance creates spiritual anxiesty
Tertullian understood the destructive effect of spectacle on the human body. For instance we discuss the creation of endorphins in the body by music or any visual-audible performance.
Having done enough, then, as we have said, in regard to that principal argument, that there is in them all the taint of idolatry-having sufficiently dealt with that,
let us now contrast the other characteristics of the show with the things of God.
because these things are alone in keeping with the goodness of His nature,
God has enjoined us to deal calmly, gently, quietly, and peacefully with the Holy Spirit,
with His tenderness and sensitiveness,"and not to vex Him with rage, ill-nature, anger, or grief.
Well, how shall this be made to accord with the shows?
- For the show always leads to spiritual agitation,
- since where there is pleasure,
- there is keenness of feeling giving pleasure its zest;
- and where there is keenness of feeling,
- there is rivalry giving in turn its zest to that.
- Then, too, where you have rivalry,
- you have rage, bitterness, wrath and grief."
- (Tertullian, de Spectaculis, Ante-Nicene, III, p. 86).
"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy. He saw the entire condition induced by the noise of cymbals and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.
He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly.
Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.
Jay Guin posts with approval Patrick Mead's paper on the Cargo Cult. This is intended to sow discord and disparage churches whom they claim reject instruments and other errors based on TRADITION. Of course one has to intentionally reject the Bible and most recorded scholarship proving that even the least of us would not do performance or what Jesus called the Hypocrites (rhetoricians, singers and instrument players) when Jesus Christ the "Another Comforter" comes to be Paraclete when we "use one mind and one mouth to speak that which is written for our learning." In fact, the TOTEM of Cain was his name derived from a Musical Note.
In modern times, some single individuals, not otherwise involved in the practice of a tribal religion, have chosen to adopt a personal spirit animal helper, which has special meaning to them, and may refer to this as a totem. This non-traditional usage of the term is prevalent in the New Age movement and the mythopoetic men's movement.
The Totem of the so-called Progressives who recycle to Babylon and Jerusalem is the Musical Instrument and the PERFORMERS who absorb all of the "giving heed" and therefore claim to take the place of Jesus Christ as the sole mediator. It is inclusive with those who bear the same Totem but exclusive of those who follow the Word as a once for all delivered to the saints.
New Age:Musical instruments were also totems of the Cargo Cult.
It aims to create "a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas" that is inclusive and pluralistic. It holds to "a holistic worldview,""For NONLITERATE peoples, music often serves purposes other than entertainment or aesthetic enjoyment. Certain wind instruments are closely associated with the supernatural, and their sounds connote powerful magic. Australian Aborigines, for instance, identify the sound of a bull-roarer with the voices of supernatural beings; for the Plains Indians, the same sound signifies an awesome natural phenomenon, such as thunder. Wind instruments are often among a group's most important ritual objects, and in some cultures they are specially venerated. The Kamairua Indians of the Amazon rain forest keep their giant flutes (three to four feet long), wherein SPIRITS are believed to DWELL, in a special shrine where they are worshiped. The flutes and drums of New Guinea are similarly housed and worshiped.
"Not only the shapes but also the sounds of primitive instruments are often rich in symbolism. The sound of the flute, for example, is widely associated with love magic. Among the tribes of the northeast and Great Plains of North America, young men played the flute to serenade young women;
in New Guinea, flutes and flute music are connected with rites of sexual initiation.
In some cultures, instrument symbolism is highly developed. For the Tucano Indians of Colombia, instrument sounds constitute a symbolic taxonomy comprising three levels: whistling, vibration, and percussion.
The whistling of a flute connotes sexual invitation, while vibration, represented by such instruments as the indigenous clarinet and the bull-roarer, symbolizes a warning or threat.
Percussive sounds produced by drums and various rattles symbolize the uniting of male and female. "wind instrument" Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
West Africans reconstructed their native drums in the New World, preponderantly as cult instruments. Small sets of two or, more often, three drums of graded sizes form an integral part of Afro-American rituals and, in the Caribbean, also of voodoo dances.
Only the skins of sacrificial animals may be used for membranes among Afro-Bahians in Brazil, who baptize their new drums, preferably with "holy" water obtained from a Roman Catholic church.
Drums in Haiti are sacred objects and may even represent the deity itself: as such they receive libations. One type of bongo drum--there exist at least four of these--has been adopted by Western rhythm bands, as has the conga.
"The handicraftsmen of sin, and the disciples of Satan, appeared, for he was their teacher, and he entered in and dwelt in them, and he poured into them the spirit (mental disposition-not himself) of the operation of error, through which the fall of the children of Seth was to take place. The Cave
The Levites as the PATTERN for a musical worship team defeating Jesus with musical mocking are called Soothsayers and not worship teams:
8.07.12 The Spirit OF Christ denied that God commanded king, kingdom, Temple, priests, animal sacrifices or Levites who were SOOTHSAYERS with instrumental noise (never music)."The necromancer or soothsayer gained their power through magical incantations. The sound of brass, pipe or string imitated the music of the seven heavenly spheres. As a result, the gods were forced to give material and sensual blessings." Enuma Elish III.101; IV. 1-26, 91 and other Near Eastern Manuscripts.
God's true command was that the Levites "stand in ranks" ready to execute any civillian or any Levite who came near any "holy" thing or into any "holy" place. They were under the Kings and Commanders of the Army.
If you say that God commanded something He did not command The Spirit OF Christ in Jeremiah He calls it despising or Blasphemy.
The word "psallo" upon which instrumental churches are built and ANTI-non instrumental people sow discord means PLUCK: primarily a bow string. The word never in recorded history meant to Play a Harp much less Play a Melody upon a Harp.
To lead people into trying to silence the mouth of the "victim" based on the PLUCKING word with the same root as SOP further insists that The Spirit of Christ, the inspired writers and recorded history prior to the Disciples were TERMINALLY IGNORANT.
A literate Holy Spirit or Paul or anyone worthy of being a disciple of Christ given A holy spirit or A good conscience to be able to read BLACK text on BROWN paper would know two sets of facts:
First, since psallo never at any time or place in recorded history MEANT more than pluck or smite a string with your FINGERS and never with a PLECTRUM they would know that pluck had and has absolutely no "musical" content. That is why there is no recorded Bible or literary example of being able to instruct someone to pluck a string with one word. If you tell someone PLUCK there is no telling what would happen to you. The same is true in English and all languages.
Second, if you want to tell someone to PLUCK an INSTRUMENT there are compound words for all named instruments and STYLES of plucking.
Third, you blaspheme the Spirit of Christ by saying that:
Even if "psallo" meant play a harp it could NEVER be used to justify a guitar pick, a flute or drums
- He was too ignorant not to use TWO words such as PSALLO Plus A Harp.
- He was too ignorant not to use one compound word which meant play a harp
- He just wanted to throw in stumble words for those who have not been washed with water INTO the Word or school of Christ or
- He intentionally wanted to sow massive discord since singing as an ACT was first imposed in the hear 373.
Playing the part of those deliberately sowing discord and blaspheming, let's assume that the Spirit of Christ or Paul or anyone prior to 1878 was too illiterate to know about all of the compound words. For instance.
Anti-psallô,A.play a stringed instrument in accompaniment of song, a. elegois phorminga {harp of Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon's instrument]
Epi-psallō, A. play the lyre, S.Fr.60, Poll.4.58(Pass.); “melesi kai rhuthmois”Since melos or melody is the opposite of rhema or speaking about the covenant and law, it is impossible to both sing AND make melody at the same time with or without an instrument. The "logos" forms of speech are also the opposite of poetry or music.
SING, “tous humnous” LXX 2 Ma.1.30: Then the priests sang the hymns.
Even if you define a melody that would NOT include a rhythm.
Melos rooted in cutting limb from limb like all musical terms.
A. limb, in early writers always in pl.is corrupt for kata meros
2. metaphor., “esmen . . allēlōn melē” Ep.Rom.12.5, cf. 1 Ep.Cor.6.15.
meros , A. share, portion, 2. with Preps., ana meros in turn, successively,
III. the part one takes in a thing
B. Especially musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain, first in h.Hom.19.16
lyric poetry, choral songs, Opposite Epic or Dramatic verse
Perhaps the Holy Spirit was not educated enough NOT to use psallo which is never translated to mean musical melody and was not aware that He could have used MELOS which means musical melody or a series of single notes.
HH 19 To Pan:1 Muse, tell me about Pan, the dear son of Hermes, with his goat's feet and two horns —a lover of merry noise. Through wooded glades he wanders with dancing nymphs who foot it on some sheer cliff's edge, [5] calling upon Pan, the shepherd-god, long-haired, unkempt.... Often he courses through the glistening high mountains, and often on the shouldered hills he speeds along slaying wild beasts, this keen-eyed god. Only at evening, [15] as he returns from the chase,2. music to which a song is set, tune, Arist.Po.1450a14;
he sounds his note,
playing sweet and low on his pipes of reed:
not even she could excel him in melody —
that bird who in flower-laden spring pouring forth her lament utters honey-voiced song amid the leaves....
Then all the immortals were glad in heart and Bacchic Dionysus in especial; and they called the boy Pan because he delighted all their hearts.
Melos is Opposite. rhuthmos, metron, Pl.Grg. 502c;
Melos is Opposite metron , II. metre, Ar.Nu.638, 641, etc.;
Aristoph. Cl. 638 Soc.
In the first place, to be clever at an entertainment, understanding what rhythm is for the war-dance, and what, again, according to the dactyle.
Again "meter" is the opposite of melos or melody and rhythm.
Ero I. I will say or speak, II. I will tell, proclaim, 2. to be specified, agreed, promisedOpposite melos (music) and rhuthmos (time), Pl.Grg.502cMelos is Opposite. rhuthmos, rhēma, Id.Lg.656c;
Melos is Opposite rhēma (erō) A. that which is said or spoken, word, saying,
II.2. to be specified, agreed, promised
3. subject of speech, matter, Hebraism cf. rhētossullegō II. of persons, collect, get together, “stasiōtas” Hdt.1.59; “egkhōrious” E.IT303; “khoron” Antipho 6.11; “ekklēsian”
—Pass., come together, assemble, “rhēmata kai logous”
mustered, Gathered
1Corinthians 14:23 If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?
1 Cor 14: 23 Ean oun sunelthē hē ekklēsia holē epi to auto kai pantes lalōsin glōssais, eiselthōsin de idiōtai ē apistoi, ouk erousin hoti mainesthe;
Sunerkhomai II. come together, assemble, meet “sunelthe pros Theōna”
La^l-eō ,Mark of the Locusts
II. chatter, Opposite. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix (sc. eimi), a very grasshopper to chirp at midday,III. of musical sounds, “aulō [flute] laleō” Theoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou [flute] ē salpiggos l.”[trumpet] Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echo, magadin lalein sound the magadis, [double flute]
rhēt-os on stated terms, on certain conditions, according to covenant
IV. to rh. the precise, literal contents of a document, the letter of the law,
expressly, distinctly, Plb.3.23.5,
rhētos literal, Opposite. allegorical, Ph.1.69, al.
Opposite Allēgor-eō , (agoreuō) 2. abs., speak figuratively or metaphorically,
4. allēgor-ētēs , ou, ho, allegorical expounder,
agoreuō agora 1. to speak in the assembly, harangue, speak
of the kērux in the Ecclesia, tis agoreuein bouletai; who wishes to address the people?
There are many more compound words: none are used in the Bible even by the Jacob-Cursed Levites who made noise as SOOTHSAYERS proving that all ritualistic sacrifices or "services" there was a horrifying need to perform EXORCISM.
6.08.12 Jay Guin's long dissertation on a few direct commands?
Jay Guin writes long articles and throws in a proof text on the way: Because he will not tolerate any contrary opinion (violating the demand to give an account from the Bible) I am forced to replay her. For instance with a lot of "private interpretation" or further expounding (filling in for the Spirit OF Christ) on Baptism which always argues with Christ in the prophets, Jesus direct command, the examples throughout the Bible and most recorded "scholarship." Paul most often speaks in parallelism which proof-texting misses. The only Spiritual Covenant was made by God in Christ to Abraham. The Laws of the Monarchy used as the patternism for the instrumentalists was God's abandonment of Israel to the very WORSHIP promoted by Jay and the "progressives." I posted this.
Rejection of any authority is a bad sign!Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
Gen 22:16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son,
Gen 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
Gen 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
Gen 26:4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
Gen 26:5 Because that Abraham
obeyed my voice,
and kept my charge,
my commandments,
my statutes,
and my laws.Gen 26:6 And Isaac dwelt in Gerar:
Gal. 3:20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. [not three]The LIMITS of the CENI is to teach what Jesus commanded to be taught and observed. FAITH ONLY is rejected by faithful disciples because in the sense of the APISTOS or "believeth nots" those who COMPLY NOT will be Damned.
Gal. 3:21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid:
for if there had been a law given which could have given life,
verily righteousness should have been by THE LAW
Gal. 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin
that the promise by faith OF JESUS CHRIST might be given to them that believe.
FAITH is the Christian System: it is the OPPOSITE of THE LAW. People who teach FAITH ONLY are clearly not trusting in THE FAITH but they are trusting in THEIR BELIEF which is NOT trust because it REBELS against Christ.
Gal. 3:23 But before FAITH came, we were kept under THE LAW,
shut up unto THE FAITH which should afterwards be revealed.
Gal. 3:24 Wherefore THE LAW was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,
that we might be justified by (the) FAITHBut after that (THE) faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (THE LAW). Gal 3:25
Verse 25 is not a complete sentence.
WHAT? FOR ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:26
BECAUSE [What I Mean is} as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Gal 3:27
[27] quicumque enim in Christo baptizati estis Christum induistis
Enim why because, for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact I. To corroborate a preceding assertion, yes indeed, yes truly, of a truth, to be sure, certainly, indeed: A. To prove or show the grounds of a preceding assertion
Baptism CORROBORATES the statement "By Faith." Believeth or pistis means to "comply" in the faithful sense.
1Co.7:19 7 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing
but the keeping of the commandment s of God.Gal 5:6 For in Jesus Christ
Enduo (g1746) en-doo'-o; from 1722 and 1416 (in the sense of sinking into a garment); to invest with clothing (lit. or fig.): - array, clothe (with), endue, have (put) on.
neither circumcision availeth any thing,
nor uncircumcision;
but faith which worketh by love.
Eph. 5:26WEB That he might sanctify [same as A holy spirit Acts 2:38]
and cleanse it
with the washing of water
[INTO] the word,
WEB In endu denotes either rest or motion within or into a place or thing;
Washing of water into:
Enduô assume the person on, enter, enter the contest,
Washing of water into:
Vulgate In the Word. Il.; en paidotribou the school of the training master.
While there is not a command, example or remote inference that God's "godly" people ever assembled for congregational singing with or without instruments; and while instruments (making noise) were NOT commanded by God for "worship", that does not prevent a "race" of men from dedicating themselves to forcing instruments into the School of Christ fully intending to sow discord and cause the "owners" to cast themselves out of their own synagogue (Paul's word for "come together, assemble or gather, which excludes music)
6.07.12 The SCHOOL OF THE WORD was defined BEFORE the Law of Moses.
HISTORY: the inclusive and exclusive pattern is to teach the word of God. There can be no unity with people who use machines to confuse the rational or spiritual (Logos) mind of the Disciples.
HISTORY: The Command to teach The Book of The Law (Abrahamic). While real scholars believe that the synagogue always existed where God had His own opinion to teach, the first pattern was given by Jethro BEFORE the people fell into musical idolatry of the Egyptian trinity which was beyond redemption.
Ex. 18:19 Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee:When these sacred assemblies were called they were to blow a horn as a signal. However, they were not to alarm or try to triumph over the people with "vocal or instrumental rejoicing or elevated forms of speech." Disciples know not to make music when Christ comes to teach.
Be thou for the people to Godward,
that thou mayest bring the causes unto God:
Ex. 18:20 And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, [The Book of The Covenant of Grace]
and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk,
and the work that they must do.
A. Objectively, sacredness, sanctity (in this sense rare, and only in sing.): sanctitas regum, et caerimonia deorum. Caes. ap. Suet. Caes. 6: legationis. Cic. Rosc. Am. 39, 113; Tac. A. 4, 64 fin.: 3, 61: loci. id. ib. 14, 22 fin.—B. Subjectively, a holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity
Ostendo , A, In gen., to show, disclose, exhibit, manifest: ille dies cum gloriā maximā sese nobis ostendat,
2. ransf.: “vocem,” to make heard, Phaedr. 1, 13, 9.—
1. To show, express, indicate by speech or signs; to give to understand, to declare, say, tell, make known, etc. (syn.: indico, declaro, significo).—With acc.: “illud ostendit,” Cic. Att. 1, 1, 4.—With obj.- or rel.-clause: “ostendit se cum rege colloqui velle,” Nep. Con. 3, 2: conversation with a praecepter or teacher. Verbum a. Orally, by word of mouth. D. In eccl. Lat. as a translation of logos which is opposite of poetry or music.
out of all the people able men, [Apt to teach that which has been taught]
such as fear God,
men of truth, [Thy Word is truth: scholars cannot produce this]
hating covetousness; [Don't use your bread money to pay for the free Word Isaiah 55]
and place such over them, to be
rulers of thousands,
and rulers of hundreds,
rulers of fifties, and
rulers of tens:
The Israelites used SILENCE because they refused to LISTEN. The rose up in musical idolatry of the Egyptian (etal) triad of Gods under the symbol of the golden CalveS.
Exodus 32 They Rose up to Play in Musical Idolatry.
Deuteronomy 32 They Rose up to Play in Musical Idolatry.
After the Jacob-cursed Levites volunteered to execute 3,000 of the "brethren" who engaged in musical idolatry of the egyptian trinity, God commanded that the Levites "stand in ranks" during the NOT-commanded king, kingdom, temple, animal sacrifices warning that "I will kill you if you come near any of the God cursed system which God equates to the murder of a man.
Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites and Christ's statement in Ezekiel 33 calls them "preachers, singers and instrument players."
1Chronicles 25:1a Moreover David and the captains of the host
The instrumental sorcerers say NO! God separated these men.
[hard bondage: the Abaddon Word]
of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun,
who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals:
and the number of the workmen according to their service was:
separated to the service
Separated can mean lots of things but the Levites making lots of instrumental noise was always INSIDE the gates and all of the godly people were OUTSIDE of the gates or camp. Only the Civil-Military-Clergy constituted the "congregation" during animal slaughter and nothing was "worship" but falling on your face. When Jesus speaks of the Corner Stone, He is refuting the Jews as Goina who performed at secluded places: The Angulus i, m. cf. [agkulos greedy fingers, hooked, wily, crafty] crooked, bent, angula Contemptuously, of the schools or places of private discussion, in contrast with public, practical lifesē-cernoThe instrumental sorcerers say NO! God separated these men to service
I. Lit., to put apart, to sunder, sever, separate
(b). Absol.: in secreto, in a secret place, secret
2. that is removed from acquaintance (cf. abditus), hidden, concealed, secret: “secreta ducis pectora,” Mart. 5, 5, 4: “secretas advocat artes,” Ov. M. 7, 138: “ars,” Petr. 3: “litterae (with familiares),” Quint. 1, 1, 29: “carmina (the Sibylline odes),” Luc. 1, 599: “libidines,” Tac. A. 1, 4 fin.: “quaedam imperii pignora,” Flor. 1, 2, 3.—With ab: “nec quicquam secretum alter ab altero haberent,” Liv. 39, 10, 1.—Comp.: “libertus ex secretioribus ministeriis,” Tac. Agr. 40: “praemia (opp. publica largitio),” i
No godly Jew was ever inside the gates when these God-quarantined sacrifices took place. That is the meaning of the CORNERSTONE. JESUS has become the CHIEF cornerstone and HE does nothing in secret.
John 18:20 Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world;
I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple,
whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.
rē-spondĕo opposite, Verg. A. 6, 23: “Pachyni pulsata Ionio respondent saxa profundo,lŏquor , to talk, whisper o speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45). 1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter
Opposite of the Maecēnasdŏcĕo didaskō
1. A patron of literature:
2. A person of distinction: “vestem Purpuream teneris quoque Maecenatibus aptam,” Juv. 12, 39. —
Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:3. A luxurious, effeminate person: “multum referens de Maecenate supino,” Juv. 1, 66.— a lying on the back “cervix,” id. 11, 3, 82: “vultus
Sŭpīnus1. Careless, thoughtless, heedless, negligent, indolent, supine: “otiosi et supini (oratores), “carmenrĕ-fĕro A. In gen.: (Saxum) ejulatu ... Resonando mutum flebiles voces refert sŏnus “tympana raucis Obstrepuere sonis,” Ov. M. 4, 392: “non exaudito tubae sono,”
I. to teach, instruct, inform, show, tell, etc. (for syn. cf.: edoceo, perdoceo, erudio, praecipio, instituo). “cum doceo et explanoocculto I. to hide, conceal, secrete (class.)dissĭmŭlo I. to feign that a thing is not that which it is; to dissemble, disguise; to hide, conceal, keep secret
b). With acc. and inf.: “dissimulabam me harum sermoni operam dare
vŏluptas , volo, satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight (whether sensual or spiritual; syn. oblectamentum).
cum fictas fabulas master of the revels, Suet. Tib. 42 fin.—B. Personified, Voluptas, as a deity, Cic. N. D. 2, 23, 61.—
fābŭla I. In gen. (mostly poet. and in post-Aug. prose; “syn.: narratio, fasti, annales, res gestae, historia
II. In partic. (freq. and class.), a fictitious narrative, a tale, story (syn.: apologus, narratio): narrationum tris accepimus species, fabulam, quae versatur in tragoediis atque carminibus non a veritate modo,
1. Most freq., a dramatic poem, drama, play (syn.: “ludus, cantus, actio, etc.): in full, fabula scaenica,” Amm. 28, 1, 4; “or, theatralis,
[From Abad h6, Abaddon h11 perishing, Hades, destruction.)
Isaiah 28:15 Because ye have said,b who should prophesy [Soothsayers] with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals:
We have made a covenant with death,
and with hell [h4194 death, Hades] are we at agreement;
when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us:
for we have made lies our refuge,
and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
Isaiah 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled,
and your agreement with hell shall not stand;
when the overflowing scourge shall pass through,
then ye shall be trodden down by it.
and the number of the workmen according to their service was:
1Chronicles 25:2 Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah,
the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph,
which prophesied according to the order of the king.
The instrumental sorcerers say NO! God ORDERED musical worship leaders.
The musical worship of the starry host was identical to their worship in Egypt: Miriam was not a "musical worship leader" but she was a SOOTHSAYER and so were the Leviticall warrior musicians and all modern musicians intending to make the Lamb dumb before the slaughter.
Prŏphēta and prŏphētes , ae, m., = prophētēs,I. a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet (post-class.; cf. “vates): prophetas in Adrasto Julius nominat antistites fanorum oraculorumque interpretes,” Fest. p. 229 Müll. (Trag. Rel. p. 194 Rib.): “prophetae quidam, deorum majestate completi, effantur ceteris, quae divino beneficio soli vident, App. de Mundo, p. 56, 29: sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant,” Macr. S. 7, 13, 9: “Aegyptius, propheta primarius,” App. M. 2, p. 127, 3.—Of the Jewish prophets, Lact. 1, 4, 1; 4, 11, 1; 7, 24, 9; Vulg. Luc. 1, 70.
vātes (vātis , Cic. Div. 2, 5, 12 Christ.), is (I. gen. plur. vatium, id. Leg. 2, 8, 20 al.), comm. perh. kindr. with Sanscr. vad, dicere, loqui; cf.: vas, vadis, and old Irish, fáith, a foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet “vatis sub tecta Sibyllae,” id. ib. 6, 211; 3, 187; 6, 636; Sen. Troad. 37.—God did not command sacrifices or burnt offerings: that was begun when God TURNED THEM OVER to worship the starry host and later gave them kings in His anger and took them away in His anger. That is why all sacrificial musicians in the Greek sacrificial system (Egyptian, Israelite, Babylonian) were called PARASITES.
prīmārĭus , a, um, adj. id.,I. one of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable (class.): “primarius parasitus,” Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 73: “quoad primarius vir dicat,” the first speaker, he who has a right to be heard, id. Rud. 4, 4, 29: “primarius vir populi,” Cic. Sen. 17, 61: “femina,” Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 58, § 153: “bellator,” Plin. 7, 43, 45, § “139.—Of things: condicio,” Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 81: “non ea, quae primario loco sunt, sed ea, quae secundum locum obtinent,” Cic. Fin. 3, 16, 52 dub. (B. and K. priore loco; Madvig. conj.: primo ordine; “v. Madvig. ad loc.): lapis,” Vulg. Zach. 4, 7.
2Chronicles 33:6 And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom:
also he observed times,
and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit,
and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
2 Chron 33:6] transireque fecit filios suos per ignem in valle Benennon observabat somnia sectabatur auguria maleficis artibus inserviebat habebat secum magos et incantatores [wizard] multaque mala operatus est coram Domino ut inritaret eum
Măgus , a, um, adj. 1. magus,I. magic, magical (poet.): “artes,” Ov. Am. 1, 8, 5: “manus, id. Med. fac. 36: carmen,” Sen. Herc. Oet. 467.
ars , “artes civiles,” politics, Tac. Agr. 29: “artes urbanae,” i. e. jurisprudence and eloquence, Liv. 9, 42: “ars grammatica,” grammar, Plin. 7, 39, 40, § 128: “rhetorica,” Quint. 2, 17, 4: “musica,” poetry, Ter. Hec. prol. 23: “musica,” music, Plin. 2, 25, 23, § 93:
carmen , ĭnis, n. (old form cas-men , Varr. L. L. p. 86 Bip.) [Sanscr. çasto declaim, praise; cf.: camilla, censeo],I. a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto).With allusion to playing on the cithara: “hoc carmen hic tribunus plebis non vobis sed sibi intus canit,” Cic. Agr. 2, 26, 68;
“also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),” Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,
All of the Bible and Greek and Latin literature identifies religious musicians as parasites and sorcerers. All of the named "musical" instruments were borrowed from prostitutes and warriors threatening rape and murder if the enemy did not turn coward.Nor aught avail'd, in this unhappy strife,
Diana's sacred arms, to save thy life.
Yet unreveng'd thy goddess will not leave
Her vot'ry's death, nor; with vain sorrow grieve.
Branded the wretch, and be his name abhorr'd;
But after ages shall thy praise record.
Th' inglorious coward soon shall press the plain:
Thus vows thy queen, and thus the Fates ordain.”...Him in refulgent arms she soon espied,
Swoln with success; and loudly thus she cried:
“Thy backward steps, vain boaster, are too late;
Turn like a man, at length, and meet thy fate.
Charg'd with my message, to Camilla go,
And say I sent thee to the shades below,
An honor undeserv'd from Cynthia's bow.”
She said, and from her quiver chose with speed
The winged shaft, predestin'd for the deed;
Then to the stubborn yew her strength applied,
Till the far distant horns approach'd on either side.
The bowstring touch'd her breast, so strong she drew;
Whizzing in air the fatal arrow flew.
At once the twanging bow and sounding dart
But see, the early birds have left their nests,
And this way from Parnassus wing their flight.
Come not, I charge you, near the battlements,
Nor near the golden dome. Herald of Jove,
Strong though thy beak beyond the feather'd kind,
My bow shall reach thee. Towards the altar, see,
A swan comes sailing: elsewhere wilt thou move
Thy scarlet-tinctured foot? or from my bow
[160] The lyre of Phoebus to thy notes attuned [sunoidos]
Will not protect thee; farther stretch thy wings;
Go, wanton, skim along the Delian lake,
Or wilt thou steep thy melody in blood.
