
THE BEAST: Invasion of New Music and Satyric Drama.  The final TRUMP sounding in any assembly other than a Safe House as a School of Christ.  It was prophesied to sound around the year 2000 based On Moses defining the decadent world order in Sumer.  This is what Paul outlawed when He SILENCED both male and female "so that we might all be SAFE and come to a knowledge of THE TRUTH" which is the Word, Logos or Regulative Principle. Paul understood that WRATH or an ORGY would be intruduced by a FEMALE or a DEVIANT MALE.

Based on a true reading of Genesis by Moses AFTER the people fell into Instrumental-Perverted Worship of the Golden Calf at Mount Sinai, the year 2000 is the beginning of the 6Th Day Story line.  The fulfilment of the Babylonian Mother of Harlots worship which began in Sumer in Moses's account unleashes the MUSES or LOCUSTS led by Apollo or Apollyon,.

The tiny flock of Lost Spirits will be protected when the World, Kosmos, Ecumenical or the Kingdom of Satan attacks.  This tiny remnant will not be making noises called music but safe behind closed doors engaged in the only worship concept: they will be worship IN the Spirit as they give their sole attention to The Truth or Logos.  The WORD is God made audible through Scripture. Logos outlaws rhetoric, singing, playing instruments, acting or stealing other people's property.
Luke 18:6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.
Luke 18:7 And shall not God avenge his own elect,
        which cry day and night unto him,
        though he bear long with them?
Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.
        Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh,
        shall he find faith on the earth?

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(8) When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith?—The question implies, it is obvious, an answer in the negative. When St. Luke wrote his Gospel, men were witnessing a primary, though partial, fulfilment of the prophecy. Iniquity was abounding, and the love of many was waxing cold. And yet in one sense He was near, even at the doors (James 5:8-9), when men thought that the wheels of His chariot drove slowly. So has it been, and so will it be, in the great “days of the Lord” in the Church’s history, which are preludes of the final Advent; so shall it be in that Advent itself.
Acts 17:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,
Acts 17:49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool:
         what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?
Acts 17:50 Hath not my hand made all these things?

Sorry you INVESTED in that new Edifice which was well designed to accomodate a Musical Worship Team always leading to what they SELL as Musical Worship.  However, "worship" means to submit on your face always INFERIORIOR nad REVERENT.  The way you CANNOT worship the One True God nor even claim to be a Christian or Student-only

Acts 17:25 Neither is WORSHIPPED with MEN'S HANDS hands,
        as though he NEEDED any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

g2323. THERAPEUO, ther-ap-yoo´-o; from the same as 2324; to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): — cure, heal, worship.

-therap-ōn  henchman, attendant Mousaōn therapontes music, song stu^ger-os , Muses (Rev 18) as Apollon's Worshiip Team were known as hated prostitutes, 2. gen. hadou [ein' Aidao domoisi in the nether world, with nouns in adjectival sense, devilish, “thuousan ha. mēter'”  Erōs Aphroditēs th

thera^p-euō   to be an attendant, do service Dionuson, Mousas, E.Ba.82     daimona , etc.; “daimonaPi.P.3.109, IT1105(lyr.); th. Phoibou naous serve them, Id.Ion111 (anap.): abs., worship,

Eur. Ba. 82 Chorus     Blessed is he who, being fortunate and knowing the rites of the gods, keeps his life pure and [75] has his soul initiated into the Bacchic revels, dancing in inspired frenzy over the mountains with holy purifications, and who, revering the mysteries of great mother Kybele, [80] brandishing the thyrsos, garlanded with ivy, serves Dionysus.

Go, Bacchae, go, Bacchae, escorting the god Bromius, child of a god, [85] from the Phrygian mountains to the broad streets of Hellas—Bromius,

Mousa  II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamosId.Supp.695 (lyr.); “kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas
Dios aigiokhoio thugateres  [Daughters of Zeus whatever the sex]

Pind. P. 3 was stricken by the golden [10] arrows of Artemis in her bedroom and descended to the house of Hades, by the skills of Apollo. The anger of the children of Zeus is not in vain. But she made light of Apollo, in the error of her mind, and consented to another marriage without her father's knowledge, although she had before lain with Phoebus of the unshorn hair
[110] But if a god were to give me luxurious wealth, I hope that I would find lofty fame in the future. We know of Nestor and Lycian Sarpedon, whom men speak of, from melodious words which skilled craftsmen join together. Through renowned songs excellence [115] gains a long life. But few find that easy to accomplish.
thera^p-eia   I. of persons, th. tōn theōn service paid to the gods  worship of Apollo Agyieus, E.Ion187;
2. service done to gain favour, paying court,   worshipper, “ApollōnosPi.O. 3.16, cf. Pl.Phd.85a 
Mousaōn kanakhan [clanging brass, gnashing of teeth, . . theias antiluron mousas  aulōn sound of flutes, of the lyre,
theias  etheiazon obtained inspiration through ritual A.to be inspired, frenzied

Apollō, Apollon was the god of MELODY: he carried the LYRE to seduce male or female. He carried the Bow to make the strings TWANG to send a SINGING arrow into male or female who did not submit.  He is the only personified SPIRITUS and He was, from Egypt onward, the Leader of the Muses.  His musical worship team were known as LOCUSTS and dirty adulteresses.

Acts 17:25 Neither is WORSHIPPED with MEN'S HANDS hands,
        as though he NEEDED any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

cŏlo    to cultivate, till, tend, take care of a field, garden, a COMPOSITION.

