Desiderius Erasmus Books and Texts

It is said of the Reformation that Desiderius Erasmus laid the egg but Luther hatched it.

For your library:

Collected Works of Erasmus : Controversies (Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol 83) by Guy Bedouelle (Editor)

Erasmus, the Anabaptists, and the Great Commission by Abraham Friesen

Christian Humanism and the Reformation : Selected Writings of Erasmus by John C. Olin (Editor)

Erasmus and the Jews by Shimon Markish, Anthony Olcott (Translator), Arthur A. Cohen (Designer)

Erasmus : His Life, Works, and Influence by Cornelis Augustijn, J.C. Grayson (Translator)


Articles About Erasmus

Account in the Catholic Encyclopedia

A Declamation Folly on False Preachers a different version

In Praise of Folly ("Moriæ Encomium", or "Laus Stultitiæ")

Against The Clergy
Against the Monks
Against the Popes
Against the Princes


To Dorp


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