The Babylonian Creation Epic: Enuma Elish - Suppliment Creation of Animals

The Enuma Elish does not describe the creation of animals. We have inserted this to show that they were not ignored.

  1. When the gods in their assembly had made [the heavens],
  2. The firmament had established and bound [fast'],
  3. Living things of all kinds had created,
  4. Cattle of the field, beasts of the field, and moving things of the city.
  5. After....unto all kinds of living things....
  6. [Between beasts] of the field and moving things of the city had divided....
  7. .......all creatures, the whole creation.....
  8. ......that which in the whole of my family.....
  9. [Then arose] Nin-igi-azag, two small creatures [he created],
  10. In the assembly of the beasts he made [their form] brilliant,
  11. ......the goddess Gula....
  12. white and one black.....
  13. white and one black.......



Prior to 2000 B.C.From: George A. Barton, Archaeology and The Bible, 7th Edition revised, (Philadelphia: American Sunday School, 1937), pg. 296


Kenneth Sublett

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