Most freq. of the reverence and worship of the gods, and the respect paid to objects pertaining thereto, to honor, respect, revere, reverence, worship: Phoebe  [APOLLON] silvarumque potens Diana... o colendi Semper et culti,Mercurium,Caes. B. G. 6, 17: “Apollinem nimiā religione,Curt. 4, 3, 21: “Cererem secubitu, 2.  Of the honor bestowed upon men


boukol-os , ho,  goat herd, gadfly, II. worshipper of Dionysos in bull-form, 2. b. tou Osorapi devotee of Sarapis,

Apollod. 2.1

2 Apollodorus identifies the Argive Apis with the Egyptian bull Apis, who was in turn identified with Serapis (Sarapis). As to the Egyptian Apis, see Hdt. 2.153 (with Wiedemann's note), iii.27, 28. As to Apia as a name for Peloponnese or Argos, see Aesch. Supp. 260ff.; Paus. 2.5.7; Scholiast on Hom. Il. i.22; Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 177; Stephanus Byzantius, s.v. Apia.

Hdt. 2.153  Psammetichus having made himself master of all Egypt, he made the southern outer court of Hephaestus' temple at Memphis, and built facing this a court for Apis, where Apis is kept and fed whenever he appears; this court has an inner colonnade all around it and many cut figures; the roof is held up by great statues twenty feet high for pillars. Apis in Greek is Epaphus

Hdt. 2.59 The Egyptians hold solemn assemblies not once a year, but often. The principal one of these and the most enthusiastically celebrated is that in honor of Artemis at the town of Bubastis1 , and the next is that in honor of Isis at Busiris. [2] This town is in the middle of the Egyptian Delta, and there is in it a very great temple of Isis, who is Demeter in the Greek language. [3] The third greatest festival is at Saïs in honor of Athena; the fourth is the festival of the sun at Heliopolis, the fifth of Leto at Buto, and the sixth of Ares at Papremis.

Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
        the STAR of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days,
        and offered sacrifice unto the idol,
        and rejoiced in the works of their own hands

The practice in the wilderness, tyre and Jerusalem

Acts 7:42 Then God turned,
        and gave them up to worship the HOST of heaven; 
        as it is written in the book of the prophets,
        O ye house of Israel,  have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices
        by the space of forty years in the wilderness?

Amos 5:27 Therefore will I cause you to go into
        captivity beyond Damascus,
        saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, 
        and the star of your god Remphan, 
        figures which ye made to worship them: 
        and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.


Trumpet, drums, flute, cymbals and castinets with buffoons
Psallo permits ONLY smiting a string with your FINGERS: not a plectrum
Psallo and SOP have the same root meaning.


Revelation 18F: they are all called Sorcerers who HAD once deceived the whole world.

We want to be kind and say these "leaders" are Biblically Illiterate.  However, Jesus in His STATE of Holy Spirit (never a person) says that the speakers, singers or instrument players are LYING IN WAIT TO DECEIVE.  Sorcery is the power to Infiltrate and STEAL THE CHURCH HOUSES OF WIDOWS.

Paul understood that only women are silenced because the CLAIM that their own teachings or music is better than Gods.  Musical Women are prophetesses or Sorcerers and want to rull over everyone.  That is why most flee when their Synagogue is being invaded by Soul Snatchers.


Matt. 28:17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

G4352 proskuneō pros-koo-neh'-o From G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss,
like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively)
prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):—worship.
Proskun-eō obeisance to the gods or their images, fall down and worship, c. acc., Hdt.2.121
2.  esp. of the Oriental fashion of prostrating oneself before kings and superiors, abs., Hdt.1.119, 8.118: c Plat.
TRUTH: Rep. 398a 3. welcome respectfully, respect, “prosekunēsa sou ta grammata” That which is written ; ta hiera g. the Holy Scriptures2 Ep.Ti.3.15, J.Ap.1.10;

Ev.Jo.4.23,  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in TRUTH: for the Father seeketh such to worship him
2 Timothy 3.15  From infancy, you have known the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.
J. Ap. 1.10 There have been indeed some bad men, who have attempted to calumniate my history, and took it to be a kind of scholastic performance for the exercise of young men.  for, as I said, I have translated the Antiquities out of our sacred books
IRONICALLY,  ironically, “p. tina hōs hieron kai thaumastonPl.R.398a: of Lying Wonders

Thaum-astos , Ion. thōm- , ē, on, th. lokhos gunaikōn, “thaumaston poieis, hos .II. admirable, excellent
of the Furies, A.Eu.46; Aeschylus, Eumenides 34
III. to be worshipped, “oudeis m' areskei nukti thaumastos theōnE.Hipp.106.
Nux 3. in Comparisons, of anything dark and direful, nukti eoikōs like night, of Apollo[Abaddon, Apollyon]
 in his wrath, Il.1.47, cf. 12.463, Od.11.606
III. Nux as pr. n., the goddess of Night,Il.14.259, Hes.Op.17,Th.123,211 ; N. oloē ib.224. Nux as pr. n., the goddess of Night,Il.14.259, Hes.Op.17,Th.123,211 ; N. oloē ib.224.
Plato. Republic [398a] who was capable by his cunning of assuming every kind of shape and imitating all things
       should arrive in our city, bringing with himself the poems which he wished to exhibit,
       we should fall down and worship him as a holy and wondrous and delightful creature,
but should say to him that there is no man of that kind among us in our city,
       nor is it lawful for such a man to arise among us,
       and we should send him away to another city, after pouring myrrh
       down over his head and crowning him with fillets of wool, 
Commentary Epideik-nu_mi -nuō 2. . more freq. in Med., show off or display for oneself or what is one's own, mousikan orthan e. give a specimen of his art. of a rhetorician lecturing, Id.Phdr.235a; “polla kai kalaId.Grg.447a; of epideictic orators, Arist.Rh.1391b26; of a musician, Ael.VH9.36: c. part., e. “hupertheōnPl.Lg.648d.
The idea suggested by proskunoimen and hieron, that the POET is a sort of theos or theios [god or goddess] anēr, is now elaborated with ironical politeness. The images of the gods were anointed, and crowned with garlands, not only on great occasions (cf. Cic. Verr. IV 77), but also at other times, according to Proclus, who remarks on this passage muron autēs (sc. tēs poiētikēs) ...Apropos of the present passage, Dio Chrysostom and other ancient writers cited by Ast refer to the anointing of swallows by Greek women: kai keleuei mala eirōnikōs (so Ast: MSS eirēnikōs) stepsantas auton eriō kai murō katakheantas aphienai par' allous: touto de hai gunaikes epi tōn khelidon ōn poiousi (Dio Chr. Or. 53 p. 276 ed. Reiske). To this custom Ast supposes that Plato is alluding, the poets being as it were faithless and garrulous swallows (cf. khelidonōn mouseia), as well as to the Pythagorean precept ‘not to admit swallows into the house’

