Walk to Emmaus and Churches of Christ
Walk to Emmaus is a Methodist brand of the Cursillo Movement which is an evangelistic, Catholic movement. I have added new notes 5/23/2001 in blue.For instance, discussing the Cursillo Movement:
"Throughout this booklet you will find references to concepts that at one time seemed foreign to Catholics. Evangelization is probably the one that comes to mind first. For many years Catholics looked upon evangelization as "something the Protestants did." Today, in Church, we hear a great deal about evangelization. Still for some of us, we automatically think of going out two-by two (with Bible in hand) and knocking on people's doors. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In the Cursillo Movement we approach evangelization as a very natural act of being Christlike within each of our daily activities. We realize that while most people would like to live their lives in a Christ-like manner,
the pressures of the world often make this difficult.
The Cursillo Movement provides a method and a technique to provide each of us with the tools, the mentality, the strength, and the support to make this natural type of evangelization possible.
We could then interpret the Cursillo or Walk to Emmaus movements as a Doctrinal Inculcation Movement. That is, you have volunteered to be converted to whatever group is using the mystical (superstitious) eucharistic dogma is sponsoring and shepherding you. Door knocking is honest. It says who you are and invites you to visit.
See how Jubilee 2000 was the big event for the Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist merging of evangelistic effort. One goal was to get churches of Christ into the arms of the MOTHER by Y2K. In that they have succeeded among some more pagan-like mega churches.
However, most successful shepherding movements (they are not evangelistic in teaching the full gospel) are much more subtle. As the Crossroads movment of churches of Christ at the hot bed of "Shepherding" or International Church of Christ and Promise Keepers and other groups as a model, this movement understands that in order to shepherd, evangelize or convert you to their church, they will have to ply you with lots of tender love. You will become a very important person.
This gushing is not natural and not a part of being a Christian. The method of Christ was to teach and support but not to shepherd in the sense of surrounding you with lots of new friends. Unfortunately, lonely people are quite susceptible to this perhaps because there is not more genuine love and attention given by their own groups.
After seventy years the only honest gushy love you can depent on is from Annie the Beatle. And maybe that is because I feed her three times a day. If I want country ham, however, I trust my wife who loves but doesn't gush much any more.
"The Cursillo Movement came to birth in the movements of renewal that preceded the second Vatican Council. Vatican II was such a major event in the history of the modern Catholic Church that there is a certain tendency to date everything from the Council. But Vatican II was itself born out of an effort of spiritual and pastoral renewal that had begun years before.
The liturgical movement, the scriptural renewal, Catholic Action and other movements of the lay apostolate had begun years before the Council.
Everywhere in the Church, people were seeking to find ways of "bringing the Church to life in the hearts of men" (Romano Guardini). The Cursillo Movement came from the work of such individuals.
"In the introduction, we referred to the mystery of God. How else can we explain the events that shape our world?
Like Promise Keepers or any other mass movement, the "camel" gets his foot in the tent. However, it is not long until the truth is out and as Promise Keepers switches over to a Discipling Movement with international goals. the Cursillo - Walk to Emmaus movement
"In the past, the Cursillo Movement was primarily thought of as a source of individual spiritual growth.
Today, we must realize that this individual spirituality is just not enough.
- Today, we must add to that spirituality.
- Our society needs us to be apostolic.
- Our Church needs us to be apostolic.
- Our world needs us to be apostolic.
- But most of all, our Lord wants us to be apostolic.
To the untrained mind that might sound pretty good. Apostolic to restoration movement thinkers means "first century Christianity" or "Bible Christianity." However, in the Walk to Emmaus thinking "Apostolic" means Catholic. And Apostolic does not mean the original twelve apostles. Rather, the Pope claims the authority of Peter and as the Vicar he is sole agent of God on earth today. Jesus and Mary as Co-redeemer (even has nail prints in her hands) stand between the priest and God. You, mortal, have no direct contact with God even though Christ died so that you can "come boldly before the throne of grace."
[See the warning from a Shepherding Expert about the authority of the Apostolate.]
This article notes that the first root of the Modern Discipling movement is the Roman Catholic Spiritual directors
Because Catholic freely admits that its rituals were adopted from Judaism and from Paganism (See Catholic Encyclopedia on Candles) the Apostolic means Catholic which Means very Pagan.
