John Mark Hicks Review of Doug Foster on Trinitarianism "Trinitarianism is present in many quarters of contemporary Churches of Christ." John Mark Hicks. Hicks has gone from suggesting an emerging Trinitarianism to apparently the guiding light PROMOTING the pagan trinity. Our review of His Rochester lecture will prove that trinitarians tried to "merge Jewish Monotheism with pagan trinities." The assumption is that the pagans had corrupted the true trinity and using the scholarly imagination it has emerged and baptized to become Christian along with music etc. The Babylonian trinities existed long before Moses and some records are 3,000 years older than Moses. Therefore, it is more logical to have God over and over declare His ONENESS to repudiate the trinitarianism. That is because the musical idolatry of the Egyptian triad cause God to sentence them to captivity and death with a WARNING AGAINST pagan triads.
John Mark Hicks at Rochester Accuses Alexander Campbell of defending Trinitarianism as the only option for opposing Barton W. Stone's view of the nature of Jesus of Nazareth. That leap is reinforced by partial quotes to make Campbell a "Trinitarian" if partially in the closet.
Johannes Quasten, verifies all of our claims that NEO-PAGANISM infiltrates all Music-Centered churches.A review of John Mark Hicks being reviewed by Al Maxey.
Music & Wiorship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity
The view of God as being a "Family of Gods" because even Gods need community is a very recent form of Tritheism. The motive is postmodern needing to dispose of Father and Son so that they can rule by the Holy Spirit which they claim to be literally inside of their caral bodies. No classical trinitarian would have escaped the fires if they had hallucinated that God was three separated persons as in people. Rather, they use three PERSONAE which is often the first person on the stage.
Basil and Tertullian are prooftext but neither speaking of persons but, the Father is the thought, the Son is the Word and the Spirit is the force in the Word. When God began to think He had His WORD to think with--if we need pictures. When He spoke his words in the creation it was God's Word which articulated commands.
Persona. (Plural: personae.) Latin word translated as "person." Tertullian used this word in his trinitarian formula, "una substantia et tres personae" ("three persons in one substance").
Early Latin usage did not restrict the word to its modern meaning of a self-conscious being. At that time, it could mean a mask worn by an actor, a role in a drama, or a legal party to a contract.
However, it apparently could also apply to individual persons. It did carry connotations of individualized personality that the Greek word hypostasis did not have originally. Although the Nicene Creed used hypostasis, which was later translated as "persona," Tertullian had already used persona much earlier to describe the members of the trinityToo bad but the dogma which makes Christianity impossible for Jews, Muslims and many Christians is not taught in the Bible or supported by most history.
John Mark Hicks ignores the New Testament (the Core Gospel Principle) and claims that Paul used the sacrificial meals under the Law as a PATTERN for the Lord's Supper. But Jesus died to remove. John Mark Hicks claims that the Lord's Supper was a COMMON TABLE MEAL but Paul compared it to the Passover Meal but now to remember the DEATH of Jesus. Eating "unworthily" means AS A COMMON MEAL.
Click here to see how once-Christian colleges teach THEOLOGY which is contrary to the BIBLE.
Debate the false prophets here.
See the Holy Spirit in creation page One
See the Holy Spirit in creation page two
There is only one God. {persons or really personae are NOT separated}
H. Leo Boles and the Gospel AdvocateThe trinity of separate persons also gives aid and comfort to the belief that Jesus was just a SEED planted in Mary and therefore had a limited role for the "Biblical period." This has a direct impact in denying that the gospel was intended and prophesied to be for the Gentiles or nations. This then repudiates the Baptist's or pagan baptism and the "original" gospel only for the Jews.
The Egyptian Trinity worshipped under the Golden Calf as ELOHIM or "gods" at Mount Sinai with Musical Idolatry. "The Apis bull, as depicted in this Egyptian statuette, is likely to be the pattern used for the golden calf the Israelites made at Mount Sinai (Exo. 32), since they were undoubtedly quite familiar with it as a result of their long captivity in Egypt. Note that in front of the sun disk and horns, which looks virtually identical to some Catholic monstrances, there is the serpent poised to strike. In Scripture the serpent is symbolic of Satan. (Gen 3, Rev. 12:9)
See Rubel Shelly on Baptizing Santa and thinking about the S.U.N. god.
Lucado and Cosmic Christmas"The priest (here the Pope) sometimes holds up the sunburst monstrance with the host encased for the congregation to adore and venerate. Virtually any time the monstrance, a pagan sun symbol, is viewed by the congregation, they kneel in submission. A Catholic cannot walk past this sun symbol without acknowledging it by kneeling and or making the sign of the cross with their hands.