Payne insists that the Hebrew of 1 Chronicles 25:1 unambiguously identifies these leaders as military commanders, an interpretation favoured by several Bible translations. (Payne, p 423-4; NASB, NIV, NKJV, NRSV, Jerusalem Bible) If military commanders had a particular interest in the appointment of musicians, it suggests a strong link between music and warfare
The name of psaltery entered Christian literature in the 3rd century B.C. translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint where, in the Psalms, nebel was translated psalterion. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar's idolatrous ensemble included the Aramic psantria. Notice, also, that the book of Psalms has also become known as the Psalter (or psalterium), from the hymns sung with this harp. SourcePsalmos also appears in the LXX as equivalent to the Hebrew word neginah [5058]. This Hebrew term is used to describe a wide variety of songs. Neginah is translated by psalmos in Lam 3:14 (song), in Lam 5:14 (music) and in Ps 69:12 (song). It is striking to observe that in the LXX translation of Lam 3:14 and Ps 69:12, psalmos, or its verbal form, is used for songs that are not only uninspired but are in fact the product of the wicked, even drunkards, who mocked God and His word. The Hebrew term neginah is used elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures of: the songs of the wicked, Job 30:9 (song); the inspired praise of God, Psalm 61 title (Neginah-a song performed on a stringed instrument); and the uninspired praisd of the Lord composed by King Hezekiah, Is 38:20 (my songs).
ALL musical terrms and names of musical instruments are the MARK of soothsaying with instruments (Levites) or Sorcery with instruments (Revelation 18. There is no Greek lexicons which point to HOW words are used in real literature, which does not mark musical instruments as ENCHANTMENT which intends to pick your pockets or drop your pants.5059. nagan, naw-gan´; a primitive root; properly, to thrum, i.e. beat a tune with the fingers; expec. to play on a stringed instrument; hence (generally), to make music:—player on instruments, sing to the stringed instruments, melody, ministrel, play(-er, -ing).
H5060 nâga‛ naw-gah' A primitive root; properly to touch, that is, lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphemistically, to lie with a woman); by implication to reach (figuratively to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy,Of the singing and harp playing prostitute in the garden of Eden.
Isaiah 23:16 Take an {1} harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten;
make sweet {2} melody, {3}sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.
Psalms 150:2 Halal him for his mighty acts:MUSICAL DISCORDERS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT GOD ABANDONED THEIR "PATTERNISTS" TO WORSHIP THE STARRY HOST. These were the same "gods" they worshipped at Mount Sinai which was a sin without redemption.
Halal him according to his excellent greatness.
Psalms 150:3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:
Halal him with the psaltery and harp.
Psalms 150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance:
Halal him with stringed instruments and organs.
Psalms 150:5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals:
Halal him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Psalms 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Halal ye the LORD.
H1985 hillêl hil-layl' From H1984 ; praising (namely God); Hillel, an Israelite:—Hillel.
Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names Thomas Inman
Abi-Hail.gif Ancient faith
Canto , Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; rare in Cic.).B.To call forth, produce by charms: “et chelydris [fetid serpent] cantare soporem,” Sil. 8, 498: “cantata umbra,” Luc. 6, 767.
III. In the language of religion, as v. n. or a., to use enchantments, charms, incantations, to enchant, to charm, Cato, R. R. 160, 1; Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 27: “frigidus in pratis cantando rumpitur anguis,” Verg. E. 8, 71: “cantata Luna,” exorcised by magic, Prop. 4 (5), 5, 13. “falx,” Ov. H. 6, 84: “
ae,” id. M. 7, 98: “ignis,” Sil. 1, 430: “tum quoque cantato densetur carmine caelum,” an incantation, Ov. M. 14, 369.—
2. As subst.a. frīgĭdum , i, n., the cold: obaequalitas ferventis ac frigidi, Apul. Dog. Plat. 1, p. 11, 24.—Plur.: “frigida (opp. calida),” Ov. M. 1, 19.—
B. In partic., cold, chilled, of a dead person, or one stiffened with fright
There is indeed in mind that heat it gets
When seething in rage, and flashes from the eyes
More swiftly fire; there is, again, that wind,
Much, and so cold, companion of all dread,
Which rouses the shudder in the shaken frame;
There is no less that state of air composed,
Making the tranquil breast, the serene face.
But more of hot have they whose restive hearts,
Whose minds of passion quickly seethe in rage-
Of which kind chief are fierce abounding lions,
Who often with roaring burst the breast o'erwrought,
Unable to hold the surging wrath within;Sŏpor ,
1. cum suavi devinxit membra sopore Somnus,” Lucr. 4, 453; 4, 765;
2. Pregn., the sleep of death, death: “in soporem conlocastis nudos,” Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 148; 1, 1, 150: “aeternus,” Lucr. 3, 466: “perpetuus,” Hor. C. 1, 24, 5.—
II. Transf.A. Stupefaction , lethargy, stupor: neque dormire excitatus, neque vigilare ebrius poterat, sed semisomno sopore ... jactabatur, Cael. ap. Quint. 4, 2, 124: “temulento sopore profligatus,” id. ib. § 123. —Tēmŭlentus , a, um, adj. [root tem, whence temetum; formed in analogy with vinolentus.
I. Lit., drunk, drunken, intoxicated (syn.: ebrius, vinosus): agite, exite, temulentum tollite,
Tempestasprō-flīgo I. to strike or dash to the ground, to cast down utterly, overthrow, overcome, conquer (class.; syn.: sterno, prosterno).
2. Esp., of bad or stormy weather, a storm, tempest (cf.: “procella, hiemps): turbida tempestas heri fuit,” Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 3; so, “turbida,
A. To overthrow, ruin, destroy: “rem publicam,” Cic. de Or. 3, 1, 3: “tantas opes,” Nep. Pelop. 2, 3: “undique se suosque profligante fortunā,” Liv. 33, 19: “valetudinem,” Gell. 19, 5, 2.—B. To overwhelm, crush in spirit: “quanti illum maerore afflictum esse et profligatum putatis,” Cic. Cat. 2, 1, 2.—C. To bring almost to an end, to almost finish, despatch:
B. In a moral sense, corrupt, dissolute, abandoned, profligate (class.): “tu omnium mortalium profligatissime ac perditissime,” Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 26, § 65: “homines,” id. Arch. 6, 14: “omnia ad perniciem profligata atque perdita,” id. Rosc. Am. 13, 38: “profligatissimus quisque,” Suet. Tib. 35.—D. A sleepingdraught, sleeping - potion: “sopore sumpto dormiturus,” Sen. Ep. 83, 25; so (opp. venenum) id. Ben. 5, 13, 5; Front. Strat. 2, 5, 12; Nep. Dion, 2, 5.—E. The temple (of the head; cf. “Germ. Schläfe): laevus,” Stat. S. 2, 3, 29.
lūna ,
E. Personified: Lūna , the Moon-goddess: “Volcanus, Luna, Sol, Dies, di quattuor,” Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 21; Ov. F. 4, 374; Aus. Ep. 5, 3; 19, 3; cf. Stat. Th. 12, 299 sqq.; “Hyg. Fab. praef.: Aristoteles ... Minervam esse lunam probabilibus argumentis explicat,” Arn. 3, 31. Her temple, built on the Aventine by Servius Tullius, was burned in Nero's reign, Liv. 40, 2, 2; Tac. A. 15, 41.
Music was always the weapon of the sorcerers who induced magical incantations or herbal drugs
Revelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters,
shall be heard no more at all in thee;
and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee;
and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth;
for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints,
and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Revelation 18.23 et lux lucernae non lucebit tibi amplius et vox sponsi et sponsae non audietur adhuc in te quia mercatores tui erant principes terrae quia in veneficiis tuis erraverunt omnes gentesvĕnēfĭcĭum , ii, n. veneficus.I. [select] A poisoning: “de veneficiis accusare,” Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 90: “qui tuis veneficiis remedia invenit,” id. Phil. 13, 11, 25; id. Clu. 1, 1 sq.; Liv. 8, 18, 11; Val. Max. 2, 5, 3; Quint. 5, 7, 37; 5, 9, 11; 7, 3, 7: “venefici damnari,” Tac. A. 12, 66: “deferre aliquem venefici reum,” Plin. Ep. 7, 6, 8 al.—II. [select] The preparation of magic potions, magic, sorcery: subito totam causam oblitus est: “idque veneficiis et cantionibus Titiniae factum esse dicebat,” Cic. Brut. 60, 217; cf.: “quosque veneficiis abstulit illa (Medea) suis,” Ov. H. 6, 150; Plin. 18, 6, 8, § 41 sq.; 25, 2, 5, § 10; Petr. 128
carmen , ĭnis, n. (old form cas-men , Varr. L. L. p. 86 Bip.) [Sanscr. çasto declaim, praise; cf.: camilla, censeo],I. a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto).
4. A response of an oracle, a prophecy, prediction: “ultima Cumaei venit jam carminis aetas,” Verg. E. 4, 4; so Ov. M. 6, 582; Liv. 1, 45, 5; 23, 11, 4; 25, 12, 4; 29, 10, 6; 38, 45, 3; Tac. A. 3, 63; 4, 43; 6, 12 al.—5. A magic formula, an incantation: MALVM, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Plin. 28, 2, 4, § 17; cf. “Fragm. XII. Tab. 8, 1, a. ap. Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 260: polleantne aliquid verba et incantamenta carminum,” Plin. 28, 2, 3, § 10: carmina vel caelo possunt deducere lunam; “Carminibus Circe socios mutavit Ulixi,” Verg. E. 8, 69 sq.; so id. A. 4, 487; Hor. Epod. 5, 72; 17, 4; id. S. 1, 8, 19; Prop. 2 (3), 28, 35; Ov. M. 7, 137; 14, 58; Quint. 7, 3, 7; Tac. A. 2, 69; 4, 22 al.—6. On account of the very ancient practice of composing forms of religion and law in Saturnian verse, also a formula in religion or law, a form:
măgĭcē , ēs, f., = magikē (sc. tekhnē), I. the magic art, magic, sorcery (post-Aug.): pariter utrasque artes effloruisse, medicinam dico magicenque, Plin. 30, 1, 2, § 10; 30, 1, 2, § 7: “magices factio,” id. 30, 1, 2, § 11.
Factĭo , B. In partic., a company of political adherents or partisans, a party, side, faction (class.;măgĭcus , a, um, adj., = magikos, I. of or belonging to magic, magic, magical (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): “artes,” Verg. A. 4, 493: “magicis auxiliis uti,” Tib. 1, 8, 24: “arma movere,” Ov. M. 5, 197: “superstitiones,” Tac. A. 12, 59: “vanitates,” Plin. 30, 1, 1, § 1: “herbae,” id. 24, 17, 99, § 156: “aquae,” Prop. 4, 1, 102 (5, 1, 106): di magici, that were invoked by incantations (as Pluto, Hecate, Proserpine), Tib. 1, 2, 62; Luc. 6, 577: “linguae,” i. e. hieroglyphics, id. 3, 222; “but lingua,” skilled in incantations, Ov. M. 7, 330; Luc. 3, 224: “cantus,” Juv. 6, 610: “magicae resonant ubi Memnone chordae,” mysterious, id. 15, 5.
“in qua (Scaevolae oratione) invidia incitatur in judicum et in accusatorum factionem,”
4.07.12 Jay Guin baptism titus 3 not because of works
I just don't know how we get around the proof-texting which ignores that Pauls WHAT IS IS was refuting the Jews who taught that they were JUSTIFIED by keeping the Law of Moses and beiing circumcised. Paul's ONLY message is to say that we are justified meaning ceremonially qualified by THE FAITH of Jesus Christ. However, we are SAVED by obedience of the commands of Jesus. These are laws of cause and effect because if you "believeth not" that means "I will not comply" and proves to Jesus that you are treacherous.
4.03.12 Jay Guin What is Acceptable Baptism Abraham was not saved by faith only: He was not made to be righteous by faith only: he was proven to do right and justice by doing what God asked him to do each and every time.
Jay Guin The Promise of the Holy Spirit 1.09.12 Jay teaches that the CALL is only from God and we receive The Holy Spirit as a person or people. Apparently that guides beyond the sacred pages. As usual we will fill in the context and define some words to prove that Jesus returned as promised after receiving his glorified state as The Holy Spirit: Spirit never literally means more than wind or breath: Jesus poured out His message once for all times. No, Alexander Campbell suggests
Alexander Campbell and all historic scholarship
"Paul meant such a public and sensible exhibition of it as would commend the honesty and sincerity of the heart to every man's conscience,
by "a manifestation of the Spirit" he meant such an exhibition of his presence and residence in the heart,
as would convince the understanding of all that these spiritual men,
who professed to have received the Holy Spirit himself,
did in truth possess that divine agent.
From all which, may it not be inferred that a person in the apostolic age, professing
to have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Spirit himself,
without a manifestation of it; or who was unable to display
it by some unequivocal exhibition of it,
would have been considered either a knave or a simpleton?
Bobby Valentine Marcionism and Churches of Christ
Because Marcion had some really harsh things to say about the Old Testament and its evil God or perhaps the Devil, because Churches of Christ understand that what the progressives think of as the Old Testament was God's abandonment of Israel to worship the starry host. Yet he and the progressives (back to Babylon) insist on using the Levites as legalistic patternism for A Musical Worship Team (The best identification of heresy). In fact God's command after the Levites executed 3000 of the brethren for engaging in musiucal idolatry, God's command was that "stand in ranks" during the not-commanded animal slaughter to EXECUTE any progressive who was left inside the camp. The noise was SOOTHSAYING with instrumental accompaniment and God has abandoned the "progressives" to their fervent prayer.
Jay Guin posts Ryan Christian's purpose driven and works-intensive legalistic description of the Musical Worship Team: this is a blasphemous concept and the PATTERN of the Lying Wonders prophesied for about now. Revised 12.23.11
The Purpose Driven Plan for the Progressive Church of Christ. See The Purpose Driven Cult which HAS come to your church and its dominant "pastor" (self-proclaimed.)
If the assembly is Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness which never changed, then Jay and the NACC have spread all of that discord based on the foundation of the slaughter priests and Levites. Having missed Genesis 49 other than to gather proof-texts they attempt to IMPOSE what Jacob absolutely outlawed: having any dealings with the Levites.
The prophesying with instruments by the Levites means that they were SOOTHSAYERS proven by using instruments to indimidate. We have a record of the prophets inspired by Christ and the repudiate instruments.
- No! The Levites were not commanded by God to be "Musical Worship Ministers" during the not commanded sacrifices and burnt offerings.
- God commanded through Moses and also by David that they STAND IN RANKS under the king and commanders of the army. God quarantined all godly people from the mass slaughter of innocent animals as a Plague Stopping Exorcism which was part of the "worship of the starry host.
- When the Burnt Offering of the goats for Israel (the masses having defected into a musical instrument sect) began it is clearly said to be by THE COMMAND OF DAVID who was king and not a worship leader.
- Christ in Isaiah, Jeremiah etal said that God DID NOT command sacrifices or offerings. To teach that this was God's first failed attempt at a "worship ritual" manifests a view of a Holy (wholly) Spirit God which is beyond redemption.
- Christ--the Rock--led and fed Israel in the wilderness. He ordained the Qahal, synagogue or church of Christ in the wilderness.
- This was to REST from the Jacob-cursed Levi tribe who profaned (music) the Sabbath at the temple because they had already been abandoned to the kings whom "god gave in His anger and took away in His anger" after they carried out the captivity and death sentence imposed when God sentenced them at Mount Sinai.
- Jay effectively calls me a liar but then will not hear the evidence: Music in fact means "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter."
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.- If that is true then all of the groups who have made a career out of trying to force people to adopt the Levite Patternism, validate Christ in Isaiah 30 who shows that God will drive His enemies into "hell" with wind, string and percussion instruments."
The singers, instrument players and craftsmen (theater builders and stage managers) in Revelation 18 are the same "fruits" Amos identified. John calls them SORCERERS who had once deceived the whole world. He says that the sorcers and liars and dogs (fruits) will all be cast alive into the Lake of Fire.
God made it hard on the Devil (father of all musical religion says history) whose sons SPEAK ON THEIR OWN . That is why they cannot find a single command, example or remote inference that God's righteous people ever assembled for "congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment."
Says Jesus, "Doctors of the Law take away the KEY to knowledge." That is their job, that is what they do.
Indeed, the best evidence is that the assembly is built on the Passover tradition, if anything, which included … singing. And probably dancing1Corinthians 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
1Corinthians 10:3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
1Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink:
for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:
and that Rock was Christ.
1Corinthians 10:5 But with many of them God was not well pleased:
for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
1Corinthians 10:6 Now these things were our examples,
to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
1Corinthians 10:7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written,
The people sat down to eat and drink, and ROSE UP TO PLAY.
Exod 31:14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you:
every one that DEFILETH it shall surely be put to death:
for whosoever doeth any work therein,
that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
Defile is h2490 Play the flute, steal people's inheritance, pollute or prostitute.
8104. shamar, shaw-mar´; a primitive root; properly, to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e. guard; .
Keep in Latin: Custodio II. With the access. idea of hindering free motion, A. In gen., to hold something back, to preserve, keep: To prevent PLAY or Ludo cautiously, carefully: “ut parce custoditeque ludebat!” Plin. Ep. 5, 16, 3.
Plin. Ep. 5, 16, 3. how eagerly , how intellegenter lectitabat! when moderately custoditeque ludebat!Ludo A. To sport, play with any thing, to practise as a pastime, amuse one's self with any thing, B. To sport, dally, wanton Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song:
[6] surgentesque mane obtulerunt holocausta et hostias pacificas et sedit populus comedere ac bibere et surrexerunt ludere
Surgo they rose up in insurrection AGAINST God.
Hêdonais 3. Pl., desires after pleasure, pleasant lusts, X.Mem.1.2.23, Ep.Tit.3.3,
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
Ludo A. To sport, play with any thing, to practise as a pastime, amuse one's self with any thing, B. To sport, dally, wantonly Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song: “carmina pastorum,”
Vellem a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demand, b. Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will:
Empaizō , fut. To be deluded 2. euphem. in mal. part., LXXJd. 19.25.Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play, Less freq. of instrumental music, and only with abl. of the instrument, in comedy, to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing,
Tuba war trumpet, Apart from military purposes, it was used on various occasions, as at religious festivals, games, funerals, a signal for wor, exciter, instigator.
Jay Guin: Indeed, the best evidence is that the assembly is built on the Passover tradition, if anything, which included … singing. And probably dancing (it certainly did at a later date). But neither singing nor dancing is commanded in the Torah.. See more below.
Jay is feeding off Al Maxey who majors in claiming that events not commanded by God were imposed by humans. The conclusion is that we can add instruments (to the school of the Word) and not get burned. Both are false: indeed some Jews hold that the synagogue existed as long as God had something to reveal to mankind through chosen prophets.
Jay denies what Stephen and recorded history proves: "come together, assemble, gather" are all synagogue words. The synagogue OUTLAWS any "vocal or instrumental rejoicing."
Acts 7:38 This is he, that was in the church [ekklesia-synagogue] in the wilderness with the angel [Christ] which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol,
Euphrainō , Ep. euphr-, fut. Att.155.12, Pi.I.7(6).3
and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
Aeschin. 1 191 No, the impetuous lusts of the body and insatiate desire—these it is that fill the robbers' bands, that send men on board the pirates' boats; these are, for each man, his Fury, urging him to slay his fellow citizens, to serve the tyrant, to help put down the democracy. For such men reck not of disgrace, nor yet of punishment to come, but are beguiled by the pleasures they expect if they succeed. Therefore, fellow citizens, remove from among us such natures, for so shall you turn the aspirations of the young toward virtue.
Aeschin. 1 190 Many men of this sort you could find who have overthrown cities and have fallen into the greatest misfortunes themselves. For you must not imagine, fellow citizens, that the impulse to wrong doing is from the gods; nay, rather, it is from the wickedness of men; nor that ungodly men are, as in tragedy, driven and chastised by the Furies1 with blazing torches in their hands.
Pind. I. 6 Just as we mix the second bowl of wine when the men's symposium is flourishing, here is the second song of the Muses for Lampon's children and their athletic victories: first in Nemea, Zeus, in your honor they received the choicest of garlands,1 The Furies (Poenae) are gods of punishment, more definitely personified in the Erinyes. The hearers would be reminded of the chasing of Orestes in the Eumenidesof Aeschylus.
Xen. Sym. 7.5 However, these questions also fail to promote the same object that wine does; but if the young people were to have a flute accompaniment and dance figures depicting the Graces, the Horae,1 and the Nymphs, I believe that they would be far less wearied themselves and that the charms of the banquet would be greatly enhanced.”“Upon my word, Socrates,” replied the Syracusan, “you are quite right; and I will bring in a spectacle that will delight you.”
Pind. I. 7 In which of the local glories of the past, divinely blessed Thebe, did you most delight your spirit? Was it when you raised to eminence the one seated beside Demeter of the clashing bronze cymbals, flowing-haired [5] Dionysus? Or when you received, as a snow-shower of gold in the middle of the night, the greatest of the gods, when he stood in the doorway of Amphitryon, and then went in to the wife to beget Heracles?
One of the Muses. She presided over music, and is generally representedas holding two flutes. To her was ascribed by the poets the invention of the tragic chorus. The name means “the well-delighting one,” from eu, “well,” and terpō, “to delight.” See Musae.
euterpēs , es, A. delightful, charming, anthos, phōnē, Pi.O.6.105,
Pind. O. 6 Therefore his mother declared that he should be called for all time by this immortal name, “Iamus...” The sweet-voiced lyres and music are familiar with Hieron. May time not creep up and disturb his prosperity, but may he with loving friendliness welcome the victory-procession of Hagesias as it comes to one home from his other home within the walls of Stymphalus, [100] leaving his motherland, Arcadia of the fine flocks. On a stormy night it is good to have two anchors to throw down from a swift ship. May a god lovingly bestow a glorious lot on the men of both cities. Master, ruler of the sea, husband of Amphitrite of the golden distaff, grant straight sailing free from troubles, [105] and give new growth to the delightful flower of my songs.
This is one of the most magnificent of Pindar's poems, full of color, if not so dazzling as the seventh Olympian. The myth of Iamos, the mantis ancestor of a mantis, is beautifully told.phōn-ē , hē, A. sound, tone, prop., the sound of the voice, whether of men or animals with lungs and throat
Manti^s diviner, seer, prophet, of Apollo and Cassandra, Pythian priestess, Dionysus,
3. Adj., toude manteōs khorou of this prophetic band, dub. in S.Fr.113.
II. a kind of grasshopper, the praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, Theoc.10.18,
(Deriv. from mainomai by Pl.Ti.72a, 72b.)
mainomai , 2. of things, rage, riot, esp. of fire, “hōs hot' . . oloon pur ouresi mainētai” Il.15.606, cf. Tryph.230; mainomenos oinos a hot, strong wine, Pl.Lg.773d; of feelings, elpis mainomenē Orac. ap. Hdt.8.77; “eris” A.Th.935 (lyr.); “akhea” S.Aj.957 (lyr.); “mainomena xun horma” Id.Ant.135 (lyr.); “sun m. doxa” E.Ba.887
4. of sounds made by inanimate objects, mostly Poet., “kerkidos ph.” S.Fr.595; “suriggōn” E.Tr.127 (lyr.); “aulōn” Mnesim.4.56 (anap.); rare in early Prose, “organōn phōnai” Pl.R.397a; freq. in LXX, “hē ph. tēs salpiggos” LXX Ex.20.18; ph. brontēs
Acts 7:42 Then God turned,
and gave them up to worship the HOST of heaven;
as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel,
have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? [not commanded]
It is not possible that any Bible student would not have asked: What does that mean.? All true scholars and the Jewish Encyclopedia proves that the Temple was built (not by God's command) on Mount Moriah where God taught that He had aready PROVIDED for all such sacrifices. Those who try to impose instruments subconsciously or unconsciously USE the abandoned Levites as their only PATTERNISM for making music when Christ was and is always speaking ONLY to those who attend ekklesia or synagogue: A School (only) of the Word of Christ (only). Peter wrote to MARK as false teachers anyone who did not teach that left memory of Jesus of Nazareth proving as a human that the curse of the sacrificial system COULD be defeated.
I noted that the Levites gained their infant burning patternism from Egypt.
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.The synagogue is defined in Numbers 10 to define the AIDS: A Holy Convocation which means to rest, read and rehearse"
In this passage ALL of the foundation of those imposing instruments as THEIR RIGHT is repudiated by Stephen: He got murdered for telling the kings or queens that they had no clothes. If you missed the musical idolatry fork in the road and all of the prophets, and continue to SELL YOUR BODY as mediator in song or made up sermon Paul says you corrupt the word meaing "selling your learning at retail" which also identifies adultery or prostitution. Tyre and Jerusalem are PARALLEL: Hiram built both temples and "Lucifer" was worshipped at Tyre.
Isaiah 23:15 And it shall come to pass in that day,Stephen said that the Temple (etal) was NOT commanded.
that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king:
after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot. meaning
Isaiah 23:16 Take an [1] harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten;
make sweet [2] melody, [3] sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.
Isaiah 23:17 And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years,
that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire,
and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.
Isaiah 23.16 sume citharam circui civitatem meretrix oblivioni tradita bene cane frequenta canticum ut memoria tui sit
It always takes THREE WORDS to define Playing + Harp + Sing; then you need something to sing and God didn't provide any of that.
Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days,JAY GUIN FIRST PERMITTED ME TO BE CALLED A MANIAC.
and offered sacrifice unto the idol,
and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
The Egyptian Opis (Apis) and others which Israel worshipped at Mount Sinal were worshipped throughout the area. "In preference to all other hymns these choirs generally sang the so-called epiphany hymns,which were intended to invite the gods to appear. Plutarch wrote:Why do the women of Elis call upon God in song to approach them with the bull's foot? Their song is the following:"For nonliterate peoples, music often serves purposes other than entertainment or aesthetic enjoyment. Certain wind instrumentare closely associated with the supernatural, and their sounds connote powerful magic. Australian Aborigines, for instance, identify the sound of a bull-roarer with thevoices of supernatural beings; for the Plains Indians, the same sound signifies an awesome natural phenomenon, such as thunder. Wind instruments are often among a group's most important ritual objects, and in some cultures they are specially venerated. The Kamairua Indians of the Amazon rain forest keep their giant flutes (three to four feet long), wherein spirits are believed to dwell, in a special shrine where they are worshiped. The flutes and drums of New Guinea are similarly housed and worshiped.Come, Dionysus, Hero,
into the holy temple of Elis,
together with the Graces
come violently into the temple with the bull's foot!
Then they sang twice at the end: "Sacred Bull!" (Johannes Quasten, Music & Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, p. 76)
"Wind instruments in primitive cultures also serve nonreligious functions. In New Guinea, bamboo trumpets were once playedto frighten an enemyduring battle and"Conch-shell trumpets are used for signaling in the Pacific coastal regions of Columbia and in the Ecuadoran highlands. Trumpets also may be associated with the office of king or chief, as in West Africa,
to alert a village that the victorious warriors were coming home with the corpses of the foes.
where their use is strictly controlled by tribal law. "wind instrument" Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Euphrainō , Ep. euphr-, fut. Att.155.12, Pi.I.7(6).3
Pind. I. 6 Just as we mix the second bowl of wine when the men's symposium is flourishing, here is the second song of the Muses for Lampon's children and their athletic victories: first in Nemea, Zeus, in your honor they received the choicest of garlands,
Pind. I. 7 In which of the local glories of the past, divinely blessed Thebe, did you most delight your spirit? Was it when you raised to eminence the one seated beside Demeter of the clashing bronze cymbals, flowing-haired [5] Dionysus? Or when you received, as a snow-shower of gold in the middle of the night, the greatest of the gods, when he stood in the doorway of Amphitryon, and then went in to the wife to beget Heracles?