The Eucharist is not a Biblical view but a Babylonian pagan view. The priest claimed authority over even God as Mary is co-mediatrix with Jesus. As such, when he ate the little wafer derived from Babylonia and drank the wine he was literally "eating and drinking the god."
On the other hand, the Biblical Lord's Supper is a simple memorial and the priest does not have the power to resurrect and then let Jesus be killed over and over. If it is taken on the Sabbath it is a testimony to his death state. If taken on the Lord's Day or Sunday it is our confession to the world that He arose on the first day of the week. To participate in the Sabbath (Babylonian) Eucharist is a public denial that God completed the Earth and as Jesus completed the redemption. Therefore, Sabbath means rest, cease and desist from any effort to help God.
This movement now involves Episcopalians, Presbyterians. And much like the Shepherding Movement of Promise Keepers, the Crossroads Movement and the International Church of Christ, this movement knows that it needs to keep close tabs on the lambs:
"To nurture this process of discipleship (I.e. Shepherding), the Walk to Emmaus movement offers specific opportunities.
First, reunion groups of four to six people meet weekly to reflect on their quest for spiritual growth and encourage one another in their discipleship.
The Catholic Cursillo Shepherding plan confiscated by Episcopalians was set up for all Adult Episcopalians:1. GROUP MEETINGS (Reunions) that are held frequently when several people gather together for mutual encouragement and support through PRAYER, STUDY, and ACTION.
2.A REA MEETINGS (Ultreyas) that are meetings of larger groups of people who have either participated in a weekend or who might be interested in doing so. Here they share and witness to others so that the Church and their own faith may be built up.
The Catholic church nor its equivalent the Episcopal church has the slightest interest in building up your church. You should be able to think that one through.
Click Here to see that this is a National Episcopal Cursillo Movement. At the left is its "cross."
Its equivalent, The Walk To Emmaus which dispenses "the bread of life" also has a national headquarters.
{The Walk to Emmaus movement does not exist primarily for the weekend Walks. Its purposes are to deepen the faith of individuals, to increase the faith of congregations, and to bring Christianity to the world. Emmaus gives pilgrims the skills needed for leadership and invites them to make the commitment needed to build up the church for the sake of Jesus Christ
"Spiritual growth" is a buzz word. Spiritual really means "mental." It means having Christ in the heart and is not expressed is estatic (charismatic) feelings.
You cannot grow spiritual "in a group" without sharing your "spiritual" shortcomings. Because "spiritual" will be defined in external terms, you might take it as a cult warning if anyone begins discussing your spiritual shortcomings (which we will help fix) or your "financial accountability" or you business practices.
In other groups this becomes a confessional. It becomes a very legalistic effort to "work really hard" at being spiritual and discipled. See Alexander Hislop on the ancient Babylonian Confessional which feeds this movement.
Erasmus, a priest, fills in the details on monks and priests (Catholic and Protestant) and specificially warns that any effort to get you to confess your spiritual problems will lead to discussing other problems which are no one's business. In time, the "confessions" which you were told would be private are private as long as you are friendly. When time for control comes (in the typical movement) then your darkest secrets are out. In the Bible Study Fellowship people who have been deprogrammed warn ladies not to say too much. And be especially aware if anyone of your group begins to try to dig into your spiritual or other thinking. This will be a sure sign.
Second, there will be monthly meetings called "Community Gatherings."
The word church means assembly or gathering. Therefore, this defines a church with "cell groups" which will dovetail with the Community Gatherings." This is quite identical to the Promise Keepers new "Shepherding Movement" which is similar to all "Cross Roads" or "International Church of Christ" movements.
"All people in a particular Walk to Emmaus community (I.e Emmaus Community Church) or area are invited for fellowship, worship, and informal instruction.
Third, through a newsletter, members become aware of support needs for upcoming Walk to Emmaus
and there are opportunities to work during future weekends in a variety of ways.
This then becomes a wing of whatever church is sponsoring and shepherding the individuals. Of course, the key to all control groups is to create a warm, enthusiastic bonding movement. The end-result will be to get involved in a regional or national effort to.
We will add testimony below to prove that "personally spiritualizing" individuals to go back and be good soldiers in their own denomination, the goal of evangelization is to convert you to their Walk to Emmaus Community Church and have you sneak back into your own churches and convert them.