This statement by John Mark Hicks confesses that trinitarianism is only recently something taught by preachers who, John Mark believes derive their new vision from Karl Barth. However, this represents proof texting Barth:"He (Karl Rahner agreeing with Karl Barth) believes that in light of the modern development of the concept of person,
........ its unqualified use in the Trinitarian doctrine leads unmistakably to tritheism." Matei then quotes:"There can be no doubt about it: speaking of three persons in God entails almost inevitably the danger (as a rule we try much too late to overcome it through explicit corrections) of believing that
........ there exists in God three distinct consciousnesses, spiritual vitalities, centers of activity, and so on."This danger is increased by the fact that, even in the usual presentation of the scholarly treatises on the Trinity, there is
........ "first developed a concept of 'person' derived from experience and philosophy,
........ ........ independently of the doctrine of the Trinity as found in revelation and of the history of this doctrine."Next this concept is applied to God, and thus it is demonstrated that there are three such persons in God. " (Eugen Matei, THE CONCEPT OF 'PERSON' IN TRINITARIAN CONTEXT: HISTORICAL AND ECUMENICAL PERSPECTIVES)
The warning is well taken:
"Perhaps we can compare the Godhead to a divine Committee of equals, but with specific areas of responsibility" (Gerald Wheeler, Is God a Committee, p. 47).
Prior to the 19th century where liberalism reigned the Godhead was never defined as "persons." Scholars used the word personae or masks or images under which the ONE God makes Himself known.
None of the ancient scholars ever teach and explicitly warn against, is that the Godhead is separated into three "persons" which compose a family or tribe able to stand side by side or face to face and hold committee members.
This heresy has been propagated in some churches of Christ and to confess the SHEMA that God is One can get you "sat on the back pews" as they say around here.
John Mark Hicks notes that this has recently been promoted by Max Lucado and Rubel Shelly who have brought you more sowing of discord than the body of Christ can stand without lots of sheep getting lost. However, a founding father was H. Leo Boles and the Bible Class material promoted by the Gospel Advocate so that very shallow minds see God as three people just like me but more powerful.
All quotations from the KJV unless otherwise noted. All of John Mark Hicks quotations are in red.
In his introduction, John Mark Hicks notes that:
First, the Stone-Campbell movement has had a general aversion to specific theological reflection on the person of Christ. We have valued biblical language and a minimalist Christology that is rooted in the factuality of Christ's redemptive work.
The First Generation
John Mark Hicks: The relationship between Stone and Campbell fundamentally shaped our Christological attitudes. Doug has covered this ground in detail. However, I want to stress two significant points: (1) the importance of biblical terminology and (2) the confession of the one fact, i.e., Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
Did campbell have any doubts
There is little in Stone's views to suggest that he was an Arian. Rather, by rejecting the TRINITY OF THREE Beings his enemies grasped the straw to try to bring him down.
Arians believed that Jesus was a creature!
Perhaps the first generation was not too silent since they merge end-to-end with all scholars who went before them.
For instance, note the following to see that the Holy Spirit was not a person to be worshiped and has no separate identity but comes in the "name" of Jesus Christ.
Campbell, Alexander - Trinity was not really confused or passive. Rather, his views of the relationship of Word to God was the same as the relationship of a word to a thought. And so this is the most common understanding among the church fathers. The the word is the SON of the speaker as FATHER then there is ot problem trying to sort out how a LITERAL son of god could be equal with the Father or of the same age.
1st. A word is a sign or representative of a thought or an idea, and is the idea in an audible or visible form.
........ It is the exact image of that invisible thought which is a perfect secret to all the world until it is expressed.2d. All men think or form ideas by means of words or images;
........ so that no man can think without words or symbols of some sort.3d. Hence it follows that the word and the idea which it represents, are co-etaneous, or of the same age or antiquity.
........ It is true the word may not be uttered or born for years or ages after the idea exists,
........ but still the word is just as old as the idea.4th. The idea and the word are nevertheless distinct from each other, though the relation between them is the nearest known on earth.
........ An idea cannot exist without a word, nor a word without an idea.5th. He that is acquainted with the word, is acquainted with the idea, for the idea is wholly in the word.
By putting together the above remarks on the term word, we have a full view of what John intended to communicate.
As a word is an exact image of an idea,
........ so is "The Word" an exact image of the invisible God.As a word cannot exist without an idea, nor an idea without a word,
so God never was without "The Word," nor "The Word" without God;or as a word is of equal age, or co-etaneous with its idea,
so "The Word" and God are co-eternal.And as an idea does not create its word nor a word its idea;
so God did not create "The Word," nor the "Word" God.Campbell, Alexander - Barton W. Stone - Walter Scott on The Spirit
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Thomas - Spirit - Agent of Conversion
Campbell, Thomas Holy Spirit - A circular letter
Thomas Campbell and Alexander Campbell The Spirit
Campbell, Thomas a DIRECT OPERATION of the SpiritMcGarvey, J. W.
Witness of the Spirit
Witness of the Spirit Our CommentaryStone, Bartow W.
Of Thomas M. Allen Robert Richardson
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell, Volume II. (1869)He had obtained the "Christian Baptist" soon after it commenced, and was delighted with its developments of the simple nature of the religion of Christ, its distinctions between the different dispensations, and the new light which it threw upon the themes of the Bible. He quickly abandoned all the speculations for which with others he had been contending, and accustomed himself to speak always of Bible things in Bible words.