But since ancient grace sleeps, and mortals are forgetful of whatever does not reach the highest bloom of skillful song, joined to glorious streams of words, [20] then begin the victory procession with a sweet-singing hymn for Strepsiades;
Aristoph. Ach. 5 Just imagine how this blow struck straight at my heart! On the other hand, what joy Dexitheus caused me at the musical competition, when he played a Boeotian melody on the lyre! But this year by contrast!
Jay Guin ForumI’ve allow this comment through because you’ve succinctly explained your position. Let’s see if it’s true.
The synagogue is defined in Numbers 10 for holding A Holy Convocation
“Holy convocation” does not appear in Num 10, but it does appear several places in the Torah. The Greek is that is, “holy assembly” or epiklEtos hagia. It’s not the same word used for “synagogue” or “church.” And Num 10:10 does indeed describe a festival that is elsewhere referred to as a “holy convocation.”
The command for that festival is for a ram’s horn (or trumpet) to be blown, it’s true. But the Psalms make this statement –
1 Sing aloud to God our strength;
shout for joy to the God of Jacob!
2 Raise a song; sound the tambourine,
the sweet lyre with the harp.
3 Blow the trumpet at the new moon,
at the full moon, on our feast day.This is plainly a reference to the use of singing and instruments during the feast day of Num 10:10. And Numbers 10:10 refers to the blowing of the horn! But the Psalm plainly adds to the “silence” by allowing singing and instruments!!
Thus, it’s quite impossible to treat Num 10:10 as limiting a “holy convocation” to just study and trumpet calls. David himself calls on his readers to sing and play other instruments — because it’s a celebration!
The synagogue was not invented by the Prophets, but is an invention of man. There was no singing or instruments until long after the First Century, but nowhere in the Bible is the Christian assembly said to be built on the synagogue.
Indeed, the best evidence is that the assembly is built on the Passover tradition, if anything, which included … singing. And probably dancing (it certainly did at a later date). But neither singing nor dancing is commanded in the Torah.
They were added. As were the cups of wine that Jesus sanctified. It was a meal, and prayers were said, hymns sung, and the Jews celebrated as Middle Easterners celebrate.
And, of course, there is explicit NT references to singing in the assembly. Therefore, to suggest that Num 10:10 demonstrates that we cannot sing in the assembly is absurd and utterly devoid of scriptural support. In fact, the evidence suggests that adding to God-ordained rituals is permitted.
Jay Guin: Indeed, the best evidence is that the assembly is built on the Passover tradition, if anything, which included … singing. And probably dancing (it certainly did at a later date). But neither singing nor dancing is commanded in the Torah.
No, after the non-commanded burnt goats accompanied by the INSTRUMENTS COMMANDED BY DAVID, the Levites sang WHILE the following Passover: the "silence" omits instruments and the Passover was a FAMILY AFFAIR and was Roast Lamb and that is exactly how Jesus and the apostles celebrated the LAST passover.
The Jews celevrated; this was the Babylonian substitute and you remember that Esther reversed the charges and got the Babylonians drunk so they TURNED on one another. I have covered that in a rebuttal of Al Maxey's false claim that the synagogue was a human invention.
Jesus observed the Biblical Passover which was to be KILLED and ROASTED. AFTER SUPPER the "feast of unleavened bread was merged." The fifth cup was unfermented as the MARK that the Forerunner had already come.
Maxey is ignorant of the Word--strongly delusioned He is confessing that instruments are SIN but grace will cover up the smell.
Jay Guin: They were added. As were the cups of wine that Jesus sanctified. It was a meal, and prayers were said, hymns sung, and the Jews celebrated as Middle Easterners celebrate.
Jesus repudiated all of the additions such as getting drunk on wine at the Babylonian Passover.
Matthew 26 They Sung a Hymn and Went out
You cannot sing psalms in a tuneful: they SPOKE one Hallel hymn and WENT OUT. The Christian Connexion split over whether to end the services with a pray or a psalm. Repeting the hallel not connected to the Passover was considered blashemy.
Matthew 26:26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it,
and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
John 13:27 And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.
G5596 psōmion pso-mee'-on Diminutive from a derivation of the base of G5597 ; a crumb or morsel (as if rubbed off), that is, a mouthful:—sop.
G5597 psōchō pso'-kho Prolongation from the same base as G5567 ; to triturate, that is, (by analogy) to rub out (kernels from husks with the fingers or hand):—rub.
G5567 psallō psal'-lo Probably strengthened from ψάω psaō (to rub or touch the surface; compare G5597 ); to twitch or twang
Psaō [a_, but always contracted], II. crumble away, vanish, disappear, S.Tr.678 (s. v. l.). (psaō, psaiō, psauō, psairō, psēkhō, psōkhō,
Psaiō , A. = psaō (q. v.), rub away, grind down
Psal-ma , atos, to, A. tune played on a stringed instrument,
Psal-mizō , A. sing psalms, and psal-mistēs , ou, ho, psalmist
Matthew 26.30 When they had 'hymned" they went out to the Mount of Olives.
I believe that the Latin agrees with the common understanding that "singing was using the normal inflections of the human voice." Especially when you are confessing God the Father by the use of a hymn or prayer which gives HIM the glory. Mature males then and probably now do not agree to get together to appease God with singing.
There is no Biblical text (that which is commanded) which is metrical. That had to wait of John Calvin's permission to REWRITE some Psalms (only) to a few melodies to be sung in UNISON (only).
Matthew 26.30 et hymno dicto exierunt in montem Oliveti
Hymnus , i, m., = humnos, I. a song of praise, a hymn: “hymnus cantus est cum laude Dei,” Aug. Enarr. in Psa. 148, 17; Ambros. Expos. Psa. 118, prol. § 3; Lucil. ap. Non. 330, 9; Prud. Cath. 37 praef.; 4, 75: “divinorum scriptor hymnorum,” Lact. 4, 8, 14; Vulg. Psa. 60 tit.; id. Matt. 26, 30.
Psalm 60 A teaching poem by David, when he fought with Aram Naharaim and with Aram Zobah, and Joab returned, and killed twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt.
There is no SINGING TUNEFULLY involved in hymning:
Dīco, to say, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state; to mean, intend (for syn. cf.: for, loquor stands for the Gr. eipein pros tina,
Ontōs , Adv. part. of eimi A. (sum), really, actually, verily, with Verb
Alēth-ēs a^, Dor. ala_thēs , es, (lēthō,
I. Hom., Opposite. pseudēs, in phrases alēthea muthēsasthai, eipein, agoreuein, alēthes enispein
3. of oracles, true, unerring, “alathea mantiōn thōkon” Pi. P.11.6, cf. S.Ph.993, E.Ion1537; of dreams, A.Th.710. “alēthei logō khrasthai” Hdt. 1.14
Opposite Epos 1. song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519.
b. generally, poetry, even lyrics
5. celebrate, of poets, “Aiantos bian
Acts 7:38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
Romans 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.
Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
1Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Luke 2.34 and Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary, his mother, "Behold, this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which is spoken against
When Dico is translated SING it never speaks of tunefulness:
Dīco, 4. To describe, relate, sing, celebrate in writing (mostly poet.): “tibi dicere laudes,” Tib. 1, 3, 31; so, “laudes Phoebi [Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon] et Dianae,” Hor. C. S. 76: “Dianam,
Laudo, I. to praise, laud, commend, extol, eulogize, approve
1. To pronounce a funeral oration over a person:
3. To praise, compliment, i. e. dismiss with a compliment, leave,
to adduce, name, quote, cite a person as any thing: sermo
Sermo , ōnis, m. 2. sero, qs. serta, conserta oratio, Of prose as opposed to poetry
b. of verses in a conversational style, To Inculcate
II. Transf., a manner of speaking, mode of expression, language, style, diction, etc. (cf. lingua):Jay Guin: The synagogue was not invented by the Prophets, but is an invention of man. There was no singing or instruments until long after the First Century, but nowhere in the Bible is the Christian assembly said to be built on the synagogue.
Indeed, the best evidence is that the assembly is built on the Passover tradition, if anything, which included … singing. And probably dancing (it certainly did at a later date).
The TEXT was inspired by Christ the Rock to quarantine the godly people FROM anything you can use as a pattern to presume to add to the Word. Al Maxey has been the main misteacher claiming that the synagogue was ADDED by man without authority and God didn't burn the. Therefore, WE have the authority to ADD instruments to the School (only) of Christ (only). Of course that is deliberate lying TO CHRIST and ABOUT Christ and Jeremiah 23 Christ calls that blasphemy. If you defend a blasphemer just because he spreads hate against those who will not PROFANE the assembly, you are a Goner.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
God ABANDONED Israel to the worship of the starry host as Jay let me post.
The Levites were under the king and commanders of the army.
The Levites were commanded to EXECUTE you if you got NEAR any of the horrors of the sacrificial system.You cannot add ANYTHING which diminishes teaching the Word as it has been taught
None of the Babylonish antics of that ABANDONED monarchy trumped the ONLY Spiritual Covenant made by Christ with Abraham.
- Synagogue was not an institution but a set-time-place.
- The Holy Convocation was held on the first and sixth days during festivals.
- This holy convocation defined as Reading and Rehearsing the Word of God came to be every REST day.
- Numbers 10 defines the difference between the Alarm (vocal or instrumental rejoicing or elevated speech) from the quiet assembly for instruction only. That is how Jesus exampled it and commanded it with the “ekklesia” word for reading, discussing and summarizing something from a HIGHER authority.
No historical scholar ever missed that by missing Acts 7 which repudiated temple as a HOUSE for God.
Every seven years, that is in the year of release, during the feast of Tabernacles, the Law was to be read before all the people according to the command found in Deut., xxxi, 10. But this enactment was probably soon found to be impracticable; and thus the Jewish authorities arranged to read on every sabbath, commencing with the sabbath after the feast of Tabernacles in one year of release and ending with the feast of Tabernacles in the next year of release, a portion of the Law so calculated that the whole Pentateuch would be read through in seven years. This would in some way the commandment be fulfilled. Some time later, the Jews of Palestine lengthened the sections for each sabbath in such a manner that he entire Law could be read in three years (Talm. Babyl. Megillah, 29b)
The Kingdom of Christ makes that the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the source of both which REPUDIATES all instrumental music in any holy place.
Isaiah was the ASSIGNED text already opened when Jesus stood up to read and then decently sat down. No preaching, no singing in the synagogue.
It is easy to miss “synagogue” as Church beginning the wilderness because people look up the word synagogue. Jesus “came together” or synagogued with the disciples two first days in a row.
When Paul uses “come together, assemble or gather” he always uses forms of the “synagogue” word. James also uses “translate.”
The godly people never did “worship IN the Temple.” John Calvin defined the synagogue in Numbers 10 Latin Con-grego Congrego Academia
“The church #1577 ekklesia – assembly, called out ones, set apart ones, congregation; in Hebrew this word is #6951 qahal (kahal) – a “synagogue” (E. W. Bullinger, Commentary on Revelation, p. 165-166), an assemblage, congregation, company from the root #6950 qahal meaning specifically a coming together, an assembling, a convocation, congregation; this word is used mostly for religious purposes (see William Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies, p. 92)
“The LXX uses the word ekklesia to translate the Hebrew qahal. Qahal means to call, to assemble, and the noun form means a congregation or assembly. Solomon is called koheleth the Preacher, translated by the LXX ekklesiastes. The earliest known occurrence of the word is found in Job 30:28, ‘I cried in the congregation’. In the books of the law, qahal is rendered by the Greek word sunagoge, showing that the synagogue is the beginning of the New Testament church. Stephen in his speech which ended in his martyrdom referred to the history of Israel, and dwells for considerable length upon the one great leader Moses, saying in Acts 7:38:
‘This is he, that was in the CHURCH in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sinai’.The people of Israel, looked upon as ‘a called-out assembly’ were ‘the Church’ of that period. By Charles H. Welch
But, he continued to allow the instrumentalists to post along with others who know not to provoke.
Jay I have responded where I can exand. There will be no shame in confessing that you followed Al Maxey to do evil.
If the church is still the qahal–ekklesia
And it is a School (only) of Christ in the prophets and apostles.
And that vocal or instrumental rejoicing is outlawed to guard against the lawless
And the NACC founded with the DNA to try to force everyone to Bow to Baal
Then you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit of Christ Who spoke through the prophets to forbid “speaking” your own words on the rest day.I have picked on you because you have been led into being the most vocal.
I believe that is my “assignment.” I hope that has instructed some of the more than 18000 congregations only 21 which have been deceived by being handled by the NACC.To say that churches of Christ were ever unioned in any sense with the Disciples of Christ is really psychological violence trying to intimidate. It is a lie and they have had less success than Judas whose prophesied bag was for “carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments.” He was a thief and Jesus dispatched him with the SOP which has the same root meaning as PSALLO.
To moderate my response to your charges is NOT manly or honest.
Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41 He uses many of the church Fathers and Classical resources we also rely upon:JAY CONTINUES TO TEACH A PROOF-TEXT DOGMA"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy. He saw the entire condition induced by the noise of cymbals and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.
He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly.
Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.
"Now, many a man from the false religions, which are not ashamed of criticising what is noble, will ask: how can there be a feast without carousing and overeating, without the pleasant company of hosts and guests, without quantities of unmixed wine, without richly set tables and highly stacked provisions of everything that pertains to a banquet, without pageantry and jokes,
bantering and merry-making to the accompaniment of flutes and citharas, the sound of drums and cymbals and other effeminate and frivolous music of every king,
enkindling unbridled lusts with the help of the sense of hearing. For in and through the same [pleasures] those persons openly seek their joy, for what true joy is their they do not know.
JAY: (1Co 14:26 ESV) 26 What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.JAY THEN "CUT OFF MY RESPONSE TO BE MODERATED." He didn't repent for ignoring the proof that the Qahal, synagogue or Church in the wilderness was RESTRICTED to Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word.
I Understand: if church is ekklesia or synagogue then you are commanded as an elder to 'teach that which has been commanded.
1Corinthians 14:3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
Prophēt-eia , hē, III. in NT, gift of EXPOUNDING scripture, or of speaking and preaching, under the influence of the Holy Spirit (cf. prophētēs), Ep.Rom.12.6, 1 Ep.Cor.12.10, 1 Ep.Ti.1.18, 4.14, al.
Corinthians 14:23 If therefore the whole church be come together into one place,
and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers,
will they not say that ye are mad?
1Corinthians 14:7 And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?Clement Stromata1Corinthians 14:24 But if all prophesy, [Teach the Word]
1Corinthians 14:26 How is it then, brethren? when YE come together,
and there come in one that believeth not,
or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
BUT, on the other hand, Paul defines what THEY were DOING: He does NOT appove.
everyone of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation,
hath an interpretation.
Let all things be done unto edifying.
NO, Jay, Reading 1O1a: that is a REBUKE.
BUT, not ALL of you are INSPIRED are you (1 Cor 12)
Paul didn't say "Let all things be DONE." The all things are what edifies or EDUCATES.
Paul commanded that we use ONE MIND and ONE MOUTH: Peter warned that people will use Paul to their own destruction.
It is said also in Libya, that a scorpion, if it does not succeed in stinging a man, goes away and returns with several more; and that, hanging on one to the other like a chain they make in this way the attempt to succeed in their cunning design.
The irrational creatures do not make use of an obscure intimation, or hint their meaning by assuming a particular attitude, but, as I think, by a dialect of their own. 291 And some others say, that if a fish which has been taken escape by breaking the line, no fish of the same kind will be caught in the same place that day.
But the first and generic barbarous dialects have terms by nature, since also men confess that prayers uttered in a barbarian tongue are more powerful.
Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. 1 Cor 14:19
Speak and Logos is the mark of the Mature Masculine. Sing and Sophia is the mark of the effeminate or perverted.
All pagans got aroused with music and "prophesied" like the Levites who performed SOOTHSAYING with instrumental accompany.
Plato speaking of the symposium (getting drunk and abused with music)
§ i. Summary of the Argument.
SPEAK outlaws any of they hypocritic arts:
Logos, verbal noun of lego
Opposite kata pathos
Opposite music, poetry or rhetoric
Opposite human reasoning
Opposite Epagoge bringint in to one's aid, introduction
Alurement, enticement, incantation, spell
Opposite Pathos A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,
where this incident took place, unfortunate accident,
2. what one has experienced, good or bad, experience
II. of the soul, emotion, passion (“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupē” Arist.EN1105b21), “sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai”
Sophia, A. cleverness or skill in handicraft and art in music and singing, tekhnē kai s. h.Merc.483, cf. 511; in poetry, Sol.13.52, Pi.O.1.117, Ar.Ra.882, X.An.1.2.8,Aristot. Nic. Eth. 1105b.20 A state of the soul is either (l) an emotion, (2) a capacity, or (3) a disposition; virtue therefore must be one of these three things. [2] By the emotions, I mean desire, anger, fear, confidence, envy, joy, friendship, hatred, longing, jealousy, pity; and generally those states of consciousness which are accompanied by pleasure or pain.
The capacities are the faculties in virtue of which we can be said to be liable to the emotions, for example, capable of feeling anger or pain (or fear) or pity.
The dispositions are the formed states of character in virtue of which we are well or ill disposed in respect of the emotions; for instance, we have a bad disposition in regard to anger if we are disposed to get angry too violently or not violently enough, a good disposition if we habitually feel a moderate amount of anger; and similarly in respect of the other emotions.
[3] Now the virtues and vices are not emotions because we are not pronounced good or bad according to our emotions, but we are according to our virtues and vices; nor are we either praised or blamed for our emotions—a man is not praised for being frightened or angry, nor is he blamed for being angry merely, but for being angry in a certain way—
in divination, S.OT 502 (lyr.
And Plato, in the Cratylus, when wishing to interpreter (fire), says that it is a barbaric term. He testifies, accordingly, that the Phrygians use this term with a slight deviation.
Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret. 1 Co 14:13
But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue. 1 Cor 14:19
The Greeks say, that among them are five dialects-the Attic, Ionic, Doric, Aeolic, and the fifth the Common; and that the languages of the barbarians, which are innumerable, are not called dialects, but tongues.
Plato attributes a dialect also to the gods, forming this conjecture mainly from dreams and oracles, and especially from demoniacs, who do not speak their own language or dialect,
but that of the demons who have taken possession of them.
And he called the myths themselves "children," as if the progeny of those, wise in their own conceits among the Greeks, who had but little insight meaning by the "hoary studies" the truth which was possessed by the barbarians, dating from the highest antiquity. To which expression he opposed the phrase "child fable," censuring the mythical character of the attempts of the moderns, as, like children, having nothing of age in them, and affirming both in common-their fables and their speeches-to be puerile.
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men. 1 Cor14:20
Paul called the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai DEMON WORSHIP.
Then know that there is no Biblical or historical exception to the persona of Rhetoric, singing and instrument players: Christ calls them hypocrites.
Stephen also said that God did NOT command that the literal HOUSE be built.
No one prior to the Disciples ever denied the meaning of CENI
ComExamInfer.html The Campells absolutely had read the Old Testament.
Churh is A School of Christ
Worship is READING and musing the Word.
If you add music then you tell Christ "shut your mouth." Music means "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter.
If music doesn't get you the universal purpose of the NACC to sow discord
Ephesians 6The role of the elder is to "teach that which has been taught" and refute those who oppose it. No one can use the context and do away with the concept of eternal destiny of our soul. The way an elder "feeds" Jesus is to feed His children: the only FOOD is the Word of Christ. If you muddle heads with human philosophy and pseudo-theology you are in danger of hell:
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
Ephesians 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
We do NOT wrestle against flesh and blood: [12] diabolou: hoti ouk estin hêmin hê palê pros haima kai sarka, alla pros tas archas, pros tas exousias, pros tous kosmokratoras touskotous toutou, pros ta pneumatika tês ponêrias en tois epouraniois
Pale (g3823) pal'-ay; from pallo, (to vibrate; another form for 906); wrestling: - / wrestle Pallô, poise, sway a missile before it is thrown, sway, brandish, she drove it furiously, tripped on the shield-rim, quiver, leap, esp. in fear, II. Pass., swing, dash oneself, Pi.N.5.21; vibrate, of strings, Pl.Phd.94c (psalloito ap. Stob.); skirtêtikon kai pallomenon to neon (etym. of Pallas) Corn.ND20, cf. Pl.Cra. 407a. III. intr., leap, bound, E.El.435, Ar.Lys.1304 (lyr.); [p. 1294] quiver, quake, phrena deimati pallôn S.OT153 (lyr.); dash along, of horses, E.El.477 (lyr.).G906 ballō bal'-lo A primary verb; to throw (in various applications, more or less violent or intense):arise, cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike, throw (down), thrust. Compare G4496 .
Pi.N.5.21 Pindar, Nemean 5.Ephesians 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith,
wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God:
Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, [yours]
and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Ephesians 6:19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me,
that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
Ephesians 6:20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly,
as I ought to speak.
Jeremiah 23:1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.Because this was the Word of Christ it is still in effect:
Jeremiah 23:2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people;
Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them:
behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them,
and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
Jeremiah 23:4 And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them:
and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.
Jer 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me,
The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace;
and they say unto every one that walketh
after the imagination of his own heart, [the sons of the devil]
No evil shall come upon you
Despise tthe Word of God of God and using your own words is:
Blasphēm-eō , pf.Those who CLAIM God said something He did not:A. “beblasphēmēka” D.18.10:—speak profanely of sacred things, “eis theous” Pl.R.381e; offer rash prayers, Id.Alc.2.149c; b. kata tinos utter imprecations against, Aeschin.1.180.2. speak ill or to the prejudice of one, slander, “peri tēs emēs diatribēs” Isoc.15.2, cf. D.l.c., ib.82; “b. kata tinos” Isoc.12.65, cf. Arist.Fr.44; “hosa eis hēmas eblasphēmēsan” D.51.3; “b. tina” Babr.71.6, Ev.Luc.23.39, etc.: abs., Phld.Lib.p.8 O.:—Pass., to have evil spoken of one, “beblasphēmēmenous” Id.Vit.p.12 J., cf. 1 Ep.Cor.10.30.3. speak impiously or irreverently of God, blaspheme, “eis ton Kurion” LXX Da.3.29(96); “eis to pneuma to hagion” Ev.Marc.3.29; eis ta theia Vett. Val.58.12; “tous theous” Id.67.20: abs., LXX 2 Ma.10.34, al., Ev.Matt.9.3.
Jeremiah 23:39 Therefore, behold, I, even I, will utterly forget you, and I will forsake you,
and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and cast you out of my presence:
Jeremiah 23:40 And I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you,
and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand,
Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,
prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:42 For I was an hungred,
and ye gave me no meat:
I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
Christ gave us the free water of the Word Isaiah 55
He outlawed speaking OUR OWN Words Isaiah 58
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city
them that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
Matthew 25:46 And these shall go away
into everlasting [aiōnion] punishment:
but the righteous into life eternal. [aiōnion]
A. lasting for an age (“aiōn” 11), perpetual, eternal amoibais basanisthēsomenoi ib.19; “tou ai. theou” Ep.Rom. 16.26, Ti.Locr.96c; “ou khroniē mounon . . all' aiōniē” Aret.CA1.5; kolasis5. aiōnion, to, = aeizōon to mega, Ps.-Dsc.4.88.
2. holding an office or title for life, perpetual, “gumnasiarkhos”
4. Adv. -iōs eternally, “nous akinētos ai. panta ōn” perpetually, misein Sch.E.Alc.338.
Mark 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me,
it is better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck,
and he were cast into the sea.
Mark 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed,
than having two hands to go into hell
into the fire that never shall be quenched.
The fires of literal Gehenna WERE quenched.
Aeternus, I. without beginning or end, eternal (sempiternus denotes what is perpetual, what exists as long as time endures, and keeps even pace with it; aeternus, the eternal, that which is raised above all time, and can be measured only by œons (aiōnes, indefinite periods); for Tempus est pars quaedam aeternitatis,” Cic. Inv. 1, 27, 39. Thus the sublime thought, without beginning and end, is more vividly suggested by aeternus than by sempiternus, since the former has more direct reference to the long duration of the eternal, which has neither beginning nor end. Sempiternus is rather a mathematical, aeternus a metaphysical, designation of eternity, Doed. Syn. I. p.8.30.11 The Churches of Christ was never "unioned" with the Disciples of Christ / Christian Churches. Don't be duped. All church census began in 1906 and the Churches of Christ denied that they could be counted in the Disciples of Christ/Christian Church denomination. Refusing to be counted by the Disciples was no more sectarian than refusing to be counted with the Baptists or Methodists. What became the Christian Church did not begin to sect out of the Disciples until a decade later--1927--and still fellowshipped the Disciples until 1971.
Jay Guin, Rick Atchley, Chris Seidman etal follow the pattern of the NACC to use the Goat holocaust in 2 Chronicles 29 to say that God commanded "instrumental praise." This one-time event called exorcism where the Levites performed as Soothsayers with instrumental accompaniment is their example.
Christ in the Prophets call the Civil-Military-Clergy complex robbers and parasites and DENIES that God commanded sacrifices or burnt offerings. He also warns about the Lying Pen of The Scribes: The Scribes were the ones Jesus called Hypocrites where Christ in Ezekiel and Isaiah names Speakers, Singers and instrument players. These were the MARKS that people had no intention of hearing and obeying the Word of God.
The Levites made the same "making the lambs dumb before the slaughter" noise just before and just after Hezekiah's plague stopping exorcism.
Read 2 Chronicle 33 to prove that the Levites making noise was the PATTERNISM of burning infants.
Paul marked the sin beyond redemption at Mount Sinai as the worship of DEMONS.
Porphyry The IamblichusOf such a character are some of the animals of Egypt, and in the same manner, the human being everywhere is sacred.12 Some of the consecrated victims, however, make the familiar relationship more conspicuous, so far as they affect the analysis in respect to the kindred and more sacred origin of the primitive elements with the Superior (divine) causes. This being accomplished, the benefits which are imparted from it are more perfect.12. In other words, likely to be a victim at the altar.
"As Manetho related, they were used in archaic times to burn living men in the city of Ilithyia styling them Typhonian." Ashmes, who expelled the Hyk-sos rulers, put an end to the custom. It existed in Asiatic countries, where Semitic worships existed, and even the Hebrews seem not to have been an exception 14.
Porphyry and others of the philosophers of that period
declared distinctly that the sacrifices of living creatures
were not for the gods at all,
but for daemons and the lower orders of spiritual essences.
Indeed, their sentiments were considered as evidence of a hostility to Judaism. In archaic times, and even in many centuries of the historical period, human victims were immolated, and the Hebrew writings seem to recognize the custom (Leviticus xxvii, 28, 29; Judges xi, 30-40; Micah, vi, 7).
Plutarch denounced this practice,
and declared his belief that there was never a god that required it,
but it was only intended to avert and appease the malice and rancor of evil spirits.
The slaughter of hogs at the festivals of Adonis, Osiris and Demites
seems to have been of the latter character, as swine were abhorred in Oriental countries.
The Hyksos entering Egypt.
Tacitus 2.LXIX The terrible intensity of the malady was increased by the belief that he had been poisoned by Piso. And certainly there were found hidden in the floor and in the walls disinterred remains of human bodies, incantations and spells, and the name of Germanicus inscribed on leaden tablets, half-burnt cinders smeared with blood, and other horrors by which in popular belief souls are devoted so the infernal deities. Piso too was accused of sending emissaries to note curiously every unfavourable symptom of the illness.