Saturday Eucharist Movement
While the Catholic church and the High Church of England and its derivitives who practice the mass meet on Sunday they are, at heart, a Sabbath system including much of its belief and worship.
The history of the church is really a system of Saturn (Sabbath) worship. Saturn translates to "Seitan or Satan." If you are involved with any Catholic-like movement you might want to scan through this length collection of information.
The Saturday Eucharist is very important. Click to this point and then scan whatever interests you. It might help guard you against "Sunday worship" but "Sabbath Eucharist."
HISTORY OF Walk to Emmaus
Originating in Spain in the late 1940s, Cursillo moved to America in the late 1950s. It was primarily a Roman Catholic movement until the 1970s. As Catholic centers started accepting applications from Protestants, efforts began among some groups to make the Cursillo experience available to all Protestants, In the late 1970s, The Upper Room (a unit of the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church) formed The Upper Room Cursillo Community in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1981, by mutual agreement (Really a threat of a lawsuit) between the
"National Secretariat of the Roman Catholic Cursillo movement and The Upper Room, the name of the Nashville Protestant community was changed to Emmaus. The Emmaus movement is ecumenical.
Just like Promise Keepers, they claim to equip people to work with the local congregations. In time, and in keeping with the Roman Catholic move on the whole community, it will undoubtedly emplant agents in the local congregation and become the tail that wags the dog all of the way from Rome.
"As The Upper Room Cunillo developed, it was greatly aided by ecumenical Cursillos across the country. Not only was the Cursillo an effective tool in energizing disciples for ministry in local congregations,
it was a tremendous experience in sharing the fundamental nature of our common faith in the Christian community.
Of course the faith of the "High Church" (Catholic and Church of England derivitives) is not remotely the common faith of the general protestant world.
VATICAN MEETING -- Pope John Paul II (left) greets Joe Hale, general secretary of the World Methodist Council, at the Vatican during a planning meeting for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. A UMNS photo courtesy of the World Methodist Council.
"The Rev. Joe Hale, general secretary of the World Methodist Council, attended a Roman Catholic planning meeting Feb. 10-12 at the Vatican for its millennium celebration. He was one of seven people from other Christian groups who joined 100 Roman Catholic cardinals and bishops for the meeting.Hale observed that Christian denominations seem to be moving in the same direction for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, which marks both the celebration of the birth of Jesus and the turn of the millennium."
"Those present from other Christian world communions, according to Hale, noted the pope's call that the jubilee be "fittingly reflected by a meeting of all Christians . . . properly presented and carefully prepared, in an attitude of fraternal cooperation with Christians of other denominations and traditions." That call came from his Apostolic Letter "Tertio Millennio at Veniente (As the Third Millennium Draws Near)."
Other Catholics note of this mystical, superstitious Jubilee so that Walk to Emmaus becomes a "protestant" version of converting everyone to the Catholic view:
"The Holy Father asked for a New Evangelization to usher in the Great Jubilee Year 2000, the 2000th birthday of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Bishops entrusted the New Evangelization to Our Lady of Guadalupe. They said, "We entrust our commitment to giving birth (Second Incarnation) with new fervor to the life of the gospel in our hemisphere, to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. She truly was the first Christ-bearer; by her maternal intercession, may her faithful sons and daughters be renewed and discover afresh the joy and splendor and promise of bearing bearers of the good news." (Note: some groups are trying to birth the second incarnation of Christ as the church -- more powerful than Christ)
"Our Lady of Guadalupe told Father Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests,
"My great victory against all the Masonic and Satanic forces will begin from here (the Basilica Shrine), for the greatest triumph of my Son Jesus. I confirm to you that by the Great Jubilee Year 2000, there will take place the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, of which I foretold you at Fatima, and this will come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory, to establish His Reign in the world."
"May we walk in step with the Holy Father on Our Lady of Guadalupe's path toward the Great Jubilee Year 2000!
This Catholic movement finds ready acceptance in American Restoration Movements preachers who repudiate the notion of "doing Bible things in Bible ways" or "speak where the Bible speaks." In general there is a total rejection of authority. It is strange, therefore, that this Catholic / Methodist movement claimst to be apostolic and the adoption of ancient themes such as the Jubile or the "dipping" of the bread in the fruit of the vine grasps at Pre-Resurrection and legalistic themes. Of the word Apostolic:
"Tertullian, with his characteristic energy, takes up the same argument in his famous work "On Prescription Against Heretics". His general process of reasoning runs thus: Christ chose twelve Apostles to whom he communicated His doctrine. The Apostles preached this doctrine to the churches they founded, and thence the same doctrine came to the more recent churches. Neither did the Apostles corrupt Christ's doctrine, nor have the Apostolic Churches corrupted the preaching of the Apostles. Heresy is always posterior, and, therefore, erroneous.