Mouseios , on, Aeol. Moisaios , a, on, (Mousa)
A. of or belonging to the Muses, “hedraE.Ba.410 (lyr.); Moisaion harma the car of Poesy, Pi.I.8 (7).67; lithos M. a monument of song, Id.N.8.47II. musical, “keladosAP9.372.
Eur. Ba. 410 Chorus
Would that I could go to Cyprus, the island of Aphrodite, where the Loves, who soothe [405] mortals' hearts, dwell, and to Paphos, fertilized without rain by the streams of a foreign river flowing with a hundred mouths. Lead me there, Bromius, Bromius, god of joy who leads the Bacchae, [410] to Pieria, beautiful seat of the Muses, the holy slope of Olympus. There are the Graces, there is Desire; there it is [415] lawful for the Bacchae to celebrate their rites.

Pind. I. 8 Even when he was dead songs did not forsake him; beside his pyre and tomb the Muses of Helicon stood, and poured over him the many-voiced dirge. It proved to be the will of the immortals [60] to make a noble man, even when dead, a theme for the hymns of goddesses; and even now this brings up a subject for words, and the Muses' chariot rushes forward to shout praises in memory of Nicocles the boxer. Honor him, who won the garland of wild Dorian celery in the Isthmian valley; since [65] he too was once victorious over all that lived around him, battering them with his inescapable hands. He is not dishonored by the offspring of his father's distinguished brother. Therefore let another young man weave for Cleandros a garland of tender myrtle in honor of the pancratium, since the contest of Alcathous and the young men of Epidaurus welcomed him before in his success. A good man may praise him, [70] for he did not restrain his youth, keeping it hidden in his pocket1and ignorant of fine deeds.

1 Reading kolpō (Theiler, Slater) or kolpou (Young) rather than keia.

Pind. N. 8 [40] Excellence grows among skillful and just men up to the liquid air, as a tree shoots up fed by fresh dew. The uses of friends are of all kinds; those in times of toil are the highest, yet delight also seeks to set a trustworthy pledge before the eyes. Megas, to bring your soul back to life again [45] is not possible for me. Empty hopes end in vain; but it is easy to set up, for your fatherland and for the Chariads, a monument of the Muses in honor of the twice illustrious feet of two men. I rejoice in letting fly a boast suitable to such a deed; and with incantations a man [50] makes hardship painless. Truly, the song of victory existed long ago, even before the quarrel arose between Adrastus and the race of Cadmus.

Mouseion , to/,
A. shrine of the Muses, seat or haunt of the Muses, Aeschin. 1.10: hence,
2. home of music or poetry, mouseia thrēnēmasi xunōda choirs chiming in with dirges, E.Hel.174 (lyr.); aēdonōn m. choir of nightingales, Id.Fr.88; parodied “khelidonōn mouseiaAr.Ra. 93; “to Numphōn nama te kai m. logōnPl.Phdr.278b (but mouseia logōn, hoion diplasiologia ktl. gallery of tropes, ib.267b): generally, school of art or letters, to tēs Hellados m., of Athens, Ath.5.187d, cf. Plu.2.736d; to tēs phuseōs m., a phrase of Alcidamas censured by Arist. Rh.1406a25.
IV. Mouseia, ta , festival of the Muses, Paus.9.31.2: sg., Ath.14.629a; “ta M. thusai

Revelation 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying,
        Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
Revelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians [Muses], and of pipers, and trumpeters,
         shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman,
         of whatsoever craft [PARASITE] he be, shall be found any more in thee;
         and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
         and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:
        for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.


For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Phil 3:3
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Phil 3:2




Genesis 3.1  sed et serpens erat callidior cunctis animantibus terrae quae fecerat Dominus Deus qui dixit ad mulierem cur praecepit vobis Deus ut non comederetis de omni ligno paradisi

Serpo , of things, to move slowly or imperceptibly, to creep along, proceed gradually,
Of disease, etc.: “si ulcus latius atque altius serpit,gradually spreads,serpentes quasdam (bestias), quasdam esse gradientes,”  “chamaeleon,
 Fire: “exsistit sacer ignis et urit corpore serpens,slowly spreading,  canam, qui leniter
(cf.:sermones Repentes per humum,”A creeping LOUSE
Ignis   Incenter or song starter is the fire starger. raving, inspiration, Stat. Ach. 1, 509: “quae simul aethereos animo conceperat ignes, ore dabat pleno carmina vera dei,Ov. F. 1, 473: “(Dido) caeco carpitur igni,the secret fire of love, of that which brings destruction, fire, flame
carmen  versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,Ov. M. 11, 317; cf. “vocum,id. ib. 12, 157: “per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,

gmĕna  crowded into a compact mass, Of a snake winding onwards Eap. of a company of persons, a multitude, troop, crowd, number, band
1. An army, troop, band, multitude: clāmor  —Of things, noise, sound, din căvus , “tibia,id. 2, 620:
bucina = A. A war-trumpet  b. = inanis, vain, empty: “gloria,
Tībĭa , a pipe, flute (orig. made of bone; curva choros indixit tibia Bacchi,modulate canentes tibiae,
Bestĭa , 2. As a term of reproach (cf. belua and our beast): “mala tu es bestia,Plaut. Bacch. 1, 1, 21; id. Poen. 5, 5, 13.—And, humorously, of the odor of the armpits (cf. ala and caper), Cat. 69, 8.— căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient I.imp. cante = canite,
once canituri,Vulg. Apoc. 8, 13  to utter melodious notes, to sing, sound, play.
tibicen  cithara, crowing of a cock: “galli victi silere solent, canere victores,to crow,
to practice magic, to charm, Galli is a word for a Catamite: priest of the Mother Godesses.