The total avoidance of the terms of scholastic divinity, and the practice of speaking of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit just as the Scriptures speak,
he soon found to do more toward settling the vexed questions about the "Trinity" than had been done by the [377] controversies of fifteen centuries.
He aided much in extending the circulation of the "Christian Baptist" and of the views it presented, and in leading the people forward to more accurate conceptions of primitive Christianity, and labored to promote the most fraternal and friendly relations between the "Christians" and the Reformers.
"Again--Some will say, What does the expression Holy Spirit mean? Well, in scripture it stands
........ first for God the Holy Spirit,
........ and secondly for the holy mind or spirit of a believer--for illustration, take Peter's words to Ananias, "Why has Satan tempted you to lie to the Holy Spirit; you have not lied to men, but to God," (the Holy Spirit.) And the Saviour says, How much more will your heavenly Father give a holy spirit (as it should be translated) to those that ask him. Again--Praying in a holy spirit. Again--Paul says he approved himself God's servant "by knowledge, by long sufferings, by kindness, by a holy spirit'" by a mind innocent of the love of gain, or commerce, or sensuality.
Holy is an adjective and not the first name of a Divine Being named "Holy Spirit." This agrees with both the Hebrew and Greek definition of "spirit" as being "the mental attributes of the mind and its expressions."
"Now then the expression stands for both God the Holy Spirit, and for a believer's spirit made holy by him.
Third Generation
John Mark Hicks: In the 1950s Fred O. Blakely authored a lengthy essay entitled "Why I am Not a Unitarian."[31] He accepts Nicea and argues for a classic Trinitarianism.[32] Nevertheless, he also maintains an emphasis found in the 19th century. While he rejects the opinions of Arians and modalists he insists that "in so doing" he does "not seek to impeach their faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, or to impugn the purity of the motives which prompt them."
However, the Nicean Creed and backup documents do not teach the trinity of separated persons. Of the Holy Spirit, like an afterthought, they said: "And we believe in the Holy Spirit" but it is not treated as a Divine Being. Click for the Nicean documents
"We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible:-and in one.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of the Father, that is of the substance of the Father; God of God and Light of light; true God of true God;
........ begotten, not made, consubstantialThus also the declaration that "the Son is consubstantial with the Father" having been discussed,
........ it was agreed that this must not be understood in a corporeal sense,
........ ........ or in any way analogous to mortal creatures;
........ inasmuch as it is neither by division of substance,
........ ........ nor by abscission nor by any change of the Father's substance and power,
........ ........ since the underived nature of the Father is inconsistent with all these things.Now, Lucado and Rubel Shelly are still out on a limb almost by themselves in seeing the God family as three separated-out beings, a family, kith and kin, able to hold conferences. Or as Rubel Shelly jokes: the Father God and the Spirit God do not "ace out" the ignorant Son God so that He gets tricked into dying for mankind.
Fourth Generation.
The fourth generation has been too long at the trough of charismatic, snake handlers and "educational institutions" plagued with intellectual incest and too little in trying to grasp the parable nature of the public teachings and acts of Jesus. He said that this was to hid Himself from the clergy who looked for meaning outside the pages of the Word (Matt 13).
This new scheme is best illustrated by Boles, H. Leo Spirit - Gospel Advocate and propagated by the GA Bible Class literature so totally that as Calvin would burn you for disputing his view of the trinity, modern "churchmen" who get their bible little tidbits at a time will effectively crucify you for disputing the notion that God is triplets.
Jesus said that if you see me you see the Father and He said that the "another Comforter" will be Me. The "Lord" told Paul that "I am Jesus of Nazareth."
Please grasp that the problem arises from trying to make an eternal trinity out of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But, that has no Biblical or historical foundation.
First, God is infinite, invisible, incomprehensible Spirit to the human mind. That does not mean that God is a SUPER PERSON but that God is "wholly other" not like anything material.
However, God MANIFESTS Himself in three primary ways related to the triune nature of the human body, soul and Spirit. This means that when Jesus affirmed the oneness of Father and Himself He meant that the Father (thought, origin) and Son (word, manifestation) and Spirit (breath, force) are ALWAYS present in each and every action. This DOES NOT mean that they "three" have DIFFERENT dispensations and ever appear separated.
By the word (Dabar-Logos) of the LORD (Jehovah is I Am, not We are) the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath (h7307 holy spirit) of his mouth (means of blowing wind). Psalm 33:6
He gathered the waters of the sea as in a bottle; he put the deeps in storehouses. Psalm 33:7
Let all the earth fear the LORD, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! Psalm 33:8
........ For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood forth. Psalm 33:9The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue. 2 Samuel 23:2
........ The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me,
........ He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 2 Samuel 23:3
Full invisible Deity
Manifestations (personae) INTERNAL
Explained by Trinitarians
Holy Spirit
The Triune nature is not truly glimpsed as God, Jesus and Spirit but Father is God, Son is God and Spirit is God. Father, Son and Spirit are not names but Jesus is. In Hebrew Jesus or Joshua means Jehovah-Saves. As Jehovah was made known by various hyphenated names in the Old Testament, God of full DeityFor in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col 2:9
Jesus was born of Mary as "a body prepared for me" but Jesus as the Word WAS WITH GOD and WAS GOD. It was the Spirit of Christ in the prophets (1 Pet 1:11; Rev. 19:10).