"We have to show," he says (c. xxi), "whether our doctrine . . . is derived from Apostolic teaching, and whether, therefore, other doctrines have their origin in a lie. We are in communion with the Apostolic Churches, because we have the same doctrine; that is the testimony of the truth (Communicamus cum Ecclesiis apostolicis, quod nulla doctrina diversa; hoc est testimonium veritatis). In Tertullian's writings against Marcion (IV, v) we find an application of this apologetic argument. Having developed the historical argument founded on the preservation, as a matter of fact, of the Apostolic doctrine in the chief Apostolic Churches, we must add that, besides it, such writers as Irenaeus and others used often also a dogmatic argument founded on the necessary preservation of Christian truth in the whole Church and in the Roman Church in particular. The two arguments are to be carefully distinguished. Apostolic Churches
The Catholic movement claimst to an end-to-end succession of "apostles" who nevertheless propose new doctrines which neither Christ nor the apostles taught.
With that background to the rapidly assimilation of Roman Catholicism into protestant churches in keeping with the Pope's 1987 call for Jubilee 2000 followed by the Nashville Jubilee, we post and comments on the Highland Church of Christ and Abilene Christian University connection to Walk to Emmaus and therefore to Roman Catholicism:
"The above title is a copy of the Out Front column of the front page of the Religion section of the Abilene Reporter News (Saturday, October 2, 1999). One of our members brought their paper to me on Sunday asking if I had seen the announcement (I had overlooked it). I went to Abilene (Texas) Tuesday to see a brother at the hospital and decided to go to this meeting at the Highland Church of Christ.
"I arrived at the building at 6:15 p.m. and really had no idea what to expect. I have had some experience with the "Walk to Emmaus" and knew it was an attempt to "connect" with the Spirit (over a weekend retreat). This program originated in the Methodist church. I feared the Highland congregation might play taped instrumental music during the service. I was wrong on this.
They did not play taped music, they had the real thing. That's right, a full blown band.
Four women singers who sang and played a variety of instruments for the duration of the service.
"I walked into the auditorium and right into a concert. These women also led the singing (with the instruments) during the "service part" of the gathering. They showed the Walk to Emmaus instructional video as advertised. The thrust of the video was consistent with what I have been told by those who have gone on the "walks" namely, that on these retreats the Spirit reveals Himself in a variety of ways and guides (directly) those who seek His presence. The video is basically a collection of "testimonials," geared to convince the audience that something (the Holy Spirit) is missing and this "walk" can get you connected.
After the video, the all girl band played and led the audience in more songs. All the songs were sung as the audience stood and swayed with hands in the air (in true Pentecostal fashion). Brethren, only the fact that I had not eaten since breakfast kept me from getting physically ill during all this vain worship (Matt. 15:7-9). During this segment of song the plate was also passed to help sponsor more and more Walk to Emmaus events.
"I was sure by this time that I could not be surprised by anything else that was to happen, but I was sadly mistaken. Eddie Sharp (ACU instructor and the pulpit minister for the University congregation in Abilene) approached the stage. He read (after stating that the Spirit had been stirred) the "liturgy." I don't know what other word to use for it. He asked the audience to get out their "purple book" (some Walk to Emmaus creed book, or some such thing).
He would read certain sections or passages from the "purple book" (not the Bible, nor were the passages scriptures)
and the audience would repeat the lines. In others, he would read a certain part and they would finish by reading the rest and say amen etc... It was just like watching the Catholics doing their "liturgy."
""He then led them in a confessional type prayer where the whole crowd confessed to several sins (collectively) and asked to be forgiven. This segment was reminiscent of the group crying and mass repentance of the Promise Keepers. It was a written prayer that was read, very little feeling, just vain repetitions (Matt. 6).