Herpō , herpein es muthon, pros ōdas, Id.Hel.316, Cyc.423 ;
herpon tois odousi thērion an animal that walks on its teeth, 
Theiron or Beast is a New Style of Music of Drama suddenly attacking.
b. of things, events, etc., “herpei anta sidarō to kalōs kitharisdēn

A Beautiful Guitar Player
ki^thar-izō , Att. fut. - Antiph. 141: (kitharis):— A.play the cithara, “phormiggi .[APOLLON'S LYRE] . himeroen kitharizeIl.18.570, Hes.Sc.202; “lurē d' eraton kitharizōnh.Merc.423; “herpei anta sidarō to kalōs kitharisdenAlcm.35, cf. X.Smp.3.1, Oec.2.13; “adein kai k.Phld.Mus.7 K.; kitharizein ouk epistamai I am not a 'high-brow', Ar.V.989, cf. 959; “arkhaion ein' ephaske to k.Id.Nu.1357: prov., onos kitharizein peirōmenos, like onos pros luran (v. lura), Luc.Pseudol.7; to kitharizomenon music composed for the cithara, Plu.2.1144d.Mark 10:34 And they shall mock him,
Latin Illudo  as a female: Applied as a term of reproach, effeminate men, eloquence, rhētor but with idea of contempt, caneret,
A. Of men: “si absurde canat, of the crooked race, a reed pipe, a guitar, crowing of a hen tibiae, tubaeGallus , i, m., = Gallos Strab., A. Galli , the priests of Cybele, on account of their emasculated condition) Gallic:turma, the troop of the priests of Isis, Ov. Am. 2, 13, 18.  “resupinati cessantia tympana Galli,” [resupinati cessantia tympana Galli, i. e. prostrate from drunkenness]
Gallos , ho, A. priest of Cybele,
gallazō , A. practise cult of Cybele,
Galli. Eunuch priests of Cybele or the great mother: begun under the reign of Erichthonius, king of Attica, B.C. 1506
Galatians 5:1.-"With freedom did Christ set us free; stand fast therefore.115 ."
Ver. 12.
"I would that they which unsettle you would even cut themselves off." And he says well "that unsettle you."
"A man that is heretical after the first and second admonition refuse." (Tit. iii: 10) If they will,
let them not only be circumcised, but mutilated.
Where then are those who dare to mutilate themselves; seeing that they draw down the Apostolic curse, and accuse the workmanship of God, and take part with the Manichees? ... But if you will not allow this,
why do you not mutilate the tongue for blasphemy, the hands for rapine, the feet for their evil courses, in short, the whole body?
For the ear enchanted by the sound of a flute hath often enervated the soul;
and the perception of a sweet perfume by the nostrils hath bewitched the mind, and made it frantic for pleasure

A Church of Christ as Ekklesia-Synagogue is defined EXCLUSIVELY and INCLUSIVELY in the Prophets.
        It Liberates godly people from the gatherings or covenant of the LEVITES already abandoned, when Moses Writes,
        to worship the starry host and sentenced to captivity and death.

Moses wrote to the older Hebrews who would worship MOLOCH and die in the wilderness.  God gave the Jews "Kings in His anger and took them away in His anger."  As a result of the Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted "play" at Mount Sinai and the ELDERS rejecting God's Rule, He abandoned the Civil-Military-Clerty.  He did not command what they chose for themselves: King, Kingdom, Temple, Animal slaugher, Priests and Warrior LEVITES to make a loud crashing NOISE during the HOLOCAUST of Goats and Infants. God never defined a Day of Worship but a day of REST from all religionists and the Parasitic Staff so they could gather in small groups to READ or listen to the Word being PREACHED by being READ..

Then and NOW among those OF the World having taken captive a small flock of Lost Spirits:
Acts 13:27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their RULERS,
        because they knew him not,
        nor yet the voices of the prophets
        which are read every sabbath day,
        they have fulfilled them in condemning him
The One-Piece Pattern was defined in Genesis 49 as Resting for Sholoh and has never changed for Christians, Disciplles or STUDENTS commaned to teach and observe what JESUS COMMANDED from the PROPHETS and inspired and delivered to the APOSTLES.  There is NO GROUP singing with or without instruments in Scripture because this is the PATTERN of Sorcerers from the beginning to Revelation 17 was/is the Babylon MOTHER of Harlots.  These ministers are FRUITS and as speakers, singers or instrument players they are SORCERERS and WILL BE CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.

Jesus defined Holy Scripture as the PROPHETS and all other prophecies CONCERNING ME.
Then and now the Scribes and Pharisees are called HYPOCRITES and ar still the ENEMY of Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit in Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 33 identify hypocrites as Speakers for hire, singers or instrument players.
        he Holy Spirit says that speakers, singers and instrument players
        are left as a MARK of those who intend to SILENCE Jesus and the WORD.
        ALL instrumental events are defined as SORCERY or WITCHES being identified for BURNING

Jesus said that God HIDES from the Wisie or Sophists.  Sophists are speakers, singers or instrument players.