Is it predestinated that suddenly led by the agents of the NACC a hostile attack has been mounted against the ANTI-instrumentalists who were "birthed" preaching "unity" but using all of the mentions of an instrument to now say that God COMMANDS the use of instruments and you are disobedient and worthy of attack if you don't confirm or conform.
This was also the meaning of burning the goats begun after Nadab and Abihu when God imposed the day of Atonement and demanded that the scapegoat be an offering to the DEVIL.
When false preachers COMMAND the use of instrumental music by the command of "a" spirit, they may not realize it but by God's will to those strongly deluded thy may be trying to delay being cast alive into the lake of fire: there to be burned just the way infants were burned by the Jews while trying to DISPEL the evil spirits now hovering over the "worship service" like hungry flies.
The Disciples / Christian Churches were the first to say that GOD COMMANDED INSTRUMENTAL WORSHIP in the Old Testament and since He has not changed the Law, they say it is still acceptable to use instrumental music in what is described solely as "A School of the Word of Christ" as Jesus commanded when He sent preachers OUT.
Those willing to sow massive discord CANNOT FIND any negative connection to music in the presence of God. It was musical idolatry at Mount Sinai which was a sin without redemption. The Levites used as the patternism for the instrumental sectarians volunteered to slaughter 3,000 of their brethren who fell into musical idolatry. The Levites then lost their inheritance and were commanded to "stand guard" before any presumed holy thing or place. If one not of the tribe of Levi or Levites not on duty came near or in any holy thing or place they were "strangers" and the Levites were the Execution Ministers of the not-commanded sacrificial system. The fact that under the King and Commandersof the Army assigned the Levites to make a great, terrorizing sound during animal sacrifices did not make them a legalistic petternism for the heresy of "musical worship teams." In fact by word definition of "prophesying" they SOOTHSAYED accompanied with INSTRUMENTAL NOISE. The "levitical" sounds were always the prelude to a "burnt offering" and therefore, the speakers, singers and instrument players in Revelation 18 performed SORCERY with INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENT.
Strange: Paul told the Jews in 2 Corinth (ch 3) that they wouldl not be able to read BLACK text on BROWN paper until they converted or were baptized into Christ. Each study doing "Word excavating" brings forth a flood of new information.
Rick Atchley-Chris Seidman: The Levites were commanded to EXECUTE anyone who came near any holy place during the slaughter of innocent animals which were NOT commanded by God. He says, and Jay Quin posts Rick Atchley, "How we seduced your children" to violate all of the direct commands of god.
- Rich Atchley, Jay Guin etal use all of the mentions of "instruments" as authority for their use in The School of Christ (the command of Christ and understood by the Campbells and all scholars).
- Most of these "mentions" relate to the Sacrificial system of people abandoned to worship the Starry host on their way to Babylon. Christ says that God did not command sacrifices or burnt offerings while Rick Atckley says that God even commanded his church to use the Levites as authority.
- Never once are instruments related to "congregational" worship which was in the synagogues: never iINSIDE the Temple.
- Over and over musical instruments are connected to the holocaust or being burned up in fire: Instruments also signal making war or rebellion.
- One wonders if this is not the strong delusions Paul warned about marked by lying wonders which are religious rituals using all of the arts and crafts Christ defined as HYPOCRITES naming preachers, singers and instrument players. The Millstone was a pipe or flute based on it being "perforated" or polluted and made a piping sound which announced where the grinders/prostitues could be found.
Isn't this PREDESTINED when Jesus says that the kingdom DOES NOT COME to "religious observations" or what they call a "worship service." All or most believe that God commanded instrumental worship and CHANGED HIS MIND. No one who believes that is fit to be WAGED out of the widow's purse.They never heard the sermons we heard.
They never heard the rationale for a cappella music.
We sent them to youth rallies and Church of Christ events
with some of the finest Christian bands in the world.
Well, we discipled the children of those progressive churches
for a whole generation to grow past us Boomers.
They never heard the sermons we heard.
They never heard the rationale for a cappella music.
We sent them to youth rallies and Church of Christ events with some of the finest Christian bands in the world. We discipled our children to leave our Movement!
They’re not leaving the kingdom of God, and I’m not saying that — so please hear me say, I’m not placing the health of the Movement above the kingdom of God — I want my kids to love Jesus, but I do think that Churches need to understand.
There is nothing which justifies deliberate deception: from the Jubilee onward we understood that the object was to leave the older people behind. That would not be too bad but anyone who would play Machiavelli cannot possibly read BLACK TEXT on BROWN PAPER (2 Cor 3). It is clear that the hireling-changelings make no attempt to use the Word as it is written: they don't need to with a large dose of spiritual deception in high places and intimidating those they are pledged to serve.
THE CHANGE MOVEMENT DERIVED FROM GRAMSCI, LEBON, Machiavelli, HITLER ETAL. They depend upon the fact that by REFUSING to teach you, you don't know that Jesus told you NOT to go to any of these Mass Rally's. Ezekiel calls them workshops of evil where prophets go to steal words one from another to return and SELL them.THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS: YâReD TO THE FLOOD.
Of the Transmission of the Art of Playing the Harp, that is to say of Music and Singing and Dancing.
Yôbâl (Jubal) and Tôbalkin (Tubal-Cain), the two brethren, the sons of Lamech, the blind man, who killed Cain, invented and made all kinds of instruments of music.
- Jôbâl made reed instruments, and harps, and flutes, and whistles,
- and the devils went and dwelt inside them.
- When men blew into the pipes, the devils sang inside them,
- and sent out sounds from inside them.
Tôbalkîn made Fol. 12a, col. 2 cymbals, and sistra, and tambourines (or drums). And lasciviousness and fornication increased among the children of Cain, and they had nothing to occupy them except fornication--now they had no obligation to pay tribute, and they had neither prince nor governor--and eating, and drinking, and lasciviousness, and drunkenness,
and dancing and singing to instruments of music,
and the wanton sportings of the devils, and the laughter which affordeth pleasure to the devils, and the sounds of the furious lust of men neighing after women. See Enoch
and Second Peter
See the same pattern in Romans
And Satan, finding his opportunity in this work of error, rejoiced greatly, because thereby he could compel the sons of Seth to come down from that holy mountain.
There they had been made to occupy the place of that army of angels that fell with Satan, there they were beloved by God, there they were held in honour by the angels, and were called "sons of God," even as the blessed David saith in the psalm, "I have said Fol. I b, col. I, Ye are gods, and all of you sons of the Most High." Ps. 82:6
GOD standeth in the congregation of the mighty;
he judgeth among the gods. Psalm 82:1
How long will ye judge unjustly,
and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Psalm 82:2
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3
Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. Psalm 82:4
They know not, neither will they understand;
they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth
are out of course. Psalm 82:5
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalm 82:6
But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Psalm 82:7
Community of the great demonstration the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm,
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler -Volume Two: The National Socialist Movement
Chapter VI: The Struggle of the Early Period - the Significance of the Spoken Word "The mass meeting is also necessary for the reason that in it the individual, who at first while becoming a supporter of a young movement, feels lonely and easily succumbs to the fear of being alone, for the first time gets the picture of a larger community, which in most people has a strengthening, encouraging effect.SEE HOW VIOLENT MEN TAKE THE KINGDOM BY VIOLENCEThe same man, within a company or a battalion, surrounded by all his comrades, would set out on an attack with a lighter heart than if left entirely on his own. In the crowd he always feels somewhat sheltered, even if a thousand reasons actually argue against it.But the community of the great demonstration not only strengthens the individual, it also unites and helps to create an esprit de corps. The man who is exposed to grave tribulations, as the first advocate of a new doctrine in his factory or workshop,absolutely needs that strengthening which lies in the conviction of being a member and fighter in a great comprehensive body.And he obtains an impression of this body for the first time in the mass demonstration. When from his little workshop or big factory, in which he feels very small,he steps for the first time into a mass meeting and has thousands and thousands of people of the same opinions around him, when, as a seeker, (Als Suchender.' A Wagnerian phrase, which Hitler was apparently determined to use at all costs)The National Socialist movement must never forget this and in particularhe is swept away by three or four thousand others into the mightywhen the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him the rightness of the new doctrine and for the first time arouse doubt in the truth of his previous conviction -
effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm,then he himself has succumbed to the magic influence of what we designate as 'mass suggestion.'The will, the longing, and also the power of thousands are accumulated in every individual. The man who enters such a meeting doubting and wavering leaves it inwardly reinforced: he has become a link in the community.it must never let itself be influenced by those bourgeois s who know everything better,
but who nevertheless have gambled away a great state including their own existence and the rule of their class."
Jesus said that God HIDES Himself from the wise: Sophists are preachers, singers, instrument players. The JOKE God plays to make them into a joke is that the Kingdom of GOD will NOT be there while people are performing "worship services" or religious services." Using rhetoric or music is always identified as "enchantment" or "sorcery." The intention of sermonizing beyond the text intends to put the FULL power of the preacher into assemblying the Words of Christ into a format he believes is magical and warrants his "seeing godliness as a means of financial gain." Corrupting the word is selling learning at retail: that is why the command is to teach that which has been taught. He intends to tamper with your delicate mind to make the unbelievable believable. That is why using external means to inculcate an opinion is EXTREME PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE. Charles Spurgeon looked for a word to define the lowest ethical standing of a man who would be paid by one congregation and believe or teach something contrary. Even Judas found a solution.
A heretic is someone who chooses to CARRY AWAY something that belongs to another. That includes the "church house" and the church famnily built by others. You don't ever have to use STEALTH to teach the Word of God.
-Plato Athenian Laws [884a] Next after cases of outrage we shall state for cases of violence one universally inclusive principle of law, to this effect:--
No one shall carry or drive off anything which belongs to others,
nor shall he use any of his neighbor's goods unless he has gained the consent of the owner;
for from such action proceed all the evils above mentioned--past, present and to come.
Of the rest, the most grave are the licentious and outrageous acts of the young; and outrages offend most gravely when they are directed against sacred things, and they are especially grave when they are directed against objects which are public as well as holy, or partially public, as being shared in by the members of a tribe or other similar community.
Second, and second in point of gravity, come offences against sacred objects and tombs that are private; [885a] As to temple-robbing, whether done by open violence or secretly..." No one who believes, as the laws prescribe, in the existence of the gods has ever yet done an impious deed voluntarily, or uttered a lawless word: he that acts so is in one or other of these three conditions of mind—
either he does not believe in what I have said;
or, secondly, he believes that the gods exist, but have no care for men;
or, thirdly, he believes that they are easy to win over when bribed by offerings and prayers
Cf.Plat. Rep. 364b ff.For as it is, this and such as this is the account of them we hear from those who are reputed the best of poets, orators, seers, priests, and thousands upon thousands of others; and consequently most of us,
instead of seeking to avoid wrong-doing,
do the wrong and then try to make it good
They call it Grace-Centered
When people impose or USE something offensive to the owners you are a heretic or sectarian. When you impose music AND deliberately sow discord you have done two things God says He HATES. When you force people to split with their real and church family in order that a few favorites have a place to blaspheme God it is hard to see how there can be any redemption. Music at a "churchy" level with thousands of people singing the same note does violence in two ways: First, you are spreading "decibel posioning" and destroying the hearing of the young. Second, you are enducing endorphines which is a morphine-like drug which produces the effects of Fight, Flight and or sexual stimulation. OSHA would shut down such "theaters for holy entertainment" and put the noisey children in jail if they had the nerve. God has nerve.
Both the words for singing and "psallo" which never means "musical melody" both relate to making war, making unnatural sex, enchanting or Sorcery. Singing beyond using "one mind and one mouth" to teach "teach that which is written for our learning" is also exercising both psychological and physical violence: it violates the REST and removal of the LADEN BURDEN by Jesus.
Matt. 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the BaptisA HERETIC OR SECTARIAN CONFISCATES SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM.
notwithstanding, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
Matt. 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now
the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the VIOLENT take it by force
-Biazō , force one to do, force the victims [to be favourable], 4. contend or argue vehemently, “audō polin se mē b. tode” A.Th.1047.
b. nomous [laws] to do them violence, Th. 8.53; (We can be more successful if we change the BYLAWS)
biasamenos tauta panta having broken through all these restraints, Lys.6.52
When your hireling says WE have decided that WE will add MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS into your congregation and you need to get over it, that same person would pick your pocket or hurt you to get your property: THAT is the meaning of a heretic or sectarian.
In the confession of Rick Atchley:
-Lys. 6 51 For this man donned a ceremonial robe, and in imitation of the rites he revealed the sacred things to the uninitiated, a
nd spoke with his lips the forbidden words: those deities whom we worship,
and to whom with our devotions and purifications we sacrifice and pray, he mutilated.
And for such a deed priestesses and priests stood up and cursed him, facing the west, and shook out their purple vestments according to the ancient and time-honored custom. He has admitted this action.
-Lys. 6 52 Moreover, transgressing the law that you made,Cf. the solemn cursing of Alcibiades described by Plut. Alc. 22. In prayers and vows addressed to the celestial gods the speaker faced the east, but in those addressed to the infernal gods, the west.
whereby he was debarred from the temples as a reprobate,
he has violated all these restrictions and has entered into our city;
he has sacrificed on the altars which were forbidden him,
and come into the presence of the sacred things on which he committed his impiety;
he has entered into the Eleusinium, and baptized his hands in the holy water.
Any person who uses the Levites as his foundation, and then violates the laws of the Levites by going into or close to any holy thing or place IS WORTHY of spiritual death.
-Audaō , impf. 1. utter sounds, speak, utter a cry,
3. of oracles, utter, proclaim, ib. 392, etc.; “houstinas kompeis gamous audan” speak out concerning them, A.Pr.948.4. au. agōna sing of a contest, Pi.O.1.7.
Soph. OT 392 Oedipus Tyrannus
[380] O wealth, and empire, and skill surpassing skill in life's keen rivalries, how great is the envy in your keeping, if for the sake of this office which the city has entrusted to me, a gift unsought, [385] Creon the trustworthy,
Creon, my old friend, has crept upon me by stealth, yearning to overthrow me,
and has suborned such a scheming juggler as this,
a tricky quack, who has eyes only for profit,
but is blind in his art! [390]
Agur-tēs , ou, o(, (ageirō) prop.Come, tell me, where have you proved yourself a seer?A. collector, esp. begging priest of Cybele, “Mētros a.” AP6.218 (Al.); “Gallois a.” Babr.141.1:— then,
Why, when the watchful dogsong was here,
did you say nothing to free the people?
Yet the riddle, at least, was not for the first comer to read: there was need of a seer's help, [395] and you were discovered not to have this art, either from birds, or known from some god. But rather I, Oedipus the ignorant, stopped her, having attained the answer through my wit alone, untaught by birds. who wove dark
I don't believe that there is any historical data to disprove the universally understood persona: All religious musicians who sang and played were Drunk, perverted or "just having fun." Dogs were NOT allowed in the assembly according to Paul in Philippians 2: dogs were old style praise singers who instead of worshiping were seeking out partners like dogs:
Kuon of the “Bakkhai, Lussas k.” E.Ba.97 Pan is the kuōn of Cybele, Pi.Fr.96:
3. of the Cynics, “areskei toutois kunōn metamphiennusthai bion”
of the “Bakkhai, Lussas k.” E.Ba.977 (lyr.)
Rhapsōd-os , o(,A. reciter of Epic poems, sts. applied to the bard who recited his own poem, as to Hesiod, Nicocl. ap. Sch.Pi.N.2.2 (v. infr.); but usu., professional reciters, esp. of the poems of Homer, Hdt.5.67, Pl.Ion 530c, etc.: also rh. kuōn, ironically, of the Sphinx who chanted her riddle, S.OT391. (Prob. from rhaptō, aoidē; Hes.Fr. 265 speaks of himself and Homer as en nearois humnois rhapsantes aoidēn, and Pi.N.2.2 calls Epic poets rhaptōn epeōn aoidoi: not from rhabdos (cf. “rhabdos” 1.6) as if rhabdōdos (Eust.6.24, rhabdōdia ib.16).)Pind. O. 1 Water is best, and gold, like a blazing fire in the night, stands out supreme of all lordly wealth. But if, my heart, you wish to sing of contests, [5] look no further for any star warmer than the sun, shining by day through the lonely sky, and let us not proclaim any contest greater than Olympia. From there glorious song enfolds the wisdom of poets, so that they loudly sing [10] the son of Cronus, when they arrive at the rich and blessed hearth of Hieron, who wields the scepter of law in Sicily of many flocks, reaping every excellence at its peak, and is glorified [15] by the choicest music, which we men often play around his hospitable table. Come, take the Dorian lyre down from its peg, if the splendor of Pisa and of Pherenicus placed your mind under the influence of sweetest thoughts,The Greek word in question here is biastai (the plural form of biastes), which a good many versions translate: "violent men." This is the word that appears in Matt. 11:12 -- "violent men take it by force." The verb form of this word, which appears in both Matt. 11:12 and Luke 16:16, is biazo. "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence" [Matt. 11:12]. "Every man entereth violently into it" [Luke 16:16, ASV].
There is nothing more violent than to define as SECTARIAN those who will not pretend to worship God by the use of musical instruments which is defined as "machines for doing hard work". They know of no church which has conspired and used the Atchley-Maneuver to steal the church house of an instrumental group.
A Sectarian always uses music or enchantment to seduce the pants off the widows and owners.
This is what Paul outlawed as self-pleasure in Romans 15 which includes all of the performing or hypocritic arts and crafts.The Church is built or educated on the foundation of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES: modern musical sectarians fufil the root meaning of music: to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter.
-Rapio To carry off by force; to seize, rob, ravish; to plunder, ravage, lay waste, take by assault, carry by force, Ravish or rape, to live by robbery, 1. To carry along or away with passion, to transport, ravish, captivate; and with a designation of the limit, to carry or hurry away, to attract strongly to any thing (usually in a bad sense): Poet.: “Nasonis carmina rapti,”
-Carmen , . a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto). I. In gen., a tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental
“carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,” Ov. M. 11, 317; cf
Ov. Met. 11.266
“When her mature womb had completed time
Autolycus [Cain "from a musical note"] was born, a crafty son,
who certainly inherited the skill
of wingfoot Mereury, his artful sire,
notorious now; for every kind of theft.
In fact, Autolycus with Mercury's craft,
loved to make white of black, and black of white.
But Phoebus' [Apollo, Abadon, Apollyon] child, for Chione bore twins,
was named Philammon, like his sire, well known.
To all men for the beauty of his song.
And famous for his handling of the lyre.
Now whyle the Thracian Poet [Origin of Threskia or musical worship]
with this song delyghts the mynds
Of savage beastes,
and drawes both stones and trees ageynst their kynds,
Ov. Met. 11.1
At Orphyes singing mouth. The Lawnce armd round about with leaves,
per-cŭtĭo 1. To smite, strike, visit with calamity of any kind (class.):Did hit him, and without a wound a marke behynd it leaves.
b. To strike, play a musical instrument (poet.): “lyram,” Ov. Am. 3, 12, 40; Val. Fl. 5, 100.—
2. To strike, shock, make an impression upon, affect deeply, move, astound
' Another threw a stone at him, which vanquisht with his sweete
And most melodius harmonye, fell humbly at his feete
As sorye for the furious act it purposed. But rash
And heady ryot out of frame all reason now did dash,
And frantik outrage reigned. Yit had the sweetenesse of his song
Appeasd all weapons, saving
that the noyse now growing strong
With blowing shalmes, and beating drummes,
and bedlem howling out,
And clapping hands on every syde by Bacchus drunken rout,
Did drowne the sownd of Orphyes harp. Then first of all stones were
Made ruddy with the prophets blood, and could not give him eare.
Lk 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
The Kingdom of God is the body or Church of Christ: while the kingdom has been established it does not automatically COME to your congregation unless you let Jesus be King and Priest. The kingdom of God is near us when the King of the kingdom is near us: He is near us when the elders "teach that which has been taught." That lets the King do all of the speaking. The kingdom comes when Christ's Will is done on Earth.
Observātĭo ,I REMEMBER SIGNS AT CHURCH WHICH READ: Come to Learn, Leave to Serve.
The Kingdom is not: A. An office, duty, service (eccl. Lat.): “Dei sui et expiationis,” Vulg. 2 Esdr. 12, 44: “in observationibus sicut fas est,” id. 1 Macc. 12, 11.—
1 Macc 12:11 - We therefore remember you constantly on every occasion, both in our feasts and on other appropriate days, at the sacrifices which we offer and in our prayers, as it is right and proper to remember brethren.They performed the religious observations because they were commanded to do so: there was no virtue in doing what they were commanded to do with a penalty attached if they did not.
Jesus commanded us to pray in our private places. He commanded that YOUR hand never know what MY hand gives in ALMS (the only giving authorized.
He repudiated the men who made an OVSERVATION out of their prayer or alms.
“Observationi operam dare,” Plaut. Mil. 2, 6, 5: “siderum,” Cic. Div. 1, 1,
Opĕra , A. Care, attention, exertion bestowed on any thing:The Kingdom is not: “alicui,” to attend to one, listen to him, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 52: “sermoni,” Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 4:
Listening to a sermon is NOT an act of worship: preaching is not an act of worship: there is no role and no dole for preaching other than as commanded by Christ in the wilderness and changed in our own latter days by men TASKED to carry out a mission they do not comprehend.,
2Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,The Kingdom is not: Opĕrātĭo A. A religious performance, service, or solemnity, a bringing of offerings: operationes denicales, offerings
"Lying wonders" specificially speak of religious observations where the dominant leaders claim that they are doing God's will.
In the Ezekiel 33 example of "mouth" or external worship Jesus identified the hypocrites as preachers, singers and instrument players. Musical Instruments always toldGod to "Shut your face."
Paul warned us not to do SELF pleasure: the word is the same as a HERETIC. In the Greek sacrificial system the PARASITE made the lambs dumb before the slaughter and the HERETIC was the priest who lifted them up to cut their throats. In both Greek and Latin the method was what Jesus identified as the hypocrites: preachers, singers and instrument players quotint Ezekiel33. This included "creation of mental excitement" which is the Laded Burden Jesus died to rid the world of along with the burden laders: burdens are types of songs wich "create spiritual anxiety through religious rituals.
That's what a Levite would do by the command of God. Rick says that by LEAVING the Church of Christ they are not leaving the kingdom. However, Jesus MARKED religion by saying that the Kingdom of Christ (or Christ Himself as sole Teacher) comes NOT with Religious OBSERVATIONS: No preaching, telling preacher tales, singing, playing instruments or ANYTHING which is not INSIDE the Spirit as God's new Holy Place where any Levite singer or instrumennt player would be executed.
How can Jesus say that worship is IN THE SPIRIT (place) and not in houses (places) and devoted to the Truth and hireling-preacherlings flowing out of captured "christian" colleges say just the opposite.
How can Jesus say that the kingdom (Jesus the King) will never come near "religious observations" especially "lying wonders" which are religious services CLAIMING that they are led by God.
Blasphemy is claiming that God commanded something when Christ in the prophets says that God DID NOT command any such thing. Blasphemy sticks to you closer than a "worship leaderling."
The Kingdom of God comes NOT with (religious) observations. Therefore, God sends strong delusions to those who tamper with His Word (songs or sermons, dance or drama) and the produce LYING WONDERS which are any of the performing arts which BLEED AWAY all of the attention due to God and His Word.
- The New credo is that God commanded instrumental praise and WE will not be disobedient. A small number of preachers have been duped into a fatal fall from grace: flattery will get you anything! They are usually agents or under the influence of the NACC. These men are devoid of spiritual truth but prophecy is that all but the elect or "ekklesia" or Church will be led astray: why would people spend the widow's food money to vagabond sall over the nation lusting to hear a simple-simon speech about simple simon?
- If God did NOT command the use of Musical Instruments (to make noise) even when He abandoned them to worship the starry host BECAUSE of musical idolatry--
- Then Jeremiah 23 by the Spirit OF Christ (the only Spirit) says that you have blasphemed The Holy Spirit.
- The only Holy Spirit Comforter is Jesus Christ and He will not tell you to disobey the Word.
- Jacob warned us NOT to attend the assemblies of Levi nor to join in covenant with them. They would use both instruments as weapons and musical. He promised that Messiah would come out of Judah
Your preacher has repudiated Jesus Christ if he tells you to follow the pattern of the Levites.
- When Israel rose up in musical idolatry of the Egyptian (etal) trinity involving the holocaustum of Rick's proof text, they rose up in surgo against God Who turned them over to worship the starry host: He gave the Law of Moses and sentenced them to return to Babylon. To that end "He gave them kings in His anger" when the "elders" abandoned God.
- The Levitess (modern musical worship teams) jumped at the chance to murder 3,000 of their "members." In the modern sense if you EXCLUDE 3,000 of the "owners" when they see the MARK of musical performers, that's just fine. Paul's version in Romans 1 is that they fell into sexual and gender confused practices. There is no other history marking the PERSONA of religious performers. People flee from the persona when they do not fully understand that according to the Vineyard or New Wineskins they are being aroused into a sexual-like climactic experience--just before "giving of substance."
Because the Levites had proven their value as EXECUTIONERS, Moses made them His Praetorian Guard. However, they lost their inheritance and were supported by fleecing the poor of tithes and offerings as God warned through Samuel. Those who have been dedicated to perform at a temple are declared anathema. That means that they have lost their inheritance, cannot be redeemed and MUST BE bured. Christ in Isaiah 30 says that "hell" was prepared for the enemies of God--those who went in musical processions to Jerusalem--and the marks in sight and sound will be wind, string and percussion instruments.
They stood near the Holy Places to murder anyone who came too close: like "guardians of the podium."
As a "Makes Works Ministry" when no longer needed to make war, the musical role was ADDED by David and there is no other authority. They soothsayed to the accompany of musical instruments. Instruments always identify people who would use spiritual deception. In Revelation 18 they were "lusted after fruits [same as in Amos] as SORCERERS. Your team is performing Sorcery with instrumental accompaniment. Congratulations you have facilitated something of Biblical proportions.
1Chronicles 25:1 David, [king] together with the commanders of the army, set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals. Here is the list of the men who performed this service:
These were not writing prophets marked by their repudiation of the Civil-Military-Clergy as robbers and parasites. Pseudo-prophets may be the world's OLDEST profession who could influence the gods as praise singers.
Prŏphēta and prŏphētes I. a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet (post-class.: sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant,” Macr. S. 7, 13, 9: “Aegyptius, propheta primarius,” oraculorumque interpretes,”
prŏphētīa , II. A body of prophets or singers, Vulg. 1 Par. 15, 27
Musical Worship Teams claim to stand in the holy place and lead you into the presence of God.
B. A place where oracular responses were given, an oracle: “illud oraculum Delphis tam celebre,”
This was the "worship center" of Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon and the Pythian priestess: His musical worship team were the "Muses" known as dirty adulterers: they are called sorcers in Revelation 18.
2. Esp. (eccl. Lat.), the mercy-seat, the place in the tabernacle in which the presence of God was manifest
C. An oracular saying, oracle pronounced by a man. OF DELPHI AND APOLLO.
No Levite could "stand in the holy place" without getting executed
CHRIST Spoke through the writing Prophets and HE expounded these prophecies so that You cannot further expound them.
1Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Greek: Mantis diviner, seer, prophet Pythian priestess, 3. Adj., toude manteôs chorou [round dance] of this prophetic band, dub. in S.Fr.113. II. a kind of grasshopper, the praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, obscure speech.