After a few more songs, Eddie Sharp took the stage again and presented the message of the hour. He began by running down the church. In fact, his introductory comment was that as a church of Christ preacher he wasn't used to preaching to a crowd where everyone was invited. This is a blatant attempt to paint the church in a negative light. (I'm sure Jesus was impressed with this smart-alec man running down and making light of His bride, the body He heads and died for (Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:23-25). Since when have we not "invited" everyone to come and study God's wordwith us. This is a lie, and a disgraceful attempt to taint the reputation of members who have labored for years in evangelistic efforts sacrificing and working tirelessly to fund and build both the building at Highland as well as the university were he draws his pay check.
"Other snide comments were made at the expense of the church as well. He then went on to laud the " Walk to Emmaus Movement" (He clearly holds it in much higher regard than the Lord's church).
He plainly and specifically taught that it does not matter where you worship or what "tradition of faith" you're in, just serve Jesus. He said we are to follow the light of Jesus wherever it leads us. If it leads us to stay in our current church, fine, if it leads us to change churches then we should do just that.
"The Bible doesn't give us a smorgasbord of churches to choose from. Ephesians 4:4ff makes it clear there is only one body. In Matthew 16:13-18, Jesus promised to build one church. Eddie Sharp needs to put away his "purple book" and pick up his Bible and read it.
"You cannot go to heaven and not be a member of the Lord's church. Acts 2:47 says that God adds the saved to the church. Eddie Sharp and his ACU buddies can scream and holler ecumenicalism and denominationalism as often and loudly as they like, but it is still a damnable doctrine that will cost them their souls (John 14:6; Matt. 7:21-23). There is no multiplicity of churches in the Bible.
"Perhaps the saddest phrase of the entire speech came during Sharp's introduction when he informed the audience that He had delivered the material we were about to hear to his class at ACU earlier in the day. What a crying shame. Teaching our youth that they are part of a denomination that is just like the man-made self-seeking bodies that have no regard for the Bible at all.
Brethren, we send our children off to a "Christian" school to be prepared to fight against the doctrines of Satan, yet Satan has infiltrated the very classrooms we, the church, have built. Our unsuspecting youth is often-times turned over to these men and women who are bent on turning the church into a denomination. It is high time many of us woke up to what is happening around us. Sticking our head in the sand is not going to help. Refusing to see and listen to warnings will only allow those who have no love for the church to do more to defile as many of her children as possible.
"After the "Sermon from Hell" (my title, not his, ML) Sharp announced that we were about to have communion (the Lord's Supper)
yes, that's right it was Tuesday night (I stress again, these people don't care what the Bible says about the Lord's Supper or anything else. They will, and are, doing anything and everything they want to).
He was kind enough to mention that he realized many people were not used to this, and if we didn't feel comfortable doing it then we could abstain (mighty nice of him).
"He then discussed the manner in which it would be taken (I don't know why it mattered at this juncture). He said that it would be taken by "inction." That's how he spelled it.
"He then stated that he really thought the "Emmausians" just made it (inction) (See below) up. He said that "inction" was taking the piece of bread and dipping it into the juice then (after the bread soaked up the juice) it was to be taken all at once.
This may have looked Catholic because the Walk to Emmaus is a Catholic-Derived and Methodist-Catholic ecumenical movement to evangelize and sweep everyone into the mother church. Oh, Lordy, don't these people live off the ignorance they have created. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes are in red:
"Equally certain is it, that the Body and the Blood of Christ belong to the concept of the essence, because it is not the mere unsubstantial appearances which are given for the food of our souls but Christ concealed beneath the appearances. The twofold number of the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine does not interfere with the unity of the sacrament; for the idea of refection embraces both eating and drinking, nor do our meals in consequence double their number. In the doctrine of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is a question of even higher relation, in that the separated species of bread and wine also represent the mystical separation of Christ's Body and Blood or the unbloody Sacrifice of the Eucharistic Lamb.
The Sacrament of the Altar may be regarded under the same aspects as the other sacraments, provided only it be ever kept in view that the Eucharist is a permanent sacrament. Every sacrament may be considered either in itself or with reference to the persons whom it concerns. Catholic Encyclopedia
"I know, Jesus and the apostles partook of them separately (Matt. 26) as did the early church (1 Cor. 11), but our brethren at Highland and Eddie Sharp aren't impressed with that, they would rather please their denominational harlots, and do what feels good to them than stay trueto God's way (James 4:4).