The Spirit which later informed Jesus is God's Holy Spirit

Is. 61:1 The SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me;
         because the Lord hath anointed me to PREACH good tidings unto the MEEK;
        he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
        to proclaim LIBERTY to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

Is. 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD,
        and the day of VENGEANCE  of our God;
        to comfort all that mourn;

Matt. 15:7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
Matt. 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth,
        and honoureth me with their lips;
        but their heart is far from me.
Matt. 15:9 But in vain they do worship me,

        teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

The Spirit OF Christ said of those who do NOT teach the commandments THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM


Is. 29:9  Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: ob-stupēscō  terror
ad-mīror  thaumazein; [Lying wonder]acc. to Pythagoras  mŏdus  Melody spectacula

mŏdus  2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici,Quint. 1, 10, 14: “lyrici,Ov. H. 15, 6: “fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos,Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12: Bacchico exsultas (i. e. exsultans) modo, Enn. ap. Charis. p. 214 P. (Trag. v. 152 Vahl.): “flebilibus modis concinere,Cic. Tusc. 1, 44, 106: saltare ad tibicinis modos, to the music or sound of the flute, Liv. 7, 2: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,Juv. 7, 19.—Fig.: “verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae,moral harmonies, Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 144.—

B. Of instruments, the tone: “Martius aeris rauci canor,martial clang, Verg. G. 4, 71: “lyrae,Ov. H. 16, 180.—
they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.
        fluctŭo   rise in waves, undulate, are driven about by the waves, to be restless, unquiet
        văcillo be untrustworthy, to vacillate, wavering in fidelity
        mŏvĕo   et fila sonantia movit,struck, Ov. M. 10, 89:
            “citharam cum voce,id. ib. 5, 112: “tympana,id. H. 4, 48; to disturb

Is. 29:10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit  OF deep sleepkata-nuxis
        and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus returned in the power of the SPIRIT into Galilee:
        and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Luke 4:15 And he TAUGHT in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his CUSTOM was, [Commanded PATTERN]
         he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
Luke 4:17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias.
        And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,

Is. 61:1 The SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me;
         because the Lord hath anointed me
        to PREACH good tidings unto the MEEK;
        he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
        to proclaim LIBERTY to the captives,
        and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
 Luke 4:18 The SPIRIT of the Lord is upon me,
        because he hath anointed
        me to PREACH the gospel to the poor;
        he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
        to preach DELIVERANCE to the captives,
        and recovering of sight to the blind,
        to set at liberty them that are bruised
Is. 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD,


 and the day of VENGEANCE  of our God;
        to comfort all that mourn;

Luke 4:19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Luke 4:21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
     Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them

    .Luke 21:22 For these be the days of VENGEANCE,
        that all things WHICH ARE WRITTEN may be fulfilled.
Is. 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
CONDEMNATION: The Prophets defined Jesus' teaching both inclusively and exclusively.  Preachers and Singers REPUDIATE the Prophets.

Luke 4:24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No PROPHET is accepted in his own country.
Is. 61:4 And they shall build the OLD WASTES, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.
Luke 4:25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land;
Jer. 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the OLD PATHS, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Luke 4:27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving NAAMAN the Syrian.
Brandon rejects PATTERNS of Baptism and 1 Isaiah as COMMAND
He isn’t just our God and he blesses our enemies,” Jesus reveals. Their reaction, like their “God,” is one of deadly vengeance. Luke 4:28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with WRATH,
The Instrumental, Church Steaing SECT-Universities
Luke 4:29 And rose up, and THRUST him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had MOCKED him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.

Empaizō , fut. to be deluded  II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonaisE.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “ gumnasiōLuc.Lex.5.
    -Prospaizô , 2. abs., sport, jest3. laugh at, make fun or sport ofsing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras
   Gallos , ho, A. priest of Cybele, gallazō , A. practise cult of Cybele, Galli. Eunuch priests of Cybele or the great mother: begun under the reign of Erichthonius, king of Attica, B.C. 1506;
Mark 10:33 Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem;  and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes [hypocrites: speakers, singers, instrument players]; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:
     Mark 10:34 And they shall MOCK him,
Latin Illudo  as a female: Applied as a term of reproach, effeminate men, eloquence, rhētor but with idea of contempt, caneret,
A. Of men: “si absurde canat, of the crooked race, a reed pipe, a guitar, crowing of a hen tibiae, tubaeGallus , i, m., = Gallos Strab., A. Galli , the priests of Cybele, on account of their emasculated condition) Gallic:turma, the troop of the priests of Isis, Ov. Am. 2, 13, 18.  “resupinati cessantia tympana Galli,

JUDE SAYS THAT THE MUSICAL (SORCERERS) WERE FORE ORDAINED. Revelation 18 says that the SORCERERS: all religious technicians, singers, players of instruments and those making the sound of the MILLSTONE (prostitutes) will be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.

Amos 8 speaking of the FRUITS songs in the holy place and Revelation 18 are the SIGN that God "has been there and gone and will not pass by again."  The women ARE being led into captivity by evil men with fishhooks in their nose.  Corrupting the WORD is selling learning at retail and is called Spiritual Adultery.  I assure you that women on parade are NOT admired for their most-often like the HOWLING in THEIR holy place and claiming the role of God BYPASSING Jesus as the only worship leader.
Mock.Jesus.Full.size.jpg Diane.Austin.Worship.Pastor.jpg
Guitar PICK outlawed by PSALLO.

However, He commands that stay awake and KEEP OUR CLOTHES ON when INSTRUMENTAL SECTARIANS come at night to STEAL the colleges and churches of the godly.

Matt. 11:7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the MULTITUDES concerning John,
        What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?
Matt. 11:8 But what went ye out for to see?
        A man clothed in SOFT raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings’ houses

Even now, the only Worship Leader with any kind of music is Apollon, Apollyon: He has UNLEASHED the Locusts from the smokey pits of hell as the MUSES or his Worship Team.

Malakos, d. = pathêtikos e. of music, soft, effeminate, m. harmoniai 

Harmonia  2. generally, music, autôi de tôi rhuthmôi mimountai chôris

g. of reasoning, weak, loose, logos Isoc.12.4

1 Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God?
         Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE [MALAKOS], nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

1 Cor 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Hes. Th. 1 [25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis:
        “Shepherds of the wilderness,
        wretched things of shame, mere bellies,
            we know how to speak many false things as though they were true;
            but we know, when we will, to utter true things...
           and Phoebus [Apollon] and Artemis who delights in arrows,
They hoped that he was a CATAMITE.  The multitude are OF the earth and have no right to hear the gospel sent to collect lost spirits and remove them from the PRISON of religious INSTITUTIONS.


