BullFinch's Mythology

Author's Preface
Chapter I, One: ---Introduction
Chapter I, Two: --- Roman Divinities
Chapter II: ------ Prometheus and Pandora
Chapter III: --- =- Apollo and Daphne - Pyramus and Thisbe - Cephalus and Procris
Chapter IV: ------ Juno and her Rivals - Diana and Actaeon - Latona and the Rustics
Chapter V: --- --- Phaeton
Chapter VI: ------ Midas - Baucis and Philemon
Chapter VII: ----- Proserpine - Glaucus and Scylla
Chapter VIII: ---- Pygmalion - Dryope - Venus and Adonis - Apollo and Hyacinthus
Chapter IX: ------ Ceyx and Halcyone
Chapter X: ------- Vertumnus and Pomona
Chapter XI: ------ Cupid and Psyche
Chapter XII: ----- Cadmus - The Myrmidons
Chapter XIII: ---- Nisus and Scylla - Echo and Narcissus - Clytie - Hero and Leander
Chapter XIV: ----- Minerva - Niobe
Chapter XV: ----- The Graeae and the Gorgons - Perseus and Medusa - Atlas - Andromeda
Chapter XVI: ----- Monsters and Giants - The Sphinx - Pegasus - The Centaurs - The Pygmies - The Griffin
Chapter XVII: ---- The Golden Fleece - Medea
Chapter XVIII: ---- Meleager and Atalanta - Atalanta
Chapter XIX: ----- Hercules - Hebe and Ganymede
Chapter XX: ------ Theseus - Daedalus - Castor and Pollux
Chapter XXI: ----- Bacchus - Ariadne
Chapter XXII: ---- The Rural Deities - Erisichthon - Rhoecus - The Water Deities - The Camenae - The Winds
Chapter XXIII: ---- Achelous and Hercules - Admetus and Alcestis - Antigone - Penelope
Chapter XXIV: ---- Orpheus and Eurydice - Aristaeus - Amphion - Linus - Thamyris - Marsyas - Melampus - Musaeus
Chapter XXV: ----- The Poets: Arion - Ibycus - Simonides - Sappho
Chapter XXVI: ---- Endymion - Orion - Aurora and Tithonus - Acis and Galatea
Chapter XXVI--1-- The Trojan War
Chapter XXVII, 2- -The Trojan War - The Iliad
Chapter XXVIII:--- The Fall of Troy - The Return of the Greeks - Agamemnon, Orestes, and Electra
Chapter XXIX: ---- The Adventures of Ulysses: The Lotus-Eaters - Cyclopes - Circe - Sirens - Scylla and Charybdis - Calypso
Chapter XXX ----- The Return of Ulysses: The Phaeacians - Fate of the Suitors
Chapter XXXI: ---- The Adventures of Aeneas - The Harpies - Dido - Palinurus
Chapter XXXII: -- - Aeneas in The Infernal Regions - The Sibyl
Chapter XXXIII, --- Part One: Aeneas in Italy: Camilla - Evander
Chapter XXXII---- Part Two: Aeneas in Italy: Nisus and Euryalus - Mezentius - Turnus
Chapter XXXIV: --- Pythagoras - Egyptian Deities - Oracles
Chapter XXXV: ---- Origin of Mythology - Statues of Gods and Goddesses - Poets of Mythology
Chapter XXXVI: --- Modern Monsters - The Phoenix - Basilisk - Unicorn - Salamander
Chapter XXXVII: - - Eastern Mythology: Zoroaster - Hindu Mythology - Castes - Buddha - Grand Lama - Prester John
Chapter XXXVIII---Northern Mythology - Valhalla - The Valkyrior - Thor - Loki - The Mountain Giant
Chapter XXXIX: --- Thor's Visit to Jotunheim, the Giants' Country
Chapter XL: ------ The Death of Baldur - The Elves - Runic Letters - Skalds - Iceland
Chapter XLI: ----- The Druids - Iona
Chapter XLII: ----- Beowulf
Proverbial Expressions
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