The only dipping was when Jesus "rubbed off" a piece of bread, dipped it into the Charoseth and shoved it into the mouth of Judas which would be shortly stopped. The Bible uses a unique word for the inction or refection: it is called SOP. Did you know that literal, instrumental melody (psallo) is related to the sop? And did you know that the Judas Bag was "for carryiing the mouthpieces of wind instruments." It was always lashed to the flute case and it is made up of two words: "speaking in tongues" and "of the world."
"The very sop which He would so soon hand to him, although a sign of recognition to John, was a last appeal to all that was human in Judas.
At present, the Supper itself begins by eating, first, a piece of the unleavened cake, then of the bitter herbs dipped in Charoseth, and lastly two small pieces of the unleavened cake, between which a piece of bitter radish has been placed. But we have direct testimony, that, about the time of Christ,
The statement is in regard to Hillel, while the Temple stood. 'the sop' [4Mark the definite article, not 'a sop.']
which was handed round consisted of these things wrapped together: flesh of the Paschal Lamb, a piece of unleavened bread, and bitter herbs.
This, we believe, was 'the sop,' which Jesus, having dipped it for him in the dish, handed first to Judas, as occupying the first and chief place at Table. But before He did so, probably while He dipped it in the dish, Judas, who could not but fear that his purpose might be known, reclining at Christ's left hand, whispered into the Master's ear, 'Is it I, Rabbi?' Edersheim, Life of Christ
Therefore, the notion of "dipping" implies the flesh of the True Lamb dipped in the fruit of the vine which stood for the literal blood of the lamb. This is no problem for Catholics who believe that they still, literally eat the "body" and drink the "blood" of Christ the Lamb.
In the institution of the Lord's Supper, the bread is blessed and consumed first, there is no literal lamb to symbolize the Spiritual Lamb, they the fruit of the vine is passed and consumed.
The adoption of the Catholic Euchrist is the demand that the "handler" of the bread handles the literal body of Christ.
"The communion itself was also very Catholic in its order. Brother Sharp took a large piece of bread (a loaf, I couldn't tell if it was leaven or unleaven, but again I know it doesn't matter to them one way or the other)
and stood down front (with his Walk to Emmaus cross around his neck) and
See the Cross as a Pagan Symbol used against Jesus. (the pope wears one, too)
broke off small pieces and gave it to the laity (people) as they passed by.
"Against these errors the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) confirmed the ancient Catholic teaching, that
"no one but the priest [sacerdos], regularly ordained according to the keys of the Church, has the power of consecrating this sacrament".
Rejecting the hierarchical distinction between the priesthood and the laity, Luther later on declared, in accord with his idea of a "universal priesthood" (cf. I Peter, ii, 5), that every layman was qualified, as the appointed representative of the faithful, to consecrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist.Tthe First Council of Nicæa (325) issued a strict prohibition to the effect, that "they who offer the Holy Sacrifice shall not receive the Body of the Lord from the hands of those who have no such power of offering", because such a practice is contrary to "rule and custom". (Same Catholic Encyclopedia Link)
If Luther is correct then every believer is a priest and is totally competent to break the bread.
They were not allowed to touch, and later drink, the wine (not fruit of the vine) because it was the literal blood of Christ and the laity might spill some. This is the object of dipping the bread into the wine to create SOP -- the ultimate sign of being rejected by the Incarnate God of the universe.
"He said something to them (it looked just like a Catholic priest blessing the Sacrament)
"In proceeding to verify the form, which is always made up of words, we may start from the dubitable fact, that Christ did not consecrate by the mere fiat of His omnipotence, which found no expression in articulate utterance, but by pronouncing the words of Institution: "This is my body . . . this is my blood", and that by the addition: "Do this for a commemoration of me", He commanded the Apostles to follow His example.
We may in fact go a step farther and assert, that the words of Institution constitute the only and wholly adequate form of the Eucharist."
"and they would pass from him to another man who held a large goblet of juice.
"They would then dip the bread into the juice and take it.
"This fiasco concluded the service, and the crowd went out to the foyer where the "host" congregation (Highland) had prepared quite a spread of snacks.
"Over-all it was a sickening night. I could not help but think of the changes in that congregation since it's formation in 1948. It should stand as a warning to us all to "contend for the faith" (Jude 3),for if we don't, the truth will be lost.