However, when the people were all out of sorts about having to eat the body and drink the blood of "Jesus" He made it clear to those with ears that the
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
If an infinite God can incarnate His Nature in a poor boy like Jesus then Jesus as FULL DEITY can incarnate His Spirit as THE MIND OF CHRIST in His Words. Jesus even said that the God-Job of judging people for eternity has been incarnated in His Words. If you don't think that He can do that then why believe that He can live within human flesh which He used as "clothing?"
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. Jn.12:47
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.Jn.12:48
When God returned on Pentecost in invisible, Spirit form the apostles began to speak. They did not sing, dance, clap their hands or otherwise imitate the gone-made pagans. Therefore, God Incarnated his return as Comforter in Words which teach and comfort.
John Mark Hicks: Second, the renewal of Trinitarianism in this century (beginning with Karl Barth) has filtered down to our educators and trained ministers.
What John Mark Hicks seems to be saying is that the quite unique revival of a trinitarianism which never truly existed among the scholars, has FILTERED DOWN from Karl Barth and not from the Word of God!
However, the doctrine of the Trinity slipped in which scholars were trying to defeat the view that Christ was not deity:
"This conclusion is necessary because the doctrine of the Trinity had to be stated by the Athanasians in order to defeat the Arian position of the creation of Christ based upon the various proof texts such as Hebrews 3:2, Proverbs 8:22, John 16:28; 20:17, Ephesians 4:4-6 and Revelation 3:14; 4:11.
The UNIVERSAL MESSAGE is that no one ever believed that God was three persons meaning people. Rather, in coming to the AID OF GOD they used the word "trias" to DEFEAT the notion of Christ as a creature.
Similarly Karl Barth held the view that
"The Bible lacks the express declaration that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are of equal essence and therefore in an equal sense God Himself.
And the other express declaration is also lacking that God is God thus and only thus, i.e., as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These two express declarations which go beyond the witness of the Bible are the twofold content of the Church doctrine of the Trinity (Doctrine of the Word of God, p. 437. Also quoted by George L. Johnson in Is God a Trinity?, WCG, USA, 1973, p. 32).
"Judaism, Islam and rational Theism are Unitarian.
On the other hand,
we must honestly admit that
the doctrine of the Trinity did not form part of the early Christian - New Testament - message,
nor has it ever been a central article of faith in the religious life of the Christian Church as a whole, at any period in its history.Thus we are forced to ask: Is this truth the centre of Christian theology, but not the centre of the Christian Faith? Is such a discrepancy between faith and theology possible?
Or, is this due to an erroneous development in the formation of the doctrine of the Church as a whole?
Certainly, it cannot be denied that not only the word "Trinity", but even the explicit idea of the Trinity is absent from the apostolic witness to the faith; it is equally certain and incontestable that the best theological tradition, with one accord, clearly points to the Trinity as its centre (ibid., p. 206).
Brunner draws his theological position from the body of dogma that asserted itself, firstly at the Council of Nicæa in 325 CE and almost continuously from the council of Constantinople in 381 CE. Brunner asserts in explanation of the extraordinary position of Calvin above that
The ecclesiastical doctrine of the Trinity, established by the dogma of the ancient Church,
........ is not a Biblical kerygma, therefore it is not the kerygma of the Church,
........ ........ but it is a theological doctrine
........ ........ which defends the central faith of the Bible and the Church.Hence it does not belong to the sphere of the Church's message, but it belongs to the sphere of theology; in this sphere it is the work of the Church to test and examine its message, in the light of the Word of God given to the Church. Certainly in this process of theological reflection the doctrine of the Trinity is central (op. cit., p. 206).
The UNIVERSAL MESSAGE is that no one ever believed that God was three persons meaning people. Rather, in coming to the AID OF GOD they used the word "trias" to DEFEAT the notion of Christ as a creature.
> The Nicean motive was NOT to establish the trinity as a central doctrine taught by the Bible.
> Rather, Arius taught that Christ and the Spirit were CREATED beings and were not therefore God.
> Nicea was simply to defend THE CENTRAL FAITH that Jesus was full Deity.Rubel Shelly can abandon the epistles without a blink because Karl Barth or someone has convinced him that John wrote that which had been sieved from philosophy and his own personal agenda. He assuredly got neither the trinity of separated persons nor Narrative Theology from the Bible or church historians.
John Mark Hicks: Third, the stress on incarnational theology (particularly within missiology and ethics) has reaffirmed that God was really among us as Immanuel.