Mantikê,Mania [mainomai] ) madness, sphodra hêdonê katechousa
II. enthusiasm, inspired frenzy, m. Dionusou para E.Ba.305 ; apo Mousôn katokôchê
OPPOSITE sôphrosunê anthrôpinê meaning having control over the sensual desires, temperate, self-controlled, moderate, chaste, sober,Logos. The ACT of speaking is logik-os , ê, on, ( [logos] ) the organs of speech
A. of or for speaking or speech, logikê, hê, speech,
OPPOSITE to mousikêThe phrase: Mousôn katokôchê Mousa I. the Muse, in pl. the Muses, goddesses of song, music, poetry, dancing, the drama, and all fine arts II. mousa, as appellat., music, song, Pind., Trag.:--also eloquence, Eur.:--in pl. arts, accomplishments, Ar., Plat.
PHRASE: Aegyptius, propheta primarius 1. Aegyptius,
2. Prophetai
3. primariusI. one of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable,
primarius parasitus, Their SERVICE was to serve the priests to "make the lambs dumb before the slaughter." The word connects to the Abbadon or Apollyon in the book of Revelation.
Părăsītus , i, m., = parasitos, parasitus Phoebi, a player, actor, lit. one who eats with another; hence, II. In partic., in a bad sense, one who, by flattery and buffoonery, manages to live at another's expense, a sponger, toad-eater, parasite (syn. scurra): tutelar deity of parasites was Hercules [father of homosexual worship]
Parasi_t-os , ho, A. one who eats at the table of another, and repays him with flattery and buffoonery, parasite,
II. of priests who had their meals at the public expense,
Any preacher who violates the direct command to "teach that which has been taught" or in Romans 15 "that which is written for our learning is a DEFACTO PARASITE.
IN the early church: Prophēt-eia , hē, III. in NT, gift of expounding scripture, or of speaking and preaching, under the influence of the Holy Spirit (cf. prophētēs), Ep.Rom.12.6, 1 Ep.Cor.12.10, 1 Ep.Ti.1.18, 4.14, al.
A preacher "prophesies" under the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Christ) when he reads that which is written and can say "thus saith the Lord." Early Reformation groups in England met in secret and the reading and meditating on the Word was called "prophesying meetings"
The next day an evil spirit from God came forcefully upon Saul. He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the harp, as he usually did. Saul had a spear in his hand 1 Sam 18:10
"He prophesied in the midst of the house. He was beside himself; made prayers, supplications, and incoherent imprecations: 'God preserve my life,' 'Destroy my enemies,' or such like prayers, might frequently escape from him in his agitated state. The Arabic intimates that he was actually possessed by an evil spirit, and that through it he uttered a sort of demoniacal predictions." (Clark, 1 Sam 18, p. 270).
"In ancient times, says Justin, kings used a spear instead of a diadem: And as spears were the emblems of supreme power, hence they were reputed as attributes of the Divinity, and were worshipped as representatives of the gods." (Adam Clark, 1 Sam. 18, p. 270)
- The DIRECT COMMAND used by these modern worshipers of the STARS is 2 Chronicles 29. The Levites stood in RANKS under the king and commanders of the army when the normal "plague stopping" sacrifiices were made. It was Hezekiah's idea to try to appease Israel as the "instrumental" sect. Only when the
- goats were "Holocausted" did the Levites make a great noise never called music. This was to make sure that no extraneous sounds reached the ears of the priests who was and is the "authorized god handler. The were not musical worship ministers they were Soothsayers with Instrumental accompaniment.
A. Christ in Isaiah defines the destiny of the harps and buried alive harpists:
Isaiah 14:11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols:
the worm is spread under thee, and the worms [maggots] cover thee.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isaiah 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
B. Christ in Isaiah defines FOR WHOM "hell" was prepared. Because the Jews went in musical procession to Jerusalem to HOLOCAUST infants, the trick would be turned and the MARKS in sight and sound of God driving His enemies into hell would be the Wind, String and Percussion instruments. See Isa 30LXX
1). According to Christ in Ezekiel 28 these instruments came when Lucifer was "cast as profane" out of heaven into the garden of Eden midst the stones of fire.
2). The "song" of the prostitute involves the harp Isaiah 23:16
C. The speakers, singers, instrument players in Revelation 18 are called Sorcerers who will be cast alive into the lake of fire.
As the music ceased when the HOLOCAUST was finished and the performers are silenced, in Revelation 18 there are no more instruments. The musical sounds are EXCISED from the body at the first noisy blast, and the "lampstands" of the seven spirits of Christ go into exile exactly as when Solomon dedicated the temple.
Revelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters,
shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, [Theater builders-stage managers]
of whatsoever craft he be,
shall be found any more in thee;
and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:
[The nymphs engaged in Hiros Gamos or holy sex marriage in paganism]
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth;
for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets,
and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Matthew 23:29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
[In Ezekiel 33: speakers, singers and instruments. THE meaning of hypocrites]
because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
Matthew 23:30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers,
we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
Matthew 23:31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves,
that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Matthew 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
[The baptism of WIND and FIRE was promised to the viper race: they will be heaped up and burned]
Matthew 23:34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
Thērion , to (in form Dim. of thēr),
A. wild animal, esp. of such as are hunted, mala gar mega thērion ēen, of a stag, Od.10.171, 180 (never in Il.); in Trag. only in Satyric drama,
III. as a term of reproach, beast, creature, , cf. Eq.273; “kolaki, deinō thēriō” Pl.Phdr.240b;
Goēs , ētos, ho, A. sorcerer, wizard epōdos Ludias apo khthonos” E.Ba.234
2. juggler, cheat, “deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistēs” Pl.Smp.203d; “deinon kai g. kai sophistēn . . onomazōn” D.18.276; “apistos g. ponēros” Id.19.109; “magos kai g
Sophis-tēs , ou, ho, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, with modal words added, “hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn” [MELODY IN THE HOLY PLACES]
3. later of the rhētores, Professors of Rhetoric, and prose writers of the Empire, such as Philostratus and Libanius, Suid.; “Apollōnidē sophistē” [Abaddon, Apollyon]
mousikê aei ti kainon thêrion tiktei
A. Mousikos, musical, agônes m. kai gumnikoi choroi te kai agônes ta mousika music,
B. aei alwaysII. of persons, skilled in music, musical, X.l.c., etc.; poiêtikoi kai m. andres Pl.Lg.802b ; kuknos [minstrel] kai alla zôia; peri aulous - professional musicians, mousikos kai melôn poêtês, use with singing, skilled in speaking before a mob. Melody,
Jesus cast out the musical minstrels "like dung."
C. kainos , esp. of new dramas, the representation of the new tragedies, (Aphrodisias dedicated to Aphrodite (ZOE); comedy, sexual love, pleasure, a woman's form of oath, Aster or Venus or ZOE.
D. Tikto mostly of the mother
E. of Rhea one of the zoogonic or vivific principles
- There is nocommand for group singing with instrumental accompaniment: what you have been tricked into is called
"Soothsaying with instrumental accompaniment."
- The speakers, singers, instrument players and craftsmen or techne "theater builders and stage managers" including the grinders or prostitutes making a "piping" sound to solicit, are called SORCERERS.
Therefore, they have tricked you into:
"SORCERY with Instrumental accompaniment."
- Now, I hope that as a Boiled Frog you have a happy day!
If you followed these agents and believe that when the Levites made a great, crashing noise while burning the goats for Israel, and which Christ says God DID NOT COMMAND, you are involved with "something of Biblical proportions."
You need to know (now that it's too late) that the Levites stood in military ranks to GUARD the horrors of not-commanded animal sacrifices from the godly civillians. If you insisted on attending their "instrumental music service" they are commanded by God through Moses to EXECUTE you. The death of a spirit is a terrible thing to baste.
The Levites as Military Guards and chief executioners.
The Church is built on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles. I have commented on a paper by "Anon" to prove that no one was so uninformed that they could have accidentially missed the fork in the roat at Mount Sinai. I know of no preacher or scholar who understands what happened: "Doctors of the law take away the key to knowledge." Jesus called these same Scibes and Pharisees, hypocrites. In the Ezekiel 33 example He names speakers, singers and instrument players who have no role in an Ekklesia of Christ. It's True: Jesus never said "thou shall not be a hypocrite."
8.09.11 Review of K.C.Moser who is the foundation of the neo-trinitarians and Anti-Baptism direct commands
Jay Guin is the promoter of the Progressive Church of Christ: a new anti-everything sectarian division. John defined this new sect in Revelation 17 and called all of the agents of the Mother Goddess sorcerers: preachers without portfolio, singers and instrument players (Rev. 18). As Christ did in Isaiah 30 John consignes them to be (been) cast alive into the lake of fire.
Saying that Christ--THE Holy Spirit--said something He did not say or command is defined as blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Review of Truitt Adair's review of Rick Atchley. Preachers are shooting blanks and keeping their career path safe as long as they agree that Amos (by the Spirit of Christ) condemned only their "attitude." And as long as they say that God commanded anything in the cursed king, kingdom, temple, sacrificial system at which they made exorcism noises never called music. The church is built upon the Prophets and Apostles all who radically condemn the the Civil-Military-Clergy complex as robbers, parasites and hypocrites (defined as speakers, singer and instrument players) 7.12.11
Bob Williams in the Origins of Christian Worship teaches (along with most preachers) that the Christian Worship was derived from the Jews which until its destruction was at the temple;
"After its construction by Solomon, the temple in Jerusalem became the prominent focus of Jewish worship. It appears that the emphasis of worship in the temple was primarily on sacrificial offerings and praise to God through music.All of the sowing of discord in the modern church is founded on total ignorance of the story of the Monarchy: God turned them over to worship the starry host. Why do YOU think so many are working so legalisticall hard to conform the church to the Monarchy. If you can convince people that the Pharisees removed instrumental music from the synagogue then if you are not a pharisee you should maybe aqccept instruments.
Jay will not stand up and accept any comment which does not endorse him. I just posted and it will go away:
Lying Wonders: -Teratourg-eô, A. WORK wonders, pseudôsti Sch.Pi.I.7(6).13.
Lying is -Pseudes 2. fiction (opposite logos, historic
- Muthos
2. fiction (Opposite logos, historic truth)logos , o(, verbal noun of lego; (B), with senses corresponding to lego (B) II and III (on the various senses of the word v. Opposite Pathos or peacher's tales
Opposite epago; , 2. bringing in to one's aid, introduction, 4. allurement, enticement b. incantation, spell, leading away into captivity.
A WORK OR WONDER WOULD BE TO PERFORM ANY RITUAL CLAIMING THAT IT IS DOING A DIVINE WORK OR WORSHIP.Aristot. Rh. 3.6.3 [3] Use metaphors and epithets by way of illustration, taking care, however, to avoid what is too poetical. Aristot. Rh. 3.6.7 Poets also make use of this in inventing words, as a melody "without strings" or "without the lyre"; for they employ epithets from negations, a course which is approved in proportional metaphors, as for instance, to say that tNhe sound of the trumpet is a melody without the lyre.
-[3. 8. 1 The form of diction should be neither metrical nor without rhythm. If it is metrical, it lacks persuasiveness, for it appears artificial, and at the same time it distracts the hearer's attention, since it sets him on the watch for the recurrence of such and such a cadence.
-Pindar, Pythian, Odes 4:[216] Aphrodite [ZOE] of Cyprus brought the maddening bird to men for the first time, and she taught the son of Aeson skill in prayerful incantations, so that he could rob Medea of reverence for her parents. and a longing for Greece would lash her, her mind on fire, with the whip of Persuasion.
A heretic is someone who chooses to CARRY AWAY something that belongs to another.
-Plato Athenian Laws [884a] Next after cases of outrage we shall state for cases of violence one universally inclusive principle of law, to this effect:--
No one shall carry or drive off anything which belongs to others,
nor shall he use any of his neighbor's goods unless he has gained the consent of the owner;
for from such action proceed all the evils above mentioned--past, present and to come.
Of the rest, the most grave are the licentious and outrageous acts of the young; and outrages offend most gravely when they are directed against sacred things, and they are especially grave when they are directed against objects which are public as well as holy, or partially public, as being shared in by the members of a tribe or other similar community. [885a] As to temple-robbing, whether done by open violence or secretly...The MARK or PROOF is that people will twist all of Scripture and church history in order to wrestle away a widow's church house, church family and 'investment' with the "lord." Shame, Shame, Shame.
When Ahaz took the sacrifices and noise (never music) outside of Jerusalem he violated God's law which quarantined the horrors behind closed doors . If you become a Levite singer outside of the Temple in Jerusalem the PATTERN is that God will send a plague upon you.
7.04.11 Collection of proof of the relationship to the ONE GOD the Father in Heaven and Jesus of Nazareth whom God made to be both Lord and Christ. John identifies this two fold fact and defines as antichrist those who deny it.
THIS IS THE DIRECT COMMAND: Only those already strongly delusioned could fail to understand that SING or make music is antithetical to PREACH.
2Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season,
out of season; reprove, rebuke,
kērussō , 2.make proclamation as a herald, laon kērussontes ageirontōn let them convene the people by voice of herald,
III. c. acc. rei, proclaim, announce, 2. declare, tell, tout' ekērukhthē polei this news was spread in .
2. to proclaim or command publicly, Lat. indicere,
in-dĭco , to show, declare, disclose, make known, reveal, to give information, inform, ĕpistŭla a written communication, a letter, epistle (cf.: “litterae, codicilli):
A "preacher" is a herald: the herald NEVER makes up or changes the proclamation. The herald does not "sing" the message from the King to the field commander.
Matthew 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
Mark 12:26 And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city t
hem that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
Colossians 4:16 And when this epistle is read among you,
cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans;
and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.
1Thessalonians 5:27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto
all the holy brethren.
Logos, verbal noun of legoexhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Opposite kata pathos
Opposite music, poetry or rhetoric
Opposite human reasoning
Opposite Epagoge bringint in to one's aid, introduction
Alurement, enticement, incantation, spell
Opposite Pathos A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,
where this incident took place, unfortunate accident,
2. what one has experienced, good or bad, experience
II. of the soul, emotion, passion (“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupē” Arist.EN1105b21), “sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai”
2Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears; [eager for combat, pleasure, to be wanton]
Sound is opposite to peri-sta^sis crowds standing round the house,HERE IS PROOF THAT YOU WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE:
3. outward pomp and circumstance, hē tou biou p. Plb.3.98.2, cf. 31.26.3 ; truphē kai p. Antig.Car. ap. Ath.12.547f; huparkhōn en megalē p “paison, truphēson, zēson: apothanein se dei
tru^phaō A. live softly, luxuriously, fare sumptuously
Paison, truphêson, zêson2. part. truphōn as Adj., effeminate, luxurious,
Paison paizô 4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.5. play amorously, “pros allēlous” X.Smp.9.2; “meta tinos” LXX Ge.26.8; of mares, Arist.HA572a30.
ZOE is Lucifer or Eve the daughter of the Sun. She also is called the "beast, the mother of gods and men and the FEMALE instructing principle.
zaō I. to live, Hom., etc.; elegkhiste [cowardly] zōontōn vilest of living men, Od.; zōein kai horan phaos ēelioio Il.; rheia zōontes living at ease, of the gods,
hēlios II. as pr. n., Helios, the sun-god, Od.8.271, etc.; nē ton Hē. Men.Sam. 108; hupo Dia Gēn Hēlion, in manumission-formula, POxy.48.6, 49.8 (i A.D.), IG9(1).412(Aetolia), IPE2.54.10(iii A.D.); [“Hēlios doulous eleutherous poiei” Artem.2.36; identified with Apollo,
2. Hēliou astēr, of the planet Saturn, v.l. in Pl.Epin.987c, cf. D.S.2.30,
“hoi truphōntes” spoiled pets, Id.Men.76b; en tais ekklēsiais [church] t. kai kolakeuesthai,
See 2 Peter 2 proof of instrumental music as the corruption.
2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
Musicians and actors are always called parasites.
Entrupo (g1792) en-troo-fah'-o; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: - sporting selves.
Epithum-êtês , oi, ho,
A. one who longs for or desires, ergôn Hdt.7.6 ; [dogmatôn] sophias, Pl.R.475b, etc.; phusei polemou e. 1 Ep.Cor.10.6
2. . abs., lover, follower, X.Mem.1.2.60.
b. . one who lusts, LXX Nu.11.34.
2Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
and shall be turned unto fables.
FABLES TO FOOL: Fābŭla , ae, f. fari,2Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions,
1. Most freq., a dramatic poem, drama, play (syn.: “ludus, cantus, actio, etc.): in full, fabula scaenica,” Amm. 28, 1, 4; “or, theatralis,” id. 14, 6, 20: “fabula ad actum scenarum composita,”fabulam, quae versatur in tragoediis atque carminibus non a veritate modo
FABLES TO FOOL: Cantus , ūs, m. id., I. the production of melodious sound, a musical utterance or expression, either with voice or instrument; hence, song, singing, playing,
1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum, Cic. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “fit etiam saepe vocum gravitate et cantibus ut pellantur animi, etc.,
2. With instruments, a playing, music: “citharae,” “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,” Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae, “lyrae,” Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 72: “tibicine
do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Humn-eō , Ep. humneiō Hes.Op.2; Ep.3pl. II. Tell over and over again, harp upon, repeat, recite,; humnousi ; ton nomon humnein recite the form of the law, Id.Lg.871a:
The Fire That Consumes The Fire starter or Musical Minister(ess) for Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon: "Hell" was just outside of Jerusalem: maybe coming to a church near you. Parables are to fool the foolish.
Testimony Old: oneinjesus by Jay Guin defends the teachings of Al Maxey, Cecil Hook, Dallas Burdette, Edward Fudge, John Mark Hicks, Patrick Mead, Stoned-Campbell and Wineskins. These are the ones I have reviewed and they represent the latest crop of theologians. The motive is some kind of spooky agenda to denounce the Church of Christ which feeds them with the assertion that most of the false teachings are the product--of one major NACC author--of a southern, ignorant, rednecked mentality: all of the teachings are based on a legalistic, sectarian patternism. They even CLAIM that the Church invented the false teaching of TEACHING WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES AND NOT TEACHING WHAT THE BIBLE DOES NOT TEACH. Other products of this "decadent and deleterious" (rotten and destructive for we non Phds) includes teaching what Jesus commanded: that baptism is FOR or IN ORDER to the remission of sins.
5.02.11 See Danny Dodd and Royce Ogle on Legalism
John T. Willis 2. "Sing" is vocal; "make melody" is instrumental. Psalms 33:2-3; 144:9; 149:1, 3 make this crystal clear. Amos 5:23 further verifies this reality. People forget that God turned Israel over to worship the starry host because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. The Levites were under the KING and the COMMANDERS of the army: they made war and not worship. We will examine these passages in context.
Jay Guin: Jesus is our Counselor, and the Spirit is another Counselor. The Greek word translated Counselor is the same word used for a defense attorney. It is literally “one who stands beside” to give comfort or counsel. Some translations call the Spirit the “Comforter.” And the word refers to a person, not a book. And Jesus himself speaks of sending “him,” not “it.”
Not even the highest level of scholarship cares enough to define words and look at parallel passages. This is why about half of churches of Christ are polytheistic and believe in three God people and according to John Mark Hicks "each with their own center of consciousness." The fact is there is ONE GOD in heaven and Jesus of Nazareth whom God MADE TO BE BOTH Lord and Christ to fulfill the prophecies by the Spirit OF Christ. Jesus of nazareth died, was resurrected and metamorphosed or changed into a Holy (wholly) Spirit state: this is the same as our post resurrected state. Jesus returned to the Father, received the Holy Spirit or HIS new state and HE shed forth what was seen and heard in the upper room. The name of the "another" Comforter says the same John in Jesus Christ the Righteous. John also said that if you do not believe this two-fold relationship you are an anti-Christ. I am looking at Jay's proof texts as time allows in his The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace
Allos 3. allos kai allos, one or two; allo kai allo one thing after another, id=Xen.
II. rarely like alloios, of other sort, different, Il.: hence 2. sometimes like a comp., c. gen., alla tōn dikaiōn other than just,
Rarely: alloios , a, on, (allos) A. of another sort or kind, different,
Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ;
that ye should be married to another, (different)
even to him who is raised from the dead,
that we should bring forth fruit unto God.
Heteros here is not another numerically but "in another or a different way, changed, altered."
1Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
236. allasso, al-las´-so; from 243; to make different: — change.
allassō , later Att. allanto-ttō Pl.Prm.139a: impf.243. allos, al´-los; a primary word; “else,” i.e. different (in many applications): — more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise).
II. a. ti tinos give in exchange, barter one thing for another,
2. take a new position, i.e. go to a place, “a.Haida thalamous” E.Hec.483; “polin ek poleōs” Pl.Plt.289e.
9 nun de gnontes theon, mallon de gnōsthentes hupo theou, pōs epistrephete palin epi ta asthenē kai ptōkha stoikheia, hois palin anōthen douleusai thelete;Galatians 4:8 Howbeit then, when ye knew not God,Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile [slave] body,
ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.
Galatians 4:9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God,
how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements,
whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
Galatians 4:10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
Galatians 4:11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.
that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,
according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
Metaskhēma^t-izō , A. change the form of a person or thing, Pl.Lg. 903e,
summorph-os , on,A. of the same shape as, tini Nic.Th.321, cf. Ep.Phil.3.21; tinos Ep.Rom. 8.29: abs., similar, Luc.Am.39.
Romans 8.[29] For whom he foreknew (Israel),
he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,
that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
- Jesus of Nazareth was changed into another form.
- He ascended to the one God the Father
- He received the promised Holy Spirit
- He returned--as promised--at Pentecost as Holy or Wholly Spirit in form
- He (Jesus post-change) shed forth the sights and sounds in the upper room.
- He did not change His Name: Holy Spirit is not a name
1John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not.
And if any man sin, we have an advocate (paraklete) with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous:
1John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins:
and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
1John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus
1 Thess 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep,
that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.1 Thess 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.1 Thess 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord,
that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord
shall not prevent them which are asleep.1 Thess 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:1 Thess 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God:
Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
1John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:
and this is that spirit of antichrist,
whereof ye have heard that it should come;
and even now already is it in the world.
1John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1John 4:5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them
1John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the Spirit OF truth, and the spirit of error.
4,03,11 Update on Jay Guinn and the nature of the Kingdom. What Jay and the "progressives" points directly to the Scribes and Pharisees whom Jesus called hypocrites and named in Ezekiel 33 self-speakers, singers and instrument players. Their job was to violently take over the Kingdom by violent means. Just defining words points directly to all of the performing artists who intend to "make the voice of the Victim silent."
4.01.11 Matthew 11 Jesus speaks against singers, musicians and rhetoricians who BURDEN the assembly of Christ and destroy the REST which is distubed by all of the external trappings of a so-called worship service. These are the people who take the kingdom or your congregation by force.
3.11.11 Logos versus Mythos: Word versus Music Logos (modern) is rational of the word and STRAIGHT: Mythos and Sophia (postmodern) are irrational and Gender-Confused. Mythos Nomoi (traditional law)
(a) Eros is approved, and its excesses condoned, when directed towards superior youths approaching manhood.Those who willingly infiltrate and impose musical instruments into a peaceable church justify the deliberate sowing of discord based on false teachings of all of the "instrument" passages also preach that GRACE will cover them.
(b) It appears to be condemned, in so far as parents forbid their boys to hold converse with “erastae.” The explanation of this ambiguous attitude must be sought in the principle laid down above, that the moral quality of an act depends upon the conditions of its performance.
GRACE is Kharizo 2. gratify or indulge a humour or passion, 3. in erotic sense, grant favours to a man,
give up as a favour by dropping a law aimed at him,
Grace Centered Magazine: 3.06.11. This forum has a Church of Christ thread dedicated to abusing those who do not deliberately reject the clear teaching of the Word and recorded history. A common lie is that the Church Fathers had nothing bad to say about the use of instruments based on Scripture. We have refuted that to prove that NO ONE used instruments in the churches but refute the Jews who did because they had been abandoned to Canaanite Baalism or the worship of the starry host.
See Grace Centered Magazine Review on Baptism: Rejecting baptism fulfils the prophecy of Christ in Isaiah and Malachi.
Review of "Instrumental Music in the Old Testament: Part 2 (Worship)"
Jay has written another "brief" which goes something like this:
However, no one who had read much Old Testament and universal history believes that God commanded king, kingdom, temple, animal sacrifices and the Levites making noise during animal sacrifices.
- Non-instrumentalists claim that "God commanded instrumental music under the OLD LAW" at the temple.
- There are several isolated events that people "worshiped" God with instruments OUTSIDE of the Temple.
- Therefor, it is acceptable to use instruments to worship God.
They also know that Christ (the Rock) defined the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the Wilderness:
No historic scholar ever believed that there is any "musical" or "singing" content in the Bible because none of it is metrical by design.
- It was INCLUSIVE of Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word of God: what disciples are commanded to do.
- It was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing: what reverent disciples do not do.
- Jesus exampled and commanded the "ekklesia" which like "synagogue" has no praise service because both are for heaaring material prepared by a higher authority.
No Bishop ever imposed the ACT of singing in that oriential non-tuneful style until 373 after Constantine began to pay pagans to be unwashed clergy.
When people speak out of their own imagination instead of the Word as Spirit by Christ in the Prophets and Apostles, Christ calls it blasphemy. Of Hezekiah's Plague stopping exorcism used to say that "God commanded instrumental praise and we must not be disobedient" Christ calls them BLASPHEMERS.
2.17.10 Revised
If you would name the DISTINCTIVES of The Church of Christ you would include.
1. There is ONE God the Father in heaven and Jesus of Nazareth whom God made to be both Lord and Christ. Therefore, all that we know about the Father has been Revealed by the Son and therefore the "fullness of Deity dwelled in Him bodily.
See Alexander Campbell: the Trinitarian System
2. But in the second place, I have an insuperable objection to the Arian and Calvinistic phraseology--
On the doctrine of the first relation existing between the Father and the Saviour of Men, because it confounds things human and divine, and gives new ideas to bible terms unthought of by the inspired writers.
The names Jesus, Christ, or Messiah, Only Begotten Son, Son of God, belong to the Founder of the christian religion, and to none else.
They express not a relation existing before the christian era, but relations which commenced at that time.
To understand the relation betwixt the Saviour and his Father,
which existed before time,
and that relation which began in time,
is impossible on [333] either of these theories.
There was no Jesus, no Messiah, no Christ, no Son of God, no Only Begotten, before the reign of Augustus Cesar.
The relation that was before the christian era, was not that of a son and a father, terms which always imply disparity; but it was that expressed by John in the sentence under consideration.
The relation was that of God, and the "word of God." This phraseology unfolds a relation quite different from that of a father and a son--a relation perfectly intimate, equal, and glorious. This naturally leads me to the first sentence of John. And here I must state a few postulata.Messiah would be of the SEED of Abraham: predestination involves God protecting the blood line leading up to the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. To deny the full humanity of Jesus in whom dwell the fullness of Deity, is according to John the meaning of Antichrist.
Acts 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens:Added 2.18.11
but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord,
Sit thou on my right hand,
Acts 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly,
that God
hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Justin MartyrThe Progressive Church of Christ subscribes to Tritheism which is polytheism.
And I replied to this, "I know that the statement does appear to be paradoxical, especially to those of your race, who are ever unwilling to understand or to perform the [requirements] of God, but [ready to perform] those of your teachers, as God Himself declares. 148
Wherefore the Lord said,
Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth,
and with their lips do honour me,
but have removed their heart far from me,
and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Isa 29:13
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people,
even a marvellous work and a wonder:
for the WISDOM of their wise men shall perish,
and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Isa 29:14
-I. Sapientia ” Mart. 9, 6, 7: “sapisset,” Plaut. Rud. 4, 1, 8), 3, v. n. and a.opos, saphēs, Sophia
and sophos] A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever
-Sophos A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, mostly of poets and musicians,
Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238 (lyr.), cf. Ar.Ra.896 (lyr.), [kindr. with
Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: in the Exekiel 33 passage Christ names entertaining preachers, singers and instrument players.