(I audio taped the entire event so as to have documentation of what happened)
-- Michael Light Borrowed from The Plumbline, Dec. 1999, 705 Hillview , Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
Golf Course Road Church Of Christ, Midland, Texas
In a web-page article by Ken Young titled, "Communion -- Frequency of the Celebration," the practice of partaking the Lord's supper any day of the week is defended and promoted. The article reveals that as the leadership at the
"Golf Course Road Church of Christ, in Midland, Texas, planned for "Stream '97", they
"decided a very fitting conclusion to Saturday's schedule of worship, study, and share groups would be the celebration of Communion.
Many of our members had been on a "Walk To Emmaus,"
an interdenominational spiritual renewal weekend, and had been greatly blessed by the Communion service taken on a Friday or a Saturday. Golf Course Road church of christ had also planned similar weekends, one for men and another for women.
A Saturday morning Communion service was one of the high points of the weekend.
For most who participated in these events for the first time, taking Communion on a day other than Sunday was a new experience, and for some, it was approached with a sense of uneasiness. However, almost everyone who went through one of these experiences gave testimony to the significant impact the Communion had on them."
"The article discusses how that an elder's wife had been blessed by taking communion at a renewal weekend for ladies that was not in their building. He says,
"somehow it seemed more uncomfortable for her to take Communion on Saturday in the same auditorium where we take the Lord's Supper every Sunday.
As time approached for that evening assembly she commented to her husband that she thought the crowd would be small.
After all, it had been emphasized to everyone that it was their choice whether or not to come back after dinner for Communion. If they found this offensive in any way, they were encouraged not to come. To her surprise, as she entered the auditorium, she discovered a very large crowd already overflowing to the balcony.
She told me the Communion service that evening was one of the most powerful times of worship she had ever experienced."
It seems ironic that in the next paragraph we read, "one of our greatest concerns is to do only that which pleases and honors our Lord." Yet, they finish their column by sharing "the results of our studies concerning this issue."
Their conclusion is that they find no prohibition of observing the Lord's supper on any day of the week. They say, "the apostles never once specified a correct day to celebrate Communion in their writings. Jesus himself instituted this new celebration on a day other than Sunday, likely Thursday evening." Their further conclusion is that since the Lord favors "heart" over "structure," it matters not what day the supper is eaten. Article From:
Golf Course Road Church of Christ isn't likely to be better informed than others. Therefore, when the "experience" defined as "worship" on the Sabbath overcomes the uncomfort then we know that experience has triumphed over knowledge.
The Cursillo or Walk to Emmaus is not just promoting an alternative day for the Eucharist which is not remotely the same thing as the Lord's Supper as a memorial. Conscious, subconscious or unconscious you may be participating in the actual calling forth of Lord Jesus and having Him crucified all over again in the "mass."
As we noted above, the Friday night or Saturday Eucharist was intimately connected to Saturn worship where Saturn means "Seitan or Satan." The priests of Babylon were actually identified as Cann a baals.
The Britannica, in History of the church year, notes that:
"Regular Christian corporate worship on Sundays goes back to the apostolic age, but New Testament writings do not explain how the practice began.
Jewish Christians probably kept the sabbath at the synagogue, then joined their Gentile fellow believers
for Christian worship after the close of the sabbath at sundown, either in the evening or early Sunday morning.
In time, the Saturday was more important for the distorted Supper.
"When the church became predominantly Gentile, Sunday remained as the customary day of worship.
Assemblies for the Eucharist were common on Saturday, however, as well as on Sunday in the Eastern churches into the 5th century,
and Eastern canons forbade the practice, customary in the Roman Church, of fasting on the sabbath.
While days may be meaningless to us, the Sabbath was a holy day of rest for the Jews. It was not a day for worship. Those who did not obey the command were in lots of trouble. The Catholic Sabbath is the ancient Babylonian Sabbath. In that system, the "gods" rested on the Sabbath and the people did all of the work. In Judaism, the lesson to be preach each Sabbath was that God serves mankind and man cannot pick up, sacrifice and eat God.
Therefore, because Christ has done all of the word which the Eucharist denies, the Lord's Day is the first day of the week. To change it at least says:
"The Word of God is not important to me." When the Pope authorizes Sabbath Eucharist and you follow his lead then you become the disciple of the Pope.