But, the fully come in the flesh said: "Where two or three are gathered together there will I be in the midst of you." When you forget that and hire musical worship facilitators to "lead the audience into the presence of God" you have denied a primary meaning of "gospel."
Dostoevsky explains that when Jesus comes in our midst He will not take the HOLY PLACE of pulpit but He will be out with suffering humanity. When we see Jesus incarnated it will be in the fleshly form of some old lady needing a cup of cold water on a hot day when the air conditioner quits. Jesus will never be seen with the singers and clappers who mocked him to death with that old paganism.
John Mark Hicks: Fourth, postmodern audiences yearn to hear about community, empathy and relationality which incarnational emphases address.
Does that mean "itching ears"? This is always understood to be an EFFEMINATE take over of the church:
From the following proof of FEMININE and EFFEMINATE takeover:
"Revivals in urban America were no longer occasions for the church to renew itself as a community, but meetings of individuals who did not know one another to share their religious feelings.
The revivals created a community of feeling among people who had no other communal bonds.
Further, as the minister and his sermon declined, personal prayer and testimony came to the fore. Correlatively,
........ the hymn Iyrics usually either bore witness to a generalized personal experience.
........ as in "I Love to Tell the Story," or made personal pleas: "I Need Thee Every Hour.""The gospel hymns thus became an important medium of expression for the emotions and yearnings of Protestants--
"first, the clergy and women who ruled the religious sphere, and later evangelicals generally,
........ as the churches attempted to defend themselves against the challenges of American religious pluralism."The hymns represented a burst of creativity from the people themselves, a rich, intensely devotional experience by which one could rise above the ordinary world.
"The danger, however, was that the inward-turning quality of the hymns and their sentimental melodies
"would reinforce the retreat from social issues which by 1875 was visible throughout Protestant evangelicalism.
"The power of poetry and music, sweeping revival crowds along on "billows and tides of heavenly emotion," as a nineteenth-century writer put it,
could become a mere mass movement, without the discipline of intellect and organized action that Protestantism needed to meet the challenges of the era.
"With personal experience as the ultimate authority, they could disregard the ordinary world--so the hymns portrayed the world as a stormy sea, full of turmoil and strife, and looked forward to personal transformation and the hope of heaven after death.
[In contrast to the hope of the word of God, this is the southern black contribution of hoplesness]
"Hebrew music... was used in the luxurious times of the later monarchy the effeminate gallants of Israel, reeking with perfumes, and stretched upon their couches of ivory, were wont at their banquets to accompany the song with the tinkling of the psaltery or guitar (Am. v1. 4-6), and amused themselves with devising musical instruments while their nation was perishing... music was the legitimate expression of mirth and gladness, and the indication of peace and prosperity." (Smith's, Music, p. 590).
"An artificial, effeminate music which should relax the soul, frittering the melody, and displacing the power and majesty of divine harmony by tricks of art, and giddy, thoughtless, heartless, souless versifying would be meet company." (Barnes, Albert, Amos, p. 303).
"Middleclass Protestants in POST-INDUSTRIAL America were increasingly literate producing and devouring newspapers magazines, histories, novels, and poetry in enormous quantities. At the same time, male and female roles were being redefined, and many men spent their energies in the business and politics of an expanding society. Those were arenas from which both women and ministers, by custom and/or law, were excluded. Religion itself was becoming a separate sphere, no longer directly linked to government and public affairs, and ministers had lost the prestige their forefathers had as scholars and advisers to magistrates. Together with their most faithful followers, middleclass women, they created a realm of intense religious experience, separate from the larger society, and gave it expression in poetry and hymnody.
Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41:
"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy.
He saw the entire condition induced by the noise of cymbals (hand clapping or tabering) and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.
He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly.
Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.
"Women and girls from the different ranks of society were proud to enter the service of the gods as singers and musicians. The understanding of this service was universal:these singers constituted the 'harem of the gods'." (End of Quasten)
At the same time, male and female roles were being redefined, and many men spent their energies in the business and politics of an expanding society.
........ Those were arenas from which both women and ministers, by custom and/or law, were excluded.Religion itself was becoming a separate sphere, no longer directly linked to government and public affairs,
........ and ministers had lost the prestige their forefathers had as scholars and advisers to magistrates.
........ Together with their most faithful followers, middleclass women,
........ ........ they created a realm of intense religious experience,
........ ........ separate from the larger society, and gave it expression in poetry and hymnody.One bit of the "gospel" fully explained by Paul is that Jesus fired the doctors of the Law. Peter went further by outlawing "private interpretation" which is to fuller expound. Therefore, there is no role in the church for further expounders. The role of the church is to teach the Word "as it has been taught" and then teach the people that the Mind of Christ gives them no room to "yearn" for selfish minds.
To tell you the truth, they had better be fishing or watching a football game! I believe the same scholars have filtered the idea that the people are not interested in the Bible. Too bad! The problem is preacher and scholar manufactured and "church" is not a pagan worship center or "meet my needs" including fixing my car. Rather, the church is synagogue or school of the Bible. It has no role to play in social engineering or even extensive social activism. Why get upset that the role of the local psychologist is not to teach the Bible?