Matt. 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables:
         because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Matt. 13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith,
         By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
        and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
Matt. 13:15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross,
        and their ears are dull of hearing,
        and their eyes they have closed;
        lest at any time they should see with their eyes,
        and hear with their ears,
        and should understand with their heart,
        and should be converted,  [baptized]
        and I should heal them.     [Give A new, holy spirit]
Matt. 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the
MULTITUDE in parables;
        and without a parable spake he not unto them:
Matt. 13:36 Then Jesus sent the
MULTITUDES away, and went into the house:
        and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field

The HOUSE of God is the Church of Christ: It has no Priests (preachers) or Levites (Jacob-cursed and God-abandoned) who made NOISE during the HOLOCAUST of Goats or INFANTS.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. In the Ezekiel 33 example Christ named speakers, singers and instrument players.  Almost always they performed for the burden or "a tax not in time of war."  Christ in Isaiah 55 says that we should not be burdened by using our food money for the free water of the Word. Now, all theatrical and musical performers feel a bit inspired and they think that we should put the same value on them. However, religious performers especially sacrificial musicians were called parasites.

We are all tired from making a living and need a day of REST.  There is no role for an institution to consume all of your rest time and all of your "spare" money for which there is "no law of tithing or giving." The Church of Christ (the Rock) outlawed vocal or instrumental rejoicing or rhetoric when the Word was PREACHED on the REST DAY by being READ. No one needs paid fellowship on Friday Night!


Everyone is Tired from Sunday Worship as the hardest day of the week.
Orkheomai , dōsō toi Tegeēn possikroton orkhēsasthaito dance in or on, Orac. ap. Hdt. 1.66, cf. Lakōnika skhēmatia orkheisthaidance Laconian steps, Id.6.129 ; “o. pros ton aulon [flute] skhēmata
tōn humnōn hoi men ōrkhounto hoi de ouk ōrkhountoAth.14.631d
III. Act. orkheō , make to dance (v. Pl.Cra.407a), is used by Ion Trag.50, ek tōn aelptōn mallon ōrkhēsen phrenas made my heart leap (so codd. Ath., ōrkhēsai Nauck); but orkēsi in Ar.Th.1179 is a barbarism for orkhētai.

Everyone is Tired of:
phi^losophos , ho, A. lover of wisdom; Pythagoras called himself philosophos, not sophos, Cic  “ton ph. sophias phēsomen epithumētēn einai pasēsPl.R.475b,2. philosopher, i. e. one who speculates on truth and reality,hoi alēthinoi ph., defined as hoi tēs alētheias philotheamones,Pl.R.475e;

Everyone is Tired of the wise from whom God HIDES.
Sophis-tēs , ou, ho, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, “meletan sophistais prosbalonPi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, “sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelun [turtle harp]A.Fr.314, cf. Eup.447, Pl.Com. 140; sophistē Thrēki (sc. Thamyris) E.Rh.924, cf. Ath.14.632c: with modal words added, “hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn” (religiousmelody) “Apollōnidē sophistē
Magga^n-eia , , A. trickery, esp. of magical arts, Pl.Lg.908d; magganeiai kai epōdai ib.933a; “periapta kai m.Ph.2.267, Gal.11.792; “tēs Kirkēs [CHUIRCH] m.

Acts 13:5 And when they were at Salamis,
        they preached the WORD of God in the synagogues of the Jews:
        and they had also John to their minister.
Acts 13:6 And when they had GONE through the isle unto Paphos,
        they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesus:
Magos [a^, ou, ho, Magian, one of a Median tribe, Hdt.1.101, Str. 15.3.1: hence, as belonging to this tribe,
2. one of the priests and wise men in Persia who interpreted dreams, Hdt.7.37, al Ev.Matt.2.1.
3. enchanter, wizard, esp. in bad sense, impostor, charlatan, Heraclit.14, S.OT387, E.Or.1498 (lyr.), Pl.R.572e, Act.Ap.13.6, Vett. Val.74.17:  
II. magos, on, as Adj., magical,magps tekhnē prattein ti”  “kestou phōneusa magōtera” 

Everyone sick of people BURDENING when Jesus died to give them REST?
phort-izō , phortia ph. tinas load them with burdens, Ev.Luc.11.46; perissē dapanē ph. ta koina
hudatis -izousa ton ophthalmonencumbering,Hes.Op.690; phortioumenos meli to carry away a load of honey, Aenigma Sphingis (ap.Sch.E.Ph.50):

Now when the Sphinx was oppressing and ravaging our city, after my husband's death, my brother Creon proclaimed my marriage: that he would marry me to anyone who should guess the riddle of the crafty maiden. It happened somehow [50] that my son, Oedipus, guessed the Sphinx's song; [and so he became king of this land] and received the scepter of this land as his prize. He married his mother in ignorance, luckless wretch! nor did his mother know that she was sleeping with her son.

Phortikos hapanta mimoumenē tekhnē phortikē art that imitates with a view to any and every man is vulgar, of an inflated rhetorical style, to discourse more like a clown than one of liberal education 2. philosopher, i. e. one who speculates on truth and reality,  -ōtatē leitourgiamost onerous, ; Epainos praise singing  mim-eomai
Epain-os A. approval, praise, commendation.  2. complimentary address, panegyric
Mi_m-eomai   imitate, represent, portray, “kata phōnēn ē kata skhēma [PATTERN] II. of the arts, represent, express by means of imitation, of an actor, of painting and music, HYPOCRITIC ARTS AND CRAFTS. Id.R.605c, cf.Ar.Pl.291 (lyr.); of painting and music, Pl.Plt.306d; “tēn tōn melōn
Phort-i^kos , ē, on: (phortos)
II. of the nature of a burden: metaph. (cf. “phortos11), tiresome, wearisome,to legein . . ph. kai epakhthesD.5.4; “tois sunousi ph.Plu.2.456e, cf. 44a, etc.; ph. akolouthōn okhlō because of the crowd . . , Luc.Nigr.13; “-ōtatē leitourgiamost onerous, POxy.904.9 (v A. D.).
2. coarse, vulgar, common,andresAr.Nu.524; OPPOSITE pepaideumenos [TEACHING] Arist.Pol. 1342a20; hoi polloi kai -ōtatoi, OPPOSITE hoi kharientes, [Grace or GIFT] Id.EN1095b16; bōmolokhoi kai ph. ib.1128a5; “ph. kai neoploutos”  
b. of things, ph. kōmōdia a vulgar, low comedy, Ar.V.66, cf. Pl.Phdr.236c; “ph. to khōrion” [a TEAM] Ar.Lys.1218; “ph. gelōsCom.Adesp.644; “diaita -ōtera kai aphilosophosPl.Phdr.256b; hēdonē ph.Id.R.581d; ph. kai dēmēgorikabase, low arguments, ad captandum vulgus,
bōmolokhoi one that waited about the altars, to beg or steal some of the meat offered thereon  hiereis, [priest diviner] hierosulos, b. kolaxlick-spittle, low jester, buffoon,  parasite
Everyone digusted with?
Mim-eomai II. of the arts, represent, express by means of imitation, of an actor, Id.R.605c, cf.Ar.Pl.291 (lyr.); of painting and music, Pl.Plt.306d; “tēn tōn melōn mimēsin tēn eu kai tēn kakōs memimēmenēnId.Lg.812c; of poetry, Arist.Po.1447a17, al.; of mimoi, represent, act,