To participate in the Catholic Eucharist is a weekly reminder that Christ has not done all of the work and the Pope and priest is still your surrogate "savior."
Even to participate to any extent denies that finished work and "clasps hands" and agrees with others that Jesus didn't quite pay it all. Christ was still dead and in His tomb on the Sabbath and to claim that He now needs a Vicar or priest is to fully confess that He is still dead or not able to perform His tasks as God without our aid.
The term Lord's Day, signifying the triumph of Christ in his Resurrection and the beginning of a new creation, was in use by the end of the 1st century (Revelation 1:10; Didache 14; Ignatius of Antioch, Magnesians 9:1). Some writers referred to the sabbath as the rest promised to the people of God at the end of time and to Sunday as "the eighth day," or beginning of a new world (Hebrews 4:4-11; Letter of Barnabas 15).
God began His work on the "first" day and completed it on the sixth. On the eighth day or first day the work of God's creation resumed its eternal cycle.
Purification for rituals began on the first day and people rested on the seventh day. That means that to participate in any religious "worship" and especially the Catholic Eucharist is to try to do the worship work to and for God when He is symbolicall resting to prove that you cannot do anything to "feed, clothe, house or entertain" Him. And if you do it you repudiate God's rest which has been completed in Lord Jesus Christ and repudiate His again taking up the redemptive work on the "eighth day" which is the first day of the week.
Catholicism owe more to Saturn than to the Son or sun and Saturn fits the pattern of Mithra more so than of the Son of Righteousness and light who has always taken first place on the first day.
Saturn is the almost-universal symbol of the evil worship for which God gave the Sabbath to make the Israelites immune "at home" until the events passed. To make sure that people did not invent new meetings and rituals, He circumscribed the Sabbath to keep the anxiety-creating ritualizers out of the face of His people. Jesus specificially came to give rest and not ritual.
The Eucharist is "work" but the Lord's Supper is a living testimony to the watching world that we believe that the work has been completed. Therefore, any form of worship which seeks to "move the worshipers into the presence of God" or to create feelings which are purely carnal, loses all of the advantages of Christ completed work.
This article (above the blue) was written by a Musical Worship Minister who has already accepted the Catholic notion of clergy precentors for leading or actually performing the musical worship. This naturally leads to instruments and other Catholic innovations which even the Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges as taken from paganism and needs to be reformed.
Because the influence came from Emmaus and therefore from the Catholic church it is not surprizing that "mass" can even be held daily. Catholics, like the "experiences" of the people under mind-control proves that they believe that the Lord's Supper is a mystical ritual inwhich God bestows grace or spiritual blessings. That is, the Euchrist is held to be a sacrament.
And consistent with the emphasis on the description of the Cursillo movement at the beginning, the mind control of evangelization to the Catholic (or Catholic-like) religion worked as planned. Because of the feelings in the flesh the immature felt quite comfortable to do what their shepherding agents planned all along: move the Emmaus Community Meeting into the church. Therefore, the "spiritual influence" the movement hopes to inculcate in the cell groups and monthly meetings is not just to exert a spiritual infleucne in all of the churches: the goal is to convert the participating churches to their religion.
After all, when they profess that it is a system of evangelism which works as opposed to the hard work of "fishing" for souls, they clearly confess that their intent is to convert you to their beliefs.
Consistent with all error, the decision is made to do something not covered in the Bible and only later have to justify it to those who didn't show up for "Saturday Mass."
On the other hand, the Lord's Supper was a way to remember Jesus and to "show forth" His sacrifice. He said, do this in memory of me. Now, a tombstone is a memorial of a person who once lived. However, the tombstone is not, in spite of Catholicism, the Lord Jesus Christ slain again in the mass to bestow the grace He purchased "once for all." From our research on music and all charismatic practices, it is clear that when you experience some "feeling" like a warm, fuzzy feeling or a spiritual influence on the back of the neck, you have been injected with a morphine-like drug (endorphins) and you are experiencing a drug high. That spiritual feeling will not last out into the marketplace.
Because the only evidence from Scripture and early church history shows that they met on the First Day of the week (could be Saturday after Sunset but not in history). It would seem that a "hint" from God would be sufficient to the wise and more than enough for the spiritual mind. I suppose if I had CDs for sale, I might go ecumenical. But maybe not.
We have discussed the Catholic Dogma here. And from the Rheims-Douay Version.