Babylonian Story of the Expulsion from a Garden

God would not set aside the Sabbath for the benefit of mankind and then demand that we worship upon the Sabbath day or surely He will condemn us for not picking up sticks. Contrary to pagan thought, God wants us to have one day to just do nothing!

  1. Like vegetable food (?) .....
  2. .........
  3. .......
  4. a. To do that in rebellion he has....
    b.... he did not obey (?) him.
  5. My heart is full, is full of....
  6. given,
  7. Fear, lo lamentation is given
  8. Unto me thou dost call;
  9. And I at thy call
  10. In my weakness was fleeing.
  11. And I in my person.....
  12. Thy humanity, they body has not been taken away.....
  13. For humanity the words of understanding are not....
  14. End thy weeping!
  15. From my midst go forth to the stepp!
  16. a. To me forever, having taken the clothing--establishing-tree
    b. as an outcast thou shalt not return!
  17. a. The death-emancipating reed the enlightened children who are wretched
    b. Shall not take
  1. Thou shalt never take.
  2. In no way heareafter shalt thou attain release.
  3. To my ox for threshing, as an outcast thou shalt not return!
  4. To my field for irrigating as an outcast thou shalt not return!
  5. To my field for tilling as an outcast thou shalt not return
  6. To my work to do it as an outcast thou shalt not return!
  7. Go; perform the work; raise the food to eat!
  8. I! I will never receive thee!
  9. a. Men like thee will perform the work; their mothers and their fathers
    b. shall eat of
    heaven's food.
  10. Since the hand of the son of the menial has divided their food, their eyes are opened.
  11. As for themselves each has taken 10 measures of barley;
  12. The children who are servants of their fathers have each taken 10 measures of barley for himself:
  13. For each of their fathers barley has been threshed;
  14. Barley, oil, wool, sheep have been brought unto them.
  15. O humanity, be abundant!


This sounds more like the expulsion of a slave than the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden.

Source: George Barton, Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition, p. 315


Kenneth Sublett

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