John Mark Hicks: Trinitarianism is present in many quarters of contemporary Churches of Christ.
It is regularly discussed at lectureships and conferences, and is given a place in contemporary theological works.[37] The earliest beginnings of this resurgence was anti-Jehovah's Witness rhetoric like that found in Hugo McCord which Doug has noted.
The UNIVERSAL MESSAGE is that no one ever believed that God was three persons meaning people. Rather, in coming to the AID OF GOD they used the word "trias" to DEFEAT the notion of Christ as a creature.
John Mark Hicks: McCord describes Jesus in lofty language as "the Father of Eternity" (based on Isaiah 9:6) and "no less than Jehovah."[38] Unlike most of the first and second generations,
he is willing to use the term "Trinity" since "the Godhead is a threefold being."
Yet, there is a functional hierarchy in the immanent Trinity and he accepts Campbell's distinction between "Word" and "Son."[39]One of the best examples of this Trinitarian emergence is Roy H. Lanier, Sr.'s 1974 Timeless Trinity which dared to use the traditional word and unfold a traditional, even orthodox, understanding of Trinity.[40]
Lanier's book enabled a wide acceptance of the term "Trinity" when earlier in our history it was seen as an "ism." The book stresses the deity of Christ (seven of the eight chapters on Christ are about his deity).
It is unfair to Br. Lainier who speaks of the trinity but does not commit blasphemy by cutting the Godhead into three, separated persons with independent skills and roles.
It was an ism throughout history including the RM scholars. The trinity of three persons is a brand new, primarily church of Christ heresy now driving the Purpose Driven cult. However, the "honor" probably goes to the Gospel Advocate literature feeding from H. Leo Boles, The Holy Spirit, Gospel Advocate, 1942
John Mark Hicks: Furthermore, recent years have emphasized
the incarnational presence of God in the
context of ethics and spiritual devotion.
"What Would Jesus Do?" has become the ethical slogan of the last decade of the twentieth century and Max Lucado has certainly dominated devotional/spiritual reflection on the meaning of the incarnation.When Jesus promised "another comforter" He said "I will come to you." Furthermore, He said My WORDS are SPIRIT and they are LIFE. John 6:63. Therefore, the confession that Christ came fully in the flesh means that he INCARNATED "the Mind of Christ" as the Holy Spirit in His Words personally taught and preserved by inspiration in the NT writers.
Therefore to suggest that God is incarnated in ETHICS and DEVOTION denies that He is Incarnated as Mind or Spirit in His Word. This is the definition of Anti-Christ.
John Mark Hicks: Ethical reflection has risen to the top of our Christological interests. This is probably due to the recent shift from the epistles to the gospels in
our preaching and teaching. Olbricht's 1979 theology of Mark, The Power to Be, is a good example. [41] In 1987
Reason knows nothing about the wretchedness of depraved nature. It does not recognize the fact that no man is able to keep God's commandments; that all are under sin and condemnation; and that the only way whereby help could be received was for God to give his Son for the world, ordaining another ministration, one through which grace and reconciliation might be proclaimed to us.
Now, he who does not understand the sublime subject of which Paul speaks cannot but miss the true meaning of his words.
How much more did we invite this fate when we threw the Scriptures and Saint Paul's epistles under the bench,
and, like swine in husks, wallowed in man's nonsense! Therefore, we must submit to correction and learn to understand the apostle's utterance aright.J.H.Garrison: "There is God and Jesus: all the rest is opinion."
"Carl Ketcherside advocated that the "core gospel" "'consisted of the (1) life, (2) death, (3) burial, (4) resurrection, (5) ascension, (6) coronation and (7) glorification of Jesus' (Mission Messenger, Dec., 1972, p. 180)." ibid, p. 53. He also said that "The gospel was proclaimed as fully and completely on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus as it ever has been, and nothing written later was added to it" (ibid, p. 53).
"Not one apostolic letter is a part of the gospel of Christ...the Roman letter was not a part of the gospel...the letter to the Galatians was not a part of the gospel"
We note that Paul said that he KNEW only Christ and Him crucified: He did not say: "I TEACH only Christ and Him crucified." Knowing Christ means that you had better not listen to a self-elevated 'scholar' or manufacturer of new creeds out of old paganism. Paul preached only the MILK because the Corinthians were still carnal. However, once they were Spirit enlightened or "perfected" he was able to preach the meat.
Dallas Burdette believing and teaching many that God and the Gospel is incarnated in GRACE ONLY, is a chance to show that there are dozens of things in the Epistles which define the WHAT and HOW of the Gospel INCARNATED in our earthly lives including baptism. We will quote several pre Restoration Movement leaders who identified the Christian System as the gospel: whatever is good news is gospel.
Martin Luther told the INCARNATIONAL freaks in his day:
35. In this light Paul here portrays the false apostles and like pernicious schismatics,
who make great boasts of having a clearer understanding and of knowing much better what to teach than is the case with true preachers of the Gospel. And when they do their very best,
when they pretend great things, and do wonders with their preaching, there is naught but the mere empty "letter."