There is NO Musical Melody in the whole Bible: there is NO lyric poetry.

melos  musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain, defined by the nightingale,
enmeleipoieein to write in lyric strain   sugkeimenon, logou te kai harmonias kai rhuthmou ib.398d.
2.music to which a song is set, tune, Opposite. rhuthmos, metron, Pl.Grg. 502c; Opposite. rhuthmos, rhēma3. melody of an instrument, phormigx [Apollon's Harp] d' au phtheggoith' hieron m. ēde kai aulos
Matt. 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
        and I will give you rest. [ anapausō]
Matt. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME
        for I am meek and lowly in heart:
        and ye shall find REST unto your souls.
Matt. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

disco   percipio, concipio, comprehendo, intellego, cognosco, manthanō
GO and make Disciples.

manthanō , learners, pupils,
skhol-azō , A. Devote oneself to a Master: Jesus is the ONLY Master Teacher even when Senior Pastors claim that THEY are.
II. s. apo tinos have rest or respite from a thing, cease from doing, X.Cyr. 7.5.52; apo tou Krōmnou were set free from the operations at K., Id.HG7.4.28; also “s. ergōn Plu.Nic.28.
s. kalōs
spend one's leisure well, Id.Pol.1337b31; s. eleutheriōs kai sōphronōs ib.1326b31:
3. abs., devote oneself to learning: hence, give lectures (cf. “skholē
peri logousPlu.Brut.22; “pros ennoia . . pros hautonId.Num.14.
esp. of students, study, attend lectures, devote oneself to a master, attend his lecture
3. abs., devote oneself to learning: hence, give lectures (cf. “skholē11), Apollon.Perg. Con. 1 Praef.; “s. AthēnēsinPhld.Rh.1.95 S.; “en Lukeiō
Lukeiō epith. of Apollo, either as lukoktonos (q. v.), or as the Lycian god (v. Lukēgenēs, Lukios), or (fr. Lukē) as the god of light:Lukei' Apollon
rĕ-quĭes relaxation, respite, intermission, recreation
rĕ-fĭcĭo , fēci, fectum (AEDIFICIA REFACTA, 
I.to make again, make anew, put in condition again; to remake, restore, renew, rebuild, repair, refit, recruit, etc. (freq. and class.; syn.: renovo, restauro, redintegro). in a religious sense, to build up, instruct, edify.
Rom. 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of YOUR mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Eph. 4:23 And be renewed in the SPIRIT of your mind;

The Will of the Lord, the Spirit or the Word of Christ is the ONLY resource for SPEAKING which is in conflict with ODE or PSALLO
classis  called together for edification or education.
aedificasset  classes,” in a religious sense, to build up, instruct, edify.
in -strŭo B. In partic., to provide with information, to teach, instruct: “
1. Arranged, prepared; instructed: “jam instructa sunt mihi in corde consilia omnia,
BUT NOT UNTIL BOTH MEN AND WOMEN BECOME SILENT "So that all might be SAFE and come to a knowledge of the Truth. If we REST with Jesus we first are liberated from:

Pauo STOP: a 1.1 of one singing or speaking, 17.359, Hdt.7.8.d : forced, cessation.take one's rest,

STOP lupas ōdais p. E.Med.197 (anap.), etc. ; p. toxon let the bow rest, Od.21.279 ; “
        lupas the PAIN of ODES: called enchantment always known to cause mental pain.
        Psallo is derived from twitching the toxon or bow: a one-stringed harp: STOP it
A. psalmoi toxôn E.Ion173 (lyr.);
I forbid you to approach the walls and the golden house. I will reach you with my bow, herald of Zeus, though you conquer [160] with your beak the strength of all other birds. Here comes another, a swan, to the rim of the temple. Move your crimson foot elsewhere! Phoebus' lyre, that sings with you, [165] would not protect you from my bow. Alter your wings' course; go to the Delian lake; if you do not obey, you will steep your lovely melody in blood. [170] Ah, ah! what is this new bird that approaches; you will not place under the cornice a straw-built nest for your children, will you? My singing bow will keep you off.