Pind. O. 1 Water is best, and gold, like a blazing fire in the night, stands out supreme of all lordly wealth. But if, my heart, you wish to sing of contests, [5] look no further for any star warmer than the sun, shining by day through the lonely sky, and let us not proclaim any contest greater than Olympia. From there glorious song enfolds the wisdom of poets, so that they loudly sing [10] the son of Cronus, when they arrive at the rich and blessed hearth of Hieron, who wields the scepter of law in Sicily of many flocks, reaping every excellence at its peak, and is glorified [15] by the choicest music, which we men often play around his hospitable table. Come, take the Dorian lyre down from its peg, if the splendor of Pisa and of Pherenicus placed your mind under the influence of sweetest thoughts....Yes, there are many marvels,
and yet I suppose the speech of mortals beyond the true account
can be deceptive, stories adorned with embroidered lies;
[30] and Grace, who fashions all gentle things for men,
confers esteem and often contrives to make believable the unbelievable. But the days to come are the wisest witnesses.Now assuredly, Trypho," I continued,"
[the proof] that this man is the Christ of God does not fail,
though I be unable to prove that He existed formerly as Son of the Maker of all things, being God, and was born a man by the Virgin.
But since I have certainly proved that this man is the Christ of God, whoever He be,
even if I do not prove that He pre-existed,
and submitted to be born a man of like passions with us,
having a body, according to the Father's will;
in this last matter alone is it just to say that I have erred, and not to deny that He is the Christ,
though it should appear that He was born man of men,
and [nothing more] is proved [than this],
that He has become Christ by election.
Since the Progressive Church of Christ majors in denouncing all of the historic meaning of A Church of Christ, if they need to impose that which they know will sow discord, that which they DO NOT know violates direct commands, they should--as decided in court cases--leave and buy their own property.
2. Consistent with all historic scholarship, the assembly is A School of Christ first defined as The Church of Christ in the wilderness both inclusively and exclusively.
The "Progressive Church of Christ" appeals to the curse of the sacrificial system and the Levite Warrior Musicians making a loud noise during a not-commanded burnt offering to insist that God commanded instrumental praise and you must not disobey. This sees the assembly as a worship service which in the Hebrew is defined as "hard bondage."
See Edward Fudge prophesying the Death of a Distinctive. Of course, the only way the distinctive of NOT using "machines for doing hard work" when Jesus comes to give us REST so we can learn of Him cannot happen with the DEATH of those who have never fallen into this terminal folly.
Dwayne E. Dunning proposes taking an Axe to the position.
3. The Church of Christ is "distinct" that it has never changed from the historic fact that baptism was FOR the remission of sins and those who "believeth not" or "refused to comply" would be damned.
The Progressive Church of Christ denies the prophecy of Christ and the prophecy made more perfect by Jesus Christ that there are as recently demanded "101 reasons why baptism is not necessary to be saved."
The Grace Centered Magazine insists that to use the Apistos or believeth not word to mean people simply refuse to comply and are defined as treacherous is accusing those who differ as under the influence of Lucifer: not so, they are under the influence of their own rebellious nature.
That means that the Progressive Church of Christ has no relation to the historic Church of Christ.
Those imposing musical instruments build their faith on the Levites defined by the Scribes: Jesus defined them as hypocrites and Christ in the Ezekiel 33 example named speakers, singers and instrument players.
The first two reasons assert that under the Old Testament, God did not just allow instrumental music, He commanded and blessed it. Rick offered the following passages for these contentions: 2 Chronicles 5:13-14; 7:6; 29:25-26; Psalm 33:1- 3; 92:1-3; 150:1-6.
Never mind that the godly tribes were quarantined. No singer or player went INTO or NEAR a holy thing or place on the penalty of death. Some of these patterns are separated from the last by up to 300 years.
Stand in the gate of the Lords house [courts], and proclaim there this word,
and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah,
that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord. Jeremiah 7:2
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,
Amend your ways and your doings,
and I will cause you to dwell in this place. Jeremiah 7:3
Trust ye not in lying words, saying,
The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord,
The temple of the Lord, are these. Jeremiah 7:4
Jer. 8:8 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is WITH US?
For I spake NOT unto your fathers, nor commanded them
in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John,To make a god in one's own image who requires that we slaughter His animals is defacto blasphemy and Biblical ignorance: isnorance is no excuse if you pretend to be a scholar. The church is built on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles: if your preacher is building on the foundation of the king's Scribes, Christ in the prophets says that your Scribes are liars and your pharises and Scribes
That the Pharisees puffed up unto strange boasting,
were wont to pretend that the Divine Word was with them and in them,
and therefore foolishly affirmed that they had advanced to marvellous wisdom,
the Spirit Itself will testify,
since Christ says by the Prophet Jeremiah unto them,
How do ye say, WE are wise, and the word of the Lord is with us?
For nought to the scribes became their lying pen;
the wise men were ashamed, were dismayed and taken;
what wisdom is in them? because they rejected the word of the Lord.
For how are they not taken rejecting the Living and Hypostatic Word of God,
receiving not the faith to Him-ward,
but dishonouring the Impress of God the Father,
and refusing to behold His most true Form (so to say)
through His God-befitting Authority and Power?
Porphyry The Iamblichus
- Of such a character are some of the animals of Egypt, and in the same manner, the human being everywhere is sacred.12 Some of the consecrated victims, however, make the familiar relationship more conspicuous, so far as they affect the analysis in respect to the kindred and more sacred origin of the primitive elements with the Superior (divine) causes. This being accomplished, the benefits which are imparted from it are more perfect.12. In other words, likely to be a victim at the altar. "As Manetho related, they were used in archaic times to burn living men in the city of Ilithyia, styling them Typhonian." Ashmes, who expelled the Hyk-sos rulers, put an end to the custom. It existed in Asiatic countries, where Semitic worships existed, and even the Hebrews seem not to have been an exception
14. Porphyry and others of the philosophers of that period
declared distinctly that the sacrifices of living creatures
were not for the gods at all,
but for daemons and the lower orders of spiritual essences.
Indeed, their sentiments were considered as evidence of a hostility to Judaism. In archaic times, and even in many centuries of the historical period, human victims were immolated, and the Hebrew writings seem to recognize the custom (Leviticus xxvii, 28, 29; Judges xi, 30-40; Micah, vi, 7).
Plutarch denounced this practice,
and declared his belief that there was never a god that required it,
but it was only intended to avert and appease the malice and rancor of evil spirits.
The slaughter of hogs at the festivals of Adonis, Osiris and Demites
seems to have been of the latter character, as swine were abhorred in Oriental countries.
Isaiah 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
Isaiah 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
John 6:44 No man can come to me,
except the Father which hath sent me draw him:
and I will raise him up at the last day.
And they shall be all taught of God.
Every man therefore that hath heard,
and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.
2Pet. 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words
which were spoken before by the HOLY PROPHETS
and of the commandment of us the APOSTLES of the Lord and Saviour:
IT WAS THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHO SPOKE THROUGH THE PROPHETS AND NOT LYING SCRIBES whom He called hypocrites by naming speakers, singers and instrument players in Ezekiel 33.
1Pet. 1:10 Of which salvation the PROPHETS have inquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
1Pet. 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time
the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify,
when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that should follow.
God did NOT speak through the lying pen of the Scribes who recorded the Monarchy which God had NOT commanded.
Heb. 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Heb. 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us BY HIS SON
whom he hath appointed heir of all things,
by whom also he made the worlds;
Heb. 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory,
and the express image of his person,
and upholding all things by the WORD of his power,
when he had by himself purged our sins,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high
THOSE WHO DELIBERATELY SOW DISCORD BY QUOTING THE LYING PEN OF THE SCRIBES (hypocrites: speakers, singers, instrument players) are defined by the Spirit:
Jer. 23:16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you:
they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart,
and not out of the mouth of the LORD.
Jer 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me,
The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace;
and they say unto every one that walketh
after the imagination of his own heart,
No evil shall come upon you.
Despise tthe Word of God of God and using your own words is:
Blasphēm-eō , pf. A. “beblasphēmēka” D.18.10:—speak profanely of sacred things, “eis theous” Pl.R.381e; offer rash prayers,
1. Because Christ as Spirit spoke ONLY through the prophets.
2. Those who use use the pattern of the Lying Pen of the Scribes, in fact despise and ignore the SPIRIT message.
3. Christ in Jeremiah defines that as blasphemy
Hebrew: H5006 nâ’ats naw-ats' A primitive root; to scorn; abhor, (give occasion to) blaspheme, contemn, despise, flourish, X great, provoke.
See Christ defining Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit
For I spake NOT unto your fathers, nor commanded them
in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
But this thing commanded I them, saying,
Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: (CENI)
and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, (CENI)
that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23
Jer 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me,Despise tthe Word of God of God and using your own words is:
The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace;
and they say unto every one that walketh
after the imagination of his own heart,
No evil shall come upon you. "You can SOW discord and steal from the owners"
Blasphēm-eō , pf.A. “beblasphēmēka” D.18.10:—speak profanely of sacred things, “eis theous” Pl.R.381e; offer rash prayers, Id.Alc.2.149c; b. kata tinosutter imprecations against, Aeschin.1.180.2. speak ill or to the prejudice of one, slander, “peri tēs emēs diatribēs” Isoc.15.2, cf. D.l.c., ib.82; “b. kata tinos” Isoc.12.65, cf. Arist.Fr.44; “hosa eis hēmas eblasphēmēsan” D.51.3; “b. tina” Babr.71.6, Ev.Luc.23.39, etc.: abs., Phld.Lib.p.8 O.:—Pass., to have evil spoken of one, “beblasphēmēmenous” Id.Vit.p.12 J., cf. 1 Ep.Cor.10.30.3. speak impiously or irreverently of God, blaspheme, “eis ton Kurion” LXX Da.3.29(96); “eis to pneuma to hagion” Ev.Marc.3.29; eis ta theia Vett. Val.58.12; “tous theous” Id.67.20: abs., LXX 2 Ma.10.34, al., Ev.Matt.9.3.
12.29.10 Test: Friend of Foe of Jesus Christ?
Unless you can explain the TRUE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ you MAY not be a disciple!
Matt. 11:24 But I say unto you,If people are forcing instruments into their worship performane grasp that music makes the lambs dumb before the slaughter. Jesus Christ as the Son (Word) is the only way to
That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.
Matt. 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said,
I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent,
and hast revealed them unto babes.
Matt. 11:26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
Matt. 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father:
and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;
neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son,
and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
- If God HIDES Himself from the WISE. It is a soul-saving question: who ARE the Wise?
- If the Son REVEALS truth to the NOT-WISE, how can you make sure Christ even knows your name?
- Maybe you can speculate the CONDITIONS for Jesus to REVEAL Himself?
Matt. 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
- How and where do you "come to Jesus?"
- What is the meaning of "labor" and "heavy laden?"
- What is the meaning of the "rest" Jesus gives us?
- From what and whom does He give rest?
Matt. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matt. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
- What do we do when we Rest and Learn of Jesus?
- What do you think a CONDITION for Jesus to be our only Teacher?
- Introduction: the Instrumental Music Issue: Jay Guin................................-My Review
- God's Salvatioon, Galatians, and the Instrument: Jay Guin.Rev 12.18.10...-My Review
- The Early Church on Instrumental Music Danny Corbitt:..Rev 12.20.10... .. -My Review
- 'Thy Kingdom Come' and the Instrument: Jay Guin ........................ -My Review
- Reconsidering Ephesians 5:19: Clyde Symonette................My Review
- Psallō: Lost in the Translation? Danny Corbitt............................. -My Review
- Reflective or Regulative? Al Maxey ....................Rev 12.13.10..... ........ -My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 1 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 2 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 3 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 4 My Review
- Reflections on My Interview with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman ..........-My Review
- David's Psalms and the New Testament Church: Clyde Symonette: -My Review
- Beyond the Pitch Pipe: Ryan Christian:.................................................-My Review
- And So, in Conclusion: Jay Guin: ............................................... -My Review
No one can deny that Jay Guin is an original thinker but vain imagination rejects the TWO-PIECE PATTERN Christ ordained for the Church in the PROPHETS and then through Jesus of Nazareth whom God made to be both Lord and Christ to validated the prophecies by the man Jesus Christ.
ALL preachercators missed the PROPHETS.
December 18 2010, 10:24 PM
Christ defined the Qahal, Synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness AFTER musical idolatry caused God to turn the Levi tribe over to worship the starry host: that's what they worshipped all during the monarchy whatever they called their 'god.'
The synagogue existed up to the time of Jesus when He EXAMPLED it and not the Temple. Paul and Peter being synagogue-literate FIRST outlawed all of what Jesus called the hypocrites: Scribes and Pharisees which CHRIST in spirit named as slick preachers, singers and instrument players.
Jesus commaned TWO ACTS: "teaching what HE commanded to be taught" and the Lord's supp[er which is a showing forth or "evangelism term. The historic church never altered that for several centuries.
Christ defines the Church in great detail in the PROPHETS: the spiritual people heard that PREACHED by being READ each rest day. Jesus preached in Syngagogue Houses which had a pulpit to hold up the Bible and pews. They undoubtedly had windows for air condition and a heater. As long as you teach WHAT HE COMMANDED to be taught he would not care about toilet tissue. What humanoids argue over is always caused by violating direct commands against "doubtful disuptations."
In Isaiah 50 Jesus EXCLUDED the vocal or instrumental music as He had for the church in the wilderness.
The eunuch has a copy of Isaiah and a copy was found at Qumran more than a hundred hears before Christ. Jesus is quoted from the Septuagint (LXX) which existed maybe 250 years in a BOUND VOLUME.
In Isaiah 55 Christ used the WATER CYCLE to define the FREE WATER OF THE WORD. He told us NOT to pay for it.
In Isaiah 58 Christ defined the REST which Joshua was not able to give the Israelites BECAUSE of musical idolatry.
He commanded that we not seak our own pleasure or speak our own words because GOD'S thoughts are too high for a preacher to ENHANCE. Paul simply repeated that in Romans 14 and 15 where we speak with one mind and one mouth "that which is written for our learning."
Peter defined the PROPHECIES through Christ and the prophecies made more perfect by Jesus of Nazareth whom God made to be both Lord and Christ. So, Bible readers have the PATTERN hundreds of years before Jesus came and there are just TWO ACTS. Peter said that the WRITTEN memory is left for the further MARK of false teachers. In defining the two-piece pattern we have the witness of Christ in the Prophets and those prophecies fulfilled by the man Jesus of Nazareth. These two witnesses are in One.
Teaching that which has been taught: PREACHING by READING
The Lord's Supper which is our confession as an evangelism act.
Most literate people would say that a warm room in a snow storm would AID the carrying out of those two ACTS.
Most literate and reverent (burn-proof) would DENY that a flakey-wakey, singy-clappy team singing falsetto (got something in a vise) would WOULD AID the teaching of what Jesus commanded to be taught.
Since He did not command musicators then we know that it is not OF FAITH and is called will-worship.
Recorded history of many Scribes of History would say that no important event which attracted the public attention was attended, recorded, hand-copied and sold before the people left the area. Where the church was planted they had what they needed to conduct school of the Word if they had any recorded evidence or any competent elder trained in the oral traditon who could accompany Jesus all day and sit down at night and copy it down.
There was no congregational SANGING in the modern since until the time of John Calvin and you cannot use an instrument to accompany what I have just written.
Jay's Unique Brief in his losing legalistic lawsuit by appealing to Galatians which connects religious musicians to the emasculated and gender changed priests of the Mother Goddess. In Revelation 17 it is the Babylon mother of harlots restored. In Revelation 18 she uses the same "lusted after fruits" Amos warns about. Paul identified the rhetoricians, singers and instrument players as SORCERERS who HAD deceived the whole world and as a priestly class murdered all of the prophets. HERE'S THE PROGRESSIVE LEADER OF THE PROGRESSIVE CHURCH ALL OF THE WAY BACK TO BABYLON.
Circumcision was commanded under the Patriarchal and Mosaic dispensation but it was not related to the Spirit.
Vocal and Instrumental rejoicing was OUTLAWED when God turned the Civil-Military-Priestly complex over to worship the starry host: that's who they worshipped. You cannot even hallucinate making instrumental noise when Jesus comes to be our ONLY teacher when the elders teach that which HAS been taught. Any Levite noise maker who came NEAR any holy thing or place was to be progressively executed by his "brethren."
Jay Guin want to IMPOSE instruments in the "school of Christ" when Scripture and all historic scholarship proves that it is connected to Lucifer as the source, People raising panic and threatening sodomy by vocal and instrumental PRAISE. It is connected to animal sacrifices which God DID NOT COMMAND. It was connected around all pagan temples or "worship centers" with male and female prostitutes.And he thinks that Circumcision which was a NATIONAL identifier but NOT connected to the human spirit gives him authority to IMPOSE that which Christ outlawed.
He thinks it is PROGRESSIVE for him to IMPOSE instruments into YOUR "school of the Word" and if YOU resist then you are like those who IMPOSE circumcision.
Why would Paul equate IMPOSING circumcision to NOT IMPOSING musical instruments in the time Jesus comes so that we can learn of Him when the elders (only) teach that which has been taught.
In this new Progressive Church of Christ NOT using "machines for doing hard work mostly in making war" is being LEGALISTIC.
Because of refusing to hear God's outlawing musical noise on the REST Day, Israel engaged in MUSICAL IDOLATRY.
Paul said that the Jews (i.e.Judiazers appealing to the curse of sacrificial noise) would NOT be able to read BLACK text on BROWN paper until they converted to Christ: that means obeying in baptism. Jay rejects the counsel of God about baptism. Anyone who can transmorgify 'sing and make melod IN THE HEART' into "Let others sing and make melody UPON a harp" may need to turn to the Lord.
2 Tim 3: 10 But thou hast fully known
my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,2 Tim 3: 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra;
what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.2 Tim 3: 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
2 Tim 3: 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving [wandering stars], and being deceived.SEDUCERS
1114. goes, go´-ace; goao (to wail); p roperly, a wizard (as muttering spells), i.e. (by implication) an imposter: seducer.
A. sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis 2, Hdt.2.33,4.105, Pl.R. 380d, Phld.Ir.p.29 W.; g. epôidos Ludias apo chthonos E.Ba.234 , cf. Hipp.1038; prob. f.l. for boêisiHdt.7.191.
2. Juggler, cheat, deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistês Pl.Smp.203d ; deinonkai g. kaisophistên . . onomazôn D.18.276 ; apistos g. ponêrosId.19.109 ; magoskai g. Aeschin.3.137 : Comp. goêtoteros Ach.Tat.6.7 (s. v. l.). (Cf. Lith. žavēti 'incantare'.)
pharmakos (on the accent v. Hdn.Gr.1.150), ho, hê, A. poisoner, sorcerer, magician,LXXEx.7.11 (masc.), Ma.3.5 (fem.), Apoc.21.8, 22.15.Goêt-eia , hê, A.witchcraft, jugglery, tês hupokriseôsD.S.1.76 ; hêdonês di' ommatônEpôidos [epaidô] I.singing to or over: as Subst. an enchanter, Eur.: c. gen. acting as a charm for or against, Aesch., Plat. 2. pass. sung or said after, morphês epôidonc alled after this form,
II. in metre, epôidos, ho, a verse or passage returning at intervals, a chorus, BURDEN refrain, as in Theocr.
hupo-krisis II. Att., playing a part on the stage, 2. an orator's delivery,Arist.Rh.1386a32, 1403b22, 1413b18, Chrysipp.Stoic.2.96, Phld.Rh.1.195 S., 201 S. (pl.); hoikatatên hu. rhêtores orators who depend on their delivery, opp. to the authors of written speeches, Arist.Rh.1404a18. 3. metaph., playing a part, hypocrisy, outward show, Phoc.2 B, Plb.35.2.13, LXX 2 Ma.6.25, Ev.Matt. 23.28, al., Luc.Somn.17. 4 .hupokrisin, as Adv., after the manner of, delphinos hu. Pi.Oxy.408.69 ( = Fr.235).
Sophis-tês , ou, ho, master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28 , cf. Cratin.2; of MUSICIANS, sophistês
para-paiô , A.strike on the side, strike falsely, chelun Hermes lyre made from a turtle shell. II. intr., strike a false note : metaph., to be infatuated, lose one's wits, 2. fall away from,
paiô1 2. c. acc. instrumenti, to strike, dash one thing against another, karai theos mega baros epaisen the god dashed a great weight upon my head, i. e. smote me heavily, Soph.; epaisas epi nosôi noson
Chelus A. tortoise, h.Merc.33. 2. lyre (since Hermes made the first lyre by stretching strings on a tortoise's shell, which acted as a sounding-board),Melos B. esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain, 2.music to which a song is set, tune, 3. melody phorminx d'au phthengoith' hieron m. êdekai aulos
This markes Apollo's (Abaddon, Apollyon) harp which is the nest from which the PSALLO word comes. Apollo made his bow string twang to send forth a singing into a literal heart.
Or, because he always had his lyre with him he was ready to seduce you and shoot LOVE ARROWS into you.
Pindar, 1.5 I have come with the Graces for the sons of Lampon [22] to this well-governed city. If Aegina turns her steps to the clear road of god-given deeds, then do not grudge [25] to mix for her in song a boast that is fitting recompense for toils. In heroic times, too, fine warriors gained fame, and they are celebrated with lyres and flutes in full-voiced harmonies [28] for time beyond reckoning. Heroes who are honored by the grace of Zeus provide a theme for skilled poets: [30] among the Aetolians the brave sons of Oeneus are worshipped with shining sacrificesProphêt-ês one who speaks for a god and interprets his will to man, interpreter, expounder of the will of Zeus, Bakchou p., perh. of Orpheus, E.Rh.972; [Dionusou] p., of the Bacchae, esp. of the Delphic Apollo, of the minister and interpreter at Delphi, Egyptian temples, member of the highest order of the clergy, priest, 3. interpreter, expounder of the utterances of the mantis (q.v.), Pl.Ti.72a: hence, of Poets, Pieridôn p. Pi.Pae.6.6 ; Mousan p. B.8.3 , cf. Pl.Phdr.262d. HaidesThat is why they do not hesitate to lie TO God and ABOUT God and are able to lead a "multidude to do evil."
Bakchos III. Bacchanal, Heraclit.14, E.Ba.491: generally, any one inspired, frantic, Haidou Bakchos. 2. branch carried by initiates, Haides
The Pipers wanted to INITIATE Jesus to prove that He was their anticipated Dionysus messiah. YOU would sing or lament and dance when they shot you with a love arrow.
Mantis Pythian priestess, Id.Eu.29; 3. Adj., toude manteôs chorou of this prophetic band, Grasshopper,
Exod VII.1 Yahweh said to Moses, "Behold, I have made you as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet
Pindar, Nemean 9.[46] For if, together with many possessions, a man wins renown and glory, there is no higher peak on which a mortal can set his feet. Peace loves the symposium, and new-flourishing victory is fostered by soft song, and the voice becomes bold beside the mixing-bowl. [50] Let someone mix the wine now, the sweet forerunner of victory-song, [51] and dispense the powerful son of the vine in those silver goblets
Goês [goaô] 1. one who howls out enchantments, a sorcerer, enchanter, Hdt., Eur.; goêsi kataeidontes charming by means of sorcerers, Hdt. 2. a juggler, cheat, Plat., Dem.
So, also, certain others of these ecstatics become entheast or inspired when they hear cymbals, drums, or some choral chant;as for example, those who are engaged in the Korybantic Rites, those who are possessed at the Sabazian festivals, and those who are celebrating the Rites of the Divine Mother.
Others, also, are inspired when drinking water, like the priest of the Klarian Apollo at Kolophon; others when sitting over cavities in the earth, like the women who deliver oracles at Delphi; others when affected by vapor from the water, like the prophetesses at Branchidæ; and others when standing in indented marks like those who have been filled from an imperceptible inflowing of the divine plerome.
Kat-aidô I. trans., charm, appease by singing, sing a spell or incantation ( [epôidê] ) to . . , kataeidontes . .., to be induced by charms to do a thing, epôidê , Ion. and poet. epaoidê A.song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell used with Pharmakon meaning the singers and musicians under the Mother of harlots (Rev 17-18_2. That likewise, an evidence that a condition of the Soul is a principal source of the art of divining is shown by the facts that the senses are held in check, fumes and invocations being employed for the purpose;
and that by no means everybody, but only the more artless
and young persons, are suitable for the purpose.3. That likewise, ecstasy or alienation of mind is a chief origin of the divining art; also the mania which occurs in diseases, mental aberration, abstinence from wine, suffusions of the body. fancies set in motion by morbid conditions or equivocal states of mind, such as may occur during abstinence and ecstasy, or apparitions got up by technical magic. 12
12. Goeteia (goetia), or "black magic."
There are only TWO possible MARKS of the adding of instruments to steal your property in some cases.
All recorded evidence agrees with Paul that music and musicians intend to deceive you: that's why Christ gave no ROLE and no DOLE to anyone who does not teach what Jesus COMMANDED to be taught.
Aristotle: Melody Deceives: "Poets also make use of this in inventing words, as a melody "without strings" or "without the lyre"; for they employ epithets from negations, a course which is approved in proportional metaphors..The form of diction should be neither metrical nor without rhythm.
If it is metrical, it lacks persuasiveness, for it appears artificial, and at the same time it distracts the hearer's attention, since it sets him on the watch for the recurrence of such and such a cadence..
According to Philo, the gods of the pagans exploit this weakness of men. For the sake of a better effect, and with the intention of more easily cheating their devotes, that they have set their lies to melodies, rhythms and meters.." Click for more.
No one can doubt that Paul put the singing AND melody in the HEART and not upon a harp! If it breaks toward the MUSICAL side someone is trying to deceive someone as the "serpent" musically enchanted Eve while Adam went willingly.
"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy. He saw the entire condition induced by the noise of cymbals and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.
He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly.
Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.
Similar opinions may be found in the writings of Philo. On one occasion he spoke of the Jewish "Feast of Fasting," used by the Greeks for the Day of Atonement:
"Now, many a man from the false religions, which are not ashamed of criticising what is noble, will ask: how can there be a feast without carousing and overeating, without the pleasant company of hosts and guests, without quantities of unmixed wine, without richly set tables and highly stacked provisions of everything that pertains to a banquet, without pageantry and jokes,
bantering and merry-making to the accompaniment of flutes and citharas, the sound of drums and cymbals and other effeminate and frivolous music of every king,
enkindling unbridled lusts with the help of the sense of hearing. For in and through the same [pleasures] those persons openly seek their joy, for what true joy is their they do not knowREVELATION 17-18 IS BEING FULFILLED BEFORE YOUR EARS. Revelation 18 is consistent with other passages that the speakers, singers and instrument players are EJECTED from the Body at the same time the LAMPS are ejected.
REVISED 10.16.10
- Introduction: the Instrumental Music Issue: Jay Guin................................-My Review
- God's Salvatioon, Galatians, and the Instrument: Jay Guin.Rev 12.18.10...-My Review
- The Early Church on Instrumental Music Danny Corbitt:...................-My Review
- 'Thy Kingdom Come' and the Instrument: Jay Guin ........................ -My Review
- Reconsidering Ephesians 5:19: Clyde Symonette.........................My Review
- Psallō: Lost in the Translation? Danny Corbitt.............................-My Review
- Reflective or Regulative? Al Maxey ....................Rev 12.13.10....-My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 1 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 2 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 3 My Review
- An Afternoon with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman, Part 4 My Review
- Reflections on My Interview with Rick Atchley and Chris Seidman ..........-My Review
- David's Psalms and the New Testament Church: Clyde Symonette: -My Review
- Beyond the Pitch Pipe: Ryan Christian:.................................................-My Review
- And So, in Conclusion: Jay Guin: ............................................... -My Review
Review: Danny Corbitt: Missing More than Music
Review: On the word Psalmos
Review: Danny Corbitt Denying Justin Martyr
Matt Dabbs--Danny Corbitt Ripening Issues
10.13.10 Jay Quin attack on Gordon Ferguson attacked by Danny Corbitt
7.12.10 Christ and CENI 1091
Is. 8:19 And when they shall say unto you,
Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
should not a people seek unto their God?
for the living to the dead?