In his CORE GOSPEL, Rubel Shelly identifies seven facts ABOUT Jesus but then says that:
These are the essentials of Christian faith. It is this core message about Jesus that we share
........ in common with other Bible-believing, cross-proclaiming, resurrection-confessing, born-again persons that constitutes us a church.Outside the essence of the gospel,
there are other features that reflect our history and consensus interpretations of the larger biblical message.
Rubel Shelly dismisses the epistles as the product of, say, John sifting poor memories with philosophy and writing something based on his own personal agenda.
Therefore, shifting from the epistles to the "gospels" is a confession that there is no patience for a God INCARNATED in the fleshly context of church, doctrine or keeping commandments. This, again, is the meaning of ANTI-CHRIST.
(Click to see Shelly's repudiation of all but the "core" of seven facts)
John Mark Hicks: Shelly followed with his Surely This Man Was the Son of God.[42] That same year Hazelip and Durham published Jesus: Our Mentor and Our Model in the same vein.[43] Harding University's 1988 lectureship on the Gospel of Mark was entitled The Lifestyle of Jesus.[44]
Since Paul knew Christ and Him crucified, we need to save the epistles to see how a FLESH-INCARNATED Christ functions in Paul as part of His body.
As a way to MARK the "super apostles" who were bleeding the church but not being INCARNATED with a Christ spirit, Paul wrote:
Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. 2 Cor 11:23
Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. 2 Cor 11:24
Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; 2 Cor 11:25In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 2 Cor 11:26
In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. 2 Cor 11:27
John Mark Hicks: Max Lucado, however, has been the most influential of all. His Christology is pervasive in our pulpits, our pews and throughout evangelical culture. His recent
Just Like Jesus
represents his ethical reflection,[45] but his God Came Near, one of his first books, reveals his Christological presuppositions.[46]Experiencing God by Blackaby and King plaguing the Baptists and churches of Christ uses his Shelly-like Narrative theology to show that Jesus had his "assignment" from God as did Moses, however, you must get your own assignment as the Moses of Christ for your time. Shelly claims that you can be even greater than these men.
John Mark Hicks notices the obvious but does not reach the conclusion that this radically unique view of the Godhead denies the Flesh Incarnated Jesus as the Spirit of God, the Mind of Christ, the Incarnate Word fully competent to reveal His Mind is VESSELS OF CLAY to be FULL DEITY in the image of Jesus (Col. 2;9)John Mark Hicks: While, as Doug reminds us, Lucado brilliantly brings Jesus to life for us and reminds us of his humanity,
I fear that his incarnational theology undermines the very thing he wants to press--Christ's empathetic humanity.
Here is the meaning of "knowing Christ and Him Crucified" as well as to understand that God makes Himself known as fully flesh for all of humanity.
The spotlight in Cosmic Christmas is on the Archangel Gabriel, who is sent by God on a mission to announce to Mary her election to receive the Seed of God. Lucado's novel portrays God as "the Light" who sends the "treasure" of his "essence" to earth. This "essence" or "Seed" -- designated "it" -- "will become" the Son of God. Carefully note in the following excerpt from Cosmic Christmas Gabriel's words that "the fruit of the Seed," rather than the Seed, is the Son of God.
"I entered the circle of unceasing Light... I lifted my eyes to see a necklace - a clear vial on a golden chain - dangling from (God's) extended hand... Handing me the necklace, He explained, 'This vial will contain the essence of Myself; a Seed to be placed in the womb of a young girl...
The fruit of the Seed is the Son of God. Take it to her... He draped the chain around my neck. Amazingly, the vial was no longer empty. It glowed with Light. Jesus. Tell her to call my son Jesus..." 98. Note H: The Virgin Mother of Paganism
But this is derived from paganism:
"Almost all the Tartar princes," says SALVERTE (Des Sciences Occultes), "trace their genealogy to a celestial virgin, impregnated by a sun-beam, or some equally miraculous means." In India, the mother of Surya, the sun-god, who was born to destroy the enemies of the gods,
is said to have become pregnant in this way,
a beam of the sun having entered her womb, in consequence of which she brought forth the sun-god.
From the Chaldean zhr, "to shine," comes, in the participle active, zuhro or zuhre, "the Shiner"; and hence, no doubt, from zuhro, "the Shiner," under the prompting of a designing priesthood, men would slide into the idea of zuro, "the seed,"--"the Shiner" and "the seed," according to the genius of Paganism, being thus identified. This was manifestly the case in Persia, where the sun as the great divinity; for the "Persians," says Maurice, "called God Sure" (Antiquities).
Therefore, if God saw the need to Incarnate His Mind or the Spirit of Christ in a fleshly model, then we are never going to become SECOND INCARNATIONS by having a direct operation of the "member" of the God family for this dispensation:
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Phil 2:5
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, Phil 2:6
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Phil 2:7NIV
but laid aside his mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. Phil 2:7LIV
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross! Phil 2:8
While the Bible clearly teaching that the gift of the Holy Spirit is what Peter later identified as "asking for a clear conscience" at baptism meaning "co-perception" that discernment will not extend beyond understanding the Word as it has been revealed. Jesus further blinds the minds of those who do not love the truth.