Pindar, Isthmian 2.[1] The men of old, Thrasybulus, who mounted the chariot of the Muses with their golden headbands, joining the glorious lyre, lightly shot forth their honey-voiced songs for young men, if one was handsome and had [5] the sweetest ripeness that brings to mind Aphrodite on her lovely throne. [6] For in those days the Muse was not yet a lover of gain, nor did she work for hire. And sweet gentle-voiced odes did not go for sale, with silvered faces, from honey-voiced Terpsichore. But as things are now, she bids us heed [10] the saying of the Argive man, which comes closest to actual truth: [11] “Money, money makes the man,” he said, when he lost his wealth and his friends at the same time
1.2 “pausai pharmakopōlōn hinder, keep back, or give one rest, from a thing, p  thamurin aoidēs, tōn epithumiōn
-aoidēs 1. art of song,autar aoidēn thespesiēn   2. act of singing, song,
5. = eppsdē, spell, incantation,okhēes ōkeiais . . anathrōskontes aoidais

-ōdē , h(, contr. for aoidē, opp. lexis,
-lexis , eōs, h(, (legō B) A. speech, opp. ōdē, Pl.Lg.816d; l. ē praxis speech or action, Id.R.396c; ho tropos tēs l. ib.400d; ta lexei dēloumena orders given by word of mouth,

epithumiōndesire for entertainment, wine  passion, Opposite. pronoia, desire for learning.

paue STOP! have done! be quiet!paue, lexēs perapaue, paue, boa Ar.Av.1504, cf. V.1194 ;

STOP -boē , Dor. boa , , also, song of joy,itō xunaulos boa kharaE.El.879(lyr.),
of oracles, “aeidousa . . boas as an Apollōn keladēsē E.Ion 92
shout, murmur of a crowd sound of musical instruments, “auloi phormigges te boēn ekhonTherion: the BEAST: A new style of musici or Satyric Drama.
b. salpiggos
STOP-kela^d-eō   2. of persons, shout aloud, atar keladēsan Akhaioi, in applause, Kinuran phamaiPi.P.2.15  humnous” of bells, ring, tinkle, E.Rh.384; of the flute, “ Kinnor kinnor, a stringed instrument played with the hand,
STOP 1.3 rest or cease from a thing  klaggēs
klagg-ē any sharp sound, e.g. twang of the bow, Il.1.49; scream of birds, esp. cranes, to which are compared confused cries of a throng  hissing of serpents,  A.Th.381 (pl.); baying of dogs, X.Cyn.4.5, etc.; also, of musical instruments,
STOP  5.II pausai legousaE.Hipp.706 ; “pausai pharmakopōlōn” [sorcery]; “p. melōdous'

Pauo means: STOP the: p. melōdous
A.chant, sing, Ar.Av.226, 1381, Th.99:—Pass., to be chanted, “ta rhēthenta ē melōdēthentaPl.Lg.655d,. Ath. 14.620c; to be set to music,; ta melōdoumena diastēmata used in music,
II. chant,
choral song, melôidias poiêtês, lullaby, generally, music

Logos  computation, reckoning 2. statement of a theory, argument, ouk emeu alla tou l. akousantas prob. in Heraclit.50; logon ēde noēma amphis alētheiēs discourse and reflection on reality,
IV. inward debate of the soul, reflection, deliberation
Regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe,

Opposite to epithumia
 A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder3. view as spectators
Opposite Pathos  A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,  Moralizing Rhetoric
Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment,
Opposite Enthousi-astikos , ē, on, A. inspired,phusisPl.Ti.71e; esp. by music,
 OPPOSITE -poiêsis, Id.R.390a;
OPPOSITE -poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; OPPOSITE poiêmata, onomatopoeic word
OPPOSITE  emmetra Modus   2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: Mūsĭcus a, um, adj., = mousikos.
X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,

Theologians are doomed to call God a liar or INCOMPETENT.  If God had wanted any kind of music in the tuneful sense He was INTELLIGIBLE But denied by C. Leonard Allen.

mousikos kai melōn poētēs
2. generally, votary of the Muses,  The Muses were the LOCUSTS unleashed with Apollon their "musical worship leaders." The Greek and Latin literature identifies them as dirty adulteresses

[25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: “Shepherds of the wilderness,
        wretched things of shame, mere bellies,
        we know how to speak many false things as though they were true;
        but we know, when we will, to utter true things.”
            ...and they bade me sing of the race of the blessed gods that are eternally,
                but ever to sing of themselves both first and last.
pharma^kon 3. enchanted potion, philtre: hence, charm, spell, Od.4.220 sq., Ar.Pl.302, [Circe, Church, Corinth mother of harlots]  Theoc.2.15

The singers [Muses], instrument players and craftsmen as sorcerers in Revelation 18.

The Prophets define the Day of REST from worship by Jesus both inclusively and exclusively.  Jesus called Holy Scripture the Prophets and other prophecies CONCERNING ME.  
To Mark The Sons of the Devil who speak their OWN songs and sermons, the assembly is defined by READ or SPEAK that which is written for our learning.
You experts cannot and will never know that the only commands are to SPEAK the Scriptures.  All ODE and PSALLO are the marks of the perverted or SORCERYS.

The Evil Psallo 
psallo , i, 3, v. n., = psallō.   I. In gen., to play upon a stringed instrument; esp., to play upon the cithara, to sing to the cithara: “psallere saltare elegantius,Sall. C. 25, 2  canituri,”  SING and cantare marked as SORCERY.    saltare et cantare; Cic. Catil. 2.10.23   Suet. Tit. 3

Saltatio   Dancing was originally closely connected with religion. Plato thought all dancing should be based on religion, as it was, he says, among the Egyptians. It has been shown under Chorus that the chorus in the oldest times consisted of the whole population of a city, who met in a public place to offer up thanksgivings to the god of their country by singing hymns and performing dances. These dances, which, like all others, were accompanied by music, 

David's Dirty Dancing with the Camp following girls PATTERN



Jesus Christ speaking by Paul did not say that your LEADERS ARE BIBLICALLY AND ETHICALLY ILLITERATE: He said that they are LYING IN WAIT TO DECEIVE.

They are LYING any time they claim that God commanded any kind of group singing with or without instruments.
They are LYING because Scripture if OVERFLOWING with God connecting any kind of music with SORCERY by those Purpose Driven to Deceive you.  Jude says that they were FOREORDAINED to drag you away from the FAITH ONCE DELIVERED.

Thy are LYING IN WAIT to Ambush you.  Both Liars and Religious Craftsmen (Parasites) will be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.

I will respond E-Mail

Kenneth Sublett

8.12.20  36
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