When the speakers, singers and instruments are expelled along with the Lamps it is the MARK proven by imposing the cursed Levite musicians: their new progressive covenant is a Covenant With Death.
Is. 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:Isaiah 8.[19] et cum dixerint ad vos quaerite a pythonibus et a divinis qui stridunt in incantationibus suis numquid non populus a Deo suorequirit pro vivis a mortuis
In-canto is the meaning of a Laded Burden meaning to create spiritual anxiety.
I. To sing in, To say over, mutter, or chant a magic formula against some one: Plin. 28, 2, 4, § 17.Christ has PreEmptied:Incantātĭo ,I. an enchanting, enchantment (post-class.): “magicae, Firm. Math. 5, 5: incantationum vires,”Măgĭcus , a, um, adj., = magikos,I. of or belonging to magic, magic, magical (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): “artes,” Verg. A. 4, 493: “magicis auxiliis uti,” Tib. 1, 8, 24: “arma movere,” Ov. M. 5, 197: “superstitiones,” Tac. A. 12, 59: “vanitates,” Plin. 30, 1, 1, § 1: “herbae,” id. 24, 17, 99, § 156: “aquae,” Prop. 4, 1, 102 (5, 1, 106): di magici, that were invoked by incantations (as Pluto, Hecate, Proserpine), Tib. 1, 2, 62; Luc. 6, 577: “linguae,” i. e. hieroglyphics, id. 3, 222; “but lingua,” skilled in incantations, Ov. M. 7, 330; Luc. 3, 224: “cantus,” Juv. 6, 610: “magicae resonant ubi Memnone chordae,”
Of Phythagoras, the KOSMOS: Jesus will not pray for them. Paul silenced them in Romans 14.
Măgĭcē , ēs, f., = magikē (sc. tekhnē), [singers, instrument players, religious craftsmen]I. the magic art, magic, sorcery (post-Aug.): pariter utrasque artes effloruisse, medicinam dico magicenque, Plin. 30, 1, 2, § 10; 30, 1, 2, § 7: “magices factio,” id. 30, 1, 2, § 11.
Rev. 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
Rev. 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman [tekhnē], of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Rev. 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
and the voice of the bridegroom
and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth;
for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Rev. 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth
Nympha a bride, mistress, goddess, the Muses
I let my business wait upon their sport.
So they began to sing, voice answering voice
in strains alternate--for alternate strains
the Muses then were minded to recall-- [Muses, musicians Revelation 18:22, dirty girls]
first Corydon, then Thyrsis in reply.
“Libethrian Nymphs, who are my heart's delight,
grant me, as doth my Codrus, so to sing--
next to Apollo he--or if to this [Abaddon, Apollyon]
we may not all attain, my tuneful pipe
here on this sacred pine shall silent hang.”
The brides or nymps sat on many waters.
(Numphai), the name of a numerous class of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes.
Is. 8:20 To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.
1Pet. 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow6.27.10 The meaning of PSALMUS and PSALLO as the instruments of RECRUCIFYING CHRIST.
Rev. 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Fact: there is no music connected with the Church in the wilderness and onward. The Bible is filled with associating musical instruments with Satan, warriors creating panic, sacrificial exorcists, witchcraft, prostitutes and sodomites in a religious sense.
All historic scholars repudiate the idea that "music" has any rational in the church based on its definition of ekklesia or synagogue. They all see music as creating a mental state called ecastasy or madness created by usually priestesses in order to pick the "worshiper's" pocket. And yet, at just the right time, there is a giant outburst of what all history would call demonizing: lying to God and About God to make a place for their musician friends who steal bear the eternal stigmata especially of males playing and singing.
The very words--apparently off limits to the grandest Greek educators--MARK music in sight and sound which should and does cause masses to abandon their own church homes obeying the direct command to "not look back."
Psalmus , i, m., = psalmos, i. q. psalma,
I. a psalm (eccl. Lat.; cf.: “carmen, hymnus),” Tert. adv. Prax. 11; Lact. 4, 8, 14; 4, 12, 7; Vulg. Isa. 38, 20.—Esp., the Psalms of David, Vulg. Luc. 20, 42; id. Act. 13, 33 et saep.
carmen ,I. a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto).I. In gen., a tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental (mostly poet.; in prose, instead of it, cantus; Singing for Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon, Lucifer.
Ov. Met. 5.74
And O, Iapetides not for this
did you attend the feast! Your voice attuned
melodious to the harp, was in request
to celebrate the wedding-day with song,—
a work of peace; as you did stand aside,
holding the peaceful plectrum in your hand,
the mocking Pettalus in ridicule said,
“Go sing your ditties to the Stygian shades.”
And, mocking thus, he drove his pointed sword
in your right temple. As your limbs gave way,
your dying fingers swept the tuneful strings:
and falling you did chant a mournful dirge.—
You to avenge enraged Lycormas tore
a huge bar from the door-post, on the right,
and dashing it against the mocker crushed
his neck-bones: as a slaughtered bullock falls—
he tumbled to the ground.
Ov. Met. 11.266
There Ceyx, who had the fine countenance
of Lucifer his father, reigned as king,
without the cost of violence or blood.
Before this time his days had always given
him joy and comfort, but all now was changed,
for he was mourning a loved brother's death.
“But Phoebus' child, for Chione bore twins,
was named Philammon, like his sire, well known.
To all men for the beauty of his song.
And famous for his handling of the lyre.Psallo , in eccl. Lat., to sing the Psalms of David, Hier. Ep. 107, 10; Aug. in Psa. 46; 65; Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 15 .
In the Secular World:
I. In gen., to play upon a stringed instrument; esp., to play upon the cithara, to sing to the cithara: “psallere saltare elegantius,” Sall. C. 25, 2
Sal. Cat. 25 In the number of those ladies was Sempronia, a woman who had committed many crimes with the spirit of a man. In birth and beauty, in her husband and her children, she was extremely fortunate; she was skilled in Greek and Roman literature; she could sing, play, and dance, * with greater elegance than became a woman of virtue, and possessed many other accomplishments that tend to excite the passions. But nothing was ever less valued by her than honor or chastity. Whether she was more prodigal of her money or her reputation, it would have been difficult to decide. Her desires were so ardent that she oftener made advances to the other sex than waited for solicitation. She had frequently, before this period, forfeited her word, forsworn debts, been privy to murder, and hurried into the utmost excesses by her extravagance and poverty. But her abilities were by no means despicable; she could compose verses, jest, and join in conversation either modest, tender, or licentious. In a word, she was distinguished4 by much refinement of wit, and much grace of expression. Elego I. to convey away (from the family) by bequest, to bequeath away, Petr. 43, 5; Gai. Inst. 2, 215.* Sing, play, and dance] “Psallere, saltare.” As psallo signifies both to play on a musical instrument, and to sing to it while playing, I have thought it necessary to give both senses in the translation.
The meaning of the Cross:
G4717 stauroō stow-ro'-o From G4716 ; to impale on the cross;
figuratively to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness:—crucify.
How to recrucify Jesus Christ:
Here is what an agitator does nothing its connection to "crucify."
Anastatoo (g387) an-as-tat-o'-o; from a der. of 450 (in the sense of removal); prop. to drive out of home, i.e. (by impl.) to disturb (lit. or fig.): - trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar, to stir up, excite, unsettle to excite tumults and seditions in the state to upset, unsettle, minds by disseminating religious error.Lego A. In gen.: “oleam, The sweet smell of an offering.Chrysostom's Commentary on Galatians:
Galatians 5:1.-"With freedom did Christ set us free; stand fast therefore.115 ." Ver. 12.
"I would that they which unsettle you would even cut themselves off." And he says well "that unsettle you."
"A man that is heretical after the first and second admonition refuse." (Tit. iii: 10) If they will, let them not only be circumcised, but mutilated.
Where then are those who dare to mutilate themselves; seeing that they draw down the Apostolic curse, and accuse the workmanship of God, and take part with the Manichees?
But if you will not allow this, why do you not mutilate the tongue for blasphemy, the hands for rapine, the feet for their evil courses, in short, the whole body?
For the ear enchanted by the sound of a flute hath often enervated the soul;
and the perception of a sweet perfume by the nostrils hath bewitched the mind, and made it frantic for pleasure.
1. To take out, pick out, extract, remove: 2. To pluck, strip, gather fruit from (a tree, etc.): “oleam qui legerit,” Cato, R. R. 144, 1: “ficus non erat apta legi,
5. To take to one's self unjustly, to carry off, steal, purloin, plunder, “soceros legere et gremiis abducere pactas,” Verg. A. 10, 79
Abducto 3. To carry away forcibly, to raxish, rob: “ad quem iste deduxerat Tertiam, Isidori mimi flliam, vi abductam ab Rhodio tibicine,”
Vergil Aeneid commentary [6.645] Orpheus was one of the mythical fathers of song, and his name was associated with revelations about the lower world, supposed to be preserved by secret societies (Dict. M. Orpheus), so that he is naturally made the harper who plays while the blessed spirits dance and sing. He is called ‘sacerdos,’ as in Hor. A. P. 391 he is called “sacer interpresque deorum.” The long robe was characteristic of musicians, as Cerda shows, comp. Prop. 3. 23. 16, “Pythius in longa carmina veste sonat” (of the statue of Apollo in the Palatine temple), and also Hor. A. P. 215, Ov. F. 6. 654, 688, where the long robes of the ‘tibicines’ are mentioned and accounted for. ‘Cum veste’ above v. 359. Elsewhere we have ‘in veste,’ as 12. 169, “puraque in veste sacerdos.”
Tibicino To play upon the pipe or flute: “ordo tibicinantium,”
See more on Cantus : “in nervorum vocumque cantibus,” Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “citharae,” Hor. C. 3, 1, 20: “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,” Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,” Hor. C. 3, 7, 30:
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum
“Of an actor: tardiores tibicinis modos et cantus remissiores facere,” Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 254.—
See John Calvin and the pattern for the synagogue.
Numbers 10:[7] But when the assembly is to be gathered together,
you shall blow,
but you shall not sound an alarm.
[7] quando autem congregandus est populus simplex tubarum clangor erit et non concise ululabuntCon-grĕgo Congrego Academia congregation. where plato taught, scholars are called Academici, and his doctrine Philosophia Academica.. The philosophy of the Acadamy, instaret academia, quae quidquid dixisses,
Note 77 Thus Malvenda in Poole’s Syn., “et clangetis taratantara ” The word is used by Ennius “At tuba terribili sonitu taratantara dixit.” — Serv. in, AEn, 4. A.V., “an alarm."To take people's moneyVerg. A. 10.79
Be it so!
Cassandra's frenzy he obeyed. What voice —
say, was it mine?—urged him to quit his camp,
risk life in storms, or trust his war, his walls,
to a boy-captain, or stir up to strife
Etruria's faithful, unoffending sons?
What god, what pitiless behest of mine,
impelled him to such harm? Who traces here
the hand of Juno, or of Iris sped
from heaven? Is it an ignoble stroke
that Italy around the new-born Troy
makes circling fire, and Turnus plants his heel
on his hereditary earth, the son
of old Pilumnus and the nymph divine,
Venilia? For what offence would Troy
bring sword and fire on Latium, or enslave
lands of an alien name, and bear away
plunder and spoil? Why seek they marriages,
and snatch from arms of love the plighted maids?
An olive-branch is in their hands; their ships
make menace of grim steel.Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; rare in Cic.) 2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing, drawl: si cantas, male cantas, si legis, cantas
C. Hence, because the oracles were of old uttered in verse, of any mysterious, prophetic, or warning utterance, to predict, warn, point out, indicate, make known, say
III. In the lang. of religion, as v. n. or a., to use enchantments, charms, incantations, to enchant, to charm, Cato, R. R. 160, 1; Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 27: “frigidus in pratis cantando rumpitur anguis,” Verg. E. 8, 71: “cantata Luna,” exorcised by magic, Prop. 4 (5), 5, 13: “falx,” Ov. H. 6, 84: “herbae,” id. M. 7, 98: “ignis,” Sil. 1, 430: “tum quoque cantato densetur carmine caelum,” an incantation, Ov. M. 14, 369.—B. To call forth, produce by charms: “et chelydris cantare soporem,” Sil. 8, 498: “cantata umbra,” Luc. 6, 767.
Sopor 2. Pregn., the sleep of death, death: “in soporem conlocastis nudos,” Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 148; 1, 1, 150: “aeternus,” Lucr. 3, 466: “perpetuus,” Hor. C. 1, 24, 5.—
C. Poppy-juice, opium: “e nigro papavere sopor gignitur scapo inciso,” Plin. 20, 18, 76, § 198.—
Jack Cottrell: Is the Holy Spirit a person with his own emotions and center of consciousness? No.
Jack Cottrell: Does the Holy Spirit reprove of sin to correct people? No. Consistent with Isaiah 30 and Revelation 18 the MARK in sight and sound of God "reproving" terminally is the sound of wind, string and percussion instruments: the same ones Lucifer the "singing and harp playing prostitute brought into the gardenof Eden."The new WhineSkin Anti-patternist patternists of speech may explain why up to 1/2 of the owners flee when the singy-clappy boys do their falsetto in direct fulfilment of the Levite type and of the a cappellas who were the castrated musical worship team the pope imported to the Sistine chapel when it was still unlawful to have "machines" during the only official mass. This has nothing to do with "singing without instruments."
Jack Cottrell, The Holy Spirit's Work in Conversion "Traditional, orthodox Christian faith says Jesus Christ is not only equal with the Father; he is also distinct from the Father in that he is a separate, distinct person, i.e., a separate center of consciousness with his own distinct thoughts, emotions, and actions." NO ORTHODOX TRINITARIAN TAUGHT THAT. There is ONE GOD and ONE LORD Jesus as the Christ. The "tri-nature" where Paul compared God's Spirit to our spirit is father, son and spirit: not God, Jesus and the spirit person (people)
No one can read Revelation, especially chapter 14, without shuddering at those who have imposed the SIGNS and SOUNDS of Judgment. They are the signs of judgment because "heaven" as some other meanings. The warning to those not already physically or spiritually dead is "preach the gospel.
NEW 5.20.10
Isaiah 50 the Smiting and Plucking and Shaming all point to Him being treated like a priest of Cybele or a Dionysus priest always naked and perverted. Paul outlaws these sects in Romans 14 who were marked by their diet in the marketplace. In Revelation 15 Paul said that could not engage in the SELF-pleasure which is defined as all of the performing arts and connects this to the REPROACES Jesus suffered for out sins. This leaves us free to engage in "synagogue" where we speak "that which is written."
Isaiah 55 clearly defines both inclusively and exclusively of His Words which provide spirit and life. Peter uses many of the same concepts to dare anyone to teach beyond the written memory of the Apostles who were eye and ear witnesses. This is a quick study for today. If that awas not enough authority He defines the true Rest for the future church to exclude personal pleasure or even speaking your own words. "Teach that which has been taught" should be warning enough."The Hithpa'el of nb', in the ancient texts, refers to ecstasy and delirium rather than to the emission of a 'prophecy'." (de Vaux, Roland, The Bible and the Ancient Near East, p. 243 Doubleday
"Maniac inspirations, the violent possession which threw sibyls and priestesses into contortions--the foaming lip and streaming hair and glazed or glaring eyes-- have no place in the self-controlling dignity of Christian inspiration. Even Jewish prophets, in the paroxysm of emotion, might lie naked on the ground and rave (1 Sam. xix. 24); but the genuine inspiration in Christian ages never obliterates the self-consciousness or overpowers the reason. It abhors the hysteria and stimulation and frenzy which have sometimes disgraced revivalism and filled lunatic asylums." (Pulpit Commentary, 1 Cor., p. 460).
Isaiah 58 has Christ urging a restoration and, as in the church in the wilderness, and Paul for the assembly forbidding seeking our own pleasure or even speaking our own words.
NEW 4.27.10 Jay Guin Twists Alexander Campbell
Jay Quin said that Alexander Campbell taught against the WORD ONLY: if so that would make him the first creature in recorded history to believe that the Spirit OF Christ was another person who whispered revelations "beyond the sacred pages."
I have posted a link to Jay Guin but he will never let people post who tell "the rest of the story." I will add some links on my Jay Guin Review since he will NOT give a reason for having any hope.
If the Church of Christ ever taught anything it MUST be wrong according to Jay who claims to be an elder who is RESTRICTED to "teach that which has been taught." Paul warned that the WOLVES will come out of the pseudo-shepherds trying to be popular.
Since Campbell denies that the Spirit OF Christ which is the Spirit OF God is an separated PERSON, when he uses SPIRIT he is not communicating to the LU polytheists who think that the Spirit OF a person is ANOTHER person.
Alexander Campbell once wrote:
My principal objection to the popular doctrine of "the Trinity" is not that it is either irrational, or unscriptural, to infer that there are three Divine persons in one Divine nature.
Case proven: Jury MUST Acquit. However, the BRIEF is too tight to fit.
But the jury OF TRUTH will not rest on false testimony.
My principal objection to the popular doctrine of "the Trinity"
is not that it is either irrational, [even IF it is irrational]
or unscriptural, [even IF it is irrational]
to infer that there are three Divine persons in one Divine nature.That these three equally have one thought, purpose, will, and operation, and so one God;--or, to use the words of the Westminster Confession, "In the Unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity;"
I say I object not to this doctrine
because it is contrary to reason, [even IF it is irrational]
or revelation, [even IF it is not revealed]That these three equally have one thought, purpose, will, and operation, and so one God;--or, to use the words of the Westminster Confession, "In the Unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity;"
I say I object not to this doctrine
because it is contrary to reason, [even IF it is irrational]
or revelation, [even IF it is not revealed]
The most IMPORTANT reason for rejecting it:
but because of the metaphysical technicalities,
the unintelligible jargon,
the unmeaning language of the orthodox creeds on this subject,
and the interminable war of words without ideas
to which the word Trinity has given birth.For example, in the same section from which I have quoted the above words is found the following jargon: "The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son."
Were any one to ask me, Can there be three distinct persons, or even being, in one God? I would say,
Reason informs me not,
and revelation does not assert it.But if asked, Can there be one, and [99] one three in the same sense?
I reply, Both reason and revelation say No.But then no Trinitarian or Calvinist affirms that the three are one, and the one three, in the same sense.
Alexander Campbell on Unitarianism and Trinitarianism: no restoration leader believed in the THREE PEOPLE godhead Jay Guin learned at LU which was just invented and outed publically in 1938-1942. It is still the mantra of John Mark Hicks promoting instrumental music along with other heresies.
Many persons have been called Unitarians, and some have so called themselves,
who believe in the death of Christ as a sin-offering,
who reject trinitarianism
because of its unscriptural,
and barbarous phraseology;
regarding it as a system of polytheism; who, nevertheless, know not what to say or think of the pre-existent or ante-human state of the author of Christianity; some repudiating the phrases "eternal son," "second person," "consubstantial" "co-equal," "very God of very God," "Supreme Deity," &c.; &c.;
When Campbell speaks of "spirit" he uses the same terms as John Calvin who said that one HEARS the Spirit only through the Word of God. Calvin went further to say that anyone who claimed to hear SPIRIT without the WORD were fanatics. Paul ministered SPIRIT by preaching and others RECEIVED Spirit by hearing with faith: that is because Jesus said my Words ARE Spirit and Life (John 6:63).
The SPIRIT whose name was Jesus of Nazareth had to let Paul SEE Him and HEAR him before he was qualified to speak FOR Christ and THEN only after he was baptized to "wash away his sins."http://www.pineycom.com/HsACTrin.html
4. The Holy Spirit selected the name Word, and therefore we may safely assert that this is the best,if not the only term, in the whole vocabulary of human speech at all adapted to express that relation which existed "in the beginning," or before time, between our Saviour and his God.
These postulata being stated, I proceed to inquire what sort of a relation does this term represent? And here every thing is plain and easy of comprehension. I shall state numerically a few things universally admitted by the reflecting part of mankind:
1st. A word is a sign or representative of a thought or an idea, and is the idea in an audible or visible form.
It is the exact image of that invisible thought
which is a perfect secret to all the world until it is expressed.
2d. All men think or form ideas by means of words or images;
so that no man can think without words or symbols of some sort.
3d. Hence it follows that the word and the idea which it represents, are co-etaneous, or of the same age or antiquity.
It is true the word may not be uttered or born for years or ages after the idea exists, but still the word is just as old as the idea.
4th. The idea and the word are nevertheless distinct from each other, though the relation between them is the nearest known on earth.
An idea cannot exist without a word, nor a word without an idea.
5th. He that is acquainted with the word, is acquainted with the idea, for the idea is wholly in the word.
Now let it be most attentively observed and remembered, that these remarks are solely intended to exhibit
the relation which exists between a word and an idea, and that
this relation is of a mental nature,
and more akin to the spiritual system than any relation created,
of which we know any thing.
It is a relation of the most sublime order; and no doubt the reason why the name Word is adopted by the apostle in this sentence
was because of its superior ability to represent to us the divine relation existing
between God and the Saviour [The Word since Jesus was born of Mary]
prior to his becoming the Son of God.
By putting together the above remarks on the term word, we have a full view of what John intended to communicate.
As a word is an exact image of an idea,
so is "The Word" an exact image of the invisible God.
As a word cannot exist without an idea, nor an idea without a word,
so God never was without "The Word," nor "The Word" without God;
or as a word is of equal age, or co-etaneous with its idea,
so "The Word" and God are co-eternal.
And as an idea does not create its word nor a word its idea;
so God did not create "The Word," nor the "Word" God.
Such a view does the language used by John suggest. And to this do all the scriptures agree.
For "The Word" was made flesh,
NEW 4.27.10 Jay Guin Beware the Pattern.
I have posted a review of Jay Quin Beware the Pattern in the New Wineskins proof that you do not have to know anything about the "story line" or PATTERNISM of the Bible to be a teacher, preacher or even a university professor. If you DON'T know the FATAL SIN and the BABYLONIAN PATTERNISM to which the tribe of Levi was abandoned and you don't know the MARKS of the worship of the starry host then what kind of "spirit" prompts people to Racaize those who DO read and understand the Bible and all recorded history REFUTING them then you may not undersand the meaning of STRONG DELUSIONS forcing people to believe a lie and be damned. The METHOD of spreading the virus is called Lying Wonders. These are SPECIFICIALLY the production of shock and AWE of religious spectical as the laded burden Jesus died to free a tiny remnant from.
Titus 1 Titus set in place those men already laboring in preaching and teaching. Paul had SELECTED them because he knew the ENEMY on Crete and could not tolerate a shepherd who would turn wolf and let the slick speakers, singers or instrument players: Jesus identified all of these as HYPOCRITES. This also marked the worship of the MOTHER GODDESS and Paul hoped that they would EMASCULATE themselves or cut themselves of to get rid of them. The best weapon Satan has developed is that it is find to lie about the Word to steal the church house of widows. However, anyone is a "legalistic, sectarian patternist" who REFUTES them with a little Bible 101a comes in the gunner sights of those seeking whom they might devour. Paul will prove that such people are not redeemable and need to be SAT DOWN and gagged.
Not even civil society tolerated what "worship" centers love:
Plat. Laws 936c There shall be no beggar in our State; and if anyone attempts to beg, and to collect a livelihood by ceaseless [making Poieo meter, hymns] prayers, the market-stewards shall expel him from the market, and the Board of city-stewards from the city, and from any other district he shall be driven across the border by the country-stewards, to the end that the land may be wholly purged of such a creature. If a slave, male or female, do any injury to another man's goods,
Collect is Sullego compose, or rather compile, scrape together, has the meaning of the assembly, synagogue or ekklesia, monodia, mele
Monōd-iaA. monody, solo, opp. the song of the chorus, Ar.Ra.849 (pl.), al., Philostr.VA4.21; opp. khorōdia, Pl.Lg.764d. II. monody, lament, Him.Or.23.1: pl., ib.8.
Melos B. esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain, 2. music to which a song is set, tune, 3. melody of an instrument
EkklesiaII. in LXX, the Jewish congregation, De. 31.30,al.2. in NT, the Church, as a body of Christians, Ev.Matt. 16.18, 1 Ep.Cor.11.22 ; “hē kat' oikon tinos e.” Ep.Rom.16.5 ; as a building, Cod.Just.1.1.5 Intr., etc.We have done a quick study of Titus 1 because the bubbly wineskinners have usurped the role of selecting elders: this is almost always done with the heavy TILT of the wives of search groups. It comes as no surprise that Paul understood the PATTERNISM of Crete and therefore picked elders with the OPPOSITE tilt. Crete was devoted to the Mother Goddess under various names: in Revelation 17 she is the Babylon mother of harlots. She uses "lusted after fruits" as rhetoricians (poetic speakers), singers and instrument players: John calls them sorcerers who HAD deceived the whole world. Apollo as the Abaddon or Apollyon was center-stage on Crete and the MUSES (Rev 18) as his musical worship team were noted as dirty adulteresses. I have added just a token bit of material with links you cannot find among the scholars so you can decide whether you REALLY want to bow to Apollo as one notorious preacher has tilted toward the Levites as his PATTERNISM but Christ in the prophets says it was NOT commanded and marks them as robbers and parasites. ALL of the connects to the Levite Prophesiers are derived from the feminine: only males could be religious performers but they had to "perform the roles of women."
New 4.20.10 The Latest issue of New Wineskins (aka Wimber's Vineyard and the Sophia-Zoe complex in mortal complex with the Jehovah-Logos) patriarchialism is the UGLIEST issue of yellow journalism ever spread before the "drinking" world of pagan religionism. Royce Ogles wrote Patternism in Churches ofChrist: A Template for Sin. But, he goes on and spreads hate for the PATTERNISTS for rebuking Rick Atchley who added the DRESS PATTERNISM of instrumental worship (an oxymoron) even if it drove the OWNERS congregation from a boasted of 6400 to about 3500 after "a spirit" told Rick Atchley--a birthed Christian Church member--that the curse of Hezekiahs musical exorcism while burning the GOATS (cappellas, demons) to appease Israel as the INSTRUMENTAL SECTARIANS was God COMMANDING instrumental praise and YOU had better not be disobedient and NOT question the leaders: in this case Rick Atchley following Max Lucado even from Dorm Buddy times intimidating the elders.
We have collected links to help people resist depending on the "scholarship." Christ even in the wilderness defined a CENI which exclused anything beyond reading and discussing the text. That is because it is not remotely possible to become a "doctor of the Law" without, as Jesus warned, taking away the key to knowledge. Because it is not possible to NOT want to add MORE pieces to the patternism, reading the text is the only possible way to make sure that the Words of Christ are not filthered through prelatal pride.
Patternism in Churches of Christ: A Template for Sin Royce Ogle
I am doing this review only because Royce Ogle called me a false teacher (clearly) for thinking that the Babylon Mother of Harlots in Revelation 17 who uses the lusted after "fruits" (same as in Amos) in Revelation 18 as Craftsmen (all paid skilled), singers and instrument players and John called them SORCERERS. This is the meaning of Miriam who PROPHESIED and is another one of the Wineskinners (smile!) as a Musical Worship Mistress. Of Course, Al being trained to corrupt the word (sell learning at retail, adulterate) and to violate the CENI against private interpretation (further expounding) will NEVER be able to read BLACK TEXT on BROWN PAPER as Paul promised strong delusions to those who do not LOVE the Word and lying wonders are specificially all of the HYPOCRITIC arts which are defined by the very word and by Jesus as entertaining preachers, singers and instrument players.