Therefore, the lust for a direct operation of the Spirit is always tied directly to teaching the church something which the Bible has not revealed. That is why Shelly sees the promise of GREATER powers. And this is not remotely possible without denying that Jesus came fully in the flesh and revealed the Spirit or His Mind fully.
John Mark Hicks: His theology seems to lack any significant kenosis. Instead, Mary "knows she is holding God."[47] He is the "infant-God" to whom Mary prays.[48] His Jesus counts the stars as he lies in his crib and remembers his creative work. Mary is tempted to call him "Father."[49]
See Philippians 2 above to see that God fully emptied His Divine nature. In the image of the LIV God "laid aside" the "clothing" of His full Majesty and Glory and took on Himself the clothing or "a body prepared for me." When Jesus died He returned to the RIGHT SIDE of God and put back on His full Glory and Majesty.
However, only God can mediate and we can identify only with a human being. Therefore, Jesus continues to mediate between the fully human and fully God.
In His Cosmic Christmas, Max Lucado seems to recycle some ancient spirit travel. He sees Jesus coming in something like the ancient COSMIC EGG. As Rubel Shelly wants to INCARNATE the S.U.N. god and baptize him as the S.O.N. God, we have added some of Lucado's notes about Shamash, the S.O.N. God to who God abandoned Israel because of their musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.
John Mark Hicks: This type of incarnational theology tends to undermine the humanity of Jesus
because it assumes that Jesus did not really identify with the human psyche.
The only motive for retiring the SON God with His Old New Testament dispensation and making this the Dispensation of the Holy Spirit is the need to dismiss the FLESH INCARNATED full Deity Who INCARNATED His SPIRIT as WORD even in the hated epistles where "the rubber meets the road."
This permits our Blackaby ASCENDING TO THE GODHEAD so that we are 13th prophets or even Christs. An invisible HOLY SPIRIT Who tells ME His latest revelation but does not tell YOU opens up a host of new jobs for the Preacher Manufacturing Plants once known as Christian colleges.
I can make a fool of you (as Paul warned the Corinthians) and repackage and RETAIL the Free Word of God and even use NARRATIVE THEOLOGY to sell you the garbage from the Towers of Babylon as the NEW PARADIGM.
Musical worship leaders who "can lead you into the presence of God" makes them co-mediators with the performance preacher so that you as "audience" pay your legalistic dues but do not QUESTION GOD'S ANOINTED ONES.
John Mark Hicks: The divine mind informs and empowers the human life of Jesus in such a way that he is no longer a genuine model for struggling Christians.
I think his Christology needs a good dose of the incarnation as a participation in fallenness where Jesus assumes fallen human nature, struggles with sin and shares our weaknesses.[50]
In other words, Lucado's Johannine Christology needs to be tempered with the Christology of the synoptics and Hebrews.
Contrary to Doug's reading,
I believe Lucado ultimately subsumes the human under the divine. John Mark Hicks, Lipscomb. Reviewing Doug FosterYou would have to be pretty presumptuous to fall into the delusion that God is going to INCARNATE YOU just as He did Jesus Christ!
And that is denying that Christ came in the flesh.
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 1Jn.2:18
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1Jn 2:19
Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 1Jn 2:24
Incarnational theology includes the Core Gospel of 7 facts about Jesus: all of the rest of the Bible deals with the "flesh" relationship of Christ to His Bod. Therefore, anti-Christ will and must shut down that part of Scripture which is not "Core."
BELOVED, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 Jn 4:1
Thereby know ye the Spirit of God: [Disposition, not person]
Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 1Jn.4:2
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4:3
Note: the word spirit is almost always the spirit Of some human trait.
See Rubel Shelly's "baptizing" the S.U.N. God to think of the S.O.N. God and identifying God's abandonment of Israel over to "worship the starry host" as the baptism of the Holy Spirit and The Exodus Pattern For Worship and Community?
See notes from Max Lucado's Cosmic Christmas and holding out hope for Lucifer: the musician in the garden of Eden and the Zoe of today.
The Trinity of Three persons as in Rubel Shelly's committee of "father god" and "spirit god" acing out little gullible "son god" to trick him into dying for mankind. That heresy underlies the direct operation of the "holy" Spirit which never gave women a healing ministry nor anyone else except the self-vaildating group under discussion who believe that they are "emerging" a Post-Christian revelation.
Bible 101aaa knows that Jesus speaks through His Words which He declared to be Spirit and Life. This is confirmed by Paul in identifying the Word of "singing" (Col 3) with the "Spirit" of singing with (Eph 5) "that which has been written" (Rom 15).
Rick's declaration that they decided to reject the only translations of the Bible which never give a role for the "deaconess" and just get rid of the old version.
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