I will post this today and work on it because Royse HACKS any response I give quoting SCRIPTURE which is the old patternism.
NEW 4.16.10 The Tulsa Workshop now diverted to the NACC.
Jay must be happy: seems that the Tulsa Workshop devoted to soul winning has turned into headquarters of the Progressive Churches of Christ. Wade Hodges confesses that his wish as for more unity with the NACC. Of course, the NACC was sectarianed out of the Disciples from 1927 until finally de-censued in 1971. During that period the BAIT of unity has sowed massive discord because they always pull out their "white paper" of all of the mentions of "instruments" in the Bible and history and say that God's ABANDONMENT of Israel to worship the starry host BECAUSE of musical idolatry was really the "spirit" speaking to them and saying that God now COMMANDS that they do the same thing in THEIR newly confiscated churches. I really have no doubt that they saw visions and heard the Spirit COMMAND them to do their deed: strong delusions bring on lying wonders which are specificially the hypocritic arts Jesus identified as false preachers, singers and instrument players.
The BAIT of unity is, like all of theor theology, based on John 17 which Jesus USES to prevent them from hearing the Word. The WORLD is the enemy and the TRUTH is the friend: Jesus called the apostles OUT of the World and into HIS WORD. Because preachers don't need to define terms as "doctors of the law" the WORLD is specificially identified as the realm of SATAN and his Carnal Weapons or Lifeless Instruments are specificially the "new style of singing and drama" which is a primary definition of the BEAST in Revelation.
Here is my take on John 17 keyed off Tulsa Workshop 2010 who used all of those who SOWED DISCORD to gain union with their hidden agenda partners. I have provided the links to word definitions and the Biblical and Classical literature where the MARK OF THE BEAST is clearly defined as music which is more powerful than Crack: once you make the mental connection between music / erotic and worship you are hooked and you will never get up if we believe the Bible, The Book of Enoch and medical science
There are TWO ROADS especially at Mount Sinai: After receiving The Book of The Covenant of grace, the people refused to KEEP the REST day (Ex 31). They rose up to PLAY in Exodus 32 and God removed GRACE and gave them a FIREY LAW to regulated idolaters. He turned them over to worship the STARRY HOST and that is why all students understand that the temple and sacrificial systemwas Sabazianism or sun, moon and wandering star "gods" which was identical to that of the Egyptians and Babyonians.
The Spiritual people were commanded to Qahal, synagogue or hold church in the wilderness on the REST days: this quarantined them from the sacrificial idolatry and permitted them to Rest, Read and Rehearse the Word of God (only). This outlawed vocal or instrumental rejoicing: pretty simple that you shut up the musical children when God comes to instruct you through the elders.
That never changed even when Jesus endorsed the synagogue and commanded the ekklesia which was a INSTRUCTION ONLY assembly of the people. Why would it be insane to ask people to find where God COMMANDED them to do what He as Christ outlawed for the entire history of the Jews? In many ways, the wilderness was a test for people who were idolaters in egypt, were rescued to save God's name, and continued their abominations just after the Red Sea. Christ speaks through the PROPHETS and not the Civil Scribes Jesus warned about in the prophets warning about the lying pen of the Scribes as they defended the CURSE as God's patternism.
This is a primary definition of those who ACT without God's explicit authority.
Ex. 31:14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you:
every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death:
for whosoever doeth any work therein,
that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
Before the Law:: If you do not KEEP the REST (Pauo by Jesus) you DEFILE it.
If you DEFILE the REST you are worthy of Death.
Both REST and LADED BURDEN are defined by Jesus.
Moses wrote for people who would not read or listen. Therefore, when people want to IMPOSE something on the REST (Pauo) that Christ died to give us, it is important to look back and see how they could have understood the word if they cared. In chapter 32 thy profaned the Sabbath: that word includes to play the flute, steal other's inheritance, pollute or prostitute. Therefore, we might ask the translators what the word meant to them.
KEEP the sabbath never meant WORSHIP on the REST day for the spiritual people of God. Jesus gave us (the fee) another REST day which outlaws the musical aggitation and dethroned the burden laders.
Keep: H8104 shâmar shaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.:—beware, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch (-man).
Keep in Latin: Custodio II. With the accessory idea of hindering free motion, A. In gen., to hold something back, to preserve, keep:
Meaning to keep precepts or laws: Regula a rule, pattern, measuring rod, formula sermonisCustodio: hold something back, preserve, hinder free motion, watch, preserve. hold back simulation.
Loquor to speak, talk, say (sermo in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation
Simulatio hold back . a falsely assumed appearance, a false show, feigning, shamming, pretence, feint, insincerity, deceit, hypocrisy, simulation, pretend to be under a divine command.
Jesus defined the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites by pointing to performance speakers, singers and instrument players.
Custodio: hold back To sport, dally, wanton mimic or imitate work, make believe work. B. Especially to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song:"Quint. Inst. 12 1.29
[29] And assuredly the man who will best inspire such feelings in others is he who has first inspired them in himself. For however we strive to conceal it, insincerity will always betray itself, and there was never in any man so great eloquence as would not begin to stumble and hesitate so soon as his words ran counter to his inmost thoughts.
Sermons pretend that it is God speaking
Singers pretend that their songs are Spirit inspired.
Tacitus Tac. Hist. 2.61 Amid the adventures of these illustrious men, one is ashamed to relate how a certain Mariccus, a Boian of the lowest origin, pretending to divine inspiration, ventured to thrust himself into fortune's game, and to challenge the arms of Rome. Calling himself the champion of Gaul, and a God (for he had assumed this title), he had now collected 8000 men, and was taking possession of the neighbouring villages of the Ædui, when that most formidable state attacked him with a picked force of its native youth, to which Vitellius attached some cohorts, and dispersed the crowd of fanatics.
Mariccus was captured in the engagement, and was soon after exposed to wild beasts, but not having been torn by them was believed by the senseless multitude to be invulnerable, till he was put to death in the presence of Vitelliu
PLINY AGREES THAT YOU CANNOT MIX PLAY AND EDUCATION.Custodio pretending to have power in order to hold people in custody captive
The Church is a School of the Bible only. Why isn't it CRAZY to think that you can worship God in Christ while making music?
Lecto also defines Synagogue: you READ the words of anyone you honor.
Lectito I. To gather or collect eagerly or often
II. To read often, with eagerness, or with attention “orationes,” to read aloud, Plin. Ep. 7, 17, 4; Quint. 9, 1, 12. “Platonem studiose,” Speech which is the opposite of action.
Quintilian Quint. Inst. 9 3.50 .Custodio cautiously, carefully to Parce in custody ludebat.
[50] Further, this device of saying the opposite of what [405] we desire to imply is not merely restricted to persons, but may be extended to things, witness the whole of the exordium of the pro Ligario and disparaging phrases such as “Forsooth,” “ye great gods!” orFit task, I ween, for gods!
Aen. iv,. 379. Dido mocks the excuse of
Aeneas that he had received the direct
command of heaven to leave Carthage.
Parco Ludo: Israel fell into musical idolatry ON THEIR OWN while God was condemning it.
Parco to refrain from B. To abstain or refrain from doing a thing; to forbear, leave off, desist, stop, cease, let alone
Refrain from
Refrain from PLAY: they rose up to PLAY. David rose up
Ludo to play games, to sport, frisk, frolic, dance. Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song: “ludere quae vellem calamo permisit agresti,” : “quod tenerae cantent, lusit tua musa, puellae,” id. Am. 3, 1, 27: “coloni Versibus incomptis ludunt,” Verg. G. 2, 386: “carmina pastorum,”Vellem a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demand, b. Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will: checkitCanto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play, Less freq. of instrumental music, and only with abl. of the instrument, in comedy, to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing,TO DEFILE THE SABBATH (Hebrew) OR PAUO (Greek) is a capital offense. The Hebrew word is h2490 similar to David's halal or "make self vile" praise word.
Tuba war trumpet, Apart from military purposes, it was used on various occasions, as at religious festivals, games, funerals, a signal for wor, exciter, instigator.
Ex. 31:14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you:
every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death.
What the people did as they rose up to PLAY on the day dedicated to God and rest deserved death and that is what happened. The word defiled has several meanings and here are ways you can defile the day by pretending to worship God but turn to food and entertainment.
The Hebrew word is h2490 similar to David's halal or "make self vile" praise word.
The people were not under the law of moses but of a form of the Abrahamic Covenant: the only spiritual covenant with promise which would not included the period of the Law but would be realized in Christ.
Ex. 32:1 And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.
Exod 32:2 And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.
Exod 32:3 And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron.
Exod 32:4 And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
Exod 32:5 And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the Lord.
Exod 32:6 And they rose up early on the morrow,
and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings;
and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play
Sacrifices under The Book of The Covenant were conditional. However, these people had no commandment yet for burnt offerings: However, one of their sins was:
hŏlŏcaustum , i, n., = holokauston, I. a whole burnt - offering, holocaust, Prud. Apoth. 537; id. Psych. 784; Vulg. Exod. 40, 6; id. Lev. 4, 7 al.;
hŏlŏcautōma , ătis, n., = holokautōma,I. a whole burnt-offering, holocaust, Tert. adv. Jud. 5; id. adv. Marc. 5, 5 fin.; Vulg. Jer. 6, 20; id. Ev. Marc. 12, 33 al. (in some edd. falsely holocaustoma).Jer. 7:21 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel;THEY USED HUMAN IMAGINATION WHICH VIOLATED GOD'S WILL BECAUSE THEY HAD NO COMMAND.
Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh.
Jer. 7:22 For I spake not unto your fathers,
nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:
Jer. 7:23 But this thing commanded I them, saying,
Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people:
and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you,
that it may be well unto you.
Jer. 7:24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear,
but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
and went backward, and not forward.
[24] et non audierunt nec inclinaverunt aurem suam sed abierunt in voluntatibus et pravitate cordis sui mali factiquesunt retrorsum et non in ante
Voluntas will, freewill, wish, choice, desire, inclination. Judgment of a multitudeJer. 7:25 Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day
prāvĭtas crookedness, inequality, irregularity, deformity, of character, viciousness, untowardness, perverseness, depravity:
Facio To raise a controversy, to excite To make believe, to pretend, to assume, to follow a trade, 8. In relig. lang., like the Gr. rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice
I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets,
daily rising up early and sending them:
Jer. 7:26 Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear,
but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.
Surgo rose up as an attack upon the God of Moses.
Ludo to play games, to sport, frisk, frolic, dance. Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music song: “ludere quae vellem calamo permisit agresti,”
Calamus a reed pipe
Catullus, Carmina 63 The Adventuresof ATYS
O'er high deep seas in speedy ship his voyage Atys sped
Until he trod the Phrygian grove with hurried eager tread
And as the gloomy tree-shorn stead, the she-god's home, he sought
There sorely stung with fiery ire and madman's vaguing thought,
Share he with sharpened flint the freight wherewith his form was fraught.
Then as the she-he sensed limbs were void of manly strain
And sighted freshly shed a-ground spot of ensanguined stain,
Snatched she the timbrel's legier load with hands as snowdrops white,
Thy timbrel, Mother Cybele, the firstings of thy rite,
[9]tubam Cybelles : as the blare of thetuba is the summons and incitement to warriors, so is the beat of thetympanum to the votaries of Cybele; the phrase is further explained bytua initia . The famous norm of Bentley (on Lucan 1.600) that when the penult is short, the formCybele should be written, but when it is long the formCybebe, Cybelle being discarded altogether, is not well supported by either Greek or Latin usage.Cybelle (Gr.*ku/bella ) is found in many good MSS
Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play, Less freq. of instrumental music, and only with abl. of the instrument, in comedy, to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing,"The Hithpa'el of nb', in the ancient texts, refers to ecstasy and delirium rather than to the emission of a 'prophecy'." (de Vaux, Roland, The Bible and the Ancient Near East, p. 243 Doubleday
"Maniac inspirations, the violent possession which threw sibyls and priestesses into contortions--the foaming lip and streaming hair and glazed or glaring eyes-- have no place in the self-controlling dignity of Christian inspiration. Even Jewish prophets, in the paroxysm of emotion, might lie naked on the ground and rave (1 Sam. xix. 24); but the genuine inspiration in Christian ages never obliterates the self-consciousness or overpowers the reason. It abhors the hysteria and stimulation and frenzy which have sometimes disgraced revivalism and filled lunatic asylums." (Pulpit Commentary, 1 Cor., p. 460).
Tuba war trumpet, Apart from military purposes, it was used on various occasions, as at religious festivals, games, funerals, a signal for wor, exciter, instigator.Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol,END OF THE MUSICAL FALL FROM GRACE AT MOUNT SINAI.
and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
Acts 7:42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven;
as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel,
have ye offered to me slain beasts
and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?
No sacrifices were commanded and therefore no music "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter."
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch,
and the STAR of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them:
and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Acts 7:44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness,
as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, t
hat he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen.
Acts 7:45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles,
whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;
Acts 7:46 Who found favour before God,
and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
Acts 7:47 But Solomon built him an house.
Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,
Acts 7:49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool:
what house will ye build me?
saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?
Acts 7:50 Hath not my hand made all these things?
Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,
ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Further notes in progress.
Revolutionary Grace Review
REVISED 1.04.10 Ronnie Norman First Colony Church of Christ
I have collected more of the background for the word PSALLO: this was used for the first time in history by the Disciples of Christ to convince the Churches of Christ that they should merge with their denominational count for the 1906 census. The translators used the PSALLO type words to describe some of the Psalms (57 out of the BOOK called Psalms). They understood that it spoke of making literal war and making pagan religious war. I have looked first at how the word is used in the Latin Literature to mean pluck or play a harp string. The use of the war is universally connected to the perverse rituals of the pagans. You may not want to do that in the "school of the Bible." In Ecclesiastical religious sense the word is used ONLY of singing where "shooting out a hymn" is a metaphor.
Then, I have looked at the more extensive use in the Greek literature: the contrast between making war / making love and its use to mean "singing" is more pronounced.
Rev 7.12.09NEW 9.05.09 11.30.09
2 Chronicles 29 is used by many who would love to add music and musicians to worship. However, under the guidance of the NACC Rick Atchley preached that God commanded instrumental praise and we should not disobey. Apparently he is so convinced that he thanks that God hating sowers of discord does not apply to him.
Most preachers miss the fact that the Bible is a history of the Hebrew people: it is not a hostory of the universe nor is it a legalistic patternism for Christian worship. As such it has the same TWO THREADS as any other national history--inspired or otherwise.
The Civil-Military-Priestly thread was assigned to the tribe of Levi. But, Jacob warned us not to attend the assemblies of Levi.
The Spiritual Thread was commanded as the Qahal, synagogue or Church in the wilderness: since it was ordained by Christ it was The Church of Christ.
This was INCLUSIVE of REST, reading and rehearsing the word: it was Bible class only.
This was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental Rejoicing. This outlawed vocal and instrumental rejoicing was performed by the Levites as an old pagan cult in Egypt. Jacob could have warned you about that.
See John Calvin's writings.
The Civil-Military-Priestly thread offered all of the sacrifices for Judah and the remaining godly tribe without any instrumental noise.
Because Israel had been lost and refused to participate they offered BURNT OFFERINGS: only during this burning time did the Priests blow trumpets and the Levites played the instruments "ordained by David."
However, the Spiritual thread under Christ through Jeremiah reminds us of the obvious that God DID NOT COMMAND burnt offerings or sacrifices when the people had been "baptized" and had the Spirit pillar guiding them on safe ground. It is scholarly opinion that the Civil-Military-Priestly thread added this to try to eleminate HUMAN BURNT OFFERINGS to Molech. This human burnt offerings began as soon as Manasseh took contro.
Therefore, the PROOF text Rick AtchleY has let loose on a few others is a VIRTUAL human sacrifice.
Jay Guin and the gang of about a dozen defends the use of instrumental music and defines The Church of Christ's practice for 2,000 years apparently worthy of--in the words of Dwayne E. Dunning SUBJECTS of "taking an axe to." Nothing could be more destructive and judmental than the use of the Greek word PSALLO to claim that God commands that we use instruments. Jay appeals to the simple Lexicon and his Phd friends to define Psalmos. I have collected most of the out of context passages here.
Lynn Anderson on the Word Psallo or Psalmos Number One.
Lynn Anderson on the Word Psallo or Psalmos Number Two.
Click for what I believe is the collected list (not in order) of those passages used by Lynn Anderson and family to fool the Oak Hills into adopting Max Lucado's IMAGE to remove Christ from their confession and ADD instrumental music so the female misleaders can perform.
This will be HOMEPAGE for some of the teachings I believe prove that Biblical Scholarship fits the patternism of Jesus who said that "doctors of the Law take away the key to knowledge." He marked the Scribes and Pharasees as hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah and Ezekiel who lists "slick speakers, singers and instrument players." All of the Greek culture identified the performing arts as that of the HYPOCRITES and John etal even called them sorcerers.
Scruples http://oneinjesus.info/2008/03/24/in-response-to-an-email-re-instrumental-music/
Tom Olbricht wrote an important book about the history of interpretation in the COC. He concluded that the COC gets its hermeneutic directly from Zwingli. Zwingli was good about binding the silence of Scripture, as well as drowning Anabaptists!
Olbricht wrote a lot of things which were not based on the REAL people like Luther and Zwingli: I have reviewed his review of the Declaration and Address and where he rawly asserts something to make his point, but I have quoted the CONTEXT and linked to the real people.
You may click here to understand that because Jesus warned that "doctors of the Law take way the key to knowledge" you can READ and see that MARK to warn you NOT to be deluded. Not only do the MISuse the Bible and most of recorded history but actually INVERT them to fit a previous INVERTED set of RULES for the Bible but not for what they write.
You have to grasp that the historic group calling itself The Church of Christ including the Apostolic Constitutions knew of no MUSICAL authority (c. 205) nor did any historic church go so legalistic that they did not grasp that you need no legalism if you grasp point 101aaa: that the people assembled ONLY as a school of the Bible. The constitutions saw musicians as they were universally understood and they could NOT be part of the Church of Christ wiithout a lot of teaching and repenting.
The Catholics did not do MUSIC but chanted or cantillated as did the Jews and as Paul commanded using the word SPEAK. While a church council OUTLAWED self composed songs which were for private use only, the new Gregory chants were adopted from the Egyptians as the Israelites brought the same practice out of Egypt. That “ran the gamut” which was the worship of “Gamut.”
Hislop notes that Now the name of Linus or Osiris, as the "husband of his mother," in Egypt, was Kamut (BUNSEN). When Gregory the Great introduced into the Church of Rome what are now called the Gregorian Chants,
he got them from the Chaldean mysteries, which had long been established in Rome;
for the Roman Catholic priest, Eustace, admits that these chants were largely composed of "Lydian and Phrygian tunes" (Classical Tour), Lydia and Phrygia being among the chief seats in later times of those mysteries, of which the Egyptian mysteries were only a branch. (i.e. Barbarians)
These tunes were sacred–the music of the great god, and in introducing them Gregory introduced the music of Kamut. And thus, to all appearance, has it come to pass, that the name of Osiris or Kamut, “the husband of the mother,”
is in every-day use among ourselves as the name of the musical scale; for what is the melody of Osiris, consisting of the “seven vowels” formed into a hymn, but–the Gamut?
This was the PLAY or MUSICAL IDOLATRY at Mount Sinai
This defines the Child in Assyria: it is important that the REASON Hell was created was for Lucifer or Satan and all SHE could seduce with wind, string and percussion instruments. In Isaiah 30 the MARKS of God driving His enemies into strong delusions with "lying wondlers" was all of the musical arts and crafts. Click for Isaiah 30 and the GOD of the musical deceivers.
While the diverted Reformation claims that they restored congregational singing they knew very well that no one had ever performed a WORSHIP RITUAL using congregational singing with the organ to accompany it: the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia still outlawed it.
The PEOPLE who had attended the Cathedrals for PERFORMANCES wanted the PSALMS-ONLY put to music. Men like Calvin slowly agreed but the PROOF which will stand up in the COURTS of heaven is that they understood the commands to “use that which is written” and “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” were FORMS of the book of Psalms, to mean ONLY the Biblical text. The proof that no one practiced congregational singing of the authorized Biblical text lies in the fact that the SPIRITUAL WORD is without METER (as the word most often means). Therefore, the Psalms–only–had to be radically RECOMPOSED to make the ACT of singing remotely POSSIBLE. At that time no one thought of singing the prose which was always CANTILLATED which is NOT musical.
Alexander Campbell fell radically from the Presbyterians undoubtedly because he had a SONG BOOK to sell while he repudiated paying young men for writing and delivering sermons.
Therefore, Zwingli objected to the ritualistic ACT of singing because it had no Biblical authority, violated the purpose of teaching, and had no CASE LAW to authorize it. Therefore, Zwingli was faithful to the historic grasp of church being SCHOOL and it was a reluctant Calvin who bowed to the popular practices still disturbing the WORSHIP TIME in the cathedrals now OWNED by the State and used by everyone.
No discording “scholar” from the once-Christian colleges ever quotes from the SOURCES or “cherry picks” them: I doubt that you could get an advanced degree (about 212 F) without quoting the previous “scholarly” works.
Zwingl did not INTRODUCE any new “hermeneutic” (derived from Hermes who is the declared LOGOS of the changelings) but refused to CONFORM to the radical departures of the Restoration. However, NONE of them failed to grasp the mark of the INSTRUMENTS.
Hermaêneuô [hermêneus]
I. to interpret foreign tongues,
II. to interpret, put into words, give utterance to, Thuc., etc.
2. to explain,The Private Interpretation OUTLAWS the word.
Hermês Hermes, the Lat. Mercurius, son of Maia and Zeus; messenger of the gods (diaktoros); giver of good luck (eriounios, akakêta ); god of all secret dealings, cunning, and stratagem (dolios); bearing a golden rod (chrusorrapis ); conductor of defunct spirits (psuchopompos, pompaios ); tutelary god of all arts, of traffic, markets, roads (agoraios, empolaios, hodios, enodios ), and of heralds. His bust, mounted on a four-cornered pillar, was used to mark boundaries. –Proverb., koinos Hermês shares in your luck! [And your body] Theophr.: cf. hermaion
That is why Jesus consigned the Pipers, Singers and Dancers to the Agora or Marketplace and why “corrupting the Word” means “selling learning at RETAIL.
And the god of the MARKETPLACE where Jesus consigned all of the pipers, singers and dancers.
When you see Jochin and Boaz or a church steeple it is a HERMES: a pillar often with a red head of Hermes on top: the symbol and the WORD has an affect image in the words of Joseph Campbell. Watch out.
He is Jubal and family in the Bible and Ea and Genun in the Babylonian tablets.
The ROD is that which Jesus forbade the disciples to take with them as preachers. Otherwise, the rod of Hermes would make people believe that a god had arrived. You will probably find some clothing style or speech patterns which exudes sanctity.
dolios adj1 ad crafty, deceitful, treacherous, Od., Trag.
psuchopompos 1 conductor of souls, of Charon, Eur.
pompaios 1 [pompê]I. escorting, conveying, ouros a fair wind [winds of change]
oros 1 a mountain, hill, Hom., etc.; pl. ourea, id=Hom.
II. of Hermes, who escorted the souls of the dead,
Word with similar meaning
Diglôssos , Att. di-ttos , on, speaking two languages,, diglôssos, ho, interpreter,
II. double-tongued, deceitful, LXXSi.5.9, al.
Hupophêtês , ou, ho, ( [phêmi] ) suggester, interpreter, expounder, esp. of the divine will or judgement, e.g. priest who declares an oracle, Il.16.235; Mousaôn [Rev 18:22] hupophêtai, i.e. poets,
The musical mistresses are MUSES and they and their male counterpart claim that their songs and delivery are inspired and can CONDUCT YOUR SOUL into the presence of God.
Carl Ketcherside twisted with no one to correct.
Unity in Diversity by Jay Guin who thanks Edward Fudge for some misinformation.
What the new ANTIism misses when they appeal to Carl Ketcherside was that he was violently opposed to both INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC and the LOCATED PREACHER. Because Carl was a free agent and did not beg from widows to eat, he could "fellowship" anyone whatever SINFUL practice they introduced.
Ketcherside.Incendiary.Instruments.htmlAs usual, Carl was taking his AXE against the JOURNALS who always stirred up the fires. Ketcherside wrote more on Instrumental music and since Jay Guin is using him to defend INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC I think his "jury will all be hung" like Judas whose bag was "for carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments.
Excellent! The so called “brotherhood” gave him hell for telling the truth but he did tell it as long as he was able. Thank God for such men of courage.
Today, I think there are many men who think just as Ketcherside did but don’t have the guts to voice it for fear of being “disfellowshiped” or making an elder, or some indluencial member angry.
I think when we just go along to get along we are akin to someone who helps to enable the bad habit of a family member. All of us should tell the truth by speaking the truth in love.
The TRUTH is that there are several passages that prove that HELL was prepared to burn the deceivers and all who could be deceived by the instruments as the MARK of the beasts people.
I will post some more TRUE Ketcherside who wrote:
Rev 8.29.09 323 9.05.09 351 10.19.09 453 11.30.09 624 1.04.10 707 3.09.10 835 4.27.10 946 973
- Instrumental music in the corporate worship stands athwart our path in the attempt to promote the unity of all believers in the Christ. The most memorable address I ever heard on the topic was delivered at the graduation exercises of the Presbyterian College in Belfast, Ireland, in 1951. The reverend doctor spoke on "Instrumental Music in Public Worship Is a Sin." I have read more than a score of books on the subject by scholarly men not connected with the movement which grew out of the restoration effort launched by Thomas and Alexander Campbell. These were all vehement in their opposition. Our plea will be nullified in many areas if some persist in use of the instrument. Dare we love that which is not essential more than we do the souls of men?
- The introduction of the instrument created division. Whether those who introduced it, those who opposed it, or both, were to blame for the division which resulted is not now the question. Before it was brought in, brethren worshiped and did so acceptably as all admit, and such worship was unified; after it was introduced division came as a result. Regardless of whether worship was thus polluted or corrupted as some charge, we can return to our original status and be acceptable and be together if there are no other barriers. It is hardly conceivable that a division can be healed unless we return to the source and remove the original cause.
- A genuine restoration, complete in details, of the primitive pattern of public worship will find the instrument excluded from use. It is our conviction that no one can show that it was employed in the congregations planted by the apostles, and this conviction has been reached after careful examination of all available material on the subject.
- The employment of instrumental music in the public worship of God introduces an element unauthorized by our King, and therefore, constitutes will worship, which is condemned by the Holy Spirit.
- The use of instrumental music in public praise service is actually ritualism, and to that extent, is a departure from the simplicity which should characterize those who profess to be followers of the meek and lowly one.
new.perseus 6.18.10 1055 10.23.10 1207 12.18.10 1237 2.18.11 1358 5.04.11 1477 7.16.11 1550 10.12 1731 4.21.12 2043 6.08 2080
8.08.12 2142 5.24.13 2335 12.17.13 2443, 12.22.13 2447 1.17.14 3.19.14 2514 10.08.14 2647 1.04.15 2705 6.28.15 2800 3.30.16 2915 5.3.17 3074
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The Lord's Supper was instituted during the Feast of Unleavened Bread which came "after supper." The Passover was only once a year and was a family ceremony and never a public ritual with singing and dancing. Jesus SPAKE A hymn and went out.
Paul defines the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai as demon worship. The Book of Enoch and Romans 1 etal define this fall from Grace for which there was no redemption.